, b- it : two, iitaic-tiiEsiair . Rupture Seen Grand , Quotes Stalin, as ' Saying All Aid, Must ! r Be Given Madrid t..;' ; (Continued from pas 1) f ' ..ministry announced Getafe was 'recaptured.... ;-fi 'T - ? " i Fascist ombera" and?purtalt planes rained lead all, along the - government lines from the Toledo ..bridge to University City at dusk while the. Insurgent ground forces spressl eat and forward apparent ly in ef forts to clear the way for simultaaeous attacks on" the cap ital from the north and; south en trances. " " ' - H.', Capture of Cetaf e': j Claim of Socialists - V V .In the aonth, Insurgent cavalry units drove on Vallecaa, southeast : of the capital, while the insurgent left wing was reported-to have occupied Bead U la Del ,: Monte to the west. I : J- : k " ' Behind this line, - eight imiles 1 south i of the capital, was Getafe, " which the war ministry stated was . occupied after only a brief akirm- JSh, , i . : 1 ; , : . ; ... The' gorernment asserted two fascist bombers of the fleet which attacked the . socialist 'defense line, at 'd ask -were shot down by government scout planes. " - Moorish Legionnaires who drove through the Carabancbel Bajo area found the bodies of SO 7 women, each dressed in the blue - coverall of government militia men. and at least 00 government ' regulars. j -, f r',-r- - -k v The j air attack on the govern- ment . linea followed j Insurgent isnellinjg of the defenders.' Several Cherts landed .in the 'heart of the capttaU :-.j-;,-v fRedoded Tax for if Of egon Forecast 'Budet Includes Slightly 3 Undr 14 . Millions vx j M General Fund Cost r (Continued arom Page 1) ' amount requested for these units Jwss-StS.3S2.54. These activities are supported by fees. . . i, ' .The most drastic reductions .were made In the requests of the -11 state institutions and state -'parole staff. These requests total led Si.Olt.lSt but were redaced to S3.77t.14S. i - The budget savings made provi- slon- for salary reductions of state 'employes for the. first three -months of lt27 only, as provided under! the present salary act. It '.was Indicated the budget depart -intent would not recommend eon .tinuance of the reduction and . Governor 3Iartin recently said he would not favor xnojts of coaUn ued cuts. j. -i, j ,..!.; -'.f- The sUte. highway department ' fs the largest of the self sustain ing units. This department will i; receive 118.490,000 la gasoline .taxes and other fees, with re ceipts aggregating S2S.937.3I4: .'Receipts of the insurance depart ment wni total 11,704, TZ5, cor i poratlon department f 58S.SC1 and. ; gift taxes $7S.S7S. V j ; General ; fund revenues llste4 i ' by the budget director Included: f Iteceipt. t. from ' ' revenue - laws 1 based on or measured by Income it xs.6oe.ooo. ! . Receipts from miscellaneous - Sources lncludlnr tithing $4,400,- r Salary adjustment savings,' Jan ' nary, February and March It 37, ! SSO.000. ;' -Transfers to general fund for ! maintenance; of police department. : 3997.C87 -f .Credit ion" unexpended balances lor 1131 and 1937. 3450,000, f ; Budget requests and allowances for state institutions, follow: x i. 'Blind school, requested $178, 7200: allowed $SS.lSl. i t r .' Blind ' trade School, f requested : t $6.747: allowed f 44,130. fr- Deaf school, ; requested $301, f A. t . - .11 m r- a i m m .11 . :.L ' Eastern Oregon state hospital. requested 848.804: allowed $559. t 7.- 1 ' ' . - . .Eastern Oregon tuberculosis hospital, requested $422,104; al- Ubwed $255,454. j y . I raJrview home, requested Girl' industrial scboot. reqoeet- d $117,857: allowed 585.920. Oregon state hospital. reqSesU d $1,449,417-92: allowed $ I.- 10.010.- i . i . Penluatlary. requested $579v- 1 3S;, allowed $551, 434. i j! Boys training school, request ved $124.825 i allowed $109.T42. '- !" Parole sutf. requested $15,825; sallowed $15,149. j : ,.! State tuberculosia hospital., re-j f - .w Today- Two features, "liavr Born" with; William Car. gan and Claire Dodd, and Ceno .Autry in The Sing ing Cowboy.- !. 3 . GRAND !; Today -Pirskln Parade- i - with 19 Big Comedy. Stars.': SalnrdSvJaaa i Wtthera In - CBr: This-Be; ptdsf . Today Dick; Powell J -Stags struck,!' --.'-t' Saturday - PpwH, Trscy, Ilarlew. L, o w U "Libeled ' : Xady. Added attraction ; "March of Time.- V. CAPtTOI. '- ..'! ; : Today Double bfll. "The Big Game,' I with . Brace Cabot and Buck Jones I In "The Boss Rider of Q a n Creek." f .. i v..-::-"j. , . i- ;; . STATE ':J:--: To day - Roadshow pic ture Klae Pays a Queen." Saturday' only Hoot Olh ron ia rTbo Last Oatlaw." ....... . : - ,;-; t , , . j The Cell Board 1 - V - ' : 4 Two women and a bos driver were lajvred when a heavy prodace trnckr erashed head-on at m terrtne speed into tbo San Francisco bound nlgbi bos on Caeota grade, near San , Xols Obispo, CaL Tbo impact was; -so great tbo tango bos was tbfwwn over on its aide into isw gully along; the roadside. Rescue workers with acetylene torches rashed to! free the screamlmjf paaeea Xers from the wreckage. An Et MontS nan was sa4st serionaly in- queste. I $ 8 3 8.22 8 ;i anowed $487.4 13S, ? '--. ! .: . - . I I j 1. ! ! i The 1984-35 appropriations for these tnstltntlona aggregated $3, i05$8. i-i 3. Shortcuts Talced With Coast Croup PORTLAND, Not. l.-ff7-Rep-reseatativet of the city1 of Port land met with Tillamook, jWaah rngtan and Ualtnomah eouhty of ficials today to discuss plans for matching federal Ifunds for the construction ef the ' Wilson river and Wolf creekr shortcuts to the sea,w -j k i-. l ' y- f- 1 ,, I 1 - It was proposed the counties and the city offer $15,000 each. The government it: was ; stared, has allocated s million snd a half dollars for each road for ; work this coming year, i r .-J-- Last, year the counties snd the city pledged 2 5.000 J ' Officials said , the, demands would not be ta great for 193.7. Nine hundred jnen are now era41Mrs BriedweU; Itie!imDnd-t- ployed on each, project snd it is expected a similar number will be kept on the Job next yer XContlatiedifrom Page 1) 1 .rne present Idea 1st to get m membership list of business and community leaders snd then to organize Ju preparation for start ing ute mmumty chest a year from; now," Brat n; explained. llany feel that it would be more desirable to conduct one bfg drive rather than to be solicited time and - again throughout v the year for one organisation and another. The plan has worked well in oth er, cities, j encan Writer Gets Nobd Prize . -. ! i SEATTLE. Not; ! It-UPt-E. ene ,eiu, awaruea toe 1I3S NobeK prize for literata re today, will n o t be able' to attend the ceremony in Stockholm December 10 at fwkich the award will be presented, he said today. The playwright expressed his disappointment st being unable to make the trip, sartnr he would not have time to close his affairs here and reach New) York to sail for Kuropei. ' . . -;;-j.r - Although tit award is mot based on any specltle ' work, 0NeCl surmised that Mourning Becomes aUeetraJ one of his own favorites may .bare been the de ciding factor. It will be staged in Stockholm in connection wits the Norse festival. . : .- , Ij, - ; fi : 1 7otmd Finally Fatal ( BAKER. Ore, Not.:1J.--V Phll?lp Strong, student at Baker Junior . high school, died, of a gun shot: wound, received last spring. He was accidentally struck in the leg by a ballet from a JtX ealfbre plstoU. He had been 14, the.; hospi v Plan Has Support tal since the mishap. Three Killed, Twenty Pdfco s.'6Sfc.--;-v.. &v killed innid SO paseengera in tbo boa School Vtation Carlotta Brledwell. Salem ele mentary school supervisor, yester day predicted -tnis year's owerr ssce of National Education week would orlnr out a record i num ber of parents and other visitors to tn city's public eenoeis ana last night's attendance at open honse programs presented in. six of the buildings, i j Formal observance of the week will close today with Special as semblies, processionals, another open house night and tag day, during which each grade school child whosu father or mother has visited hia building this week will be entitled to wear a tag. The day's program: J i Garfield j School processional. giving! pupils an opportunity : to see wprk on display in other rooms; Highland a. vu. as sembly; Grant 7:30 to 9 p. nv.. open house; with talks by Gretcnen Special parents risittog out; rLeslle Mathematic classes to tudy j 't Ihancing ; "of ; America a schools.! p . . , ? '.-( , .' Large - crowds attended the open nousi programs last night st Salem j h 1 g h; Parrish Junior, high, Englewood. Highland,' Me- Klnley Snd Washrngten schools. . Deer Visits City, U)nimii8 uicicie ELGTff, j in . - Nor. ? 12.-0PV-A five proag buck deer' Invaded E1- gin's business district tdday, be eamel frirhtened at the hear y traffic Sndi crashed Ihrdugh Che plate) glass show window of a shoe store. ; A ipleee of gl pierced the deer's throat and it war shot by policemen who found! the animal cowering en a heap of shoe boxes. ; State Game Warden Frank We wetrer said -the 'bnckappsrentry escaped from a xoo"or game pre- serve1, although he had received no reports of that kind. .Its death will mean a venison banqaet Sun day for as"drenJshome. f Soviet! to Crack : - Doim on-Relimon li 0SCOW. Nor; 1 1 2Vrirm er measures againat religion were approved today at a communist party conference at Yaroslavl. north -of Moscow. ; f : .-(-., :r H. . The conferees heard s8egstlens that 1 peasants. : under the InOu euee of priests, caused a lose of 35 percent of Russia's crops for 193 C; because of their attendance st churelu '. : ; The ' Imagaxlns . ' Bolshevik de clared women ' and older peasants still were strongly religious. TJ1 H'iXt HI CaKHfF tti.l ;,TLj OUCUpIiXATpZVN, Cafcrs. hs Arc Injured in Bus Crash J t ' r . ' ' ...... rj;,.f?TtC'k fared, having both lego severed. Herts not expected to live. The driver' of the track was seriously Injured. Ton photo shows the track at left which rammed into the baa and aide. Bottom photo shows the wreckage of the boa as it lay on a alight incline off the btghway. KOte crates ef produce strewn about. The track was heavfJbr loaded with produce. International Illustrated News Photo; ReKef Load Held One AixDioii Less if WASHINGTON, Hot. ll-rVj Barry Hopkins, works progress administrator. predicted today the nation will begin the nsw year with 1.900,000 fewer relief cases than were on the roils for the first month of 1938. j 1 ; He said that 'between January and August of this year the total number Of families- said Single persons receiving local or. federal relief had declined from 4,751, 000 tO'S.IJJ.OOO. .: ; "!,) ,3SS, -fyrkey Gro wers Of T:exas Strike i 12 GONZALES. Tex.. No A growers' strike becalmed tils vast turkey market tonight On the eve ef the annual holiday buying rush. - i j ; A. quarter of a million turkeys -potential Thanksgiving dinners strutted the - Gonzales ranges while growers stubbornly refused top. price of 12 cents and de manded ran investigation -:of Ta -uniform market and alleged price fixing." . - j , ! The average price for No.! 1 birds last year was 25.13 cents. Seven leading raisers telegraph ed Attorney General Homer IS. Cnmmings snd . SUte Attorney William MeG raw urging- investi gation of, what" tbey termed! antl-. trust law violations. i i ;!- 't I ' . ' 1 '(-:' IUierlHqusii 3Sf " Activity Planned '"' Washington, Nor. 12-icflv-A spokesman! for the - resettlement administration said today that im Rexford O. Tugwell. its director, would" 1 1 k e to see unemployed workers put to building a rgreat number" of suburban housing de velopments tor low income f am nios. !.N .: This assertion was made .las President Roosevelt agreed to se- compaay Tngwell tomorrow Sfter noon en an inspection of resettle ment's , $9,000.00 relief - built housing demonstration at nearby Greenbelt. ltd." - - . j : : csb cmxESR iiercs Whew Others Fatt CHARLIB cnAN , Chinese Herbs W REUEDIE3 " ' ; -I ' Ueallaai vtrtwe haa been -tested. handreds rears, Tor . chroaie an sae sit a, aese. throat, j sinusitis, catarrh, ears. luags, asthma, chronis conh, stomach, caH stones, rollsis, 'coasttpation, dlabetis, kldaeys, bladder, heart, blood nerves, neuralgia, s rheumatism, ; high blood pressure, gland, skin sores, male, 'female and chil dren disorders. ryi,: 8. B. Fong, 8 years, practice in C b t n ai Herb Specialist, 123 N.CommCrcMf 8t Salcin, Ore. Office hours t to 9 p. ra. 8unday and Wed, O to 10 mm. L 1 . a, a. rose Ore ca, Friday: Wormian Nsverafeer 13, 1S33 it si ,e- - t V !! ' J -f .4 4 v. i- I threw It into the gaily ever on its Work WiU Start Upon Pipe Plant A A r Assembly of the plant which will manufacture the firs and three-quarters miles of concrete pipe specified for Salem's new; water supply line win be started by a small crew of workmen to day, F. F. Jenkins, project man ager for the American Concrete c Steel Pipe cempany, announced last night. Production of pipe will begin in about two weeks. ! I f A . large number of Jobseekers appeared at the plant site yester day morning, but a full crew has not yet been; hired Jenkins esti mated between 28 . and SO men, all locSl residents, would be em ployed at present. Threat of a suit to enjoin erec tion of the plant on the site se lected, the vacant block bounded by Cross, Wilbur. 12th and 13th streets,! will not stop operations. Mayor V. E. Kuhn declared last night. A nearby hall block in an industrial xone already has been Offered: in ease thee original site should be abandoned, riv said. '; The threat was voiced by B. S. Martin, who' said residents near the proposed site, felt the pipe plant would be objectionable. ." It n AHgw0ybc4 Ttestsr. r i lOM-YtVOc! Today and Saturday TWO BIG '-.i-vj n ; -: j FEATURES IOC yvj, r HejKids ctAisnrv WAHQ" jm. u iu m . ja,m . 1 Salnrday Ilatinee i1 '" ' And Second Feature c mm hss angasP ss ssV8)sWnvSl W 'sT'sJssuuSales, Also Cartooat 40enaedy Hews Ts 0 -twscss ts. i - IBusiiiess i Coordinator, Berry : Calls Ha ,Labor; and Industry : hTo Get Together 4 ; Contln u ed from Page 1 ) '" 4 were refused the ' floor, v ':fS Senator ,0'Mahpney,B ioots ts .write , new biU tot Ucenalnf cor porations drew talmost as much attention as Berry's cafl.i The! Wyoming! senator said his bill wis intended to guarantee col lective bargshxlng. prohibit child labor, f and shock unfair ; trade practices, but was not "is any sense a modification of NRA." ' Schemes for national Incorpo ration, of large i businesses , bsre been advanced by -Presidents Taft and Theodore Rooseveltr O'daho nev.aald. addlna-i that such a plan in jay. opinion. i whoUjK within ine present coniiuniiunsi - puwen of congress.? t British Film Here Getting Attention Artistic Dramatization of Lady Jane Grey 8 Life . ' Showing at State ! nnltfnff-thA brief, traele reira of England, the British Gaumont film "Nine Days; a Queen' made Its firsti snnearance in.- Salem at the State theatre last night un der the sponsorship oi tne Amer ican Association i" of University Women.! There inn be a matinee snd evening penormapce ttoosy. The play deals with the period fnt folio wine the 'death of Henry the Eighth wheri his son Edward 1 was proclaimed, king, jsawara Spvmnnr- caused, himself to ' be made Lard Protector and. attr orr derlng the death? of his brother Thomas he was.iu turn" beheaded under the1 order of the then pow erful Lord Warwick. .' " i. .: LaJyj Jane Grey was snowed only a few days of happiness! with her young husband Lord Guilford Dudley when oni te deatn or ine boy king ahe was proclaimed queen , by the ruthless Warwick, Bnt even as a queen see was tragically unhappy, and berj bus band, with his ifather, Warwick was defeated in battle by Msry Tudor, figotful heir to ths throne who ordered the beheading of all three, l ..r:;t:. . .1 I"-.-' So In the short nine days.! Lady Jane . Grey became a bride, a queen and a brave little martyr. The play which so graphically shows the life of the time gives an unforgettable picture of the intrigue snd trsgedy which made monsrehs. : - - if- ! :- " : This lis the first of three5 pio (fM to be abown unoer me aus pices of. the A-A.TJ.W. Gild Endures h Most of Oregon ,. -- : j PORTLAND. New. lt-UPtrCcM. damp fog hovered over Portland today as the temperature remain ed nearf the freexing point. Bend, Baker, I Pendleton and Rosebnrg an reported sub-freesing tempera tures.' M ' i ... 'PH V It was colder today In south western Oregon where North Bend reoorted SS decrees above. The coastal section has been enjoying warmer; weather while interior Oregon sbivered. i , f i Siskiyou Summit, usually a cold spot; saw the mercury mount to 40 degrees. i ' j v- ' rr : TT, ;' ; Hiley Heads Council .1 PORTLAND, Ore, Nor. It.-i&r Commissioner R. E. Riley was elected president of the city coun cil today. He will head the muni cipal government during the ab sence of ; lisyorf Joseph K. Car son, who will leave shortly to at tend the annual . conference of mayors at Washington, D. C. STUDENT MATINEE Today, 2:15 P.m. Admiion 2 Be Tonight -8:15 Doors Openi 7:0 P. M. IT'S HERE h ATLAST1 .Tt picture Tors:, HaUjsrowJ . ' aacl LonJoft. Itare htttnjujinjs aootf l -CetfHc . ' : HAJLDVriCKE VP1XBA2.1 I I iP"""" 1; The story of . ' ' IXady Jane Grey : ., . g!Hf All Seats ; , Reserved.'-- 55c Cox Office Open All DayrFrom. 11 tu nl TTJELITRE ' Goal 5' Franchise AvTard . Vetoed by Mayor Maydjr V. E. Kuhn ; yesterday. vmtnd ii ths-franchise ordinance. sdonted hr the city council re cently granting the Oregon Elec tric company-" a irancnise aioag High street, former' location 01 its passenger line tracks, ' ' . ills vf to- message contended no. franchise should be given tor this route, along which the tracks were recently - covered over with. : pav ing.. and also objected to the sec tion, of the old passenger tine along Mill itreet being omitted from - the ordinance. The mayor contended that rthe company should j be- required to repair or remove-two" old trestles, now in a J bad state of repair, on M 1 1 1 streeWj"';. . 4-,;:;J-vVv'; , V' ri iiungary Plan Armaments 1 VIENNA N o i 12.-iip)-The right of.;Austria and Hungary to rearm was proclaimed tonight in ah official communique Issued by the foreign' ministers of Italy, Austria and Hungary. j 1 j , r '! (Little entente nations Czech oslovakia, Rumania- and- Tugo- slavia-4-have repeatedly opposed Austrol- Hungarian rearmament basing jthelr protests on the! post war treaty of Versailles ". which forbade the two countries to re- srm.) : ;. ...it. 'i.yM ' j I The communique Baid also Ital ian Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano disclosed 4 that ! Premier Mussolini and Relchsf uehrer Hit ler ss eye to eye on afafirs in southeastern Europe '1 " T7: ' ': Multnoniali Vote Finally Complete PORTLAND, Nov. 12. - i(p) -Completion of the official count gave President! Roosevelt a to tal rote of 106.561 in Multftomah county.! u Landon's ; count -jwsi 4i.405.;.y'.;,.-:i;;. j....- --. Votes received; by other presi dential candidate were: William LemkeJ independent, 2358; Nor man Thomas, socialist. 768; John W. Aiken, socialist labor, ' 100; ESrl Browder, communist, 7. " BoyDie8 Due to ! j Car CrasK Injury 1 iBAKER. Nor. 12.-i!P)-:NIne-year-old Darrell Riedel of Hunt ington died today of injuries re ceived in an auto crash. Tuesday eight. , I-: r j- . He was a, passenger Jn a ear driven by his mother, Mrs. Walter Riedel. I The machine struck one driven i by ; Henry Jorgensen of Colorado. : --j " - Both Mrs. Riedel and Jorgensen received serious injuries. j .. I 11 Tod.; and Saturday f . BIG FEATURES H'DD BTJtSSB And 2nd Hit ZTOP I qmSnnpr - mtfrnr 'kmS" f- I i i 0 n tji ' (? I Extra -l ;. Xast. Times Today BICX POWELL in t Ci3 t-'J f-- hi m am mtui a m - - . ssfS'K UI1W i - i "-k" h ii rv ii w r n vi bum MIX. V A W ! S I I I - l i -v cv-. 1 :-mWi I La mnm4 VJ 1 LttW ttSl with Joan Xloudfll y Rcdcavelt'EpIps Dedicate Bridge Hoover and Merriatn Also ..... .. j - ' Participate t- Heavy 1 Traffic Starts (Continued from Page 1) Until 1938 traffic wllllbe con fined toi a six-lane highway for sutofnoblles on the apper deck. On the lower deck are lines for rucks snd space for; internrban railway tracks expected toj be com pleted in two years. j Scores! of motorists p4rked at the bridge approaches before day light today seeking the distinction Of becoming the first paying pass engers to cross the bridge, There was no unanimity on the Of the bridge "firsts. ! Mrs. H. L. Read of question Oakland snd, parry generally were credit ed with- miking the first fast-wec crossing,; and Arthur Inwlch of San, Francisco-; with making the first west-east --journey passengers, j - as ton in Committees . - ' - Alderman W. H. Dancy will. be appointed to .succeed Brazier C. Small as chairman of the impor tant city council sewe4 commit tee in case' Small goes -out of of- flee - next week with the seating of Gertrude F. Lobdell, ejected his j successor from the fourth ward, 1 MSyor V. E. Kuhn said y ester- : day. The! sewer committee during the next year will have thje respon sibility of overseeing the! expendi ture of 137.500 In city funds on , major Improvements., Thje largest single job. the D street storm sew er now under way. will j cost the s city some 27,000. 1 " ? "Due to the fact that Mr. Dan- f cy Is thoroughly familiar with all city affairs, is conscientiously In terested in I clrie work generally and has had experience an hand ling largB projects of this kind, I feel he Is the logical apbointee." the mayor explained. j Hello noon ' - J : j . Harry Wesely and His Boys . Torjioei r And SAT. MITE n Nor. 14 Emm - . .AriD'.III0 i- . li BTff AfXJ Starts Q - 1 Saturday Change City YOIPLI1 LAFF C .' TILL IT HURTS ! . ! t j. Tai. this" scresuningr' -' comedy!! )!.; '-; ; : - . .Si ' . ; -The f onnlest filta ever j "produced! -o--- s V 7 wiii wAttra co:n:oLLT "MARCH OF TME t. Hlekey MouseJ ; v Hatiacc Sat. 1 pTpI. jnniY "aixeti in - ".I' j mm snr rARAirtr. Charter a Serial V v '- v Cala Stage how m V. 1 5 f . i i r-: -1. v.i- -