The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1936, Page 11, Image 11

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    PaUl Tomwht
Mmm Seeks
in. Fighfr WUh
IllfU lit II I ill Uj V
Local Batder
- - earBn -vr
Seeks to Show Hatch With
Firpoj Now Delayed, .
Was No Mistake ''J
Disappointed that he Is unable
to meet Young Flrpo bat hoping
to show that hit matching with
the famed Idaho tighter was no
mistake Frank Rlggi, Brooks
heavyweight, will tonight meet
rtinn Tah1 of Vancouver. B. O..
In a ten round boat heading a
Veterans ox Foreign wars cwo
' Thinking ho was going to meet
Flrpo until a few days before the
firht Tftlrri went through an un
usually heavy training session tor
tonignt's battle, lie wiu do m wp
condition. !
tltAnnrh Plhl fa. not fl Well
known as Flrpo ha is said toi be
a dangerons tighter. He has met
mm nf the outstanding heaTy-
iarhra - in thai northwest, ii A
yon ng tighter, 21 years old, he is
far from bmg worn our. vet
eran. . - '
IM Heavier Man.
pan I. it lsz. win mt vonaiu
mhi wetrht advantage over
Rlggl but this is expected to count
tor little against the terrific hit
ting power of the BrooKs Italian.
Rlggi two weeks ago slashed his
mrajr tn l.iIv round technical
knockout orer Gene fO'Grady of
Eddie Norris, fast and clever
young lightweight of Salem, will
be aiming for a win oyer Jack
PnrlffT anil a Dosslble rematch
with Al Spina in the six-round
i.vindun. Norris and Curley,
utstandine lightweight In Port
land, fought to a draw in a pre
vious engagement. Norris has
never . failed to even up a uraw
with a subsequent win.
There will bo four four-round
events on the card. Paul Gullo,
k:ri1n uuVtr frnm Srlo. will
meet Bob White, 155. Portland.
Bud Peterson. 145, Independence,
is matched with Buster waning,
Portland. Rusty Peters, 169,
Alaska. Is scheduled to meet
Seotty Cameron, 188. Salem.
Manley Bennett. 155, Salem; will
mix with rud Aronson, Salem.
Flehts will start at 8:30
O'ClOCk. : J.. .
Six-Team Opener
Is LeagueV Plan
- (Continued from page 1)
cepted last night listed the fol
lowing players: j
-pregon Pulp & Paper-Robert.
Hill. Leland XVieseKetf-Catr.
Monte Thompson, Bruce Kotts,
Liston Parrish, George Roth, Nor
ris Joyce. " ""
Y.M.C.A. Crunchers C buck
elly. Harold Ivelly, Willard Pet
ri. Everett Clark, Andy Van
Otten, Robert Smith, George Ab
bott. j .
General Finance John Steel
hammer, George i Scales, Ken
Manning, George Erickson,.
'Seotty Marr. Bob Ashby. Ice
land Canessa, Bill Dick, Jim Lein
; webber. i " -
Grand Theater Ron Gemmell,
Trux Foreman..- Lome Kitchen.
John Bone, Os Morley, John
Kelley, Pern Averill, Lorne
i Valley Motor Don Hendrie.
Henry Singer, Joe Her berger,
Norville Gleason, Dan Keidatz.
' Willamette Freshmen A 1 1
regular freshman squad members
Bearkittens and
St. Helens Meet
Coach - Les Sparks Willamette
Bearkittens. will meet Eddie
Frantx Saints from St. Helens
n, the Willamette floor at 7:30
tonight in the first of a two
game series. j-H
, The Bearkittens defeated
Woodbura29 to 14 in their first
engagement while St. Helens won
' over Dallas 35 to 4 this week.
Cecil Quesseth, one of Salem
high's pony express forwards last
year. , and "Buzs" Hagedorn,
freshman from Grant high, Port
land, were the leading scorers
: for the Bearkittens against Wood
l burn. Bill Wagner, regular Salem
high center last year, is center
on the freshman quint.
Today "Bin g Crosby- in Pen
V! nies From" Heaven. -
Today Double bill. Cary
Grant - and Joan Bennett
-in "Wedding Present and ;
Laurel ahd Hardy in Our
Saturday Eleanor Powell
in "Born to Dance." ,
Today Double Bill. Zane
1 Grey's "Ariiona Mahoney"
with Joe Cook and Ann
, Shirley in "Make Way For
a Lady.
Today On the stage. East-:
ern Circuit! Vaudeville,:
. plus" the all color musical
"Dancing pirate."
Today Louble bill. "Devil
Doll" with Lionel Barry
more and Maureen O'SulH-.
van and "Counterfeit"
' with Chester Morris, ;
Today Tow features, Buck
Jones in "Ride Em Cow--
boy" and "The Final
Hour" with Ralph Bella
my .
The Call Board
Replaces Firpo
Danny Pahl, 192-pound fighter
from Vancouver, . Bj . , -- will
meet Frank Riggi of Brook in
m ten-roand mam event at tho
armory : Friday. Pahl substi
tutes for Young Firpo, too ill
, with a cold to fight; "
Magazine Names -All-Star
Starcevich of Washington
Only Far Westerner;
Top Three Lifted
NEW YORK, Dec. l$H2P)-CoI-lier's
1S36 all-Americi football
team was announced today as fol
lows: I
Ends. Larry Kelley. sYale, and
Gaynell Tinsley. Louisiana State.
Tackles, Edwin Widsteth. Min
nesota, and Averell Dan jell, Pitts
burgh, j
Guards. Max starcevich, Wash
ington elid Steve Reid, Northwest
ern. " "." '' "'
Center, Alex Wojcjechowicx,
Fordham. .
Quarterback, Sam Bajttgh, Tex
as Christian. " I
Halfbacks, Clint Frafrk, Yale,
and Ray Buivid, Marquette.
Fullback. Sam rrancis, weDras-
ka. !
In awarding gold footballs to
these players. Collier's singled out
Frank, Tinsley and FranVis as the
three outstanding players of the
year. TiuSley was the only repeat
er. . , : ' I
Tracing the movementf of "foot
ball supremacy" through various
parts of the country, thelmagailne
noted that "the tides j of 1936
brought it back to the east, as
shown by a margin of more than
two to one in over 70
tional games."
Baldwin Prestige
At All-Time Peak
(Continuedfrom Page 1)
shadowed by the tributes for
Baldwin. I
The prime minister J was ac
claimed by members oB all par
ties as having handled ! probably
the most difficult problem of its
kind that ever confronted a man
in his position. j
Tabernacle Burns
With Heav1 Loss
PORTLAND. Dec. 10HJP)-Fire
swept the new Calvary Tabernacle
today at a loss estimated at
112.000. j
Fear that : Francis IDenham.
janitor, had perlahed was remov
ed when he arrived at the scene
of the blaze. He has a room at the
church, and i f I e d in his . night
clothes early this morning.
The origin of the fire has not
been determined.
Benefit Dance
Sat, Dec; 12 I
. -- Fraternal Temple
. . A7. Center St. ' .
Music by Johnnie Callahan's
-10 8winr Entertainers
II Admission Sentlemen( -BOe
... Ladies S3C
Break Is
Cuts Hoop Sqnad to 24 as
Practice Speeded Up ;
; Handicaps Great
After ten davs of observing and
catting Coach Harold Hauk has
begun to get some laea or wnai
his Viking basketball-team will
look like this year.
Lacking j veteran material ana
short on the speedy -forwards that
make a fast breaking offensive
MMaufnl s Hunk la . nevertheless
attnntlnr ! to build a fast-break
ing court machine, "we'll use a
fast break' Hauk said, "or at
leasts as fast as the kids can
His squad now cut to 24 play
ers, divided between "A" and "B"
groupings. Hauk has been running
them through scrimmages most of
this week. - '
Rent nerformers in scrimmages
nif thrnut whom Hauk has been
using mostly on a first string line
up are: Skopil. Medley and Galla-hn-
forwards: Hill ahd Maerz,
centers; Chambers, Upston, and
Wickert, guards.
Kkonil Only Vet ?
Otto Skonll. sure of a first string
berth, is the only remaining reg
ular of last year's squad while
Gallaher and Medley were the
lead In r lights on last year's "B"
combination;, an outfit which went
through the season witnoui ae
feat. Medlev. thouzh small, is one
of the best shots on the squad.
Tom Hill was a reserve center
on the Viking, "varsity" squad
last year while Maers was regular
center for the "B"team. ;
Doug Chambers was a member
of last yeaif's squad but did not
earn his letter.
Hauk is drilling the squad in
man-to-man j defense but may add
lose defense to the curriculum
later on. ! ! ?
Ucla and Oregon
- EUGENE, Dec. lO.--Th-Pacific
coasf conference's south
ern division system of playing
without a tip-off will be given a
trial hero "Saturday night when
the Oregon i basketball team
tackles the 1CLA Bruins.
The first half will be played
without the center jump but the
second half will go back- to the
"old style." j
Coach Howard Hobsonof Ore
gon said the! high-scoring Dave
Silver, forward was hist only
starting selection so far.
- ; . ninV j .
Evangelical Five
Beats I Jason Lee
The Evangelical- "A" quint of
the church Ceague downed the
Jason Lee "A" team 36 to 13 on
the Liberty j gymnasium floor
Wednesday night. The Evangelical
B ' squad defeated the Jason Lee
B" team 30 to 22.
Lineups: j
Evangelical A i36
Lam kin 6...4.F
13 Jason Lee A
. ..2 Anderson
. . 4 Benjamin
.....1 Clarke
3 Bright
...3 Lapschles
Bartruff 4...I.F
L. Rudin 10. .C
Petticord 8 . . j G .
Remington ..iG.
Substitute: Evangelical. R. Ru
din, 8. i
Accidental Fall Fatal
I To Portland Man, Woman
PORTLANDL Dec. 10.-(iip)-Two
persons were dead here today of
i n j u r 1 e a suffered in accidental
falls. They were Herman u. Olson,
29:, and Rose Ii. McDonald, 40.
Olson fell from a viaduct and
the woman at jher home. )
-A Home CHvned T heated
- Today & Saturday
t itaipti ueiiamy
Marguerita Churchill
Added Cartoon Comedy
"News Episode Two
"F L A S H
In "The Tunnel off Terror
- jiex kids ;
Free Spahky Bars
This Saturday Matinee
aLH11ywood ';
j ' " Feature i-
Itv! l HAU S & K
As it was represented on the
Oregon State football team this
fall by the stellar play at ena oi
Don Coons. Salem will be repre
sented by Ike Wintermnte on the
Beaver basketball team, iae, wno
last year was a valuable man but
ia an understudy role.-is expected
to be one of the m a i n a t a y a of
"Slats" Gill's combination at Cor
vallis. Ike will hold down a reg
ular guard position this season.
Now .that snow has finally
come to the Cascades skiing; en- .
thoslasts have been saiiffing the
air delightedly and have begna
making plans for' exenrsions to
various -snow fields. We bar-1
en't heard of any recent activ
ity of the Santiam ski dab but
we have been assured that that
organization will continue de
velopment of its winter play
, ground opened last year at 1 dah
lia. We have also heard it rum
ored that the -Southern Pacific
will ran several ski train excur
sions, either to Idahna or other
, Cascade snow points, this win
ter. -;.-!.'
No sport has enjoyed such sud
den popularity in the United States
as skiing. Up to a couple of years
ago ski enthusiasts were rarities
but suddenly, helped probably by
the 1933 winter Olympics at Lake
Placid, the country blossomed
with persons who knew that a
"Christiana" was not always ;
girl's name and that a "telemark
wasn't a mark made by telegraph
Skis areallright ln their
place but you can't wear them
to bed.
Salem will have a strong Inde
pendent basketball club in the
General Finance team recently or
ganized. This club, a member of
the city league, will also play In
dependent games away from home.
Listen to these names: George
Scales, John Steelhammer, "Scot
ty""Marr and Bob Ashby, all form
er Willamette aces; Ken Manning
and- George Erickson, regulars of
last year's Willamette team; Ice
land Canessa, a hot-shot of several
of Astoria high's state champ
teams: Bill Dick, an all-stater from
The Dalles a few -years ago; and
Jim, Leinwebber, University of
Portland flash last year.
Is it true that""Is it true 'what
they say about Dixie" has been
banned On the University of!
Washington campus?
Windsor Invited
By Campus Group
EUGENE. ORE., Dec. lO-fP)-King
Edward VIII as Mr. David
Windsor, private citizen, was ten
dered an invitation toSlght to be
come a member of the Two-Can-Li
ve-Cheeply-As-One association,
au organization of married stud
ents on the University of Ore
gon campus.
The invitation, said President
Howard K easier, was qualified
by the statement the abdicated
monarch must wed to accept.
Kessler, whose home is at
Lethbridge, Alta., said he would
personally : press the Invitation
this summer if tho king visits
his Canadian ranch.
Parrisli Improves
Seal Sale Record
Parrish k junior high school
students bettered their 1935 seal
sale record by $20.72 this season,
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead. ex
ecutive secretary of the Marion
county public health association.
reported last night. The Parrisn
pupils solicitors, she said, had
sold $98.72 worth of the stamps.
Highland school turned in 133
from sales.
The seal campaign, in the
schools wfll closatoday,
'aaCHrjqiH Starts
Vi V. I TT1 Du-aI 1 e
heading the Big Parade of
stars in the merriest, girl-
jammed musical sensation
of years! Love, laughs,
nit songs, spectacle ii s
Tvf-G.M's Hazzlina sue-
: mi . rr. r.i Jl'i '
cessor tooireat iaegieia:
u. I'.. -
, liLast Times Today
: presext
- with Cary Grant
and Joan Bennett
s-"w -
Silt-, v ; .
s y ' . i
i 1 ...
V JUmrefA
x "oub y .
Message 'Will
Be Broadcast
May Be Heard Here at 2
p.m. Today ; New King
T Proclaimed Today
; (Continued from Page 1)
house of .commons, whoso walls
never before echoed such words
as were uttered today.
Asks That Steps Be " 1
Taken Immediatelv -
; In simple, clear phrases, deliv
ered In the first person, Edward
VII'c choice between love and an
empire was given to the pagea of
history: -
"I. Edward VIII. of Great Brit
ain. Ireland and the British domin
ions beyond the 'seas, king and
emperor of India, do hereby de
clare my irrevocable determination
to renounce the throne for myself
and my descendants, and my de
sire that effect should be given
to this instrument of abdication
"In token whereof I have here
unto set my hand this tenth day
of December, ,1936, in the pres
ence of the witnesses whose signa
tures are subscribed." '
(Signed) -Edward, R. 1.
The ne?t procedure was" legis
lation to accept the new king so
that Britain on the morrow would
aa always have a sovereign, king
and emperor, formally named.
(What would be Edward's fu
ture plans as plain Mr. David
Windsor or as the duke of some-
thing-or-other wero not disclosed
but there were reports he would
fly from the land of his birth Fri
day, forever to exile himself from
the British realm.
Schmeling Hurls
Champ Challenge
German Would Block, Bout
Between Braddock and
Lewis litis Winter
NEW YORK, Dec. 10-(;P)-Max
Schmeling hurled a challenge at
"James J. Braddock and the New
York state athletic commission
when he arrived here today on the
liner Bremen.
The German '.heavyweight
sought to thwart a proposed Feb
ruary meeting between 'Braddock
and Joe Louis by offering to fight
Braddock for the title: as soon as
James J. can be lured into the
ring. I
"It Braddock is ready to fight.
so .am L". declared Max. "I'm will-4
Ing to -take him. on in Atlantic
City. Miami or in Madison Square
Garden any time they arrange. We
don't have to wait until June." .
Accompanied by his trainer.
Max Maehon. Schmeling made the
trip from Germany to appear be
fore the boxing commission to
morrow and try to force a show
down on his promised fight with
Braddock, postponed from last
fall when Braddock was stricken
with arthritis.
Schmeling said if he defeated
Braddock he would come back" to
defend the title, but made no
promise he'd post $25,000 as evi
dence of good faith.
Bucs Win, Cling
To Top Position
PORTLAND, Dec. 10. -Pfc-It
was Portland's night tonight and
the Buckaroos.made the most of
it. Playing, perhaps, their best
game of the season, the Bucks
defeated the hard-fighting Oak
land Clippers, 2 to 0, to strength
en their hold on the top rung of
tho Pacific coast ice hockey
league. r.lUSICAL SMASH!
v is
Viv jf j
:i'.f;llii' ,
, I 1 -
7 ra V M 11 -
Rlickey Blouse Matinee Saturday 1 p.m.
"' Vn.. . c J Sah Stage Show - ' - Special Feature j
ChapU 6 contests with loads A IVAfJREI AXD HARDT
of prize.
. . ! - - ;f
Lipscomb Admits
Assault ; Charges
And Is FinedjS50
After' District Attorney Trlndle
had moved for dismissal ! of a
charge of assault with a danger
ous weapon ' against Jack; Lips
comb." wrestler.! and filed another
charge of assault and battery.: Lip
scomb pleaded i to- guilty to the
charge. ,;.;,'.;,, "-i '.:r'.J.-A.. '"d
Judge M.B. Hayden. justice of
the neaee. assessed the maximum
fine of $50 and costs on tha de
fendant. The fine was paid.
The' charge grew out. of the
episode at ' the wrestling show
Tuesday night , at - the , armory
when" Lipscomb was accused of
using a rock, concealed in a tow
el, to take the winning fall! from
Harry Elliot in the main event.
Polo Program at
i CORVALLIS, Dec. lO.--Otegon
State college riders are prepar
ing for a bit of stiff competition
when they meet Multnomah Hunt
club In their first intersectlonal
polo match of the season id the
O.S.C. armory Saturday night at
7:30 o'clock. Members of the
Multnomah squad include i ex
Orange greata"y such as A. J.
Penney, four-year lettermai In
the sport and organizer ofj Os
wego Hunt club. Harvey Dick,
also an old player for the Staters
and a three-goal man while play
ing polo at Vancouver barracks.
will play for Multnomah. I
! In addition to the six chuckers
of polo, there will be other mod
ern horse sports. Included in this
group is a girls' musical ride.
mounted potato race, gaited bug
gy and saddle horse exhibition
and drill In Jumping in pairs.
Different events will be heralded
by the 68-piece ROTC band.
DaU May Cut Off
Crown Allegiance
(Continued from Page 1)
would be recognition of the next
king, ,the present Duke of York.
as a symbol of cooperation. jThe
new monarch would act upon- the
advice of the Irish cabinet on be
half of the Free State in such
matters as tha appointment of
diplomatic and consular repre
sentatives and in certain other In
ternational agreements. It was
' Do Valera, the Free State's
American-born president,
nounced: -.,
. "In so far as the Free Sta
ite Is
concerned, the abdication will not
become effective until legislation
for that purpose has been enacted
by parliament. 1 .
He called the special session of
the Dail to rush through "emerg
ency legislation tomorrow, j
Tonight and Saturday
1.1 LAY 'TV
in m m
And Hit No. 3
- Mi - - .
w a
ia our ninoN's
Madrid Attack Is
Declared Failure
(Continued from age 1) ;
the effort of Great Britain and
France to bring peace in Spain.
A formal statement by R. Wal
ton Moore, acting secretary of
state.' expressed this government's
"very earnest hope" that a media
tion attempt initiated in fans and
London, would be successrui. it
was made plain, however, that the
United States does no( intend to
participate actively,. ,
The pronouncement.' made with
the approval of President "Roose
velt, now enroute to the United
States from the Buenos Aires peace
conference, , emphasised that It
represented no change from the
traditional American policy of
non-interference with other' na
tions.!' ; -
The statement followed press
reports that Britain and France
had invited German, Italy, Russia
and Portugal to join in an offer to
substitute for It a plebiscite
mediate the Spanish connict and
through which Spaniards could
choose the type o: government
they preferred. -
i : . i ... ' -
Professor Called
: -COJRVALLIS.' Ore., Dec, 10.-(P)-LouIs
Bach, professor emer
itus of modern languages at Ore
gon - State college and; head of
that department for 22 years,
died tonight of pneumonia.
": He ; was a native of Germany
and a graduate of the University
of Switzerland. He came here In
1910 after four years as head of
the modern language department
at Willamette university.
Coos Bay Offers
Strike Solution
:. ' i - '
- - 1 . T- ' . . -
- ; , .... .
MARSHFIELD, Ore., Dec. 10-(iP)-Citlzena
of Coos Bay, aroused
by the prolonged coast maritime
strike, roted an eight point pro
gram j tonight designed to bring
Jl committee was named to for
ward the program to president
Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of
Labor; Edward F. McGrady and
! The program Included 1 Im
Today and
rff I m-if .fib
'' :':L;.
I V ' " h
Great Show!
nr. s i fviuv
mediate resumption of negotia
tions at San Francisco. 2 AU
former negotiations to step aside
in favor of new.- S Selections of
three disinterested citizens to act
as conciliators. 4 Continuance
of federal negotiations. 5 Or
ganization of citizen committees
throughout the affected region to
demand end of dispute. 6 -Development-of
public opinion. 7 In
sistence an Impartial ooara re
ceive all points both lid es agree
can be arbitrated. $ Resumption
of work pending outcome of neg
otiations. ; ,j . - : , - . .
Hutcheson Is To
Head Carpenters
LAKELAND. Fla.. DC. 10.-
-Wllllam L. Hutcheson of In
dianapolis, won re-nomination to
the presidency of the United Car
penters and Joiners today after
names of two . rival candidate
were withdrawn.
Unanimous nomination by the ,
convention is equivalent to elec
tion, but the brotherhood voted
on convention-chosen, candidates
at a referendumh in January.
A craft unionist, Hutcheson is
a fooiof John L. Lewis and the
committee i for industrial organ
ization. He engaged in a fist fight
with Lewis during the 193S A. F.
of L. convention.
Qiarity Show to J
Continue Tonight ;
Due to Overflow
Finding It necessary to turn
away more than 200 persona who
sought admittance, the Elks' com
mittee In. charge of the annual
Elks charity show decided last
night that the performance would
hare to he repeated tonight.
- Demand for tickets has grown
steadily since tha show opened
Tuesday night in the Elk audi
torium: the first night it was
nearly filled, the second night
all aeata were taken and Thurs
day there was an overflow.
Main - attraction is the three-''
act comedy "Take My Advice.,
staged by the Salem Civic Players.
. Special "entertainers between
acts Thursday night included
those who appeared Wednesday
and in addition the "Salem Hot
Shots, hillbilly orchestra. A hew,
grdup of between-acts attractions
it being lined up for tonight.""
Sa tin day
Skates- tiur
FERN t The Three
DALE: ' Drown Baddies
; "Harlems
HoUywood ; Fastest
Impressions" Dancers'
Laughs, Dancing, Music
And Gaiety in This "3
im a e a a
111S i
Don't Forget!
Every Day !
1 j