.....L The OREGON STATESMAN, Sales. Oregon, S&tanta? Morrln& October 31, IMS fAUE HlNl. lifqM5ll MM What Yu Wairafc MtiS Class Ad X Statesman Classified Ads -CaZZ 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line lOe Three Insertions per llne.20e 4- Six Insertions per line 30c One month per Una ,..,, 1,00 Minimum charge ,gg Copy for this pace accepted onttl 8:39 the evening before publication for classification. Copjr .. received after this time will be run under tlie heading; "Too Late te Clas sify." - - - Tbe Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in whicb the typographical mistake, occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject jguestlonable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising . under- the proper classification. I Help Wanted Female WANTED WOMAN with car tor semi-professional saleswork. NO peddling. Box Ka 840. Statesman. GIRL FOR housework. Call 2320 Fairgrounds Road. ------ - -- - rYVasrv'V'VV'OJJiJXrU'XA HOUSEKEEPER. 3 TO 7 p. m., 1820 court street, itear apt. EfjDERLY WOMAN for light hsewk. for invalid lady. 1370 Leslie, . Sh -fc-fc----y-----y WANTED EXPERIENCED sales lady for glove department. State age. . previous experience and salary want ed. Box 811, Statesman. Situations Wanted WILLAMETTE STUDENT, young man. wishes clerking Saturdays. 691 N. Cottage. Tel. 6678. CONVALESCENTS OR aged people taken in home. Best of care. Doctors and families ref. TeL 7172. 1195 N. Fourth. For Sale-Miscellaneous WE BUT sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market, 1610 N. Summer, In Holly wood. Phone 5-1-1-Q. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Exe, 420 Court. GOAT MILK, quarts 17c. pints 12a TeL S17S. Capitol Dairies. FAT HENS 60c. Dressed, wrapped for cold storage 55c ea. 1400 S. 22nd. -- - - , w , -,-.--Mrvin.rLfxj-Ln SMALL. RANGE, kitchen cabinet. bed springs and dresser 24 S Marion. -- i-m-i Pip LTUUlA WHI BUT wormy apples when' you can get the best for 25 and 60c with out the worm. Bring containers any day except Sunday. 2600 S. Summer. Tel. S402. FRENCH DOORS, 2 pair, In excel lent condition. TeL S540. FOR SALE Poultry Fertilizer, sacked. Straight or with peat moss. Also with straw. Ph. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. - PIANO, FINE condition. 1795 Lee. ns isiiijsisrrsi"ssJxroxjxj MC LINIMENT GIVES permanent relief for eczema, Inflammatory rheumatism, neuralgia, other ailments. $56 E. Eighth St., Eugene, Ore. AT WATER-KENT RADIO. wlU take wood or 2 yr. old heifer. Canary birds for sale. Phone 6S4(. APPLES. N. SPIES. 2315 S. Cottage. tTNIVERSAL ELECTRIC range. 4 csd ttres tubes 6.50x19. 60S N. 14th. Tel. T249. - -- - i iijuLruu BELCREST PROPERTY ROOM 1, 147 N. Com'L St. Wanted Miscellaneous j WALNUT MEATS or walnuts tn shelL any quantity. State Cafeteria.. -" -" iii i i n'Wi i i. "i i'i.ii r.o n WOOD R I THE auctioneer pays cash er trade for used furniture or what hav youT Pb, 6-1-1-0. -1- - 'rrwwviimAAArtAfi 1 TTTftTnTBT rrornV. fn. .1A Hl4a 20th Century Wrecking Co., 411 N. Front rret---W pick up o-taa and worttfr lesa horffWffL sow& sheet TL 4lCt. WILL TRADE bicycle for band in strument What hava you? Phone 778L GIRL INTERESTED In learning I.V:oratory analysis, Inquire 816 First Nat'L Bank. -- ; ) Miscellaneons 1 COLD STORAGE lockers. Rentage's. 81 N. Liberty Phone 875L . HALLOWE'EN - SPECIAL, on home made chilt, 35c qt, 20c pt Orders tsk en In advance for parties. Ph. 8868 or atop at the Freddy Rose, 256S Port land Rd. A dandy place for that eve ning feed. 1 Wanted Fnrnitnre CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS . Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. tSS N. Commercial . Phone 1841. I For Rent Rooms RM, GARAGE, breakf. opt. TeL 7310. L Sleeping rooms. $3 ma 1578 Mission. RM. tt GARAGE with or without board. 649 N. Cottage. NICE FURN. rm, 446 Oak. P. 9534. ROOM, PR IV. bath and entrant?. Free Cftrae. TeL S58te LARGE FRONT room suitable for light housekeeping. 985. Saginaw. 1 Room and Board ROOM, BOARD. 745 a CommercIaL ROOM and BOARD. TeL 3614. - OrC ADVERTISING wAtern Adrertising. Repreaeatatires Fenger-Hsll Co. Ltd. gas fraaeisea. Los Aagales. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant Griffith B run son. tae. Chicago. New York. Detrett. Boston, Atlanta . . Snered et las Vo9loti at Seism. Orepcn, os gecead-Cteae af after. Pms Hk4 ewsry morning eeeeye Jfeeday Btteincse of fie. 218 Soul CmmerciW Strset. . . .... .-:,..v;,.x SaBSCRlPTION RATES t Mstl Subscription Rates, In Advance, Within Oregon : DsvDy and Sunday. 1 Mo. it cents: S Mo. 8L28; Mo. $3.26; 1 year $4.00. Claewhar 80 coats per Mo, or $fbee for 1 year to advance. Pes Copy 8 cents, News Stands I cents. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month: 5.ftt ycar in advance. :: " ' v------ " ? - Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM, for S ladles, ciuee to si ate o-uce toiag. TeL 71Utf. FURN. HEATED room, board If de sired. 248 a. Church. Tel. 5 CLOSE IN, board, room. Steam beat. yorner . commercial, sis Bellevue, ROOM AND board. 648 Union. ROOM AND . board, 2 blks. from state house, phone 6212. I For Kent Apartments FOR RENT Furn. apt, adults. Ref erences. iSO N. 14th. v MODERN 2 ROOM fnrn?ahd ant Close hu TeL 8884. . - FURN. AND unfurn. apts, 1710 N. CapltoL Van Orsdol Apt a. CLOSE IN apt. Very cozy. 148 Union. m m a -,r,vvLru'xriA - Light hakpcr. rma. TeL 5715. Strictly modern unfurn. apt. with bedroom. Adults. 755 Ferry St. 4 EM. FURN. mod. apt. vacant Nor. 16, 835. Adults. TeL 3992, BernardL '' 1 ii,,',snnru,rirunji MOD. APT $37.50. 210 N. 14th. fAWPVfrVT T PITPV ant rtcsx xioor. vaults. z aiiu. - " irr ' .-i-.-i-i-ii-inrinnnniwi FURN. A4 prt bath, 411 N. Summer. NICELT FURN. 2 rm. apt. 1118 Oak. - . I : i - B R. FURN. Ige. apt., private bath. References. 823 S. 12th. 3 RM. FURN. apt. lights, water, ga rage, $182 adults. 510 Judson. For Rent Houses MODERN 5 ROOM house. Call 8233. MOD. 6 R. HOUSE, 835 Saginaw. ROOMS. MODERN, furnished. well located, to reliable couple who would board owner. Phone 3S24, eve nings. ; - 'ftViVMWAWKVIAAfVm S R. STRICT. MOD. $25. 585 & 12th. MOD. 5 ROOM house. TeL 26F23. COZT MOD. furn., elec stove, Frig- I da ire. Tel. $543. -i . ,--V iViViiVUVUWA NICE 6 RM. house, double garage, fine districts close to schools, $25.00. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 No. High 6 ROOM HOUSE. 1 acre. Rt. 6. Box 110, i ml. E, Pen 4 Corners. For Rent Hospital beds and wheelchairs to ent. IL U Stiff Furniture Co. Office rooms for ml 841 Stat St, reL 87 IX j For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER. 1 R. bouse at 1T45 State. TeL 9479. MODERN 6 ROOM home. large lot is fenced, double garage. Bearing fruit trees. 450 NORTH 19th STREET GOOD 7 ROOM house, full basement fruit, nut and shade trees, shrubs and berries. 6 lots. All or part Not on Sun day. J. B. Moorman, 2530 Laurel Ave., Salem, Oregon. JtoaMSC Urant 82S Csurt TeL 77ZX. BEST VIEW home, near Salem with good income $3500. $1000 cash TeL 4031. 168 N. Slst 8 RM. HOUSE, bar. 266 S. Cottage. '"'XuBERTT ScornerTTrgbiss ed sleeping porch. Hot water heat, fruit Easy terms. Owner. TeL 6609. 2 A. 5 R. "HOUSE. STREAM, close to Salem, price $1600, $300 down, baL $16 mo. i IS A. fine soil, buildings, 8 nil. of Salem. Price $2500. Terms. - IS A. 5 R. house and outbuildings. 2 ml of Salem; A-l soil, well improved, fruit and berries, paved road. Will take small property In trade. Price $5000. 28 A, 6 ml. of Salem, best of soil, 5 R. house, electric water system, good bam, paved road, $5000. Will take house in tewn. R. A. FORKNER W. L. GIBSON 1853 N. Capitol TeL 3031. " LOTS LOTS LOTS SELECT TOURS from our list of low priced lots., good locations. We will help you finance your new nome. CHILDS . St MILLER, Realtors 344 State St ! Phone 6708, 81350. NEAT 4 RM. home, hrdwd. floors, basement furnace, fruit, - nice buy for small Investment; down pymt 4c terms. $2625. Real buy in a f rm. bouse, new ly decorated, double garage. beautiful lot fine district, close - to schools. Down payment and terms. $20 a mo. ta inc. int $2700. Cozy. 1 6 rm. house, basement, furnace, lots of shrubbery. Can be bought on easy terms. $3000. Newly reconditioned 6 rm. hoose,' basement furnace, two big lots with fruit view prop erty end located in excellent district, south. Some cash A terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 No. High 960 VS. 16th, MODERN, W1LL sell for $2000 or rent for $30. - W. G. KRUEGER, 147 N. Tom'L St 4 ACRE TRACT, cltv Waterand elec trie lights. rNo buildings. Priced 1260. Payments ysst like rent - i .W G. KRUEGER. 147 N. ComX St FFERS IN HOMES $375 BUTS A small house and good lot (West Salem) good Investment $75 buys 3-R. house and two good lots (West Salem), worth more. SllaS. $250 down, good 7-R, house. east Salem, good investment $265e. $1500 down, good 9-R. room ing house, 1 H lots, basement spd fur nace. - - Tf - $1800. $300 doti. dandy home near the grade and hbrh school. ' 837iO.ee buy a 85500 strictly- mod ern English type home. This is really one of the best horns buys ever orrered. Good location, I think $1000 will han dle it SEE JAS. D. HEARS - CHAS. SANDERS 11$ S. High j Phone 6131. SUBURBAN HOMES 8-ACRES $2500 $600 DOWN, good k. nouse. barn, and H., 3 miles east - ' - 5-ACRES 2-acrew In cherries, ap ples, prunes and nuta. Well built C-R. liome, lights and water system, base ment fireplace, bath, hot and cold wet ter; a nice country home, wonderful view, price 8000.00. terms. 8KB ACRE. Beautiful 5-R. house, electric Ugbts and water system, basement-furnace, bath, toilet, garage, 1H miles out. Price 830001000 down, 9'4-ACREa All In cult, nice spring and creek. 4 R. house, good well, good barn, family orchard, 4 miles east price $2626 H down. JAR I. SEARS - CHAS. SANDERS 118 S. High St; Phono 6131. -- - -" -- " irnn n ri iliij-tfi.iT.rLn A GOOD home well located, must sell quickly. A kind of home you would like. It requires $5 OS down, then less than rent on the baL by the month. Full price $2,000. F. H. Weir Oreg.v Bid TeL $90$, -i-"rvi-srsnsrsrxrMQxrtjn FOR A quick sale I wHl sell my Y seres which has netted me $100 per acre for the last 2 years. Will sacri fice for $1109 ; terms. 4 R. bouse In the EngleWood dlst for 81609, $400 cssh. terms on balance. modern 4 R.. hardwood floors. . fireplace, - basement . furnace, price1 $0 terms. Vosburgh-Grsnr, Masonic Bldg. 1 For Sale -Used Can As Partial Doivn Payment on Any One of the Following OK? d Used Carst. 1114 Pontlae 6 -wheel Selan in A-l condition, good tires, regular price 1934 Chev. Master wheel Sedan, looks and runs like new, rerular price 1932 Studebaker 8 -wheel Club Sedan, reconditioned repainted, regular price 1931 Ford Coupe, reconditioned repainted good rubber, regular pried , 130 Chrysler 77 Sedan la fine condition, 4 new ttres, regular price 1930 Oakland Sport Coupe, thoroughly checked over la our service dept, regular price 1929 Nash Sport Coupe, thoroughly checked over in our Berries dept, regular price . 388 N. Com'l. Bulck Sales j j For Sale Real Estate 2 ACRES WITH 4 R. house land barn, 6 miles north. Price $1500 down, $400. PHONE 6580 4 lots all In strawberries with TL plastered house and garage. 3 1350 down, $aS0. In N. Salem Phone 6580. 5 R. new modern home west S. Fire place, hardwood floors, furnace, elec tric water heater and nice shrubbery-$2500.-$500 down. Phone 5580. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ONE OF Salem's finest homes, $ rooms, modern In every detail, tile work. 2 sets plumbing, corner lot, both streets paved and paij. Priced for few days at $4900. SEE Mrs. Ellis with ClIILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 670S. HOUSE ON creek, reduced for quick sale. Second floor apts., rentals exceed mo. pmts. 760 N. Church. Ph. 5609. BARGAIN i ESPECIALLY WELL built 2 story house, arranged for 2 families, large corner lot with room for another house, Englewbod district, near schools. To close an estate priced at only $2000. Don't wait SEE Mrs. Ellis with ! . CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 ,,-r,"'sjsfyv'V"vsrvi 7 ACRES IN DALLAS. OREGON COMFORTABLE K ROOM bouse beautifully situated, all modern con veniences shower electric lights city water close to school on paved highway. 5 acres ; for garden, fruit trees barn chicken houses. Will take $2450.00 cash for quick sale. Inquire MRS. CLARA HOWELL Dallas, Oregon 608 Court Street r MiiiJaiVl'"MM"Mjr 3 ROOM HOUSE and garage, priced at $500.00. Call 4728 for location.; For Sale Farms j TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 2 ACRE TRACT, good house, 1000 capacity chicken houses. For quick sale, only $2250. ; SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone .6703. FARMS, ACREAGE, for rent, sale, trade. Oregon Land Co.. Wood burn. Or. AT THE OLD PRICE 212 ACRES ON paved hwy.. good bldgs., 160 in cult, . balance pasture and timber, running water, electric lights. This place is ideal for general purposes. Price $13.500.00 will take smaller place as part 125 acres, 90 cultivated. $37.50 per acre; will take small acreage or city property as part . . j 100 acres 35 cultivated, (river bot tom.) Price $4500.00, take city or acre age as part 40- acres 7 miles of Salem, elec. lights, creek, water system, good bldgs., pav ed hgy.' Price $5500.00; will take Im proved acreage near Salem as part If you want to buy, sell or exchange, SEE TUCKER or LIN DG REN 175 South High Phone 8890. . TWO DANDY RANCHES 97-ACRES. DAIRY ranch, close , to Salem, A grade. Large, modern barn, 25 stantion, gralnery, hay barn. Mod ern 5-R. house, basement furnace, lights and water system, tenant house. 80 A. cult, 2-A. timber, good pasture. Running water. Will sell for less than value. I can reconrmend this place. 173-ACRES About 14 miles north, 2 story house, upstairs not finished : large barn, poultry house, 3 good wells. Most all In cult 20-A. clover, some crop In. 34 heasl Jersey Cattle, 4 horses, all feed and new machinery. A real bargain for 311.000 for alL If you want a ranch, better see these places. JAS. D. SEARS - CHAS. SANDERS 118-S. High s Phone 51SL BUT THIS 20 A. on the pavement a real . location, the best of land, 8 mi. from Salem, no bldgs., no down- pay ment: Interest , only, for first year. It is a real opportunity. v : H. a Shields Oreg. Bldg. TeL 8902. SNAP. RIVER BOTTOM LAND -$1800. WILL- BUT this 28 acres of riv er bottom land, new 4 room house, good highway. $1000 down, baL terms. A REAL BUY FOR THE MOXU-T. SEE, W. H. GRABENHGB6T CO., REALTORS- , 1 134 a Liberty St Phone 468. Wanted Real Estate 1 WANTED GOOD Improved 1$ er 29 acre tract near Salem. Cash deal, Write Roy Morgan. Rapelje, Mont ; - WANT TO buy 6-4 rm. bouse. Mar ket, Broadway district With or with out basement Modest price. Owners only. 2085 Maple. Bnsiness Opportunities"! GOOD GROCERY stock and fixtures priced to selL . f - Auto camp doing good business. Well located. R. A, FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol TeL 3031. f Money to Loan 3300 oir On Your Own Signature , All Types of Loans And Auto Refinancing You Mast be Satisfied Phone 3740 Beneficial . Loaxi Society Roots 1 it Ksw Bligh Bldg. 2os" Fleor 518 State St Salem. Ore. License S-121 11 165 For Sale Used CaaTfFor Sale Used Car j This ioW MANT OTHERS TO. CHOOSE FROM SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE TOU BUT Otto J. Wilson k Service Real - Deal - - - FOR THE USED CAR BUYER 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 1934 Chev. Master Cpe, .. 1934 V-8 Z-D. Sedan T 1980 Nash Sedan , 1928 Pentiac Sedan , 1928 Dodge Sedan 1529 Willys Sedan WE ARE CLEANING OUT ON ALL OUR LOW PRICED CARS Borrego's Car Mkt. Corner Marlon & High Many Trades on the Netv'37 Model Studehakers These Cars are Priced to Sell 35 Dodge Bus. Coupe low mileage 31 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 38 Studebaker St Regis Sedan, radio, heater, extra large trunk, low mileage 891 33 Dodge 6-wheel DeLuxe Sedan top condition , 686 35 Ply. DeLuxe Bus. Coupe clean Inside and out - 830 30 Studebaker Diet. Bus. Coupe , 298 34 Nah Coupe sport equipt - 69$ 80 Willys-Knight Sedan 248 Pontlae, Dodges. Durants and others $75 to $350 SEE THEM SEVERAL USED TRUCKS $135 $585 Bonesteele Bros Inc. Corner Liberty and Chemeketa - -----" -, - NO SALE BUT WE MAKE MANT SALES And because we have a Fair Price on Every Car Every Day. SURE WE HAVE "B. O." (Bargains Only) - - - SOME OF THEM 1935 Chrysler Airstream Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Master Coupe 1936 Hudson Sedan (like new) 1931 Chevrolet Coupes (2) 1934 Oldsmoblle Sedan. Trunk 1929 RooseveH Sedan. DeLuxe 1930 Ford Coupe Many others Including several Trucks and Motorcycles WE PAT CASH FOR CARS OR SELL ON CONSIGNMENT 555 Chemeketa Street VOTE YES FOR BETTER USED CARS TOU WILL GET GOOD SERVICE FROM THESE USED CAR CANDIDATES FOR A LONG TERM VOTE YES 1S3S 1938 193S 1934 1934 1932 1931 1931 1931 .931 1930 1929 Plymouth Trg. Sedan. DeLuxe Dodgo Sedan. Like new Graham Special Sedan Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan Chevrolet Coach Studebaker Regal Sedan. uranam sedan Studebaker Coupe. New motor, new tires . Buick Sedan. Like new Chrysler 6 Sedan. Far above average Chrysler Sedan Chevrolet Sedan. Trunk Salem Automobile Co. ' Home of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH3 43$ N. Commercial St. - - - - - Phone 4478 Money to Loan H Federal boosing loans title M. build or refinance homes er business prop. Low itam. Abeam t KMm. Maaonle GL SOUND INVESTMENT. Good first mortgage real estate loans, farm and city properties. Net Investors 5H to 4H. Amounts $600 to $2000, Exam ine security-yourself! . CHILDS MILLER. Mtge. Loans ' 344 State St v - Phone $70 1 MONEY BY an Independent local corporation on pianos, musical Instrument-, automobilea, furniture, live stock and endorsed notes. New tow rates 1 te 29 months to repay. General Finance Corp. Phone 9168 Lie. S-189. First Nat'L dank Bldg.. Salem, Ore. PRIVATE " LOANS for automobile-. New low rates. Roy H. Sinnnon First National Bank Bldg. Lie. 4-153. . sS-akdJSjrfs ' 880$ TO LOAN. Box 837, SUtes- man. - Loans Wanted Leans wanted en tarn and city property. Before borrowing, inqwtre at Hawkins A Roberta, Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: White Leghorn pullets. Now laying. Best quality. Ph. 1S3F2. Lee'S Hatchery. For Sale Wood 1 PL ANER ENDS BLOCK WOOD Salem Box Co. Telephone 9189 Order now while the supply' lasts. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL 60U0. Salem Fuel Cn. Trade Cottage.- ' - swaabsbsssews-SsSsasSi ALL KINDS of wood. TeL 5618. DRY WOOD, sll kinds. TeL 3863, 18" OLD FIR, $5.60. TeL 9456. GOOD WOOD, res a TeL 8354. 18 IN. OLD tic alder, maple. $6.60 cd. Phone 6010. A T-T AtT as TS delivered. Clmn. Eappauf, R, L Turner, Ore. .8635.00 . s8S.0 .385.00 . isff.os 865.00 . 245.00 - 28L00 Salem Phone Sill 498 -,. " , 295 - , 195 . 145 m 825 - Phono 4588. .$650 Phone 4444. - -- -- -- -- - - M-,-i-.-.-iorii'-irir-M-u-AAAAjj-i 1935 Graham Coupe (perfect) 1032 Model B Ford Coupe. Radio 1932 Graham Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Dodge Sport Coupe. Extras 1931 Auburn Brougham, wheels 1929 Pontlae Coach ' At Phone 7922. hrock's YES $800 YES $695 YES $775 YES $565 YES $195 YES 325 YES $350 YES $345 YES $425 YES $425 YE3 $325 YES $245 Pick Ups and Trucks 1935 International U W. pickup -$575.0 1934 Dodge two-ton L. W. B. 650.00 1938 Ford 1 ton 8. W. B. 850.0$ .. . OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. James H. Maden Co. 21T State St Phone 8598 EQUITY IN 193$ Ford Coupe tor sals by owner, $48 S, Capitol .- WILL SACRIFICE equity in 136 Pontlae Sedan ; take - used car.- 871 State. See Jimmey. - , NEW. TRAILER Travelbme, TeL 7549. JC73 Portland road, -, - 35 FORD DeLUXK' Coupe. RAdio. heater, air horns, 8 ply tires. 466 N. Liberty St 'S3 FORD BUSINESS Coupe. 13.00 miles. Private party; $550 cash. Phone 3024. Call 1815 Court St, Sunday. -ii-ri-i-i-i-i-i-,-,-ir.-,",v-,T',WMWM-wv-yrM - LATE 1927 CHEVROLET Sport Se dan, 19 wheels, new top, excellent conditio-. Harold Holler, 105 River St For gale Wood ALL KINDS good wood : contract naming. Reasonable. TeL 3858. 16" OLD FIR, $5.60, 2nd gr. $5.00. TeL 6400. 440 8. 17th. ASH 4 FT- $5.75. 16", $6.50 deliv ered. Alder 1$" dry, $6.25. Ernest Bouck, Turner, Route L Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, reason. TeL 8088. 3. H. BOENING, Phone 9633. i0nnnn4kmnn1nmnmminn WOOD SAWING reasonable.. TeL 8290. .WOOD SAWING. TeL 6663. Lost and Found LOSTFOUNTAIN pen in post office. Ph. 4168. ; Wanted Used Cars GOOD USED car. first house west Brunk's Corner. R. A. Myers, Indepen dence, Rt L .' NOTICE OP FINAL SET. : TLEMEVr Notice Is hereby glren that the undersigned have filed in the 1 For Sale Used Cars Chevrolet Sedan ... Buick Sedan Buick Coach ..... Oldsmobile Sedan . 32 Chevrolet Coach ... 30 Plymouth Sedan ... '35 Chevrolet Coach '36 Chevrolet Sedan 333 Center On Used Every Used Car in Stock Reduced Twenty-Five Dollsurs. All Cms Priced .as Previously Ad vertised Are Yours for Twenty - Five Dollars Less. Get Yours Now -- - The Opportunity Of a Lifetime. V Vaillley ' Motoir Center & Liberty Phone 3158 Trio Instructors Are Given Leaves MONMOUTH. Oct, SO. Leaves of absence without pay for Eloise Buck, Assistant professor of Eng lish, and Katharine Arbuthnot, as-. aistant professor of geography, both of Qregon Normal school. were approved by the state board of higher education meeting here Monday. Miss Buck's leave ex tends from October 0 to June 30, 1937; and Martin Erickson was appointed to succeed Miss Buck as instructor In English, effec tive October 16, at the same sal ary. m Miss Arbuthnot's leave extends from January 1 to March 31, 1937, the amount budgeted for Miss Arbuthnot's salary during those months to be retained for employment of a successor. Sabbatical leave on half pay was granted Maud R. Macpber son, librarian at Oregon Normal school from January 1 to March 31, 1937, for study and tra-el, her work to be cared for by a sub stitute employed, for the remain ins; half of Miss Macpherson's budgeted salary. County Court of the State of Ore gon,' for the County of Marlon, their duly verified final account. as the executors of the last will and testament and estate of John Schlfferer, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 1st day of December. 1936. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, a the place for hearfng said final account and aU objec tions thereto; - , :' Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 31st day of October, 193$. " FRED. P. BCHIFFERER, and JOHN W. SCHIFFERER, Executors of the Last Win and Testament and Estate of John Schlfferer, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorneys tor Executors. Salem. Oregon. 0-31-N-7-14- - 21-28. No. 0333 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon For Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of MARTHA. J. BROWXELL, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PHIL BROWXELL. has. been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Martha J. Brownell. de ceased, by the' County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and has quslified as such. All persons who have elsimi against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly Terified. as required by aw, to the undersigned at the office of Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem. Oregon, within lx months from the date of the first publication of this notice. : which is the 3d day of October, 1934 and the last is the 31st day of October. 193 6. PHIL BROWNELL, Administrator of the Estate of Martha J. Brownell, De- ceased.- . - PAGE AND PAGE. Attorneys for said Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. O.S-10-17-24-31. For Sale Used Car7"l Better Used Cars McKay Che wolet Go. - Phone 3189 Open Evenings and Sundays Cars Priced Over One Hundred Dollars Marion Used Car Mart Specials -DODGES- 1936 Touring Sedan. Low mileage 1935 DeLuxe Sedan. A Dandy 1933 DeLuxe Sedan. 8-cyL In fine -PLYMOUTHS- 1935 DeLuxe Coupe. Low "mileage 1934 DeLuxe Sedan. Cop. Overhaul -OTHER 1924 Graham Sedan. New paint 1834 Ford DeLuxe xudor 1833 Essex Sport Coupe. A Dandy 1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe 6, wheels, new paint TRUCKS 1934 FORD L. W. B. New tires .. 131 DODGE 3 -ton. A dandy 1984 FORD Pick-up. New rings 1933 FORD Pick-up. New paint Herreall- Owens Co. "Dependability" DODGE and PLYMOUTH DEALERS 535 S. Commercial St - . - . - Phone 3169 Bu siness Cards la this directory ran oa a monthly basis only. Rate; f 1 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Pa nek. $78 South Commercial. Brushes FULLER BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL 6724. 2785 Brooks St Eve. appoint ment. . , - ... BniMing Contractor FOWLER A SONS. TeL 8183. 84tering Service ' LUNCHES. BANQUETS, private din ners. Terry Randall, jAone 4700. Chimney Sweep j TELEPHONE 6450. ft E. Northness. FURNACE CLEANING, TeL $147. Chiropractors DR. O. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 256 N. High. TeL Re a $762 Electrical Service BOSLER Electric, 24$ State St Wir ing, motors, appliance, repaira, service. Excavating Excavating of all kind Basements dug. Dirt hauled or tuoved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 9408. . Florists Breithaupt's, 441 Court ALL kinds of floral wort Luta. Flor ist. 127$ N. Liberty. TeL 9593. Furs DuBAIN Fur Co. Master furriers designers, Rm. lit Miller Bldg. Laundries THE NEW SAI.EM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY US & High . TeL $125 CAPITA L CIT I LA UN DR T First in Quality and Service Telephone $165 1264 Broadway Lawn Mowers Sharpened; repaired and traded.' Ph. tilt. Harry W. Scott 141 & Com'L 1 1 For Sale Used Cars at ...-$ 35 -.65 65 ..$ 85 ...$365 .$295 .S545 $695 430 N. Coml OO-lWore Coo & Liberty Phone 7910 i nnamnlnnmnnm0n .3875 .3725 $ST shape .$625 $5t$ MAKES- $62S $4 7 .$285 $3J$ .$445 S38S -842$ .$388 and paint . - D ir e ctory E Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning, su ing; fluff rug weaving. S. 12th A Wil bur. TeL 84 4 L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est L91L CAPITOL BEDDING. Ca Phone 4089 1 Music Stores GEO. C WILL Piano radios, sewtns machines, sheet music and plane stud lea . Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432; State street. Salem, - L Painting ALSO KALSOilTN ING. reason. 8147. Photo EnyraviT I Salem photo engraving. 14T N. Com mercial. TeL 68SL r Printing I FOR STATIONERY, card pamph- t lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 815 8. CommercIaL Tale phone 910L Sewing Machine Repairs C E. Leatherman. T 867$. 11$$ Wallet. Stoves We repair stoves, ranges, circulators Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, post chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works 263 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. U Fleming. . , - Taxidermist EL E. WIGGINS, 1 mi. N. Pac hwy. Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 81 3 U Larmer Ttansfer Co. Truck to Peruana dally. Ramseyer . truck service. Phone 3354 CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. --2S State St. TeL 7773, DUtribottng, for warding and storage our epecialty. Get our rate. Vacuum Cleaners AUTH.- HOOVElt sales and service. Ralph Cochrsn. 735 South St. T. 4338. Well Drilling a A. West. RL $, Bos 44J. TeL 11$F