The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1936, Page 6, Image 6

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    P AGS SIS 1 . I Tie OREGON STATESMAN. Sa!e. Ureson, Wednesday Morning, jjecember 2. 133S 1 f
I . spdety . ciubs NewsVtod----Feitiirfe8: bf- Interest to Womto : Hcenitkin
1 Music I :- I fatyles..rood
I I I MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor ' - ; ! ? il
; ; ; ; . . ; v,: :. ,,--J: , r 1 ,:. j : : : ......... , r-
House Event Of
AN anticipated event for WiK
lamette university itudsnU
this week-end is the annual frater
nity open boa so sponsored by the
three fraternities. Alpha Pal Del
ta Kappa Gamma Rho and Sig
ma: Tau, Over 300 Invitations hare
been mailed. All interested towns
' people are coordially invited to at
tend ai well as students, alumni
and members of the faculty.
Sigma Tan will open' their doors
first, receiving between the hours
of 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock at their
oliantM tinnM flak atrAt - R-
tween the hoars of 8 and 9 o'clock
members of Alpha! Psi Delta will
receive their guests at 895 Che-
, meketa street Kappa Gamma Rho
will hold open house last from
8:30 to 9:30 o'clock at 316 North
Church street. I
-:('". - ' - ' ' ' " '
Joseph Serrcs Honored
At Party j
Joseph Serres was honored
with a surprise party at his homo
In Woodburn Monday night. Hos
tesses for the affair were Mrs.
Nick Serres and Miss Irene Da 7 is.
Cards and other games were in
play. High score went to Theo
dore -Serres, TilHej Spanfol; low
score to Ray Zumwalt and Mar
garet Sirmeyer. . j
Guests' were Joseph Serres.
Theodore Serres, Frank Pareilk,
Margaret Sirmeyer,! Reta Slrmsy
er. Alphonse Sirmeyer. Frank
' Sirmeyer anfl Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Serres of Woodburn; Tillle Span
iol.and Maxine Crabtree of Stay
ten; .Jean Hemshorn. Arthur
Hemshorn, Hugo Hemshorn. Cer
trude Wample, and. Mr. and Mrs.
Werner Hemshorn of Mt. Angel;
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zumwalt,
Vern Davis. Jessie Da ris and Irrr
ene Daris of Salem.
StL Paul's Bazaar Tliis
JFriday and Saturday
The St. Paul's Guild of the Epis
copal church will sponsor an an
nual Old Fashioned baxaaar at the
Parish house Friday and Satur
day, truncheon will he served Fri
dy noon. All interested persons
are cordially invited to attend.
The St. Cecellia Guild will sell
candy and nuts while the V,t.
Paul s Baud Is In eaarge of plum
paddings, mince meat, cooked
fcod and all kinds Of embroidery.
challis and . accent
with gay buttons!
the' neckline
Pattern "4220 Is available In
sises 14, If. 18, 20. 32, 34. 3r,
28, 40 and, 42. Size 16 takes
yards JJ inche fabric Illustrated
step-by-step sewing1 Instructions
Included. i
8ca (IAni aanta 1 5e) la mIh ar
teaina pr rrrd) for Ihia aaaa
adaata patwra. Writa plainly 1a.
aaaaa, aidr aa4 atyla aaaW. ,
r- Sa4 tor yaar np af tha Aaa
Adama pattara aaok. Kvary pa is
fill4 with faaclaaUas atjrlra in attar
aaoa fracka cay aprt tara atoa
aia( party clotaaaf Slimming" Stylea
awtronal Ba4ct aavtat pattern
for "cTowiac apa" an4 "sraara npa."
r aattarna tkat lavila "btria
ara! r a brie nirrntiMii and ideaa
SifU. ftMk fiftm rt. tatt-n
nf lca caata. Twenty t ia 'cata far
ota waaa rdrrc4 totxrtaar. OnUr at
aeat - ".i -
ldlra ardara la"! TV Orefe
Htataaawa Pattcra Dcpt SIS fetotk
Connirrrial atrct. Balcia. Ora. afaka
aaceaaary eacloaarva. Year rdrr anil
ba promptly altaodcd ta.
Ordora eaatonarMy ar Tilled rl Ik
la four dara from lima rteairrd by
Tha Stateamaa. ; '
loTo) , I
'Smf . -mit' -..-.. A
i Y3 l .,. . ,. ; , i r :
uy aaMs auams 1 JJlZJT k? 1 v. casion was the 16th wedding an-
A frock In the mood for going r TfT7fll O.-wVf'S J : nlversary of .Mr. and Mrs. AmSold
places" is PatternLN4220i And t JDjjh, ?;tV tS ' Boyanovsky. .... T "
TOUT! look -to smarTin. its 'trim T&TsZtSV J -V-t i ' .
lines, you'll have mare lnTitations . .. Trr5-25Sl " Independence Mr. and . Ms.
than you can possibly accept! !ln . Zalrar-w5yti j . . Clarence Charbanean-have Jntit-
this you've a dashing frock for ' ZVi': 'Vrl4 ! ed guests to their home Wedqes-
-flresa-up ' or one equally "right" , JrWti' n ! f day night for dessert and cbn
ior everyaay. iouii love its cnoice . . -" ' ;ViVT " contract. Guests invited are Mr.
of i necklines, one. jopen at the gfeft&SCJ? '-W5?f! : lJi&gAi . nd Mrs. G. Skinner; Mr, and J.trs.
throat, one closed and tied with a &iillSf -?S-- ' M. Walker, Mr. and Mnr. Cfar-
bow. Note. too. the graceful flare -!?'CttV 1 ence Harwood, Mri and JUrs.-E1
of the panelled skirt; Never made Vf-gyt$isOT iw ara ''! J ' mer E Addison and Mr. and Mrs.
a frock before? Then this style is r&&'ZZ ' AkS Paul E. Robinson. - ; .1.
Jut the one to sUrt on, for the .1 Civ"r-tXr.Si A !,V V J
pattern's one you'll find easy as x&V M, - Rocky! PolntrMr. and Mrs.
can be! You've many appropriate , Ih Va lnV C CfW:' : 'c; W Cllf ford Sttthr Aajbre hosts Thanjks-
fabric choices: for dress-up, why - - lrrr " ArW'7' ' vJf ; giring, at a 12 o-'clock dlnnerl to
eryday choose creneJ nmthptl nr m,mJ f.'Wi
! Wednesday,
Leslie Ladies Aid meeting and bazaar, 1 p. m. at the
church. Public is Invited , ,. ; '
Thimble club. Neighbors of Woodcraft, meet, with
Mrs. Charles Roy, Rt. 3, ror all day meeting. ' j , '
Ladies' Aid of Knight Memorial church meet all day,
with Mrs. E. BDaugherty. 1632 Court. ' ! .
Layman's Mnsie Appreciation class of the A.A.TJ.W., ,
at home of Mrs. L. D. Mars, IS 45 north Summer street,
7:30.. ! i - -;
Literature class of the Salem Woman's club meet at
home o Mrs. J. A. Brownson, 1270 N. Church street at
2 p.m. f y ' : : ;,i ; I' :
- Royal Neighbors Sewing club, all day meeting with
Mrs. Zola Peterson, 505 N.
i? : 1 Thursday,
Chapter G of P. E. O. with Mrs. Silas Calser, 825
North Winter street. !.
K. C. K. T. club meets with Mrs. Clifton Rosa at
1335 North Fourth street at 2 p. m. !
Liberty Woman's club, 2 p. m. with Mrs. Dorothy
Seeger. Gift shower for Children's Farm home. I ?
. Hollywood Merry-Go-Ronnd with Mrs. ,W. IL. Davis,
2p.m. ' I- I" '
Woman's! Benefit Association regular meeting at
K. P. hall, 8 p. m. ' ' h
Book and Thimble club will meet with Mrs. Charles
Sch warts at 1:30 p. m. V !
Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Church
of the Nararene, 2 p. m Special speaker. !
Raphaterlan club meets with Mrs. Charles Bates,
East Center street. .2:30; p. m.
U. S. Grant Circle No. 5,
the armory at 2 d. m. I
Merry Minglers Sewing
McCain at 2 p. m.
Hayesville Woman's
1765 Center street.
j Friday, December 4
Women's Alliance of the
with Mrs. Helen Goodenougb,
Miss Stauffer's
Engagement Is
COMING as a complete surprise
tq her many friends was the
announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Emma Stauffer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Stauffer, and Fred Hersch. sou
of Mrs. Matilda Hersch of Ma
cleay. The news was revealed at a
party given at the home of Miss
Stauffer Saturday night with her
sibter. Miss Alma J. Stauffer, as
Pink and white chrysanthe
mums, ferns and pink tapers were
attractively placed about the
rooms- The announcement was
concealed in miniature Japanese
parasols which were 'given to each
guest at the supper hour.
Those bidden to the party wefe
Bath Welty
Loan Wenrer
Alma Wenger
i Ilea Steffea
KUen Steffen
Pearl 8teiner
Aaron Haary
Bertka Geri(
Evelyn Ueneb
Elda Herr
l.ncille Wenger
. Margaret Weager
Iona l.ei.iT
Martha Uerig
Kmma Gerig
Alice Hersch
Laura Gerig
Rapbaterian Club INIeet
At Bates Home
Mrs. Charles E. Bates will en
tertain members of the Raphater
lan club at her home Thursday af
ternoon on East Center street at
2f:30 o'clock. Tea will be served
later in the afternoon.
Members of the club include:
Carl Abramt
A. A. - 8iewrt
G. C. Bellinger
H. 8. i Gile
James Heltzel
Floyd rtter
Charlea "Sherman
Waldo Milla
Mortn E. Pack
Leo Uavrnh
):to Wilson
Roy ; Hewitt
Konald Glover
A. A. Schramm
Ray; Smith
Aaa filler
Tinkham Gilbert
Charlea Batea
Open House for i
BirdsHeld '
..All bird lovers -are invited
attend an open house being given
tomorrow from 2' until 4 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. H. R. Curtis,
260 north 18th street Assisting
Mrs. Curtis will be Miss Lottie
McAdams and Mrs. Irene Bow.
German rollers and choppers, over
50 in all, will be on view at the
Curtis home. Mrs. Curtis has long
had bird-raising as a .hobby. The
public is invited.
Laura Wheeler Pattern
Crocheted Squares Pattern 18S8 Commercial.' Write plainly PAT
Exquisite accessories can be TERN NUMBER, your NAME and
crocheted in. the design of rare old
lace Point de Venlse, which Is
simulated most faithfully. TouH
find these squares grand carry-with-you
work, for they're so easy
to do in double crochet and chain
loops.; Join them as scarfs, pillow
tops, - v vanity set - they'll make
gifts you can be proud of! pattern
13S3 contains directions for mak
ing the squares and Joining them
to make a variety of articles; ma
terial requirements; Illustrations
of . the square and of all stitches
used.- '' - ; ;:.' .- i i
'' Send 10 cents in stamps or coin
(coin preferred) for this pattern
to The Oregon Statesman. 215 S.
December 2
24th street, .
December S
Ladles of G. A. R. meet at
club meet with Mrs. Allan
with Mrs. Claude
Talma ge
Unitarian church 2 p. m.
270 Rural street.!
T0Wn and Colmtry
ir I
uud win tse
Feted Today j
A smart affair today will be the
bridge luncheon for which Mrs.
Arch Jerman will entertain at her
country home. The affair is being
arranged in compliment to : the
Town and Country club and a few
additional guests. Tables for con
tract will be in play during, the
afternoon. j -
The table will be festive with,
blue and silver decorations. Spec
ial guests include M r s. Victor
Griggs and Mrs. Jj. II. Farrar.
Members of theiclub bidden are
Romeo Gouley Margaret LeFuigy
Homer Goulet Homer Smith,' sr.
V. A. LiTegley Grorga A. White
red en rlt Lamport Clarence Krene
Earl Snell
Jack CurTy i
W. McCiilrhril. jr.
Arch Jerman
DA.R. Meeting to Be
Held Saturday j
The regular Cbemeketa chap
ter, D. A. R. meeting for jthe
month will be held this Saturday
In the home of MrsL C. A. Sprague
at 425 north 14th street when the
feature of the boy scouts will! as
sist Mrs. C. C. Clark who is in
charge of the program.
Gifts for the I Angel Island
Christmas box will be accepted
during the afternon by Miss Ruth
Geer in charge. Mrs. Wj. B. John
son will speak on genealogical
records. Those assisting Mrs.
Sprague are Mrs. M. P. Adams,
chairman. Mrs. W. Ej, Hanson,
Mrs. Carey Martin. Mrs. ; George
Roberts, Mrs. U. G. Boyer, Mrs.
LeRoy Hewlett and Mrs. Belle
' i " i ! :
Birthday Party Honors
Two Guests I
Mrs. L. C. Shepherd and Mrs.
Charles Jensen were honored Sun
day on the occasion! of their birth
days. The-. P. B. McEIroy home
was the scene of j the i party at
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mc
Elray, Mrs. L. C. Shepherd, Dor
qthy, Harvey and: Alfred McEl
wy. Miss H. Seamon, all of Sa
lem, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. H. iL.
Koplinger of Mill ! City and Mr.
and Mrs. P. B. McEIroy.
Harley Bosler of Bosler Electric is pleased to sponsor 1
a SPECIAL! MUSICAL- PROGRAM tonight . over
KSLM from 8 to 8:30 o'clock in cooperation with the !
Oregon Federation of Music Clubs. . This program j
being one of a series given for music appreciation and
enjoyment of the people of Salem. : ; I ,
THE PROGRAM this evening will consist of piano
elections by Miss Marjorie Broer and Miss Grettbea Rentier, I
stadenU of Mlsa Rath Bedford. A violin and flute dart by- !
Kathleen and Slarjorie Broer and vocal aelertlons by Mlsa f
Rata Bedford, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Alfred
Schramm.. ;.h;t: 1 v i i-ir v - h
' - ' '"T ' " ' f- ' ; -.r--: : ' ' ' i
On Thursday In
Peacock Room
nrtHB program for the Peace
X Conference that is to be held
at the Marion hotel beginning
at 10 and lasting until 1 o'clock
on Thursday of this ' week! has
been announced by members lot
the committee In charge of the
affair.; 1 v the nation's capital..
Twelve women's organizations -M. Amundsoa is a former Sa
are joining in sponsoring t hi 1 s resident, '-he attended Salem
unit of a world wide moremnt high school and was a graduate
for education toward future world ' the class of '34.; For the past
peace. The program: isr' t-:i k year he has been connected . with
lo:0Otaf-r(Kk ma .r - " I ' . the Farm Credit Administration
. iDTocctieit, Dr. Jua tfoi. in Washington. Mrs. Amundson is
t : ; a graduate of the George Wash-
16: is a. mmrfoti f carac
Mrm. m. omwmn j , -
"War aroma aaa Macs
Uat' r, . ..
1. Wkm war may Wcto
Mrs. CUftoa Hadd j
S. Hbm Pae ix-htmary
Mrs. Oaors Morlifdi
S. Way pc organisations
faUd Mrs. C. W. Stacy
4. BaaiodaUng Uta Macs
plana Mrs. Boy Xck em
Mr. . t j
11:30 a. i
-lbs. O. 1 - nul-
-Zoncbon, kotel dining room
Adorus i "Taka -, Y a i
- Choica" ay Dr.-Lavl an-
aicrtOB of Pacific CoQan
1:00 p-a. BBdlctloB Pr. Oravar
The sessions are open to
men and women who wish to
3Mrs. Bob Glenn Fetes
Bridge Club
Mrs. Bob Glenn was a charm
ing hostess yesterday afternoon
entertained member
her bridge club at luncheon at I
Belmont street residence. Con
tract was in play following the
luncheon hour.
Mrs. John Beakey was a special
guest for the affair. Chrysanthe
mums in the autumn shades wjere
attractively arranged about jtho
Club members include:
James L. Sear Dick Mejrera
Frank Prime Laban Steeve
Charlea Wood Ralph Campbell
V. E, Hockett Bob Glenn
Mrs. Russell Catlln and Mrs.
Frank Spears will entertain mem
bers of the St. Paul's Episcapal
Guild today In their Chemeeta
street residence. '
In the Valley
Social Realm
Woodburn A quiet church
wedding was performed at j St.
Luke's Catholic church Saturday
morning when Miss Caroline Mar-
cott, a sister of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Marcott of Woodburn became ithe
Jjid? Hm JeMkj, Jr . ion
of Mr. and Mrs. William Jeskyj ot
Aurora. i
Rev. Father Deis oficlated at nap
mass at 7 o'clock, and Sister j M.
Clementine played the wedding
march. The bride wore a suiti of
gray with hat and shoes to majtch
and wore a corsage of roses and
pom chrysanthemums. She was at
tended by her sister. Miss Per
rian Marcott. Paul Marcott, Jr..
was best man for Mr. Jeskey.i
Following the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was held at the
home of the pride's parents. After
a short wedding trip the couple
will reside In Hall's addition
where they have purchased a hew
home. Mrs. Jeskey Is a graduate
of Woodburn high school of he
class of 1931 and Mr. Jesky ! at
tended school in' Aurora,
Waldo Hills Mrs.. Edson Cjm
stoek and - Miss . Janet ComstOck
entertained a - group of relatives
and friends Thanksgiving'. Pres
ent were Dr. and Mrs. Sydney
Hall 'of Salem, Mrs. S. J. Cam
stock and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Syl
vester of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs.'
Roger Comstock of Portland and
Woodrow Haynes, a student! at
O- S C.
m m m
Sclo Five tables of pinochle
made up the -birthday and wed
ding anniversary party at the Ar
nold , Boyanovsky home recently,
high ' score going to Mrs. Hepry
Zemlicka and Ed Palon. Consola-
tion was awarded to 'Mrs. Ed
Tllholr a nil Uanre tTrtva V 'Pialn. .
Mrs. ' J T., Hafner - and son Max. :
Herbert Stuhr, . Frank Xahr Mr.
"and Mrs.; John: Stuhr-and chil-l
dren Dorothy and Robert. Walter
Hafner.' Miss Walneta Hafner and'
Leonard -Sluhr.' - - '
Pleasantdale ' Twelva mem
ber attended the Aloha club meet
ing Thursday at the home of Mrs.'
Glen MeFarlane. '- The. next meet
ing will be held at: the home lot
Mrs. George Robinson.
Marriage Made
WORD has reached Salem of the
marriage of Elmer M. Amnnd-
son pi wasmngxon u. son or
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Amundson of
Salem, to 7 Miss Louise Surine of
Washington D
U., which, took
place! Thursday, November 24 in
lactqn nniyersity and is teachingj
in- Mjaryiana, mis year
The couple .will make their home
in Washington and plan to make
a Tlsjit to the Pacific coast in the
near future.
, .- , -'-. ': -
Civic Players Will -Appear
for Elks
Salem Civic players will be the
feati re of the Elks Charity chow
to b given this year In the Elks
Tlie players will appear In the
fare !, . 'Take My Advice," under
the llrectlon of Miss Beulah Gra
ham Tickets are on sale by mem
bers of the Elks club.
The east includes: Guy Tucker,
who has made his appearance in
several Salem Civic Players pro
ductions, will take the part of
Wal Street executive who falls
the rey of high pressure seles
man. He has had quite a it of
outside experience and plays the
comedy role unusually well.
Clara Schannep , who had ex
perience In stock work, was on the
orphjfum circuit in the east and
carries the role of "come-on"
girl n ''Take My Advice."
ElBie Ilolman, in dramatic work
for ieveral years and at present
manager of the Salem Civic Play
ers, Iplays the part of the stae
strurjk daughter who yearns for
a cafeer.
Rth Versteeg Is the wife of
the (stock broker and plays her
part I well.
Lloyd ReihI. Maurice Versteeg
and trry Boulierbring excellent
comejdy to "Take My Advice," ,
Billy Mudd takes the part of
"17" the boy who thinks himself
a man and handles his part in
good! style.
The play premises to be ono of
hilarious comedy and unusually
well least.
Informal Party Honors
Mrs; Barter
1 . '
A delightful party In Portland
last Saturday was that for which
Miss jLoye Bogardua waa hostess
at her home feting Mrs. Ralph
Barber. (Margaret Faxon ) . Mrs.
BtLrT fonnerly attended Willam
ette university. The afternoon was
spent; informally.
Thbse bidden by the hostess
Lois pndrvrood Owen Gallaher
M. Stelgrerwa-Id Dorothy Dinsia
K&thet-ina Rinara Mary J. Sarg-ent
Catherine Ffexon Ioya Hoitardua
Mrs. Ralph Barber
Hoss Entertains
Press Club
Mrs. Hal Hoss was hostess to
members of the Salem Women's
Press jclub. at a delightful dessert
luncheon .yesterday afternoon.
The hostess -was assisted by Mrs,
Stephen Mergler and Mrs. W. A.
Scott.) Sewing was done for the
Firemen's Christmas dolls. - Those
preseht were: j .
ftfc A. 3rewn
Steoheitu Merclar
w. J. 1 Bcot
R. J. , Hendricks
Don TJSjoha
Balpk Cnrtia
A. L. tindbaek
Hal Hoaa -W.
John Minto
Robert Hpragva
K. K. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig have
returned from va fortnight's trip
to California. They visited in San
Francisco and San Mateo. Mrs. J.
T. : Whlttig accompanied -the
Cralgsf south and will remain in
SanMateo for a longer visit. She
will he the house . guest of Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. McLaren,
Royal Neihbora . Sewing club
meet for an all-day meeting Wed-
nesdav -afternoon with-Mrs. Zola
r ft - XT ilk ,t,iLi '
Peterson: S0 N. 24th street. A
no-hoat dinner will be . served.
Hostesses are Mrs. Zola Peterson,
Mrs. RutluHali; Mrs. Eloise Buel-
ir. .1 . -
' Marjlon County Veterans asso
ciation. Including all patriotic or-
ders and friends meet at the First
Christian church for a no-host
luncheon ' at noon. Business ses
sion and program In the after
noon, -j 't - , : i i .
a ! .
ren O
Edyth E. Stuart and War
Farmer were married on
After -Thanlcsgiying
mprssive Savings bit. Smart' Fashions .Selected --
- . -From Our Regular-Stock ' ;, ' .
: Women s New Styled Dresses - ' j
Spscial Group Assorted Styles 87.95
Extraoixlmary Dress Feature 512.95 !.,
Finer Dresses liiglx styled-; . $16.95 i
. - s , I Now Priced -. - - - -
ij :;$12.9S S14.9S and S25.00 " . ?
amaaajwaM"P" a aaaa aaanaa aaaw avaa avian aanMana BaaaBM anaaaaai mm RVaM aM BHanwnssnwnnnii aw $ .
: HATS ... : Now $1.49 - $1.95 C2.9S ;
. ' 415 STATE STREET V ,
School ; Activities Are Sport
Eftective iMetiho d s ot
Education Featured v
In Salem
LIFE begins early these modern days when youngsters in
, school are Uught to develop Miness ability at. a tender
nor wvifino. nnrl nrtiia no lontrer cbnvintr an unfamiliar ob-
ect but producing a likeness
Yesterday afternoon Mrs.
out at the Englewood i school In
the Interest of Christmas seal
sales' and saw modern .education
methods effectively at work.
We found that the school, given
a. task makes it a project a game
tjo be entered In just .like other
School assignments because mod
ern problems are applied to every
day living. These children were
given eight seals each to sell. Boys
and girls alternate noons land aft
er school and some ot the rooms
have already oversold j their Quo
tas. : v. - K A -
j Accounts Kept !
Accounts are kept by the pupils
who report on how many, turn in
the money, keep finances straight.
They make change, multiply and
divide, add and subtract like
grownups,. with problem s that
mean something.
Pictured on. the walls are at
tractive colored , pictures of cows
aind trains and other objects) be
loved by children. Creative draw
ings are on display. ! '
The October edition of the En
glewood News la resplendent with
colored illustrations. Informative,
with such departments as the
school directory which lists teach
ers names and addresses. There's
the society department that tells
ojf the P. T. A. reception held re
cently. t Colored Picture,
The children's departments in
cludes several attractive colored
pictures, a map of North Amer
ica, drawn, by a fifth grade pupil,
there aretwo poems on the child
ren's page and a description of the
gavotte, a book report, a picture
or 'Ethiopia" Betty; Ann's doll
(drawn by .Beula Arnold of I the
first grade by the way). An arith
metic problem that will surely ex
cite the mathematical genius of
many a student Is written. -j
Printed Often " j
i This publication, mimeographed
each six weeks, is done with the
help of every student in school. .
One grade addresses, another; de
livers, still others color the pic
tures and paste wrappers, sort and
fold. : . ..; ' 'r. : :
1 Before the end of the year each
child has really contributed some
thing for publication, a poem, book -review
or drawing.
Next week's edition will carry a
special Christmas seal report with
information about why we buy
these seals - and how many were
sold in the school, li lt's
modern education, and cer
tainly taken In. very pleasant and
effective doses.
Olive Oil Flavor i
Dominates ' h i
Olive ell and butter are such,
decided, flavors that they dominate-
mixture of; regular- salad; oil .
when only- si small ! amount i it
used." If yon - like the flavor of
olive, oil or butter hut feel that
you ' eaa't - afford them, try using .
half and half with regular sal&d
oil. The latter, takes on the stron
ger taste ot the butter or olives
and makes delightful flavor. ;
Fried Oysters Stand j
In Milk. Awhile
i:!-M .i : y i
. Let, oysters stand overnight for
a ifew hours in milk before fry
ing. The oysters absorb the milk
which ; Imparts excellent flavor. -Half
eornmeal and "half flour Is
a good coating for the shellfish.
Another fried food much Im
proved with soaking jln milk i is
bacon. Try allowing ltd5 stand over
night In milk, thenv'dipping 1 itt
eornmeal ; and frying; for break
fast. i Saturday, hi Vancouver ,.h Wash. -j
They will make their home In Sa
lem. ' r , ;
Array For Month
TALBOT, Dec. 1, Mrs. Mary
Nye left ! Friday night for Gold
Beach to spend a. month with her
grandsons, Donald and Orval Nye.
and -their, mother, Mrs. Ray
Bishop. , , . )
of something familiar.
ueorge Moorenead, ana 1 went
Latah chops will balance yester
day's budget that .included beef
hash las an Inexpensive meat
Cinnamon Apple salad '
Mashed Potatoes
Celery and corn
Cottage pudding
; Lemon Sauce
Cottage padding is a good old
standby, to serve the whole fam
ily, i ; ' :
2, teaspoons baking powder.
2 tablespoons shortening. '
U cup sugar. '
.H teaspoon salt.
cup milk.- ;
1 cups flour. ' "
1 egg. ;
Mix, as for cake, bake for 35
minutes In a greased pan.
1 dozen marsh mallows.
Juice of 2 lemons.-
1 Itea spoon grated rind added
r. Jast. .
Heat only , enough to melt the
mar$thraalIows. add lemon rind,
and ja handful of cocoannt after
sauce is almost cooled. " .
just a few drops..
end you breathe easily
gain! Vatronol
Clears clossinf mucus,
reduces swollen mem
branes brings wel
come relief.
Today's Menu
1 IC311 C
j ; ; ; ' -; !
You Should Include Some
If aUways TTclscxa!
f . - , ....
r A
faU fashioned chifi VcVVi
or service wti?ht s SZ2-0 -
bxMC : Kiale I , Perfect ! S jCJr?-
1 t ' .-
aVaf fca M M W A A W M A s VilvWU
loiving luncheons" "seem to ev
one of the more popular indoor-1
winter sports In any city or com-5""
infinity and planning, the' men --
an important feature of the prep-'i"-
: a rations. . c ;
Here's a list of Ideas fof
ekeoni plates as taken fromn - a
nsieable for nurfv IniirhMna ''Aih.'tv
era will makr -drrvntf mnn -fni iT
the family
JChicken cutlet with mushrooM'
sauce, baked Danish squash, mou l
ded pineapple and almond salad.
SnntBi frtih an n aft mnm m jltV.'"
chicken livers ( can buy canned ?
baked potato, mixed green vege-'
table salad.-:'n;:-,:r;;,':'
Baked halibut with mushrooina,
llOllanaiise . sauce, potato cro-"
quettes, mixed green vegetable
ftalad. y , ; t
Grilled bacon, cheese and tomato ''
sandwich with vegettable salad.
(Chilled pineapple Juice, stuffed
tomato with crab, thousand is-
land dressing.;
j Creamed sweetbreads, chicken' '
aqd fresh mushrooms in Dresden '
patties, baked Danish squash,
molded fruit souffle. .
Casserole of seafood an gratln,
eaked : potato, fresh spinach end '-
Baked stuffed tomato with .' '
chlekett and ham with cheese '
sauce. Corn frittters With maple' ! 5
vfehiTi m I vcar4 wcvAn Vat0ara KTa iL -
ad, ;;; '?.-"'.
jBreaded corned tongue ' with'
horseradish sauce, scalloped ro-'
tato, cabbage slaw.
..' I ! ' - . '
The! rice institute recommends
the reheating of that cereal in
thils way: Add to boiling salted '
water and cook for 5 minutes then
drain, allow to dry out and fluff. ' -They
also recommend' reheating . '
rice in the oven by adding a little "
wfter, ! covering and cooking '
thoroughly until hotf -
Jtegmtaratmt.,, 30c'
Dmmblm qmmntlty 50c -
I -i
I - r
: r 1':'