The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morula?, November 13, 1936 PAGE FOURTEEN a OtlhiOT Stocks ! do ttlmfe Back 1M3 seineimtt. : Scares Ainmiii I & H5 t'. i If' Over 2 Cents AVarre Boosts anil Dividends Continue to Come InIndustry NEW YORK. Not. 12-JPV-Whfl most shares lost their bal ance la the stock market today a. haodfu,! of merchandising, amuse- I men i and specialties strode ahead,!, for fair pains. '.. . ' ;f As the market came down the home; stret.-.b. losses of ; fraction to 2 or more points predominated.! ! Brokers said selling bad been a1 aa,C V. w ' (Va Vaaah nifnn ffOfl advance. . '. r I : : Measured by the "Associated Pres average of 60 shares, the market was, down 0.8 to 71.9. Transactions totaled 2,581.710 shares eomarerd with . 2.70 M20 on T-esdar.h .'!'""' ' i;. I lUridfnds Growing i 'X Prominent -in the day's, news was the continued flow of more liberal ' dividends and announce ments of wage boosts. j Pennsylvania railroad slid pack i to 43, notwithstanding a dividend of SI. ! j I - :;- 1 -i Improved box i office Teceipts provided, a background for .de mand for amusement !ssaesL End ing with;! losses of ! fractions to around 2 : points were TJ. SI. Steel at '75 j Westinghouse Electric 144. General Motors 74. New York l Central 44 4 ; and Bethje hem Steel 71. j - '. 1: f . Rubles to I Have -Golclcn Wedding Open Hdiise 15th 1! ; 1 s - - -. i LINCOLN, Noy 12 -MR. , and Mrs. D. R. Ruble will hold open house fo rtheir friends and neigh bors Snnday. November IK. from 3 till 5 o'clock m the afternoxm and from 7 till 10. in the evening, the occasion being -their golden .wedding anniversary. U ' - ; Mr. and Mrs. Ruble were mar ried at her home at. Champaigne. I1L, November 17i 1886.iThey have resided at Lincoln since 1902. i s :'f. -f- '!..; ! ! ' ITe?! Cream Sales up I Nearly Fourth to Far This Year Says Iltbben : SEATTLE, Nor. lL-iflVRob- rt C. Hibben, executive secretary ct the International association of ! Ice cream manufacturers. Wash f tnrton. D. C, reported ! to the Pa- elf le" coast dairy congress here to-j day a. 31.34 per cent Increase in ice cream sales In the far west dar ling 136 over 1915. : i ; Hlbben also said a recent mer chandising survey made by the as sociation showed that Ice cream manufacturers use newspapers three times as much as billboards - and f our times a- much as radio I for advertising purposes. : leneral sr ! POBTLAND. Or- Kot. 13. () ! rredae oicbang net prices: - ! , : a-.... 1111.' .l.nirJl au..- -rim- firata. ale: firata. HWe: J-- '" I - . - -ttrf t S7.S8e. 1 1 - 1 Xna U. S.-lark extra, 83e: TJ. a baediam extr, 39a. , .. ; j ; Portland Grain POETLA5D, O-a- Hot. I2l ?(AP) Thaai alosed better la the east sfter , weak aad lower start. Locally the mar let was aacbaagod for fata res and ae eaah pricaa were posted. ' njv " . . j-i. UiA Tr ill - mw a, . VV v . ?r -- -Today's ear receipU: Whaat, S; bar lay, it noar, S; aata, 1. . I 5 1 1 Portland Livcttock POaTLAND, Ora, Not. 111. r(AP (TJ. B. Dept. Igr.r Hogs 1160, 478 dh net; market aeura, steady; to strong i gaod to choice 165-210 lb. diirorina moat ly 9 85-90, 10 paid sparingly .load 1ST lb. 10.00; 830-S8O lb. 9.10-10; few light lights 9. 25-50; paekiag sows largely 7.50; tsoder pigs searco, quotable S-00., - Cattle 225, 17 direct; ; raWes 25, S direct; market aaoatly steady j ones stock fairly acUre. stoats rather alowj scat tering eommoa to mediam steers 4.75 8.50; strictly good grain ted a tear quot able 8.00 and oeer. odd bead cotter steers idewa te 4.00; common to taedium beif lore d.50-5.T5i low eatter and eatter u 4.13 75: add bead S.00-25t ball 4.60-5.25 ; good to choice vealer S.00 S.OO ; eommoa grades odwa to 5.00; ommoa 281 lb. calr-a 4 -0O. '- Sbaep 8500 ; 8225 tbroagh and direct; fat Umba slow, steady to weak; tew good traeked-ias 7.00-25; median gradea down to 8.50; yearlings scarce, snlablo aromnd 4.50-5.00; aiseabla lota choice 158 lb. owes 8.25; 25 above rocert top. ...... Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore Kov.' 18. (AP) Butt r Print. A grade. 86 lb. rm Sarehmoat wrappers, 1 8 6o lb. ia eartona; i grade, parchment wrappers, i 4e lb.; aartoat. 5 lb. I 3 Botterfab Portlssd dellvaryl general i price -A rrada. delivered at Mat twice weekly. 88-88 tte lb.; eountrtr roates, S6et B grada, 85-88 Vb lb.: Of grade at market.- ' ? -J TTji grada cream for market Baying arlev. batterfat baI. SS lb. Igrs Boylng price of wbolsialera, aa traa, 35c; etaadardv S2e: extra mediam. 2e; mediaat firata, 22a; ander' grade, 16e: pallota. 18-15: pewea, 80 dos. Ckeeee Oregon triplet. 18e; ; Oro gwa loaf.- 19e. Brokers wfll pay tt kotow qootatioaa. ' ' V Caaatry meats Belling price to retail--nret Coaatry killed bog, boat butchers. , aader 150 Iba- 12-18 ibJ: vealars, Ka, ' 1. 14e: Ugbt aad thin. S-ll lb.: heavy, 1H-8HC lb.; eatter sows, T-8e .; caa er cows, -7 lb.; balls, SH-9 lb.; lambs, 14-1 Sc.: awea 8-6e lb. : Mehatr 1986. 40e- Jb. I ' r , : Caacars bark Bayiag prtoa, r U36 BweL 8-ls lb. . . - I - . j '! .'' . i live aeoltrT Portland, dellverv. bey- it-f price t Colored beast ewer 4 Is 117-184 lb.; uder 4i lbs. 17-18 lb.; : Legbora hens,' UH "Ht IK; Legn iOgnrav nena, xa4 loytm id mib broilers, 14 lbs, l-17o lb.; -Leghorn anrinra 15a lb.: rooeters. 8-o lb Oalons Oregon, i 80e-$l.l0; Yakima, 5s cental. . ' i Potatoes Klematto No. 1. $3 40-8.60; peeebatea, $2.40-2.60; Yakima, Ko. 1, OentaU8i.23-2.40. p? rmt-.ionoa ai.50-l.7S arata. Wool Nominal: l Willamette valley m-dinm. 80s lht aoarsa and braids. 18 lb.; eastera Oregeav 88-140 lb.t arossbrad. 8 7-2 so lb. j i Bay Selling Price to wholesalers I Al 4.1 ( Km. Tu 616i oaatera Oregon ti to ol a r, $18 13.S0 toa; oats aad vetca, $13 - Salem Marlccts Urade raw 4 per cent milk, Salem-basic pool trlcw 52.22 per .hundred. - j- t batter fat price. V O. IS. Salem, 3ftc. '; J ; (Milk wi oa nam monthly touirltt avaraja) . I , j ; . Distributor price fsil ft. A gradei butieifat-j-llellv ered, S0c B graded , dellv ered, 34c - j - -;:' 5 j'; : aA gradle ' pHnt. 30; iB .grade,; 33i. -j: - i' : - i'r : ) ..!(( it- ." - I e f : " .$ V,. I ' Prtc paid ud ftawcrm sy 8tlcn bvrtrs. ITU priec below, applied by local rKr. aro indiatT of Uio dafljr market out aro o cvaraatMO y xa State iaa.) rsnna . - lUnjiaj Irieci) Binanaa, lb. U!k ' - .07 .07 Danda Crabapplea. bu. j . la TS Craaoerriea. ibbl. S.7S to 4.23 Patea. freab. ib.i .20 tav .23 Grapefruit. riorijJa. bo 8.7 to 4.25 Gr mm trait i Arizona ... ... 2.50 Crapes. aeedJetii r- 1.50 Tokay a -i-i. ,.. .. l.oa ) Limona. cratK, i7 . 5.00 to 7.00 iCboiea it..i.:i J ' -QO to 4.3! Orsncea. erata. itaney ; 4.73 to S.0O Choice , --.7 to 4.23 j Pear. Bw"", , , ,,. .00 to .73 Pear. D; Anjoa ., ,, 60 to ..75 ' Pineapple, frethu crate .. Pomegranate. Ita , : , VEGBTABIS . i .-t (Borlsf Price). Beana. Ore. GiaaL 4 4.00 : : 1.00 ocmum. anai lot -.. . Bean. Lima, (a pod,, lb. .03 . 1.0a . i.22 .45 .03 , .oa -,.75 ; 1 25 ! J; J5 , ' .75 : 00 .95 .43 o 07 :eo .so BroceoM.- dot. Cabbae.,lb. 4? caiioare. r4 1 - j , Cabbage. Kraut.f cwt. Chinese Cabbage, crate-. Carrota. dot t,"i rl. J ! ' ! CknUflower. 0r So. 1 era to VEIN, M 1 -f - ' - t , , ; ! Heart J U L .75 to Cbenasbera. outdoor lac Picklinc etilt io lb, Picklinc aoediem. Bk. Picklioc. aroall lb. i Eadtea, dpt. ; t : Greena. Mutiard. crate - Green. Kale, erato .so Lettuce, local 1.00 to t.75 Oniona. a-reea. doi 25 Ooiona Orecoa whito. i Lss 1.50 5 L09 ou ica. .031 le Walla Walla awect Itadithet. 1 dos. i ?ea. cont or jSeatU. lb. Peppers, rreea. ; lb. Red. lb. 02 to iilO Potatoea. aew. No. tja. J s.oo .67- to f.70 1150 to 1.85 -.50 : o. 3. OO-lb. bag Potatoes, aweet ...5. Pompkips i ; cw t. ,. Spinach, oranc box Sqnaih, lb. "" "' Daoiab. doa. t , 40, 01 H to 102 t .10 to 20 i .7rto liOO Habbard. cwtt; . Peanut, do. : ' Tomatoes, ootdoor. lu .35 to .50 to AO it. Watef cross 40 aTDTS Walaota. 7 lb. Jl to JC to J3H rilberta. 1980 crop. lb. -191 I u aors (BaiyiBa Price) ClalUra. 193)4. lb. ClDtars. 1983. iib. . , ao. 11130. -- A .30 US Furilea; 1935, top. lb, CO. I 1990. ItK WOOI.: AND MOHAXB (Baying Price) Mohair .35 JS0 Hedioa wool Coarse wool xaoa Aim pouxtet .(Baring Price ei Androaoas) xtraa". i I. : 'brcwa extras j ,i " , .28 .55 .37 .31 .14 Jl Ji .10 .00 .00 .15 .15 .14 aeaiont extra Lbm standards alediDO) standards Pullet Heary bens. Ibi. f ; f, Colored mediuma. lb. i Mediam Legborni. 1W Stags.: lb. nl , Old roosters, lb. Colored fry. oar 4 1. , Under 4 lbs. . S. . White leghorns, fry MARION CHEAilERT baring Prices bies poaitry. wo 1 atock j Colored; beas.j inder 4 H lbs. Lefbora beas,'OTer iS lb. .,,. ; Legbora beas,iiondr H lb ' Lechora broilers .' Colored, springs, orer S lbs. - .10 .10 .OS Jl J3 at Colored springs, tinder I hi lbs.- Egg Candled and graded I t I HM11D S'trSB Large extra g. .29 J4 .ST 1 .IS. "ft " U a Hi tint standards Undergiades - Ll Pullets 1 LTVXSI0CK pring lamos 1...: 7.00 to 7.95 Ele , i y ti j 2.25 to .?5 Hogs. 180-180 lbs. p 9.25 to 9.85 . 100-310 lost j , V.75. to .83 1 210-250 Ibtt . ,. ..... 9.25 to 9.85 Sows- -j 7.0O to 7.50 Steers ! 1 " - B.50 Dairy type caw 8.00 to 4.00 Beef cows i 'i i : 4.50 to 6.00 Balls - 4.50 to 5.0O Heifers j : ' 5-00 tm 8.00 Top el S.50 - 1 Dressed rel, lb. .19 Dressed ' hog ' . ! .. i .1 3 GJLAXX AOTD BAY Tbeat, w enter red . White, No. II i. , i Barley, brewing, tea , , , Feed barley, toa . . .88 . 1 .89 . .40.00 .S2.O0 -20.50 Oat, -milhngj toa i - Feed, ton . : CIoTerteed, lbi .23 Vetch seed, per 100 stay aortng pnees Alfalfa, valley;. Oat aad retch, ton .11.00 . 9.00 . Clover, ton 9.00 CASCAKAv AND MINT Caacara bark. lb. , Peppermint 011. lb. ,.....L. 06 H IJ5 Stocks & Bonds ; " Korember 12 TOOK AVE-UkOBS (ComDilad br the Aaaociated Preai) i: 80 ' 15 , 15 ' 60 Indnat. Bail . Cut" Stock 71.9 Today '. Prevdsy Month' ago Year 8fo 1936 high 98.4 .40.8 41.1 42.9 26.9 61.3 51.7 61.9 434 53 43,4 99.3 94.S 74.5t 99.3j 73 76.S 49.5 : 2.T 10.7 54.7, 43.5 80.2 111 72.8 1936 low 55.7: 1935 high 44,7 56.1 1933 low 18.5 SLJ6 34. . fc:; ' BOND AYEBAl 80 10 lo : i Raits llndost tJtil. Foit'gi Today . 97.3 104.1 102.7 !?M Prev.idsy 97.4 104.0 Month ago 97.7 108:7 Tear ago: 81.8 100.4 103.8 71.5 102.7 . 99.6 103.1 99.8 09.8 84.5 70. 8 aWOO U9 Il.f AVVtJ. 1936 lews 86.9 101.6 935 higbJ 87.8 102.3 . 1935 lowt 76.4 92,2 ' 72.0 67.6 70.4 S5. t8t clover. 812 ton. Portlaad. ' Hon Nominal! 1936. 45-47e lb. Onions Orecoa. 81.25-U9 eaatalt Takima. 81.15-1.25 eentaL - Baaar -u fa7 iiai. eivvsm. an av J m - i a . inn. as at mm balcv 85.25; beet, 4S.05 eantal. M i Domestic i Flour Selling price. . eftr aeitvery. a m tM. lots: ramuy aat- ont. 98. 83.90-7.79; bakers" hard wheal 85.55-7 Mi bakers' btoeatem. S5.85-6JO! ' blended bard wheat. 85.80: graham. 803: whole wheat. 88.10.' i i Boston! Wool ra! B0ST0X. 5ov. 12. (AV)-OJ. i vov.-, . . v. i I Dept. Agr.) Fin western grown woolh were in strong demand ta iba Boatoi market today. ' btapiq lengta fine gradea terncor wools realiaed 95-96 ceata seoarea beaii Graded : clothing and original ; about French eombinf f ice territory wools werie briagint 90-92 cent aeoareU basis. Choioe twelve months Texas wool jaeved sround 95 cents.. r s ! ) . Combing mediam Ohio fleeces brought 43 eents ia the greaao for blood and 42 eeate for blood, reeeat aaktng pr icoa in 0090 boases ranging Y to 8 eenta abo a i these prices. I f- ' : is '. v i. : i - Wheat Prices Tend Upward 'J Improvement in Business In Four Lines Said . , Strength-Giver I CHICAGO. No. T.t 12-(lVStim- nlated; by some, improvement of four business a?n.d by' estimates that world production of wheat Is the smallest since! 1922, 1 wheat prices tended upward todaW ! ! t Floor trade reports said ! dom estic spring wheats mill sales now average about 58 per cent pf cap acity against 38 per cent weeK ago. and that In the winterj vhe4t area' the mill; sales have ap to 65 per cent against moved l"pr cent. ;: " - - ' Importing nations' wheat tro- ductiom It was announced, : is especially low and : will necessi tate aggregate imports' of i ,aDQUi S43.6SO.000 bushels as compared with 499.209.000 j bushels last ! season.' - ? - i - i Pntares Close Up Wheat futures in Chicago clos ed firm, -!4 abov Tuesday's finish. Dec. 1.1574-,. May; 1.J3- 1.18,. July 99; corn H to 1 cent tin. Dec; l.DMSH. MtJ new '9S-. July ne 2- ; ioats uncanged.ta 44 Ifigneif, Dec. 43, atod r y es showing bulge Dec. 87 H. prdvisioins re sults varied from t cents decline to 15 cents advance. : j In the end. Jufir wheat here was the strongest, and at one stage- showed a full cent per bushel gain at 99 cents. ! j Rye and oat rallied" with wheat and corn. At the last, Dec. rye established season bew top nuota-; Hons. -. I Previsions' responded to hog market setbacks, ut recoverea when grains developed trengtn. Valley Powell Giosen U President Hamble Club; Irene Partori, Secretary 4 LEBANON, Is'ov i2Mjrs. jMin'nie ! Saitert anr ; her daughter enter- tained the Hamblen club Thursday iwith a turkey dinner to which the clnb added covered disnes. ine annual meeting : wMch followed featured the election of officers: President. Valley Powell i vlce- rtresident. Irene Parton; secretary and press correspondent, I Maude IBurtenehaw; treasurer, Louisa Neelev. The Lebanon General Hospital - i . . ' e reports a daughter born November 6 to Mr., and Mrs. Clarence,1 Smnn ; and a daughter to Mr. ana Mrs Harold Riley. November. . Both families of Scio.' -A :- J, 1 i-tli ,. Gardenerls and Ranch art crs 1 -PORTLAND. NOvt lZ.HiAT-lhq frosty mornings are igraduMly lak-( t Ing their toll of local, fruits and vegetables ? coming jinto the gar deners' land ranfchers market With the result that supplies yes- erday wee quite light; 1 1 Cabbage was quoted mgner ana brought a top price L. f i.7b per crate. Cauliilower was jiigm ia supply selling at 60475c per crate. Due tor the small quintltif 8 of cel ery the California stiock Is making its appearance on. tue .imji cv - $2.0f pericrate. 1 f f Cranberry prices na-eja niguer tendency, while lettuce remamea firm at Tuesday's prjice lejvel. Cali fornia green beans ana peas were meeting a good demanaai i-c iter t)oirnd? Indications j point to another advance in! potato prices before the week is up. ! I Apple---Waahington. I DetJeSo-a, extra fancy. 81 90-2.25; Jonathan, xtra fancy. ingjtoa, Jumble pack. Delicto? 75r-$l, King 50-63C, i ortern -pica Kniti.nk.i 75r-81. Wuoenap. 65-75C. lArticbokea California box. 8-6 dos.. $2 50-2.75. ' 1 ' ' h ' iAvocados California. 8'65s. black. $3.30-3.65; FoeHes. 30-8,5; Fneblos. 82.40 2.65. . a HiBii.ii .. K.r Donna.) n Beans Orecon. ter ptoondj Blue Lak, 6-i7e; other. 4-5e. J -Beetai fer aoxen. jmucs RrTwroli Lan. 40-50e. I ' Brutaell Sprouts OregJon.3 flat crate. BOe-f 1.00. f I l s I Cabbage Oregon, roandrlfttnca eratea. $1.54-1.75; red, erate i.a?i.ou. i JCsirrota Per pound. 13 20ie. ; 1 Caul if lower Oregon, I ponyi eo-oae. r.r Orecon ; Va cratea. Iq-l aos St.40-1.65: Ctab type. $1.50-1.65; hearts. flJ.85do.- ;. J. : Celery root rouao.! . , rritma rmiii Onntri. California V eaeias, faney,; grapeii-ii. Florida, fancy, all ie. aa-a.xa: mtii onn, 8 1.95-2.85 lemona,;f. Calif oraia. fr 5 25-7.75. 3 1 -" . , . mm mw Cocoaauts imponea, aaeaa, i 85e doi. I i . 1 i . Cranberrie25 pound bo f$3.l-. -r,.nn)n Oreeon.1 tbothoBie. extra faaev. 83.SO-4 box: -toneri J $1.25-1.30 doa.t choice. 80-90e per dot. Ismail field 8 grown. 65e flat. , if -! rniint 4trf m. aiea. oa-de. Fir California (lata, wbitoi and black. 50-75e. I I ' narli Per nonnd. B- Grspe Tokays, $1.25.-1.55; Malagas, $1.15-1.25: Emperors. $1.5Ofl.60; Carig nanes. 55 60e; Masriats, CO-65; Con nrH . OMffnn. 40a. 1 1 Green i wmons fee aoien naaeaea. 20-254. i ' Ground Clierrie Ortgos flat box. per lb- s-ioo. f , B-liaar I at hats lPaVnTlkVtt. 1 Washingtoa, tb 7-8c I H a VV-o ' Lettare California,. ired. 4 5 dos SSJ-jSO; 6 dox.. $2.25-2.50; CaUfor am, f 3.23-z .40 r Iaaho., 81.50-2. Melons Waahiagtoa Caaabas, 1-1 H lb. i Mash room On pound icartoas. 40 5 Or... i . i Onions-loo poand sack O. B. No. I. allwa 81.10-1.13: Valencia. 50-lb. i asck,;60-65e; yellow boQers, 18-lSeJ - -t s u lu-in. sacaa. WaeMagtia. I w. '75-$5c: , DA a a A - 3 if- l FearS Orecon boxes. Jumble tack. Bone. ajous. : 75-85C: Uartletta. AO-oucj Peppers Orecon : flat lox. rea. 185c: oraoze boxes, green, $1.25-1.85, Potatoes U. Ko. 11 100 lb. sacks. 4eschates, ruasetf, $3.8542.50: Klamath, ! $2.35-2.50: Washington. 2 .35-2.60: lo cal. 82-3.15; Bnrbsnks, $2-9.15. Fomecranatea HLncs. . BJtc-ei. Radiahea Per Idoaen bunchea, 20-25e Ratabaraa Washlactoa.: IDO-lb. sack 8i.25-i.5a. .:.'! ,: i . .. i . i . Hpinacu Oregon, orantr bbxoe. 73-830. Saasah Oregon Daai.H. cant: crates. 50-65e: Hnbbard. Ibu K-Ui sweet Potatoes California 80 ra. crate. .$1.50-1.65; yams. $243.10, bnaheL lomatoes Orecon i tat boaaa. . SO-1 5e aotaoaae. 81.4O1.70J - I : Tarnips Doaen banebes. 85-50., Watercress Peoad, 85-40. . Selected as Queens of Mobile s awwii jmnn. vmvi.vmu.m."mi n !:'' x V I Jar-1- Ffwfwl 1 A :i 1: : yj - h fy.v y ;-y C ?' ; .";.:'- '- H'V 1 '. -V; $ v, f . i . ; 13 i V - -5 - - ' '- - i i ; r Wtlv Vi ! 1 ; x ;s , I lr ' 'HelC" OWlk g ' U c J y .J' t4V.,W....-...... l.y-.Vi I V II llla--MslS--sa yjilIiiV i 4BBaaBsaB-BaaMBBBaaaBBBa When Mobile, Ala celebrated Its 225th aimlversary with a huge' pageant, "Under Five Flags",1 tracing the colorful history of the dty,' Via Helen Fowlkes, seated on the throne, reigned as queen, and Hiss Jamie Redwood, rigtit, Princew Colujnbiiu Water Probl em Before Patrons SCOTTS MILLS, Nov 12.-f-The Crooked Finger school board has called a special school meeting for November 23. The meeting wU at tempt to find a way to provide wa ter for the school. Bids will be sought for drilling a well, j 1 Joe Schwab, i a potato; dealer of Stockton, Calif, i was lodkinjgf for PQIXY AND HER PALS J ' Charges Revered :j V CUFF STERRETT ( MfSTsaMPERWNS J , BE ALLOWED T'-TRy rSVVEARS V-nVTRVE MILES) r7-P A. e-. S WOT GOT GIVEN J Tf OPERATE AUTOS J SHE WUZ T M PER H00 aST? V S2) ' 1 "" ctij ' , N .. "-"- " MICKEY MOUSE : ; . ' ' The Tricks of; Trad, " . ! . li ... it : V S ' . y -Tl L- i Nreiw TeufN I n s. 1 KtU SMCfT WriERHN AST) TO THINK 1 OtvCHT ' I'VE GOT tU qIDbT! AC7ZT VEAri! I N I KNOW VtXJ DID- JiSS35, BUT AS SOON AS i HE HAD BEEN . IV THOOSHT ME WAS ONE PRETTY NEAR VtHE FIRST TIME )( 7?, THOUGHT O' AND YtXJ PRETTV-J TSKrpK? g ON JJgfe hE WAS ? MV ANCESTORS! EV-RrTHlNa t VQU &HOT, A. TSVcJv THAT? f3UT,TH' NEAR FTJJG6ED - -- I niSAPArlS ( TSK TSK TSK r-- ' j ; FIGURED OUT - V THERE WAS A VVT SECOND TIME, V SPIKE, TDOl ) V ANO SUO S - -. edS TSK? Tt7Sv ; i ESUT I ST1LU. CANT BU ANK IN.y 1 LOADED VT. (C ' g ui ( b fSOS5Aj&rK . SEEHPWICOULD vbuRSUN') ffi'v WevZ: ) 1 I'tiXj, SDEWAY5, I f ( - O' COURSE- THAT - ' X4 LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY r- I h ' 1 THE CHAGtOT AMTS VtXJC MJESTy-vMCM TUB SUM GOES CXJWNl yoWU- Bt?J- FAX 4VAV IT WU COST MOS. X w JL ! MCAMY CEMEKl DCa-AOS JTO rofcT?ai' t-V SCWP VW A POSTAL. CAQDI JT - Tfc. TOOTS AND CASTER 'CASPER, IF TOO EVER TELL: ANYBODY THAT MY REAL; NAME tra?T'KlALD ALlrERMOM IUt-3. -r- l-I 1 KIAlti VOl IK? MDESTO THB 6ARA.E I ; ' I ,if'?'l.l THE at V I I jTw , C iT- f I "Vk 4W J A" a. 2v . rr r aba XJH inPw-l.-(V. rl TS rtN-L TIIB1BLE THEATRE--Starrins Popeye 'HELP. JOfNR1. seed potatoes in the Crooked Fin ger county. Joe grew up ra Mt An gel and is a son of Fred Schwab of that city. j ! Mrs. Rossi Kay, daughter of J. T. Imll, is seriously ill with dou ble nneumonla. : She has been re moved to the Silverton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buck and sons left Sunday morning for Em- mett, Idaho. They were-aceom Dan led by Mrs. Roy Baker and children. Mrs. Baker will Visit her mother while the Buck's are look ing after business interests. 1 ; I: " fl 'I w vl vnL' . I ' 8 - I 1 - ' ' . 1 l I I fc - ' ' ' aanan-awana-aaa-nmw-amaam -n -V85 FOt-WT. HATED TO LET tX GO - BUT THAT A PEBStSTB MT AND IP" "OU STAYED SOONEH OR LATER SH6 VOUL.D GET XX) DOOR? l . i WHERE VXX GOtAi f STOP QV5i& 'JtrM GT OUT OF ) ' - i mm ---- i . (. . . 7 .Atax. . I 4AM6 OP OLP! U WtTH MB AT C i SORRY X TO ETHEL ff V THE WEEbf-J 1 WITH ME AT THE lrwE EV4KCRS lENTLEMEKl) POLO tjAME ) END AT MY AcC)LalTRY CLUB7V-. CLUB . J Birr urrU Mtrli J ESTATE ATI Jl I C1A Vm i T ' 1 UTTSrKrXV : r-, iw-.Ai-b ATr 1 . p4I 7 1 'At-dlOTrMaJ J I i r- T t a. T --- L nam I I 1 1 I 8 ll I I I " A --aw - X-I w ---:, fa. . . 1 1 SI mi!y Bride-Elect1 Gets! Showier of linen JEFFERSON. Nov; 1 2. Mrs. Harvey Thurston entertained! with linen shower at t her home on second street Tuesday afternoon, honoring Miss Mervine Thurston, whose marriage :- to Herman 4 L. Wilson of San DIegQ, Calif., will be an event of the near future.. " Mrs, Gilbert Looney was ! win ner of a prlzo in a contest Btaged. Those present beside : the : honor fuest. Miss Mervine: Thurston, were Mrs. Kenneth! Dorman,; Mrs. Leland Wells, Mrs. Dick Vose, Mrs. Guy H a r t, Mrs. Raymond Arnold, Mrs. Gerald Phelps j Mrs. Gilbert Looney, Mrs. Jack Tyson, Mrs. Leon Boyer; Mrs. Oliver Stephenson. Mrs. Charles Hart, jr., Miss Jessie Hart, and the hostess, Mrs. Harvey? Thurston. Mrs. Ur-C. Paine tef t for - her home In Toledo Tuesday, after a weeks visit at the. home of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Holt and family. Other guests this week of the Holt family are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kelsey. of Toledo. I Mrs. Kelsey Is a sister at Mrs. Holt. Blums Are Feted By Bee Hive Club STAYT0N, Nov. I12,Member8 of the Howejl Bee Hive club gath ered at the J. J. Blum, sr., home recently to honor Mr. and Mrs. Blum on the occasion of their 50 th wedding anniversary. A program, including musical ( numbers t by Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, Mrs. John Ap ple and- Miss Gladys ; Blum was greatly i enjoyed. ' Following .j the program; a luncheon was served by the club ladies. The honored couple was presented with a gold colored oedspread. 1 - Those "present were: Mrs. John Apple, Mrs. L 1 e y d Sletto, Mrs. Arch Kimsey. Mrs4A.) P. Klrsch, Mrs. Prank Dake, lira. Ross Wi ley; Mrs. H. A. Flux, Mrs. W4 H. Loose, Mrs. John Caldow, Mrs. C. Brum, Mrs. T. Ware,; Mrs. Dell Harrington, Mrs. Nora Pooler, i UIVICCT IT AVtaicuitc usiiua ivihh"vi. 1 GLAD ALL. OVER "TO GHOi TWECEfe MCS- MEAKT IS OLD BIRO r 3 SO MANV KltCS PEOPUB 1MB I VJOOtX rr MAKES MS r r i r s Af W ' ALU OVER J, ax m .r-v r s- a -ri s J aasmar r i y 'b.'.., .'.,htr,.wT. , I' "- r -" . ' - -a-a-eaaa- - ' am--j- r r. d Background I !' Ezra Has Unlimite YOU P0PifS .'r:iksomKPais,ri ;;XVi' i "Ii- r cjutf. utile Fewuwl r I . - . -. Mrt r tlx j rw-M-tT -i i'rvut.ri.i mjwh r - i r" " '-v-T -- - I II TP! I vxst -js-TV-a 1 I tzzz Radio Programs I ' liNorember IS ' Konr4iiTtrDAT-04O Ke. ; :30 Klocb.' 7:45 r World. g.-OO V.xerctae aad Appleaaue. 8:30 Xew ' - j 7. ; '. 8:35 Rhytbni and Roraaor. ; 8:45 Booaiof the IM-neera. sins. " 9,00 Katioaal Art Weekj-sextette. 0:80 Roman ee P Helen iTrent, aerial. 0:45 Kirb Ataa'a Uarline, serial. , 10:00 Hettr and Bob, aeriaL 10:15 Modrti. Cinderella, f " w. 10:30 Who', wbo in utrwf. 10:45 llettjj i Crocker. ,. . i , 11:43 llapyy .Hollow. . 12:00 'Macaaiae of the Air. 12:45 ie-aVt - -f -. " ' 1:00 Top! re-ne ..9: - 1:15 .Uorafaiakera institqto. 1 1:30 IVsrieir matinee, 2:15 .Interview with the post. - 2-:30-Newii .Through a W oman Ej-e. a :O0 irTemin;ne lancie. tarletr. 3:30 Newa. 5 :00 tBroadwar Tarietie. ') 5:80 lllelefie'a fakhiona.. T : 5:45 eOre-!, organ. ... ! a :00-4Hollrwood . Hotel, ,'Born to 4DanV' Picifcin parade. - 7:30-fr!Strage a it seem. ! 7:45-fGooM Creek Paraoa. bill-billy. ., 8 :00-f Mortiimer tiooch. f' ' "- 8:15-fRent)w of the Mounted. . 8:30--KoiitMsnets orch. j . ' 1 9:3Q-4-Ru)ijno(f Peerre: violin, orcb. j KT)2 - . -v .. . - ' 9 :45-f 'ootliKbt Fantaates, Virginia. La I Rnei . - ' 1 - .. - lO:0O-t-Miln(r rch. 10:30- Allea arch. 1 ll:0e-t-Hoagland orch. - ' - ll:30--Barrfs orch. ; S . ; j 7:00-l-MoniBg melodies fKT. '' I T:S0-f-Ptito maaiesle (ET). . ! 7:45-f-r4tar. of today (ET). ! 8 :00-S-Kinanrlal. 8:15 News. . ! 8:3o4-Star of today (KT). .. 1 .9:e0-;hntine. I . .J : -h 9:15-4-Mai4) Marlin, serial. ' 9 :3o4-Howl So be Chsrmiin. - " ; 0:43--Mriry Chef. J I0:0o4-Ben4r Walker's Kitchen. "' I lO.-15-fMrnj .Wigg of Cabbage Pslcb. 10:30--John a Other Wife! drama.' 10 :4--Juat! Plain Bill, drama. '. J ll:004-Stdio (ET). . " " i ll:45--Xewlii : -; - 12:00-f-Pepper Young's Fimlly, drsma.1 13:154-Ma jPerkina. serial . i 12:30-i-Vie land 8ade. eotaedy. i 12 :4-f-The U''eilla. drai 2 :00--HollB wood itwi. 2 :05-f-Meet the orchesti v2:30-Mleii. -organ. 2:45-j-Stylo coats. 3:00-f-Woron' aifiinel 4t00--Ktln orch. 4r:30--Walter Kelner. vlolii 4:45--InviIble Trail (KT). Mrs. Lester Baldwin, Mrs. the ErickT Misses son of Portland and Agnef KirBch, Gladys Blum, Leona Goldenberg. Rather : Ptund. Mary Jean t'lux. Lots Bluin, Joyce Bald win fnd parol Wiley. GEE ZERO VJI S.JCL LAC ScCEX. &WLJ - UST TO TMIM-C OF MEAMV PEEL GLAD BUT 200 S- , CARJ f KHOLO HIM.TOAR. ii I GtTt) lHlb CRfVTfe C-ifSUt-i Mitt w, BE tlAREFOL VJITH HE'S fXLrAOST f . VEARS OlD- iiLi i i'-rs fJy' ' -?v??f r- f : - . -'I -V ' - 5:15 Ralina Zarova. i 5:80 Junior Marsea (ET). 8:00 football. i . 8:80 Maaical Manneqnina. : 7:00 First Kighter, drama, " 7:30 Drama, drsma (ET). 8:00 Amos Andr. eomedy. 8:15 Lam and Abner. comedy. , 8:30 t'oart of Hnmaa Relatioaa. :0O Waring orch., sing, patter. 9:iA Kireaido hour. 10 ;00 MS. 10:15 Night Watchman. !',?- 10:2O Flood oreh. 10:45 Hopkias orca. jl :m Ambassador area. ; "! 11:S0 Loreland. arch. to lii Completo. weather report. ,- ' - KEX FBIDAY 1180 Ko. j 8:0 Maaical clock- 7:80 Joab Higgins. i 7:45 Aritocratie Khytbm. i. - ij 8 :00 Hermn, Banita. pino, lylopbon. y 8:15 Vagabond. 4 sing. 8 :0 Honey moonrre. .8:45 Goapel singer. 1 i , - . t 9:15 Homo inatituto. . i 0:3O Far t and homo. 10:00 Studio. ' "' 10:03 Firo-minuta Mytry. . 10:07 Own Your Home. ,j, 10:1 Sharp and Flat. ' :S ' . 19:80 Vaughn 1 Leata. sing. - 18:45 Hot and Will, drama. I (in Oiirrent emt. 11:15 Maeie Appreciation. 13:00 Farnrnd home. 13 :45 lUrkl. 13 :50 O. M. riummer. talk, i , 1 :0O Commonwealth club. , "1:30 Sparroa enaemble. 1 -45 Veung HUkorr. drama. '2:0 Air JJreaka, ,-ariety. ? 2:30 Olman orch. 8:45 Flying time. 8:00 Animal elnbj ; v S:15-i-Midga- Williamt, slidfta. , . 3;25 Financial and grain. 8:30 News. - ,j .... i. 8:95 Jackie nelleV. sing. il 8:45 XaTier (Jurat, orch. .."I. -4. , 8i55 'Wntta Watt. , ' - , 4:00 Kowa. - y .. v . - , 4:30-4:45 Dinner-roncert, organ. 8:00Ne, weather forecast. - J 8:80 Singin' 8am. 8:45 Unci zra. . 9 :00 Amateul show, . ' - : . i . 9:30 Melody Man; 9:45 Hickory Hon, muai. . : 10:O0 Uetueillo orch. 10:S0 Rhythm Steppers. 10:85 Biltroor arch. 11:00 Charle Bunyan. organ. to 13 Weather and police report. ' i XOAO rmiDAT 550 Kc , 9:00 Homeaaakera' hear. 10:15 Story boor for adalta. -1 1 :00 KOAC school of the air. 13:15 Noon farm hour. 1:15 Variety half boor. 4 3:00 Oaarding jronr health. 8:00 Homemakera'! half hoar. "Tho . . . Air Friend or Foe," Dr. lie lea I Deaaia, Portland.' 8:15 Art week program. Prof. 3. Lee ; Fairbanks. i 4:00 The ympbonio hour. 5:00 BUck and whltf serenade. 5:15 On the campuses. 6:30 Kvenins? farm hour. - 7:45 Hwindlea to iuit. ( 8:15 Tho writera 8 : 50-9 :0O Fiahin g craft. conditiona. BY BRANDON WALSII "THAT LAUNDRy MA4 WAS ME SEZ. WE RE MOOS TMAM 200 MILES AWAV FROM VA4ERE. MRS. S -I DOKaslO VA4ERE Vfi ARE- MILES FROM By jraMY nJRPHY MRS. MCAMV MU-T J OT X I a I M TVJO WEEKS AtVO X WAfSNTT OOD tSKlOUcVH TOR THEM FELLERS, BUT rM RICH NOW ANO THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE-- HNNf CLOTHES HAKE THE MAN AND MOWr 4rVaT HM BACK- By SEG All TlLLjY0ORPpPPfSJ HIM - UKt, HUNtKU 1 - i a - v. -n. I . . 1 SI. 2j; y