t - , ll p' ; jell Br P H 0 asunuBssnmnnnn i :v Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 I Classified Adrertisiag Single Insertion per ltac Kte Three Insertions per tin 1 3c Sir Insertions per line Stfc On month per lino $1.00 Minimum charge ,,..25c Copy for this nare accepted until :38 the evening before pubHcutton fori classification Copy received 1 irur this time will be run inwlw tli: heading. Too Late to CUf siry.-. The Statesman assumes no fines, rial responsibility for errors which mar appear la advertisements pub lished In Ita oolumna, and la eases ' where tbla paper la at fault wfll re print that part af aa advertleement la which lha typographical mlatake occurs, - The Statesmaa reserves the right ta reject Questionable advertialn. It further ruaives the right to place all advertleins under the proper clasalftcsUosv ' Help Warned Female"! WOMAN COOK for restaurant, 427 Ferryj --nsvJu.. .. y -. - j.-u-u-ja - -nj-j-j- WOMAN for general housework. Must be good cook. No children. Box , 47. Statesman. Situations Wanted STRONG BOY, IS years old, capable , of milking cows, trained to work on farm, i wants Dtace to work and sro to achoot eighth grade. 1714 S. Utah. Call for Lester Davis. - i - : . YOUNG MAN wants position with future! promotion possible with respon sible bUBinena firm. Capable, willinS worker. Will make personal applica tion. References. Write Box 45, States man, j ! YOUNG Man, business student, needs part time work, i'booe 6179. PRACTICAL Nuralnc Call 4 ST. 8. For Sale-Miscellaneous j GOOD APPLES 250-BOe pu. Bring; boxes.) Dally except Sunday. 2(0 S. Summer. TeL 2402. ADOINU MACHINES, easn rest term, typewriters sold, ranted, swapped. Expert' repair service, moderate prlcea Roen Typewriter Exe. 42 Court. CASH OR trade tor used fumlwn ranaea, beaters, radios, machinery. tools, etc. Woodrr and Weodry. auc tioneers, pnone s-l-l-e. Hie n. sum mer In Hollywood, -o-,-,-,'Wfirnrirui.n.ru CUT; FLOWERS and pot plants. Jay Horns, norm, mono if 17. : FOR SALE Good table potatoes. SL35 cwt. Hayes Warehouse, Brooks, Ore. Phone 7FZ. Salem. DRINK AND enjoy pure apple Juice, i Fresh dally. .Made from sound, ripe, washed apples, Puritan Cider Works, .West Salem. - APPLES. STRAW, sheep, fertiliser. Mrs. w right. hi ml wauace KU. RANGE AND small heater, cheap. TeL 6JZ. J. A. Ilemlnrton. RADIANT WOOD beater, 507 N. 19th. j ' L- i COMBINATION WOOD worker. A-t condition, also small "motors.1 1125 Edxewater. , . .:i -. BEATTIFCL MAHOGANY Claren don piano, sacrifice for cash. 1125 S. "UNTV, ELEC ran re, trood as new. elec. beater. Cheap. TeL 5125. COMBINATION WOOD. coaL gas range. Fine cond. Price reasonable. TeL 474L . i j. SALE t WKS. old Shepherd pup- plea. TeL 25F14. 40 LB. FAT bos. Wjllla Caldwell. TeL IF! 1. 12 FT. BIRKENWALD meat case. FTiKidaire compressor, si leer, scales. ' Court St- i RADIO FOR SALE lS-TUBE R. C. A. VICTOR cabinet model like new. Repossessed baL due. 131.45. Terms 25 down, 4 month- ly See Mr. Jans, Geo. C. Will Music fctore, Salem. 2,ireaUnx Stoves. bed 815 N. Winter esaSseMsasaasatsspssaweaWseasaaaaaBel Clrculatlna Heater and Ranee, cheap. 1030 Jefferson St. FOR SALE GILT. 290 Iba. f 26.00: Boy's? Bicycle, 25; trailer, $5. needa tire. E M. LJtrsen. K4. Box J3. 4 mU So. Pac. highway. - ' - i i ,-ir-i - nr iiar nj-un 23 Rifle, nearly new. 151 No. 13th. FOR BALE- 9225 Marimba, . like new, f 60.t 13S5 Broadway. ? WOOD RANGE, heating stove, kitch en cabinet $2.50 : bookcase, chairs, bed springe, odd tables. 24 S Marion. j Wanted Miscellaneous , eSssaBBBaeBBeBBBBBmmmmaaamvBaBaBBBaas WALNUT MEATS ae walnuts to sneiL any ouarultr state Cafeteria. ree We pick p Ml and wortb- less hAraea-rows ' aheep Tel 4 1 ft WANTED 1000 Xmas Treea Must be good trees; standing: all sixes. Call SfcSJ. Iowell Kubler, RL 2. Box zer. Salem. j Miscellaneous COLD STORAUS locltera. Ramage'a 110 N. Liberty Pnone 3761. MIRRORS resarered. 807 N. 19th, N. 19th. j " Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture: Canltal Hardware A Purnttnre Co. 886 N. CemmercUli Pbone 7646 For Rent Rooms DESIRABLE SLEEPING room. close In, Private entrance, TeL 8977. SLEEPING RM. for mas, 252 Union. j ADVEItTtSINU VTestern AdrertUlng RepresenUtlres Finger-Hall Co. Ltd. Saa FriarxM. tim Asgelea Seattle Eastern AdrerttslatT RepresenUUrer Bryant. Urimtb A Branson, laa. , . Chicago. New . York. Detroit, . i Beaton. Atlanta watered ml tkm Po(orfce St Salem Orvooa. ma Sseoad Ctoam Mttr. Ps- Haae4 ewery momine eeeep Af Baina eflee 216 Aeal C'emmereio Stvewft. 3 - - -. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Man Subscription Ratea. ta Advance, Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, 1 r!62?W Jll"iL'l$eA tm; with two lots. iil II se rr.Tr to .dvanee. Pe Cony 3 cents. Newa Stands 6 coats, By City Carrier t 46 cents a month II Mar la sewam ' For Keni Kooma N For Sale Used fJars for Sale -Uaecii "jars m tor oaie -usea Ufa -I f ror oaie usea un i for oaie usea -Lars f uor oaie --useu sara SLEEP R. for ladies. 115 N. Winter. WHS. h. k. room. KOjtDivtaion. MODERN ROOMS, hot and cold vra- tar. $55 Chemekefta. TeL 3633. LARGE KM. for 2. twin beds, break fast, near atate bldga. 359 Center. i. - Room and Board - BD.. RMJsif cor. & CottVL and Bel. levue. . ; I . ' i BOARD. ROOM for 2. Close In. Tel. 77 SI. .-., -- i. . GIRL TO share room and board. 818 me. 313 a KUu i 1 For Kent Apartments S R. FURN.. fat floor. 112 Waller. 2 ROOM -APT., private bath. 4(2 State St. TeL 287. . . 2 ROOM PURN. 11T2 N. Fourth. rVTUi. APT, 232 ft. Water. FURN. APT. Adults only. 2455 State. APT. FOR Udar. Ret, 042 Union. NEWLT FURN. apt-; adults. 521 N. Church, i j APTS. 244 a ICottase. Mudd. FURNSHED apartment Dec 5. Cloae to State grounds. Call 242 Che- meketa. 1 . I 2 It. furn. 1st floor: garage.. 1047 S. CommerciaL 'j 2 R. unfurn. apt. with Maytag. 1420 Ferry. i 2 ROOM furn. I apt. ; private bath, TeL adults; :5. 590 N. Summer. 4494. !l . For Rent Houses i 1 ONE-ROOM FURN. house. 8140. 4 R. HOUSE on N. Cottage, bath. basement, furnace. 25 month. Ph. 2389 or call at 255 Center. R U MODVHOUSEn2?JLberoonL basement, furnace. Near state office bide- TeL 3840. j SUBURBAN HOME to rent. Inquire 1349 Waller St. after p. m. AVAILABLE DEC 5th, R. bouse. mod. except baseroenL Inquire 1290 Fir. t ! S R. FURN. 25j Inq, 1465 MUslon. VhOUSES, INQUIRE 1592 Court street. i BEAUTIFULLT SITUATED mod. 5 R. house. South of city. TeL 10F11. DUPLEX 4 R.. ATTIC priv. bath. $20. at 40 Division Inq. 396 S. Slstfl 4 ROOM HOUSE.! 155 & 19th. 5 ROOMS stricUy modern, in fine condition; $25.00. C M. Irwin, 443 Ferry St- phone 4 63. R. modern boaae: $35 per mo. Duplex hse. $20 and $26 per mo. Rich I. Reimann. 167 & High. Dial 8632. HOUSE. TeL 458:1. Inq. 1600 State. For Rent SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, 633 Cberaeketa. i DESK SPACE, la j life Insurance of fice. Puoae 2962. - ' " ! OTOICELT LOCATED 2nd floor mod. 4 rm. furn. apt. Nice private en trance, rear stairs to basement, fze mo. Water furn. No small children or dogs. Inquire 145 Ej Millet ROOM, board, laundry. $5 wk. 2 R. furn. apt. 2163 State. Hospital be! antl wreelrrjUr to int. H. 1 Stiff rumftor Co. Office rooms tor sent. 211 State L Tel 2712- : - :1 For Sale Real Estate BKLCREST SECTIONS or lots be low cost W. R. Wmslow, R, 1, Jeffer son. Fa. 4IF4. ij : CHOICE LOTS ON PAVED at, S500 wfll finance tw bomee up Co 40 or cost on long term paymeats. W. U. UUABENHOKST et VUk . 124 a Liberty St. 1 1680 WILL, BUT a nice cottage. Urn Sat and cood condition. Furolahed aee. xirepiace, narawooa floor, renter lot. S2000.00. terma $ room modem new nouse in sooa condition, $2300. term a i ? j. at. ussLaJs Phone $722 I 2075 Center. Honrs rMit- (21 Court. Tel 7723 STORE BUILDING, with 2 apart mental sacrifice leaving city. ; nz Edgewater. i i; ' ' WONDERFUL VIEW property, 5 R. bowse, furnished on Klngooa Heights, price $2700 terms. i Nice suburban noma to traae sor Salem. - - j ! . 4 R. mastered house near new; nign school for I lees, oo terms. VOSBUEUH-GRANT Masonic Bids. . .. i , ties cash WILL inur a 4 R. bouse on a good lot 50x100 feet. No, it Is not a mistake, the total price Is $300 $2660. 7 K. plastered bouse in gooa condition. $ lots, all ta fruit, paved street, ctoee in, $500 down. . M&0. 1 Vh wulKUng site. Close in ea paved road. $160 down, balance $114 mo. . . j . tjnaa. K. LCOOia fc J. vnuraoen 172 8. Liberty SC Ph. $017. KETS ARB iREADT TO ONE of Salem's finest homea Alt rooms newly decorated. $ well arranged rooms and nook, plenty of built ms. closets, bard wood floors downstairs, double set plumbing; fireplace, full basement, furnace and Iaunsry trays, double garage, rm corner lot on prom inent street, paving and wane in ana paid, nice lawn, shrubs and flowers. Price $4700, cash $loso. bau uxe rent. If you want a good nome, see, wis today. . If CHILDS MILLER, Keaitors 244 State SL .; Pbone $70$ SUBURBAN HOME 12 ACRES. PAVED road. miles out, good ( room bomej large barn, ben house, garage, woodheuse and laun dry. 2 .acres filberts. X acres cherries. variety ox otner xruita, j au rurmsnings Including new electric i range. Frigid- atre and water beater. Take au at oniy 4500. . I. ... -i . ..r - SEK mt. waiter wicn ii CHILDS A M1LLKR. Realtors 244 State Street - I Pbone 6708. GOOD $ RM. house, Just being fin- famed. mL from city illmlts, bus ser vice, easy term " I i , See me a boot Building trans, s.e down and $5.00 per mo. i - Two extra good buys in small rarma If (f s real estate. SEE ! IL C. Shields Oregon Bldg. Ph. $902. ACRES. NEW bouse, fine location. $200.00 down. baL terms. ' J. Lincoln Ellis. 2061 State. it , j $2tM A house close la on Center St- which la maoe into two apart- menta. - :! $2000 f-room bouse on Market I AH of theee are very good buys. Keasonaete terms o "jent party. ftJ.pn5l sii 42$ Oregon Bldg. . Phone $1JL YOU CAN BUY A USED CAR ANYWHERE BUT THE BETTER CARS ARE AT IS ESSEX SEDAN FORD COACH 243 PONTIAC KKDAM 28 CHEVROLET COACH 20 DURA NT SEDAN 2 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 21 CHEVROLET COACH 31 HUDSON SEDAN 33 CHEVROLET COUTH 34 CHEVROLET COACH 34 CHEVROLET COUPE 36 CHEVROLET 6TD. SPORT 33 LaSALLE SEDAN 36 ISAIJJS SEDAN , Better Cars - - - Written Guarantees Liberal Trades - - - McKtay Chevrolet Co. $23 Center - Phone 3189 Open Evenings HERE iTHElfj AR! i oo3 o (Uourtesy Uoars WE HAVE 5 TOURING 4 DOOR SEDANS Trunk Equipped, Radio, Dual High Speed NOW!! $150 TO $260 REDUCTION Select yours eatly . . Your Netv Car Rates on Balance ATTENTION CONTRACTORS: 1935 V-8 DUMP TRUCK completely equipped . . . A-l condition throughout $70$ i Valley Motor Co. Open Evenings Tel Rand. XIK1 or Kr Center and Liberty Pbone 316$ - - For Sale Real Estate I TIMBER $0 A. good;; 5 R. semi-modern house ; 15 A. cleared: balance large second growth saw timber. Price $4200. Phone 6580. - i LOTS from $17& and up. Also a few U acre and acre tracts left. Some bo down payment if you build ; baL monthly. Some a small cash down payment. Hav 4 -room and bath, gar age, close m ; immediate possession, $1450; $400 cash. For bargatna see F. Grlepentrog, 11940 -McCoy. TeL 4964. ! NOTICE . , . 10 room, well built modern house right In' town. Both lower and upper floor. On a corner lot 105x110. Ail well rented. I Will show by appoint ment only. Price $7800. Terms, Phone 6630. T 20 A. close in ; east of Salem ; $ R. house ; new barn ; good cow ; hay and grain and some furniture. Price $4250. Terms. Pbone 5580. TOU cannot duplicate this in Salem. A strictly modern 7 r. bouse with lots mt bntlt-lns 9 hot water heat : 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch ; very well constructed ; least front ; corn lot ssxizs with fruit and nut trees; N. Salem; price $3600 ;i $1300 cash; balance $25 per mo. Lutings wanted. Rich L, Reimann, 167 & High. Dial 8632. 12 A. close In: east. Good h andbarn: fruit and filberts. Price $5250. Phone 6580. S R. modern house. N. Salem; $1800 $200 down, i Phone 6580. I Exchange Real Estate FARMS NEAR Philomath, Stayton, West Stayton, Turner, for Salem city. J. Lincoln Ellis, 2061 State St. For) Sale Farms ) FOR SALE or rent, 240 A. stock ranch. 120 A. cultivated. Water. Fen ced. Fair Mdgs. 645 Ferry St. s IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Ct9 A well! located 10 acre tract, few miles N. of Salem on paved highway, small set buildings, like new. Well wa ter, electric lights. 2 acres berries. Price $2700, cash $700, bal. terms. SEK Cltiiord naroia witn i CHILDS Sl MILLER, Realtors 244 State St ) Phone $70 8 29 A. ( ml west of Woodburn: new S room bouse : small barn : stock: and tools ; good soil ; all cult. $3500. r 35 A. 9 mL from Baiem ; mags, aii new; ( room house, bath, lights, large barn; S A, Umber; 5 A. strawberries, 33400. ' I k A. mL! rrom scnooi. z mi. east oi dty: good sou; $650. lit A.- iu mt from Monmoutn: 7 room house, bath, i large bams, chicken bouse, 10 AJ orchard. 10 A, timber; good soil : $51 per A. - KELVIN JOHNSON, 7ZS COUTt St m . I Phone 2722 1 Acreage ? 1 LABISH GARDENS For IIOO down and balance like rent you can buy 1 fine 1 and ( A. tracts dose to Salem ; lOe bus fare: has some beautiful timber ; will build to suit pur chaser. Rich! L Reimann. 167 S. High SC . Dial 8623.. : f . Wanted Real Estate 1 WANT LISTINGS of low-priced acreage and bomea. J. Lincoln Ellis, 2061 State St-. : . : Business Opportunities t SMAT.L STORE and lunches, living rooms In connection, 'rent $12.60. price $260. Valley Land Co., 270), State. Money to Loan I TOUGH SLEDDING? I Is it going to be tough to do every thing with your next few pays? If It la. well lend 'you the extra cash you need and you lean repay in a. year or longer. - See us today. 1 Second Floor New Bligh Bldg. Rm. 119 618 State St at High St ' Pbone 3740 -j Salem, Oregon Beneficial Finance CcL 'l - of Salem i License S-123, M l 45 ; SOUND INVESTMENT. Good tirat mortgage real! estate loans, farm and city properties. Net Investors ( to H Amounts $500 to $2000. Exam ine security yourself. : . ! 't CHILDS MIIA.KR. MUe. Loans 144 SUte St, Phone $168. 126i 12K a a l fss . lS 156, . . ... a 17S! i a 17& J$ fT5 SEDAN -$ $75 :$itto Low GMjiJC. Terms - - 430 North Commercial and Sundays Heater and One With Old Car as down payment. i . and sunaays i Ol&4r nr Fulton. 1910 - Marion and Liberty Phone 7910. Plymouth ' i 1935 SEDAN 1 I i -100.$$ BELOW BOOKfVAXCE, 260 NORTH COifL ; PH. 2734 ! 1922 FORD DeLUXE i Sedan like new, $200.00, 2142 N. Commercial. SS FORD TRUCK, long! wheel base, A-l condition, TeL 4667, 244 Marion. FOR SALE or trade '2t model se- daav -good condition. - See i It at Tew Park garage, 696 & 12th. St, T ' - . SALE '27 CHEV. 4-dr sedan, ex. cond., neater and trunav tines iute new, $sa. sio N. uoerty sc. Apt x. Money to Loan 1 MONEY Bl an tndeoendent local i corporation en planes, musical Instru ments, automobiles, furniture, live stock and endorsed notea New tow rates 1 to 20 months to repay. General Finance, Corp. Phone 916S I Lie. 8-128. First Nat'L Bank Bldx, Salem. Ore. Federal bousing mans title 2. build or refmance homos or bumness prep. Low rate, Abrams A Ellla Maaonle Eb PRIVATE LOANS for aatomobtlea. New low ratea, Key BL Stntmoas, First National Bank Bldg. Lie. $-152. STRICTLY Hion grade mortgage Low Inteeeat. No commission. Ladd A Busb Trust eompany. Loans Wanted wanted ea rani and city Before becvowisig. irta , tnatre at Hawkme dt Roberta 1 Livestock and Poultry ) FOR SALE Jersey cowi be fresh In few days, 1710 Lee St j i SALE or Trade for grain, jhay or wood, good gentle young jcowScomln fresh in January. 1110 & 22nd. On Airport road. j i 1 For Sale Wfrod T"l 4- PHONE B. FENWICK. kltl tor dry SssaSssjejsssjjsjsaajsjnjejna WOOD. TEL. 4SF14. Smtth-Rnbena, ALL KINDS good woodL Tel 4667. jwasaj0njse4ehaa WOOD. ALL kinds. Tel, 9227. ALL KINDS of good dry wood. TeL XIS4, I WOOD JUDD. TeL 12?F$. 16 OLD FIR, $bA0. 2nd. $6. TeL 0450. CAUL HOBBS. wood saw. T. 8088. "SaaSsjsjSaSbasejeeteen WOOD. PRICK right TeL 2330. SPECIAL THIS week 16 in. old fir. alder, maple, $&4( cd. Pbone toie. PLANER ENDS BLOCK WOdD Salem Box Cq. Telephone 91B9 Order new while the supply lasts DRT. see. , srrowth. drr slab 10-ln. O. FL, 10-ln. mni 4)lock planer wood. Call (633. ; Fred E. Wells. DRT Wood ; all kinds. TeL $5(0. seeeatasaaassseaesSaeasssSstsaaeaeni ALL kinds of wood, reasonable. 239$ N. 4th St. - Phono Weathers, 49. Wood Sawing I WOOD SAWINa Phone 1I2FS. WOOD SAWING , reasonable. TeL 8290.' ; - 'f. ,j : -: j 1 " UUAKA.NTtEO UKt wood et TeL 6000. SaWm Puel Co. . Trade , m Oottage. ;, .i " t- Lost and Found i LOST 4-WKS. old white SpigirCan 99F14. Reward for return. ' ' -asaaaeaaeaWWSa' WILL party taking navy blue coat from Cryntal Garden by mistake piease phone 39F33. LOST Red f rln crocheted Shawl. I between Canlan'a store and McDowell market. Leave at McDoweu'f aiarxet. HOUDAY SPECIALS 192$ Ford Da Luxe Sedan, low mileage, far above average In used trans portation - j ; ;,. $628 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe,- low mileage, whits aidewaUa. radio and heater . 881 1935 Oldsmobile 2 -door Sedan, built-in trunk, low mileage. A-l condition T2S 1928 Ford DeLuxa 3 -door Sedan, driven only 12.00 mllea, perfect condition (15 1935 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, low mileage, a fine car in every way . 546 1936 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, low mileage. Tbla car has been check In our ear- - - j vice department and O. K.'d - ' ' i . 4$ 1934 Pontlac 4-door Sedan, (-wheel equipped, a K.'d la every way . j 89$ 1934 Dodge DeLuxo Coupe, perfect in every way, low mileage i , 556 1922 Bnlck DeLuxa Sedan, (-wheel equipped. This car has bad tine care 44S 132 -Cher. DeLuxe Coupe. S-wh. equipped,, Here is a real value at . - 3SS 1933 Chrysler DeXjaxe Sport Coupe, (-wheel equipped, rumble" seat ;, . S8( 1931 Buick small series Sedan, formerly owned by prominent local people - M nail arnnjmii , 1 j ... m 193 Oakland Sport Coupe, reconditioned and p' 1 1 215 193$ Chrysler 77 Sedan, (-wheel equipped, hydraulic brakes ., - - 388 1929 Chrysler (5 Sedan, (-wheel eouiooed. hrdraulle brakes 1 245 E Ford Coach, nod nmnlnar ardar 192$ Buick Coach, email aeries, a real value f , - 115 192$ Buick 4 passenger coupe, good condition . - - ' - 165 1927 Chi-ysleir Coach, aa la 192$ Moon Sedan,! aa la 192T Essex Coach, as is 192$ Dodge pickup,. as la Otto J. BUICK SALE8 $68 North Commercial - Ungual Opportunitsf Own a quality car at less than one-third of original cost. Guaranteed mileage only 16,000. LaSatte Se dan, beautiful in appearance purchased new De cember, 1933 ; continually owned by prominent Salem professional man. This car is positively per fect, mechanically, in appearance and alt other de tails. Call Douglas McKay for appointmentsi 3188. McKoay Chevrolet Col I $28 Center Phone 81$$ 42$ North Commercial ! OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAYS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. j In the matter of the! estate ot Veaetla Anns. Stickrier also known as Anna V. Stlckney, de ceased. The undersigned having been -appointed by the County Court ot Lha State ot Oregon for Marion County Administrator of the aforementioned estate; ana haTlngj qualified. Notice is here by given to the creditors, and au persons having; claims against said deceased, i to present them, rerifled as required by law, with in, six months latter the publica tion of this notice to J. P. Apin wali at 2S( So. 16th St., Salem, Oregon. I J. P. ASPDfWALLi 'Administrator of the estate ot Venetla Anna Stlckney, also know, as Anna V. Stlck ney, deceased. Dated Dec 1, 1931. Decj. l-S-lS-2.-29. 1 No 7627 NOTICE OF FINAL- ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon. " 1 '- ' In the Matter! of the Estate ot E. D. SOUTHMAYD, Deceased Notice is hereby glren that the undersigned, Executor of the Es tate of E. Di. Southmayd, - De ceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County his final account and report as Executor of said estate, and that Monday, the twenty-first day of December, 1936, at the hour of ten o clock A. M. of said !day in the county courtroom of the Marlon County Courthouse at Salem, Oregon, has been fixed, as the time and place by said Court; for hearing and passing upon paid final account Business Cards in this directory ran cm monthly basis only. Batet 81 per line per month. Auto Brakes lflke Panek. 27$ South CommerciaL ( Antomobile Glass NEAL GLASS A Mirror Co. 118 & CommerciaL Phone 7656. E Brushes PULLER BRUSHES. So. Side. Tel. 6714. 2788 Brooks St. Eve. appoint menta, i : . . tR PULLER brushes, pbone 7382. Building Contractor FOWLER SON& TeL $182. 1 Chimney Sweep . TELEPHONE 448$. B B, Northnesa, FURNACES CLEANED, repaired,. TeL 524A l.i ( Chiropractors "7 DR. a U SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 25 ( N. High. TeL rUa, 87(3 ... 1 Electrical Serriee" BOSLER ElecUie. 24$ State St. Wlr mc. motors, appliance, repairs, service. Excavating Excavating of mU kinds. Basements dug. Dirt aauled ar n.eved. Dirt tor sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Pbone 940$.. iV,,i-H Florists Breltbaapt's, 443 Court. -i Furs DuBAIN Pur Co, blaster Torrters deslgnera. Rm. 14 (Killer Bldg. Laundries TUB NEW SALEM LAUNDRf - THE WCIDE8 LAUNDRT 242 & High i is - . -- TeL ' tll$ CA PITA L CIT LA U N DRT First in Quality and Service Telephone 8165 ; , 12(4 Broadway Lawn Mowers aha mewed. . repaired traded. Ph. -!. Marry w.i aceri. 141 sL CtmVL IN GOOD USED CARS : i 145 (5 T (5 29 25 Wilson A SERVICE - Phone 8(51 and for hearing objections there to, if any there be, and f for the final settlement of said estate. The first publication i of this notice Is on the 17th dat of No rember, 1936, and the last publi cation Is on the 15 th day of De cember, 1936. I ETHAN A, COLLIER, Executor ot the Estate ot E. D. 8 o u t h m ay d, de ceased, j N. 1T-24; D. I-S-15 COMMISSIONER'S COURT I The f otto wins la the official publication of the record of tuaiins before the Marion comity commissioner's court for the November term, 1936. with the amount allowed, bills continued, etc, according; to the records in the office of the county clerk. November Term. 1034 Assessor's office acct,: Depu ties: Paul Griebenow. 115; C. A. Lewis; 100; Alma Ackerman, 100: John Bahlburg. SS. Clerk's office acct,: Deputies: !. C. C Ward, 115; W. S. Lamkia. 115; H. C. Mattson, 110;-A. M. pres- nalL 110: H. A. Judd, 60; L. S. Peterson, 40. Court house acct.: Janitors: J. IL Klrsch. 69.69: W. W. Hill, 69.69; Mark Bak er, 69.69; Alice Dahlen. eierator operator. 34.74; Kay Pllletto. do. 34.74. District Attorney's acct.: Lyle J. Page, deputy, 175:1 Muriel Martin, stenographer. 60. i Health Officer's acct.: E. E. Berg, health officer, 100; irma 8. Lej Rlche, nurse, 119; Ethel Lerxnon. clerk, 66.67. Jail asst: Scott Sterens. watchman, 93.69. Salem Justice Directory E Rlattresses SALEM PLUKr-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sis Ink! fluff ruar weaving. & 12th A Wll bur. TeL (44L OTTO P. Z WICKER. 1$1L . - CARTTOL BKDD1NO CO. Pbone 40(9 Music Stores GEO. C WILL Planes, radios, sewing maehtees, sheet muste and plane stud- tee. Repairing radios, pnenograpns ana wing machines. 423 state ; street. Salem, ! Photo Engraving lalm BhotO) Mtnarlaa 141 - Cam. BBOrclSL TOt. !. I Printing POR STATION ERT. eards. ipampl lets. preaTamsL books or any kind i printing, call 1 he -Statesman Printing Department, 215 8. CommerciaL Tele phone 310L Resilvering NEAL GLASS Mirror Co, 178 So. Commercial. Phone 7(5$. I TSewing Machine Repairs CM. Leatbermaa. t 1(76. 116$ WaOer. Stoves 1 We repair stoves, ranges; etrculatora Sen new and rebuilt stoves, ranges aad circulators, stock fence, oosta. chicken wire. Salem Fence and 8tove Werka 263 Chemeketa. TeL ?!. K. Fleming. I .':r; Transfer wrtn laaU ar distant transfer storage. can 313L Larmer Transfer Co. Truck to Portland daily. i CAPITAL C1T rranster Co. 23( State EL TeL 1178, Distributing, for ward Ins and ttorase our specialtf Oet our ratea ..-.i -j - r-. i- --,- WILLI A34-8 TRUCK Sere. TeL ,8393. Trucking TEX. 3220 ASHCRAFT. WeU PrUling R, A, West. RL $. Bos 44$ TeL rjlOFe' 1 Window Glass NKAL GLASS Mirror Co. $78 CommerciaL Pbone I5$- 136 Ford Deluxe Coiape Low Mileage fn Perfect Shape $50.00 Below NAD A. Booh Price - . Merrall - Oweno Co. "DependabUIty" " . ; 'DOI rGK a 238 S. rrclal - - Court acct: Alma Johnson,-clerk. 75. Juvenile Court acct.: Nona White, probation officer. 109.69. Poor acct,: Boys and Girls Aid society, relief. 25; Rfus C. Hoi- man,' state treas.. malnt. .free emp. buTeau, 134. Recorder's Of fice acct,: Era C. Lenhardt, de puty, 100; Ara C. SOndborg, do, 90: H. C. Schotield, do. 90: Eto- lyn Stewart, do, SO. School supts. office acct:: Cora E.Reld, assist ant, 115; Wayne D. Harding, su pervisor, 120. snerirrs om-e accLi Kenneth Randall, deputy. 124.69: B. R. Smith, do, 119.69; deputies: B. G. HOneycut 109.69; T. J. Brabee, 114.69; AJ M.I Dal- ryraplo, 99.69: L. Ohmart. 110; Glen Sarago. 100; G J. Becker, 100; Ralph. Miller. clerk.!' 66. Treasurer's office a 2CU W. Y. Richardson,; deputy. L15. Eni- neer's office acct.: C. Hubbs. engineer. 149.74: Weiser, clerk. 75. Dog License Fund acct,: H. A. Judd, clerk, 50; Paul Marnach. enf. officer. 150. : Co. Court and Commissi er's Acct.: Leroy Hewlett, salar; 135; Roy Road! DIs A. Toylar, 8. Melson, do.- 135 trict No. 33: E hauling grarel, 35; labor: M. M Booker, 94.23; HarrV Christian. 75.33; Geoi P. Dowilng. 65.57; A. V. Fisher. 87.75; OUrer John son. 34.87; J. F. Beirley, 87.78: Peter Boschowa, 13 9f; John Criesenauer. 22.97; X E. Hen- nies. 79.80: P. E. Jensen. 19.52; Grant Jones. 10.26; JJee A. Wells. 69.61: Joe Zuber, Z7.93;J. P Aspinwall. 134.73: ruff. 91.7; J. F- Bewley. 13.96: O. D. Blnegar. 107.73? C. J. Dressier, 111.86; E. I R. Brown. 2.99; Iran Brown, 1D7.73; iwm. Butte. 77.87; J. B. Chenewth. 69.69: It. H. Corey, 107.73; T. Lv DaTldson. 107.73; F. A. I Dut- ton. 107.73;- Dewey Frledlund, 106.74; R. L- GreenJ 107.73; V. J. Herts. 91.77: J. J. Hollett, 80.73; R. A. Hooper. 107.73; Ray Johnson. 107.73; Oeo. Mahrt, 105.72: James McCormlck 59.S5; Lester Mcllwaln. 45.8; Wm. Mc- Ilwain. 107.73; H. Paulon, 110.71: C. E. Powell. 35.91; J. It. Prange, 53.82; E. J. Richards, 99.74; John Sacre. 80.73; Nick Schab. 107.73; D4n Scharg, SS.T6; L. W. ' Webber, 107.73; Frank R. Woelke. 71.82; W. C. Wooldridge. 91.78; Anton Fes- kins, '107,72; Llotd' Jarmtn, CroSej vbrcl Puzzle ' h h h p V i r ri11 ' 12 ' " i 13 IH T5 17 IS" 27 i Wl Jl 11 1 11 BdH I N By EUGENE SHEFFEB f HORIZONTAL 1 Bishops of Rome (V Barren tract" lZTTaa. Ci.luenTnin Ri larger part of the wee boundary of wha$ statet 14 One of the Dioi quintuplets 15 -Equip ! .. J ! . - 16 What maturaliat eTJeee-eereel two theeey of natural altieT IS like - 19 Symbol for tantalsm 20 Peep ' 21 High in the scale I 22 Being in the most abstract ";- gmiii ' ' i 24 Earth rosed in making pottery 25 Performs - ( . 2ft What lulian $mltew was aaade hief arckitect of St. Peter's La 15147 A , 2ft Who is the Hapsburg pretes- dev te the tbyM e HsnsgarvT Z What English phycian wbe tied in 193 was regarded as the world's foremost authority . ..1,riT 29 Dialect descended from San skrit Sl-Golden yellow S9 Deduces SS Prong, as of an antler 36 Kind of fish 87 Period of time 28 tlgly old woman ea Tmr stlnno1 40 Note of the musical scale 41 Upon 42 Expunged 44 Nothing i-Wmr aft a distarice 47 Feel depressing discontent 49 Property 60 Observed .v-.,.--'-, ' VERTICAL ! 1 What was the real 1 . as - ro. I 2 Who was the lever kff Aaaadls - ,ir...if , . I ; ! : SWProjeetinc piece of wiood to hold ;'.-.:.:. things - 4 For example (abbr. , $Turf : and PLYMOUTH DEALERS ' - - - - - Pbone 31(9. 99.76: Theodore Keunsi, 107.73: Greg Robl. 107.73; Frank Schani- pler, 107.73; Clarence zabei. 478; A. H. Hennles, 134.73; u. L. Brown, 88.77; Harley. Champ. 9.96: Coleman Donahue,- 10.46; aroll Hunt, 10.45; Arthur Mor gan, 12.70; Alria Myers. 1.99 Geo. Nettling. 10.70; Nelson R Rowland. 6.97; Hugh Weob. 14.44: C. C. Stay ton. 20.43; Jos. W. Marcroft, 99.69; Gladys Bar ry,' clerk, 19.87. Indigent Sol dier Relief Acct.: Geo. W. Arer- ett, relief ot Then Alguire, 4.90. Geo. W. Ayerett, relief of Joe. Burch, 10. Miscellaneous Accts. Iren B., Jones, labor, 33.85; M. M. Magee. do,' 79.80; State Re lief Com. of Oreg., care ot poor. 4357.31; Seymour Jones, referee, right of way. 4868.75; baulim. grarel: L. M. Case, 475.92; W. J. Darenport, 244.14; P. A. King. 452.40; C. A. Llbby. 65.88; John Nag, 279.48; Joe F. Ringwald. 401.76; L. R. Tweedie. 551.40: Chat. H. Hoyt. 49.92; Oregon Grarer Co.. grarel, 130.55; H. C. Walling, do. 2431.80; Bosler El ectric, labor and parts, 15.69; A. B. McLauchlan Co., gears, 28.22; Mountaln States Power Co., pow- (Contlnued on .page 10) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby glren that the undersigned, by an order o. the County Court ot Marion coun ty, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 19 th day of No yember, 1936, was appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of JOHN EVERETT CHAMBERS, and that ahe has duly qualified as such All persons baring claims agains said estate are hereby notified tn present the same, duly Termed required by law. at the office ot Carl T. Pope, 413 Masonic Build ing Salem. Oregon, within S'1 months from the date of . t&l ; notice. - . 1 - Date of first publication" Nor. 24. 1936. . DaU ot last publlcatfon Dec. 22, 1936. - EMMA RAMAGB AdminUtratrlz ot the Eestat? of JOHN EVERETT CHAM BERS. . CARL T. POPE. . . -412 Masonic Building, Salem. Oregon. Attorney for Administratrix. N. 24-D. 1-8-15-22. ! $J What Asaerleaa uaval ofScer was the hero of Manila Eay 7 7 Arabian chieftain ; 8 TransgTession v - o n,km name Tor God 10 What is the principal bridge ef ' Voaicer- 11 Examinations. . . 12 What Italian, bay is smeea tor the bounty ef ita shores T 17 True 21 Sprightly 23 Season of the year 24 List of actors . . 25 King in Norse mythology 27 Cavity ; 28 Rowing implements 50 Annoy 1 - 51 Persons of extraordinary si 82 Raised platform, r-. 33 Species of weasel 34 Embarked - SS The ones releTred to . ' . Sft Cutting part of an Instrument 89 Utter peevish expressions 42 Feminine name 43 Lair 44 Insect egg 46 By.. 48 Italian river . Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's puxxle. . -,.-. lie d jC 2 iTiU " - r, ij -: tI lit , . - tti6,er runs si tja-i'n - 1 1 tM t mTT i o 4t " "'n -