Tie OREGON STATESMAN, Sa!a Ortson, Friday Morning, November 23, 1SC3 t PAGE TIIEES V I V. v Clover Qub Has ; - . - t Quilting Session Mr. Florence Stockman of Washington, D. Ci Is Visitor CLO VERD ALE, Nor. IS.-fThs Four; Leaf Clorer club met at the home of Mra. Joha W. Schlflerer Wednesday. At noon a club! din ner was served to large . num ber of . friends and visitors. jDur 1ns the day the club, quilt was worked on. Members . will go to Mrs. Schifferer's to work on the quilt again next Tuesday after noon. . .- - " . i v I : : ' The December meeting will be .held at Mrs. Albert Hennies. Mrs. A. W. J. Bestvater and Mrsf Ar thur E. Kunke were appointed as a -Christmas program committee. Mrs. Arthur E, Kunke, Mrs. Fran ces Whitehead, and Mrs. Mary Shilling were appointed a nomin ating: committee, to report next meeting, t I Good Crowd Present Those present were Mrs. jJosle Clason. Mrs. M. J. Anderson,! Mrs. Anna Kunke. Mrs Arthur pest- Tateri Mrs. Florence Jarmon, Mrs. Margaret Shilling., Mrs. Albert Hennies, Mrs. .Mary Shilling, Miss Freda Schlfferer. Misses Ida; and Lily Feller. Mrs. Louis Kennies, Mrs. Bert Peebles. Mrs. Nellie Hamilton, Mr a. Betty Rosjsnau. Mrs. Nettie Morris. Mrs. Florence Stockman. Mrs. Allee Wlpperi Mrs Smith, Mrs. G. - F. Booth, 1 Mrs. Gwendolyn Urhammar. Mrs. Ines Dumbeck. Mrs. Jennie Farr, Mrs. Louise Feller and Mrs. L. E. Hen nies. ' i I . - - Mrs. Florence Stockman I and son. Morris, of Washington, , D, C. are risitlng her parental Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris. Mrs. Stock man has been employed In the road division of the department of mrrlculture at Washington. D C for the past two and on-half years.: M : ' Last Rites Held t - i For Mrs. Bagley MONMOUTH. Not. 19 Fhiner al services were held Sunday for Mrs. O. J. Bagley. 74. of SuTer, who died November 15 at the family home. She was borft Oc tober 26. 188 at Brookvillej, Ind. where she received ner eaaca tion. February 16. 1886 sh was married at Falmouth. Ind., to A. T. Kerr. Thv - came to Oregon the same year and for thf last ,10 years she bad lived cottinu- ously ln Polk county. Mri Kerr died In 1903. Sb was . married to O. J. Bagley. February 10. 1908. He- survives, also two children: Mrs. Ed J. SteeleL Dal las: and W. J. Kerr, Monni(outh: also 1 grandchildren and three half-hrothera. " . Mrs. Bagley was a member of the Evangelical Thurch. the Royal Neighbors and -the Ivy cljib of Snver.' Rev W. A. Elkins oft Mon mouth officiated at the services. intArment was made In the fam lly plot at Monmouth. Brandeis Now 80 v Justice Louis D. ' Brandeis, 80 years old Nov. 13. Is shown on his way to the United States supreme court of which he has been av c:- y member tor 20 yean. j Albany Students j To Stage Initial Homecoming 26th ALBANY. Nov. 19. Albany high school's first homecoming has been; set tor Thanksgiving day, according to an announce- by the vice president of the re cently organized: Bulldog Booster club, i I While complete plans have not been made yet, the present ones call for a football game between Coach Elllngsen's high school Bulldogs and the McMlnnvllle high school Gr Utiles; open house to be held at the high school building, a parade ! prior to the football game and a dance In the evening. ; Elbert Eastman, Attorney, To Speak at OARP Meeting WOODBURN, Nov. 19. The Townend-club will meet In the West Lincoln school building Fri day night. A Jitney supper will be served from o'clock and will 6:30 to 7: SO be followed; by a short program. 'Elbert Eastman, attorney of Portland, will be the speaker, j Everyone Is Invited to attend both the supper and pro gram, i ; . . j i Charles Schmidt Dies, Hit.: Angel MT. ANGEL, Nor. 19 Charles Schmidt. 70, died at his home hers Tuesday night following a paralytlo stroke. Mr. Schmidt had been both blind and an invalid for many years. Funeral services wlU be from St. Mary's Catholic ehurch here at 8 a. m. Saturday. He was born In Wisconsin In 1886 and cams to Mi. Angel In 1886. Two years later he was married to Catherine Fessler of Mt. AngeL The family has resid ed here ever since, living on a farm north of town 'until Mr. Schmidt i was stricken with para lysis some years ago, when they took np their residence in town. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Catherine Schmidt; 18 children. Mrs. Ida Becker, Monroe, Oregon, Jos. Schmidt, Salem, Mrs. Ellz. Bronkey, Beaverton; Mrs. - Anna Erwert, Mt. Angel; ' Mrs. Helena Selfer, - ' Gresham; Mrs. . Mane Duda, Salem; ' Frank Schmidt, Portland; Mrs. Emma Zlelinski, Canby; Mrs. Agnes Rehm, Mt. Angel; ; Mrs. Margaret Wyffels, Martinez, Calif, Mrs. Geraldlne Schultse, Portland, Mrs. Eleanor Schmidt, Mt. Angel; 87 grand children ; 3 great-grandchildren ; three brothers, : John and - Otto Schmidt of Washington and Wil liam Schmidt of Wisconsin; and two slaters, Mrs. Bertha Lelck and Mrs. Ida Seits, both of "Wiscon sin. ;;!: -, " ; 'X Saturday For Rev. Rubis WOODBURN. Not. 19 Funeral services for Rev. J. E. Rubis, pas tor of fit. T.nkn's Catholic church here the past IS years, will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock with Monslgnor Hllde brand of Portland offerlnr nontl- flciai high mass. Father ortn win deliver1 the sermon. ' The body will lie In state at the church until Saturday morning. Recitation of the rosary will be held at the church Friday at 7:30 p. m. Interment will be In St. T.nV'i eemeterr In a snot chosen by Rev. Rubis. He died In a MI1 waukle sanitarium Wednesday morning. While in Woodburn, Rev. Rubis saw his narish rrow to one of the most active in the state, built the new church which Is one of the finest In the northwest.- The com munity hall was also erected dur ing his service here. Friends' Gospel Team To Give Church Program 7Mi Knt. is The Friends church of Salem is sending out its gospel team to present a pro gram at the Zen a church Sunday night at the Spring Valley Christ ian Endeavor hour at 7;45. The public Is Invited. I - i . - - Heads Hotel Group AT.fiANT. Not. 19. B. R Westbrook, 'proprietor of thp Ho tel Albanyf was elected president of the Southern Oregon branch of the Oregon State Hotel associa tion at the meeting held in Grants Pass Saturday. Westfbrook has been in the hotel business for many years, not only In-Al bany but also in Astoria ana Asn land. ' ' West Salem News WEST SALEM. Nov. 19. The i West Salem school is shor ening the noon hour to 45 minu :es so that the pupils who live q lite a distance from school can reach home! before; dark, as schocfl will thsn let out 45 minutes earlier. Mri and Mrs. R. L. Forster and children Jiave returned home from a six weeks' trip east. They report that the weather wa$ Just right jfor traveling, that ttie au tumn coloring in the scenery was beautiful, -and that -the on Ijy bad weather they encountered Tas at Hoodj River on their way home. Mrs. Forster's mother and ( other relatives as well as many fHenda live in Michigan and other east "ern states." I", 1 The BusJck's store will bef open for , business by Saturtajr al though the official opening has not been set. The volleyball club -has divided ' Into two groups, younger "girls meet from. 7 p. m. Tuesday and tfe oldei been The to 8 girls .v. My Wife Was il ' Bothered with gas on her stomach for years. TriedJ all kinds! of gas medicines, but no results. She be gan taking Old Cherokee Tonic middle of June and never been bothered but once since. She is 66 years old. V take fit with good results. 70, says A. Summers, Baymond, Wash. Am Present This Ad with only 89c in; cash for a $1.35 bottle of Old Cherokee Iron Tonic at all drug stores appointed by Bdrk's Mfg. Co., as distribu tors. This offer god for 3 days only. Ganital IDiriiff S tore J. H. WILLETT 405 State St. Corner liberty, ! 1 1 -...' i ; ' II meet f romonayignta. 1 sss' J . - " "v.v. .V '.v.'.-: : : tHSL ri " , I 11 EAU FRAIIKFURTERS & KRAUT 1 qt Kraut and 1 lb. -) rsr$ FrankfuHers, both i ZiJv ED ES JZS DlIStN IT Those good kind to fry or bake, pt. . ... ... Zjvb Cut from young tender beef; lb. . j- S3 Firm and crisp, qt. -With Meat Purchase Fresh Countrv Style I?iCi SoecoGG Li The kind Granddad tried to make, id. Galad Dressing Lemon Whip, pt. J- ESQ - " .: . t s - ' . : . - . I " f MAIlIIETllOIJRS8TO6;SATURDAYS 8TO 7; 100rTjyiONl l Comein dnd See Ua About Ypur Thanksgiving Poultry ! I V ; f j Good Bird at Reasonable Prices 1 rli? Si i - I l y t T?- i i i j! 4 Stores 935j S, Commercial - Corner Coml & Court r1978 N; Capitol- Corner 13th & State .1 II 11 II V I 11 II If - direct?! .. LJ LA -XLJ V J Prices for Fri NovJ 20, Until Wed., 25, Inclusive mm ' sK Market Day Thompson 4 Seedless LB. BAG I Kitchen Craft There is no better floor V ;W LBTBAG V If you want cheaper i $1179 Pure Cane Fine Granulated 1 A IUlbs. Powdered 3 lbs. 17c .1- IM ALPINE BORDENS -CARNATION LIBBY'S VV - 1 XJKJ1JL a 1IJLID9 UiCX aUUlT VOiUlC XUSO 11 THo i! 11 I Libby or Del Monte Tidbits or Crushed 1 8 Oz. Can 2 FOR 11 ETrJ id LIBBY'S SUced Or Diced No. 2 Can Its MIMCE M BAT Fine Quality With That Old Brandy v Flavor In Your Container Shredded The original pkg. TWO PEGS. Include 3 biscuits j - in your Thanksgiving Dressing - Brazil Nuts Walnuts Peanuts New Crop Top Qualiti a LBS. Fine Oregon 2 POUNDS Fresh Roasted 2 POUNDS 29c 29c 23c (5ocaelSGc3. IPggBg Pineapple in Cello, lb. . 33c Cherry in Cello, lb. . . . 33c CITRON ORANGE LEMON In Cello POUND Satin Mix That kind the Kiddles !lke POUND . Choc. Drops LBS. 10c 25c Peanut Butter lb. 10c IN YOUR CONTAINER Pmplkii Del Monte Large' No. 2 Can ! S FOR D Peas SAN WAN for Your Thanksgiving ; Dinner No. 2 Can 2 CANS Country Kist 2 CANS Size 300 Stokely Cream Style N. 2 2 Cans 27c 23 f.llll t LB. GIFT BOX. 59c 4L&G7TCOX.. 98C ii f 4 1 el Libby 11 T Full Slices I JlW TIN JiVi, Tinniatees Standard Large No. 2 CAN nfiu t v if JLUVU New West No. 2 Tall CAN 1& Marshmallows , SWAflSDOWfJ Pkg. Cocoanut Free JJoIlfl" F1vr PKG-! 53 Calumet Baking Powder aao 5EaSllOIG7 LB. CAKE k A UNDID MOM CHOicr.sftecTE tf AVIS. HAOtANT. OCUOOUS flAVOB. Lb. Black Lb. Green 25c 19c IPeooEaec PCQI?C j Fruit Cocktail Maraschino Cherries SCHILLING'S SAGE Rosedale No. 2 Can 2 FOR 2 DEL MONTE No. IVt CAN ; Stokely's - - t . . - No. 1 CAN 5 Oz. Bottle :-. EA. ' New Deal Imitation Full 4 oz. EACH 2 OUNCE TIN EC3 E5G E5G Oy s aT Ja a sters cans lie SErimp Ifim 2" 27c Tuna Fisli SH lOc Salmon SpIkiepinkL10c Tomato Sail le cans ..10c Stokely's 14-oz. -Or FANCY -lO Catsup Wyandotte Ripe 1 Ulives Buffet 2 for lyc IV 1A JinCE Libby OO r Pineapple no. 2-2 for oc Snowdrift els! 53c Wesson Oil ) PINTS - - 25c Ginger Ale j BomT 18 c Grantoeoies Fine Quality! 2 POUNDS1; ' 29c Celeiy 2;for .15c Parsnips 3 for 10c PgraiaeG Fine Oregon, 4 lbs. EQg (gtaggatattG 1 pound cello SQq Potatoes EvTe 9 lbs.' 25G MAP Famous for Its. Quality ONE POUND CELL.P lVi-Ponnd Slice Ic L jfob'Hill. . : .lb:23c,!2 for 45c Airway lb. 18c, 3 lbs. 49c Dependable J . 25 f cS 49c Crackers TWO POT BabvF Syrup OA TWO POUNDS CAN ..L PC y Sleepy Hollow, Pure QO A r J GERBERS VUU - Cane & Maple QTS PancakeS1: 17c '7c LARGE PKG. Or Iodized CAN Cl- MAXIMUM Plain JOlt 39c 33c n.H 10 POUND vrdia BAG n MEXICAN RED ueans five pounds Cora Flakes frees, 21 c s Tobacco l?A 1 Lb. Can UilC Zee Tissue holls BAR Ivory Soap 14c -Sc f An rnpon iroiTC TffT Vnim B AITFTC7AY I TlTATlTCPrr SFT1VP. . Yflll - :-H:.. ' ' i ' i . . ' 1 . ' H"" '-L-V--r : ' ' ' - c' ' - ' '''"'""..' ' ' ' " - ' ' ' ' '-- ..-.-,. - -