.1 PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,! Oregon, Friday Morning, December 11, 193$ Students to Lead: Giristmas Music Novel Plan L Is Announced For Concert Tonight by Chorus Classes . ' An innovation wherein itndent leaders direct the singers will be effected In tha fro rhrtntmaa 'concert offered in the Salem high school auditorium at 8:15 o'clock tonight by the chorus ' classes. Lena Belle Tartar, Instructor, re ported yesterday. 'Christmas car ols and other music appropriate to u n . .til i . " " o Nineteen students hare been elected by the classes as directors Accompanists will include Eunice Eyerly, Gladys Crawford, Carol Clark: and Marin ria nlanlata Jack Powers and Jay Teed. Tiolin ists. There will be violin accom paniment for an eight-part ar- iwicuieuv ol xianaei s juargo and Sir Edward Elgar's "The Snow." , - v . Solos Interspersed Incidental solo parts will be suns; by Willetta Sneed. Jewell Mlnier, Carolyn Brown, Ann Lou ise Gilbert, Betty Simmons, Merrill Johnson Marshall Newton, Ver-' Farley Wins Ireland's Welcome .c i . n V f 1 17 ( James A. Farleyjj President do Valer t Relaxing fronv the Democratic national campaign. Postmaster Gen eral James A. Farley is visiting the homes of jhis ancestors la the Irish Free State. In the above picture he appears with Eamon do Valera. Ireland's president, who -extended him a warm official wet some at the government buildings in Dublin, above. non Bpckner. Jack Koch. Charles Warren and Don Dawson. "Glory Sorry . To See the 1937 OOb3E STOCK CHASSIS 3 HERRALL - OWENS CO. Dependability " - ' Doclge and Plymouth Dealers 235 S.. Commercial Phone 3169 ' t . - t in SS; M ,ii i, ii. tio uoa in me mgnebi, Dy oaines, will be rung by Harriett Coons with Elizabeth Lewis at the p)ano and Jack Powers playing the vio lin obbligatoi n An attractive stage setting has been; arranged by the Stagecraft club under El A. Carleton, facnlty adviser, andj decorations by the are department headed by Ruth Brautl. j The student general committee in charge consists of Martha Wo- daege, Howard Damon, Jack Wil Hams, Georgia Kertson. Marjorie Wlnkenwerder, Merrill Johnson, Jeannette' A r e h a r t and Bruce Spencer. j Silverside j Record Run Continues at Tillamook TILLAMOOK. Dec. 10. -UP- What is believed the greatest sil verside run n record continued here today. Huge- schools of fish have been sighted off the coast seeking awaiting higher river lev- els to enter fresh water for spawn ing. I j , - f More than 14 tons of fish were shipped through Tillamook yesterday. Strandborg Called PORTLAND, Dec. lO-UP-Wil-liam Strandborg, who started a newspaper career on the Cleve land Press, died- in a hospital to day. The 60-year-old writer was public relations counsel for the Portland Electric Power company. Kan lsfts m Asosl J TITS TV7 l 1 W 0 , : W Originators of Low Prices all A 351 Slate St. If You Like GOOD MEAT We Have Plenty of It. AlPrice Tag Oniy Telfa the Price. Taste and Tenderness Spells the Difference. A SMOKED A FRESH. HAM TO ROAST OR '-:;k "Fresh r :. Dnamm Huacti : - Whole or Half : Makes just the kind of a dinner every body likes in this cold, snappy weather. ILM TO BAKE Sugar Cured j j IHI ArvlIS - j Whole or Half o)C Alb. i Gives you slices to fry with eggs, a portion to; bake, the rest to boil with cabbage of other vegetables. Young Pig v PORK ROAST h5g 2C. Young Pig PORK STEAK Dainty Lean LOIN CHOPS 22c These cuts are from small, voung grain-fed porkers. sup. Midget Beef Is the Mcst Economical to Buy. Whichever Cut You Choose You Will rlavor. Prime rind ine bame Tenderness and Tas Tender BEEF ROAST 3X2V2G At. T-Bone (Steak i hup. IF Choice Sirloin ass Steak The White Fat and Bright Red Color Will Temnt Yoni Th TaRf- win pi,o. v SALEM'S ONLY MARKET OPERATING jDER DIRECT TATSTECTTO TNfi ivffcfn" ourruau iuu WITH AT THANKSGIV ING. "NUF SEDJ Home Rendered PURE LARD V2 i n Goes Farther Fresh Ground Beef -315c'!ll.' Just That AH Pork SAUSAGE 2GG ...v... ,q " " j oaiiLoa iu i'ai AiUKfc--KISKY TO PAY LESS. We Close at 6 P. M. On Saturdays, at 7 P.IM. Harry M. Levy, Prop. Death Penalty in ; Oregon 'Extinct' Upjohn Suggest Capital Punishment Ber Ruled . Out Legally Also : - The almost tout absence' ot capital punishment In Oregon In the last 10 years has been a pre ventive of criminal . development that ' should be ; perpetuated through prohibition ot this type ot penalty. Don Upjohn told the Salem Lions club yesterday In an address , based on his 34 years experience as a capital elty news paperman. . , Upjohn declared a belief that what he considered a damaging effect on youth occasioned by the repeated publication of "the ghastlyJdeUils" which accompany an offense punishable , by death far outweighed the value ot cap its! punishment as a deterrent to crime.' t "I believe the children have a whole lot better chance of not be coming highway robbers and mur derers if the sordid details ot crime are not put before them," Upjohn said in aummary. , The alternative case ot a crim inal sentenced to -life imprison ment Is one that is quickly for gotten, Upjohn stated. Juries, by refusing to bring in verdicts re Qulring the death sentence, have since 1927 in effect amended the state constitution "without chang ing a word ot it," the speaker added In predicting that capital punishment would be abolished in the near future. , t - ... Banfield Member Of National Body NEW YORK, Dec 10-WVT. W. Banfield of Portland, president' of the Iron Fireman Manufacturing company, was elected today to the board of directors of the National Association ot Manufacturers at Its 41st annual convention here. Banfield is a member of the Oregon c a p 1 1 o 1 reconstruction commission. Oivner Injured as Pet Deer Attacks BEND, Dee. 10-ft)-A. 0. Ash erof t ot Bend was under a." doe-! tors care tonight after he was gored .by a deer, long kept as a pet at his" home. t- The animal charged Ashcroft when he attempted to move it in to another pen. Mrs. Ashcroft sue-: ceeded in throwing a rope around! its neck and trying it to a post. i Still tied to the post, the an-i lmal - was found dead this after-r noon. ! . The victim's side was slashed and his wife's clothes torn. I. Consumer Buying j j Power Increased CORVALLIS, Dec. lO.-i'PHA IS per cent increase in consumers'! buying power was seen today as the most significant conclusion of the recent national outlook confer ease at Washington by L. L Brlt haopt, Oregon state extension agri cultural economist: : -f The report Included a. compre hensive survey ot tree fruit, small trait and nut crons. .It showed - a one point gain in the level of farm! prices in mis state since xne mia die ot September. " Last War Veteran Dies' ' BAKER, - Dec. lOHVBaker county-lost its last Civil war vet eran today w 1 1 h the death of William a Baker, 10, who fought' with the Missouri Infantry and1 was a miner here since ISM. ' v Paul BIcDonald Diet ASHLAND. ; Dec. 1 OHTHeart : aisease e a a s e a ui aeatn taat night ot Paul B. McDonald. 4 4, prominent in the Oregon depart ment of the American Legion. He died in his sleep," leaving a widow an soa.. ., Announcing . i ! The Re-opcnmg of the National Cash Register Co. ; r - . Sales and Service V 529 Court St. Phone 7723 C. F. Putnan, in Charges of Salera District Sales 1 ; and Service IS HSEI;I?9S (5 (S DQQ "Jpfl e tt e : fl c f urns 'I G " 11 V '1 v 1 .1 TEao 11(3 IL30tiQnii 36 N. cota'i irihioiiacacnGllc d0 pIIflai?c 7i?ttEn 0 (SHtlEancnc' To Be Sold Out At Most Astou ST M This stock of merchandise' is left in our old location to srive you what we know, to be the greatest values of the year . . ; This merchandise must be sold . .. re gardless . . . The regular fine Bishop quality is represented throughout ths stock. V . . uon i wan out do your unristmas shopping now and save. m l SAVE NOW ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Special i lot Men!s Scarfs in wool and silk. To close QQ out, ..:..... OuC Men's heavy Flannel Shirts. Re-inf orced, roomy, . comfortable. "Blue : only. Special kt Fine all wool suits and coats finely, tailored to give yon the most in style and value. VALUES TO 830.00 ding Values OE LOT VALUES TO $37 .50 These suits represent some of the finest makes and nationally known brands a Every neir style smart ;new colors See these , now in windows. and oar s Extra fine quality stylefully tailored in new smart models pass up this most exceptional offer You can't afford to maws. vuwiVt $1.29 Men's 32 oz. Wool Melton Jackets. Regu- $3.95 i... $3.49 Men'g Leather Coats, both zipper and but ton models. nr. Resr. $85 J OO.UD Men's tan and flannel; Shirts. per front.::...:. gray Zip- $1.19 A Superb Shearing oj MJ AJLETTT NEC 555 CQs 02.29 Men's lisle Hose, Gray, Brown ' and Black, 25c I C value ... IOC Men's part wool, dark blue Flannel. An ex- K!l$1.49 Extra strong hide .Work Gloves : Horse- 59c IdeaMen's Suspend ers. A-great gift idea.::.. 49c Men's Gift All wanted Extra Special , : Hosiery, patterns. 19c Men's Undershirts and Shorts. . Favored colors and fab rics, 35cvalue 25c Men's : Charabray Work Shirts. T iA Val. 69c...... Men's it Fancy. Exceptionally patterns, 35c values i Hose; good. 25c JrlOOE To close oat all Intorwovnt Hose, silks Utiles, ana wools. Reg.' so values Oft - now onlyJL... : ii. " &7C CODEC .Special selection of robrs in sUk or wool fabrics to i nr -pj nr close out at 'tmiJO to 4 : . M )) Men's ii regular $3.50 Oxfords. Many pat terns and Co aj all size3.y4 A complete line of Men's Neckwear, jew elry ; -. 49d u $2.00 READ THESE GREAT SAVINGS AND BUY NOW One lot.; Men's Dress . ShirtsJSand and col lar attached, no VaL to $2.50ydC' Gi of A line. t Boxes of 3 prs.' Hose to close out. 'l i! m - nationally iamous One lot of Pigskin : Dress- Gloves. An ac- : ceptable gift. To close out. $2.95 ? C : val. Special aj)l DD Men's alh wool felt 1 Slippers. Sturdy, pad- ded on .; ' soIesL.:;. pl aC , Men's regular weight denim Overalls. Reg; Now 89c CLOTHING tftiXmMlUSSIQlZ he Remember Tbese Prices nt Our Old v Location Only ECON03IY ANNEXE- 136 N. C05IMERCIAL TST. Open Till 9 p.m. : Saturday ilffoncbrl'.(5cb5br: A real coat for rain and service., Spe- " rial 'i. . , 4 4. if1 i? i: 'I t it 'i i - ""-.Sk v 14