T" - . ; s . , ! j I For SaleUsed Car; : For Sale Used Cars m For Sale Used Care --For Sale Used Care Statesman .Classified Ads v , Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 1&, Three Insertions per line .:t;e S3x insertions per; line L.;30e One month per. line . U.fl.00 Minimum charge . ; . ' ytf . I Copy for tbts pas accepted until 4i30 tbe evening before publication ' tor classification - , Copy received after thHtime-wll be run under the heading. ; Too Lato to. CI. y-- ' . - I - iThe Statesman ucumet bo rlnao rial respoaslbUitj for errors Which may appear in advertisemmn pub lished In Its tolomna, and In rases . wlhere this paper la at fault wilt re print that ' part of an advertisement In whlcb the typographical mistake aocura ,r ... js . ... jTbe Statesman reserve th right cd reject questionable advertising III further reserves the right to' "pate all advertising andt - the osoper etaaatflraU-m Help Wanted 31ale 1 WANTED BARBRR with Oregon li cense, 1234 Cottar St. Albany. Help Wanted Female! r 1 WOMAN COOK for restaurant, 417 WOMAN for general - housework. Must be ood coot N children. Box 47, Statesman. wateu kkuablb wo man or girt Ifor light bouaework and cara elder ly lady Box 39, Statesman. , jj .- GIRL FOR light housekeeping and answer phone.' Call after 7 p. m. 244 Marion, Apt. 10. l j I GIR.1. TTNIN'fTlTMTlEREn llnad Jrl vferj Accompany . elderly couple to tunlty trarel, health, expenses, small p Trne uiisiuunr, age, wl, full ttnfo.. Box 48, Statesman. If-- Silnalinns Wanted "1 TfJITKG MAX Wants noaltbm wltti future promotion possible wrth respon aiblej business firm. Capable, wflllng worker. Will make personal applica tion. References. Write Box 45, States. mani. . - I' i . TO0NO Man. business student, needs parti tlroe work. Phone MT. PRACTICAL NunlK. CaU I7. For Sale-Miacellaneona"l GOOD APPLES SScSOe bu. Brlna boxea, DaHy except punday. S. Summerl TeL S402. i - AODINU atACHINCa. caaaj et tera, typewrltera aold,t rented, swapped. Kxpert repair eervtce. sjtoderate price Roee Typewriter Es4 42 e Coert, mmm . . ..... - --,-,-, mnnianrui ' CASH OR trade tor! used furniture ranes ben tera, radios.-- anachtBery. tools, etc - Woodry and- Woodry. auo- vioaeera, pnone ieie N. Sum mer In. Hollywood, .j I m COT rLOWERS and not nlanra J v Morria, Florist. Phone; 1627. . FDR R A T.R tahta nntatnu fLSS cwt Hayes" Warehouse, Brooks, Ore. Phone SZFS, SaJem.. APPLES 2TTHAW. ahep- fertlllaer. ra. Wris-hC 4 mi Wallaoa Bd. - RADIANT WOOD lttu ' heater, 107 N. COMBINATION "WOOD worker, A-t condition, also small motors, 1125 XCdsrewater. f, waoiAAiiuii ' coai. : ras Xttnce. Fine cond.- Prtcei reasonable. Tel. 47SL - j SAT.K X WKA Alt Rhnhn1 nun. pfes. Tel18F14. - - 40 LB. FAT bos. Willis Caldwell. Tel. 5F1I. - : I .. .-- 12 FT. BIRKKNWALD meat ease. FViaidalre compressor allcer, scales. 865 Court St. i i t . V "f RADIO FOR' SALE 1.TUBE R. C A. VICTOR cabinet model like new. lieposaeaaed baL due, 129.45. Terms SS down. S4 month ly See Mr, Jans, GOi C WU1 Music btore, baiem. . - - i-.-iiirirmrT.nji 1 Ileatinjr Steves, be. Winter Circu latin e- Heater ind "Ranir -h r 1030 Jefferson St. - . : mm m a - - - -ri iin -irxri-ij-inni 22 RLfl?r ftearly nw. 151 No. ltth. j-,fc-JvvjvTtiJv,-sfsrxruiji ni FOR SALE $225 Marimba, like new, 0. 1205 Broadway. , v WOOD RANGE. he:ltin stove.' kitch en cabinet f 2.64 : bookcase, chairs, bed prlnss. odd tables, 248 Marion. . DELICIOUS HOME made fruit cakes ready. Mra. E. F. Wright, 081 Center. Wantel-!lifrcellaneotia" WALNUT HEAT or ; walnuts M hell, any euentitr Ktate Cafeteria. . mm m m - - - - - ----r,TM-oruirivxruxruTji .Krss We pick n hat and wortn- leaa hnraeei rows shpi Te WANTED 1000 Xmaa Trees. Must te rood trees; standiiis; all sixes. Call S883. Lowell Kubter, RL 1, Box 20. 8alem. . .y. -- , $ - "1 -'I A 1 iseeilaneous - COLD STORAOtB mckera, ttamacs'e tlO N Uberty Phone 751 . ' MIRRORS resilvered. 507 N. 19th. 1 Wanted Furnitare CASH PAID FOR TOUB TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware tftl N Cemsrrtsl mllure Co. Phone 7041 IShsSsjnSasjM"e WANTED GOOD used mohair dav enport and chair. 710 N. High. Tel. I For Kent Uooms DESIRABLR SLEEPINO room, close in. Private entrance; TeL 5071. a AUVKKTISINU Western Advertising . Represenutlves - - ' rencer-Hall Co. Ltd. as rraaeisae im Asgeles SesUl , Eastern Aflrertlsinf " - - RepresenUtlTt i - Bryant. Urirrrth Brtntsoa. Iae .' Cbieaco. New fork. Detroit. f Boston. Atlanta . Maw t - gntirtd et Ike Poatofice ai Seleet Oregon, ma Secea-Ctasa afettee. iesetf eer erta eeeeps Jfeedep BtuittetM Hint Sle-leaf erevo t,t' " - - ' - "BTJBaCRUTlON RATES: ! Man Subecriptioe Rates, b Advance. With! Orecosjt Daltr and 8unday. I lie. 50 eentst 3 Ma SLa ; Ua $2.iS . rear 94.09. Elsewhere cents pet I fa, er 95-0 tor 1 year in advance, Pe SJofT eente, News Stands 5 coats. ; By City Carrier: 45 cents e month : ft m e venr tn advanos, j - v 1 For Rent Uooms . SLEEP R. for ladle. SIS N. Winter FURX. h. ic room. 150 Division. MODERN ROOMS, hot and cold wa4 ter. 855 Chemeketa. TeL XSSx. t - LARGE RM. for 2. twin beds, breaks fast. n-r state bldga. 5 Center, j PLEASANT FURNACE heated rroi breakfast if desired. Oaraxe. 1313 gax Inaw. TeL; T494. ; ., , -r . w t , Room and Board " p BD.;".RJI 215 cot. a bom'L and Be- "w. . f t . i j nOARO.,ROOM tor iL Close in. TeL ' For Rent- Apartments 1 ROOM FURN. 1172 N. Fourth. i FURN. APT 332 N. Water. , ihsskssaaesje,itf-ew FURN. APT. AduUs only. 2455 SUte. Ara FOR ; lady. Ret. 043 Unloav ! NKWJ.T FURN. apt, adults. 511 N. Chorch. ... J : -t... . '-if AFT8. itOS 3. Cottase. Mudd. FURNSHKD apartment Dec. 5. Cloee to State rounds. Call 202 Che meketa. , ! - :i ! 3 ROOM furn. apt. ; private bath, adults; 05. ;t0 N. Summer. TeO. 1 ' , I' - : I 4494. ; FURNISHED APTS., raragv, aduita, 10.50 up. 24 N. CapltoL t seas i " JrJvVnXOjnjJrXTUkfi FURN. APT 2251 Hasel Ave. Tel. For Rent Houses 1 4 R. HOUSE on N. Cottase, bath, basement, furnace, $25 month. Ph. 2289 or call at 256 Center. J jt SSSaeeaeeMsaaasmaeaeteasaaaaaaSs 5 HOUSES. INQUIRE 1691 Court street. ..- , j - :.. . J BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED mod. BP era - ' n at j a. ee i en: DUPLEX 4 R, ATTIC, priv. bath, $20. at 440 Division. Inq. 290 & Slstfl 4 ROOM HOUSE. 155 S. 19th. . ! I 5 ROOMS strictly modern, to fine condition; OtS.oe. C M. Irwin, 4f3 Ferry St. Phone 46CX lH HOUSE. TeUtelL Inq. 1C00 State. f ROOM FURX. house, adults, $25. CaU 7 TO N. Hleti. 1 ! 5 RMS. FURN S25 N. Salem. 01M. For Rent 'If i SLEEPING iROOUS for rent. C35 Chemeketa. . DESK SPACE. In life Insurance of fice. Phone 2942. ;i CHOICELY : LOCATED 2nd floor mod, 4 rm. forn. apt. Nice private entrance,- a stairs to basement, 920 ma Water-furn. No small children or doss. Inquire 145 K. Miller. sswnesjaaeeasnsSaaeAkalteafMsaa - ROOM, board, laundry, f5 wk. 2 R. furn. apt. 1142 State. N ; tltfsplta r enU ' and wheexrhatrs JU -nt II- L'Stlf FarBltnre C. -J Offloe reeeee ter eseA ail State Kt 'ret 2719 , t , : : : - i . Wanted to Rent - WANTED-CHJCAP aleepins room, Meax 1440 Nebraska. Write 2815 Brooks. ' ! - -j- For Sale Real Estate I - BELCREST SECTION or lots be low cost. W. R. Winslow, R. 1. Jeffer son. Ph. 42F4. j : 'l 4 - 0SSjShSaeeS0aaaW . CHOICE LOTS " i ON PAVED st, $500 will Cnance new honsee up to 0 of cost on Ions term payment - ii W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. ii - 124 & Liberty St. hWt tlraat Z fteurt fet t7l STORE BUILDING, with 2 apart ments, sacrifice leavins city. 1125 Edsewater. . ' ; "jf KEYS ARE READT; " TO ONE of Salem's finest homes. All rooms newly decorated. 4 well arranged rooms and nook, plenty of buBt inn, closets, bard wood floors downstairs, double set plumblss. fireplace full basement, furnace and laundry trays. djuble sarace. Flna corner lot on prom YOU CAN BUY A USED CAR ANYTFHERB BU? THE BETTER CARS ARE Ml . f 1 0 5 , , -, 235 - -e 225 ' Sb wt . i i ii t e er 28 CHEVROLET COACH 3I;DURANT SEDAN 39 CHEVROLET -ROADSTER 81 CHEVROLET COACH , 31 HUDSON SEDAN -, .- 32 CHEVROLET OUPEI. 34 CHEVROLET COACH 30 CHEVROLET COUPE 34 CHEVROLET STD. SPORT SEDAN 1 laSALLK SEDAN . - 30 ImRATJJi SEDAN , . .9 395 Jt 475 J$ 075 -$475 - 050 .01150 Better Cars - -j - Written Guarantees Liberal Trades - - - Low GMA.C. Terms McKay : Chevrolet Co. -323 Center - - Phone SI SO - - 430 North Commercial V - - " j ' : : Open Ere nines and Sundays 1 1936; Courtesy C WE HAVE 5 TOURING 4-DOOR SEDANS Trunk Equipped, Radio, Heater and One With Dual" High Speed i ' - r h i ' -; r $150 TO $260 REDUCTION Select youfs early . Your Old Car as down paymetit. New Car Rates on Balance ATTENTION LOG HAULERS 1915 V-S TRUCK ft TRAILER. IVarford Trans. Four new tires on Trafler- 91200 Valley I Motor Co. ' Open Evenings and Sundays - - TeL Bond, lilt or St. CTlmtr or Fulton. 911S Center and Liberty Pbooe S15S j - - Marlon and Liberty Phone TflO. For Sale Farms j FOR SALE or rent. S40 A. stock ranch. 120 A. eurtlvkted. Water. Fen ced. Fair bid, 445 Ferry St IMMEDIATE POSSESSIOnT OF A well located 10 acre tract, few miles N. of Salem on paved highway. small set build ins, Ilka new. Well wa ter, electrkr Mrhts, S acres berries. Price 92709, cash 9700. baL terms. SEE Clifford Harold with - i ' CHILDS A MILLER. , Realtors 244 State St. . . . ' . Phone 970 S SaS4SSsSlsSea 9 A. 6 mL west of Woodburn: new S "room house ama 11 burn : stock jaad tools, aood soil ; all cult, 9350. i Zft-A. 9 ml. from Salem: bida-s, aU new; 5 room house, bath, llsbts, larse narn; a., umoer ; a. atrawDemes, $3400. - it i I A. mL from school, x mi. east of city; sood sou; 950. 11C A. s ml from Monmouth: 7 room house, bath, 2 larse barns, chicken house. IV A. orchard, 10 a. timber; Sood soil; $51 per A. ' r . MEL VAN JOHNSON, 725 court St., . -i Phone S723 ! . j inent street, pa vine and walks la and paid, nice lawn, shrubs and flowers. Price 94700. cash 9 W 00, baL like rent. If you want a sood borne, see this today. - . . ,' CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors I 344 State St. i , Phone 0T08 ' SUBURBAN HOME, ! 11 ACRES. PAVED road, 4 mites out. sood 4 room home, larse barn, ben house, ssrase, woodhouse and laun dry. 2 -acres filberts, 2 acres cherries, variety ef other fruits. All furnlshtriss Including new electric range, Frigbi atre and water heater. Take all at only 54500. - ,r - SEE Mr. Walter -with ' CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors!' S44 State Street r Xpone 0708. . 5 ACRES. NEW bouse, tine location, $200.00 down. baL terms. J. Lincoln Kills. 204V State. - - - - - , BKAUTDTUL COTTAGE, ocean view, 'automatic ell burner, electric stove, fireplace. Box 84. Neiscott. Ore, - J - i - - - SI NEW FULLY mod. home, pa vine paid, 9500 down. baL monthly. t! T Reetne. fully mod., double plunwV -Ing. steceo home, has 93500.04 fed. loan. Will sacrifice equity for 91,- . SOO.00. : ' " -- i . ACREAGE. i i 29 A. on paved highway, near Salem, Sood 9 R. plartered house, barn and outbuOdlnea. Elee. water system A - : snap at 850e,0. WU1 take . bouse - In Salem up te 02500.00. ' i R. A. rORKNKR, 1853 N. Capitol;. . i. Phone 3031 - ft." " - 'TIMBER- ' I !r . 40 A. good: 5 R. semi-modern house 15 A. cleared; balance Lirge second growth saw umber. Price 11240. Phone 5590. - t - --. ... 1 i LOTS from 9t7 and up. Also a few 4 acre and acre tracts left. - Some no -down . payment If you build; bat. monthly. . Some a small cash down payment. Ha v. 4 -room and bath, gar ax a. close in ; ! Immediate possession, 91450; 9404 cash. For barg-ilns see F. Griepentros. 1910 McCoy. TeL 4954. . NOTICE X I 10 room, well built modern heese right in town, i Both lower and Upper floor. On a corner lot 108x110. All wen rented. Will show by appoint ment only. Price 97800. : Terms, Phone 5580. .. . ! , .... i ;j 20 A. clooo fa: east ef Salem; 4 R. house; new barn; sood eowbay and grain and some furniture. Price 11254. Terms. Phone -6680. t I. ..... ...-B...)-tnnnrLr lUfTj IS A. close in; east. Good boese and barn ; frnlt - and . fOberts. Price $5150. Phone 580. ... - t ;- 9 R. modern house. N. Salem: S1S00 S300 down. Phone 6580. , , . j Exchange Real Estate I FARMS NEAR : Philomath. Btaytoo. West Stayton, Turner, for Salem city. J. Lincoln Ellis, t&l State St. eseasesSsesssaeasmsasasSssSaa W1LLAMIJTTB VALLET. 19 acre orchard and garden tract, 5 mL south of Salem on Highway 99, 4 rm. house, good bam. poultry house, electric ligbta 3 acres 13 yr. old orchard pears. walnuts, filberts, few assorted fruits. 4Mb acres garden land, part tn straw berries, S acres pasture, small creek. Will Include 2 cows, 40 hens, 2 hives bees, hay, wood, potatoes, some , furni ture. Also 1 share stock In Cooperative Cannery. Buyer to assume 9700.60 10- yr. V. S. Commissioners loan, cash or -mostly cash, $1760.00. O. E. Krs- kine, Salem, ore Route No. 4, Box 358. SaseaNsaagesassaijaaaes 65 A., FAIR SET farm bldgs 60 A. In cult, 27 mL N. Salem, fine location; amortized mortgage, low rate of int. take house in Salem or automobile as part payment. This Is sood. Let me tell you about it. IL C. Shields, Oregon. Bids. TeL 8902. Wanted Real Estate j WANT LISTINGS of low-priced acreage and homes. J. Lincoln Ellis, 061 State 0t - -i 1 - Money to Loan i ( TOUGH SLEDDING? Is It going to be tough to do every thing with your next few pays? If K is, well lend, you the extra cash you need and you can repay In a year or longer. - See Us today. t. J Second Floor New Bligh Bids. Rm.;119 615 SUte St. at High St.' v Phone S740 j Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance Co. " of Salem 4- License S-122, M-145. i SOUND INVESTMENT.- Good first mortgjige real estate fbana, farm mod city propertlea Net Investors 6H to 4Vi Amounts 9500 te 92009. Exam ine security yourself. j CHILDS A MILLER. Mtse, Leans 344 SUte St. J .. Phone 4109. Money to Loan -, :T" MONEY B1 as Independent lecai corporation on pianos, musical instru ment a. sutoiBobiles, , furnitare, ' Hve stock and endorsed notea New How rates i to SO months to repay. JGeneral Finance -Corp, Phone 9108 -i Lie. 8-119 First Kat'L stank Bids, Salem. Ore , Federal neustfts wane title S. - oeHd er refinance homes er business prop IjOW rates Abrame A KUIa Maarmle h PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles. New low ratesi Roy H. Simmona First National Bank Bids Ua 4-161 ' " -" i rii i( .iioj-i n.n. i iii ii r STRICTLY HlOa grade bow interest. No I Add A i Bush Trust company. Loans Wanted Leans wanted ee terra and city property. Before . borrowings Inowlre at Hawktna A 4tobarta - , Livestock and Fonltry i 7 FOR SALE Jersey tow, be fresh ta few days, 1T19 Lee St. -;' '--f;.. j s For Sale Wood .TI PHONE a rENWICK. 45S7 tor dry WOOD. TEL 49F14, Smitb-Rubene. v ALL KINDS sood wood. Tel 4407. WOOD. ALL kinds. TeL S32T. ! ? 193S FORD DeLTJXE Sedan like new. f 300.00, 2142 N. CmnnerciaLj '35 FORD TRUCK. Ions wheel lsse, A-l condiUoa, TeL 4547. S44 Marion. SALE "27 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, ex, coweL, heater and trunk, tires like new. 995. 440 N. Liberty St, Apt. 8. ' FOR SALE Cheap 2 -wheel trailer, 2399 No. Fourth, phone .4859. i For Sale Wood 4" FOR GOOD dry wood, TeL BfOS. --n nr-,".-i-B-iii-MTorfixi.i i ALL KINDS of cood 4ioooJ.L 911 eysy-at. "f WOOD JUDD. TeL 1STFS. 19" OLD FIR. 9-50, 2nd. 95. TeL 9459. 0,4ys,00W8sWMaOs0sa CALL HOBBS. weed saw. T. 80S8. WOOD. PRICE right TeL 3880. .T t SPECIAL THIS week f 4 tn. old fir. aider, maple. 45.26 ed. Phone 06101 PLANER ENDS BLOCK WOOD Salem Box Co . ' Telephone 9189 Order now while- the' supply lasts. -'- -- - Viii-,WrfVMMVVVnflflJ - DRY, see.; growth, dry slab 1 C-in. O. F 14-in. mill block planer wood. Call 4832. Fred JE. WeJla - j ' esi aaai . i-ti-Lfl ll UlfLirXn DRY Wood ; all kinds. TeL 9669. ALL kinds' of wood, reasonable. 2399 N. 4th St Phone Weathers, 4859. j m0a4sSaaw9saaJad4 WILL CUT 500 cds. old growth yel low fir, 93 cd. In woods or will sen stumpage. p. O. Box 112. Silverton, uregon. r Wood Sawing WOOD SAWINO. Phona 111F2. WOOD SAWINO reasonable. TeL A204. - ,; 1 GUARANTEED DRT - wood roaJ FeL 604. . Salem Fuel Co. Trade A Cotuge. ; ; 't Lost and Fotmd LOST 4-WKS. old white pis. Call 99F14. Reward for return : LOST Red fringe crocheted ehawt, betweeu Caphta's store and McDowell market Leave at McDowell's Market. Personal I : SEE BRAND,' astrologist and psy chologist WO! answer your queetkjns concern Ins anythins you want to know. 8peclal readlns f LOO ; satisfaction guaranteed. -. .. - ' f In blue trailer at Riverside - Auto nrm, w. salenv . . notice to rnEtirrons IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE-STATE OF OREGON FOE MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LTDIA WILSON. Deceased Notice U hereby siren that by an. Order of th Connty Court ot Marion .Jounty, SUto of Oregon, dnly made " and entered ' on the lOta day of November, 1121, the tuderslrned was appointed Ex ecutrix ot the eiUtt of Lydla Wil son, deceased, and that aho ha dnly qualified as such. All perf son baring; claim aralnst; said estate are. hereby notified to pre exit the same dnly verified' as re quired by law. at Room 707 First National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, 'within six months from tha dato of this Notice. Dated this 11th day ot Norem-I Dr, 19Z6.C , . , LETHA STRIPLINO Executrix of the Estate ot I Lydis. Wllaon. deceased. 'Oaf a ot first publlcaUon No; Hi 183 bw X ' 4, i-- t' v 3 "- Date of last publication rjoc. J ROSS FORD; : , V'iCo j - Attorneys for the Estate r'1 " Salem, Oregon. N 11-18-2SD 2-J orihiiiity Own a quality car at less than one-third of lbriginal , cost. Guaranteed mileage only 16,000, LaSalle S6 dan beautiful in appealrance ' De cember, 1933 . Salem professional man. This car' is positively per fect, mechanically,, in appearance and all other, de tails. Call Douglas McKay for appointments, 3188. I 3X3 Center phone 3189434 North. Commercial -: V;; OPEN .EVENINGS A'SUNDAYS "f ; If--';- Better Values - Hbliday Specials QeanHips' Lower PricesrRbll it all into One! What YOU, jMR. USED CAR BUYER, are-interestttd inV is the inost VALUE IFOR T11E MONIE S ! : , WE INVITE TOUR rxSPECTTON AND COMPARISON. 1936 Studebaker Planar Axle DeLuxe cruising sedan, large trunk, deluxe accessories, upholstering clean, paint perfect, ttres, two brand new. . -Enjoy truly fine car comfort and economy la this current model car. . Equipped with factory Installed radio and heater , 1-9946. 1933 Chevrolet Bus. Coupe, low mileage, A-l conditio-, and a clean car iS625. 1935 Dodge Tudor Touring Sedan, built-in trunk, mctsllc sMsn biege or, low mileage, good rubber cot 9595. 1931 Studebaker cruising two-door sedan, built-in trunk, two tone amber-tan finish, very low mileage, guaranteed car, equipped wita radio and heater. Compare this value with any new low priced car, .9996. 1984 Dodge Bus. Coupe, dual equipment dual fog light, radio and heater, M . I . n r. . . . i . . ii . i i .cf f V J ii'm v vuv m fev ami nvniKK vuiii uivuci. j t t 1931 Ford Deluxe Rd st, new ton, new curtatna, practically new tires, paint in sood condition, V-8 wheels , WE HATE SEVERAL OTHER FINE USED CAR VALUES Ranging from $250-775 and numerous others from 925-9126 Chemeketa A Bonesteele Bros: Inc. Uberty - a .- . j M : ' ; 9266. Phone 4444. Sweepstalcetf on (-.ovef By MAY CHRISTIE (Continued from pace 4) hours, and less, ; she would see Roger. Directly she looked Into his eyes, felt the clasp of his-hand, everything would be wonderfaL The imminence of .this made her heart thump and the blood sing in her veins. What were careers compared to lore? No matter If she became A star, for magic ' things . could happen in the studios of Holly wood, the most magic ot an was hers already, la., advance; . ' i Diana, was In lore, with Roger. .The ' train .-ran Into the Santa Fe depot in Los Angeles. A press stent from her studio immediately took Dians in low. He had brought her a beautiful bouquet of orchids and lilles-of-the-valley. Behlndhim : was j a whole battery ;- hf photographers Diana, and. ' Ceneriere .were nappedr fbn the ; Jrtepa leading to tha platform. ir r- , Disuawa a photographer! with her flowers. In close-ups slid long shets.,' ; - ;:;;M But her eyes strayed nervously, excitedly-, for Roger. There .was a crowd to welcome the train. Yet surely, by liow, . he' could hare found her among them? . ! The pressagentthad a car wait tag. Soon Genevieve and t she would he spirited away. , . ' - How appalling If she .missed Hoger! i '-V-j 1 ; . As though by telegraphy, her press agent said: "I've a message for you from a chap called Dex ter who works tn the Art depart ment of our studio, it seems. Asia mater of fact, I haven't met him myself, but ho phoned me Just as X was: leaving the office to say to tell yon he's unable to get down to the train, but he'd like to look you up and. dine with yon this-evening. Here's his 'phone number. HempsteadUQ 027. j . j "Are are we going to the stu dio nowT Maybe I can seel him there?' Diana sages ted. f ! "He's having a day off. I sick Is bed. The press agent grinned. Too much party, perhaps." i Diana was silent and worried. j, .(To be continued) j Open House Held ' For New Iockere ! INDEPENDENCE. Dec.. I A public reception was, held Satur day afUrnoo'u with the formal opening f the locker refrigera tion system at the Independence dairy products creamery plant, which - went into operation last week. Doughnuts' and coffee Were served all guests, . i I I - j; The new refrigerating room has 360 lockers for customers use to deposit foodstuffs for preserving. j The new locker refrigeration system and remodeling of j the creamery plant' . Involved as) . In vestment around 17509. The main locker' room being 4 1 feet long. 20 feet wide and 15 feet high. i ' ' ':.:...': i; Freenians Have Guests '-' ' ' .ir-u i'j ,'"' ! TALBOT. Dec.l Mrs. L. II. Harding of Corrallis ; and Mr. Violet Hendryx of Myrtle Creek are rlsitfaig Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Freeman this week. Mra. Hen dryx is a sister of Mrs Freeman. B u sine s s- D i r e c 1 6 r y i Cards ta this directory rum on ..a - Bnontlily basis only.; Rate: SI per Itae per month. Auto Brake Mike Paaek, ;79 South Commercial. t - Antomobile Glass NEAL GLASS A Mirror Co. 179 & CommsrehU. Phone 7054,. i - r Brashes XfOB rULLER brusbae, phone 7551 1 I Qiimney Sweep T TELEPHONE 4 459. R, at . Northnesm rURNACES CLEANED, repaired. TeL 9249. ! P Chiropractors DR. O. L SOOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 259 N. High. TeL Ron. 9769 Electrical Service BOS1JCH Kloctxle, 249 State St Wir ing, snotors, appUaace. repairs, servtoe, Excavating - Bxca ratio of aB klnda. Basements dusv Dirt -anled er e.oved, Dirt for sale, Salem Sand and Ore vet Co. Pnone 040S, Florists Bretthaopra 44T Court. Fnrs DuBAIM Par Co. itaaeer. fa rrlers AAA kl-Uet- Bldg, E Laundrin THE NEW - SALEM' LA UNDatj THE W EIDER LAUNDRY -1 ' 949 a High , k v .r TeL 9139 CAPITAL CTTY LAUNORT .'. . First in Oualttv and Bervtee ' I ' Telepboie.916& u , .-.v U Broadway Lawn tlowers Sharpened, repau-ed and - traded. , Ph. 46 14. Harry W. tkrott 141 8. Coaal. Mattresses j i SALEM rLUPP-RUO and Mattress ractory. NEW MATTRESS "made to order, old remade ; carpet Cleaning, sis Ins; fluff rug Weaving; B. 11th A Wil bur. TeL 944L OTTO - P. ' ZWICKER. 191L-- - ' ! - . CAPITOL 8EDOI NO CO. Httone 9009 Music Stores QEO. C. WILL Ptanoa, radios, sewing machines, sheet .music and piano stad ias. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing macblnea - 492 : State street Photo Engraving 1 1 Salem pbote eofravins." 147 N. Cetn- aoerciaL Tet, l ;" I Printing won STATION ER T. . eards, pamph lets, progrsjna, books or any - kind of prtntlnsv eall ihe Statesman Prhrtlns Department, 919- a Comsnorctai. Tele- 91SL r , 4 - ResUverinjg NEAL GLASS A Mirror Co. ITS So, Com mere UU. Phone 766A i .1. TSe wins; Machine Repairs Lent r 9974 1199 Waller. Stoves n We repair stoves, ranges. etrcalators. Sell new and rebuilt atovsa, ranges a d circubuors, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Peace and Stove Worka 249 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R, ; U. Fleming. - - 1 Transfer A: FOR local or distant transfer etorsg. call S13L Lamer Transfer Co. Truck! to Portland dally. - . - . fA situ rtr ' Faf rv -ttt t tl vvrs rMaeribaeiBsi. for warding and storage ear specialty. Get WD-LIAMS TRUCK Serv. TeL 12X9, ; . . .Trnckin: ."! I TEL. 9330 ASHCRArii i WeU Prilling "H A. West, Rt 9. Box 449 ; TeL 11919 E Aindow Glass 1 vvir nriM . s . Uiner fa ltl!. 9. Commercial, rbone T939. - J 1 For Sale Used Cars I For Sale-Used Cars" , . .' vv ; -. v i : ; - . ' " .; - . C " : . Perfect Shape " .- " " :i' - ' S50J00 Belotc N A JA. Book Price HerToall - O vveno Co.. j-Dependabilrty- " . y--z - DODGE and PLYMOUTH DEALERS r " J:V-; 23$ & Comnwrcial - ..' Phona 9169. On Farm Program Mi County Committee Will Get - - Plans as Soon a!s' : . Completed i . Further .progress " is : reported sua tha 1934 agricultural eotuer TauoaprogTam in Oregon, , ; al though png for 1937 harp j not been annouhced, according to N. C. Donaldson, executive . lecre tary. The sttale committee has completed its work in setting the total county soil-depletlug bases and forwarded its recommenda tions to Washington for the ap proval of the ,- Agricultural I Ad justment administration, tjj f -As soon, as approval has been obtained, : the state committee will certify to each county com mittee the total county soil-de pleting base for the county. It t1U A a. a. - AV JH1M 4 Ala-- sa as. ' ty committee to adjust the indi vidual farm soil-depleting ' ases to. whatever extent may be nec essary to make them balance with the total - county soil-depl ;tlng base. When this has .been done aand jthe work, checked by the sttate committee, the Individual applications for grants cJn be, made out. I Problems Are Many Plans for the 1937 agricultural conservation program in volte a number of problems. One of the problems, according to AAA Ad ministrator H. R. Toller, is to get A plan which will fit in with the situation tn the drought states. Other, problems have been pre sented in the suggestions made tut community meetings held all over tthe county These sugges tions and problems are being threshed out in a conference With representatives from the states. : Some consideration ta also) be ing given to the 1938 program which should perhaps be referred to as the 1938 state programs, As the federal law now stands, each individual state will hare to work out a plan for carrying on the soil conservation work af ter January "1. 1938, in a (way which wlU meet with the approv al of the secretary of agriculture.- 1 Attend Football Gamo PERRYDALE, I Dec. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ramey of Mount Hood spent Friday at the Robert Mitchell home.-Mr. and Mrs. Ramey. spent Thanksgiving at Independence with relatives an Saturday they attended the foot ball game in Portland. Miss Marie Houk of O. S. C spent the week end here with her parents. Mr. and Mra. Houk and Viola spent Satur day. In. Portland and attended tbc football game. . Nut Dryer Gives 50 Women Work . AMITY, Dec. 1. Over SO wo men are employed at the Amit walnut dryer cracking and grad ing walnuts. This work started Monday. -. Mr. and Mrs. E. Waddell kpeni Thanksgiving day and the week end in Medford at the homo o ' their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Waddell. Mrs. Anna Gotchell and two grandchildren of Portland spent the week-end at the home ot be sister. Miss Ella Thomas anj other relatives. Mrs. Beatrice Russell ot Pen dleton who has been visiting at the . home or -Mrs. J.- A. Breedlnr. for several days returned homo Friday. Mrs. Etfle Sheldon of Portland Is a guest at tha home of he.' brother, T. W. Dickey. Polk - County Sheriff Arrests Man "Wanted By Klamath . Officers DALLAS. Dec. 1. Sheriff T. B. Hooker and Deputy Sharif. Williams arrested Hawley Hale. 49, at the S. W. McDougal wood camp at Ellendale Saturday anft are holding him for Klamath Falls authorities. Found In Hale' possession was property alleged ly taken In May, 1936, at Bon ansa In Klamath county. Artlcler the officers recovered were one gold Elgin watch, one . rifle, wool blaser. one lariat rope; two flashlights, one pair . f trouserr. and in the trousers ai knife: be longing to the owner, of the .trousers. '',.. . . . -. Play Great Success CERYAIS, Dee. 1. The stu dent body play, "A Ready Made Family, given at the auditorium Wednesday night is said by many who attended to be the best play yet produced . by . the student body. AU the characters are said to have done their parts very well. There was about a $50 house, "j Cros$ Word Puzzle 12 10 2t 3d 12 51 50 61 21 52 3 22 53 21 J6 v7 5? o2 13 30 35 23 3 1 31 HO HH 2H 21 36 77 H5 32 x777 50 n 25 37 H6 1 26 33 10 21 55 60 63l 56 II 28 51 HOJUZONTAL Cy EUGENE SUEFFEn Aftla the'dlsw (2 web-foot- tens - porarily insert 12 past 13 chemical r oompoend 14 prevar- - - cats 15 eulpaWe IS plane sur- r' trace -19 plaral aufSx 20 finest 23 wily -ZS witti- i ffsrfta . z constdla- -tion be- : ' tween Pis- - ces and ' Taurus 51 declare S3 gratuity 34 ancient - capital et, ' . . Lydia 2S implement -for break- -tag sub- stances y ZS Peer jCynt!s ; - mother Sootlike; . - part 'i : 41 enter cov - - erins? ?. annntt sea son ef fast- inr 44 dongated . fish tant past - (poet.) 47 bone 49 subdued SI one en raged id the over4 throw of govern ment S3 Anglo Saxon ; money ex account awake "' 60 masculine 'name 41 stout dub ed turds 63 melody VERTICAL 1 distant ' -grow old ' 2j spinning toy , 4 beverage -9 eubstances remaining after com bustion ,6 takes illeg ally - 7 number 8 Gaelic . P white linen vestment 10-iothing . . Herewith is the solution to terday's puxxle. OP;rgO.N MI tLII t fXlrTr JL - -i.-Ll ts 1-3- 'O H O. ill OITI1IO wsSm. . w.n. p . saaf , - C it i! 1994, hf 1 11 olf , ; . mound 16 appraised 17 doctrine ' SO forming the founda- - .. tion 21 eradicate 22 apparatus - used as a . :' for signal 24 one of the ; .Caroline Islands 20 fish-eatlns -" . mammal 27 cultivates ' soU 23 a cereal ' SO drink la . small quan tities . ; S2 &inna tire -35 observe 87 ftlitter ' " 40 lonjj seat..4 with a back 43 also -45 dens 48 ecoria ef A:' volcano ea-peck El steal frost 2 period ef time -'; ''. t3--istem 64 rubber Uzi t$ eick -t3 body cf .-' ' wat?r ' , CT il.s