r-i The OIlEGOlI CTATESlIAl?, Galea, Oregon, Friday Morning November 6, 1223 PAGE SEVEN Call as up (or what 70a need Our delivery thowg Speed 1 ' When the weather is nasty or when yon don't (eel like com ing ont to market phone us. You can order your every food and household need here se cure in the knowledge that we (ill your order carefully and deliver it promptly I v 39c Dromedary Jruit Cake Mix. Special Yellow Corn M e a 1, fresh ground, 10-lb. bag ... Fresh Chick- en' Tamales.. -1 for Fresh Oysters, pt; ; 1 39c 2 for 25c 25 c FREE DELIVERY- I A JfY AMOUNT J Weekend 29c Specials Tollet.Tissue, fine quality, 6 rolls 29c Krispy Crackers, 2 lb. box ...I. 29c Corn Starch, O 1 Ibi box . J for 29 c ruitaiela- f OO tin, ah flav'sO for wC Canned . n Oranges i-J-LU for lomato Juice A tall I cans LlJt for UUZ Franco American phetti. for 29 c Ripe Olives, o on med. size ' I. J cans UU l Calif. Small - Q White BeanssJ lbs. Cu C Van Camp's J .., OQ Fk & Beans 4 cans aWC London Toffees, 1 lb. bajr i 29c j -'Free "1 Delivery . Any" Amount- mnm y GRoceny? 265 N.UBCRTy . Quality Foods -J at Competitive Prices foils ; Teacher -V i - l.-,L,!:i h .1.-.,;:, - i 1 1 Institute Set 'II Annual Event Will Be Held ti it : 1 - Tuesday High at Senior School V1 DALLAS, Nor. i:- Ths annual Polk county! teachers' institute is to be held next Tuesday at the Dallas senior high school building according to County Superintend ent Josiah Wills. The meeting la scheduled to start at 9 o'clock. Rt. Dean Vermillion ot the Dal las Evangelical church will , give the invocation.; Special .musical numbers will be given under the direction of Joseph C. Hartley ot the Dallas schools, ' .- , ji - .1 ' ! The ' principal address of the morning session; will be-given by Dr. E.- J. Anderson,' president of Llnfleld college. In the depart menur conferences, D. A., Emer son,.' of the state department ot education, Mrs. W. A. Barnum ( the Oregon Normal school, Miss Emma HInkle of the Oregon Nor mal school' Mian Orace TTorrette of the Portland school system will give talks, and George BirroU of tne state department of education will lead a round table discussion in the adult education depart ment. : i ! 1 ' Another feature of the moru las s program will be a sympos ium on the contributions of var ious organisations to the work of the school, ' County Agent Lsth discussing elnbs. work: Margaret Glllls, health; Florence Bear dsley, teacher , retirement .plans; Floyd TA Phone orders l solicited 5679 red faroc. w iikt. FREE nDEOVEEllT 13th 2 and State .Best Foods Bread and Butter 1 ! PIKSESILES ; 15-ozTjar.- gQ j WESSON OIL Vi gallon cans -..!. P & G Soap ; Giant Bars ' 9 for. Mello GIo Coijfee . I Ground to Your Oi;der , 25 lb. SUGAR Fine Granulated .i-f'w"iii.;.:.' r.aniLE Oregon tins 23 Iv 3MEAT SPECIALS SWISS STEAK, lb, . Swift's Sliced BACON, Rind Off, lb. Kerr's B1INCE MEAT, 2 lbs. iLJLLLJZ. Pnre GROUND BEEF, 19c 35c 1:25c 15c BOLOGNA, lb. . 19c Rihso . . . . Lg. Pkg. 18c Candy Bars , . ; .3for l0c tiatesNew Crop2 its. 19c Scott Tissue.. .' .3 rolls 19c Wteatie Npw . ; Ptg. 10c . PRODUCE DEPARTMENT - Apples, Northern Spy, j ' Box .L . . . i t L . . .69c Rutabagas . . . LL .2 lbs. 5c Onions, No. 1 .'.10 lbs.Vl8c Slustard Greens 3bul0c Spuds; No. 2,5p-lb.bag 89c iey'slGumipkgs. 10c DbgJFoocl, Swifts Pard J . .J J. ..2 for 15c Mustard J . . J i Qt. jars, 13c Corn ; Tasty Pak "VVhole Kernel '-::-'2".tins.-:J .25c Tree Tea pkg. ; Green j j I , ' JLC.P. Concentrated ' Lemon Juice 1 2 UM sss Knight's Tomato Juice. tall tins 2)G Figures in White House Shift?, ixvt tiu'eoe Iereis : Eugene Legrgett, chairman- of the National Emergency Council and former Washington correspondent of a Detroit newspaper, may sue ; ceed Stephen T. Early as presidential press secretary, U Early retires, I according to Washington rumors. Early is said to he considering an I r important post isewnere, A , Lodge ReunionXs ; Slated Saturday : I EtLVKRTON, Not. ; S 'The annual home coming for the SiF verton Odd Fellows has been set for Saturdayj Serving on night I at the halL the" I sjntertalnment committee . and program" art George Chrlstenson 8. Teglund and Max Berlber. The cuper com mlttee Includes j: L. I R. ! Sawyer, George Winchell and Lev: Daven- ort-x r I f M- : K hMlss Helen Hall, who has ben making her . home at the ;W. ! E. Batch wells. Is moving to the : L. Llndholm home i on West - Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Satchwell hare been transferred to Med ford -where! : SfttchweU :HwiIl!i e with-the Southern j Pacific co$k pany. Miss Hall is employed Sat the;,. Portland General! .Electric Company; offices ! here, - j j I i-i: -tillsa-rXgnlea. Steward, :wbo:' s' leaving this week j for . outhera Qallfornia where; she will ' take pott graduate work in the univer-. slty, wes entertained at I !Mo host dinner Monday ntsbt.at: tle w, P. ficarth .home. Guests L In cluded Miss Stewart, Miss' Helen HaU, Miss Nellie Shaw,; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Steward and Mr, old. Daris.. , , Pr. R. Moore nd Mrs. Har Grangers News i! I CfcEMAWA. Not. 6 The home economics club met all day Wed nesday with Mrs. Harvey Hansen and j spent the time sewing. The hostess served a lovely chicken dinner at noon, present were Mrs. W. Bowden, Mrs. Arthur Held en, Mrs. James Wolf, Mrs. Sam uel Richards, Mrs. D. B. Klelhege and jthe hostessJ Mrs. Holden will bo hostess for the next meeting. '.S,lKh..T .; ... ; - 1IACLEAY, Not. B,- A full evening of business and entertain ment has been planned for the grange meeting to be held Friday night at the grange hall. Roberts grange degree team -will confer the tirst i and second degrees en several candidates and , the an nual; election of officers will be held. Numbers for the program hour will lnelude a discussion on criminal courts by Miller B. Hay den; a skit by Mrs. Clarenee Sim mons and Mrs. Clarence Johnson; and readings by Mrs. Stella Cul ver. Mrs. J. L. Amort and Mrs. YT V . VI.M. lit V. J of lunch. "- . . . " Play Home Game Today SILVERTON, Not. K Canby will Journey to Silverton Friday afternoon to play Silverton In the third home football game pt the season. Son to Holts INDEPENDENCE, Nov. K. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carence Holt (Loreta Bullock) on Saturday at the Deaconess hos pital. The -pound boy . has been named Gordon Lee. ipHiiffiijOlTr:..,isr-:. p?' if--f ;FnYS HENS BAKES ;- . - !FnEGEI GEAFCOBC KRallbnt, Chinook and SUverside Salmon, Ling Cod Sole, Red b Snapper, FUet of HaUbut, Sole, Halibut, Black Cod, Batter yioms, uysicrs, ennmp, sneu k lata. Kippered Salmon. . ww i w r ii l uring us i our rouiiry Salem Fish and Poultry Market Phone 6O10 173 8. Commercial - Free Delivery . i v- NEXT DOOR TO MCDOWELL MARKET Ellefson adult -education. ' Carlton to Speak B. F. Carlton, secretary of the Oregon state teachers -association and-editor of the Oregon educa ttoU Journal, will also give a- brief talk at the morning 'meeting.. A short business session: of the Polk county, teachers association Is also scheduled to take place on Tuesday 'morning. t; f : ; K During the noon hour a lunch eon Is being served at the Meth odist church for all students and alumni of the Oregon Normal school. I : i '! l in:!i! 'M ' The first speaker at the after noon session will be : D.. A.i Emer son. This will be followe'd by de partmental conferences; Dr. O. R. Chambers of Oregon State college speaking to the high school "de partment; Henrietta i Wolf er from Oregon Normal school on advanc ed elementary department: Dora Scheffsky of the Normal j school addressing the' intermediate de partment; Grace Forrette speak ing in the primary! department. and George Blrrell In the adult education department. , Assembly ! Closes Day The last speaker will be Dr. O. R.. Chambers. He will speak be fore an assembly of all the ieaeh- ers. u ' : : :v- : : , - Superintendent Wills ihas an nounced the chairmen of the de partments for the institute as fol lows: high school, Loren Mort of Independence; advanced, Glenn Gething ot Dallas; : intermediate, Mary A. Donaldson of Monmouth; primary, Ethel Cleveland, Dal las; and of the adult education, Floyd Ellefson of Independence. The . officers of the i Polk -county division of Oregon state teachers' jassociation . are: president. Mrs. Phoebe Cox; vice president, Lor en Mort; and secretary-treasurer, Josiah .Wills. -M ; ; , ijh.-v--t Benson Brothers Going ; Over Hills to Shoot Elk SILVERTON HILLS, Nov. 5 Lieut. Oscar Benson and Willard Benson , plan to leave -this' week for the; Pehdlteon area to hunt elk. The Benson brothers have the reputation of bringing In the largest elk of ! the season.; j Going to Midwest BRUSH CREEK.! NovJ : 5 Mrk anJ Mrs. Clifford Nybakke (Viola Larson) who hay e been at Bend since their wedding here in June, plan to go to the midwest to make tbelr home on a farm. Nybakke came, here two .years ago. -I..; . t-K . .4 1 ,,,(. ores.d.a. 1 ! IA VfT) Originator of Lbif Prices i 12, ii 440 ORE S.D.AA 351 State St. , HOW TO SELECT A GOOD PIECE OF MET It takes the, eye of an expert to look! at a pieee of meat and - tell whether it (will give satisfaction . j. ; .' what to look for and where to look requires stady. Our ' policy saves you that trouble. We say that the way to select rood meat is to SELECT a GOOD MAR- - KET. The Midget solves that problem. - INSPECTED MEATS ONLY. - REGULUAR PRICES NOT rSPECIALS". Sirloin Midget : quality ia a favorite, steak; ten der, juicy. and flavor-.1 fuLr : A it p or Lean cuts, very ec onomieal, rich flavor. ROAST 5 lb. ..-1; -; t; - H ?. BEEF ROAST : ii; i -'r' 1-'-' !! 'mmm Easy : to cook ; and just more than easy to eatJ Pick your choice, none higher. tV11lt5&.;'f--i I'iiV U' :V-r: i :l ' m fc: mi v : 7Z n ana . mon- : U. .. Cook ! with vegetables, nutritious and a mon f .eyt saver. y- if 1 You have been looking for lower pork price Well, her they arej Cut from grain fed young porkers Young Pig; Lean cuts. .Young Pig Peril Coast . ' Picnic style. ' V-V- Dainty Lean Ebiri Ctiops 1 22C ll&o . i: : Small ones." K Fresh E-lcm Coast -': :!!'-f - 111- CC l)e ! ii '--4 v. i VI ; KV ''j -t!'..: Tri. citf We close at 6 P. It; n Saturdays at 7 P M. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY,! NOV. 11 ARMISTICE I DAY- k 4j 'HARRY JL LEyY, Prop I J link U: I.V fell tr-rni iLs-'aU 185 No. High St. j- Across frcjm the Courthouse Phone 7007 i Open 7 a.m.;to 11 p.m. Every Day of the Year! i ; PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, L3 SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND MONDAY GROCERY DEPARTMENT 3.1bJ tin Swansdo.vn Cake ! Flour Calumet , tin Bakings Powder 19c Shred BISCUITS IvELLOGG'S ORtGON OR ARSIOUR'S Milk m .cans j r taker's . COCOA IVORY S O A P med. size PURE CANE SUGAR J 10 Pounds ....... .55c 25 Pounds .J...1.... $1.37 R1TZ Crackers ; Be j7-UP 7-XJP -1 28-oz. bottle! 12-oz. bottle 19c 3 for 29c FRUIT DEPARTSnENT SwJet Potatoes ii n i. ' lbs. .1 SPINACH Young and Tender T i Ibsui CABBAGE Large Full Sacks sack GRAPEFRUIT 1' Arizona Seedless ; , Danish Squash BAKERY DEPARTMENT Cream' Puffs Full . of Nice 1 Rich Cream for 2SO I Marsh mallow Horns DANISH COFFEE Large Assortment - - Cloverleaf Rolls Very Njce Dinner JRoll , dozen L yO'" 1 ! 1 MEAT OEPARTMEMT fW-l: lurU DA(5rJ n f I per lb. GGggc. BcgG CSboott , : - f B.ssssaasssis.aa assisawai Gtlcoi?' CoiaQcl: I CGgoCi per , lb. f i1 if I' for T I' l 25G mn-rrr RTiiWlIl. pr.rr-vlGn' i ' ' I ' " With Meat Orders -V-i - Hi Co FLORAL DEPT. During the coming winter months youri living . room will reflect more cheer with a lovely Fern, Palm or Foliage Plant. i. - , . . -i . - . Specials this week end Ferns .....-35c to $1-50 Palms .-$1.25, $10, $3.50 Also Makeqp Work Yor all oc casions carefully and correctly reach of everyone. '. - j fit it.- ' T'':" ' f ',( ! " V ' 1J 1-4 , i - .i-i:t i 1. ...H-jt---'