PAGE TORCI KDrainage Work at Turner Lessens : Threats of Winter 'Floods 'he OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Morning' November 19, 1935 Weddle Ditch Is Improved New Spillway and Flume1, at I Intake Built; Other . Changes Made "! i TURNER. Not. 1 8. The south ern part ot town is reasonably as sured of less flood water this Win ter, with the road leading pat south of the center of town, mch ImproTed, and a big ditch made for drainage to the "west. Another helpful factor is ftho improvement of the Weddle 2ini ditch. v A new spillway and figure have been built at the. Intake. fin- stalled about 5 feet above the old one insuring a much better control of water. - j I The mill ditch through town hla recently been cleaned and cement walls repaired. !A high flood which usually occurred once or twice! during the has the winter, overflowed the southern part of town. -")'' Hold Union Service . ;The union church services, IwiU continue during the week foil lng the plan ot the preaching fu sion-Thursday night -at the Meth odist church the tyoung people's organizations will have charge of the service. Friday and Saturday nights, services will be held In the Christian church, j The usual Sunday morning er- vices will be held at! 11 o'clock and Sunday night all will astern bte at the Methodist church with Rev.; Eugene C. Hawkins occu pying the pulpit I Ohio Lecturer j Guest, Leban j LEBANON, Not. i 18. Alexin- der Davis, of Washington Court house, Ohio, lecturer and teach er of health subjects; with Mrs. Davis, stopped in Lebanon over the week end and assisted with the music at the Methodist chirch Sunday morning. They will spend next week tn Lebanon ' whee Davis will deliver three lectures which will be free to the public John Gram, son of -Labor Com missioner Gram, is recovering at the Lebanon - general hospital f r(om a major operation. 1 1 Mrs. Julia Klum. an aged Resi dent of west Lebanon, continues quite 111 after' seteral weeks" treatment. , i j U Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cox came last week from Maupin where) Mr. Cox Is employed on construction work. They spent? their vacajtion In building and equipping a trail er house as they are unable to Tent living quarters near the work. They left Monday, taking their new home hrtth them. - i I , . , : 19th Grandchildren For Hesters Is daughter I Of Rayis of Cloveriale SUVER, NoV. 18- j Mr. n d Mrs. Wilmot Kester received ford of the birth of a 10-pound gijandj daughter Sunday morning. The babye was born .to Mr. and tlfjrs. Oral Ray of Cloverdale. ' TMbiIs1 Mr. and Mrs. Kester's lth stand- child. They also have one treat grandchild. M M The Fred Stump store has (been located Just across ;the highway from Flicklnger's service station. - A gas pump has also beeii tn-t.liod- Durina- the process? of moving business was, conducted as usual In the store, j Union Thanks Service At Fratum Will Be field At" Methodists' Church PBiTtni. Not "18. The Union iflUUKIIlUK ' t - , aawio AT ma Mennonite and Methodist enurcn win be held atJthe Methodist church this year with Rev. Sidney Hall, the speaker. fj ' rred de Vries showed hU pic tures of a dosen different eoun trlee to a full house at Woodburn Immanuel Lutheran church Sun day night. He will ' show them at Bethel east of Salem Friday jnlght and atUnlonrale Evangelical church Friday night. November Comity Health I Officer: Conducts School Clinic i And Gives Examinations MT. ANGEL, Nor. 18. The an nual school clinic was held tr St. Mary's school Tuesday with j Dr. F. E. Berg of the Marion, county health ' department assisted! by Mrs. Irma LeRlche, county nurse. .The first and fifth grades re--eelTed 'physical examinations and Immunizations from smallpox and diphtheria and the tuberculin test was giren tcuall children jwbose parents wished them to tafce tt, ; CHINESE medicine; CO Natnral remedies f of -disorders of Uv ea, stomach, glands, skin, and urinary nttm of men and m m m. emeain i 1 o r --i , . asthma, arthritis, J sugar flUbetes andsV---. rheumatism, .rj T-'..'ZijTT 19 years In hoK , ness. Naturopathic - i physicians. 893H CourtJt. ' Corner Liberty. Office open' (Satur days! and Tuesdays ouly to A. M. to i ... . m D mi tn i. n .TtatWtnRloOd pressure andj urine fc - . r testa are fttee i of Builders and Sewing For 4-H Work by - i llATESVlLLE. Not. 18- Two more 4-H clubs have; been organ ized. iSnl V. Clark will - take charge of j the girls' sewing dab. ana js- w juoor win ute cnarre of the 4-H ? Builders' club. Officers of the sewing club: President, Clara Whitehead; vice president, Jannlta Ray; secretary. Berniece Robertson. The boys' dab will build a Annual Dance of Slated DALLAS, Not. 18. The Amer ican Legion auxiliary was enter tained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jack- Eakin with Mrs. Carl Bales as assistant host ess. The afternoon was spent in sewing on garments to be used in the auxiliary's child welfare Work. At the business meeting it was decided to hold the! annual aux iliary dance Friday night. No vember 27. Tickets-will go on sale at .once, j jj . The auxiliary will not hold a sewing meeting in December : u-n I less some emergency I essary. . f - makes it nec- Radio! Gubj Hears Chambers on Air DALLAS, Nov. 18. The Dallas Radio Homemaker's club met at the home of Mrs. H. J. Eastman j Tuesday afternoon where the members of the club listened to an address: by Dr. O. R. Chambers of O.S.C , speaking over KOAC. on "The Right Attitude Toward Errors." At the conclusion of his talk, Mrs. Rawson Chapin led a most interesting discussion of the subject, i Present were: Mrs. Bayard Findlev and Mrs. Burton Bell of RIckreall, Mrs. Chapin of Perry dale,. and Mrs. Ylrgil McPhersonJ Mrs. Myrtle Smith, Mrs. Dimick, Mrs. Harry "Webb. Mrs. Cecil Rigs, Mrs. Robert. LeFors, Mrs j Robert Kutch, Mrs. Hansen, MrsJ C. D. Forrette. Mrs. Roy Wood man. Mrs.1 Preston Dough ton and Mrs. Eastman. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Rawson Chapin at Perrydale. Joint Meeting Veteran" Croups at Silverton Is : Postponed, Wilson Saysj SILVERTON. Not. 18. Thej Joint meeting which was to have; been held this coming naay; night and at which Leslie M. Scott was to have been the speaker, has been Indefinitely postponed according I to Harry Wilson, com mander of the Silverton Legion Dost. The! American i Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars) were sponsoring the program Word of the nostDonement camel from Leon LaFeber of Portiana Swegle School Children Get Results Spell Testd . r. 1 - , SWEGLE. Nov. 18. Follow lng are the results in the Swegk) school in the county spelling test, listed by rank in the county Third arade.' first; fourth grade third: fifth grade, fourth; sixtn grade, fourttt: .eeventh grade fifth; eighth grade, third. Former Teacher Visits AMITY. Nov. 18 Mrs. Malzie McCall LaRue of Walla Walla waf in Amity Saturday visiting relaf tives and friends. Mrs. LaRue was a teacher in the Amity grade school for several years, leaving here about 15 years ago. She is rhow a member of the school facf- lnlf In Wl U Wl .". ' I " Aiixuiary Bj miagooxiwDtposiUy-MMl EmvUp, You're as dost to this bank as your nearest We have adopted this toproved, modern syfttem of Bank- img-by-Mml especially for those living some distance from . town and for others who desire to pave time and effort. . The enrelope provides a receipt of deposit wUA is promptly x 'returned to you. -r '1 So, when you find it inconTenient to come here to the bank, just rexnember that the tank may be easily, piicklyr safely reached by mU. Call or write for leaflet fully describ-; lng this timplc, practical plan to fvt your time. ! I II. V. Kyre, Manager: iJ C. Smith,.Asst. Mgr. T , j ( s - - .- " i I !"' .1 : ! J ' ' ! al3ia Bpani3li V- V 6f the .. -' : United tatBS si t : Bead Qfitie, MKMaEB IIDIIA1 DEPOSIT INSCIANCk COIrUftAllOH Clubs Formed Hayes Vrlle School modern poultry house this year and will meet each Monday night ; at the school house. Officers are: President, Mont Christofferson; Lloyd Lytle. vice-president Rus set Fouta, secretary: . and Daniel Verhagen, treasurer. If an assistant can be found, a second : builders' club will be. or ganised for the boya in the aev-I ijenth grade. Wisconsin Folks Visit, MiU Gty : '.H - . - MILL CITY, Nov. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Harry White of Beloit, Wis., have been spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde i Rogers. ; - " J : 1 Saturday night the Three Link club entertained with a "500' party in the I.O.O.F. hall. Eight tables! of cards were played with high scores going to Mrs. Andy Halthouse and Carl Knutson and consolation to Mrs. Maryetta Smith and Richard Saucier. . A special prize was won by Mrs. R. L. Faust. Lunch was served by Mrs; W. W. Mason, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder and Mrs. Floyd Fleet wood. ; i . Ellis O. Hendricson of San Francisco is spending a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary' Hendricson and sister. Miss Daisy Hendricson. Mr. and Mrs. James McMurtry of Philomath visited this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Oliver. Mrs. McMurtry was a former teacher in the grade school. j Turners Enjoy Ohio But Look Forward to Return To This State to Remain SILVERTON, Nov. 18. Mr. and Mrs. J. D- Drake have re ceived word from their daughter. Mrs. Ted Turner (Ardith), that she7 is greatly enjoying her home at Geneva, Ohio, although, she writes, she still prefers Oregon and i will be glad when she can return here. Mrs. Turner is with her husb- band who is an organizer forthe Eagles lodge and Is now working through Ohio. . Turner holds the world s record for getting new members.! He .was employed as an organizer in .Oregon until sent to Ohio a few months ago. The Turners had just returned to their home in Geneva from: a 10-day visit to the east coast, when Mrs. Turner wrote her parents. i Rain Too Late to Help Pastures; Lloyd Mason 1 Installs Mill on Farm CLEAR LAKE, Not. 18.- Lloyd Mason has recently install ed a feed mill and is equipped to do any kind of grinding for farm ers. He can grind corn on the cob or other rough grinding or as fine as desired. The recent rain has come too late to be of much value to pas tures and is not enough to help an in slowing. Much of the ground has been dry-plowed and some fall seedinr done but many acres Temain to be plowed for spring crops. f Mrs. D, R. Hammack, who has been in poor healtth for a year or more, is much improved in health after a slight relapse a w'eek ago. I Surprise Newlyweds PLEASANTDALE, Not. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Reichstein who were married Saturday, were complimented by a reception at their home Sunday night when a group of neighbors - surprised them. . ;j roan pox. Rational Banli Portland, Oregon Auxiliary I Plans Aid to Ho Definite Action on Course Will Be Taken ! at Next Meeting SILVERTON. Not. 18. That the Legion auxiliary may aid ifn furnishings for the. new hospital was I indicated at the Monday night; meeting of the auxiliary at which Mrs.; Emest Starr presided.. Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge will speak fat the next meeting of the unit, fol lowing which action! will be taken as to the nature of the aid the auxiliary will oferj the hospital board. ; 1; ; : . The auxiliary also Voted to give the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary permission to ; use the piano it the latter will contribute half Ithe cost of upkeep. - f ' To Attend Presentation Aii invitation wals accepted to be present at Porter school No vember 25 when Dr. A. J. Mc- Cannel will present the picture won i at the pet parade and do nated by the Silverton unit. i Mrs. Charles Hastings, chair man i or the Junior auxiliary re ported organization of and activ ities for that group. Other reports were! made by Mrs. A. C. Barbter, Mrs. Lewis A. Hafl, Mrs. c. E. Jaqua and Mrs. Harry Wilsonf Mrs. Starr appointed as a cap- board committee Mrs.: Roy Daven port and Mrs. C. EJ Jaqua. Books for the Bandon library will the sent at the next meeting. Visiters were! present from Mt. Angel aux iliary. - P I Mrs. Garlick at Talbot TALBOT, Nov. 18 Mrs. Jane Garlock ot Whiteson Is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.. Myers. . spital AK3UP - .. r. f - ' JUDtabora Ffsst Tsms, delivery and HsndSnj, Bassetn, Sparc Tire sad Ac cassettes AddWoasI CENTRAL HOWELL, Not; 18. r The program at the community club meeting Friday night con sisted of: Happy Homes by .the rhythm band' ot the primary room with piano accompaniment! by Mrs. F. E." Way; piano solo by Maxine Case of Salem; skit, "Two Women Who Never Gossip," Mrs. Clarence Johnson and-MrsT" Clar ence Simmons; piano .duet by Maxine Case and Gaynelle Coorsey ot Salem. ' . The program was followed by an impromptu speling. match! and stunt after which lunch, was serv ed in the basement, by Mrs. : Earl DeSart, Mrs. Jasper King and Mrs, Alpheus Schar. On the pro gram committee were Mrs. F. 'E. Way, Mrs. Clarence Johnson i and Mrs. A. E. Kuenzl. It was decided to have no reg ular meeting in December. Com mittees! appointed to arrange a program contest between the men and women for the January meet ing were Jean Landerback land Mrs. Clarence L. Simmons and Raymond Werner and Gene Kuen sl; lunch committee, .Irene Naf zlger, Lucille Roth. Edgar Naf ziger, Grover Llchty. Happy Homemakers of Bethel School Gather j For Meet With Leader BETHEL, Not. 18. Mrs. Car malita Weddle entertained the 4-H Happy Homemakers club on Monday night at her home tn Sa lem. New members who were received Into the club Are LaVerna Whitehead and , Josephine Morris. The meeting was conducted by Linnla Hamrick. Members chose two tasks, each to be done i five times. Mrs. f Weddle served re freshments. ' t fttmVj TThTTh .Mil irilQ; The addition of a new 60-horsepower engine to the . Ford line! for 1937 brings you a new, low price and gives you! a choice of two V- type 8-cylinder engines. 85 ! horsepower for maximum performance. 60 horse-; power for maximum economy. In basic design, the new 60-horsepower V-8 engine is a replica of its famous, older brother the V-S.S. But its reduced size and weight make possible a lighter car, with lower operating costs, and the lowest Ford price in years. 'T " ; . ' : The 6Phorsepower engine was originally developed x . for use? in England and France,; where fuel costs are high and fuel economy is vitally important.' It has been FORD CASE PRICES FOR Body types avaaable with 60 or 85 horse power engine (withonf de' lnxe'eqnip nient ) t Tudor Sedan, Tndor Touring Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Fordor Touring Sedan; FiTe-window Coupe . l Deluxe types, with 8SAor8epower engine: Tndor Sedan, TudorTouring Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Fordor Touring Sedan, Five window Coupe, Roadster, Phaeton, Club Cabriolet, Convertible Cabriolet, Club Coupe, Convertible Sedan. S L AUTHORIZE) fOSD ITNANCPIANS rA. Wh J mr r i r v-e FORD Seniors to Give Drama on Friday HUBBARD, Not,. 18. "Apple Blossom Time," a three-act com edy by Eugene O. Hafer, wilL be presented by the senior class of the Hubbard high school Friday night,' In the school auditorium. The cast Includes Marjorie Rich, Ruth Jungnickel, Pauline Bizbn, Charles Knight.. Warren Hatcher. Forest Hartzler and Gordon Boje of the senior class. Underclass men supporting; them are Carol Moomaw, Florence Campbell, Car ol Erickaon, - Max Moomaw, and Doris Boyd. , Numbers between acts will be given as follows: . Vocal solos by Mrs. Fern Foster .and Gordon Rich; a vocal trio by the senior girls," Ruth Jungnickel, Pauline Bison, and Marjorie Rich; and a number by the high' school girls' glee; club. The Hubbard orches tra under the direction of Dr.! A. F. de Lesplnasse will play before and after the play. Miss Flete lo Merrill Is coach. i- Teacher Not JIarried SILVERTON HILLS, Not. 18. Edith Comstock, who recently resigned as teacher of; the Moun tain View school, has called at- CATCHING At the first warn tag sneeze quick ' few drops tip eac"h nostrjl. Its timely fuse helps prevent many colds. VlCKS Vatromol proven there of modern; 1 The a60 1937 u aQ closed MOTOR : COMPANY in. tentlon to an Item carried In con nection with appointment of Mrs. Error Ross as Mountain i View teacher to fill the vacancy, The Phono ono of theso Distributors for qucc delivery of this highesf quality fuel for oil-burners . Union Oil Company , City Ice Works & Cold 1 Storage (F.N. Waters) 1551 for two ycari with brilliant success.' Now brought to! America, it creates an entirely motoring economy 1 engine is built in exactly the ; ' f - r , I'- . size and wheelbase, to the same advanced design, with the same comfort and convenience as the "85.",' It has all the distinctive Ford features 'for 1937. And it delivers V 8 smoothness and quietness at speeds up to 70 miles 'an hour. . , i Two engine sizes but only one car and one pur pose to give, you more' miles and more satisfaction for your nioney in 1937. We invite'you to see this very modern cat at the showrooms of the nearest Ford dealer. FORD FEATURES FOR 1937 AJPFEARANCE-DitUiietive ssedem dedga. - Hesdlsmps streaap. lined into (tender sprona. alden Iid4ype hd. Larger Icggaie space. - Interiors entirely new; Slantiug V-type windshield ix-na cars, :,: . ' - - BRAKESThe Eaiy-Aetkn Safety Brakes la'the'new Ferd give -, yen "the safety el steel tress pedal to. wheeL Cable sad eendait ' J eentrel typal Self-energixing. About one-third lets pedal pressure U required te atap the ear. :, t v t :': 'v ,: v.,.: BODYAH steel. Top, sides, floor and frame welded late : single steel unit of great protective strength. Safety Class tkrongk I cut at ne'extrt dkarge. "' :,. :": --:.. - ,: y I COMFORT AND QUI FT A big, reenty ear widi ertra apaee w I tho body, where yeu want k not taken up by tke engine under the heed.,'Ceauect of the Ford Center-Poiac BJde Is Increased by ' ameether apilag-ecdeu with sew pteaance lohrieatlen. New aMtb cds ef monatiag hedy and engine soaks this a quieter car. j i f i '- , ' - story said Edith Comstock had recently been, married, a state ment which Miss Comstock says Is Incorrect. . Silverton Road Phone 7676 Center St. Phone 3121 new standard same body charges. ' f