Tk OUZGOli STATESMAN, galea. Oregon, Tuesday Horeias, Decesabcr 1, 1S3S Wlkeat Futareg Enjoj TTTV O at EBIiiest iii .6 Years IDIULYHI I ' V ! PAGC EIGHT Active Export Take UnusuallyBig European Mix-Up Also lias Influence in Sending Market Upward CHICAGO, Not. 0.-iff3)-Hl-Mt prices In more than 6 years Accompanied active buying of wheat fat ores here today, large ly reflecting disturbed" European political conditions. Adding impetus to the upward wing of Talnes were export par chases of 2,000,000 bushels of Canadian wheat, making the to tal In the past week about 9,000. 000 bushels, the largest amount witnessed in months. After 14 cents a bushel rise, however, live ly profit-taking sales here caused a moderate late reaction but fail ed to cancel gains entirely. 1 Corn - Unchanged Chicago -wheat futures closed firm at the same as Saturday's finish to higher,' December $1.20- U, May ?1.17. -1.18, July 6714-; corn also unchang ed to up, December $1.05 . May new fl.00 - , July new 9S-; oats at decline to advance, December 45, and rye to 1 cent bulge, De cember JO. Provisions results va ried from 7 to 35 cents gain. Corn,, oats, rye and provisions sympathized with wheat strength. Prices of May new corn equalled . the i old season's high. Rye, as wellj. as wheat, outdid 1 previous top pripe records. No deliveries were announced on Chicago December wheat and corn contracts. T Grains Hold Steady at Portland Mart, Except Corn Which Declines PORTLAND. Ore., Not. 30-UP) Wheat, rye and oats held steady the past week, but corn contin ued to decline, the U. S. depart ment of agricultural economics said today. Malting types of har tley also were described as firm. Flax was "slightly easier." Wheat In , Portland was de scribed as "largely nominal," with Indications that No. 1 soft and i western white around 11.00-1.01 a bushel, sack ad and delivered. Receipts .were light. Restricted trading In grain was due to labor difficulties, the re port said. PORTLaSD, ' On, Kov. 30. (AP) Produce s-ehenge Bet prieea: - Batter E - t r a s , 32 e; atandarda. rim firsta. 82 e; ftrt. 31!c; butter lat. 88-96 e. Eirire U. B. lama extras, S3e; U. 8. a-edi-as extras, 80c Portland Grain PORTLAND, On, Nov. 80. (AP TOuat prieea kit s aev fiigb market far the seaaoa to data for December and May eptioaa. There was a fiaal riae of h December and Vie in Kay. Sale I SOOO baahela waa' Bade in Decem ber. There vaa r-ah price named bat Saturday aome baaineae waa shown in weatera white at $l.ft basis and fl.03 1.00 waa being offered during the day. Wheat: Opea Hirh Lew Clone rVayri.oi4 1.02 l.oifc 1.6a lec. 1.00V 1-01 l.OOa l.OO Today 'a car receipts: Wheat, 1; flour, -S; emta. S. hay, 2. - - Portland Livestock PORTL-XD, On, Kot. SO. (AP) IV. 8. Iept, AfT.) Mors 3500, 1340 Street: market active, moattr steady: ' food to choice 163 215 lb. , drive-ins 10.00-10, few lota and mo.t load lota lo.j-r 225-280 lb. weights 8.50-7S and 130-150 lbs. S.25-75; packing anwa 7.50 15; feeder pig- acarce, quotable ap to .-.. Cattle 3050, calves 100; Art ac tive,; generally 25 higher: best eowe p leas.' aome heifera 85 and more higher: ateer oaality considerably Improved; few load, grain feda 8.0O-S0, beat sraseers ranai 8.00; others mostly 8.5O-7.50; aommoa trades -6.00-0.. 5; few stock ers 1 1.. -(- K f K M f K j eon mus heifers 4.5O-5.50; low cotter and ' fBiwr o ra t., r on mon vo - aaea hiai i grades 8.75-4.50; good beef cows 4.75-5.35; balls 4.73-5.50, vealera stroag to 50 higher, good to choice 8.00-9.00. Hheep 1800, 601 throng and direct; markets ateady; load good to choice SO lb. fed lam ba 7.75; best tracked Iota t. 23-50, eemmoa down to S.OO; odd yearliaga 8.00; wethera ;.00; 2 decks choice aronnd 140 lb. few awea 8.60; ether awea mostly 8.00-25. Portland Produce PORTLAND. On, Nov. 80. (AP) Batter Prints, A grmi; S5e lb. .a parchment wrappers, 36e lb. la ear ioa ; i B grade, parehmaat wrappers. 85e lb.; eartoaa, 88a lb. Biittarfal fort land deliver-, general prtre 4 grade, delivered at least twice weekly 86H-87He lb.; eonntry routes. t4V4-85He; B grade. 8tt-85 Ik.; O grade at market. . U j grade rream ' foi market Baring price, batterfst basis. 83 He lb. -s Kfga Buying price of helesalara. an tra, i82e: standards, 8; extra mediums. 85e; medinna first a, 23e; aader grade, 17e: tpalUta. 1718a. Ckeeee Oregea triplets, 18e; Ore Son loaf. 18 He Brokers wUl pay baow ejaotatioaa. - - Ceaatry meata AelHag piiee te rata it re: Country killed bogs, beat bateeere. ade 160 lbs, ISa lb.; vealers. No. 1. I4e; slight and this. -12e lb.! beery. S ee lb.; cotter cowa. 7-7 Vie lb.: eaa. er news. Vi-7r lb.; balls. Sfe-Se lb.: lamba, 14a lb.; awea, 4-7a lb. Mohair 1987 contracts. 40-42a lb. Cases ra bark Bu ring artee. t99f Seel aVIslk.-' IJe seal try Portland delivery. 1 bay lea nricat Colored nana em 4H Ibe-15-lfta lb.: ander 4Vt lbs. l-17e lb.j Leghera heaa. 11-Ue lb.; Leghora Vroilara, 1 Iba.. 1017a lb- Lecher prints. 13-14e lb.: roosters. 8-9e lb. m Ualoaa Oregoa. POe-81 10 Taklma. S5e eeatal Potatoes Klamath He f, aerainal; wntal. 92-15-2.40. . , Wool 1988, asmisa): Willamette vsf. ley mediam, to lb.; coarse sad braids. ".EG30 -and" .lighest Prices Paid Capitol Dairies : 810 So. Cosuaercial SL j Ealcni, Ore. vjcnerai Mkts. Salem Markets - tirade) B raw 4 per cent milk, Salen basic pool price per bandred. - Ucho bultrrfat price, V. O. B. Salem, 33c IMUS eased ea eeaal mastkly x autiertat averM-) Distributor price tySJSA. A grade butterfat leilT ered, S5cj D grade, deliv ered, 84c : A grade : print, S5c; B grsKle, 84c. Prieea said to growers by Sslens bayers. (Th prices below, sspplied by a fbcsl grocer, are tndicatire of tne any maraei but are not guaranteed by The Statea maau) i rKuira BiyiBg Prices) bananas, lb. pa stalk .08 i 06 Vk hands Cocoa nuts, sack B.60 Craaeerriea. H khl 8.75 te 4.28 Uatea freak, lb -20 te .25 Orspefmit, Florida, box 8.50', Arizona . 1.75 to 2.10 umsom. crate, fancy 8 00 te 1.00 Choice J , S.VO ta 4 23 Orangea Sarela - . fancy , . Choice ,1 S.S0 S.OO .80 4.U0 1.00 Pears, ba. Piaeauuls. fresh, crate Pv-iegraaaUS lug VXGBTA-BUES (Buyiag Prieea) Beets, doa. . , i j broccoli, doa . i Cabbage, lb. , Cabbage, red . i , Cabbage. K ra a t. ' cwt. Chinese cabbage, ersle Carrots, doa. .... ... .28 45 .02 .02 .78 1.40 .25 .85 .85 1.50 .95 .60 .4 60 80 Chard, doa: Csnlillawer, Ore. Xo. 1 crate Celery, crats : ...- Hearts ., , ,' ,.? te Koot. aoi. Cacumbera outdoor rag kadiva. doa. Greens. Mustard, crats tireens. Kale, erata , . , 80 Lettuce, local .. 1.00 to 2.73 California. kd 9.25 te 2.50 Onions rrms Sol 25 Unions Oregoa white. 50 Iba. 1.25 I.5U .60 .40 .40 oa ,10 10 S.OO .85 1.30 .80 .65 Halls Walls sweet Oyster plant, do. .. Radishes, doi. ..... .. Japanese radwhen. . dos. Peas coast of b-ttl lb Peppera. green, t'aiif., lb. . Kvd. lb : Potatoes sew Kn 1 :cw . No. 2, 60-lb. big Potatoes, sweet, Ko. 1 Pumpkins cwt. ' Hpinarh. orange boa Sqaasn Oantsn. dos. .10 te .20 1.00 .75 .40 Hubbard, cwt. .- Peanut, doa. Turnips, doa. Mater crass ... HUTS Walnuta. lb. . Filberts. 1930 crop. lb. .11 ta .18 to -15 H 19 Vi BOPS I Buyiag Pries) Clusters, 1934, ib. Clustera. 19SS. At. .20 H -12 do, 1930. lb .44 .30 .48 Pagglaa. 1935, top. Ik. do. 1930. lb. WOOL -JTD MOHAIB (Buyiag Pries) Mohair .40 .32 .80 Medium wool Coarse wool BOOS AND POUXTBT t Buying Pries ef Andresaas) Eitraa JJ2 i Brown aztraa 410 ; Medium extras j , J29 I Largs standards 419 , Medium standards .23 i Pallets J6 Heaey hens. lb. , , .1ft ' Colored mediums lb. - J4 ! Medium Legborns. Ibi. " .10 Stags. Ib. . Ol, roosters, lb. .; jOO ' Colored fry a. ssr 4 Iba AS Under 4 Iba .18 : White Lefhorns. trys .. .14 Turkeys, lb. ; .18 te .20 MAUION CBEAMEBI bay lag Prieea Lie Poultry. Ns 1 stock Colored bens, pnder 4H lbs. leghorn hens, eter 3V lbs. Leghorn hen, nnder 3 Iba. .14 .10 .09 .11 .13 .11 .08 .05 Jt9 J29 JZ9 .21 J .14 J9 Leghora Broilera Colored apringa, eer 3H Iba. Colored springs, tinder 8 Iba. Roost era .. ,.. j Rejects -, .., , , H i "iii ,, ,. Egga Candled and graded Large e-traa Mediam extras , , Luttge atandarda Medium atandarda Undergtades Pullets Turkeys, dressed .... .IT Is UTESTOCS (Baying Price) Spring lamba 7.00 ta 7.39 Ewes . 9.25 to 2.75 Hogs, top. 150-210 lbgi 10.00 130-150 lbs. 9.25 to 9.50 210-225 lbs. . Sows 9.50 . T.25 to 7.50 , S 50 te 7.50 S.OO to 4.00 4.60 te S.OO . 4.75 to 5.25 . 5.00 to 8.00 8.50 .12 Steers lairy typo cow Heef sows ,. ...,. Bulls , . , . Heifers Top vest Dressed real, lb. Dressed, eors .18 GBAXH AVS BAT Wheat, western red Whits, Ko. 1 - Barley, brewing, toa Peed barley, toa Oat a. milling, ton . .93, - .9J .40 00 .30 00' .28.50 .23.00 . .23 . 3.95 tea. ton Clorerseed, lb. '- , VetsS seed, per 100 : Hay Hnrrsg prices-! Alfalfa, vslley i Ott ad retcb. toa .11.00 9.00 4rer. ton , S.OO ? CASCABA AHS MINT Ca tea ra bark. ib. .08 H Peppermist Oil. Ib. ! 1.75 Stocks & Bonds November 80 J - ' STOCK ATEKAQBS ' ' ' ICompiled by the Associated Press) J 30 15 15 60 i Indent. Rails ma. 82.7 52.7 52.8 42.8 58.7 48.4 44.7 21.8 8teeks 71.6 71.8 71.0 84.0 T3.8 55.7 56.1 84.8 Today U 97.7 Pnt. day 97-8 Month ago 95.1 Tear ago 73.4 193 high 99.S 193S low 73.4 1935 high 74.8 1935 low 49.5 88.9 89.4 41.3 28.8 43.S 80.3 81.2 18.5 MOWD AVERAGES 80 10 10 10 Por'gs ,71.0 71.8 70.8 69.0 72.0 67.8 70.4 65.5 Rails 97.8 97.8 94.8 83.9 97.9 ':. 84.9 87.8 74.4 ladast. 104.1 104.1 103.9 101.8 104.4 101.8 102.2 ! 93.2 TJtil. 102,4 102.5 102.. 99.3. 103 9.S 99.8 84.5 Today Prer. day . Montk sgs Tear ago 1988 high . 1936 low . 1935 kigk . 1935 low . 28e lb.; ' eastern Oregon, 23-24e lb.; eroaabred, 81-38- lb.; 1987 contracts. 80-86e lb. - i " ! ..- -r::.-. Bay Sellinr price to retailers : Al falfa. Ha 1, 817-17.60; ssstsra Oregoa timothy,. 813-18.50 toa; aata and Tetch. $1213; eloTer. $13 ton, Portland. Bops Homiasl: 1936, 40 4-e lb. Oniona Oregon, $1.35-1019 eental; Takima. $1 15 1.23 aeatat 8ugar Berry . ar fruit. 100s. $3.15: bsles. $5.35 1 bast. $5.05 ssataL Domeatie riour Salliag pries, slty delirery 8 to 23 bbL lots: family pat ent. 68s. $5-7.5-: bakara hard wheat. $5.65-7.85: bakarar blueetem. 84.SO-S.25; blended hard wheat, 85.70-7.35; graham. $05: whole wheat. 86.19 Boston Wool BOSTOX. Ser. 30. (AP) (DV 8 Salea wars closed in Boa toa en fine ter ritory wool today.' -.r .. - v Blk average Preack combing length fins territory - wools . I- original bags brought around $ 1,02-03 seoared basis, and balk abort Irtnch combing sold at aronnd $1.00. -.. i - , -.- . ,,.- . . Cable reports to prlrsts concerns la Boston indicated prices is Australia were ' firm and" unchanged - from last I-- - . . k- npsncs k Immi at the openmg of the teasoa ta ITeW Zealand1 on NoTami-, - . ... . . Old Leaders In Rear Ranli Upturns in Steel Operation i Fails to Strengthen Alajor Shares NEW YORK, Nor. 30.-i&)-Om tine leaders j retired to the rear ranks in today's ' stock market and, despite Independent strength of ! specialties, the closing was generally lower. Make Small Gains I The Associated Press average of 0 issues receded .2 of a point to 71.C. Transfers totaled 2,128, 740 shares against 2,274,730 last Friday. An upturn in the current week's steel h mill operations of 1.8 points to 75.$ per cent of capacity, equalling the year's high mark, failed to stir major steel shares. TJ. S. steel was off at 7H and Bethlehem yield ed 1 at 72. Small gainers were American Can 123 American Telephone 186, and American Locomotive preferred 121. Among losers were General Mo tors 69, Western Union 89, General Electric 51, Anaconda 49, Kennecott S8, and Great Northern 39. Poultryl Meeting Tomorrow Night Harry L. Riches, county agent, was yesterday sending out notices of a third in the series of poultry meetings which are being heH here at the chamber of commerce during the winter. The next meet ing will be held Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Riches said that a represent ative of the poultry husbandry department of Oregon State col lege would be present at the meeting to lead the discussion and answer questions. The " dis cussion will pertain to problems of the poultry raisers current at this time of year. j Sale of 1937 Clip Wool in Baker County Already Reaching $10000 Mark BAKER. Nov. 30.-iP)-Sales of the 1937 clip of wool In Baker county are estimated already to amount to more than 350,000 pounds. Prices range from SO cents to 3 5 cents a pound so that the total amount of money in volved is more than 1100,000. The normal clip in Baker county Is SO 0,0 00 pounds. The prices this year are from 8 to 10 cents a pound more than the priees paid for 1936 wool. Going to California i BRUSH CREEK, Not. - SO Hans Hansen, who has been 9tay ing at the home of Mrs. O. 8. Hauge, since the death of his mo ther some weeks ago, will go toj California for! the holidays. Han4 sen plans to leave some time this week and will return after the first of the year. PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. SO.-f) Trading picked up on the gar deners' and ranchers market to day. Prices tended upward. Pota toes and onions moved slowly un changed, i Apples Washington Delicious, extra fancy, 92.15-9.815; Jonathans, fancy, fl.25-1.50; Oregon, Washington jumble pack Delicious, 75c-91; Kings, 50-65e; Northern Spies, 65-75e; Stay mans, 75c $1; Spitxenbergs, 75e l; Wineaaps, 91" 1.25; Bomana, 85e-gl. Artichokes California, boxes 6-8 doi. 13-3.25. ! 4 Avocados California, 8 65a. black, fiartea, 32.65-3.75; Paeblos, $2.40-2.65. $1,408.65. I "Bananas Par pound. 6 He Beans California, crate, $3-8.50; 7-9. per lb. i Beets Per doian, S5-80e, Broccoli Lugs 40-50-. Brassell flpraute Oregon, flat era tea, 90-$l 00 i " Cab bare Oreron, Oaalsh, I a 1 1 crates, $1.75-2.00; red, vJb., l4-2e. Carrots Dob. bunches. 25-35e. Cauliflower Oregon, pony, 85c-1.00. Celery Oregon cratea . $1.60-1.75: Utah type. $1.65-1.75 ; hearts. $1-1.20; Oregoa hearts, 85e-$1.00. Celery root -found. 60-7 5c Citrus troitOrug-s t'alifnrnia Va encias, fancy, $4-4.50; navels $4.40-6.80; grapefruit, Fioridaj, faney, all sises, $3.50 8.75; lemons, California, fancy, $5-6.65; Ariiona grapefruit, all sises, $1.85-2.25. Coeoaauta Imported, aarks, $0.25. Cranberries 25-uoaud box. $4-4.25. Cucumbers Oregon hothouse, $2.00 boz; California, $3.25 per lug of 4 do. ' iKffplant California, lug, $1.60-1.75. rigs California, flats, wait and elaea. SO-76.- .- ' -: . ' ' , t , Garlic Per pound, 9-10e. v Grapea Emperors. $1.35-1.60. i " Grasa aatoas far . dosea bsaebes. 95-40e. .. A ' . - Ground Chortles Oregoa (lat boxes, per lb t-10. . i 1 Buckleberrieo Oregon. Waahlngten. lb- -., m ..."' .i - Lettus Oreroa. Washington. 9 doa. $125-1.35; CalUomia. 4 sad S doi.. $2.50-9.00. t - Meloos Washlngtoa Oaaabaa. 90e-$t erate. - -t .1 r - . hlushrooms Oaa pound cartons. 40 Oalona 100-pooad sacks, U. 8. No .. yellows. $1-145; Valeaeiaa, SO-lb. aack, 85-90c; yellow boilers, 10-lb. sacks. 1315c. .. -1 ; - Peaa California hamper. 93-9.28 ; crates. $6 25 0.50. Pears Oreron. Wasblnston. boxes. Jumble psek. Bote, 91.60-1.75; D'iajoss, $1,501 .75: Bartlatts. 85 50e. , . - Persimaaons Cailif- lugs. $1.15-1.35. ' Pappara Oregoa flat boaea. red, 5 85e; araago boxea. green. $1.00-1 19. Potatoes 0 b Na I.. I0O lb aaeka Teachnte, , ruosets,' $3.20-2.85; Klsmstk, $2.20-2.35; Washington. $2.20-3.85; lo cal $3 2.18: Barbaaka. $2 3.15 - Pomegranates Lugs, $1.20-1.25. . Bad i shea Per doaen btinebee, SO 23c Rhabarb California, apple boxes. ; 91.50-1.7S. -- - - - i ' , Rutabsgaa Waahlagtoa. 100 lb aaeka ' $1.50-1.75 M.,... : i Spinach Oregon, orange boxes, 75 90e. . v sj , -'-. ; r' cKiuash -Oragoai Daalsh, caat arstea 80 65a: Habbard. lb It. Sweet Potatoes CaHforale 90 lb erates, $1.50-1.60; yams, S2-2J2S bushel Tomatoes Oregno flat b-sea -60 75c. hothoaae. $1 60-1.75; California. Jags. $1.65-1.7$. , - s. .. , . Tamipa lnae boorbea. 88-804." WaUtrcrtsa PeoaaV 95 40a. " ' ' Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart Live Turkeys; to Be Releasee! as Holiday Feature; SILVERTON, Nor. SO Holiday! decorations. in the form of green-! ery, were hung across Silvertoal streets Sunday and Christmas; trees are" beginning to appear! aoout town. Decorations are all expected to be In place by next Saturday whe the holiday season will will for mally be opened at SilTertoa. Th 4-L organization Is sponsoring i donation Saturday night for th local hospital fund. Lire turkeys and chickens wil be released from the H. L. Stlft luraiture store marquee at 1:30 o'clock. They will become the property of whoever catches them, Crop Specialists Appeal to Farmer The help of farmers all ; oveif Oregon Is. being asked In tn preparation of a new bulletin oil weed control to be published soon at Oregon State college, j "Every year we get hundreds of letters asking ns how to eoni trol weeds," says E. R. Jaekman extension specialist in farm crop at O.S.C. "Now we would like t reverse the procedure momentar ily and appeal to Oregon farme to send In their experiences wil all kinds of methods of gettin rid of mornine glories. Canad thistle, evergreen - blackberriesj white top, quack grass and other perennial weeds. "A new bullettin on weeds Is being prepared at the college, and we want to include in it actual experiences of farmers all over the state. Reports of success o failure will be welcomed. Eac letter tnat comes in may be o tremendous help to some othe Oregon farmer perhaps in th1 writer's own county, perhaps 40 miles away." 4 M j Jaekman wants letters i telling of experiences with such methodk as cultivation, smother i crops. pasturing, chemicals everything that experimental minded Oregoa farmers have ever tried. i POLLY AND HER PALS -iSS ' ' " MICKEY MOUSE "-Mrii i i tail w us imTi i) ( whoopee! on,na4ll I (socy iVb got it!) (X2r??lH UTTLE ANNIli RODNEY V. HEV.ZECO - COME BACK f I I ffiE CC r7i 1 HEBE RIGHT ANV OR lU. . I rT TOOTS AND CASPER NSVatR SHALL. IT BS SAID THAT EZRA POOCHECV EVER DISAPPOINTED ' A t-ADV FAIT?, THEREFOf?EX CWALU MEET BARBARA ON TMS Q.T. i ' i f v--" - ... . .. i TONIfHT X HOPE? DOMT HEAR S-cVX i I, St Sinnim S-. -' W-iM - i d aNJi TOEIIBLE THEATRE IT5 OKfY..POPPAA i ICRrWL INTO s X. J ' ii. I Further Pkns to Hold Soil Confab Polk County Farmers Will Hold Two-Day : Meet at Courthouse DALLAS, Nov. 30. A com mittee , composed of prominent Polk county farmers,' who made a report on soils at the Polk county economic conference,! Is continuing- work as a committee and is sponsoring a two-day con ference to be held In Dallas, De cember 10 and! 11. Members o the committee who las t week plaanned for the affalrare C. W, Brandstetter, Iri Rayr jr. p. Ham ilton, F. E. Pfnce, and O. M. Partridge. Other members of . the committee who could not ' be -present were IT. J. TWertn, J. Campbell and G. L. Stewart. - This group last spring made recommendations on the man agement of Polk county soils and now tne plan is! to hold this con ference for the purpose of de veloping the various recommen dations more- specifically. They are cooperating , with I Oregoa State . college and with County Agent W. C. Leth in sponsoring this two-day program. Df. W. I Powers, Arthur i King, R! E. Ste phen sen. J. R. Reck, former Polk county agent, and others will te asked to take part. To AdJorn Early The meetings iare to pa held In the circuit court room of the Polk countty courthouse and are sche duled to start at 9:30 a. m.,,anr be over by 4 o'clock each day. On the first day there Mil prob ably be a luncheon arranged and a speaker provldied as part of the conference. I U This meeting ishould be of es pecial interest to newcomers to the state and to i young ? farjners who are Just starting In the farm in ar business. Such aublects aui the I various types of soils- In Polk county, which crops to grow on them, fertilizing, irrigation, soil erosion and drainage will be dis- - . 1 'AusRacN THIS r3 MRS.FILE-; WCXISE AM' THATlSJ MBS. FILES CATMXJ III WE32B CHASIKI' MAVBE VC8J DOMt UKS THAT CAT BUT m , DOSS tUVE rOT TOUR SPATS ON VROM-t. EZRA! THE- - BUTTONS iO AND . JUCff - ON THE H ouTsicse of, THa FOOT J Starrin3 Popeye THE SOFTEST BEOU i rAOmvNfS ON EfSKT-VT COSTMe ft THOOSlNGi OOLLfRS- FOR ME -JELL- j .-..) . t : Radiol Programs 1 Dace-s-aa 1 - - I KC TfTESDXT 1 180 KO, 8:80 ICoaleal eloek. i 1:00 CalTarr Ubaroacla. f. I ' 7 :30 Josh .Hisfias. arama. T :45 Arlatoeratie Bttyt-m. I f 8:00 Hreakfast dab. . 8:45 rOoapal aiagar. t . :O0 Hoaejboy and SaMafraa. ! :15 Hoai institata. ' 8:30 -Corainc coaeart. 10 : 00 Studio. zo:a riv Minata Jdrstarr (EX). uws iasr tiom. 10:80 Vaaghn Da Leath, slag. 10 :45 -Rorhuter Cii arch. 11:00 InUmata Travala. ll:15--Worda and Maaia. 11:80 Wastera fana and home. l.:30 Markets, 12:85 Visitor. 1 :05 Hessbarrer arck. . 1:80 Happy Jaek. 1 :45 Manhattcrs ere-. S:0 Tonr health. S :80 Better Spaeeh. - ' 8:45 Fly-ing tima. - ; 8 :0O Mioutemen, aing.- : 05 Cor Hssking eontest. . . 8:15 Animal eleaeaps. : 8 :S5 Finaaeial and grata. 8 iSO--Kawa. a:o vrcn. (ET). j , 8:45 Jean aad seorta. , ' 4:00 News. 4:15 Food aad Friends. 4:20-4:80 Sara Gordon, Jibitr. S :00 Covered Wagon Days, drain, 8:80 Dade Ranch, aing-instr. i :O0 Sweet maaie. m if :15 tele4r Man. ' I 9:80 UniTersUy zplorar, talk. 8:45 Grier areh. 1030 Bai Tabarin arch. 11:00 Paul Carson, ergaa. to 13 Weather reporta. . ' KOrSJ TTJESDAT 840 K& :90 Klock. : . I 8:80 News. i'. . '. 8:35 Rhythm and Romance. 8:45 Homemakera Exchange. i 9:15 Hita and Encores. . 9 :30 Romance of Helen Trent, drama. 9:45 Rick Man's Darling, drama. 10:00 Betty and Bob. aerial. ' 10:15 Modern Cinderella, music-serial. 10:80 Who'a who lai newa. I 10:43 Betty Crocker, hoiaemaker. cussed. Soil conservation as it ap plies to these various topics will be considered. ! According to County Agent W. C. Leth, this conference is not to be a series of lectures, but farmers, will be given an oppor tunity to discuss their : problems and to ask questions when they wish., - ' . - i, ' I t A copy of the i complete pro gram and further notice of the meetings will probably be mailed to each farmer : in the cbunty front the county 1 agent's office within a short time. i A Clear Conscience Fifty-Fifty in - " ' L 9K-. 9 t3UY SUMPiN' OUR REVWARC HONEV" WELL I've pCHJ&nT m Not Star Boarders M?S. FILE The Appointed Hour YOUR NEW rM dLAD L YOU'VE 1 CLOTHES ARE L STARTED TO STUNNlNtf EZRA VOU SPEND PART LOOK OUST OF TOUR r -vRAND!, MILLIONS, "It's the Bunk TOO GOOD, POPPA-. C - tNlOHT !AN ISUPPOSE A TS VUHVE GOT A N 77 VjPER USUAL.. EH r iHf-a ta-i Ayi ( an'b she sees vcxj chasiki' Ai 1 iA CAT- SHe'LL GETT AWFUL . MAD AT US AN'-TWeM w VtltX MAVBE: SHE WONT LET US jf'7luy ' j i i HERE bioX E 19:48 Hymns all churches, tho-r-orgsn. lltvo Big Hiater. aerial. 11:15 Cooking for fun. -v." 13:15 Al Peavrea and Gang. 13:45 Nawa.' l:0O Topa revue. 1:15 Mary Cullea. " x:o variety maunea. -. 9:00 Tito Onisar. . . 3:15 Styles. 9 :45 Neighbora,' hints, atorias, Inmtf. 9:00 Feminine fancies, varied.- - I 9:30 Newa. 4:80 Doris Kerr, aongs. a:a loyiana express. 5 :00 Hammerstein Musle Hall. 8:30 Romantic songs, Walton teKa- 5:45 Popeye. the 8ailor (ET). S:00 Drews, organ. 9:80 Caravan, orch.-aelolata. T:S0 -Strange Aa It 8aema. ' 7 :45 Male ehorna parade. - -8 :00 Poetio melodies. . 9:19 Renfrew, aeriaL . 8:30 Ken IS array, patter-aiac-ereh 9:00 Waring Pennsy Iranians, variety. : nonor tne xtw. 9:45 Virginia LaRue. . 10:00 Pollock ereb, 10:80 Lyons ereh. 11:00 Allen erck 11:80-13 Rainbow's End, reader-inatr, XOW TTJESDAT B20 SCe. 7:00 Morning melodies. , - 7:30 Petite musicele. r 8 :00 Financial. ' J 8:15 -Newa. - - - 9 :00 Christine, singing - pianist. - 9:19 Mary Itarlin. aerial. , 10 :05 Btenross orch. 10:15 Wiggs of Cahbsga Patch, serial. 10:8O ohn a Uther Wile, aerial. ' 10:45 Just Plain Bill, aerial. 1 1 :00 Band . lessons. II :30 News. 11:45 -Sincinar Sam. 13:00 Pepper Young's family, aerial). ia:o -la jferkma, serial. 13:30 Vie and Sade, comedy. 18:45 O'Neills, serial. -1:15 Webb ereh. j 1:30 Studio. 3:00 Clinic 2 :15 Charles Sears, sing. 3:SO Olen, organ. 2 :45 Unman oreai 8:00 Woman 'a magaxine. varied. 4:00 Easy Aeea, comedy. ; ' 4:30 Centerville sketches. ' . 4:45 Oh, Susannah, aing-instr. (ET). o:oo piano surprises. 5:15 'Long About Sundown. 5:20 Orch. (ET). 5:25 Cocktail time. 5:30 Stars of today (ET). e:00 Ben Bernie. 6:30 Fred Aetaire. aoncs. dances 7 :30 Hollywood gossip, Jimmy .Idler: v:3 nouae party. 8:00 Amos n' Andy, corned r. 8:15 Lara and Abner. corned v 9:30 Good Morning Tonight. 10:00 Jiews flashes. 10:15 St. Francis orch. 10:30 Milne orch.; 11:00 Ambassador orch. 11:30 Wilde orch. . to 12 Weather reporta. K0AC TUESDAY 550 KC 9:00 Homemakera' hour, quet 1 : - and answers. 10:15 8ory hour for adults. 11:00 KO AO school of the sir. 12:15 Noon farm hour.. , 1:15 VarietT half hour. 9:30 Interesting people, in the new s. I THEERS VA ARE IT'3 ALU OURS WITH ne-i T1-1PV BUT MAVW4' W u I4Hf s f E5LESS HIS HEART, HE MUST LOVE ME BECAUS3- I i I'LL BST HE BOU,HT .1 I THOSE NEW CLOTHETS y. V JUST TO PLEASE. fW V - ME - - 2 ' " ' - - - lnt'i In i 1 9:00 "Keeping TJp Mora!, Vr. O. A. Chambers, professor of psykaa ogy. Oregon State college. 4:00 -The symphonic hour. 4 :SO Stories for boys and Sir la. - 6:80 Kvenlng farm hoar. 7:30 The citises and hla school. 8:15 The world In review. Dr. Vlate P. Morris. . 8:80 OSC cadet land. 8:45-9:00 Christmas aaal prograaa. 5HfchUssEuen Temperanr No burns in the room All moisture -xuhtxforf are carried away thru the flu: No sweating, octors or soot Endorsed by Portland Gas & Coke Co. . FOR SALE RY . me. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY !75 ---w; I'LL BTV f CaAWSH DURNED Jrs f V A airyplane! FTrA BY BRANDON WALSH rTrfcnH BROS 4asl' . smta.Rasf ia'f I ll" ' Rafrif retera.rleatJe J 9 M-Mt CH-MCKCTA 9MONI 414 'r2? sick this y if - i x domY see wmv YOU ALWAYS LJ VUfANMsIA GQ CMACIKJ' CATS VMEM AlMT DOlKJ MOTMlKl 'TO )) FUEASff LET MRS. FILE'S CAT ALONE OR ME AM VOL! WH-L BS I I MRS. FILE CHASIM' US By HMMY MURPHY THE APPOINTED HOUR HAS COME- BARBARA WILL ARRIVE ANT MOMENT NOW- AH-H, A CAR IS TlJRNINt THIS WAY T. a . H CONTINUED fTOMORROW. By SEGAR LS. i rot w V i r n l.. A xrmr - 'is