The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    . :Tt CG0:J GTATHSIIAIJ. Cil-n. . Ortca, Wcdatciij Hiraiasv Ezcesbtr 2, 113.
7T L.7L -? 7L:
TBrairka ; 'Friday
77 "
. i
"' -" v.
Cast Listed,
Bin. Kurth and Bin. Lovre
: Coaches; Large Crowd .
'i Is Expected
v ' l ' v -
"AmoBi the Stars," Kathryn
Waynes' thre-act farce comedy,
will be- presented Friday night
by a cast ot local dramatists .thru
special! arraugementst . with the
Willis N. Bugbee company. -t
The play lias been coached by
lira, N. J. Kurtn and Mrs. Harry.
. The cast: Amantha Btbblesnutf,
an old maid, Mrs. Virginia Blbbyj
Beggir, her eccentric broth
er, V aimer Klampe; Gussle, the
cook. Eva Dow; Frederick Tier
ney, the brother. Lyle Klampe;
Ethlyn Bargees, the maid, Kath
ryn . McClaughry; Heather Blossom,-Florence
Pugh; Orchid Dew,
Annabelle Bennett; Reginald
Wheaton, Raymond Bibby; Clar
ence Budd, LeRoy Isbam, all Hol
lywood picture stars; Daks Van
Peel, the picture director. Also
Pngh; Muggs Klbbon, the robber.
Gas Harris;, of fleers Swlggle and
Dunke.jH. B. Aker and O. O. Me
Clanghry. .
: Manic Is Feature
There will be music between
acts and refreshments will Te
senred In the basement In charge
ot Justine Harris and Mr, and
Mrs. Glen Wadley. -
A new permanent stage set has
been constructed, and the new
room recently added to the school
house will amply take care of a
large crowd. The play Is a bene
fit performance.
Students to Give
Plays Tomorrow
Casts Announced For Trio
on One-Act Dramas, "
; one-act plays I given annually by
the Independence high school will
be given Thursday night at 7: SO
p. m. In the I. H. S. gymnasium.
"Who Gets the Car Tonight?"
- will be presented by the senior
class, Virgil , Keller. Hazel Wed
dle. Bill CampbelL Del ores Mad
r sen and Kenneth Birch. Stage di
rectors are Robert Ragsdale and
Vance Smith make-up chairman.
Margaret - Noble, - and - prompter,
Lorena ; BuTchfleld.
- "Fur and Warmer,'the Junior
p fay. will be presented by Maryis
De Coster, Ella Berry. Mary Marie
. .Williams. Beth Purvtae. . Buddy
.Hubbard. . 'Oerbert Taylor and
'Glenn Burchl Prompter. lean El-..len-Irvine;
properties, Anna Mae
. Rimey. ; and costumes,: Eileen
" Cooke. 1 , . - .....
s . . Underclasses Combine
"Ouch! My Corn." is the fresh-
men-sophomore comedy. . with
, Maxine Williams and Allan Rags
dale carrying 'the 'leading, roles.
Reef. Emery Sutton, Rose Anna
, Alexander. Don Wells. Mildred
Hasslerv Harry WiUlauette. Jos
: . .ephlne Bernard.. Elton Rogers and
Bill . Berry. ., ' Property . : manager.
June Brooks and -Jimmy De.Cost
ter; stage directors. - Julius Pur
Tine, and Gordon' Walker; make
up. Eloise Larson and.' Betty Ad
:. dison; costumes, Lillian Holechek
'-' and Constance Johnson; program.
Jane Fowler and Margot Syver
son; prompter.. Jessie Jones.. and
, advertising manager. June . Ra
,r mey. . j ' . -
. .The playes-are . being. directed
by Miss Glenna Hlltlbrand and
. Miss Helen West.
.Bazaar Proceeds
For Church $1500
SUBLIMITY, Dec. 1 The ba
saar held November 26 aud the
night of .November 27 was a good
success The free entertainment
given Friday was greatly enjoyed
by a packed house, after which
were awarded as fol-
Hope chest.
Mln Jen :
framed picture to Mrs. -ApaHnia
Zimmerman; . tapestry spread to
Agnes Wolf; appliqued "qnllt to
Mrs. Mary Dttter;' gpld chain ros
ary to Miss Darlene Klntx; Nur
sery quilt to Anna Van Handel;
embroidered quilt to Mrs. Boon';
butterfly quilt to Alfred ? Hart
man! red and white quilt to Clara
, Wolf; live turkey to Rev. Fr
Scherbringf 'candy to Joseph H.
woif. i . n. ' . .-: -: -f:. -,v; . - ;
" It la estimated" tbsf the beaaar
WIU net 1 Bee. which will go in?
to-the1 building funds towards the
new-eanrch;..-' ' "-r 1
Mr. afld Mrs;' Ed Benedict cele
brated . their 13th wedding anni-l
.Yersary -Sunday With- a dinner at
noon. ' Those who "were invited
were Mrs, Margaret Michels, John
MlcheU. Mr. and Mrs. N; W. Kre
mer, Harold Wolf, Mr, and Mrs.
Joex Roblv ' Yefanda ' Robl, Larcm
ne - Benedict; -and 1 the', honored
guests. ; Mr.' , and vMr.' Ed -Bene
dict. - -
Social Service Qub's .
, Bazaar Will Be Ileld at .
" Vvheatland This Month
WHEATLAND. r Dec.' 1 The
. Wheatland Social. Service club
bassar win be held at the Wheat
; land ' community halj . near the
middle- of December. Ejact date
. has . not . bea Set, -. V, Jt V ' '. '
, Robert Coffey of Denreri Col6.
rrtved"here Saturday uJght, hr
In g made the trip to Portland by
air. to drive the car of his tath-'er-ln-law-
nd .mother-ln-Iaw,- Mi.
1 and; Mrjr.lLon Ilutchens, back: ,to
Denver., Mr, and Mrs. . Hutttaens
;have. for several months been
rfstsofrela.tlre. at. Dayton."..,
Tobacco Heiress
Traveling incognito, Doris Duke Cromwell, world's wealthiest gri,
la plctwred as she recently arrived ta San Francisco. She Is en route
to Honolulu, where she will Join her husband, James Cromwell, and
- continue her legal battle over the 9100,000 estate she purchased
there last year- International Illustrated News Photo.
Wagners Hosts,
Holiday Dinner
Fern Ridge Road Is Greatly
Improved; Gravel Is
- Going on I Now
MEHAMA; Dec t A large
group ot relatives met at the
home of. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wag
ner . Thanksgiving day ; to , help
them celebrate, not only Thanks
giving, but Mr. and Mrs. Wagner's
12th wedding' anniversary. ,
Present were Mrs. M. E. Phil
lips, Mr. i and Mrs. R. A. Mason,
Mr. and Mrs.' Maurice Cathren and
small daughter. Patsy Anne, Mr!
and Mrs. Waldo Zimmerman, Gen
evieve .Wagner, '.Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd - Monroe,' - Russell ' Wilson,
Harry Monroe Eula Montgomery,
Ora Purser, , Dickie,' Gilbert and
Duane Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Phillips and daughters, Dar
aleen and - Irene of -Yachats, and
the host and hostess, Mr; and Mrs.
Wagner. ' -J;
" Miss June kubln who is teach
ing at Forks, Wash., spent the
Thanksgiving holidays at her
home here. Miss Iva Moe, who Is
attending' school In -Vancouver,
Wash.. : spent the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Moe, returning with Miss Kubln,
Sunday. ;. ' ,
Road is Improved""'
Te Fern Ridge J-oad is greatly
Improved !since It has been widen
ed and leveled.' It is being grav
eled now and when;. this, is com
pleted Will be in A-i condition.'
; Mr. and Mrs. , Gale . Berrinser
were pleasantly surprised te day
before Thanksgiving; by . the ar
rival of a group ofifriends from
Washington,! including Mr. and
Mrs. Baird and son Charles and
D. B. F. Booth. Baird Is an tld
pioner of this section. The entire
party. Including Mr. and lt,rs.
Gale Berringer andf son Glen.
msd the trip to Breitenbush hot
t i
WeiFdirig Slipper
Honors McCalls
SILVERTON. DecJ 1 Mr. and
Mrsl E. J. McCall entertained
Monday night at a wedding sup
per 1 in honor of their son and
daughter-tn-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Lesley McCall. . i-. , -
Lesley McCall and Miss Dorothy-Iswanberg.
daush.ter of . Mr.,
and Mrs. J, E. Swanberg of Fern
dale., Washj were married Mon?
day at Vancouver? Wash. by Rev.
.Paul Lte.Kunrmanh.. 1, -vKc..: v...
. Following i the - ceremony : they.
Tame on to Silverton to 'be guests
of Mr. and Mrs. :. McCall. Others
-at the- 'dinner ..were , Mr and M rs.
G.B. Bentson431r. and Mrs.: Ed
Holden and Miss Mary McCall r
'After December 15rMr; aud Mrs;
McCalt wlU -' be- at. home at 723 1
N.E. Sandy. . Portland. McCall is
employed 'in: a' store at Portland.
Girlj Sconts";' Appoint
Patrol Lecders ;Name
Board of Review Also
r 'j WOOD BURN".' Dec. ;1 The fol-:
lowing patrol leaders; and assist
ants have been chosen by the Girl
Scoots: Elsie Yoder,' leader and
A'iola' Mills, assistant of the char
ter member patrol; Ines 'Herman
son, leader, and Anita Hoefer. as
sistant of the- first" cfass patrol:
lone Anderson, leader, and Betty
Brachmann.r assistant of - the- sec
ond .class patroL "'--;. "-
Geraldlne Smith.- president of
the scouts: sanennces; plans -have
been started to have ' a beard of
revlewwhicbr- will consist ef the
executive committee and the girls
who are not passing' any' tears. -"
The 'girts'Ttave- Thanksgiving
basket to a,wfrt by JsmHy, i
Arrives oh Coast
Dorseys Honored
On Golden Jubilee
Surprise Reception Held
hy Neighbors For
Dayton Folks
DAYTON, Dec 1 The 60th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Dorsey of the Webfoot
neighborhood was made a happy
occasion Sunday afternoon by
remembrances of neighbors and
friends who gave a surprise re
ception at the Dorsey home. The
bride and groom of 50 years wore
yellow chrysanthemums and a
large basket of the same were the
flowers used in the room.' j
L Both ( Mr. and Mrs.; Dorsey en
joyed', the Informal : anniversary.
Dorsey, 7 4, Is. active, and: Mrs.
Dorsey, who la two years younger,
has for more than two years been
an invalid hut Is Jolly and des
cribes herself as "comfortably
sick." ;
- Born On Where Resides
Dorsey was born in 18 2 on the
farm where they reside and Mrs.
Dorsey was born in Iowa! and
came with her parents to New
berg when-12 years old and sev
en years later to Webfoot. They
were married i In Dayton; Novem
ber. 28. 1886. Mrs. Dorsey was
Miss Hulda Hutchens before her
marriage. - ? - -
They have three children, Au
gust . Dorsey -r Of Klamath : EJls;
Mrs. Orr C." ' Goodrich and , Mrs.
Clair J. Reid.- both of Dayton.-
-Mrs. Goodrich -and Mrs. Reid
were hostess for their parents
and served refreshments to the
many friends j who offered - con
gratulations and gifts of love.
Miller Funeral
Is Set Thursday
CLOVERDALE, Dec. 1 Funer
al services for Andrew Jackson
Miller, 79. who died suddenly
Monday morning at the farm
home here, will be held Thursday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the
Rigdon mortuary In- Salem.;
Miller was born In Marion conn
ay at the Seiwer-Looney settle
ment near Ankeny Bottom, Sep
tember 4, 1867. At the "age of sev
en he moved with: his! parents, to
Turner, in which vicinity he has
since lived with the exception of
sit years spent in eastern Oregon.
He was married September 4,
1897. to Nellie Cook, also a mem
ber of a pioneer Oregon family.
. t Surviving are the widow, two
sons. Walter, and Freda brother,.
xJi lR. Miller of Stayton and. two
sisters. Nancy Dancan, and EUen
Quesnel both ' of -,Lps Angeles.
Mfller had lived on (he parin here
since a 9 0 8v: ' : v S-ii-.
i " - - j
Poster Making : la. Main , . ..
-llrbpic Tor:Teacner ' in i
T Sessionat Mtl Angel
. --J. V - j- V : ;vv
, MT. ANGEL. Dec lThe local
teachers club met in St. -Mary's
school Monday night for Its first
Tegular meeting. . The club 'now
numbers 11 members, with Mrs,
Irma - Le Rlche county - health
nurse, the -newest member. .
r .The meeting last night was con4
fined .to-, the- making and 'discuss
ing of asters. Wood carving wiH
be taken up next. The -next meet
ing will be- held December 14 and
will; take the form f an Informal
Christmas, party. 4 Names - were
drawn and eschmeaibeC will brin
a gift for the person whose name:
ho trvw.: ' s i- y ; , -
-PShepheisjVisit I--'
f:. 8C&ttS MILLS, Dec.-i' 1 7Mr. -and
iMrs. .Frank Shepherd,, of Vis
allaj Calif .V are visiting relatives
la, ther. Scotts -Mills district. - '
Womt3h rPlan
Yule Party
Oregon Christmas Theme
of Gathering Friday at
- Salem Heights
15ALEM " HEIGHTS, j Deo. 1 4-
The Balsm Heights Woman's clab
win meet Friday at 3 p. m. In
the dining room ot the commun
ity club house for the; Christmas
meeting. Mrs. Lester i Pearmlne,
domes tie science teacher In the
Salem : high school "for several
years, will talk on "An Oregon
Christmas. Practical suggestions
for a Christmas dinner! using Ore
gon products will be j given, jpl
members are urged to bring Ideas
for gifts that are heme-made, in
expensive and using things grown
In Oregon as much asi possible
. The Little Garden dab will fir.
nlsh the Christinas decorations.
Mrs, Charles Sawyer la! In charge
of the program and the tea com
mlttee is Mrs. D. D. Craig. Mrs,
Jess CampbelL Mrs. Jay Morris
and Mrs. Stannard. All womon of
the community are invited to At
tend. : :' .
. Gardeners To Meet
The Little Garden clab will be
entertained at a Christmas par
ty by Mrs. Charles Sawyer and
Mrs. H. 8. Glle at the' Gils home
on ( Boulder Knoll Thursday af
ternoon of this week. The metn-
bsre are expected to bring Christ
mas decorations and -gifts,
nt the
sert luncheon at 1:30 p. m,
Miss Ruth Chapman spent
Thanksgiving holidays I at .the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. N. Chapman. Ruth Is teach
ing school in Sherwood.) !
All teachers and pupUa of the
Salem Heights school ire bufey
preparing a Christmas program
and expect to give It December
The community club Isl sponsor
ing a pie social for the young peo
ple of the community Wednesday
night at the community! hall.
program and good time 'is belhg
School Patrons
Slate Gathering
Book Display, Oyster Feed
Among Features jFor
Thursday Mee
JEFFERSON. Dec. 1 f he reg
ular meeting of the Home Schiol
organization will bs held; Thurs
day night at the schoolhouee. Mtrs.
E. B. Redmond is in . charge ot
the program. The topic 1 "Wor
thy Homer Membership -" and
speakers will deal with (various
phases of the subject. Same of
the new children's books Iwill j be
on display. An oyster supper will
be served edrlier In the venlag.
Weekend guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cla-k were
Mr.' and Mrs. Willard Hqlm and
Mr. Holm's brother Jack Of Seat
tle. They are former neighbors
of the Clark family when they
lived at Red Oak, Iowa. Mr. 4d
Mrs. Ed . Horegan of 'Davenport.
Iowa, were; also guests bf the
Clarks last week. Horegsln hi a
mortician In Davenport.', j ,
The women of , the ' Christian
church .will hold. thlr annjual ba
zaar . and chicken dinner j Satur
day, December. 19. i f
ttarrlsee Entertain; f .
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harris pn
joyed. a ' family gathering and
Thanksgiving, dinner atl tleir
country home northwest 6f here
Thursday., i j "
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ry
Wade and Gary of Portland; Mrs.
F. E. Costa and children, Patricia
and Geraldlne of San Francisco,
Calif.; Miss Lorraine Ellis hnd
Milo Harris of Tllamookj Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. " Whltesea K (and
daughter Leona ot Detroit; Mrs.
Carrta TTarrla anrt man Ttrib. iMr.
and Mrs. pallia Harris and sons.
Robert, Wade, Wayne ana
ford Harris, and the hosts,
and Mrs. J. A. Harris.' i
Mr. and Mrs.' Raymond W
and son "Junior have raovjsdj' to
Troutdaje where Wilson Wiq be
Nurjsery company where he jwas
formerly employed until coaling
eo Jefferson last summer.
i'Ic Tves For Mines
. HUBBARD; Dec. ; lMf. and
Mrs: Robert OXeary and son Bob
by left Monday for ' their!
home in 'Gold Hill. - near
iO'Leary . Is engaged fn gold
log. 0Leary -: was formerly em-
pipyea m. me Heajw v nie -rerrr
Ice store here.--.- --f-V'- ' ' ---:..
- - '- :-; - - f -i
jMr, llson
Six mounted photographs, size'.;-. .
J 3x5 and one 8x10 platinum tone
: .: .j
Settlement of the San TVandsco and Kast Bay grocery warehouse strike was sua opening wedge towards
settlement of the; coastwide maritime strike, observers believed. Eight hundred striking warehouse
Men returned to work, relieving a serious pre-holiday food shortage tension. International Illustrated
.... News Photo Ml ' ; i.-, . it, . A- ..:) ,t.
E. T. Evans Dies;
Rites Are Today
Monmouth Man Is Noted
.For Horse Breeding
and Awards -
MONMOUTH. Dec. 1 E. T.
Evans. 79. died Monday at the
family home after a brief illness.
He was born . September 2.1877.
at Llanidloes Montgomery. Wales.
and came to America at the age
ot 21. He joined and served for
three years in the United States
navy. In 1893 he came to Wood
burn where he farmed for six
years, prior to moving to Polk
county. The family home has been
s mile south of Monmouth on the
west side highway for the past 27
Mr. Evans was one of the most
prominent stockmen of this part
of the Willamette valley, build
ing up a string of . registered Per
eheron horses unexcelled in this
section of the westj His Maple
Grove Sensation, a noted stallion,
has repeatedly taken champion
and grand champion awards at
Oregon state fair and Pacific In
ternational Livestock exposition.'
He also owned a fine dairy herd
of -Jerseys. :.'; j-."' I , '
Leave FVar Children
His first wife died in 1930, He
was married In 1934 to Mrs. Elis
abeth Sellers of North Bend, who
survives. Surviving also are four
children: . Stanley., Evans, Port
land Mrs. Walter!- E. . Smith,
Brownsville;. Mrs. Romeny Rob
inson, Dallas; and Everett Evans,
Monmouth, also six. grandchildren
and one' brother, W H. Evans of
Junction City, . .
; Funeral services will be held
Wednesday at one p. m. here. In
terment will be made In Belle
Passe cemetery, Woodburn." - r
Carnival Slated
AMITT, Dec. l.-The annual
carnival of the Amity union high
school' will be held Friday night
at the school' building A free
program will be presented. The
usual games, booths' with awards
will take place. A smoker will be
held in the gymnasium.
Miss Helen Groves of Salem
and the Misses Dorothy and Mar
tha . Groves, who; are attending
the Northwestern Bible . school at
Eugene, spent the Thanksgiving
vacation here at the home, of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Groves. ,
" Ray Parks Is critically 111 with
pneumonia at his home on "East
Nursery street. i-j .-
Leases Restaurant - . ,
, Bert ' Ilumbafger" of Tortlahd
has leased the restaurant on
Trade street formerly operated by
J. R. Snodgrass and moved his
family here, last week. Humbarg-'
er. Is having the place remodeled J
Mr." and Mrs.- A. Johnson of
San , Francisco-: spent Thanksgiv
ing ; week . hers af - thehome-'
,Mr,. and; Mrs. r' Charles Waniess.
Mrs, Waniess and ' Mrs.- Johnses:
re- sistersv"' .r.r.----s! j.
.- -f . y
Food Shortage Eases in Partial Peace
Grangers' News
TALBOT, Dec. j 1 The Ankeny
home economics club gave a 600
party at the grange hall Satur
day night. High scores, were won
by Miss Hene Bllnston and jA. E.
Cole. Consolation went to Albert
Vories. Supper was served.
Brush , College grange will meet
at the Brush College schoolihouse
Friday night. f i
Frank Daveys Improve
Following j ninesses;
Are at Domagall Home
SILVERTON, Dec. 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Darey are both show
ing some Improvement from a
serious illness of ; last week. Mrs.
Davey was taken suddenly . ill
from a heart attack Thanks giv
ing day. Mr. Davey became crit
ically, ill from Influenza. ;
. They are at the home of. their
daughter, Mrs. E. A. Dompgalla
on Pins street, t ; i
Charles Homer Visits- ;
' RICKEY;- DeCi l.--C h k"r 1 e's
Horner, of j Condon has been,' the
guest of, his -brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Chester; Hor
ner. Mr. Horner lived here when
a boy. Mrs. Horner (Cressle Han
saker) who died a few days ago,
was also well known here. ; - -
. . . . t -.:.: ' : '?,..' ; . . . v -
yMB"0syym ;
II:- I v ,.;r'-'j-. : v:t:-:s - r. ,:: enr r r r rn di irih v i t
II -
3;e- . r-.--ciq;c f ,.' : V- i ;..
iHx:--:X ..:.-.e?'pi 'rs-.: ,V.k...-';. -ry.'J
Halt Island Men
At State Border
. GRAND ISLAND, Dec. 1 -Peter
Jenson and Charles Berger, . vsbo
left recently on their way to Cal
ifornia where, they expected tq te
employed, traveled only as fat as
the California line when they were
stopped. They were not permitted
to -enter the state, due to the lack
of an unsuf icient amount ot funds
on their person. -
College students who enjoyed
the Thanksgiving "vacation! In
their respective homes included:
Mildred Will, daughter of Mr. bnd
Mrs. Roy E. Will, who is attend
ing the University of Oregor at
Eugene, and Lorene and Russel
Tompkins,- students at Willamette
university,-and daughter and son
of Mr. and Mrs. Norton Tompkins,
i Morton. Tompkins of this dis
trict was one of the main speak
ers of a Founders' . Day : meeting
of the Linn county grange JielcT
near Albany Saturday. He spoke
on Founders Day and what that
particular grange had .meant : to
its district. That grange was or
ganised 62 years ago and is still
meettar in' the' same . grange hal:
J e Jefc Marriage-Permit
T I DALLAS,. Dee. 1. A marriage
license was- Issue d by ; County
Clerk' Graves to Pearl O. Black.,
legal, farmer of route- one; Inde
pendence, and.. Georgia Sawyers,
legal, Independence, housewife, j '
Asst. Manager ;
State i Officers
: At CDA Meeting
Degree Team of Mt. Angel
Assists ' In 'Taking
in Class of 14
The Catholic Daughters of Ba
lem. Court CaplUl City No. 245,
hel Initiation services In . the Wo
men's club room on North Cot
tage street, Sunday afternoon with
the efficient degree team of Mt,
Angel in charge.'
A banquet was held In SL Jos
eph's hall at f o'clock which was
attended, by state officers ot th
C. D. of A., clergy, visiting court .
members from ML Angel. Eugene, .
Portland, St. Paul and Woodburn -as
well as Knights ot Columbus
and friends -
- A program was given with Mrs.
Claire Brabec, grand regent, of
Court Capital. City, chairman, and '
Miss' Ann 'Dunn of Portland, past
state regent, acting as toastmis
tress. Talks were given by Mrs.
C Wilhelm from Eugene state re
gent, Fr. Reedy, chaplain of Court
Capital City, Fr. Bernards, pastor
of St. Joseph's church and other
short talks by grand regents and
new members. Vocal numbers were
given by Margaret Thompson and x'
Lawrence Alley. .. i
14 Are Initiated
1 The following members were
Initiated Into the Catholic Daugh
ters: Lois De Jardin, Adele Amort.
Margaret Thompson, Sylvia Hoff
man, Mrs. M. Thompson, Mrs.
Gentskow, Marian Cole,, Christ I-
na Kronenberg, Josephine Vande
covering. Mary Hearrahill. Mar-,
garet Simon, Annie K. Smith,
Mary Stupfel, and Ernestine
TThe state convention of the
Catholic Daughters will be hold
in Salem in April. ;
Funeral Arrangements
4- Incomplete For Loux,
Who Passes Suddenly
SILVERTON, Dec. 1 Funeral
arrangements have not yet been
made for Andrew J. Loux, 72, wno
died Monday afternoon suddenly
while cutting wood on the old
Frances Dunigan ranch ten miles
east of Silverton. Word Is being
awaited from relatives. Arrange-
ments are In charge of Ekman's.
.1 Loux was born in Illinois and
came to Silverton seven months
ago. Survivors are tour children,
Ralph E. Loux of Scotts .Mills,
Floyd Loux of -Vermillion, South
Dakota; Mrs. Julia Heath of St.
Louis, Mo.; and Mrs. Sylvia Nel
son of Custer, Mont.
. Guests ' at Clatskanie
ELDRIEDGE, Dee.' 1. Local
folks here th, weekend guests ot
Mr.- and Mrs. -R. W. 'Nusom and
Mr. and Mrs: 'G. W. 'Thurmon at
therThumiott.home near Clatska
nle were Mr. and -Mrs. Pearl Pat
terson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Henrv C
Stafford,-Mr. and- Mrs. Albert
Glrod and Mr. and .. Mrs. Allyn
Nusom. ' T v'- - ; .
Ol sVU lis;
t -
V "-
i V-