: - i , , 9 i : - Ta CnZGCIT CTATZCIIA1J, trv C-2. ITriiiy ITsrsIrz, i:otr.taUtC,iC3 ri t fi ' ' (Genius ' IB misEiiel, a 14 'EI' S , ' : !(! T l ' ! . rT: KJ' -- jr " - ; Strike Aids Boost nee "Wheat Is Sluggish Despite Security Upturns ; , Rye Qimbs v -CH ICAOOk Not S-tH3 rocketing virtually 3 ieats a bush 1 late today, the con market be came the grain trade's chief lat- ; traction. x i v j - ' Broadened speculative trading, Inspired by apparent likelihood that the marine strike may bring to a halt the Importation of big quantities of Argentine corn into the United States, -went hand! in hand with the sudden; upshooti of ' corn Talnes. The spark which iset the corn pit afire was word that general domestic scarcity of corn available for Immediate use had hoisted No. 1 yellow corn'to v premium of 1,9 cents a bushel over December contracts at Kan as City. -. -ri ' - ' Wheat Reactionary Contrasting with corn, which displayed strength from the out set, wheat at times showed a re actionary trend, . despite upturns of securities and notwithstanding continuance of Inflation talk. Favorable crop reports from Argentina tended to retrain de mand for wheat futures; Tnre was talk; too. that wheat was be ing 'Sold against purchases of corn. On the other hand, some pick-up In domestic flour trade was noted. December- wheat here was firmest, and at one stage rose to $1.15 from a low of $1.14. Rye climbed to a new top price record for the season, with sbiip- .plng demand active. Oats folldw ed other grain. . Provisions Ignored weakness of hog values, and went uphill with corn. . - ' Best Scholars at Gervais Posted GEftVAIS. Not6- Those who made the honor roll In the high achol the firtt six week period are freshmen, Elmer Bierly. Ida Dungey; sophomores, Faye Cota forth. Agnea Dor an, Rita Ferasch weiler, Margaret Hod and. Doris LeBrun: Juniors, Mildred Dungey. Joan DnRette, Rath Ferguson, Marian Nlbler; seniors. Lois Bier ly, Gael Cutsforth and Roy Fran- cU. - : ' . - I Cooking and clothing clubs have been . organised under the leadership of! Doris Neptune. The first meeting; was held Tuesdify and organization completed. , The grade school has organized a 4-H club in the first year sewing with Miss Smith aa instructor and second year sewing with Mrs. E. V. Meyers as leader and manual training for hoys under the leader ahln of E. V. Meyers. In the pri ma r y training department the r h y thm - hand has learned one composition and will soon take up another. Of the I ft pupils about 35 have been neither absent nor t rdy during the first six weeks period.' - . General MIcts. - POBTlA.Jn Or.. ' Not. S. (AP) Ttodwf uckun met price t - . ' . . W.tt.T Extrma. S4e: standards, SSc; 4 (inli 13e: first. 81 Me: butter- . iggs D. 8.' large xtrea. tli 0. S. medium extra. 10c i ' ' I Portland Grain I PORTLAND. Ore- Kot. 5.-r(AP) 'wnaast One Hlgk Iw Cmee Vay J Teday'e aer reeelpU: . Wneut, ; bar ley. Si Ur. ; Boston Wool ' BOSTON. Hen S.--YAPy CEL .gv Zn. ACT.) TB tMIWI wao -anarar " fairly eetiTe a strung t adTaneing lomewsat ay ne ktgner nrteee quoted by nemo kNM at tae remainder t thai holding. - ' sold a prieas raafiag S2-S4 aaata aeoan4 paaia lor t im - Sot i alood. Clathiar hi bloo tarrltary ad fraara coabiac mi tha grada rcalUad S1-S9 eaaU. j Portland Livestock . -5 ; PORTLAND. Ora NaT. S AP -U. S. lpt. Ar.) H.j. T3a 80S dl aet; markat 10 ta SO aifhar tbaa aarly -Wadaeadar; fr Pf 4 J"! d ta ehofea 100-2 IS lb. drWalaa S.aO tO' a40-J80"Jb. avwtly -.10f light Tit ' S-S.as; aackiBf aowa 7-7.50;" goad ISO lb. laaai faader pica S.00; law low around SO lb. BMdioai wttUri 7.1 S. . ( Cattl 200: Ineladiaf lit tkromfb aad diraet; aaUaa 60 Ucladiag S3 diract) anarkat a law fairly ataady; law aoanaoa ataara 4.75-5.6K: atackara S-5:55 tritJy gaod gra fad; ataara allgibto - ta Mi aad abTa: law eomaoa to madia at haif ara 4.15-5.75; low antUra sad eutur 2awaS.SO-3.25 ; aoauaoa ta aaadiaai owa S .60-45; rood baaf cawa a ta 4-75; aalla 4. 50-5.00; good ta- ckaic vaatara p ta S.00. I' i -r Skaap 00; inclndiag diraet j ar kat lowar atrady to weak ; wet fleacad aaaalderad fairly good 86 lb. lamba 7J2S; law aMdiam lamba 4.75-7.00; ealla dawm ta S.50; aaadiaaa 100 lb. tcarliaga 6jOO; au awaa caatca mubi to 6.00. I' Portbnd Produce POBTLASD, Ore Kev. 5v ( AP)-i- Sattsr Frtnta, A- gme. soa ia.i mi narckaaak arrsoDara. S6e lb. in eartone: 3 grader parciuaaat wrappers. 84a jib. aavtana. 8&a lb. i BaturUa Portland deUTery, general arise 'A trade. daliTored at least twtee weaklv. 88-84 Ul lb.: country rowtea. Sea; B grade, S5-86fte lb.; O grado at asarket, - M grade errs as fa snarketwBarlsg prl-a, batterUt basis, BiHe lb. . tit Baylat prteo of wholesalers;' ex traa, 85et ataadards, 32; extra nsadinass, 23a; Baedinas fireta, SSc; aader' grade, 16e: enlists. 13-15ei Peweo, 8e doa. Cheaea Oregon tripleta, 18e; Ora- Ka loaf, lie. Brahara wQ pay 1 Me low oaotatiioae, - -. !- - Cowntry snrats SeHlBf frrteo to retail era: Country hilled hoes, beat bntcaere. wader ISO los 13tt-lBe lb.;-Tealen, Wo. 2. 14-14H lb.; light and tliia, 10-lJe 1. heary, I4-le lb. j cotter cows. f ' So lb.; eaaner eewt, S-7e lb.; balls, 'i-Se rh-s Usabs. 14-lJe lb.; ewes, 3-7 e la. - " - ' J'l!s!r 1SI8. 40e TK ! t kua bayla prUe. 2986 SS 6-iel. Jire seiuiry PerUaad dallTery, bey Salem Market s Orade it. raw '. 4 per cent, miEk, Salrra bamic pool prkw fg-ga per huadlrrd. r . Cw-oy butterfat price, . O. B. Salem, 87c . OSUk: baaad oa 'aaaU waoibly ottrl araraga l j I "; bltatribator price f 2-34. . ' A grade butterfat Deliv ered, 30 He; B grade, deliv ered., &3c. 1 -' - '. :.: Kt grade prist, S5c; Is grade, S6r. , j j f Frtcva paid ito growttathf Balaiakayara. (Tha ricca balow. aapplied by a local grocar.i ara ladieativa al tha daily markat bat ara aot guaraataad or Taa fttaloa MMB.J -y rninra Bnyiac Prieaal IV aa atalk Baaaaaa. .07 aanda , , . . . Crabapplea. b. Craaoarriaa. ! H bbL .07 H . to - 14 S.75 to 4.24 . .20 to .2 .7a to 4.25 Da:a, ifrtahj la. Grapafmft. f lorida, baa 2.50 Orapa4 aeedlata, lag 1.54 1 okajrii l i.oe LmoB. trato, fancy 5.00 to 7.00 S.OO to 4.35 Chaica Ora n tea. farata, . fancy 4.75 to i.OO Cboica .Tt to a.aa Paara, Boao; Peara. ll Anjoa , Piaaapbla. fraah. erate JBO to .75 1.(0 1 .75 i ' 4.00 - 1.00 . to .01 , .0. to .01 - .02 PamagtaBAtea. lag Waterncloaai Boaaydawa watarmeiona, ica Cream WaUrateloaa. Caaabaa I VGBTa3XXS 1 1 Baying 1 Pricea) Bean a. Ora.3iant Beantrl ahall lb. Bean a. Beeta. Lima! la pod. lb. .05 .45 .03 .08 .75 1.25 .20 .85 .75" 1.50 ' .95 i ' .45 ; .05 . .00 .7 oa. BroecoiL do. Cabbage, lb. Cabbage, red , Cabbage. Kraat. cwt. Chineke Cabbage, crate carrots, cot Chard, dos. CaulifMwen Ore. No. 1 crate Celery crata ....... , ... Hearts , .75 to Ca cumber, aatdoor lag . Pickling, dill also. lb. Pickling. rmediaBi. lb. PwkUng. email, lb. i CadWa. do eo .84 .80 Green a. liantard. crata Green a, Kala. crata Lettnoe. local -,f 1.00 to 2.75 . .25 : Oaiooi. green, do. , Onions UrroB wbito. , ov turn. 615 to .83 ( t.50 i .25 Wallia Walla aweet Kadiskaa. dea. Peaa. coast or Seattle. Ik. .09 Pappera. green, lb. . .02 to .03 It Bed. lb. - ,j .10 Potatoes, aew. No. 1, cwt. - i - -, S.OO ; AO.I3, o-ix bag - .91 to .79 Potatoes, aweet 14 U 1.85 e ; Pampkma. cwt. . , Spinach, orange boa .60 oqoasa. id. .41 t .03 Daaish. das. Babbard. cwt. .10 to .24 : .75 to 1.00 FaannV do. -7S Tomatoes, eotdoor, lag Bashel " Turnips, dos. , J5 to .40 .50 to .60 ' JS , ,- M ! WaUr erase anrrs) Walnata. lb, 41 to J6 U J5H -19Sa Filbert. 1936 crop. lb. - - aors I - (Boyiag price) Clattan. 1934. lb. - .20 H at .44 .80 5 Oloatara, 1935. lb. , , doj 1930. lb. Ponies, 1835. top. lb. eu ihjo. ' id. T WOOL ASO HOHAXB (Boyiag Price) i IfohsJr J3 JO JXm MediBia wool Cosrsa wool EOOS ajtd r-otn.TaT ! (Baying Price o( .ndrasena) Extra j .29 Brcwa axtria . - I . .28 afadrasa axtria . .34 Larga standards j . Uedraaa ataadarda t qt Pallets j Jt Heavy bans, lb. i J5 Colored medians, lb. ' J4 Medliam Legkorot, lb. ' , .1ft Stsgs. IK j .04 Old roosters, lb. Jb9 Colored trys. oe 4 lbs. j J5 Cader 4 lbs. . j .15 Wbito Leghorns, frys ' .Id M4BI0.H CBEAMEBT boyiag Prices Lleai Poaltry. No. 1 atoch i Colored bens, ander 4H lbs. immmm .13 Logbora hen, over 84 lbs. . JO Leghorn hens, ander lbs. .08 Leghors) broilera r ' i J3 Colored: apriaga, over 3 Mi lbs. .18 Colarad'spHaga, aader 3H lba. US ggga - CsadWd and, graded .24 4 J3 Jl J as Mediant extras Larm standards kfediam standards TJndargTadaal ' FnOata , prig . XXTESTOCX -KBoTiac Price) BDr laxsas .I. - i i- T.B0 Ewes 2.00 to S.54 . 8.85 to 8 96 9.40 to 9.56 4.90 to 9.15 4.00 to 4.75 5.60 U 4.54 3.75 to 3.78 d.00 to 4.78 4.75 to 5.2S S.OO to 4.04 S.S4 .. ! i " L J8 Bog. 130-160 lbs. 160-310 lbs. 210-250 lba. . , Sow ' Steers Dairy type sow Beef eows 4-. Balls Heilcra Topi Teal Dressed Teat. lb. Dressed hers .. . ... . i j O SATS AXU BAT Wheat western red ; ; J3H - 4 - 31 .40.04 .32.04 .26.56 .33.04 Jit 3.83 White. A a. 1 Barley, brewing, tea: Paed barleyi tost Oats, milling, tost v sea. sob Clorersoed. lb. , , Vetch seed, per 100 Bay baring pritee i Alfalfa, eaTley L. - Oat aad vetch, ton ai.04 4.06 S.OO l-7 merer, tea T CASCA1A AID ItTJlT hCaacari rk. lb. j Psppermint OH, lb. j j Bdrids otoc XorrmWr STOCK AVBXiOCJ . (Costpiled by tho; Associated Press) . - 80 ; 15 .. 35 00 I - ' Indast. Bails Util. Stocks Today 98,2 '. 41.7 S3.S 72.5 PreT. day 97.2 Month ago 9S.9 Tear ago 6S.7 1936 high 98.3 41.4 1 42.0 41.3 iSS.O 41.8 63.7 48.4 i44.7 21.6 71.7 70. 35.7 6S.7 r 43.5 i 30.3 I 81J 1 18.5 72.5 55.7 56.1 34.6 1936 low 73.4 1935 high V6.3 1985 low 49.3 Sew high. BOJTD AYZKAQXS . i so io i to i . Aails indast, Dtil. For'fB Today Ptt. ar Moot ago T.5 Tear ago 3.0 198 8 high 47.9 1936 low 46.9 1933 high 87.4 1935 low 76.4 103.9 103.0 70.6 103.6 IOS.1 70.1 ieO.3 .! 68.8 104.1 10S.1 T2.4 101.S 199.3 67.6 102.S 99.9 90.4 92.2 84.5 65.5 - -I - -: .! f . - .- , i tagjwrleel Colored fens, wwer Vk lbs. 17-lSe lb.; nnder 4H lba,! 17-19 lb.; Leghorn bena 11U Is.) Leghorn broilers, 1 lba.. 16-1 7e lb.; Leghorn spriBiga. ie in.; roosters. s-a lb. Otatana Oregon, 90e-S1.16 Taklms. 85e eeataJ. ; . Fotstioea Klamath Ko. :I. 83-2.60: Daaehatea. fl.8O-3.S0; Takiasa, Ha I, Caataloapes 310-1.75 ctata. . WoolMosoinal: Wtitaesatto valley median. SOe lb.: coarse aadi braids, ssa lb.reaaterB Oregon. 3314a lb.; areashred. Bay 8ellla erleo to wholeaaterai IV laiia H. V. sis: eastern Orvcoa tl oUy, 818-18.50 ton; aata and eeuh. 313- u; ioer. an torn, rortiaaa. Hooa Komanal t 1934. 45-47e lb. Oniaaa Oregon, , 61.35-1,86 eeaUlj Takiasa. 6UV1.23 eeatal. 1 Sngar Berry or frnit. 100, $1.13; esins, ea.za; dcct. 3.oa cental. . Domestic Door Selling i price, dty dliry. 4 to 23 bbL loin ! family st tiL, til. 83.90-7.75; bakers' bard wbest, 65.65-7.55: bakara blaaataal tiJS-llil- oieaa mmn .waaas, grnnasn. 6 Cij .whole whesC 66.10. Second Rush Largest Volume of Stock Is ITransf erred Since j February 19 &BW TORK. Not. SHIn one of! t h e broadest market since 1921, stocks! today whirled np to nejwj recoverjji peaks with gains of !i to 5 or j more points. ijhri BroKers attributed the second baring rush since the election largely to a Revival of optimism for business fend industry! Polit lcatiinflueaces. they said, appear ed !tb be waning. f? .j if- l '? ) r ! Whether there was an Infla tioShry tinge ! toj the proceedings was a matter pt argument?; At any rate TJ. S. government secur ities enjoyed -jne of their! widest advances inj ; several years and other bonds 'pointed higher.; Com modities held! around peak Jlevels. 'The i stocK list-, encountered sorne selling; here and there. ; bat this, was abjsbrbed In m i t In stances without mne h unsettle meat. A rally in ntllities 'aided sentiment' and coppers continued to draw; support; Selected motors, alrrt-aftU- rtllfj: an vara n1 !anla1. iies were conspicuous on itne up- sidAH.M. .jr .f v-:;,-VTrr;l;: jrl'i I Behind Six Times; -lj - Six times during the session tho tickler tape Was behind dealings on the floor- bf the exchange. ri Transfers totalled 3,619,890 shares, I the I largest volume since Feb, 19, last,.! There were 965 sep arate, issues I traded against 1 909 Wednesday, j The Associated Press- average of 66 stocks was !up ,8 of a point at 72.5, a new top since. April ZU, 1931. , i - ; -1 if. Commission ! houses - reported: I heavy overseas buying. Leading; foreign currencies declined as dol lar s were obtained to purchase American securities. ;t i; ! Cbppers responded to - another lift in the export price of the red metal. At the, same time demand abroad caused another Increase Itt foreign production quotas. n i I Forecasts of a flood of generous disbursements to stockholders be4 fore the end of the year, as af meafns of avoiding the tax on nn-j distributed profits, were confirm-, ed by a number of extra, increas ed and special dividends, i ' ! ! I : : "jj I Aurora Students jij j Select Officers AURORA, Not. 5. The stn dent body of the Aurora school held Its first meeting recently lo the gym and elected Dan Fleisch. hauer president, Fhaen Sayre. rice president, and Rosalie Ann CaleC secretary. To raise funds, a aubr scrtotion contest had been 'held. The; boys received the most sub scriptions, which necessitated the girls giving the boys a party 1 1 1 The; contest and the 4-H elub pie sale cleared slightly over IM and will be used mostly for 4-H club work. Five new clubs will be organized this ! Friday under the leadership of Mrs. McKinnis and MrJ Girod, forestry, cooking. sev- ing; camp cookery and calf clubs. A radio Is to be Installed by two organizations. IK:. L ' !i Portland, ore., not. s.-uf -An ample supply took care offal moderate demand on the garden ers and ranchera' market here Thursday. ! u j -. ; ! -n Jh: The potato market moved up ward as track holdings were re duced and markets strengthened at shipping ; points. : -HI;! A Doles Washington. Deheloaa. extra fancy, $1.90-2.25; Jonathan, extra fancy, SL45-1.65: faney. ; 81.20-1.65: Orcrea. Waaninrton. jumble peca. iMUcioua, iae 81 Kings. 50-65e : Northern Hple. 0 90e; Bpiuenbergs, 75e-81; Wine saps, 65- 75d . . i I ' - ll f ! ri Artiehokee California bozea, 8-6 do, 2.50-2.75. Y -t I- 1 1 )i - Arocadoe : CaUfornia. 8 65a. blaek. 8 1J0-2.60; green. , S2.75-S.65; Faebloa, f2.90-B.10. i 'It Bananas Per nound. 6e. ! it Beaas Oregon, par pound. Blue Lake. 6-7C; others. 4-sc. i : t Beeta-i-Per ! doseu, 2 5-30c ! Broccoli Lara. 40-50. i ! Brult SproBte Oregon, flat era tea. SOe-Sl.10. . - i t. : - - Csbbsret Oregon, rouad. lettaee era tea. fi.sa-i.ao. i , . . - . ' : - j i i ; Carrots Par pauad. 15-20. ' . Cauliflower Oregon, pony, 80-65. r Celerr Oregon a cratea. 2H-8 dei- J 1.40-1.65; Utah type,.1.50-l.5; hearu, 1-4.20- dot.-.. rJ I . i: ilJls veierr root rouno, eo-ie. -is... Citrua Fruits Or ages. California Ta- entaaa. laaey. 68.75-4.85: grapefruit. Florida, fancy, all eisea. $3-3.2; Ari sosta, $2-20 : lemena, California, iawey. $5.25-7.75. , t ; v ! i -- -; m. .tocoanat a imported, sack, f a.w. c ' Cranbarriea 25-pouad .bea. .! SSJiO- .SO. . ,:- , :., "Si4 U If Cucumbers Oregon, hotheus, enrn fancy. $2.25-2.75: fancy. 90c-$l: choice. 80-90 per dot.; email field frown, $5e Eggplant Oregon, lag. 65-85e. f fig CaUforaia flata. white and black. !0arUe Per pound, S-lOe. ! f ' iOranae Tokaya. Sl.10-l.2S: 11 aJaeaa. $1.15-1.25: Emperora. $1.40-1.60 Carig naaaa. 65-60e; Maaeata. 0-65e. t mrn oniona fee oen auneaaa. S0-25e. m 'i : ? j ' : - i Gronnd Cherries Oregon i fiat baza a, per lb.. 8-10e. ! - . i I -t i.:L, i Huckleberries Oregon, Wathlngtea. IhL T-6e. '! . m ; i - LettuceOregon dry. S dosaa erate, $1-1.25. ' ! ' rv; Melaae Washlagtm Caaabaa, 1-114 n4 . - --it t -'--.! -1 -.-' ; Mashroems On , pound carton. 40- 50e. ' II-!',. vi.'f J.,- i : : Oaloaa 100-peund aaHt. tj. ! 8. fete. 1. ! yellewa. $1.10-1.15 ; Vaieneiaa. S0-9b. aack. 75e; yellow boiler. 10 lb. uacka, 19-14r - ' ! i -j, - :: fean Oregon. Washington, f bona. Jumble pack; Baer. 75 84c; D'AnJoua, 7585e: Bartletta, M-60e. i M.', Peppers Oregon flat bexe. red.1 65 7; orange boxes, green. $1-1.23. , 'i Potatoee U. S, he. 1. 1 00-lb. aaefca. Deachate. russet. $2.15-2.85; Klassatb. 2.15-2.85; Waahrngtasv $2.15-2.85. . iPomegrauatee Lag. 70-75e. 1 ' :' Radishes Per doscu buncbea.- 20-25. Rataorgae Washtagtea. loo lb. aaoa. $1.60-1.75. i j , , j , , . 8plnarh Oregon, orange boxes, 60-73. MSquash Oregon Deniab. rant. into. 85-S0e; Hubbard, lb -le. ! j v F iSweet n Potatoee California 0-lb. csste. tU0-l ; yams, $1.85-3 bushel, i iTomsteee Oregon llat botes. 80-65. " 1 Turaipe Oosea ha aches. 85-50e. . WaUrcrcee Found, 85-40.- -.; -r- Gardeners and ' Ranchers' Mar Unusual Inii in ,: Oh Blilk Prices Is Discussed Here Y By Directors Oregoni Jersey: 0ul ; Directors of the Oregon Jersey cattle club, in all day session yesterday- at; the chamber of com merce here, planned to meet Tues day, November 10, at the sUte training school for boys near Woodburn to survey the ; Jersey herd at the school. J.;, j- ; i The training ' school : herd j of Jerseys was placed there through cooperation of the state hoard of control with the Oregon ! Jersey club's project to build a herd of 30 Jerseys there in three years time to Interest the boys In breed ing and care of cattle, ag well as to help further self-support : of the training school. . - The Jersey directors gare con siderable discussion to the price differential , which, calls for a. 2 cent raise on 5 per cent mllkand a 3-cent raise on 6 per cent milk, in the recent order. 0t the milk control board. The order has hot gone Into effect,, due to court lit igation. :!,; -: ; .;!--;! I l--f r Talk price Raise i ' i The directors ot the Jersey, club felt (hat; a decrease in consump- Benefit Pie Fete Is Slated Tonistht MONMOUTH, Not. S.-The! an nual pie social, sponsored - by 'the Elkins women's clu.b. assisted by the American Legion, chamber of commerce,, Busy Bees and other local i organizations as a; benefit for the training school lunch fund, will occur Friday night, in the Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. Laird Linde- mann is general chairman, assist ed by committee chairmen rep resenting the several districts from which children attend school at Monmouth.' ' J. .';.: j I -; t - Mrs. L. V. Johnson is program chairman. Features being ! pre pared for presentation Include a skit by ten student i teachers of Oregon Normal school titled: "An Old Fashioned SIng.f These peo ple will appear in costume and of fer violin, guitar and other instru POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE orND CUOUt3 Si! Of PEPPER HE SHOOTS FROM A PAIR OP , T5EU-OVVS, MICKBV -- ADVANCES INTO THE ROOM ruu. op f ... V TT-V SJ3 QHOSTSi LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY KiVb hao tub vi wo X CAM VUPOCV WATT SWlEUO S' HOME TO GET MV eorrcweo-Tvts ON TUB (KID IS MlOCr4 BRAT TMCPtT RHmHT, TOOTS AND CASPER n n dkmi i r-i j 0JDY,X HAVBi-- Af WZRA?MHT i BOU4HT YOU AJ a - N . A HUitE. i' lENArEMENT RW I rAMONOI IK) TOKENI OP OUR. -V ' THIMBLE TIIEATRE -Starring; Popeye PQDOf4 tVaVKTTO AST VA SOMPU NOW tOMF WW UJW rvr t-TO -V 1- JM HfS ftFTr i r-n Tt A t a a a -uw . b- ". j tlon of 5 or per cent mlfk will come as result of tho higher than customary differential during these depressed times,, and that consequently these grades of milk will' revert back to the producer In Ue- form ot surplus. . In i short, the- directors feel ; that ultimately the! producers will not benefit from tho I raise in- price. Distrib utors are said to favor selling 5 and per cent milk on a one-cent differential, as previously existed. The Jersey .club directors also discussed j , tho highly effective work being done by the Smith Hughes 'beys : at: Newberg , h i h school In their purebred , Jersey c a 1 f project, started by W. C. Leth, who is n o w Polk county agent and low directed by Neal E. Craig. i , '! -: '. The Jersey directors also! highly endorsed j and recommended - to Jersey breeders Gow's book, 'The Jersey." ; - t:"-- I- 1 : ;- ' Levi McKee k of Perry dale J is president of the Oregon j Jersey club and Mrs. Frank Kuensting of I Woodbnrn, secretary., k - mental music and ehorus Singing. Miss, Belle Hufford,- n o r m a 1 school student, will- appear as : a political cartoonist. Tap -dances, violin solos, ,nd. hnmorons read ings will be feature offerings, from various school children, Following the auction of pies, social dancing will, provide general " entertain ment. The public i' Invited, t . ". ! : :-H ; ! Gold Stock at New Peak j WASHINGTON, NoT.5-J--tne federal reserve board reported to night in Its weekly statement that American gold stocks had atttaln- ed another high, $11,058,000,000; daring the week ended, Novem ber 4. Party Slated Tonight ; SALEM HEIGHTS! Nov. ,6- The local Townsend club and com munity club will sponsor a party for the young people of the - dis trict at, the - clubhouse I Friday night. Refreshments will ho serv ed. The I've goTem! HOW SEE VP THIS U&HT SWITCH RK8 MANOS UTTU5 CEVSSM CARATS!: IT must : UAvnr 4rvseT A FORTUNE I mr w nam ur sr i WEI MAWCARP1E MAGGIE ) POLLY, DEL I AK4VONE ! 1 14-1 L J AIN'T THEV A FEMALB 1 1 A ' ; , BODV "T1 SEW A LOOSE ) t I BLTTT IN JVLACE ? Shot otsaETjyi ) 11 " '"' " '- "-' 11111 1 f H 1 "" " n Mt ako shadow wiix. H DonY - CO ROUND- TO TH6 BACK J FOOGCT Of THE rrOUSH VOU tTVu- BOMUS WALK. $4 TWB fOOMT GO PCOMISEO DOOQ-AW' TV-IB 1 I V4Ea.FOTf VEWfVCiO) I WATTED AK' UJP4TCO, v Una w -we a w ' -nw - H TWO YErVR OLD tCMT tAJT TO tJT mo COS vSC-TV-s-sS BACK DtDR- T'd-tV f HUT fc - ' M . 6 . - - a" "-V,Nils -Uk " - . TT" ua -11 ' 111 I f ; , ' , ! -.'1' uervais Has Gam Of f 19 on Census - GERVAIS, ; Not: 6 Taking of the ichopl census! In district No. 76 hjas been completed and; it was found there was a gain of 19 in the year! There was 150 In 19 3 S and ;169in 1936. Last year there was j a Joss of five. There ;are 91 enrolle4 1 in the high school r- 0 In the grade school and !3j in the parochla) shool, this being; a few less jihsn Mast jyear, ;.' i !r ;f. William Bowley and! son. J. J. Bowley '4f Long Beach. Calif., left by auto- jrhursday morning I for the southem Jcityl Mr. , Bowley, sr., who; is Ifn the! early 70s and who last; year resigned as city marshal and j night watchman ; after about IS -year . continuous ! service, i Is going 4 spend some t me iin Cali fornia Ih hope , of ImprOTing hia1 failmg Ijealth.!- - ) Mr. aid Mrs. JiJ. Bowley came np here about ; three j weeks ago a n d t eir three-year-old child t o f k id o u hie pennmohfa.- Mrs! Bowleyiiis remaining tor! jt iwhile! until the child is better fable toi travel. ,?r " . - lttees ror :'r Festival Chosen . "SILVERTON, Not. S f 4- Com4 init.eeshaTe ibeen'natnedj fof 'tho annual fall festival at Sti. Paul's Catholic ehni'ch which wlll oben the) nlih!t3of November 14 k hnd last i tarougnou t , November 1 1 5 Tne Dig iestivai, win bo pe lanj dloner t6 be ser ed at Noremier 15 m .? j I Comfilttees are: ' ; Dinner. Mrs. W. Stli ber. ltab nooh Mrs. L. DeSantis.l Mrs. T. DeSantia, Mrs. J4 1 Ehli, Mrs." J. Schaefer and1 Mrs. J. Mauer. ; ' f Candy, Mrs. L. B. ' Scharback, Mrs. 11 J. i : Schneider; fancy work, Mrs.: : Madge Hopflner, Mrs. Ben Ha&senstab; fish pond, Mrs. Charles Songer, Mrs. R u s s e 1 1 Luckey; decorations,1 , Mrs. Hop coffee, Mrs. H. Amund- finer,- Mrs. W. Rue; Felix Goyette, Mrs.i son; lunch, -Mrs. C. B. Weather Ill, Mrs, J. Gander, Mrs. J. Kas- Cat's ot Oat of the Bag! MP Geftondheit! Iff 5.,-'. Uf::.... Ml 'Get It While It's Hotr X PONT LtKS TUB LOOKS OP TUAT O3OW0 TMBV HAV6- FOUND OUT IndispaUble Evidence U 7 .WHERS'D. YOU 5trT X . WAL IN THAT CASS 4 I'LL HATHA WEAPlT r WANCTTHER COATi FUST CSon TWIS MOHEVI j Ui- I 6 I I I I f ' iv! ' j :CASriWa.MYi;tl: .TWO NCVrMnoUNP DOUcVH TO j DB HERS SOON) I AND THSY'U- 5 . BUY B2RA?, TrHnrrRS.' - . 4r? Wirwhi yj One i Redeeming! Feattrre! t'SOIPfSCKsW, BUT YE f-VJJtT i J Ed Raai Program s -a t l;:V-" KoTember: .4 1 KOOSTRIIJAT Ke. !:80 Klaek. , i: i:D0 Exerelae an 6 Appleeance. ? . iS:SQ - Sew.- - ! 8:83 Xatienal PreaWnf Mission. l$:.4S 8on e( the Pioneers, i3. t m - xj : a - .wtA PAaa . 9rSO Roainea et Helen Trent, eerlaL fl:48 RioMMan'a lsrunr. aenau lr00 -IMrttf an4 Bob, aerial. 0:1 Madfrs . Cinderella. , 4:4Bltr Croeker. ; ; : : a:45 Havfr Hollow. - : i :45 New." ' ' . :00a-Tapi Bt. ' , ' . . jl5 Hememakere Institute. f SO Variety matinee. -' 'J-. ;00 Traejs areh. .-' -i- ' ' ; ( ' il5 Inteerlewe with the part. -v ;SO New Throask a Woman's Eyee. 45 Nihbora. - - i ; ; .j I jOO emmine ranriea. Tirwijr . .. : 1 130 aw. .:uir ionic , innae :0O Broadway Tarietiea. .on -ll'.l.i... L.litiM.. lrws. oi-fjsB. . ' .T -4 too HlTwoo4 Hotel, ivarletr. J c00 PtMf in paradev - - t45 -Goom Creek Parson, kill-billy. : fOO Oesle- Kelson, erch. -IS Kenfrew of tke Hoanted. , i:80 Knatclaneta erch.--' -.i :00 I.nrkT atara. . : 5 :30 rRnfifnoU-PeereeS - vtoun, - arcn. I 9:43 Footlifht Pnatealee. " ' ' lB:0O Milne ereh. 10 :0 AlUn erclu : 11 :00 Hosrlaad oreh. ; la :S0 Uairfa oren.- . I 'H - TOTf--rBIlAT 620 ' Xe. i t:eO-S-Meina; melodies (ET). ; !T :80--PWHe,miiiieaie I E r t. In -.60 Financial. S:15 News.' IS :0 (ansnne. 411:15 Marr-MarHa. aerial. i . SO ;80 Howl to Be Charming. V ; , f:45-Myaerjr Chef.' -.... ' iq.-OO Beaiiiy. Walker' Kitchen, v ? 1Q:15 Mr?LWirr t Cabbare 'Patch.1 tO :io 'oljnf e Othf rWile," drama.' . (.;' f 1 :80 HortB .aeesioa :::it ,a:; ;.v-:'.. lii45 New, : -' '-' C'Vy j a :00 Pfppr Toons' Family, drama, f:iS-r-He, yerkina aerial., .r .- : .- jig-ar,: U rsfwXryW: Mrs. ' W". Fitzke; Hnntry store, Mr;s. Ben )Uner anrs. Tf Miller. --.i Canned goods cupboard, Mrs. lines S iMeek; advertising. '.-! 'JJ leek; fdiqlng roonr,- Mrs. J. H cCullbilgh. Mrs. i Ben Hassen- ktab, Mrs.) Rue Mrs. T. Martin, i, Mrs.) I. ;p Hl rs ilverson. s -1 Ladies' Aid - Meets UNI0NVALE, Not. 5.- Twelre embers sind three guests attend ed the regular weekly meeting of the Unlonf ale Evangelical Ladles Aid held all day "Tuesday. Quilt ing was! the work; Four men jof the baikef dinner-at noon. . . j - '! ' ' ' '. L ' I 1 I ' Li 0O ! ALVJAVS WKCS j r YELLOW- COMB MtGvrr I ON -flHAT PjUMCM fJ6j I OF HtCKS DONT CARB MS IS THE l-ONl-SOU4rrr :r " ( SOMETHIN' VOU J t.; MI: M.:ii;Uitr lilt" 1 f-f"v: .-1-;. v,.i . "Sfr ' 'tae'uj, n HEIR TO THS M0R4AD1LT WE'VE SEARCHED SINCE' . HQ WAS K1DNAPBO 1i;i! lN.Hiav - ?rfi If d fin n .I. OVO .YAWciT f UDNG TIME 'FOR HE TO! COtAE" BACK BEFORE W ME7J AGO T' -1 M I- r 1:00 Little aeneert. 1 sso NBC. 1 :45 Cllnle. : S :05 Chnreh newa. " - 6:15 Coneert wnaamble. . . 3:80 Glen, oran. 2:45 Stjle enete. ; ;00 Wemaa'a mafnsine. - e 4 0r 8tein orrh. 4:15 8 tare ei o47- 4:80 Walter Kelaer, Tj': 4:45 InrieiWe Traila (ET) -00 Irene Kieh. drama. 8:15 Kalinn Zarora. 5: SO Jaw or Norse (ET). , . :00 Football. - ' 6:80 Mnaieal Manneqnlna. - - 1 :oo Mobilisation tor Hnmam Feeda. 7:80 Drums, drama (ET). 8 :00 Amos 'a' Andy, omedy. S.-15 Lorn and Abner, comedy, 8 80 Court ot Human Relations. o 00 Waring erch., eing,. patter. 10:00 Newa. ' 10J15 Nlch. Watehman. J, 1:20 Flood ereh. .. 10:45 Hopklne arch. 11:06 Ambeeeedof erch, " 11:80 Lereland ereh. ' ta 12 Complete weather report, 'kX TBIDAT 1180 .Kev 0:80 Mnsteat deck. 7:80 Josh Hirrins. ' t:45 Ariatocratio Rhytham.- - . 8:00 Herman. Banta, piano, xlyophena. 8:15 Vacabonda, 4 ainf. 8 :80 Honeymoonera. -: : t. :6:45 oapel einrer. .-. -8 :0O People'a Mandate committee. . :15 Horn institute. . ' S:80 Farm and ihome. 10:07 Own Tonr . Home. ' 10:80 Vangha Jm lathslng. . 10:45 Dot and Will, drama. ' 11:00 Current events. , : : ' 11:15 Mnsia Appreciation. ; 13:00 Farm and home. 12:43 Market. 12:50-0. M. Plnmmer, talk. , 1:00 Commonwealfli elnb. f 1:80 8parroa ensemble. : . . 1:45 Yonnf Hickory, drama. . . '.2 :00 -Stadent mass meetinir.- ; V , S:80r-01man- orrh. Ti43 Flying time 8:00 Animal, club.. i . "8 :15-Mide William, sinr. ' - '', ", S:25 Financial end grain. - ' -., . S:80-r-New.- - 1" r -t c ' " ' 8:85 Jackie Heller, ia(. , . . , . 4:00 Newa. i " - ' 4:80-4M5-DIhntr. concert,- erj-tn. ? . ' 6 :00 Newa; .'- - ' f - - - - -... ? . " B 'AlWXm. wtather forecast. 8:80 gingia Sam. 8:45 Uncle Etra. 0;0O Amatenr show. :30 Melody man. - 10 no Rhythm Bteppere,' 10:85 Biltmore orchl., , 11 :00 Charlea- Banyan, erf an. ta 12 .Weather- and police reports. koAc rnnAT 650 jke. 9:00 Homemakere hour, i 11:00 KOAC school ofthe air. 12:15 Noon farm honr.' .1:15 Variety half boar. ' 2 :00 Oaerdinf jrour health. 8:00 Homemakera' halt hour, "Wheai j - Food la Poison," Dr. Helen Dfu " ,': nis. Portland. . i Id :00 The "aymphonie honr. 4 :S0 Storica for boya and girle. 5:00 Black and white aeranade. 5:15 Oa -the campuses. 6:80 Evening farm hour. ;. 1 T :45 Swindle to cult. . 8:15 The wTitera' craft. " 8:30-9:00 Fishing canditlone. - n By CTJFP STERRETT Byr WALT DISNEY; By BRANDON WALSH Bj JIMMY MURPHY i' CTUOY. IT APPGARS i - THAT 2 AM NOW DISVUSTINLV ii """ r-T'- v- 1 rt Cy CEGAR T(l vifsneo Tiu VtX O'CtOCK.) Of) - . v.i-.