The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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    Tit OIIEGOH; CTATHSIIAII. Calta, Oregon, Friday Mornisff, Korea W 13 1S33 v, ;
: ; af Nsi and 1 :Fe
Juniors to Dance
Tonight , I
! 1 On of the biggest affairs ;of
! th season at Saleni high school
la the Junior danice. pched,uled for
: tonight la the high' schdol kym
nasium.. f IhN . ii h' -s
Jriday the thirteenth Ma; go
ing to keep any' of f the jstu teats
j away- tram this Icleterly pla nned t
party, and; the romraitteej Is even
going to capitalize on the hdodoo
day. h -i- (i j . : J i ' " 1
t Deeorationa aire In charge or
Virginia Martini and thejyilf fea
ture the autumn" motif. j with a
huge oId and Ihrown laf oret
the orchestra; Sredi gren. gold
and orange streamers will form
... L i..a
a. low ceiling &nu a bmss "
stump will further, !glve the au
tnmn woods atmosphere. L' ' .
Jnnlors will lust wait 14 th
door, lint seniors and sophomores
nnt nw tnr aiimlss;lnn!.All! StU"
dents of the high! achoof art. InA
vlted to attend. Hours are, l9
io:so. . i I i i 1- f i
1 1. Anna ae KUfoHu'"iif
ehainnah of the' general conimiU
; tee. Westley Mewaia is in charge
f music. Elisabeth Steed hteads,
tne tnTltation commucee - tanq
'the reception. Floor camsn
? chairman Is Darrel Hasbrpok
-cleanup Is under the. directlep otfMi church Tuesday "December: 8
Chloe Anderson.' " h I
I . Patrons and?) paitronesses
telude: : I .U I
;A. A. Riwrt L i J. 1 StoeS -i.
A. T. Br ' i l A. L MeWia
ST Tl OnbHkwit K. W. CtxilCT
J. H. Holt " , t Fre GahUdorf
T. 8. Anantn f H. V. Contoa
A. Elliott ! ! C M.-8ter
Dr. and Mr. U. .. Donnit
! nd Un frtak Prima
I ' i . ..
iMrs. Steevea Oncns! Heir
'Home to Writers
i . Mrs. . Sarah: Hunt Stefcres
ened her home .Wednesdky. Bight
to the Hazel Hail haptek cfj the
League of Western writers..
slating Mrs.l SteeVles as hostess
was Mrs. J. C'Xidsdn.
Professor E. B.; Oliver of
lamette university J gavel a
Interesting review' bn hli s book
."Readings For Ideas and Form
which has been ; recently I publish-
.d by Doubleday LDoran riomnany
lie discussed the answers hel
Tecelved to a1 questionoalrs
'ernlng the value ef a ubivdrsity
ttrainlng for creatite writing! Jn
iterestfnci replies were received
'from mas r of . the most prom
f American novelists.
' The woman vhe 'dos things
-win find, that .this dashlngj shlrt-
waister Is Ideal fort the early hours
"f her busy da?; jand a tluable
. MmniimBtVatchfrH wheS'Worn
?of aa afternoon J YouTU love the
i way its trim' ehle iay bm enhance!;
i -TT '1 !. 'i
. lie sneh as practkal cottonttweed.
wooi or conoa cumu, f,',u,'
.sey, or rough reue.rsicu.liun.
ymaker Is pattern -2 lir that jwheth
er you re an expeneneea
or in-
t aSa
.t,y. Ulustrated; 8tep-D7-tep aewmg
Instructions!.; Loag r abort
alAerrpa handy aauAre DOckts. full
Bleats, neat yokes and a (Jaunty
lr Elton ' collar s sumf up fits chic
f; whfle the earest of buttoni fasten
' i. . WArTt ... " - -i i. I
e 1 L uvuh-v ( ;
1 Pattern ni Is avaliaDiean sues
14.1 1. 18.120. 32, 34.L3SJ 38. 4
and 42. Size 16 taies ZH yara
, 54 inch fabric. .1 - N
Sana rirTEES CKXTS l3e a
eoias orlatamp i coins t praf erred )
for fhla Anna Ada patUral Writ
plainly SIZE.: N AM AIJDKES3
Writ today far jyoar opyef
BOOK, complete guid t the latest,
smartest sports rtoikea, - areeanp
fraeka ana at bonus" st rlas 1 1 Fall at
new fabri and acressory . tiaa. tool
Tea'll be elsiite with) tba asaay
auiMreatloaa for filt. kindle ofs.
party lothe. sad FjnaUif atifles ail
laait befZinr. to: be! wade warn,-and
admired BOOK FTfTr.RS CNT8.
Address - ardera ii ta Te Oref
SUtesmaa . Pattern ( UeptJ t it 8ottth
Cammsrci&t street, f Salem Prb- Make
necessary anelaanraa. Taur eifaer will
k prraptlw attended t. i J " '
-Order, eultoniarily ar fllled wltk
In or dara. fway 'lead, fcy
. HI j I I '"1 !'!' 1
I i i i ri- ; - it"
; 1 ' Pattern
f .Jjav 11 ' I
; .j - .
-social Calendar
: i 1 Fridav. November 1&. ,1
'Mother's Study group of First Congregational church
meet with Mrs. P. J. ForrlsteX 159 Oak at 2:30. p. m. f
Woman's Missionary Society of First Baptist church,
Mrs. A. P. RamseyerX J170 Hlnes. 2 p. m.: !
Ladies Salem Dakota club, with Mrs. "Frank Klelnke,
1210 Centeristreet,2 p. m. - "
" Rickey Sunshine club, 3 I p. m. with Mrs. Frank
Smith. 1325'iorth ltth street. . r
Three Unka club. 2:30. la Odd. Fellows elab, rooms.
- N. L. &J auxiliary at the home jot -Mrs. Floyd Vol
kel. 515 Judson street, 2 p. m. f . f j ? r
Disabled ;American Veterans of the World war aux
iliary with Mrs. Marie Hanson, 160Mller street for a
ao-host luncheon at noon. i - ,) " f ;
, Elks club bridge-night: 7:45 p. fn., non-members
welcome.- .' . ; ? , , f j '-i' , ' 1 ! -k -1 '.
- , ' ' I i i ' . -:
: f Saturday, November 14 i
fi Junior Kinjr's Heralds of I ihe iFirst Methodist
church, at MrsJ A.:A. Lee's at 1515 State! street. 2 p. nti -Woman's
club Past President's luncheon at the club-,
house on North Cottage street at 1 p. m.
' Willamette Lodge Country club, atj clubhouse.'
jj J i TJ11:j.
rt JS
ifiBXllieCL JOT
t oi
UeCeiTlueT o
i :
by the
i benefit to rbe given
inntnr r.nfid of St. Paul's
was aecif eo upon h m regular
meeting ft the group at the home
of Urn. Victor Griggs Tuesday aft-
ernoon. The affair will be held at
the North Summer ; street
dencp of Mrs. Joe Roman,
j Assisting hostesses Tuesday aft
ernoon wth Mrs. Griggs were Mrs.
HarrV Craln and . Mrs. Kenneth
Bell. , j : . '
Hiose present. for the afternoon
were: Mrs. William Monroe Ham-
Mrs. Altdn Hurley. Mrs. R, K. Bal-
dock Mrs. J. L. Cooke. Mrs. lvid
Fa sob. Mm. Charles D. WoodL Mrs.
GeorieH.Ottenrs. H.V,Comp-
ton. pIrs,InRo1rt..Mrs. 5t,H.
Brady. Mrs, inizmaurwe,
Mrs. riarqia Misnger mm W.,M;J i.ri" I.j rt,,
Rom in. Mrs. John Brophy. MrsUnd Miss PearL Balrey and Mtes
Sydney. Kromer.UMr..i Arthlurf Agnes to0??
Knot, Mrs. Cebrge ;White. Mrs. for the month of Norember.
Horn ?x Goulet.(Mrs.f. G. Ship- f-
ley, Mrs. IJ. F Norwood, Mrs.
George H. Swift. Mrs. Cal Patton.
Mrs. U. T. m. ornaiif
nep, Mrs. iorneiia rrnomas, ivirs.x
H. 1 Wiedmer., Mrs. V.
t a ir.. -ar it" krft
E. Kuhn,
Mrs! "Lee, W a rn e elk
George W. MaureK I
i ill m- a . aV
and Mrs.
Parnsh pirl Resen es
Tuesday night at 5:S0 the Par
rish 9th grade Girl Reserve group
met at theiY.W.C.A'l jfor a no-nost
supper. Following the dinner hour
officers for : this! f&raeSter were
elected. They are L President,
iiarigene Lee; vie fpresident. Jo-
selline Sexton Becfetary. fatric
ia Ryan; treasurer,s$hirleylamb,
song-leader, Barbara . Jean Vin
cent council; member, Xadine
Lewis i ' , ; i i ' ::
i Maigerfe LeeL who recently
came from Hawaii, told of some
interesting bit of her! life inthe
Islahd. Special! guests were Betty
Burroughs. Frances I Roseman.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallataer and Miss
Betty Taylor. t the adViser. The
prnnn i3. nlannine a swim mezt
Wednesday at jthe Y.M.C.J
nn " : ! ij,'
Qneen Esther Cirls
Are Honored ; I
Members of the! Queen Esther
circle of the Leslie Methodist
. rhurch we're entertained at the
fcome or Mrs. jonn aaw
' . '
rday ngnt iai a uengnwui vv-
A pusinessj meeun, ita,ucmj
thai inllMrt '
t Thoa present were
1 misses'
Shlrleif Law .
Peggy Meinlioidl
Bern tea: Boyee
Dorothea Grahsm
Claris ' Warijua:
Jlarjofie Reeve
Alberta Hoj
Janet Boyre
Betty Mercer
Jo Ann Donaldson
Ethel Mae Williams
IXuia Orwij ? f
Leila IorsJ '
, Jean botc
Ira. John U4rich
' a 1
On Friday: '-H; ;. '
i The- Elks club ' bridge .to-arna-
a. a. va. Aa
HieuxB. uajt; ?iaufit;u uuw
Mondays to Friday nights because
. i ui.-- i ..aiir.-. h.To
found It more . convenient
.wmln. f1 nt fa tw m fr,a r-a t m
tournament and the fee has been
. l,n..l -111 k
into : prize v for each night and
t'ZlZ, Jin kJ ri,mi-
Iinai sweepsiases prize pre
mtmA 3 1. ,- ? . - ?
51 THIS will ElTe lue UKl1
1 those who wish to attend: only:
.0aT two of thenames, lo ne
10 - .iihia for shafo hi ' the nrtzes.
- , : , - -. j . ;
; Jlother'siStudy Clab
Meets Today
. . - v ,
t : trm n tt vtnnn : of Corrallis.
will be the sneaker at the regaUr2 Visitors from Towi
; meeting of the Mother's. Study
nrnnn f the First ConKresational
.V..V. 1.. J Tl.. m.allnil w(U
luuavu luuaj. yw.o) ...
bid at tn boma ot Mrs. tr.
forrlstel. 459 Oak- street at 2:30
o'clock. Mrs.i Dann will bpeak
about religion within the family
During the social hour the hostess
will be assisted ibt rMrs. Lloyd
Drorbaugh anf IMrs. Solon
iShlnkle.-;'- H? '" - - -
Ladies' - Ready-toAVear and 1 Dressmaking Business
in Salem. Stock arid Fixtures invoice around $2500.00.
Could fee lowered by, clearance sale. Low RcnU' Splen
did Location. U l " " - ' j- - 1WJ- " :
Will Consider Trade For City Property., nnsband Being
Transferred to Another Territory Reason for Selling
Worthy of Investigation See E. A. Robey
PhanA SCUM, ': 2010 N.; Commercial St.-
Plans Formulated
For Initiation
Of C. D.A
i The Catholle Daughters of Am
erica held; their regular monthly
meeting in St. Joseph club room
Monday evening. November 9, and
plana were formulated for the in
itiation to be held: In Salem No4
vember 2f. ML Angel team wlir
put on th initiation degfeework.
Aand many; speakers, state oiiicers
and members of other courts will
be present at the banquet which
will be held In the evenmg
nkgsnFwmVf;: Maude
Rocque. Mrs. Elizabeth Heenan.
Mrs. P Krechter and Mrs. Ring -
wald in charge of refreshments.
Tne ;,nnmiufa w.'Pl .j"
"rse nhik T s
Anna Alley. Mrs. Mahula. M-lS s
nlttuJ' rflSter h al v e
nTTV.. l u.Un
(,f - TX'I
J1 QlUO W 11
r i . j s , 1
x &T.CO. sflC
1 1 ' .
LriODFRfcY'S will be the scene
It a sinat lhi4cheon ihis noon
! when I the high score winners
if the OJ T. club will entejrtain the
low scorea-8. Hostesses for the af
fair will be Mrs. T. B.lltay. Mrs.
John L. Rand. Mrs- Homer Goulet,
Mrs. Charles ii Robertsbn, Mrs.
Frank Benson ! land Mrsi Russell
f Contract, will be in blay fol
lowing the luncheon at the home
of Mrs.: Kay on Court street
Special quests for the afternoon
Include Mrs. Edward Bujrke, Mrs.
Frank Snedecor and Mrs. Frank
r! Spears. ; : ' -f
Club liembefs includels
John I. Rand
Sjnour jjoaet
R. P. Boito
Genrt A. White
Homer oalet
Joseph ; Bisreridf a
Frank Pensoa
V. G. Shipley
T. B. Kay;
Ckaa. Robertson
.Frank Spencer i
Ratsell Catlin
INIrs. Donnelly Hostess
Thursday Afternoon
Mrs. E. A. Doinelly enterUin-
ed with a smarjt; jlessert jlunchedn
Thursday afterhppn at her home
on North 1 8th irfflreet
Luncheon was! served en bright
colored pottery! Chrysanthemums
i. MW
and autumn leaves were used
- abont tfte rooms. Sewlngi was en-
joyed during the afternoon.
Those i present were:
E; Jl- Brorrn I Gordon Barker
Raluh Allen " ! Arthur Vvers
La Vera Tonnf I -R A.' Donnelly
! Mr. KenV Slyer
Grant (to Hold Open
House Tonight
The Grant Parent-Teachers as
sociation j will hold open bouse to
night beginning at 7: 3D o'clock
with progoram to 1 01 low. Ail
parents i are cordially Invited to
attends 'fAS very--dterestlng pro
gram has ' neen ' arrangea witn
- f ''--wa-sn M j
' r- JT"r 71
, numbers.. RetresBments;
will be
served later in the evening.
! IT .
Salem Grange Willi Meet
a AU Day Saturday
fealem grange No".. 17 WIU meet
i at the Aubnrn ecbooihotue for as
all day. meeting Saturday. Elec-
' - r , ,7: .
tion- ef officers forl37 will bs
; uem. - wbuiuum . sur !v-
are Charles .Feaneos ana jars. .
Mysta Hendricks. I I ' I ' ' !
At the? luncheon hour Mr. Ho
bart of Sllverton will speak on the
future of the rehabilitation pro
gram. r .
t'j, lr
'ram l6wa
t vrf- 1 I t
Ilere IOf WeeK 1 i r
hlr '-'i . it' ' i l
Mr. and Mrs. F. Alfred WlllUms
of 985 F me rack street,1 have as
their house guests Mrs. H. A. Dim
mock and her daughter! i Miss Vi
ola 1 Dlmmock of daiihalltowit,
Iowa. They plan to spend next
week inT Portland as return
for - 1
another no Btay nerei.
Delta Zeta Alums
Meet atlHome
Ol Mrs. Feike;
;,. i ' I rt :.'..,'' .'-ft U'-
The Salem Delta Zeta alnmnae
club met at the ! home of Mrs.
Charles Feike on Tuesday ere-
nlng.! After a short business meet-
Ing bridge was enjoyed, with hon-
or? goinV to Mrs! CUyto.1 Bern-llg
hwdand s CSMie iel SanV i
were made 'tor annual Christ-
mai pSrtr wh'chVill he helS at
.TT1' m i m a Tti
the home of Mra.! Floyd. Bowers.
1015 North 15th street, December
Salem Delta .Zeta alumnae In
clude: j ' .. '
! ' UESDAME8 " i
Fiord Bwra J. J. Elliott!
n. L. Bradley Bjarna ErickMa
Clartaa Bcrnhard Ctiarlaa Faita
F.dmaad Carleton Bl Gtena
Fraaeaa DaaaiaeM Louisa Harweod .
Gaorfa Doaclaa - Joo Randall
: i'XaCaa S panto! of Btayto.
: ir - MI8SE8 : !
ltarfrot Barronfha Clara V talk
Ilelaa Loaiao CroabyGraea Backer '
Maxino Paoltts Naoma HornBekaeh
LoVolTa Shirley
Miss Elisabeth Lord! and Miss
Edith Schryver were jkmopg the
Salem folk who attended the Port-
Hand 1 Symphony orcBestra concert
.Tuesday nlghL - . j ,
I i
Hazeli Green: Mrs. Caroline
Aspinwall waa hostess to 1 1 h e
Nemo sewing club Wednesday af
ternoon. The club will meet on
'December 1 at the home of Mrs.
Maurice Dunlgan. I 1
Wednesday afternoon the Sun
shine Sewing club met at the
home of Mrs. Rudolph Wacken.
One visitor. rMrs. Scbatfer. and
14 members were present. As
the next regular date Is so near
Thanksgiving. V? ,7
December 2; Mrs. Ralph Gil-
ert ana Mrs. Arcnie jucvorcaxe
Jbostessese at Mrs. Gilbert's! home.
-1 i
J Woodburn The November
M p.riTtArin Aid
Wiety was held at the church
Sfednlsday af ternoon w 1 1 h the
president. Mrs.iE. J. Allen, presid
ing. In the absence of Mrs: S. W.
Maupln devotions were led! by the
president A calling committee
consisting of Mrs. R. C Fanlcon-
er. Mrs. ti. r. Baucn?eia ana
sirs, jane waca waa apooimeu.
Jane Mack was appolntea.
During the program hourj an In-
r . . . . ... . .
koV "Tk. Xriasinn" hv
... xr.n n.v. waa nnivAri
by Mrs. Butterfield. Closing pray-
er; was offered by Mrs. Jane Mack,
Refreshments were servedj by the
HTo CnnTtla Rlnka Mra.
piive Smith and Mrs. Janb Macki
Comes! to lVmier's Today and Tomorrow to
give Salem women! expert advice on the pro
per! selection of suitable foundation gar
at I N- r a -
V i
SPECIALS ! Regular $8.50i Gossards in this group
including.the very smart brocades, all sizes, are spe
cially priced at
' xtTQfikTPT :.trvrv.
. . . SPECIAL !
In! the Valley
Muckexi-Kchoe Nuptial
Rites a Mt. Angel
i -
wj Antel--SL Mary'a Catholle
ML Ange--w v"" w
church was
tne scene Bswa -
iTJ Tweddina at f: 15 o'clock
wn Wl. lu,
w?Lf Ktek Keboe. pUghted
felth bere?5ta? flank-
lWLiru" . . TTl m
"wi;iTwjr " v--v- fAn. and
Sowri- P r Mr, William PettltJ beside, the
Z Father Alculn .performed Jonored couple Mr. and Mrs, A -fl'
JL i. .at h anntiai exander. - 'i I
Kehsang "Ave Maria." J "
' J hhrShe?1 llSuSen
rlage, by her brother, Cajl "ncken
sne wore m wnv -
-uiT lace yoke and puffed
r . t Mu wa
. i,
tlnger-tlpi length and she carried
white roses and sweet peas, i
Miss' Virginia Kehoe. sister of
the J groom. : was maid of honor.
Miss Margarets: Welton acted as
bridesmaid. ! Robert : Kehoe. bro-
ther ef the trroom, was best man.
Immediately after the ceremony
the wedding breakfast was served
at the home of the bride s moiner.
The Sdlnner was given at noon in
tfiA nit An eel hotel
lOtel rltn a large
wedding cakej centering the bride's
table. Assisting in serving we
Miss Ann JMereckx, Miss Margar
et GUles, and Miss Chartottle
Kruse. alii friends of the bride. A
reception was held at the Mucken
home during the afternoon.
Johnnie Clemens sf ng sereral sel
ections. -, I . ,
After a ishort wedding trip, Mr.
orVet SeS Pen
at 027 S.lW. ,??T !r Prtd.
Fori going away the bride
ian oxford; gray innic u
m . . . aMA ailir
with black accessories, mis. e-
Wim Diaca JKChhb.
hoe ls-rf graduate of - Mt.i Angel
academy and Mr. Kehoe attenaea
Mt. Angel college. v I
- M 'r
Moimbuthi-A wedding of in-
rtTlocl neonle. was that of
Sta Fences Hanna. a aughter
of Mrs. Mae Hanna of independ-
ence. to vjrgu unoaue,, u.,
sou 'V.-V
ft. 1. Ma-
tnaney. wminuuui,
miucj, ---
curred Thnrsaay nigm
ii ... rt wfth T? ,t A
anCAliiral nATSOnaee. Willi nei. A.
V. RlanviBe officiating. Mr. and
Mrs. E. A.Nelson of Independence
were the attendants
Mr.j and Mrs. I
tkfi theiT home
rn inn aneuaauu.
Matheny will
on the Math
eny farm j west of Monmouth,
Choose now and let Miss Las
key fit! your foundation gar
ment in the best interests of
your comfort and give you
the fashionable lines you have
every right tp expect ! ,
Corset fitting is an i art
sind .Miller's
fully aware that fashions re
cognize! these facts!
Be sure to meet Miss Laskey :
today for tomorrow. If f you.
wish to be positive just call
3179 and make an appoint--
meat. :f-
Think Of geUing Arossarajraunua--
reguiariy a ex.w,
Social Realm
SUyton MrJ and Mrs.; E. D. Al
mxr -mmrm honored Sunday
t , 1 v.
T. . . . . .
tneirr eiSl weoami uii
. v. Atnnr wr;
'iw - i'"- V "r
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ij. wagen, ana
ii d Sithtir Mis. Bette. Mr.
and Mrs. Glen E, Fox and daugh-
ters.. Misse. Maxlne 1 "Shirley ,
w niTAii Pnrrr and Mr. and
For. Dixon Parry and Mr , ana
where Mr. Alexander published
several nwpyci
ton.5i He
r g ft MalI for many
years, and since 1 1 n
, ,
-" . ' .
secretary-ireaaurer oi
. . . . at
the Stay-
ton Mntual : Telephone; company.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander have al
ways been active In civic activities
and are among the highly respect
ed and rained residents of this
section. He also served as post
master during the Wilson admin
lstration. : ! '
Scio At the home of the
m a o A r k Jk Wmtt T ArlM
crjae s parenu, nar. auu.
j.-. itaasoni, k-8ikii
hr in. Daohae Eliza&etn Ran
som became the wile of Fred
Stuber of Lebanon. The ceremony
was read by the Rot. W. IL-Mc-Laln
of Shelbum In ihe presence
ofimmedlate relative and friends
of the young couple. : ; : i
Miss Selma Stuber, sister of the
bridegroom, attended the bride,
and Justin Ransom of Albany was
best man for his brother. . 1 1
home In the Waldo apa
win do i
" ww v
.;-ri to California and
-i"r,.Ti ,
Trl.-tl. Fall
Klamath Falls.
Liberty Miss Christine
c,rMt HanKbter-of Mrs. Kath
erlne j Schmidt; ! of Liberty.
John Anderson - of I Sale
J clock The cerem
- t. f,w.kce ta the.
wuuu " . T .w
,.n1.'i new home
Ion Jefferson
:rVt " Only close relatives were
Mrs.1 Anderson is a iiuuk .
Salem hlgh school and worked , in
the secretory of state's office for
a nunfber of years. Mr. Anderson
is engaged in the buiMIng trade
in Salem. ' : , 1 . .j .
Miss LilaLaskey
5 1 .. I , !
... i H
- i
'- V
Kens At u impriiYf
nW Sunday afternoon, Novem-
ter 8. Miss Hazel : Utter back.-
youngest daughter of Mr. and r
mm il Tt. TTttPThaeV f Lincoln
became the bride of Marlyn M,
Hadler. onlr son of Mr. and Mrs.
t i m r u. Ala.
u . n-i i. n1
jjirsS, luuiwiuu tuunu i
i.. ffi.iti a trm tntAriaced
".""r"Tl"J. V.I
vuniran - coiorea autumii ioua
for the candle lightr ring service.
The bride wore a dress of white
traniparent telvet with long r
nt !. hM khout hr head with
of lace, held about her head with
a cap of tulle. She carried an arm i
bouquet of white carnations,. pink-
bouvardla and maiden hair tern,
Mrs. Lewis H. Jory of Salem was
wore a areas ;-oc;oia rose ctp
- 7.
the Ibrlde. was
word a charmlI
liower girl anu
jhaimin froek of olnk
'...j!vi. - nt t n.ll.
.. it ..j .i.i '
Victor Utterback and Lewis Jory.
During: the f marriage ceremony :
Adolphus Ballentyne of - Salem
1. r
t? 1
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any
1 Coat in the Store at v i j : v
! " :. ':.::) j o i ;: ,-
f- '"" '. ' . ": ' ; ' : ' H L ''' - ' "
Every Coat Carries Iti Original
Price Tag the MasterjTag Tells
the Story v
? 3
409415 Court St.
-"lf.-' .. .'" '. ': -i, y ' 'i
Dee Hoes
coud zvc qlve
Vewj Washer! S P E C I AL!
S t a n da r d. make. The
iie ih";ieow-prtw:f4eTd;v-J:iS C-Jl f "J-.ftB"
waih byVhand.attW ,7N - ;
Taw t
'if .-;?
V; WI lia
' ' " " - - -reVj : ' - '" ' ' - "
We have many makes for your choice. All
standard -guaranteed Kef ngerators. We
. : j 1.1 '-- - ' -I . n .. .(-:. ' .
must eiear our stocks.
BfrndNetS35 '
a" Mndelssohn's Wedding
i o.i-tfi
March", and HJJf?2
of DalUs sang. -Oh Promlee we
ftnd "I Lot You Truly. Artera
(.nnnmoon spent In portiana, r.
and Mrs. Marlyn M. Hadley wm
he at home to their irienoa i
Ti.ii.f - fnA I hundred ' ana
. Vitl. Ami nnlV the UlrB VO
uay, wu.u . .hnrrh
h.M iAn held lathe Zena caurcn,
T...;r( rhorch thie aide
oiaesx rrow d
Eugene. The first
m 1891 when Miss Maude , 1
ley, iter ft 5
fcs won distinction as S ; w
haa won distinction as a wr"r'
and A. L Gibson were
Last-year Miss Ethel McKinney.
daughter of MrJ and ra-reo
McKinney and Victor J""""'
-were vrea .
J 1 vir- r
A uaiiaa a u j i
filial socletr of . t h e weinoaist
.k.h I11 mAt at th hOOS Ot
ri tr Fridar after-
un r1 1 r. Foster Friday niei-
noon at:2:80f Mrs. Elmo e,n1n"
and Mrs. H.4 J. Eastman wm vm f
assisunt hossses.
Bros !Fi
Slightly used, ; repossessed
Maytasr..The famous 30 model
with lifetime, aluminum -
tub; A s rare Maytag
Used aad
0W i
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Tba. Statesssan. .