IN Local -Textbook Meet Set4-Aj meeting of the state textbook commission I wilt be held in' Salem next Monday according . to . announcement by C. A. Howard, state superinten dent of public Instruction. At this meeting. Superintendent Howard said, textbooks will be selected in language and penmanship for the elementary grades, science gen erat mathmatics and home econ omics for high school, and the so cial studies tor both elementary and-hlgh school grades. SUte eon-, tracts on ths book now In use for these sobjects will expire In Joly; MS?. Howard said. ; j : - I hTe 10 good used cars and tracks win trade for livestock; T. "IV. Beamish, Routs 6, Box 55. Sa4 lem; Ore. - j J ;'.) : ::, .4 - . ' - v.----- r!:: !- i , - y Match . Expeaae United Ji. Jn-i eluded lo the 94 which Sheriff A. C Burk reported to!th$ coun ty clerk : yesterday that he I had spen tin his race for sheriff was an Item of $92 for corered match es, which he used extensively in the campaign. Employes; in Bark's office listed expenditures of $87 on his behalf. Dr., lit K. Barrick reported, expenses of $25 in his campaign for reelection as cbt4 oner. Charles Porter reported that he spent nothing In his cam paign for constable of! Stay ton. i ScOBters Are Goeet The ex ecutive; committee ofj lthej Siam dub. fun order of Boy Scout lead ers In Cascade area. Will be the guests of Carl Connet; of Albany at, a housewarming partv tonight Guests from Salem -till include Dr.fand Mrs. B. F. Piund. scout executive, and trs. James E. Mon roe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wcid malej and Miss Helen t Way. ,; ; ! -. 1 .!...:. ' .'.J -1 ;i ; Argoi-will serve Sunday extra fine young roast turkey dinner with cranberry sauce, mince, pumpkin pie. .etc. 12 to 7:30. ! f 1 -. . f - f Potke Get Radios Five new rtato receivers; were received by the Salem police department yes terday as replacements f or, . as many old set which have been in the jparol cars ever since the de partment's radio station:; was put into service three and v one-halt years ago It was understood the .new sets represented! en invest ment of. $25. '1 r . i ' . . ! Fitzgerald Sought f Adjutant William Bliven yesterday said the American Legion here .was anx ious to contact . anyone knowing the whereabouts of John L. Fitz gerald, who disappeared from his home at 115 Fairmount avenue a few days ago. Bliiren may be reached on the second floor of the Masonic building. " .! 1 . j "' - i !l ' ,.: Registrations ar being made for the class In beginning Gregg shorthand at the Capital Business College next-Mofiiaay.j Call, let us outline a profitable pourse. . .-an . ' i Ha r Knrruls St.1T.ft."; Paul H. Haoser spest $37.65 in his successful campaign if or the city itreasureship. he. notified the city recorder yesterday. His expenses; ' all were for printing and adver-i Using. . . j U. : Takes MvT' Tavern- A g n e s Stockwellt of Dallas;, where she waa associated wi,h Stockwell cafe, has bought Mfl&r's tavern at 2820 Portland road and is now in charge. She plansj to introduce a specialj attraction.. f ! Obituary ! At the resident oil route box 42, November 9, Oliver A. Baxter, aged 6j years. Surrired by" widow, Nellie; (son, Clarence of Montana; two brothers, E. El Baxter of Eu gene and Harry lit Baxter of Red Cloud, I Nebr. ' Body shipped jto Great Palls. Mont.. ;for interment by;W. T. Rigdon eoMpany. ; Blrdweil 1 Walter. S. Birdwcll. aged 61 years, November 'ISi at the home of his daughter, Mr. E. P. Buch- mann. Born tn Indiana, coming to Oregon! from Kentucky in 193. Married Msy 1. 1898, to Miss Charlotte -R- LalhikM in Harrison eountyj Indiana, Survived by wi- d b w, Mrs. Charlotte Bird well; children. Zola Majf Hutebena of Eugene;. Thelma Oane Buchmann of Salem, t Lois Helen Greene of Portland and Carl Lester Bird- well of Salem: sisters, Mrs. B. F. Dyson of New Albany, Ind., Mrs. S. 8. Mcintosh of Holi, Ind., Flor ence 'Bird well of Chicago: Mrs. G. A". MeElfresh of Cary-Ind.: bro thers. J. R. Birdwell of SaiTDiego. Charles G. of ValleV station, Ky., Edward of, LouisvUle. Ky., and "Joel T.iof Andersosi.ilnd. Taneral eervices Saturday, . at 2 d. from W. November 14, if. Rigdon com- T " . r i . rwttl pan J nnoriuixj-. uu vnn wUl? officiate. Interment in Bel : cres4 Memorial park. Pacific Lodge No. 50, A. F. & A. M. will have charge of graveside services. '7: Beriuml " r - A.t a local hospital -Thursday, Norembcr X2, Th(dere; Bernard, aged Tl ycara. Iate resident of route-li -Survived by two children. Carl Bernard and j Mrs. - A. L. Mc- Cartv. Remains in care or TerwuiH ger Funeral home Funeral servif ees Monday. November 16,1 at s 2- p. m. from Terwllllger's. Rev. Cny; Drill officiating. Interment City View cemetery. , ! Coming Events v ' ! Nov. 14 --15! -1 GWcms state tonvCution, Firit , Evangelical churcfu t. :!- Nov 14 County .wide 4-11 leaders' meeting, court house. .j!--- Nov. 13-S3 EiRUt - day preachias xatosloa In many Salem rbarches. j Nov.17 Cbrrrlans ineet, 0:30 p. tbj Qaclle. ; ! Nov. soi-yrillamette vs. raclflc nlU footbaU. E ... . Nov. 27 -Missouri club nominates officers I jT. hanj 240 ?4 SV Commercial street, 7:30 pi m. i; r ' Dec. 1 Stale meeting of loganberry gwcrsU Iay chamber ot commerce. 1f n - ;0 f evvs lories Disease Increases - jThe num ber of jiew communicable disease cases Increased. In jjlarion county last week; according to1 the state department of heilth! ! bulletin. New cases; Included seven each of pneumonia and, chfckenpox. five vi - Bcariex: lever, irtnr of tuber-- CUlOsis. twO of Vbooninr' rnnrh and one each of mala theria.rThe only new"" -eases . to-! poriea rrom Polk county were two of WhOODine eanrh n cmczenpox, Trip Cancelled -- The ed trio bv the nenknr c lem Hi-Y club to Seattle today to see xhb washington-USc football game was cancelled veaterdsv on account of : the-i fdggy conditions reyunea tot exist on tne road 1 to Seattle. Th elnh Nii nlnnH : n take e school bus for the trip. Re ports state that fog has been so bad1 between here and Portland the last several niekts that speed of not more 'haa eight miles an soar was necessary at, titoes. LuU Florist, 1276 N. Ijii P.?532. Three ' Industrial I Tl a t h Three! deaths Knd 60S accidents were reported lo the state indus trial accident commission for the week fending Korember 12. Work men listed as j losing their lives through industrial accidents were Robert Farrin. choker setter, Sum ner: Gustaf A. Gustafson. pipe fitter. Portland: 1 and George F. Madill. laborer, , Salem. . , Slay pelay Canvass hThe offic ial canvass of the vote jat the city election November S may not be completed in tint for $ report at Monday' night's meeting of the city council. City Recorder A. Warren Jones said yesterday. He has not yet received the official report from the Cbunty; clerk re garding the vote on city offices." ii " ;l I- i, . Reroof now! Mathb, it 4 Ferry. Credit Men Meet . Kew direo fors of the Salem Credit associa tion, elected yetgrday noon at fhe group's Jreetkly meeting, to ieplace Xpur directors who re signed - recently are Ed Schnnke and A. l4.j Robbins. to serve until January, fitSF28; AUred Montgom ery and tral M. Lemmon, to serve until January, 1937. ! ; Install Leaders X I . v . I Before a capacity c-rowd which strained ' the auditorium of the Woman's club to the utmost Les ter Jones, was installed as com mander of Marion Post 61 Vet erans of Foreign Wars, and jars. Herman Watson, as ! president of the ladies auxiliary,! respectifrely, to serve during the ensuing year. Bryan H. Contey, past depart ment and; post commander, offi ciated as Installing officer for the post and Past President Eva Rush served ia like capacity for the Large delegations Were In at tendance i from llha.lTwista nn1 auxiliaries of Sillrerton and Dal las. The Silverton auxiliary work team conducted the ceremonies for the Marion auxiliary, eliciting much praise fox the precision and periection of the work- The rit uausuc worjc ; was rouowea light refreshments. ! officers by if: stalled for Marlon post 661 fo low: : 1 1 c . Commander. Lester Jones; sen ior vice-commander, j. P. Stirni- man; n n lor vice-commander. WardWr.- Wolf; quartermaster. Wilber Cavender; post adjutant, D. B. Parks; post judge advocate, Millar B, Hayden; post surgeon. Dr. George Lewis; chaplain. Kirk Simpson a. o f t l ce r pt the. day. oeorge inaisirom; trustees, r ranic Millet and Rnssel Mudd. Instruct! re a a d entertaining talks were made by Past Depart ment Commander Cbnley, Past Commander Russel Mudd, Com mander Lester Jones, Department Patriotic i Instructor C. H. Brant and mothers. f : Woodyard's, Band At Moon oni i 1 -Bart Woodyard and his orches tra, known from coast to coast because"- of thir radio broadcasts, will return ta the Mellow Moon tonight following an engagement here Tuesday night. i; Harold : Kassebaum 'and Clar ence Wengeri;tae latter formerly of Salem, form tlie-two-piano en semble whichf Is featured through out the many popular hit., tunes. Unusual piano effects aire ' heard frequently la the Woodyard ar rangements due to the use ot a special piano amplifying system attached fo their public address system. Among the featured tiro- piano 1 numbers isDuke Elllng- Little, jmrftara iJarry ana. s mu- lng Ed ' Perjry . are the vocalists. Woodyard has four different vo cal trio land quartet combinations which his uses la special arrange ments, j . . . ' I V;i j -t ,-: This f a m o u s orchestra will soon- lei ve. tor the Cosmopolitan hotel inf Denver where they will play for the iwlnUr season. ; , Births liar?-t Mr. and w!rs. JGeorge Richard Jlams, 1085 South ISth treet;J a bey,- Georgei Richard, born tNOTember 10 at Salem Pea cones hospital. 1 IUckard To Mr. Parol. La von IUckard. and ' iilTm. Silverton. ia glrT. X.ocy Violet, bom Novem ber at Salem Deacopefis nos- pital., V -I 1 t ' i ' IlaverMMt To Mr.: i "ind I Mrs. Walter i Robert i Havefton; route air. m Ibor. .Wirae sWalteri bbrn November 5 at the Colonial Ma- Auxiliary tefnlty: home. Gojf f ey Appeal Time Extended Unil Jaiiaary -j'lo -File Transcript ; Lawyers Sign Stipulation : ' 1 Under an order received from Judge Eart C. Latourette of Ore gon! pity yesterday, Orey G. Cof fey has been granted until Janu ary : 91 for filing ' a transcript of appeal from his conviction of re ceiving: bribe , while a member of the Salem police forces l l.: Coffey was convicted last June ind was sentenced to three years the penitentiary. ; He was re leased under $5000 bond. Includ ed in the? transcript are notice of appeal. Certificate ; ot probable cause i and, the judgment roll. Bill fi Exceptions vto the judg ment Wwlfiled by Coffey Novem ber 2i Judge Latourette, in an other order granted the state an extension of time in which to filer objections to the .exceptions,? J Thej . order granting the exten sion of time for filing the trans cript pf appeal was based on a stipulation signed by Ralph E. Moody, assistant Attorney general and special prosecutor; William H. Trrndle, district attorney, and Pan! R. Burris, defendant's attor ney. 7 : ' ;; " IN - I - i 1 1 Circuit Court r F.1D. Van Swearlngen vs. Doug- last Jaqaith; demurrer overruled. i Turner State bank vs. J. R. Davis j answer tiled alleging the bote ued upon was settled by agreement and a cross' complaint afiks $120 alleged to be due on a Joint venture of the parties In run ning si threshing machine.. i Habbard bank liquidation; or der authorizing eale of Page farm and crap to Leo N. Childs for $3. 48. j I ; I " j! -j Scotts Mills bank liquidation; order Authorizing settlement of E. W. 1 Rastholomew claim for $25. i Vivian E. Howard vs. j Robert P. Iboward; decree of divorce. I Evelyn Hersch . vst ! Manuel Hersch; -decree, ef divorce grant ejd jund plaintiff restored former njamier Evelyn Walker, jjj ' -4: L -Probafte Court Fremont L. South Kuardian shipj J first f annual account - of Charles M. Westover, guardian, approved. Shows property inven toried! at $13,829. . Receipts to taled $2046 and disbursements of $801 were made during the pe riod. ."j ; Albert N. Moores estate; auth ority granted to borrow money and grant mortgage on Portland property as security. H -' Ida iCawrse guardianship; -answer filed by two brothers of ..ward asking; that the petition of Jos eph Bi Felton. guardian, tO sell real estate be dismissed. Answer requests that if sale is deemed necessary that it be made at pub lic rather than private sale. ; ) HenRr D. C. Hopp estate con firmation of sale of real property. I LIlHje Nadstanek estate;; con- f Irmatlon ; of sale ot ! real j prop- erty...!; ' ".'-J - ! f 1 kH- . viartc Bunaysiaie; timu utj cree ' signed. , j . I ' 5 1 Virginia Campbell guardian ship; annual account filed by Uni ted States National bank, guard Ian. " ! : S ' i I 4- Justice Court ! Beneficial Loan society vs. Charles J. and Margaret Zerxan; Jury vierdict for defendants. Suit was for collection of $50 note. fW. JT. Merryfield; fined $25 af ter pleading guilty to disorderly coadutft charge. Case transferred from $llverton justice court, I David WiUlam Regnier; fined fl!an4 cosU after pleading guilty to j hating -no operator's license. Also toleaded guilty to, driving with fbar in the front seat. Case continued for sentence. j Lewi is Hatfield; charged with larceny bv ailee of an automo bile.? preliiiSinary hearing contin ued ajrid: defendant released on own rfecognizanee. M I S. A. Myers; preliminary hear ing today at It o'clock n.barge of- isfljuing check without suffi cient funds. t Robert Kruse vs. B: G. Boedig beimef aad John Day Cooper; Ver dict o $60 for plaintiff for dam ages ajrlstng from auto; accident. Municipal Court ! Meljh'Bill" Wright, Salem, 16 fine fr drunkenness, being serv ed "fjf I ' Cost lo f Fighting Potcer 1 District Scheme Listed j" liere by Electric Firm I DeftaF of the People's Utility district measure for Marlon conn ty at tjhe general election cost the Portland - General Electric com pany $S351.53, a report of cam paign expenses filed yesterday with tjie county clerk by W. H. Lines, jtreasurer of the company, shows. .. ' i .; . - , i Of the amount $2050 was con tributed to the. Oregon; Tax Re view Publishing company, which in a separate statement submit ted by Carl T. Pope shows total expenditures, including the power company donation, of $2260.50. The" balance of the fund was con trinuted by Salem businessmen. lte UICfcUON STATESMAN, Salea, Oregon, Saturday Morning. November 14, 1536 Belliel Club Now Being Judged For . Sectional Award t : - - -- Bethel 4-H club which, was awarded flrat,: choice among 60 Marion! county clubs; as tbe out standinjg club In-the national so cial progress contest la, njow be-, tag judged? at CorvaUl for the sectional prUe. The Marlon win ner wals chosen by Wayne ; D. Harding county; club ; leadjer. .' -1 The j winner of -the sectional award Twill be (given trarisporta tion for ten: of 1U members to compete for the national lirixe at Chicago -during the week jof No vember 28i ; I j x r The bethel dab Is led by Mrs. Carmalita Weddle There iare 16 members in the organization. , 1 i Health, Group to Offer tarns The Marlon County Public Health association will present two health; programs to commun ity groups in the coun within the next three days, j j : Tonight., the association will present Dr. E. E. Berg, who will discuss "What Everyone Should Know! About Tuberculosis"! at the Silverton " -Hills-j commnnitjr club meeting. Mrs. Irma La Rich e. nurse jof, the county heatth de partment for the Sllyertda dis trict, iMrs. Berg and Mrs. peorge R. K.i Moorhead will also attend the meeting.; Dr. Berg Is f acting head jot the county health de partment. . Monday night Dr. A. Tl King will speak under auspices ot the j county health association at tie big meeting of j the Stayton Parent-Teachers' association. A din ner at 6:30 o'clock will opjen the PT. A. event, .and the program will fjollow at 8 o'clock. Vtt King will discuss "Care of Tubercu losis stmaster rts iAid to employers in filling out the federal forms In confection with the federal social security act, will be provided by .H. !R. Crawford, postmaster, b etw een November! 16 and November , 21. The first date Is the day that the registration cards will be deliv ered jby mail carriers and the last, the day upon which they must be returned. , . - 1 The forms are to be distributed to aU employers- ot one otj more persons "In their . business,! trade or profession," with the exception or inose wno are exempt, anoiner formj Is to be distributed to 411 em ployes: who come under tike 'ad ministration of the act. This will be delivered by the postotfice to the employers on November: 24, and fby them delivered to. their em- Exemptions are made tn self employment, railroad I n d u a t ry subject to the carriers' taxing act. agricultural labor, domestic ser vice in a private home, casual la bor not in the course of tae em ployer's trade or business, kervice performed as an officer or) mem ber j of the crew of a vessel docu mented' under' the laws, of 'the United, States or any foreign coun try j government service, state gov ernment service and corporations, community chests, funds or foun dations organised and ; operated exclusively for religious, charita ble scientific, literary or S educa tional purposes, or for prevention of cruelty to children or animals. Clear Lake Plans iRally For Church The Clear Lake Eranselical church will hold Interesting' home- comlns; and rally day services Sunday. Invitations have ben ex tended to many members ana mends or xormer years, i At the morning worship serv ice at $: 45 o'clock Rer. Herbert E Bennett will bring the message, and Leslie Klampe will be fea tured In several solos on his el ectric guitar. Recognition! Iwill be given the oldest person present. At this tlmo the rally day iotfer- Wg will be tecelred. - Thw Snn diy school wUl follow -Willi W. Pg Collard, superintendent, in caarre. -.'--. ii J ' !: At 2 v. m. Rer. J. E. Camp bell, paBtor of the Pirst Erjangel Ical chnrch, Salem, Mrs. Campbell a'hd Miss Carolyn Campbell will give a sacred concert in song. - TTRST BAPTIST--- li t ! Marion mid Korta liberty tret. BikU Nhool at a. as. Fred Broor. supt. Morning worship at 11 a. aa. evening aarrica at 7:8S. Slmea E. Forsbeiir. daaa ot tha Maltaomah School of tha Bible, to apeak at both services. Toting people a meeting. 6:80. rrayor anoeting neaaca- day. 7:80 p. m. - - : I j Prosnt d With Kepi) 1 i inauaa as, ' v- i mm wmmf i CAXVAKT BATTISt CHOTCH iVr,X 'Z ev. Artm Q. Wnijr, jMi.tor. Bibla school. :. W. r, FtwtrrL ap. Mornim Wnhii. It .l-lr iav, ; . v- "'u,f,l'' ;4S J- .' wcrhlp. 7:45. Speeial !moie will be BWMntvf by a rrop fromi UafiM eol lece. PutH 1 utnu -TV t portaat .Qnemioa," muiag th text that am 10 eair in BiBlitry. Wc4 S5f.r'J?.:30 f- nl"-T rally with VI ids CaiM arnaisatkma praacat W a drm. "Pill BUe.', ;. ... PfJlfT GEKKAX BATIIST Oitbaff. batr. Bibl acbool at :44 a. na. " He h 1 rm n,. t . llorniar warship tn 4erm.a h 11 o'flock. Sarmoa. "Ukt Bem.dea JTerra." CTha Mouataia ot tha Iord . Radia aerrira rtr Italian KWJ. Portland, at S:80 to 4:tS n. ai. 8ermoa,, 'Elm Koataarer Suia." ("A PrcHoaa Stane"). YofiiMC peopta'a mt laa: at ro. Kreainc aarrita at 7 :30. 8r Ka, "Iaaatle,a Cnaraxe.'" Bible atady Wsdneadajr H 8 p. a. ir. A. Vacaka wUl Kit a abort addreaa on tha eity of Cor inth. ' TEMPLE BAPTIST CHTJECH North 19th aad Brcjnnen streeta. Er aest H. Brown, paatar. Huaday aebool at 9:j a. in. Morning aerriee at 11 a, at., 8"Bn. "A Healthy Chnrtn." Senior B.r.P.U. at 6:80. Intermediate aocictr at 6:45. Evening; terrice at 7:80 a, at. Ser mon, "The tnpardonahle Sia.'r Midweek aervieea Thurxiay at 7:30 p. m. i ; i rmsT cbbistiah chttbcb Corner of Center and ' Uish street a. Got L. Drill. Dtintater. 4."hareh school at 9:30 with Lloyd L. Kobinson, supt. Mara iaf warship at 10:45. Herat oa. "The Christ Centered Self." Christian Endeav or societies at :15. Ereninr aarriee at 7:30. Sermon. ."The tfissarrectioa of -Two Deacon t ef tha First Christian Church." In cooperation with the national preach' inf mission, there will ba - aarrieea OTerjf evening. Sea general announcement for details. . - COtJBT STREET CHURCH Or CHE1ST Court and 17th streets. W. Daniels, pastor. Bibla gchool at 9:45 with Miss Jean Hawkins, snpt. Morning warship aad observance of tha laord'a sapper at 10:4S. Message "Ask, Seek, Knock." Evening Service and Christian Endeavor at 7:80. Message, "Hit That Line." All-day meet ing of tha charch woman Wednesday. Preaching; mission every hight at 7 :30. CHTTBCH Or CHRIST Korth Cottage and Shipping streets. 0. T. Springs, minister. Bibla stndy at 10 a. m. l'rrachinz at 11. Topic. "Tha (rreat Mystery." Oosetvanca of tha Lord' topper. , Preaching: In tha evening at 7:30. Topic, TOur Attitude -Toward r.vii. jiidweek i meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. - FIRST CONQREOATIONAL CHTTBCH Liberty at Center. J. tt. Stmonds. min ister. Sunrtsy school, 9:4 j. Morning wor ship, 11, begins the eight day preaching mission. Sermon, "God's Word forthe Mission." Aathera, "Seek Ta the Lord." Kobe rts. At 7 :SU a nnion aervice a tha preaching mission at the Knight Memorial church. 19th and Kerry, with Bev. Frank E. Carlson, snpt. of tha Oregon Congrega tional conierence. : as preacher. KKIQHT MEMORIAZ. CONQBEOATIOXAI, Kineteenth and Ferry streets. H. C Stover, minister. Morniag warship at 11. Sermon, 'A Preach-jeg Mission." An them -"Tha Ninety and Nine" Loreai ) and "Jesus Only" (Botsli). Begiaatng a preaching mission at 7:30. apesker Kev. Vrank tU Carlaoa of Portland. Musical prelode. i anthem. Thy T amnio - fill" (fscauler; trio, yuod Bo loved the World" (Stalner); quartet, "Immortal Love" (Mneltrr): , anthem. "Founded Upon' a Rock'F (Waaler). Suaday school at 10 a. m. Boy Harlaad. snpt. Toanc CHBISTIAir ABO MISSIOVABT - . ALLIANCE Qi3 Ferry street. Rev. Roy Brestler, pastor- Sunday school,, a, m. Dsa Shaeta, aapt. Morning worship. It a. a. Yoang people's service. :45 a. m. Sarviec at 7:4a p. as. Prayer aeryjeo Wedaeaday; l ;a p. na. : . i TTRST CHTTBCH OP GOD r North CotUga and Hood streets. L. W. tohason. pastor. Sunday aehool assembly at 9:45 a. m directed by James Davis- rtpecisl rally day play at 10 :SO. "A Fam ily Awakening. presented by a east ot sis. Morning eermonv St 11. Subject, ''Christian, Unity How and "When Tonng people's meeting at -6:4$ p. m. Evening terviees every night - from Sna day to Friday, with Rev. Lira S. Oerig, at I'ortiana, aa evaageutt. 1 i ST. PAtTL'8 EPISOOPAZ. CHTJBOH . Chnrch and Chemeketa atreeta. Holy acimmnnion. 7:30 a. as. Chnrch school. :,45 a. m. Morning prayer aad sermon, 11 a. m. Toons people at rectory. 6:80 a. tn. to meet Miss Ellen Osmnrock, pro vincial secretary for arodeat work. Wed nesday, T:tOp. m.. preaching mission by lae liev. court sinmonfli. r TTRST B VAHOELIC A I. 1 Corner of; Marion, and Saaaasar streets. Kev. J. K. ? Csmobell. minister. 8andaT choo! at 9:45 a. m. L. L Thornton, aapt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon, --Limiting UoL'- Beniop high school and young people 'a lesgne at 6:80 p. at. Evan gelistic aervicea at 7:80 p. tn. Sermon. "Evangeliatie Message.". Bibla atudy at i;-o p. am. -xaursaay. EVABOELISTIO TABEBHACXJi Ferry and 13th streets. CJ G. Weston, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. C. A. Wilson, snpt. Church service at 11 s. aa. Evengtlistie service at 7:30 p. m. Rev. C. W. Salkeld speaking at both services and contfnning in specisl preaching1 mis sioa aightiy through ? tha week at 7:80 except Alonday. . ) L'SE, CIIINESK HERBS Whew Others Fall CHARLIE C1IAN Chinese Herbs -.- REMEDIES Healing virtue ' has been tested hundreds years, for chronic all mcati, Roirt f hrnat.' at nnsitla. catarrh, cars, rM ' langs, athma, chrenic cowgh, ttomaclt (all stones, rolitU, constipation, diabetis, kklncjrs, bladder, heart. Mood nerves, .nenralu, rheumatism, - blgb blood t pressare. eland. Skin ores, male, female and chil dren d Uorders, l-j. -n -; " " ; ' v Si TL FoBir. 8 years practice In Cb I a, Uerb- Specialist. 123. K. Commercial StM Salciu, Ore. Office boar O to O p, m. 8anday aad Wed, 9 to 10 .im. - 1 I- ETABQEUCAL AtTD BETOEKED -, . CHTJRCR N. Capitol and Manoa atreeta. Edwin Horstmaa. pastor. Bandar school. 10 a. as. tiermaa aervicea. 10 a. m. "Our Life Uid ia Christ." Xagliah services, 11 a. m.. freacntag Carist,-- ( b ' HIOHUjrD TEXEBSB " ' ' Highland hvenue at Charch street. T. Clio Browne pastor.- Bibla; school at to a. m. Cliftoa Buss, supt. Worship at 11 a. at. Christian Endeavev at 6 :St p. aa. Kvangelistie services i at 7:80.1 Cteua K, Brown, recently from the middle wait. la music director. Midweek prayer meal ing-, Thursday at 7:o p. m. i - SOUTH SAXXMC FRIERT8 V Corner Sooth (Jaaweitial at. Wash- ington streets. Miller H. aad Hasel AC. .Porter, paatora. Biblo school tl lu a. an. atonwag worship at 11 a. as. runrutihu ICadeavor at 6:90 p. m.'Craaiag service t 7 :0 p. at. Midweek Bibla study Ihuro- ay at p. m. JBHOVAH'8 WITVESSZS Meat ia Fraternal temple. Center street near Liberty at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. A Bibla iecturt will bo followed by Bible study. ."i LATTEE SAT BAUTTB - Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Sun day school, 10 a. m. Evening service, 3s p. m. M. L A. Wednesday, 71:30 p. im. Belief society Wednesday, i m. A. C. Uakiaa. president, --.i j j AMEBICAB LUTHEEAH CHTTBCH " Church street between Chemeketa and Center streets. Be v. P. W. Bnksea, pas tor. Sunday Bible school, : a. Ja.; Arnold Krueger. aapt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermoa. ''Being Observed.' " Prelude, "Morning Song." ( (Try singer) Bath Bedford; nolo. "Uk ti tha Heart," (AllMsenl Misa f ranees -Aelaoai offer tory, "la the MoonUght." ( Kinder) Both Bedford Cnoir aUrected s; mi. J.. i V . Bobson. ; oung people' a service by ;the untner league. 1 p. m. if CHRIST X,TJTHEBAH CHTTBCH EichteeUth and State streets. Bev Am os. B. Minacmaan, A. psator. war a. 9:80 a. m. Subiect. "If tho ltaya Bo Ket Shortened." English, 11 Ma. Subject, --rer tho Bdke of tha Kight eoaa." Sunday scnooi,, 9-,30 a. m. Mil. Jacob Fox, aupu Luther teaguo. 7 p as. ST. XOHV EVAHO. tTTTHEEAS 1 Missouri tlyuod) f Sixteenth and A atreeta. H. W. (iroas. paator. Suaday school. M s. ax. Besvice iv. . , ; . r- ; FIBSX. METHODIST I Corner ot tifato and Church it reeta Pastor. James K. Milligsn; director of young people a acr.vities, auiarea Jiar tholomew; superintendent of: church school. Robert M. tiatkei Morning wor- ahip, 11 o'clock. Sermon, "A Burning Heart. ' Evening worsbip. 7:30 o clock Sermon. "Tho Way of Life." Chnrch school, classes for over age, atj:45 a, m. Young people's meetings: High School league at 6:30: Beverly McMillia will lead on "Echoes from tha Preaching Mission. - iHUNCrarr will assist. Caiver- site- vespers: Sunset hour, sa informal Catherine. Vea Artll be served. lr. Mauriea Ballinger will apeak with Bill Clemca pre siding, loang adults will meet ato:45 Sunday evening im tho Carrier room j Per est Mills, cnairman JASON LEE KEMOR1AX 1C E. CHTTBCH n. Winter. Jefieraon. Jrairrronnd sroad Lyna A. Wood, minister.: Church school. 0:45 a. tn. H. B. Carpenter, anpt. Morn lag worship. 11 a. m. Thema, "Christie E-.ilAW.kln rMmnmtjki .rvi.a 3 V rv. worth leaguea. 6:30 p. m. tvenine serv ice, 7:80 p. as. Theme. "If My People CaUed -My Same." Observaaea f eight lay preaching mission, November 1&-Z2, every . . night except balurosy. LESLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL South Commercial aad Myers atreeta. Deaa C. Poindexter. minister. Church school at 9:45. Morning worship St 11 Holy rommuaioa will ho shared. The leagues will meet at e :S9 p a lr. Maurice Ballenger will "be the speaker' at tho i7:so servicer . f - rZBST PRBSBTTERlAB CHTTBCH Winter aadl Chemekaaa, atreeta. iirovar C. Birtchet. -I. D Mrtor. Church School. w:9o a. m, airoetea oy j. at. ruxsim- aions, supt. Jtoraing worship. 11 i a fs. oesmninK ex one wees presetting nata aioa. Sermon. "Jetua Goes ta Charch." Aathom. 'Blessing aad Glory.' ' . f Bach maniaoff). Christian Eadeevor- aocietiea. o:SO p. m. tvening won nip, 7:311 p, Family night. Sermon. "Jesns Goes Visit. ing." Anthem by tho chapel choir. Serv ice! every ;niglt this week except -Satur- SALEM MEBKOBITE j CHTTBCH ' Corner of 17th and Chemeketa streets. H.' H. -Pick, pastor. Sunday school at :4 a. m. H. W. Wall. supt. Moralag worship at 11. Evening services at 7:80. Wednesday night at 7 :30, prayer meet ing and a elata la personal evangelism. evening Bibla school rridiay at 7:30, Go tor SUXDAY SCHOOL at ' The Grace Gospel Hall ; 15U A! Mill St. 0:45. wean said, IIe that beareth 4 My word and belleveth on Him that sent me HATH everlast in life,- ! . . -Jlv EJr. CiJ aa Lena CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Nat oral Temediee for disorder of liv er, gtomacb, glands, akin, mad Briaary Titrm of men Bad tromea, Benefliri for. constipation, asthma, arthritis, sagar . diabetea aad tvfedBaMUyaa aaa . - Y 19 jreara ia br4- "-f" aeaa. tVataropathie ; ; I ; plgndctaac, S93H f Court St. Coraer Liberty. Office open riatar dan aad Tnecdajs r.J only, 10 A. l. to I P. ftU 0 P. AI. to 7. Cknanltatkn--BFood ereafnre and urine 4mmtm mmmi ffltn f Oald't cat irJIp-T" V.- a The ! Churches of Salem I Invite You toi Attend - i 1 1ft" At the Church Eigl THE PEVTE COSTAL CHTTBCH OP COD jlii. :K. Commercial. A. J. Jensen, pas tor.' Sends y Bible school, S p. m, Daisy Wilson, snpt. Devotional, S p. 'm. Evan geliatie. 7:80 p. m. Tuesday night. 7:5t; Thursday night. - 7:80 Young people's rally Saturday Bight, Kov, 14. at. 7:30. ICS OLE WOOD ' tntTTED BSXTHXEH : Sevaateoath and Vebraaka atreeta. It C. Mana. minister. Church aehool,-9 :4J a. na. Mrs. Anna Wolcott. supt. Morning worship opening tho week, ef tho national preaching mission. 10:50 o'clock. Sermon, 'The Secret at Victorious Living." An them, i "Oh PoolUh- Hearts. Why Will Tea Wander I" by Larena. Juaio church at 10 :SO av m, directed, by Mrs. J. C. Hilt Christiaa. - Endeavor,. 6:80 p. - m. Evangelistic aervice. 7:80 p. tn.' Violin aolo by Marion Chase. Anthem. "The Blessed Gospel" by Hslt. Sermon. "En tering Into the Life ef Christ." Preach ing services every night during the week except Saturday. . ' ran chttbch or chxist - .. sczzhtist - - "- :' f . -- Chemeketa' - and Liberty atreeta. . Son- day school at 11 a. na.- Services at II m. snd 8 a. m. Subject. "Mortals and Immartala. . Testimony meeting at 8 o. tn. Wednesday, Reading room in the Masonic temple. II a. m. to 4:80 p. m except Sundays and, holidays, W. F. NEPTUNE ! W. ft. STANTON . . For Better Meats BUTTER, EGGS, FISH and POULTRY Phone 9485 Free 'Delivery v 933 State St, We Give Doable S A H Green Stamps Friday- Jk Satnrtlar Mince Meat 2 bs. SGo 1 majaaauBUBUBUBBmujsuau gdtmaaHeg , ; j 2 ago Freshly Ground DESESI? ago We Dress Our Own Poultry i- Always Fresh ' Highest Prices Paid for First Class Poultry DegO- StteaCi ; " S-Co natbUpattG I ago IHIoqg : ' : i: " SCo Frys,llt.J.v;........;........;32c .0 0 0(01 ires I ' .. NOV. E SQSO ; yam 9 : - J ail i an' .-. M at Pay :;fecipg:; ' tlss::: November 15-22. of Your Choice laich the Neics Colons r oj Thi$ Paper- For Details PAGE nVE OWT Or-TOWH CHTTBCHES Clear Lake Evangelical Herbert Bennett, minister. Morning wornhip at 9:45 o'clock. Homecoming day. Sermon, I "A living Witness." Sunday aehool at 10:43. o'clock. W. P. Collard. aupt. Ban- . ket dinner at 12:13 o'clock, noon. Sacred, concert at 3 p. m. The Kev. i. E. Camp bell. Bille study at 7:80 p. m Wednes day. ...!'. - Labith Cantor Evangelical Herbert E. Bennett, minister. Sunday aehool at 19 a. m. W. A. Starker. anpt. Young, People's league at 7 p. m. Lyle Klauipe. j leader. Evangelistic service at S p. an. Sermon. "Abraham, the FaithfuL" Choir practice I at 7 . p. m.. Thursday. Bible :ui; it I p. m. Thursday. Basadala Trieads Sunday aehool. 10 a. at. Margaret Hamilton, supt. Moraing 1 worship. 11 a. m. Topic, "Boll To Away the Stone." Christiaa Endeavor. 7 p. m. ' At 9 p. ca. Chester5" Had ley show ; moving pictures of tho mission .field ia Bolivia. Francis Ohse. minister. ' " Salem Haifhts CoaHunlty Charch Morning worship. 10 a. m. Topic. "Rell A'o Away tho gtone." Sanday school. . 11a. as. Chester Skelton. aapt. Christiaa Endeavor. -7 p. as. at tho homo of Ellen Jean Heisler. Praneia Ohse. minister. cough drop medicated with throat-srothinginedient3 of Vkks VapoRub. i. I 1 I I - i -i i i l. i i '-