The OREGON STATESilAN, Sakn, Oregon, Tri-r lloxnlaff, No?mbcr 20,1938 PAGE FIFTEEII SlKodk ..Market Takes ottMer I fob Witt Nind : Leaders Bowica V t, . . i Seat Prices Drop $7000 Setback Follows : New LZore of Securities, Exchange Commission - NEW YORK. Nor 19-JPy-TLB bUTlnr Hrht was. dlnmit fnrth- In today's stock market and re cent leaders groped unsuccessfully for recoTery stimulation. . . While s number of specialties'! emerged with moderate adrances. losses of fractions to 2 points pre dominated, with a few issues suf fering wilder declines. Announcement of the Securltes and Exchange commission that It intended to move for. the segre gation of brokers I and dealers functions on tho stock exchange, together with the enforcement of full margin regulations ot mem ber; traders, ; was followed by drop of 17,000 in the price .of ex change seats; A transfer was ar ranged today for $107,000, a low mark since May 13 j last. Volume Is Small i Encouraging to bullish propon ents, howerer, was the : fact the stock market, declined on a rel atively small TOlnme. 1 Transfers -. totalled 2.435.712 shares' against 2.921.350 yesterday and 3.272,- SOi Tuesday. The Associated rress average of 60 issues was down .9 of a point at 72.5. Among shares with sizable loss es were Union Pacific, down 4'i to 131 Case 4 lower at 157; Deere, and Westingbouse. 2 low er at 142. . i . Others suferir.g sinking spells with final declines lot a point or more. Included IT. S.iSteel at 74, American Can 124 r, and Bethle- hem 70. J. U. S. government securities again pressed heights, bat were uneven. forward to record corporation loans Activity in Hop Market Is light Activity: in the j hop market during the last week continued light with -prices from five to seven cents below j the 45 cent high mark registered in Septem ber.! : i. v r .-:.: .r There ere 145 bales of 1936 hops sold at 40 cents and 51 bales , at 3 S cents, dealers re ported. In the year old 1935 crop 38 bales went! to buyers at 27 cents. i There is only moderate inquiry at the present time: bat the lack of demand Is offset by lack of selling pressure on part of the .growers making the market tight and quiet. ; i j ' 7714 Bales Wool Sold LONDOX. Not. "19-(P)-OtIer" , itigs totallsd 8,047 bales at today's wool auction, of which 7,714 bales were sold. The selection was good and met active competition, with merinos I and crossbeds . selling freely. Although firm limits pre vailed, continental traders bought ell. . : : . Flour Subsidy) 20 Cents PORTLAND. Xovl -JPt-XI. S. department of agriculture reports rthev flour subsidy prce Thursaay at 20 cents per barrel, unchanged. I Mkt lenera s. PORTLAND, Ore- Xor. 19. (API Prodaco o-eftaago oet . ..... B a 1 1 a r Eatraa. JJ2 hie: aUadarda. S2e: prima firata, 82e; tirata, SO lie. fcntterfat, 86-3He. ! ggs V 8. largo1- eatraa, 84a; aaediuot extra. 81c I V. S. 1 Portland Grain PORTLAND Ore So-, l.i! Wbeat faturea were onehaagad la prieo and wars without tradinf. Agaia ao cash prices wars aamed but buying waa ro ported ia too country. ' T Wheat- Open High Low Close Mar !- 9 i 99 rut T 984 98i a odilFa car recaipta: Wheat, 80; bar ter, l; flour, 11; oata4 1, . Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore, Xov. If-: f T S. IPt..Ar., oa V lb root; aaarke aeeniy j. inwer: "JVm- MO- 10; choice around 83 lb. leader . ia 6.00-25. J t Jv ..j atet -.i.:r5s a dct: muirko alow. t4iv inn nil mreuiu . - - tur and catter cows 1 JMW ; o medi-at aradea S.65-4.2S; lew gW beei Tcow. d'ols.OO: baU. -oar 4 75-5.00; law good Toalora 6.00-M . cammoa calrea 4.00-5.00, . Sheep 850. 146 direct ; row, bida fully 25 lower; best traekad-ni low T.00; food to ekoaef awaa aaUbU around 8.00-25. or a bore.. Portland Produce "j PORTLAXD. Ora, Kov. "-1" 7Z Batter Prints; A frade., Ib. ia parebmeat wrappara. 854a teaa; B grado. parchment wrappara, as I -. A S lb.: oartoaa, oiw A . . Ia.alal -f-tJIV-ftPV. a rice k a-rad at dT.l r.rad ai. tosai w wa.kfr. 86-S74 .l eeary roatoa. S4-S5a: B rrtda. S-5 lb.; O rada M pT'ZZZ. roa-t far i arkoa Boytes pneo. bottartat baala. SS Wo t. tratfaSo: aiadarda. 9e; estra Ore- T i. it. Brokora wul pay 10 a Hr !? . to to ,iTi 7 Tb.: Vwra. 1 ti.r !. d thi. 8-1 le lb,! boary, 7lVs4e catter eowa. 7 6e lb I aar aowa. 7o lb.: balla. I M laaebe. 14-I6e.: awaa t-6a lb. : Mohatr1986. dOo to. J.---Cascana oark BaylaT snea. ttSf Uo altry Portlaod danrory. bay lii?: V, r4 Iba-. 16-17. lb-: I-wbM heaa. 1J-1 b.T Xoa a bo atock aaaVe-lr steady to 25 lower; acaai :',?ply .U era .boat ate.dy ; alaaghtar ateara 4.75-d 00. -odaa rada 6.25:7.00. gHa:graia 1U and abora; tew otoekaxo 4. coa- ti.ifara d.25-3.Ta: low Salem Markets Grade) u raw 4 per cent milk. Salem basic pool pries f22 per hundred. ' Co-op awttertat price, F. O. B. Salem. 83c IhtUk aaaed m msvJ steatUf otterta STsrags.) . Distrlbator price $234. , A gnde butterfat -UellY-ered, 85c; B grade, deliv ered, 33c. . . ..rf-.:-,r A grade prist, SStfc; B grade, 84c -,- ; '-..- PHees nwid ta frawm by Salem borers. lien nneee below. suDDliad br a knl grocer, -era iadicatira at the daily anarkct mi are not gaaraateed br Tha BUtit- maa.j - , . rxuiTS - IBnaiac Prieaal : Bamanaa. U. m ataHt ' .Of! bonds .OTA CocoaauU. sack 6.501 Cmaeerriea, bbL . 6.T5 to .-5i Uases, frets, la. JXO U .151 Gran-irait. Florida, fees 8.T6 ta "6.Z5! Urapcfmit. Ariioa a l.0 ta 3.501 U re pee. oiealeaa. tag . 1.4 1eaTB - 1.40! Uami, crate, fancy , 4.00 ta 7.00 waeice ,,, s.oo to 4.. Oranges, Valencia, fancy. 4.75 to 5.001 rmef B.3 Cheiee S.7S to 4.2 S Faara, Bom .CO ta Paan. D Aajaa - .60 to ,TSi - .7 . 4.00 1.00 Piaaappto, fraak . arata Poajcgraaatcs. Hik VG8T BIXS iBnyiaf Pricai) Baata. doa. 2 B roe call. aa. Caboaara. lib. CaJtaat-a. re4 . Cabbage. Kraoi. cwi. .45 .03 .03 .73 Cbineao Cabbac. crats Carrots, do. ,, ,, 1.25 .25 Chard, das. .8 CMltUawac. Ora. Ka. 1 erata - .7! 1.50! .85 -elerr. erata .,, U carta .ii to Caeaambara. ootdoor lo( Cadi -a. doc. ' .6 Gtcaaa, ataatard. era to . .8 - .80 1.00 to .75i 2.80 to SSi Graaaa. Sala. crato -- Let tare, local , , ..... California. Iced Oniona. (ma. doa. .Sal Oalana Urcfoa wnila. it 69 IM. .65 to .ssi 1.50 45 HTaJia Walla aw tot Radiaaoa. doa. Paaa. coaat or Seattla. lb. . . . A Peftaora. groao, ib. X2 to Si Kd. lb. .19 Potatoaa. Bear, No. 1. , , S.OO No. S. S-lb. baa .67 to .70 Potato, aveot U0 to US Paaokioa ewt. --- U0 Spiaaeb, oranre box .65 Snaaa. lb. , ,.- Ml n to .oa uaaiaa. eaa. .i to jeo Bobbard. cwi. .75 to 1.00 Paoaat. doa. .7 Turmrpa. doa.' , , .40 Wator a rata UTS : Walaata. 1. Jl to J6 to 45H rUborta. 19S6 crop. lb. . .19 aora (Baviaa; Price) Cluatcra. 134. ib. J!0 Am JO AS Cluatara. 1913. lb. ., do. 19S6. lb. l-cflaa. 1935, top. lb. do. 19BS. lb. wool, ass acoBAxa Baring Prieat Mai air .85 atedioo) wool JO Coarao wool BOGS AJTD POOXTBT (Burins Prieo ot Aadroaoaa) Kxtraa J2 Brawa axtraa .SO .29 .29 .23 .16 .16 .14 .10 jOS J00 as as Madiuna extra Lart;a ataadarda Mediarn atandarda PulleU Hearr bent. lb. . Colored BediDBa. Ib. atadiusa toa. lb. Staga. lb. , ,1 i I Old rooatara. lb. Colored fry a. ovar d Iba. Uader 4 Iba. Whito Leehoraa. frya .14 MARION- CKEAU RT bnylnf Prtcoa ra Poaltry. So. 1 otoea- Colored heaa. nader 4H lta. .16 .10 .08 as as as Leabora kena. orer IH Iba. , , Legbora kena, andar 8H Iba. . Legbora brouera Colored aprioga. ever 8 Iba. - Crlored apriaga. aader 3 Iba. -- Egga Candied and graaed Large etraa .29 .24 .27 41 .16 .14 aladinai axtraa - Largo ataadarda .. Modiaai ataaaarda Oadergtadoa ' . .j PaUata . IXVXSTOCB. Baying Price) Spring lamb a 7.00 to 7.25 2.25 to 2.75 9.25 to 9.85 Hoga. ISO-lfvO Iba 160-310 Iba. . 210-250 lbs. . Sowa j..-, ., 9.75 W.23 to 9.85 7.25 to 7.50 6.50 to 7.50 Bteers i Dairy trpo cow Beet cows S.OO to 4.00; 4.50 to 5.00! 4.75 to 5.251 5 00 to 6.00 S.50 i Balls Heifers - Top veal Draaaeel veal,, l. .18 .13 Dreaaed hoga ORAIS ASS HAT Wheat, weatcrn red - .91 - .92 .40 00 S0.00 .26.50 White. Ko. 1 Barley, brewing, to a , Feed barley, ton -- Oata. milling, toa ,, Focd. toa i 23.0Oi Clooeraeod. lb. .23 2.95 Veteh aeod. per 100 Hay barms prieea i Alfalfa, -alley Oat and retch,- toa .11.001 . 9.00! Clover, ton t.OOi CASCABA ASJ htXST Caaeara hark. lb. .06 M t.75 Peppermint Oil. Ib. Stocks & Bonds - I ' TToTember .19 tSTftcar AVEIAQES (ComplSad by tho Auociated Preaa) I SO l : ! Indoit. Kaila 15 60 Util. Stocka 51.4 71.3 Today ! 9T.9 8d.8 Pre-, day -o Month ag 94.4 43.3 Tear ago-. 75.8 28.3 1936 hagk 99.3 48.5 1936 low 73.4 80.3 1935 high 76.8 81.3 19.5 low 49.5 18.5 51.7 73.3 52.9 76.9 44.0 . 56.9 63.7 73.9 43.4 56.7 44.7 66.1 21.6 84.8 BOKDVXBAOES J I . ao 10 10 10! ' Kaila Indnat- TtiL For'kn Todar 97.3 M04.S 102.4 102.6 103.7 9.6 103.1 9.S 99.8 . 64.3 71.7 ft.e 76.5 Pro-, day; Month ago 97.3 Tear ago - 88.0 10SC high 97.9 104.3 108.9 101.8 69.5 71.0 67.0 76.4 64.5 104.8 101.8 102 J 92.2 19SS low oo. 1H high 8T.S 1935 low 76.4 Oniona Orogea. fOalllOj Takliaa, mm - .1 t mini -l.l. Timm ekwtea. 62.35-3.40; Yakima, c" , i -.'..T. wtnamatto oalfcy aaaaUam. 0a .r aoarae and bralda. 2Sa lb.: oaatera urecoa. Tiw 37-SSo lb.: aai ".T " . .i tr. niii- nri to retailers t Al falfa. Ko, I, 6tf.17.50; oaatera .Orego- i-th-. SIS.180 toa: oata aaa Tew-, ain-ia- ttarer. Sta lea, x Hope Womlaalj WMMii " SUS-1J9 lb. I ratal Takiaaa. $1.15-15 eeataL ' .., 8-g-r Berry or fruit. 100a, S.1S . ri-. . . ti aa uL K.rile .rice, alty dalWary 6 36hb lotat family spoa l!. oL Vt. bakera' hard wheat, T.I. V... v.V. 85.60-6.23 88 05: arhaUw whaoU 66.10. Boston Wool 16. (API (TJJS. sow - XHgrt. A-r.V Fine DUino OM w . - . VttMt uevc- , 1 .K.m mm arraaoo 1a tbo Jtoerear mar- -waa oni-aat BiUti atapl. Wf jesith tTaj tor- b-ais. t?ie oeaabing hm' Oh rioeea . v. tba Kraaaa. wMla " . i i Mmm mat m " - - Wheat Mart Down Again o-e-aena Argentine Wheat Surpluses Placed at -147 Million Bushels Now , CHICAGO. Not. laP)-1-prices predominated in the wheat trade today, especially toward the last, when attention focused ; a good deal on larger estimates of Argentina's exportable surplus. ; Now it is authoritatively tore cast that the Argentine wheat sar plus this season will total 147, 000,000 bushels, whereas some estimates a month ago were for 129.000.000 bushels. With, likeli hood of a surplus of about 90,- 000,000 bushels tor Australia, the southern hemisphere's', surplus from the- new wheat crop Is 1 ex pected by some specialists to be about 100,000,000 bushels more than last year. 1 j ; Wheat closed uneven, 1H cents lower to higher compared with yesterday's finish, Dec. 116 . May 114-, July 101- corn down. Dei. 104. , May. new 9S4-, July new 94; oa.Ji- off. Dec. 44 94 . end rye showing l-2 drop. Dec. j92. Provisions re sults varied from 20 cents decline to 5 cents advance. Rye gave way with wheat and corn. Rathe severe jelling pres sure developed in rye, a develop ment ascribed to hedging against possible foreign purchases. Packing Interests were sellers of provision. Linn County Farmer ; Finds Sodium Chlorate Fine Enemy of Thistle ALBANY, Nov. 19. Lester Mc Farland of Tangent Is no longer worried about Canada thistle get ting the best of his grain crops, he told County Agent F. C. Mul len recently. During the past three or four years he nas praeticauy eliminated this pest from his farm through the use of sodium chlor ate, ho said. -' - - He reports killing about 90 per cent of the thistles the first time over the field, using not less than three pounds ot chemical per square rod. He often carries a sup ply of the material with him as he goes about his usual farming operations, sprinkling it on any thistles he finds. Ward Building Work U ' Held Up, Lack of Steel Work on the new Montgomery Ward building is held up for the present owing to the lack ot steel. The material for the upper por tion of the steel skeleton of the four-story building is on a boat in Portland harbor, but cannot be unloaded because of the long shore! strike. Gardeners and Ranchers Mart PORTLAND. Ore.. Not. 19.- (rV-T rading remained d all on tbe roruauu 61UBV,B market today. Local frestt Tese tables were In light supply. Cauliflower topped at 90c per crate. A limited supply ot Wash lngton celery was being ollerett at 11.75-2.00 tor nail crates oi -w 2 4 inches. The onion market continued listless. Applea Washington. Delicioua, extra fancy, $2-2.35; Jonathan, extra laney. 81.45-1.65; fancy $1,25 1.50: Oregon, Washington, jnmble paek DeUclona, 75o i v;- Kortkern Sniea 60-75e. ------ - - Staymana u-im, Dpuion - T Winaeape $1-1.25, Koatana 85a-$l. m Artickokee Oafiforaia boxen, 6-6 doa $3 50-2.75. -.! Canforaia. 8-65a. black. 83.80-3.65; Faertoa. $3.80-8.65; Puebloa. 82.40-3.ea. ..... Bean a Oregon, per pound. Blue Lakee, u i a w . a-mw rannna -! 6-7e; othera, 4-5c Beets for aosan, wvc Broccoli Lugs. 40-50c. BmsaeU- Bprouta Oregon. flat' eratoa. oo Cakbare oreron. vanian. - eratea, 81.5O-1.S0; red. in, z-.tac. , Carrots for ponao, 11 vt-tvr. f!lifla r Oraroa. nonr. 80-90C. Celerr Oregon Va eratoa. Sr doa $1.50-1.60; UUh typo, $1.50 1.65 J hearts. l-?5.- . t I;..' Celery roox rouao. aw-tea. Citrus fruits Orangea. California Va- onciaa. fancy. ga-.7; -areia, o.i--; grapefruit. Florida, fancy, an awea. o 8.35; Arizona. $1,003.35; lemons, Cali fornia, fancy. $5.35-7.75. ... Cocoaaata lmportoo. aacaa, f.; 85a doa. j . . Cranberries --poan non Coeunibere Oregon, hothouse. 83.75- 4.00 box; California, $2.Zo Per rog ox 4 doa.- i . . . Eggplant Ortgoa. raga. oo-oac. - Firs California (lata, white aad black. 50 75a. 1 f Garlic yt pouno. T . Grapes Emperora. $1.50-1.75. Oreea oniona Pa doaoa baaxhee. 90-25e. - - Oroaad Cherriaa Oreroa flat boxes, per lb, $-10e. J'- - Hackloborrios Oregon. .Washington, lttuce Oreaoi a.' WaahlnrtOn. 6 doa. $l.SO-1.75jr Calif ornJa, 4-5 doa. $3-8.35; Idaho, $l0-3. t i Malona Waahlagtoa Caaabaa, 0e-$l Maahreomo Oao ? pound cartons. 66- 50c - 1 -; ' " , " Onions 10O-pound aacka, TJ. B. Ho. 1, yellows. $1.10-15j Valeaema. 60-la. eeca. tw-ao; yauaw awioTB, - UFeas California k 8 y a r. t-StS; erataa. $625-6.50. ; ; Paarn Oroaa. . Waahlagtoa. . hosoa. jusable pack. Boae. $1.60-1.75; It'A-joma. Pappara Oregon, flat hosea. tod. S6 85e; oraaga boxaa. groom, 61.00-1.10. PaUtoea U. 6X V. X, 100 ft. aacks. Deschutes, msaeta. $1 JO 1.40; Klamatk, S3.80-3.40; Waahiactoa. $3.80-9.46 J; lo eaL $3-3.15; Bar bsnka. $3-3.15 : , ..!. a i l.ara S1.15-1S. Radtaheo Par daaenu bn-choa, tO-SSo. lUtabarb California, apple bexoa. at 1B.114. . " r ' Rotabga Waaktto. 106-tt. a-eka. gpiaach Oregon, orango boxaa. $1.85- as. Bo as sh Oregon Dan is a, raat, erataa. ka.&. ITnbbaraL lh Oi-le. west Potatoes Oal'fomi a 66-IK aratea. $1016.1.65 1 yams. $3 t.16 saakaL TomoAooo Oregon Cat hosea. 60-7 5c; be teas. 81-40 1.75. - -Tuinlpa Dooear banchea, 85-SOo. Watorcreaa Pound. 85-dOo. Jane Cutting Up That Inveterate ttttie intnx of the movies, Jans Withers, seems to be cutting up again, tut this time tha object of her attentions Is an over size Thanksgiving turkey Scio Will Greet!. Rebekah District Confab Tomorrow SCIO, Not. 19- Virtually all plans for t h e Rebekah. district convention to be held in Scioj Sat urday afternoon and night ivrere completed at a-regular meeting of theJocal unit of th order Wed neaday night. Mrs. J. L. Rodgers is president and Mrs. Frank uar- tni secretary of the convention. Afternoon session will be de voted to lodge matters. Seyeral candidates will be initiated by a Dallas degree staff following! din ner at 6:30. which "is to be served by the Baptist aid society ot( this citv. Lodges at Lyons, Mill City, Scio and Stavton comprise district number seven. Scio lodge; was host to the convention in October, 1931. POLLY AND PALS ! ruj8GLUV. fTArOhT ON T SrUFF SNiFF WONT OODcL. 1 -J- GO ATALKIN' Jul TnOEY MOUSE FOR YEARS. ! NO ONE STEPPED HIS FOOT IN THIS HOUSE UNTIL. HE HAD PROVED HIMSELF GENTLEMAN! ' . I ft! , t , B WM ijjm ' LITTLE ANNIE ROQNEY HE ZECO mm, AMD MIKIO ryooa- OVJM BUSlKlESS L IF C- STAQT SCAQH4 THAT THE LADV VJ1LU TOOTS AND CASPfiR I HEULO. trrc ME SPEAK, TO MISS Barbara -1 iocrrf '1 PLEA-5E a xe - THDIBI TIIEAT kStt OUR oOPa IrYIKfO 2 ---G y FT t3--9 rfcif3 T fL af -T " ( BUT IHISS BAREtABA .TLrTT Wool Stocks in Are Low Quantity Held For Apparel . fllanufacture Is Off; . 20 Per Cent Stocks of raw wool In the United State ; for the remainder of the present marketing" season , (to Aprll.l, 1137,) will probably con tinue to be much below average, an estimate from the division -of crop and I livestock estimates of the United States bureau of agri culture states. The carryover into the new season, will probably be lower than a year ago. . . Stocks of apparel wool held by dealers and manufacturers In the United-States on September 26. totaled 125.94 0.0 00 pounds. This represents a decline ot 20 per cent as compared with the same date in 1935. Domestic mill consumption of wool for the final quarter of this year is likely to be considerably smaller than In the same, months of 1935. Consumption for the en ure year 1936 is expected to show a substantial decline as compared with 1935, but will be well above the average of recent years. Con sumption of apparel wool by United States mills from January through August of this year was 8.5 per cent smaller than In the same months of last year, but was larger than In the corresponding period of any previous year since 1923. J " t Prices Hold Firm Wool prices In the domestic market; were firm during Septem ber and early October : although trading was limited. The fact that supplies' of wool in , this country and in foreign countries are small probably will prevent any mater ial decline in domestic prices dur ing the remainder of the present wool-marketing season even, with some decline in domestic consump tion. On the' other hand domestic prices are reported to be close to import parity on many grades of wool and unless foreign prices for wool continue to advance, domes tic prices cannot advance much - IARFUL. . f r i ncn i nvo wrvo (-oiuitry 1 n 11 at m INVADED THE PRIVACY OP MY HOME AND FRANKUiJ Ves, SIR! I know! SUH, IT WAS DIFFICULT TIMES FOR ME TO YA DlO Krca av TPMPP1? t SWELL op THOUGH ! T PLEASE, MA'AM IF U -STAMD STIU. WfcMT ME CWlCTie4 - AUU NEVEH -ma6 r ho ru.CPA.viui UMDEI2 THEJ2S j I AMD W m J f V7r y H rU'PHONS HEW AtsAlM LATER I'LL TELL HCR NOT TO DROP IN HERS AND SHE CAM LIKE IT OR LUMP IT Popeye Cl rDtf I OOHCT eTHlH& l a a ) o MaV&lrrTtOrA-BRltai THE LU6Qro (It f Radio Programs KoToambor 26 J - KOrlIDAT--46 a. 6:80 lock. 8:00 Kxerciee aad Aoploaaaco. S:0 Na a. , - . S:SS Rbrtaaa aad Roata-ce. ' S :4S 8)oaa ot tho rtoaeere. aiaf. 9:15 Loo Aafaloa aerre chair (ET). 9:86 Ronaaca ot Halo Trent,, aerial t-45 Rick Kaa's Darlinr. aarlaL : 10 :00 Betty oad Bob, aerial. 10:15 Madera taataexeu-. 10:4 Bettr Crocker. II :0O Holiday Haetoaa. . I.:4 nappy uouow. 1 J :0O MacMlaa of tks air. - 13:45 sewa. 1:00 Topa ravao. 1 : 1 5 Hs-ienakara feetitate. - ! 1:80 Variety aaatlaea. S :00 Bed Croaa. 1 a :05 Al Trace, aaaaie. 1:15 Children 'a corner. 1:80 Xewa Throu.k a Womaa's Eyes. 2:45 Neifkbora. t :00 Feauaiao faaclea, rariety. 8:30 Xewa. - , - 6 :00 Broadway arietiea. i S:S0 Holoao'a laakioaa. . 6 :45 Drewa, orgaa. 6:00 Hollywood ilotel: ktatd of Salesa. ' T:O0 Pigakia parade. t :S Oooao Creek Pareoa, bill-bniy. ' 8 :00 Mar-aaer Gooca. ; ' 6: IS Reafrew ot tbo Koaated, - 8:SO Koatelamets orca. - -j..'' 0:80 KabiBoft-Jack Arthur. 9 :45 r'ootlif ht Faataalea, Virginia La- Rao. ... 10:00 Milaa orek. 10 :30 AUea orca. 11:00 Hoaglaad orck, 11:S0 Barria orek.- - - - ' ' KOW rSJDAT 620 Ke. i T:00 Moralag aMlodios (ET). T:S0 Petite -oaieale (ET). 9:00 Chriatina, aonga. 9:1S Mary ktarlia , aarlaL 9:80 How to Bo Charming. 9 :45 Myatory Chat. . 10:00 Beaay Walkor'a Kitchen. 10:15 Mra. Wirri of Cabbage Patch. 10:80 Joha'a Other Wife, drama. : ro: 45 Just Plain Bill, drama. 11:00 Stadie (ET). -11:80 Beaas Arta tilo. 11:45 Xewa.' 12 :00- Pepper Tooag'a Family, drama. further without attracting larger imports. No material change in foreign prices is expected in the next tew months. The recent currency changes In France and Italy may result In some readjustment" ot wool textile activity in the principal foreign consuming countries. The devalu ation of the franc is expected to improve tho competitive position of France In the export markets for manufactured wool products and may enable the French Indus try, to regain some of the export business in wool textiles lost dur ing recent years. A Bone to Pick 90 VORETW APCflST WCTT5 ENSAJ3EDTMYNCI VI VASZ WiTH C O'VER MODELS 94 VI LAP! ANLTHL1- v AKnsri He Asked for It! Vo wCktr- '!-3 Vwrr KU-k crv-iKlPcp A VI 1 RID THEM THAN X FIND AriOTrAER UNCOUTH RUFFIAN H MY HOUSE! IT AT IS MORE THAN 1 A dOS rr, . Chicken-IIearted: I LAUD SAXES, I GOT IT IT'S r.-ir-. CAN STANDI revV in . r-. v 'iii x mi m .. child - vomx. GET fOOO. CLOTWES A MICE CHlCKEU I DOrdT THlrdlC I WttJ-iSED W r-r ajrtAviTTr f YOU OO RUN AWAY kj- An Ominous Meeting fAPERS RlrHT--SH-rS I Tl a mH gji Taem m rxiTN-g TO MARRY MONEY V AND SHED EAUtKA kVAT FROM - IK1 A MNIJ SHE ETV7THE CHANCE- SMH- THE ' I D0OR - ' Al.U.- X CJPMT. . The Boy They CanH Forget" IT WAS . -j i-: , m Sea avr- 11!15 If a Porkiaa. serial. .7. J-.J0 Vie sad Sado, comedy.! - U:45 The O'Xeills. -drama. l:0O Vittlo comeart. 1:80 CUaie. - 1:4V Charcb Ceoaxil. S:00 HoUywood aowa. , j - ;: -. t :OS Oordoa ores. J . ' S:15 Concert oaaemblo. r " ' 2:80 Clea,- erfan.. . 1 ; 2:45 Stylo chaU. I -' 8 :03 Wtmti'i magiiiae. 4 :0O Stein orek. t I 4 :SO Waiter Kelaey. Tiolia. ! ' 4 :4S la-iaibla TraiU (KT).i 8:00 Ireae Rich, drama. ! - ' 6:15 Ralina Zarora. 8:80 Jnaier Karaea (ET). 6:00 rootbalt. - . ' .: ktoaical Maaneo.alaa. t:O0 Firat Kigbter. draaaa. V:30 Caret o Carnival. - 6: Amoe 'a Andy, oaoaedy. ' 8:15 Lam aad Abaar, comedy. 8:10 Court of Bamaa Kelattoaa. 9:00 Waring orek- aing. patter. 9 :30 rirealde hoar. 10 :00 Nowe. 10:15 Sight Watchman. . 1Q:29 Flood orrh. 10 :45 Hopklaa orck. 11:00 Ambaeeador arch. lt:SO LoTeland orek. . , ' f to 12 Complete weather report. ' ; . KSX rnrDAT 1166 fc 6":80 Maakra! clock. t :80 Joah Higcina. . 7:45 Ariatocratie KUytha. ' . 8:00 Herman. Bart a. piano, xylophone. j 6:15 Vagabonda. d aiog. B ;AV .nVDCulVOBVIl 8:45 Ooapel aiager. 9:00 Studio. 0:05 Honey boy aad Saaaafiaa. - . ... 9: IS Home inatltnto. i. e:SO Farm aad homo. 10 i00 Stndio. 10 :02 Firo-minata Myatory. , . 10:07 Owa Your uome. - t . 10:I5--Food Uagieiaa. iO:SO Vaagha le Loath, alag. ' 10:45 Dot and Will, drama. , . iO:0O Current erenta. tl:15 hfuaie AppreciaHoa. 2:00 Farm and Uae. 12:45 Marketa. i 1:50 0. M. Plummer. talk. 1:00 Commonwealth club. 1 -an Uaakin'a maalc. 2:80 Olmaa orch.i 2:45 Flying til 8:00 Animal clab.i 8:15 Midge Williaaaa, ainga. 8 15 Financial and grain. 8:80 Sewa. 8:35 Lucille Afaanera. ' ... 8:45 Art Tatnm, fiano. 4 :00 Xowa. . 4:30-4:45 Dinner concert, orgaa. 8:00 Xewa, weather forecait. 8:15 Romance of Haaic. 8:80 Singin'- Bam. 8:4 uncle cxra. f 9:00 Amateur ahow. I 9:30 Melody Man. 10 :00 Doaovilla orck. . . 10:80 Rhythm Steppera, I 10:35 Biltmora oreh. - i " iQ:50 Biltmoro arck. 1 1 :00 Charloa Bunyan. orgaa. to. 1 13 Weather and police reporta. I j 0A0 rXLDAT 560 Xe. I 9:00 Homemakera hour.. 40:15 Story hour for adulta. 11:00 KO AC echool ot tho air. It :1S Noon farm hour. 11:15 Variety half hour. YbeCALMJ 1 XDONT COBBLE NNOTHfo ) aw . a e a a . ;i k a ear a . a r war v ( I'M EXTREMELY GLAD V" V YOU SUGGESTED IT.TT WEiliWHY POKY YUH SOCK MM f ONE ? t . M s S3. T HAWK VOUjCMILO BUT - LOOS! AT "TtXltt CLOTHES Covered with mod WHAT WILJ-TOUK f WM i I 4 ; ' WHY. OUDT - E lr3 - VHLL !rt- sv 1 J MOTHBB L 1 a-t n'l m -sa a ------ ' l YESTOOTS i I - HOME I FAMOUS MR.POOCHST in ii i "" ' MrH 2 : 00 Guarding your health. t :00 Homemakrr' h&'.: tiur, "Die- - v - eiplining the ! Adolea nt." Dr. ' ' ' Jeaeie 1 Brodio ot Poraaod. 4:00 The aymphenie hoar. 4:30 Storiea for koya and glrle. - " S :0O Black aad white aereaade. 6:30 Krening farm hour. T:5 SwiadWa to audt. 8:15 Tbo writera craft.' , S:SS-9:00 Fishing eoaditiona. (7n CiaC(? trea)& ' f .t-s- jscsnruDiiicn yiatckUsf-Even, Temperature - No gas burns In the room "All moisture and otlors are carried away thru the flue No sweating, odors or soot Endorsed by Portland Gas Coke Co. . FOR SAW? BY 1 oaoi JjX laO Oaf rif eratora.Heatla I BSB-Mi CtarjaxRCTA OHONg By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY MY N sDEAPc SERGE AKT- HjOWVE VA 7 0vir"tDT::3y-- BY BRANDON WALSH Vl 0OO. LITTLE 1AIKIT GOT GICU WELL,TS GO rra tub HOUSE. 1U. I AlMT GOT MO FOLKS .l'lvnse VOtJ'D ECSPT UVE? &OMS OF tub zbro Irvwica. r so st i . baked.! -tr ' By jimmy nnnipnY YOLTRE SCOTT I TS BARBARArr AND EXRA, i HIM5ELFV ANSWERED THE DOOR NOW SYVO MSTl COMT INJCD. TOMORRCM" By SEGAR WVlRE fR V ! r-5M6a. POOPOECK Pf9PV? ; gjgnj St4ato9aaM6l Shaat Metal MFLSO ' ... . .! A BEEN 3S?&i ( o of rr ' f l i OOCHEVy VOO-A p aprUca. 14-l$o lb.; rooatora. S-to to. k aaoved at coata.