The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1936, Page 2, Image 2

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    iX r.-fffl JfzUti'
:Jbb Issue Seen
Action Along 1NHA Lines
Forecast .bySome of -Capitol
(Continued from Page.l)
top-heavy majorities - la ,b t b
; branches. .'.. !' " .. f; a.; . I if!
Latest tabulation placed the
democratic senate strength; St ?S
or 7 over a majority; and the
house st 134. or III OTer 'a majority.-
Included . Were some wbo
. raswed across . party lines k wbea
the national .recovery act mas en
acted. v i i. r i " - ' -X
- After ' campaigning . nationally
against the conception of govern
ment represented! by that tn rail
dated ,1a v. the republicans saw
their senate representation sink
to IT and the house ot It. Major
ity groups included tour In the
seaata and 12 In the, house, who
bare generally supported the new
deaU:. -I-- ;;: i'-r!-' Vlj- "
Organised labor leaders wbo
supported Roosevelt emphasised
those figures today la reminding
that they In their support with a
determination to press aggresslve
. ly.lor federal wage .and hoar leg
lsUtioa. ....; "- ' .
.. l " r. i ' . i
Prr VV" 'w' -
uranciscovicii is
(Continued from Page 1) . r
cfat; Henry I Corbett and Allan
Bjnon of Portland, republicans;
1L G. Wallace of Bend, democrat.
William 1. Dickson, former bouse
member from Multnomah coun
ty". moves up to the senate. jP. J.
Stadelmaa. - who nerved as -secretary
t state under, appointment
of Governor Meier, will represent
tbe Uood Rlvef-Wascd7 district.
,lsaae K- Staples, senate veteran,
will ; return, this' time as senator
from Tillamook county, where be
moved from Portland. j
;1 Union , county sends another
Kiddle to . the senate. .Clyde L.
Kiddle, .who is av democrat. iFred
Kiddle, a former;, member , from
t'nlon-Wallowa 'counties, Is a re-
. i- i
filitrtin Endorses
I Red Cross Drive
Governor Martin .isaaed a, pro
flamatloa Thursday urging the cl
ttzenssof Oregon to cooperate with
the American Reid Cross which
formally will open Its annual roll
ttll Armistice day, NoTember 11.
A "Mffm of Oreioni hiTn mmrk thm
line work of the! American
Cross in tbe Bandon fire
er. Gorernor Martin saldj
active participation la- the
roll call Iba people of this
jean show their appreciation
ibe work done la the state's time
gf need. j,
.. The Red Cross
Hons In i time o
not only func
disasterl and
-emergency, out carries on a con
tinuous program of education for
reduction of loss of life in blgb-
:wsy, borne and farm accidents.
I The Call Board
Today Shirley
Temple in
Saturday "Pigskin Parade"
with 10 comedy stars.
Today Wallace Beery
; tn "Old Hutcn." r j.
Saturday Double bill, Coop-
ers Last "-ft tbe Mobl-'
cans" witb Randolph Scott
and Roger Pryor in 'Sit-
ting on the Moon."
'P I Today Double bill.
-Boyd in "HopjAlefig Cass-
idy Returns" j and Buster
Crabbe in "Rose BowLT
' .v . j - :-l ' K'
Today Two features. Buck
Jones ln "Cowboy and.tba
AKld,. and TThe First
Baby" with Johnny Downs
and Shirley Deane. .
. y .: STATE
Todav Simona Simon In
: Olrla Dormitorr.' . -
Saturday; only fThe Heart
.. of tbe West." 1
Last Day Today!
r ou knet in Sfg 1 ST
N r
( ..Saturday Only!
- I :.-
Simpson Divorce
Ontslde Ipawtch eenrt
asasssssssssHaasssBW js xt:
Part of the crowd wblch jammed Ipswich, England, for the divorce
trial of Mrs. Ernest (Wally Simpson la shows outsida the court of
.This picture was rushed to London, radioed to New Tone
f and.soundphotoed to Cleveland. r--,p r-:' J!-: '1 4
need lor 2
ControMs Gted
regulation is needed
to accompany and turn to tbe best
ends the 'scientific : knowledge
which has been developed la re
cent years, i Dr. Arthur Braden,
president ot Traasyrrania college,
Lexington, Ky., told "the : Salem
Lions club yesterday noon. Mod
ern scientific advancements will
prove suicidal for- civilisation un
less they are controlled, ' be:
warned.- - ' - (
Visiting the northwest ia con
nectlon : with the preaching mis
sion. Dr. Bradea declared ' our
problem . isn't one ot accumulat
ing of mom power; but It is one
of controlling the titanic machin
ery of ciTllizaUoa which we have
developed." I !
The speakereurged the club men
to bear the address by Dr. Stan
ley Jones in tbe armory tonight.
Eden Says Nation
Relies on
. t-
LONDONt Nor 5 -KjP)-ForeIgn
Secretary Anthony Jden in parna
ment today, pledged. Great Brit
ain to telyjon the league of na
tlons and Indicated j his country
would not desert Russia for Ger
many and Italy. 1
Tbe foreign -policy of tbe Brit
ish government, as 1 outlined by
Eden's speech, is committed to ad
berence to tbe league as the best
way ot keeping peace in Europe.
- Eden said his government's ef
forts would; be devoted- "first to
strengthening - the authority of
the league, to which Great Britain
will devote every endeavor." "
"Because there f has been one
failure," Edea said apparently re
ferring to tbe league's failure to
prevent the; Italo-Ethlopian war.
"there is no reason, to ssy that
the world must turn j back oa an
endeavor which is the only alter
native to catastrophe and failure.'
1 j
Bull's Victim to
Recovery Report
Paul Fubrer, Hayesville farmer
wbo was severely gored by a bull
earlyryesterday, was resting com
fortably, at Salem ! General hospi
tal last night and his condition
was reported as good. He suf
fered a severe abdominal wound
when the ball, ai three-year old
Jersey which was being loaded
on a truck.; caught Fubrer in
a corner of tbe truck a n d at
tacked him with its horns.
Paulr Fubrer ; is a 1 brother of
Walter and Jacob Fubrer of Sa
lem. - . 1 - ;. ;:,
Today land Saturday
2SjLM swe sjumss ae
: ':r the laugus begin
Whexj the Stork Drops in
T!ja First ibaby'
With Johmny Dowwa
Rliirlry Dean and Dixie Duabar
Also Cart ooe, Comedy, News
i 7 v T
1 -v
READING. Kngland, Nov.
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh took
to the air as pilot ot his own
airplane today tbe first time since
ha camel to Europe. ' i-' i
He niada a' ,test flight from
Reading! - airdrome tn a plane
which its makers assert is the
fastest touring- monoplane ever
built ini this country. Tbe "fir
tng colonel" helped design it
During tbe weeks in which me
chanics secretly built the. plane la
a suuuerea ! nangar nere, moo
bergh paid them several visits.
Tbe ship was built largely accord
ing to his i specifications in bis
conferences with Frederick
George Miles, noted British air
plane designer, j
5 v4
... V 'X . . .
'?rx-ll?:;;. ;'x J :- x';' K J' "
txx;X:$::i: A..
i I' K.
-i- 't.
Lindbergh Pilots
New Design Plane
If f tifjht smoka
If you're hoarse) ot tne
gomev ft won't ba from
smoking ... If yours Is a 1
tight s molts a lucky.
When the man with Hm
bosket yaHs"c5gars,efga t
reites"yell back for a Vnht
tmoVm , . yn luckjeil4
tFcps Pecord Vote
.1 (Continued from Past 1) Vv q-
der 1K1 Strelff 20s. Representa
tive: Klrkpatrick IS074. Mett
If , US.' ' X r-.;t .'if (. j': V
SUts ; treasurer: - Burt SS71,
Hdlman 1S.Q2S, Swetland '448.
Attorney general: Dobson . 8159,
Hosmer 1932, Taa Winkle 13,992.
. State representatives : 1 Duncan
iS21, Fuhr e r 879, Jones
11,101. Martin 10,T8s. Llre.ley
lffi , 8 4 T Mills - 8 9 M. potter St it,
Ulrica, ,Tf Str Harris MS Olson
District attorneys Page 12.719.1
Thompson 8sz. commissioner:
Bloom 11,043. bfelson 12.379.
Sheriff : Burk 14.40S, McGIlchrlat
1CC.0SS. " Clerk: Boyer !-11,352,
Teung 7029. Treasurer: Drager
14,01. Fulton 1800.- Assessor:
Brougber 10.018. Sheltoa 12.988.
SCrveyoir: Darley 9490, ! Fisher
1 2,0 7 0. Recorder : Brooks 1 3 .0 5 5.
HarU 1,T7J." Coroner:, Barrlck
15,522, Frlesen 182. :h r ;
Circuit Judge: Keyes 9985, Mc
Mahan 12,992. Justice of tbe
peace: Hayden 10,148. McKInney
5448. ConaUble: Adams , 75
Brown 7110.,; City treasurer;
Hauser S702. Rice 4987. I '.
Old age assistance amendment J
yes 10,088, no 12,992. Advertising
amendment: yea 87 & 3," no 14,696.
Tax llmiutlon: yes 6084. no
18,326. 1 Non-compulsory military
training;: ; yes 9310, no, 13,404.
TAx reduction:' yes 8311, no
lf,833. State power amendment
yes 8810, n: 13,818. Hydroelec
tric amendment: yes 0774. no
14400. Bank bill: yes 5118, no
ll.SSK. ' - i-
One Meat Shop Is
Picketed by Union
sA fuaioa picket appeared oa -a!
dowrftowa street at 4 sw mu- yes-
terdar coincident w 1 1 h. aa an
nouncement from James Preble
business, agent of. tbe: meat cut
ters local union No. 291, that the
organisation was eoatlnuiag its
drivel to unionise the meat mar
keting business completely
throughout j the city. Preble said
the proprietor of the market be
ing; picketed had declined to sign
tbe union , agreement or j to ob
serve its specified business hours.
Nearly all of "the downtown
meat; dealers ' bar e signed ; the
agreement or at least are ob
serving thb hour and wage scale.
Tbe I agreement limits - business
hours from S a. m. to p. so. with
an extension to 7 p. m. .oa Satur
days. ,"i j, t ;: :;, : li- .-.i
: o x 5 : x , ..v
:: ::.;.:w.':.
.t..x-xX --X
Orec Friiay Mornln.
Governor libt
(.By the Associated Press) .: ;
' Gereraora elected: ," S' ' : H;
- Democrats 24 ; republicans', 2 ;
progreBsIre, l: farmer-labor Ite,
l).-'"':"t t: i:?r f r;
' Arlsoaa--lt. iC, Btaaford
Arkansas Carl; E. Bailey i.
Conaefetlcut--W 1 1 ba L;
: CfOSS (D);:: I'll:.-:,, --I
DelawareRichard 6. Itc- '
Munenp(D) t J "J -.-i .j f -V--'u
lwaFred C on s",
l ?rf, i. P.., ..--. J . .
W." Clark v
rnisoUH-n ary'llorner
IndUna 14V Tc 1 1 1 f o r d
-Townsead .-(D), L
' Xansas--Walter Husmsn
(D). : ;. 1
Massachusetts -r Charles F.
Uurley (D)..: - ; ; .
'MichiganFrank Murphy
(D). f !,; ,; , ,-i .
: Missouri Lloyd C Stark
CDK.l,: .!. . : ::
,; Nebraska R.I Cochran
(D)i ,j,,1t -,;K - r. j
New ' Mezico-Cyde , Ting- t
ley (D) ;! - r. ;,-
New Tork H e r b e r t H. 1
Lehman' Dj. ; '; ;i -:
North Carolina Clyde R.
Boer (D). . i -
- Ohio HSrtln L.' Davey
(D).-l .,:-;!. -.;. .
Rhode Island Robert K.
L- Qulna. (D). ; !.-
Tennessee Gordon
. BrowaJsT CD).. "J -
Utah-Benrr ; , It Blood
Washington Clarence D.
Martin CD). . !
- WestL Virginia ' Bonier
.. A. Bolt; (D).
New I Bampsblre Francis
; Murphy (R).-: r,:.r., ; v
; ; Vermont George ti. Al-u-
ken CR) " 1 r H -t :
Wisconsin PhUlp F. La
Follette; (prog). : . ; --.t
- Minnesota Elmer 3enson
" Cr-Lab). ( '.I-- !.r;
' f Deasocrats Todlac ' : .
- Colorado ! Teller 1 Am-
mons. . 1 j J-; -mI 4 1 ! ,:-' j
' Ttepubllcaas LeadinaT '"l
J:'. Motttana-r-Frank A. Basel-
North , DakoU Walter
- Jensen, f:;
, -
" - v:vc:--:-r
vepber , v 0
U ""
(Continued from; Togs i)
cahtUa Marine coxparaUon. chars-,
ed ' malcontents", wltn starting a
"rWgn of terror". ,4! I -"f:-l-!:i-
Tbe strike Ibreatenei toaff ect
flytng. schedules of thn Tranepa
eifle seaplanes becajise ot the dif
ficulty ot obtaining weather ini
formation : along the route ,from
: bright spot appWJ4 tfcle
picture when - striking Philadel-i
week's extension of a truce' while
tfielr compIanU onworkIng" con-
umons, were considered by. snip
pers." 21 -.v.v: ;riK i': i - 1
14 SbJeti' Pe
At Xort,Arth.ttr,. Tex., ordered the
arrest, of all "pickets kad flosU
ersff rafter Galveston; Tex, otfK
Kiresieu ji picxecs. Both
ports wera affected by sympathy
strikes. ; i? i 'C "U r-' '-:i-3.i'
PORTLAND, , No rl 5-iP)-The .
eighth dsy of j the maritime ' tie
up passed anletry la Portland.
There , was no ship movemejtts
from i the moatb of the Colum
bia! j river , to tbe Portland aar
borJu rr AH.!-' r .if-!' v. j
Union otfleisls tedsy Z an
aouaced the addlUoa of the walk
ing ! bossea-i aad : gear ; mea ''"in
creased the hold on waterfront
labor by about 25 men. ;.
More than 1200 . men divided
iatp picket squads 22 men each
are oa daty la elgbt-heur shifts.
- Fruit growers' continued to
route their produce to New WesU
Mi' Todajr r"
J: T t V?V
.V:j:xx. ' 1
- leaves
i -5
bluster ini .Vancouver, .D, ,C, for
a .a. viiUttMMAan.nnl1Tln
refrigerator ships. i. '- .'f' ;..V':
- i ' C " ' .-' .
a ' ' -.
niied from Yig'eTy
the "ruins were examined and the
body found.
Off leers said they -were, cnecs-
jng the possibility Owen was over-i
Come whfl4 attempting to halt the
tla meal. -44 ''-v"-'vi--'t
I ; Thef eVe Also questioning the
brother. f.H. -.V-:'-'
Ildentif icatlon , was asslsted . by.
Be" finding of gold from teeth,
lisC clcth"and keys.Ohly the
torso. vernal ne.
: !
i ( . .' p.
h.-'-i'Sii I.---' .-' .
H (Continued front Psge 1) .
'- "Si 1.1:- v
Missionary! to India since If 07,
was universally acclaimed- first
some, yearn - aga when bis- book.
fTbe Christ of the Iadlaa Road."
appeared, p 4 . - . - ': .. i- :-
i i I. ii t i
The Beaoas Sarpriee Comedy
Hlt! t lr
WiUt Stuart
Robert ! Armstroeir
:-::And, 2nd; Hit.; . --v :
r.3-?s n.
e sst mi ui
that throat!
tnl cbcV. tJutlraw irritation . . readi &
si Ztickj! 'ether
i : cheenng tig mm, or Just tAUdn fld flngifig tnd Uugh-J:injg-i
jbrnftiicTe,i a tax oa'yo throat you can fjardly
igaofe. So -wbed choosing your .sinolog it pays to think
, slCfi,,R4fgcI jibr a light Amokew
' - 1. f-fc " - " T" -
fjext tme. you go pUces, take plenty
i iof Ijickicj are n-hhr smoke
ckaf throat -a dean taste.
j, fjacle Sam'ssa2on ad time to try their
. skillla YWTljuJcyStrika"Swemtaks.- '.:
v Seaman Spangenberger -f tbe II. S SL"
iaa, writes: 2Tv only missed! sendig L
my entry three times 'I'inail tbenis la ; .
wfceacver the ship is ia American wsters.7 -j
llaWyoq Catered yet? Ilsve yoa vroa '
BSS "elidois lAcaifStclxes? Tuha la ' j
!xour Hit Psrsde" Wednesday and
Saturday erenings. Listen, judge, and ,
iQl ;t compere thf tunes
Aii4 . If you're not already smoiing: '
Luckiesbuy a pack today and try them. . V
Maybe ypuVa, bcea "ttlwixig'soiaetLIflj.
r Grover C. EIrtcbet, pastor
of the 1 Presbyterian church' and
president of the ministerial asso-
. ' ... . a. aw a
elation, wm-presiae. a meei
ing tonight. y v ; ''
, Jones arrived In Portland yes
terday in connection with the na
tional preaching mission which '
holda there until, Sunday
"-:..-':- s:. '' ..,.'. "...
StccaVrVascs llav Rise
PITTSBURGH, ; N -"8.-(P)-Steel'
circles freely predicted to
dsy aa impending wage boost tor
tbe industry's 480,000 wsge earn
ers on the strength of announce
ments by company executives that
negotlstions for awsge adjust
ment" are rpregressIng.'V
.TODAY and SAT. ;
Aeotber Howl and Heart-Thrill
with the Stars of "All
y! HIM
-Si . - r . T
' r Clyde Lara end
ADDED - - Band ,
:U:;-': Cosaedy..,' - ' News
: di :
r '
Lucky... and get
"". ST ' - . !'
of Lnddes. they
a lickt smoke '
then try Your Lucky -U
A 25c
... KTS
And L. ! - r ,
of r.ic::,