iv. rcu; lurcIi-Supportcd Seliools Studied Federated Women Gatlier at Herman Stone Home in VToodburn - WOODBURK. , Nor. II- The Federated Women -of- the Meth odist church, met at the home of Mrs. Herman Stone on the ira rifle highway Tuesday afternoon, lira. Stone was" assisted In enter taining by Mrs. Paul Pemberton. Mrs. Jack Kennedy and Mrs. Wai ter Baldwin. , 3 Mrs. J. H. Liveslay, president, presided and Mrs. Pemberton led group singing. Mrs. Oscar Allen, president of the Home Missionary society, was in charge ot the pro tram which consisted ot papers on various schools- and Institutions supported by Methodist Episcopal churches of the United States. ; Papers on Schools -j Mrs.. C. J. Rc9 read an Inter esting paper on a school located in California; Mrs. Carrie Yonng told the Brewster hospital for colored people at Alabama; Mrs. B. O. Brown gave a paper on the McKlesky school In Alabama, Fol lowing this a negro spiritual was sane br Mrs. pemberton and Mrs. Italph Kleen. Mrs. F. W. SetUe- Jnier gave a talk on her impres sions of the . national preaching mission, held recently in Portland. 'A clever skit,! "Bean Pickers.' ;aras riven by Mrs- W. D. Slm- 1 , I.. .,1: :A Three Days' Cough h Your Danger Signal 'tj: No matter, how many medicines . you nave tnea lor your cougn, cness ; cold or bronchial irritation, you can pet relief now with Creomnlslon. Uerious trouble may be brewing and I you cannot afford to take a chance . with anything less than Creomul ; aion. which goes right to the seat , or tne trouble to aia nature to : soothe and heal the inflamed mem ! branes sr the germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. - Even if other remedies ham i- failed, dont be discouraged,- your ; druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomnlslon and to refund your !' money if you are cot satisfied with. '. results from the very first bottle, j Get Creomulsion right now. (AdV- : F(Q 15 MOIITIIS ' Arthritis Victim Now Active Again Many sufferers,! crippled and In ft -gony for years, by Arthritis. Sciatica, :. Neuritis, ami similar troubles caused ;v by over-acid conditions in the system, - are finding RO-MARZ their first re "T lief from these painful ailments. The experience of Mrs; Arthur Wade. 125 ''"Hawthorne Way, San Jose, Calif, is v: Just one of the many who write grate- a ful letters after taking this new Brit- i ish formula. Bhe says: : "t an arndtoc for two nor settles of . SO-MARt. It hu certainly dou venders lot j am. I mU taka ana ir.ora bottla and baa . : aootlarr an hand for uaa In eata I should feel U needful at ut time. X bare been In bed for U months, lust lifted to a wheel chair for 1 or S hoars a day. Mow X an able to fet aoout a utua. i etrtauuy fire ioa crecut lor BTimprevecneot to ko-maju. Why. endure stiffness, pain, sleep less nfehts, lessened activity? This re markable scientific prescription, de veloped by a "physician In Ireland and used by eminent British doctors, may help you as it has helped others, For f here exclusively by Fred JMeyer, Inc. WW casn'A Originators of Low Prices I nigh pressure salesmanship! is not needed to induce; you to purchase .your beef at this market. When yon look at the white fat and bright red color you just cannot; resist the temptation to buy. It costs you no more than the uruinary Kina. ror mis 1 - I - a ' . 1 . Prime Beef Roast Pick Yonr Choice ' Sim Cost no more than a fresh pork roast of the same cut. Whole or half either end, same price. Ah the man who ate one. A Young Pig Pork Roast G ib. llome Rendered Pure Lard Goes Farther Oar Ground Meats are prepared from fresh selected cuts of inspected meat. They are priced a trifle higher than some, bat are worth iU Useless to pay more Risky to pay lest. I - We Close at 6 P. M. Church Leader New! chief of the Mexican church is GuiUermo Trischtler y Cordoba, bishop of San Luis,7 whose ap- . poinunent was announced by a papal delegate to Mexico and will be officially confirmed in Decern r'-: I i . ;;,:.-ber ?. l.U 5-- 1U', monf and Mrs. Oscar Allen.; The rlsltlng committee for December will iinclude Mrs. L. C. Buckner, Mrs.) W. D. Simmons and i Mrs. B. Ot. Brown. Refreshments were serred by the hostesses with: Mrs. Buchner and Mrs. Kleen presiding at the tea table. - -; - i : lTe next meeting: of the fed eratlon will be held at the Meth odist church December 15 with the Aid society as hostess, i Kirkwood Home Again HOPEWELL, Nov 19.-4Tom Kirkwood 'returned Tuesday-firom a two weeks visit with his daugh ters! Mrs. Walter Brogg and! Mrs. Frank Matthews at Woodland, Washington. ; -. ; . ; r ' . . - w&TCoim This New Overnlht Way iVffe are glad to pre sent a scientific new preparation to -throw off colds. One pleasant little tablet combining the 4 great medicines known to all doctors, . These 4 medicine work together to break op the cold, take down fevctr, alkalize acid, move the bowels, and cleat out poisons. witro nnrrnnc n j COLO TABLETS are asada V" breoeof Asserka'a SBoat rs , lubla medici coasftaaies. Box leaf U tablets IU S On Sale at Fred Meyer Toiletry & Remedy Shop . 1 mm $ '' week we offer Beef Pot Roast lb. Lean Cats Dainty Lean i Loin Chops ib. ; Fresh ; Ground Beef lb. No Scraps Qn Saturdays at 7 P. 1L 0Z rotOnw e u m i ml . " I ' i -I 1 ft,. r- Canpf ire Girls Joining National CENTRAL HOWELL, Not. If.' The Six Stitchers, 4-H sewing club, met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Jasper King, Friday. Refreshments 'were' serred. Pres ent "were Dorothy Haggles, Fran ces King, 2UU Eteff en, Carol King, Hasel Beals, Eras Cowden and a guest. The next meeting will be at the home of Rita Steffen, November 28. Marjorle, Roy and Clarence Herr, who are now living In Tuscon, Arizona, ' hare answered letters sent to them by the pu pils of the school. . The 4-H Campfire Girls, with Irene Nafxiger, leader, hare de cided to join the national Camp fire Girls and to raise funds for the purpose will sell popcorn and peanuts and auction a cake at the January meeting of the commun ity clnb. District Missionary Institute at Dayton Attracts 130 Persons DAYTON, Nov. 19. One bun dred thirty people1 attended the district woman's missionary in stltnte held Friday at the Evan gelical church In Dayton. Mrs. Neal ot Portland, who with her family, spent 30 ! years in - the work in Africa, and Mrs. E. L. Moth ore ! In treating- children's colds, don't take jf 4f f Q chances una l7lWUu V VapoRub Lose 5 Ibo. a week Safely or No Pay II you are overweignt ana flabby, you can lose weight amazingly easy. There is no need to punishyourself with backbreaklng exercise no need to starve yourseu ana deny your body the foods you need tor health. Reduce by this DRUG LESS method Thousands of women are getting back to normal weight easily and quickly by using WATiwrr, a Harm less food compound (no salts,' no dinltrophenol, no drugs, no harmful laxatives).1 WATE-OFF Is composed of vegetable and herbal in gredients that ! neutralise the body adds thus pre venting accumulation of fat The instructions say: Take WATE-OFF before mnli then eat vour heartv filL "Result." users say, "are simply amazing." A tablet taken 4 times a day will cause unsightly pounds to melt away like magic leaving no saggy, flabby or broken down tissue. WATE OFF was advertised to millions In Pic torial Review, Physical Culture and other leading magazines at $2.45 per treatment. However, if you act now we offer you a full sized introductory treat ment at only $1.19. Dont forget, if you are not satisfied with the results, simply return the empty carton and we will return your money. ef 4C 2 weeks treatment fJL On Sale at Fred Meyer Toiletry & Remedy Shop 35VState St. Choice Sirloin Steak Tender Young Pig Pork Steak lb. Bulk Sausage a' ib. Pure Pork Harry lL Lery, Prep. 1 SKIM Tin lEGOX STATESMAN, Ealsm, Lovell of Portland, who attended ths eeneraj board of missions hsli recently at Lincoln, NebrM were the main speakers. - Frank Senn, who three months aro enlisted in the navr for four years, is horns on a. 10 davs far- The Peninsula 'Needle rins w. deUshtfnUy enterUined "at the home of Mr. and Mrs. nn Cinnamon Wednesday afternoon. Vlaitinr nd makjns pUns for the uurwunti party io be held at the home or Mr. nd Mre. Herbert Willard were enjoyed. MEN'S KID SLIPPERS Special price! Ever ett style. Felt lining; Brown, 6-11. 70x80 Blankets 5 WOOL I .88 Pr. $2.29 Values Our lowest price. Sateen bound. Children's Sheepskin BOOTEES 54c Reduced from 49c 1 Bunny style, sheep's wool inside. 6 to 2. WOMEN'S DORSAY: SLIPPERS I 69c i Regularly 79c! Flex, ible leather soles. Vel vet. 4 to 8. MEN'S 25c SHIRTS. short's 22c S ANFOR I Z E D a h o r t s. Combed cot ton shirts. MEN'S 10 WOOL S8 Regularly 98c Ribbed knit for. comfort and wear. 36 46. V r , AU Wool Jocfcets 3.49Qot;ty! A Ward" valuel Heavy (32 ox.) melton. Slide fastener. Boys' 2.79 Jackets-4.49. - Am V" r ir 1 my i jbVLI CDED 275 N. LIBERTY STREET Oregon, Friday Mcrafag overtly Z3, 1333 Scarlet FeTer Causes ' Postponement of Grange i Program, North Howell INORTH HOWELL, Korl Starlet fever has made its appear ance in the; .North Howell school and the program planned for this Friday night at the local grange hill has been postponed. The school children were to give the program. i - . i Little Robert Schmidt, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Schmidt, is 11L ILkiiiniSfflras WILES ; At A Startling Sa.s Pries! ?tucsc from 79c V ! Rich-looking velvet or ray Ion, smarter than you'd think (possible e-fen at their regular -jprice! Red, bins or black, .Sizes 4 to 8.- 1.39 Quality! Serve In Wards Big i cib ab ( Sanforized Shrunk I 1 1 . 1 The newest p a 1 1 e r ns checks, plaids, stripes, plains, white. Non-wilt Regu lar and Modified Daks of Kent collars.! Sixes 14-17. SALEIWards 59c Cotton Frocks SAVE205& Thrift Day Special! Frilly 'or shirtwaist styles with quality details: set-in sleeves. Two-inch hems. Tubfast percales. 14-52. New Winter King. New type 1 piece case. 45 plates tnsteaa ot usual 39! E a I mm 1 . Newl Carburetor For all 4 cyL Fords,' 1928-34. : nn Step up speed, pow- ' 09 er. Economy in - '4 driving too! Guaranteed 18 Mos.! Radiator for Ford 1928-29. Guaraa. a teed to give satis factory service for - S exch. IS months! . i Spark Plug Sao "Standard Qual ity." Long-life dec- m tredsw Hot spark! y 1 g Equal s performance ulV of higher priced. -: spark plugs! t 30-35c Quality enn Blotor Oil 100 Pure! AD from Bradford Alle gheny crude world's costliest! Bulk price. SS plate-12 month n.99 battery. Exch. basil t . Wards non-alkaline ) Radiator Cleanr The county nurse has pronounced it scarlet fever and the home is under quarantine.. Jungwirth In llospital ST. LOUIS, Nor.' 19. Jake Jangwirth returned to the hes- COLDS FEVER ' first sy : MqaJd. TsMsts Rssdaeaaa. Salva. ITaaa Drses SO sslaatas Try "Ksk.Kr-Tlsai,-WacU'S uaiaeat (S) Wards exclusive, lighted movie dial shows you your stations in big call-letters. I Automatic 2 speed tuning! Two hugs lfcrin. twin speakers! Wards "Voice Beam" gives foy volume perfect reproduction. All S wave bands ; power that makes the world seem small ! Tuning eye ! Metal tubes. Chrome plated, rubber mounted chassis! Liaua metal interior. TONE of ,$195 sets! 7- RIIIGLESS CHIFFOIIS Full Fashlonsdl 59c Gradel Thrift Satei Buy for yourself, for gifts . . . and SAVE ! First qual ity. Also service weight! Indian Slankcts Extra Largs, 72x84 In. .P8Qory 2J49 Remarkable values! 1 Extra large, extra heavy. Corns cotton finest there is for blank ets. Sateen bound. . - ea. 12c ku plus Fed, - tar Patch Outlit. 72-sa. - jz Inches patch JZ. 1 f Kar Seal Weather Strip ; aCaaC a mom WA" . -n. - ' " TIT v. ....... . . pitai again Saturday where he is being- treated for throat Infec tion. He is in a Portland sanltar lam. ', )tVJ CASTOR on A torn HqaM aaUMd MOXACOsUT awls paka ta at sii in ill Driss w si aiim com ar caiiam, Ceatasss Br assto all. o63m aad esfa-asplrtB, Absehrtaty sata. Apprewd br Oaad nawsUs'ptaS lasy dUsuMsat to faeSa. SSa fcaH)a sawa ntiM sslssty. Toar smsms kat V H falls i?ri:ii?ii:Ki 9 f&..ji - ; i , I . sPr th. Myni3 on ail i 1 Again Wards are first . . . with tuning that's simpler - 1 than dialing a phone. Just put your finger on ho I station you're after, twirl it once. nd presto -m- I there's your program, perfectly tuned, coming in at I the proper volume ! For any 14 stations you choose t I t For all the resr. the world-range Movie Dial I) ' ; l - i. 1 ' ' ' Try It Out! FREE Home) Demonstration! 'C.jaV - $29.95 Value! I . C I ' ; Lamb's Wool and Hair Upholstered! Wards gives you the best in bedding at $10 LESS than usual prices! The lamb's wool andi hair are right under the ticking they form one of the most luxurious cushions made! 209 innercoils! Quilted sisal pads! 1 Heavy,; 8 oz. blue and white striped ticking! 1 $3 Down, $4 Monthly, Carrying Charge - Keguiariy 15. Top gram cowhides-regulation size and weight! $1.93 !i Strongly covered; Reduced from 40c Enough for the average room; many colors. Keguiariy 40c I J?"or. square hexagon nuts. Of tool steel. JLicusuaijyi No more arains.i Cuts grease; sale V f from Piles end I - Pstal cr.J ? ."a a. STa.Vi.U.ta as vaara aw-" r - . Dr.CJ.D2AIl CUIIIC ' Sasai I IB Mat ffWHtf w w'fJnaVBaraalda al Grand AraaM Monthly Payments? Ak About Them! MJ h, r1 94 complete or sO , Aim. ' dogged at MS VvoiJJ A I K I , awa C1 r U4 TELEPHONE C774