Mrs. Sealey Entertains Pringle Women's . Club The Pringle Women's club held iU regular meeting Wednes day at the home of .Mrs. O. T. Sealey with Mrs. Leon Lalgle as assisting hostess. Daring the busi ness meeting plans were made (or a social which Is to be held at the schoolhouse on Thursday eve ning. December 3. and is being sponsored by the organisation. Home-made candy - and popcorn will be sold j in connection with the program and social. ; lurked guests were Mrs. F. I Webster. Mrs. Margaret Adams. Mrs. Warren; Brasher and ' Mrs. C. E. DaTisJ : i Members present were Mrs. F. Wiltsey, Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. William Props t, Mrs. J. W. Keys. Mrs. J. Naslin, Mrs. H. Ci Stapleton, Mrs. Paul Gur garlcfe, Mrs. p. O. Bowman. Mrs. Charles Spurlin, Mrs. S. D- Emery, Mrs. ' John "Tan Lydegraf, Mrs. C. W. Grabenhorst. Mrs. . C. E. Hoage and the hostesses Mrs. O. T. Sealy and Mrs. Leon Lalgle. The club will be entertained by Mrs. John Van Lydegraf and Mrs. Nellie Hoarde on December 2 at the home of the former. Hostesses Honor Their Bridge Club .- - ! , j' 'f - Two hostesses last night were Mrs. Charles ) Claggett and Mrs. Lorlng Schmidt who entertained at t the Schmidt' home on North Cottage street honoring members of their bridge club. Additional guests for the eTe nlng were Mrs. Glenn Wilbur and Mrs. Philmore Huth. -.Club members bidden were: MESDAMKS - kar.dler Brown i, : Robert Draxer " , Vernon Perry , . Wm. H. Hammond Uara'.i Olinger "l Clayton . Foremaa Garten Simpaoa JIL.a Knla J ana - Willamette CInbs -Meet Together - . ' The German and French clubs of Willamette university met for a joint party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Vazakaa at 86a North Cottage street recently. Miss Martha Warner, the speaker of the erenln, i told about her trip to Europe; this summer. The crabs which meet every two weeks giro the students opportunity to speak IB the! r respective lang- . - , t , Jh .OltEG ON , TAJJSSM AN, jSajeau; .Oregon, , Friday Jlorrtmg Noveiaber 20, 1935 irr .i: ? : jPAGe thirteen Queen of University Homecoming T ..1 (Continued from Page 1) railroad service has been divert ed : since ' the undercrossing pro ject began, i Highway1 paving has been completed through the tun nel from the south end of the nrofact - and 1 from the "shoo-fl v" Beauty and brains are combined In the homecoming queen selected line north to the main road. The oy sinaems at ivcni state university at Kent, O. Miss Eleanor I spur roadway, X 4 feet wide. ttaaer, comely senior Who Is leading lady of the campus drama group and president of the women's honorary service organization. She is f roni Yoongstown, O. . i Bids hi. Today, State Capitol 1 eMMPBS,' V... . Award Early Next Week Forecast; ,WPA Will - Check Proposals (Continued -from page 1) - the awarding of the contract for the new-state capitol. It is intend ed to have the two buildings match it possible. This information, was received here yesterday by Sen ator Charles L. McNary in a tele gram from his Washington office. Bids were submitted-on the postoffice ! - building on - marble, sandstone and limestone.' At the request of Senator McNary, Salem chamber of commerce and other Salem people the awarding f the contract was held up ntu the capitol. bids were opened. Style Queen Undercrossing to Be Utilized Soon In the ages. Although separately, they usually meeting sometimes hold special joint affairs to hear some exceptionally interesting speaker. ' t . : " . - ,; z The Maccabees will have a no host dinner at Fraternal Temple tonight at 7 o'clock. Afterwards fnitiatlon will be held and regular business discussed.: Juniors will meet at 4. p. m. " - : j V : " - "'rl Past Matrons will meet at Mrs. J. EL Godfrey's tonight for their regular 7:3ft. dinner. Mrs. A. Wrght, Mrs. Jejsie Darby, Mrs. Jennie , Emmons and Mrs. Lena Cherrington are in .charge. LEBANON Thej home of Mr. and Mrs. W.f A, Baker, east Vine street, was the scene of a pretty wedding Saturday night o'clock,- when Wilma Blanche. Richards; son of Mr. Frank Richards, of were united in marriage, at 8 their daughter. and Mr. Sam and Mrs. Lebanon, A beginner's harmony class for primary grade students! will be held at Music Hall at Willamette unlversty. Saturday morning from 9 to .10 o'clock. Mss Ina I Bennett and Miss Mary Jeannette Sargeant will conduct the class. A turkey dinner will be served at the meeting of the. Degree of Honor 'tonight in K of p hall at 6:30. All Juveniles are asked to bring a pumpkin pie or a salad. At the Saturday meeting of the Rev.jF. single; ring ceremony. Attendants were Miss Doris Richards, sister of the groom and Mr. Frank I R. Baker, brother cf the bride. An oriel window bank ed with i chrysanthemums I and greenry formed a beautiful back ground for! the wedding group.- The bride wore a gown of wine colored crepe with a tunic of cream lace with a shoulder cor sage of rosebuds. . Following the wedding recep tlon the bride and groom left for brief stay in Portland and on their return will begin housekeepf ing in an apartment in the Cot tage hotel. : Woman's Relief ' Corps. a- cane. given some years ago to the corps by Comrade Harris, will; be pre sented to his grandson. Mrs. A. L. Beckendorf of Har mony, Minnesota, is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. M. Scjharff at 2037 Nebraska. FEARED STOMACH GAS WOULD SMOTHER HER! WOW VAN-TAGE RELIEVES Airs. Mitchell of Brooks, Ore, Was Almost Driv en Crazy by Gas, Bloat, Dizzy Spells, Lack of Sleep Now Relieved, She Says: "I Want to Tell the jWliole World About Van-Tage." Remarkable Statements from . many parts of this city and gen ' eral f section i praising and en dorsing VANVT AGE, continue to pour in dally to 170 N. Liberty Street. Salem, where this Amax Ing Mixture of Nature's Roots and Herbs! and Other Splendid Ingre dients" is being introduced- and explained to the local public by The ! Special VAN-TAGE Repre sentative in person. For instance,! Just a few days ago. the following Remarkable Statement, describing what 1 VAN TAGE can doi in certain forms of suffering, was received from Mrs. Mae Mitchell, of Route No. 1, Brooks, Oregon! Mrs. Mitchell has lived in this section for 6 years, where she hasi become Widely Acquainted and Very Popular. Af ter years of suffering she has fin ally found real relief. Let her tell you how you, too, can be eased of your aches and pains. Afraid to Lay Dopwn Due . to Horrible Gas I had terrible stomach trouble for over 5 years." says Mrs. Mit chell. "Everything I ate turned sour in my stomach,-, Then I would get ithat( awfulf gas and bloat and I would swell up ter ribly. I WOULD JUST ABOUT SMOTHER! The little bit of food I managed to force down would not digest but jwould, lay heavy in my stomach and give off this bitter gas. If 1. tried t eat meat it caused 'me i horrible torture! During the day, I had bad disty spells and at night I had to be propped up lin ibed because If I . lav down X Was Afraid the Gas -Would Choke Me! I had head aches that nearly drove me craxy, and I didn't have a good night's sleep for over-6 years! Now Her Awful Pains Are a Thing of the Past! "I used all kinds of medicine and got no relief. J didn't know what to do. Then .1 heard so .much about Van-Tage that ! de cided to give i It a trial. THAT. WAS THE TURNING POINT OF MY LIFE! , Now I eat meat or anything else I want. It digests and' doesn't turn sour . or feel - heavy in my stomach any more. I have no more gas, bloating or L. j,!r vT h - f.;-.;.; n --.-. .:.. f " --. , ; I ; . --- ' 1 f - i v - '(' "'V' T ' fc y .. '' The Day I Took VANTAGE Was the t Turning Point of My Life Says MRS. I MAE MITCHELL, Popular Local Lady Who Had Suffered for Over S Years. i ;" ; -: r . painful swelling. Dizzy Spells and; Headaches are all gone. I can lie down and there is no more gas to choke me. Now I am gaining weight and my husband tells ma look so much better, s And feel better! I My breathing! is easy and I can do all my work again and am able to take cars of my two children. I cannot tell you how good It feels to really sleep: at night - again. I want i to tell the WHOLE WORLD abjut this wonderful medicine, Van-Tage.' It has done so much for me that its value cannot be expressed, in dol lars and cents!" which Will lead along the west side of the project northwest to the Valley i Packing plant, also has been finished. - ' When the big project is com pleted. It will provide a 44-foot roadway for motor traffic and five-foot sidewalks on either side Wemett of the local Methodist I for pedestrians. Walkways and church officiating, using : the I roadway both will pass under the raiiroaa traces. Berni said his crews were well iWhea students at University ' of North Carolina voted to select the most stylish co-ed on the campus, honors went to Elizabeth Heeler f Hendersonvtne. N. C, who was honored as queen at the campus 1 , fashion show. Valley Social Realm ahead of schedule " although the recent cold weather nearly forced a halt In construction. Untiedt Quits as ature Lesisl Page Waconda Mr. and Mrs. Ward Manning entertained Sunday, at their home east of Waconda com DENVER j Nor. lMVBryan untiedt, hero of the Towner. Colo., school busjt tragedy in 1931, Quit his Job as a page in the Colorado legislature tonight after two days' work. He accepted a permanent post with a packing company. 'I'm afraid 1 didn't know what pllmentingrhis father. E. Wlfanl tWs er " " " I anyway," he said.! ""S "" . ' I aamtAm T T. ma On ning Mr and Mrs. Pearl Woo4 he7cuto1sl du a-2 c" ' m?!e,ne JoB,e,p,?3 Uulckly and they were sorry he auu auuaiUf bvjuum nvwcii! mi. 1 1 a f f ana jars, ueorgs tump, uiss nai- tie Ramp, Everett Ramp, I Miss Florence Can thorn, i Salem. Mrs. Untiedt. who at IS years of age was credited ' with saving 15 fel- lnw fiAAi ir)fl1ran frnm frA. Mai Stevens. North! Howell. Mr. iBg to death during a March blix- a six-foot tall youth of IS. Five died In the tragedy. Leslie Dedication Plans Completed Cnntinninl frnm Pave 11 department; opening remarks. Mr. Brady; invocation. Rev. George H. Swift; singing. "Ore gon State Song; address, "In Retrospect, Mr. Upjohn; presen tation of new building for PWA, Mr. Hockley, and for school board, Mr. Neer; acceptance for parent- teacher association. Governor Mar tin, and for faculty and pupils, Mrs. Clark; introduction of dis tinguished guests, "Currlcular Activities at Leslie. Superintend ent Gaiser; address, "Your New School,' Mr. Bartholomew; sing ing, "America;" open house throughout building. Strikers Seeking Relief, Reported Continued from Page 1), and Mrs. Henry Stafford, Wacon-j 8ai.d WhiCh trapped the bus. Is now estions." dar Ted Stevensr North, Howell. I i , j : J , tnent service. If the re-employment Service gives the applicant a cer tificate that he is in need and that no work is available, then the State relief committee certifies him for a WPA Job. . . ! Goudy stated, however, that the WPA organisation has eleminated Jobs for all men. over the age of 65 years, and has cut the ratio of women from SI per eent to per cent. These ho said, would have to be taken car of later by the relief committee. The state relief headquarters Is as busy now as any time since it was Started, he said, and there appears to bo no letup in appli- water; Board to Talk Open House Sleets Tonight; Providing Public Chance to See Reservoir Favored . I The Salem water, commission' which meets at ft o'clock tonight! may discuss tho - feasibility of holding open house at : tho new Fairmount hill reservoir when the project. is completed. Indlvld-f ually 1 and unofficially, members of the commission are reported as favorable to the open house Idea, which ! would give Salem; citizens an opportunity - to view the many-pillared interior of the reservoir, which l is roofed over with concrete slabs. I The decision to hold or not to hold the open house may depend largely upon the weather. The ex pense of cleaning out mud which would be tracked in by the visit Vhon You Want to Alkalize Stomach Fast Try This Amazing Fast Way The "Phillips" Way j Millions Are Adopting j On every side today people are beins urged to alkalize their stomach. And thus ease symptoms of "acid indiges tion," nausea and stomach upsets. To gain quick alkalization, just do this: Take two teaspoons of PHIL LIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA 30 minutes after eating. OR take two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tabids. Relief comes almost at once 4 usually in a few minutes. Nausea, "gas" fullness after eating and "acid indigestion" pains leave. You feel like a new person. Try this way. Get either the liquid "Phillips or the remarkable; new Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Each one equals a teaspoon of the liquid. Only 25 a box at all drug stores. AISO M TABLET FOftMt EaekUnytabfc fa thaaquiTslant ct a tw peom da atBaiiM tUnip Milk ei ors in event of wet weather prob ably would be too great. In the opinion ot water officials. " Kern & KIbbe, - contractors. will, pour the last roof slabs for the reservoir today, Albert Berni, superintendent,; said yesterday. Major construction work will be completed in about two weeks. The water department will have the task-of filling: soil in around the reuertoir and landscaping the grounds. Plans are to make the site one of the city's beauty spots. nmnieiu 001 w . ... . . ,-v W'"- X 1 ...v r PHILLIPS' STa r . M ,1 ( A, ' ' 1 ' t ; Is Like; Taking Several Medicines at Once - VAN-TAGE contains oiver SO Ingredients. So it Is almost like taking several medicines i at one and the same time. That is why this Amazing Formula has such a Splendid Action on suffering people. ! Some of its ingredients clear gas and bloat front stom ach;' others give the bowels a great cleansing; still others en liven the action of liver and kid neys and relieves rheumatism, neuritis, and pain caused by .these sluggish organs. Weak, miserable people daily write us - they get such a cleansing and invigorating from Van-Tage, they soon feel like different men and. women. A Special Van-Tage Represen tative, known as the VAN-TAGE Man, Is now at 170 N. LfBerty Street, Salem, daily; meeting crowds of people and introducing and explaining this -Remarkable .Compound. On Sale at Fred Meyer Toiletry and Remedy Dept. 170 N. Liberty St. MrsT Agnes Jones, Baiem, Ellis and raarj jne Manning ina me nosis Mr and Mrs. Ward Manning. DALLAS,, The : "contemplatory novel" study club of the Dallas branch of . the-A4A.W.W. met at the home : of Mrs. S. E. Whit wirth on Tuesday af tedn oon. Plans for the . year's work were made and books to be received by the members of the club in the near future were discussed. ' Refreshments were served by the hostess to Miss Betty ' Jell- nek, Miss Helen Hull, Miss Eliz abeth Sedgwick. Miss Veroka Vampler, Miss Nadlne Mlllhollen, Miss Viola Crozer and Miss Mary Beck. The next meeting of the ' Study club will be held at the Henry Savery home. DAYTON- Mias - Rose Marie Treague, youngest daughter of Mr. and Brs. Tom Treague of Day ton, became the bride -of Claire Rlchsteln, eon -of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rlchsteln of Pleasantdalei Saturday at McMinerrille In the; presence of the bride's parents Dr. C. Olds, Justice of .the peace. officiating. I Their home wil be at Pleasantflale. A wedding din ner was served at the he me of the groom's parents and attend-) ed by eleven relatives and friends j PLEAS ANT DALE E 1 e v e members of the Aloha club at tended the meeting held Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFarlane- and made plans! for the November party at the home of Mr. and MrsJ Scott Edwards. Mrs. McFarlaue served refreshments. Silverton Mrs. L. Boebert won high score for the women, and Mrs. Sena' Madsen, low. while Clyde Ramsby won high for the men and Frank Hubbs, low, Mon-i day night at the first of a series of card parties being sponsored! by the Royal Neighbors. Thirteen tables were In play during the avantnr. . - ' el - PLEASANTDALE Compli menting their mother. Mrs. J. J. Rowley of Dayton on her C 6th birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freshour entertained 13 members of their family at a birthday din ner Sunday. Union Hill The Union Hill Woman's club meeting has been postponed to Tuesday afternoon of next week. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Walter R. Heater. . r 1 . , Mm " VaL to 49 JO YaL to 29.50 88 1C88 MP-24" 1488-1 O O O O OOOO iO o EaOLHEDAY DEI EGO GALE $388.$488.$580.$700.$900 Loot t Fos Tbc Open Sat. Till 9 P. M. JV, BE SURE Vv ff YOU'RE IN ( Sally s J 357 Court St JJ s Salem it 1 7 you ft m ya K' i J ' ' sf : J val 1 - vj I; . t aaytoryemtocome. - . . i . Xsrzzz j H r-- r (f770 1 1 iperatsjreCl,w V - ",-, v ' - V-Z Cr T Autoaaaos ! .. X-rr- I," ;' 1 I ! tlWterwrselasJ ST , I laassel. 'J - ) '-"-Tl MfeltUi - X I' - rf Black, , --1 ' K, , t 2r TNw I :;SSeaa ,,.1 '.-. f ' " ''-'Af : t . ; 1 - - ' 1 . , v.- - i ' " i-'J-- issr ,xr Xv 1 UM0T 2 I . '1(wcleaMbesV .. I t ' r ., fJ--r; . ' v ' SJ cZ i ; 1 r LrfX-rr11 atal1 PE5?CO UESTItlGIlOOSC OBW.CRS 1 -v ' , ' 1 1 Ladies know ue when you a seel it t THE special range described in the advertisement below was announced only a few months ago. And what an amazing response! More than 2000 women in Oregon and Southwestern Washington are cooking on these ranges right now! Carload alter carload of them have been shipped into this territory and more cars are now on the way. We submit this sales record as evidence that YOU should see this wonderful Westing house electric range. If you: don't you are missing a real opportunity. Don't delay another day. decide now to roast your Thanksgiving turkey in this range! .You'll give real thanks this Thanksgiving -and every day for years to come. Social Security Blanks j Should Be Returned by j c Saturday Says Crattford Blanks for employers distritt : uted by the postoffice Mondsy li the : administration of the soda t ; security act should be returnee by Saturday sight, aid Post master Henry R. Crawford Thurs day If not received by that time the cases -will be handled by the general office at Baltimore, which is more complicated. . Next Week the postoffice will distribute, blanks for. the enroll ment of employes under the act.