5 I i J" ! . PAGE TWENTY The OREGON STATESMAN,! Salem. Oregonj Friday! Morning; November 20, 193S Report Is Given, Lamb Prospects Market Feeding Probably , 1 Larger Than Year tAgo, Thought ' Pospects for the lamb market tor 1836-37 are not greatly dif ferent from those of the 1935-36 season according to a report cf the division of crops and live stocks estimates of the United . States department of agriculture. Although no definite figure of the number of tambs being fed lor the market is available. Indi cations are that it will be larger than a year ago. However, the effect of the Increased slaughter of lambs upon prices should be offset, -at least in p a r t, by in- creased consumer demand, ac- cording to the bureau. . The lamb crop was nine per cent larger in 1938 than a year earlier. AH of the Increase oc curred in the western sheep states. Slaughter supply of lambs In-the new-crop Marketing year ittd not begin to increase over a year earl Jar until September. Unfavorable weather and poor crop and pas ture conditions .delayed market ings somewhat. Sheep, Escape Drought . Although the effects of the 193C drought on total supply of feed grains, in the country as a whole was falmost as serious as those caused by the 1934 drought the sheep Industry , will be much . . less affected this year than in ! 1 1934. This year, only a small patt of the western sheep region was Included in the drought area. It seems probable, however, that further expansion in the western sheep Industry will be prevented, i and perhaps some . decrease . will occur as a result of the grating control measures for tlie public domain which are being put in ef fect under the Taylor Act. : The number of sheep in the nat ive sheep states has Increased moderately in recent years, aud ; further Increases m a y occur in ' the next few years If the Soil Con servation program causes a sub stantial and permanent! shift of acreage from grain to pasture and bay. But any probable increases In sheep numbers occurring in the ntive sheep states will hardly be large enought to offset the prob able decreases - in the j western sheep states. : -.... Although lamb", prices will be , strengthened somewhat in the j next few years by the small total supplies of livestock for slaughter, they will probably be affected much less than prices of hogs and cattle. But as cattle and hog laughter Increases at the end of several years, the effect of this Increase in supplies upon cattle and hog prices also will! be much greater than the effect I on lamb price. On the whole, from the standpoint of iamb prices, it ap pears that the situation of the sheep Industry In the next five or six years will compare favorably with the situation for other spec ies of meat animals. Detroit Makes Quick '. ; Response to Red Cross Membership Campaign DETROIT. No 19. Mrs. Ruth Westerburg, i Mrs. George M c Clanahan, have been' taking mem berships for . the Red Cross and have received 27 members and $28: If has been several years since the Red, Cross roll call was carried' on here. f Mrs. Mattie Cortney; has beeu confined to her bed several days with an attack of flu. Sweet Briar dub Enjoys Gathering at Adams Home WALLACE ROAD. Nov. 19. Mrs. O. D. Adams was hostess to fellow members of the Sweet Briar club with a pleasant social afternoon at her home in Salem Wednesday. Plans were discussed for the Christmas dinner Decem ber, 16 which is an annual affair. Mrs. James Imlah will be hostess for the dinner this year when a gift exchange will - be featured. Gates Glib Plans .Dance December 5 . pATS, Nov. 19 The Improve ment club - is sponsoring s pro gram and dance for December S at ; the Dawes hall In ' Mill ' City. The program and orchestra music is I to be furnished by; the Meis inger studio of Salem J. Proceeds from the affair will go to the treasury of the local woman's clab which uses . the money to clean and keep the Fairview ceme tery in good order. Also a, por tion of the money will go to other projects the club sponsors. ! Rev. ! Beechey of Willamina Mennonlte church will conduct services at the club room Sunday after the morning Sunday school services. Rev. Beechy will be a guest of Sam Goss while here. Mrs. E. J. Richards has been on Jury duty at Salem this week and part of last; week. : May Locate in State I KING WOOD, Nov. 19. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Baamann from Kim ball, S. D.. uncle and aunt of Mrsj E. A. Sharp, who have been guests at I the Sharp home, left Tuesday for Auburn, Wash., where they will visit at the home of their son. The Baumanns will locate permanently in either Washington or Oregon. Weiser Milling m. CUM OUtrKHEST PATENT - rncxrrjLcuR & Elevator Co. I KFXD Housewives! Here's the solution to your baking difficulties . . . Try Picket flour, and always) know success in every thing you bake. You'll never get the tender, velvety, delicious delicacy, you want with just ordin ary flour . . . and, un til you have tried Picket, you can't ap preciate its surpass ing superiority. Home . milled, by the Weiser Milling and Elevator Co., Picket flour is -a dry-land, hard - wheat flour . exactly bat anced for all baking purposes. Order a sack of Picket today, and notice the difference. ( AT THE REXALL DRUG V 1 UlawtJUNJ ryJryriirUi (sCf0 STORE I NOT ONLY 1 yf Wisriy, SAVE BUT I HAVE PD on fiTCODIIVEROIL THE ASSURANCE THAT I 1 FTTt i tr TT " 1 LL GET MY MONEY ! ! M Ci BACK IF I'M 0j r-jl NOTSATISFIED tiiw mm m mm 111,. -r , . 11B fiHT V ;ly(7gci) 60c Mum:. . .t49c i - . . i i 50c Ipana . . . 1 39c Mr in tki U&mit STRONG BONES SOUND TEETH STRAIGHT LEGS STURDY GROWTH From the lurt, Ttmtut Ci livtr Oil has beta in the daily &i& o these five famout younnter. And it ttlU- fTTin precious Vitamin A and D axe still proriding element necessary for health and growth. Ask for tmnttsti ; " 25c Ex-Lax i - : 100 Aspirin 35c Quest . . 75c Anacin s - j 50c Lysol . , 23c 19c 29c .49c i43c SI Mar-O-Oil Shampoo, 16 bz. . . ; J . . . ,67c 60c Calif ornia Syrup of Figs' . . . . i . I : . . .40c $1.50 Takara Powder, large j . . . . . . I . . 1.00 75c Glover s Mange Remedy . .55c 1 5 yds- Sheds water. Washes $ ADHESIVE PIASTER I Bctt 50c Nature's Remedy Tablets . ;39c 60c Edward's Olive Tablets . 100 Bayer's Aspirin ........ MILK ol MAGNESIA a49e Chemical tests sad tout own UsU provs OQc - w - 1 Qt. Squibb's Mineral Oil 81.35 Pierce's Favorite Prescription . 25cT2ndei8 Razor, 3 blade$ . . . .1. L . . . SI O. M. Tablets, large ..... 60c Eno Salts, luedium . . . . . . ,40c . . 59c ..89c :1.16 ..19c . 67c ..47c . 75c Doan's Kidney Puis ..... .49c Insulin U-20,10cc U-40, lOcc tULK s! MAGNESIA ...66c $1.13 U0, lOcc $2.13 ; ay eommoa coughs and bead )$y7J colds la your family. Garaa- Wyay teed. Special offer foe limited time only, j . Syna aw IOTH COc TMOnr FOR JU j '; gO MaM Cegh i SSe Karal Maw mmd r- s . ; 1 L - ?c?79g E)r?tm(3 StSi?G 115 S. COMMERCUL ST. 1 r Tol UU vUUU u - , - x' i ' "'..-.!'.. ; mm IONGW00D MARION STREET COURT STREET You could (unnecessary of course with these Markets to serve you) look the coun- u) uvcr, seurcii 141c imc 01 aruciis, urcuarus, items ana iaciories, seiecum; only me - best, eyen if that jwere possible you would have no betterj foods for your TTianlcsgiv- either pf these Rarkets, select your fowls, fruits, vegetables and the hundred and one; other nice) things so necessary for a thankful Thanksgiving. Busick's Kingwood, Marion Street arid Court Street Markets." I v I I ! ! : s "1.: mm wmmMMt b.2Js cans ; ; . - - - ; - . . 9 1 ' - - - r - - - ' -' - , - Wasco . ) . j Minnesota Valley i::T 'r ;;'v '--I;-dJ'-'Giffi-:4''' ? ' FANCY SWEET PEAS Golden Bantam CORN) Vegetables for Salad ; 1 ...J No. 2 Tins j ." ' No." 303 Tins ' j ' vj No. 1 Tins ' '' Taylor's QQtS rPttCBG kf i cans fg;Cg Svansdo wn J Full Sue Tin Bakers So. iSyle Cocoanut Both as Lesfie Shaker 23 : - v I I ! Tootsie DollT FREE Z6 for 1 vi? Pounds , j DAINTY EMX 1 ! 7 No. 1 Tins SUN RIPE j Maraschino Cherries ounce Glass NEW PACK 12-oz. Bottle i - KERR'S I -. " i " - w w www uvuuw4J WKole or Mixed Qt. Jars fQ SHAUER'S FLORIDA No. 300 ! Tins La FIESTA pnr.anjsNirS)ES f ' " No. Tins - FAIR OAKS RHIPIS OVES No. 1 Tins a tor . KERR'S No. 1 Tins j 5, for ag 1 ,u yy-n 49 toag 02 KORPAK J-: i j No, .212' BEST FOODS 1 . ... . r Pint Jars . . ARMOUR'S 3. u,. SQ3 F1M8 . .You -mil find at bur Markets the finest ' that can be produced and the prices are . - not high. We have in abundance Jer y Sweet. Potatoes, Oregon tjranberries, Celery Hearts, Carrots, ; Spinach, ! Let- ' tuce, Turnips,! Parsnips, California and Imported Dates, New Crop tigs and Raisins, Florida Grape Fruit, Navel Oranges, Hot! House Tomatoes, and . Dozens; of Varieties of Oregon Apples . IT) TTPTTS To the first, 100 customers 1 V''" T7??3 SLSaLSi buying a Beef Roast at our il? NEW KINGWOOD ALARKET we wiU give a 5kz. package of Best Ever Noodles. I. i POE1K nOACT 7 J-: Dab o? CSrfcan 7 r-N CHEJE BACON O(0io !Qual"Y Sl"rBcef Lean. Sugar Cored . ! ElOUniD " JLtiJ -3ls v3 - i08 Ca. I SHOULDER I STEW: " l2V2C lb. 2 n.25c I 10c,. I 6cn,. price will be much lower this year J a :