Kit vllZVGZi ETATECIIAW, CaUa.- Urcjcn, Yiday llcmlz-; Kcvczitcr C, 4 Is " fJay or Again Sclirunk Upsets Ewing For Scio Post; Mulkey Voted Justice Lay Chicago Crime. Wave to Schoolboy Bandits MONMOUTlCNoT I Dr. F. R. Bowerso wu reelected mayor; Mrs. Elsie O'Rourke, city' record er; and Dr. B. F. Batler and J. I . Norrls councllmea at the city elec tion ' Tuesday. Holdoxer council- men are: Q. H. Partridge and Ed Rosen. ,f ' k H " .. Bowersox baa served the city Years aa mayor. The city's bonded lndehtedneaa was f 138 - S00 when he took office In 1S30. It haa been reduced to 192,000 during hia past tennre. In 1S an addlUonal idebt of $12,000 was Incurred for replacement of water ' sloe. His ', consistent economical program wE be continued In the i - r .-. ; r-:: x ":' ' I Vote Close oa Utility ' BCIO. Not: 8 iln South Sclo to tine precinct Tuesday the pro posed utility district was defeated by -four rotes, aeordlna- to- a tab ulation posted following a; canTaaa of the Totes. In North Sclo the . Tote was 41 for and .411 ssalnst the proposal as recorded by those tiring outside the city limits.. Tne - rote of ,thosff-lWngf within the i city was not available. Bota pre ' clneti' elected ,-BaTtu.U Betaer, ' 'Hume. Kixervaad Mltcheir as dlr reCtorav-JLbout 7 S per; cent of t be registered rote In South Sclo was v cast ' Tuesday, "' All other measures and all- pro posed constitutional amendments " except the tax limit proposal for Portland achol district were lost in an aTalaache of , negative bal ' 'lota.' " 7 . ! For the first time In many years there was a contest for (the Sclo mayoralty and for six eouncilnren. W. 1. Ewlnjt. mayor for several years, received 6 Totes tor reelec tion. vh i. w. scnrunK won with . O.iB. Cyrus and A. W. Daley u 00 posed in nominations. were relected recorder and mar shal, respectively. E. Dt Meyers was alone tor reelection as tree- nnr ! )"'-." " - - Of the six candidates elected eouncilmen each stood aa fol lows; Frank Bartn S3, Merie . Pmii 15J Fred Bryan. . W. Z. -Sims C7, J. A. Withers! C4, and Fred Roadarmel S3. FiTe defeated candidates received the following 1 Totes: NJ L Morrison 80, W. F. 'Gill 63. A. Q. Prill 4J Joe No vak JS.'-Joe DostSl 19- Bryan. 'Gill. Morrison and Roadarmel are inenmbent eouncilmen- I - - ; Under, the charter:, elected of ? fleers aerre until their successors sare elected: and qualified. It is not . utated whether the old officers wfll hold until January; snext or " whether they will vacate! their po- k sitions for the new adminktra- . tion. - : 1 ...-1 ; Mrs. Huttdn Uill Head Red X Call 6ILVERTON, Nor. I llrs. I ZanU Button haa been made Red cross chairman of; the jSllrerton district. She has I appointed a Mnlkey Is J. . P. MEHAMA. Not 5 Local elec- - tion . returns show thst William ' P. MnlkeT with S 5 votes led Roy ' Philippi with 35 in thei race for justice of the peace. For constable. Max Frame topped Karl Hinier's 20 Totes with. -vote or 87. Coburn 3Il'or Ain DAYTON. Not 6-Earl Coburn. nnooDosed ; for mayor, receded 128'0f the 168 rotes east in the Dayton cJty election held here Tuesday. J. .O. Williams; recorder, waa reelected and unopposed. J. X. Sherman, treasurer, reelected and ; also unoDDOsed. Councllmen. Fred Anderson 105. William Scbell J 108. Charles Simler and Mrs. W, S. U'Ren tied; with 93 rotes each. Holdover eouncilmen are: Mrs. ' Mvona Gray,' Frank Weight and ' C. Fulgham.' 1 ; ' ' -. Williams Is Mayor ; -' i IND EPENDENCE, .Not 5- "Kenneth L. Williams. was elected niTor of Independence -erer the nominated candidate. fRi A. Syl vester. The contest, apparently ' without eposition. was: won by six 'rotes when the final count waa ' made. Williams is a prominent . . business i man in the community. . Ha has always taken an active part - in clrlc affairs and owns and. ooeratea a dry goods Store here ; has a large ranch south of lnde- - pendence and la a hop grower. He - succeeds Mayor A. L. Thomas, who I refused to run on the city ticket. Con ncllmen elected! ' for four i.rear terms are: Mr. C. id. Sloper, i Mr. . J. S. Robbie and Mr. A. W " Foster. ' Councilman . elected for 1 two-; terms. sMr. -W. .i.AJ Barnum ' C. LI Carey , was reelected city jre : corder; E. A. U Veddle4 justice of t peace; and Verd II. Schrunk, con . stable. 41:- A aeries of north aide led police to an InTestigatioa which net Gapt, Pairick 0Connen ejueeiloninf suspects corps of! helpers in the rarlous secUona of town, C. L. Bonney will! be In charc-ei at the mill t Mrs. 8. P. Rose and Mrs William Swift wiU take care ef the busi ness district, j fi .! Workers In the residential dis trict Include Mrs. T. L. Blast. Mrs. C. i W. Soncer. Mra. W. E. Crabtree, Mrs. Arthur Dahl. Mrs. s. A. Domagolla, Mrs. Lee MorrU son, Mrs. R. B. Duncan. Mrs. M. Q. Gunderaon. Mrs. Lee Haskins, Mrs. uenry storlie. Mrs. - Lynn Neal, Mra. Lee Alfred, MUs Celia Hanan, Mrs. 8am Loreaxen, Mra, Charlea i Leonard, Mrs. Clifton Dlckerson, Mra. A. J. Titus, Mrs. ttoy uarenport, Mrs. Henry Orer- oss, Mrs. Theodore Hobart, Mrs. Harry Wilson. Mrs. Fred Baker. Mrs. j.-J. Lewis, Mrs. C. R. Wil son and 'Mrs. Martin Hanan. The drlre will begin Korember -H - ( ' robberies tad holdups on Chicago's I ted 11 youths of school age. suipectsd of betoj j I Underiroes Onrntinn I police to an inreatlguUon which neb. membera of a jurenne guig.. - II b8 yperauon Declare -1 ( . . -. Yallev Is SUBLIMITY, Not. 6 Mr: and Mrs. Aloia Hassler and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hasajer and daugh ter Vgra returned Sunday night IroEi a trip to Vancouver, B. C., rlsitlng with ' Mrs. : Al Hassler's sister sand Mrs. Herman Hassler's cousin. On their way they stopped orer at Longviewj risited the Po- drabBkya and left; Miss Vera un til they returned;" 1 pey paw , many ; inuigs 01 111 tereat and reported the country and' conditions much the same aa tn Oregon, only beer parlors there are 1 run . under better manage- meat than in the states.. The farmers here are better off aa they get. A price tor, what they raise.' In up to date meat , mar kets at Vancouver, B. choice sirloin steak waa selling for seven and ' nine cents . a pound, butter at three pounds tor 19, cents, but furnlturej waa rery high, clothing the aame as here wltn the ex ception of furs. Nerertheless the Haaslera j said they still choose the 1 Willamette yalley as : their choice! of la home Stter corering nearly 000 miles. ! ,ij 5 Boys Get Sister SUBLIMITY, Not. , Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Rlpp are receiving fe licitation on the .antral of a daughter, at their home October 19. - This . Is the . sixth child and first daughter. They hare i named her Annette Hildav f siLVERTON. Not. S Mra. Henry Torrend underwent aa op eration at the Sllrerton General hospital Monday and is reported aa getting along Tory well. Funda in Siglit to Develop Llineo Along Saritiam Little Nortli Fork; Will Install More 3)lachinery Soon SCtO. Not (Ample , fun d a witb j which . further to i derelop properties of the Qrows ; mlh : in the Cikhora district, on itho tittle NorUil Fork of the iSaitfcn'rfrer, soon, will be arallable as a: result 1 of : a j recent financing r plan an nounced by R.: B. Peery of 8clo, general manager and secretary : Qf ths Company. lljjj; 8 If ! i Arrangements recently J weT e bnadeiwith W. 8. Mitchell of Port-, land, i formerly; ox jvan rrrump , Mitchell, brokerage firm of Chj4 cages,! jtor; financing- thei j;ialrtje through sale of stock; Shares,1 aci cording to Peery Such ,pian,: had neen nnaer consiaerauon tor, some time sod its : consummation: 'as-j sure arallable funds i ritb ? which to nroeeed. Feerr: stated in BCIO i ij; r i'ij recently. H;v,;:J-w- ,i i Optimism PreTaas . "And there, is no doubMnj ;t0 minds of t he directors of the com. pany! and the consulting engineer as to the Quality ana tne quantity of ore bodies Peery said 'here! With aolld and increasing Talu;e of copper : and gold throughout 1 the world. Perry feels! eTery encour agement in - connection I With i! the output of the mine, oncelti geU ! rfo In th a r ah a ft I bare ) ln- creaaed in richness as depth has 1 who been attained,. and mining i engi neers I regard this as one - of the best alma of a permanent supply of workable ores. At a depth of 1001 feet it is expected t hat the shaft will rertfy all that has been claimed for t h mine. 1 f To Oomtinae Shaft "li'r is the intention at present to continue the shaft to that depth as soon as prsctlable. When this Is completed the plan Is C3 cross cut from the side of the mountain and t ap the shaft ores and others by means of this tunnel. This tunnel will be between 1(00 and iTOw feet when completed and la expected to tap better . orea at greater depths than hare been reached In the abaft," i 1 Ma h inery for handling the water Ss well as the ores in sink ing 'the shaft to the 100-foot level la t k be Installed aa soon as pos- il ,'ffiyi tapping -' the ore Telna througli a tunnel several hundred feet? lower than the shaft baa proceeded, it la believed by mining men? that better ore and larger Quantities will be found. It would be milling ore and could be treat ed strai earing of $1.50 per t on Peery i'.decUred. . . k . a as maae . personu uwpw r jof the Crown mines and ores, is still retained as the con pany's consulting engineer. Paul Fuhrer Is Injured by Bull HAYESVILLE,' Not. 5 - Paul UTuhrer, farmer here, waa seri ously injured about S:S0 o clock . this morning while moving a bull which he . had sold, into a trailer. In some way the animal . cornered Paul in the trailer, and ' pierced Paul's stomach with one horn. The hired man managed to keep the bull from doing further harm. Fuhrer Is at a Salem hospital, where it is thought he will recov- ; er unless complications , develop. The injured man Is a brother-.: of' Walter Fuhrer, Marlon county representative in the state legis lature. , I10LPS AVOID . MANY COLDS Especially designed id for nose and upper throat, where " most colds start. ' Used la time, helps ' pre venc many colds. VicKsVA-ir.o-c:oi- 00 74 mm I ZiaalS. Tklt galva, bTsm Drops Try ! chMks 1 ' COLDS j a4 ' FEVER . (.first Say;-1 -H- 80 aUaatsa XaVMy-Tlsm' WerU's Bm UalBtBI i , ! BETTER HEALTH Jtamach, Rsctd sss Colo AXmcaU 1 Dsstrey YsarCoatrtati x Xtt hm trMtflMct fat tfaa Wnt for Ulewa. Acid, ity. Iadlftttiea. Pil. VissotM, FiMnU, CUtia, . KUatiaff. Coaitipattca. Diataasis. Esaauaatioa aas TrMtawat by akUl4 Ualwol nlclr"to-NocoriB,in,ni Wrtat ot cml! for FILEE dcaatrnvc rooklM. Dr.C. J.DEAn CUIIIC . . - MnWM mm Serta . N.I. Ctmr Brasid aadGraaSAwaae TcUoboaa EAM ltll Porticad, Orrca BeWare Coughs f roa cosoa colli That Hanjj On No matter how many medldTwa you hare tried for your eougtL. cheat cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief cow with eatomulston. Berlous trouble may be brewtng and ' you cannot afford to take a chance wlta anything less thaa Creonml elon, whica roes riht to the seat of the trouble to aid ! nature to soothe and heal the tnflanv1 men branes as the germ-huien yihlfgrn la loosened and expelled. - Even If otJber remedies have failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund ycr money if you are not satisSed wt a resulxs from the rery first bctt-s. Oct Creomulsion right now. (Atj 3 Day Sale FridaySaturday through Monday ' . . - - - r . ! i .; WILLETTS i I I Double Green Trading StampSgOn all Sale Merchandise - 5 . - ..." i. ,- Full Pints ODD Full Pints Heavy Grade Full Pints 1 j I r li . - -! 1 i : n - : ' ' - rsp ' r r EfefittD lCc Vclour j, ! : j.. i -.. f i : 2 "-VS. - 35c Rubbing' Alcohol I ' - i : ' j !' : : 2 fori J 0 ! su . &jr : -. Sh(M Tm PHOSPHQ COMP I : t2-ea Sises mrrr. - MINERAL OIL TOOTH PASTE OrUm Qualify! HAND LOTION Lmvmtdtr, 3-x- COLD TABLETS HAIR TONE iaeiss" " WASH CLOTH . fXsIS iacA J HAIR BRUSH " Cm4 Qwlity . Garvey Ufc 2 fr 22G 2i51 :24iB 2 1C ! Na-Yct SANITARY 'NAPKINS ' jteses of 12 226 imr IUldUr. Stack .mm mtm I - i Halibut LIVER OIL; CAPSULES: ; ' fUAm er ! iFertifled 21J20 HINXLE PILLS SrH ! SHAVE CREAM 1 mutm it r COLD CREAM AmKt. TOILET TISSUE Ftmu Tmm L SYRUP FIGS i XUr. -. Sim COD LIVER OIL' rMt. r W LIGHTER FLUID UfSfM - DEODORANT Tidy . ' -"" ' ' ;2u;2G .23I5 2.G1 2-lGc 2i51 MILK MAGNESIA Tooth o 1 n Paste 600.8 25c 500 Sheets t 1 Paramount 1 j Cleansing : Tissues A: 2 for 26c t COLD , OINTMEJIT 23 Siae ; 2f3S tUHmr c h a t - see aw CLEANSING TISSUES F r rwiwvai D0 L'Adonna Telle tries 1st 2 itcss SJLcit! C1wtlaa Z CM Craaaa Tiuo Craa Tumi. F IJiwtick 4 Ski. Fmm4 Pwwmmr, i Simmgrn SPECIALS! Tee treafc ValaatiM PereiMe . 9f!e S-m. Siaa --.Parey' Aaflaeeffe ; 9 nic TuadM, aa. mm hrU" CeM Creeai" n: ne -rvrfactlaa. 4-aStorwJai 5riST!L2Gl t212far2Gc Neae Drees 9 4 e Catpa Lyt fcfJ Saeve Irnk -a Gm4 QmUIt -.r 7G j Pkgs. of 10 Po-Do Hazor 2 or Plat Six ORUS lcch roa)e V i t -u -i i :-:ox-x- -.-. .. . , .1 1 ..-.-X'.r:v.-:-:-.,.v.- i vavXv'-v . : ; fi --''m7777u'l' "'"L' "P'MMBg;E - - - ... - - - - 1 - n - " mm 1 -i " " 1 4 stores 35 S. Commercial,- Corner Court t Commercial - l78 $i. Capitol - 13th & State SAVE MONEY-STOCK YOUR PANTRY WITH STOICELY'S FINEST FOODS Peach STOKELY es PEARS fl' ' - .. - ., r. rir .-.-k' --'.13'! 1 STOKELY mm STOKELY 2Vi size tin - 2 size tin . H0 t: i; BEANS PEAS CORN Salmon Mill Race No. 2 tin I i Saa Wan No. S-tln i-'il! 3oimtry Klst Happyrale, 1 Na. 1 tin Flak 0Es32 OSa35 dor. ! -CI' L Hi dot dor. Tomatoes i! STOKELY BEANS H STOKELY CORN j STOKELY , . flTomato I STOKELY 2Y2 tan 9 solid pack ad fory 'j Green Limas No. 2 tin, each Picnic Cream ' tin styled- QG Juice, No. 300 tall tin ; .'orHQG dozf ORANGES Mandarlan GLAMS 55G doz. PINEAPPLE . P. A. B. ' Hate Del Monte flats, sliced aarr. doz. 1SOUPS 'VOS d0" Life Buoy Soap or Lux Toilet O lOri Soap bars Ae7v Rinso- : .v:; -: Large ykg. 19c Lux Powder- 22c White Kins Gran. Large pkg. IFRTIT 1 ((I cJ)JjlJjlijU. ILr! M-4 :l ft Ml III COFFEE MM 1 1 Opfa "3 for J X fJ -i Ground Q - - lour Kitchencraft 49-lbi sack Flarvest Blossom 49-lbjsack OH. j . , : ' :i ; .j. x ; , H Aaaaarw Baaarajr JnsaVaUlM -i l r i '; ."::- t- 1- hi- i -1 1 10-lb. Paper :?IBag-'::j;;J PureCaner Pb Fresh Ii:'t5 r v;' : Steal cs Fine to fry some with mtik gravy, lb. EQG DILL PICKLES Firm and crisp, qt. With Meat Parchaaes 'ff:t.l!ij: '.1:: ;.'.r J-'i-:.-:: 1 h. : Swift's 1 '! iff- Hz whol loHhaif : P&G Soap 10ia29c n Camay Soap Bar .. 5c Wheatalone A Salem made Cereal Pkg. Syrup--Sieepy f Hollow, qt jug 19c 32c .1 i :3 'Li" -!:, Mmn;r,-: -H-: II " ArstMI 1 1 1 .1 jTe T II W 1VU' ...... .-v.- j t- Yellow or White" Peacock 10-lb. Bag Borden's 'Alpine,' Carnal ion Ubbys'V 7 Jna remans sVl S 1 -.5 ;. VfJl'Si ' "..J Z( If .V 1 ( -vs 1 I'll - - ".. BEERll steaks ii! 1: 1 t V-k Cut tfromf ybung tender" beef; lb. ,rf. Lipton YeUo Label ! I 5 Ko. 1 Jersey j Sweets.'! - - : j Ripe ? i ! Tied 2G n- The. Bacon, with that good ; flayor- whole or half, E. iSALAtt DHESSCIS limon Whip, ipint TT :SCSA Bakers 1-lb. tin for .OrchscbulO:cfo2.- Fuli of Juice. I : v Fcr Kraut; crick . v ; 3h ; 1 t i 1 -