PAGE FIVE p - - -. . The OKEGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 31, 1936 ) i' e xs 73' I r W - Local News! Briefs Accidents- Are Minor T h r e e minor automobile accidents were the only motor mishaps reported to city police yesterday. The fol lowing were involved: Helena R. Peterson, route one. and Richard Royce Deitz. 355 South 14th street, at 14th and Mill; Irene Scheelar, 1190 Oak. and Carl Shafer, route one. on Marlon-Polk county bridge; Grant R. Day. 732- North Commercial, and H. E. . Dahlberg, 1935 Hazel, at alley on Chemeketa between High and Court streets. No injuries were listed. Hear Dr. Townsend speak to America. Sun.. Not. 1, 7:45 KOIX- Three Industrial Deaths There were three fatalities in Or egon due to industrial accidents during the week ending October 29, the state industrial accident commission reported Friday. The victims were Mike Kaminski. WashougaL faller; Lester W. Mulkey, Med ford, lineman, and Stanley McKay, Woodburn, labor er. There were 767 accidents re ported to the commission during the week. Vote for Avery Thompson and eliminate the necessity of a special prosecutor from the attor ney general's office to enforce the law in this county Paid adv. Seven Motorists Arrested Seven motorists were booked on a variety of charges yesterday. The city police blotter listed charges as follow: P. E. Byers, Silverton, and Norman Favors, Eugene, violation of basic traffic rule; Charles L. Siewart. 354 Hood, and Mrs. Emma Sparks, speeding; Mrs. Allen Toole, 1740 South Winter, Davia V. Hellen, 2505 Brooks avenue, and F. A. Montandon, 575 Center, failing to stop. The district attorney Is the law yer for the taxpayers. Ar.e r y Thompson for district attorney. Paid adr. . Train Delayed The county court was informed in a letter received - from the Southern Pa cific railway company yesterday that one of its logging trains was delayed for 50 minutes recently when a tree fell across the right-of-way above Mill City. The com pany stated that the tree appar ently fell when loosened by work on the highway and asked that steps be taken to avoid a recur rence of the delay. Herman A. Brown for constable. Lindsey Committed Chester Lindsey, route 6, was committed to the state hospital yesterday. He was examined after he was arrested for attempting to carry oft bed .clothing from a down town hotel. Lindsey registered at the hotel Wednesday night. Yes terday morning, making no at tempt to conceal the bedclothes, he walked through the lobby of the hotel and started to pack the goods into his car. ' Novice Firemen Examined-" The 22 young men who Tuesday took civil service examinations for future jobs with the city fire department are now undergoing a physical checkup at the bands of Dr. E- E. Berg, acting city health officer. Six of the 22 have taken their health examinations to date. Stark Hannah Stark, in this city Oc tober 30. aged 29. Survived by a Bister. Mrs. Mary Ott, Portland, and a brother, also of Portland. Funeral announcements later from Clough-Barrick company." USE CHINESE HERBS When Others Fail CHARLIE CHAN Chinese Herbs REMEDIES Healing virtue has .been tested hundreds years. for chronic ail mcnti, nose, throat. iniiiti catarrh, ears, B rB" lungs, asthma, chronic cough, stomach, gall stones, colitis, constipation, diabetis, kidneys, bladder, heart, blood nerves, neuralgia, rheumatism, high blood pressure, gland, skin ores, male, female and chil dren disorders. S. B. Fong. years' practice In China, Herb Specialist, 122 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Ore. Office hours 9 to fl p. m. Sunday and Wed. O to to a.m. f ' Obituary i - . ' - A - " m i . for j GircMitt Jpdge Hear E. M. Page Tonight 7:45 p.m. KSLM (Salem) ' Dr. Utter Is Elected The Sa lem Credit association at Its regu lar Friday noon meeting elected Dr. F. Li Utter to the board of directors! to fill the unexpired term of K. O. Brandon, who re cently moved to Ohio. Consider able discussion was devoted to amending the provision for mem bership of collection agencies, but the matter was left -on the table, with a committee headed by Har ry Scott to make further study of the question before final action is taken.; ; Lutz. Florist, 1276 N. Lib. P. 9592. -ft;"- m : New Caseworker Hired The county I relief committee has em ployed Susan Metschan, recently of the state treasurer's office, as caseworker to succeed Janet Weil West, who resigned recently before she was married to Charles West. Miss Metschan held a tem porary position with the commit tee early last summer and has had two years of social service experience. , - , Vote NoJ 60 Earl Adams, con stable. The man for the job, and he needs it. Patrol Leaders to Meet The next important Boy Scout activity in Cascade area will be the third annual patrol leaders conference. to be held late next month at Dallas, Scout Executive James K. Monroe said yesterday. More than 50 boys will participate. The first conference ; was held at Albany and last jar's at Silverton. This year's wili run for tnree Gays. Vote 42X for David C. Bloom for county commissioner.. Minor Accidents Three minor accidents' were reported at the office of Sheriff A. C. Burk yes terday. They were: Lloyd E. Shafer, Scio. and Sam Cox at Stayton; Clifford Maulding, Sil verton, and W. D. Larson, Silver ton, on the Pacific highway one mile north of Woodburn; and, Charles E. Chiffings, AumsviUe, and an unidentified driver at AumsviUe. " Vote 6 IX Brown for constable. ! Ketchikan People Here Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Charles of Ketchi kan, Alaska, called at The States man office Friday. 9Lx. Charles is linotype operator on the Ketch ikan Chronicle, where Monte Jones, former printer on The Statesman, is now employed. They stopped here with Henry Jaegger, brother-in-law of Jones, who re cently returned from a two months' visit in Alaska. Herman A. Brown for constable. Census Due Today Today is the last chance for school dis tricts to turn In a report of their school enrollments to Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, county school su perintendent. The list of pupils in Marion county schools must be turned over to the county court by Mrs. Fulkerson by 5 o'clock today. I ' 30c lunch at Peter Pan. Apple Week Starts Governor Martin Issued a letter Friday cal ling attention to "Apple Week", October 31 to November 7. The governor said Oregon's apple crop was in excess of 5,000,000 bush els annually with returns to the growers aggregating several mil lion dollars, t Lunch now 30c, Peter Pan: Join Mask, Dagger Six Salem high school students have been accepted for membership In "Mask and Dagger," extra-curricular club, it was announced yes terday. They are Dean Goodman, Doris Harold, Janette Clarke, Ma belle Frazier, Dolores Parker and Lilly Schlesinger. Lunch at Peter Pan 30c. i Commercial Club Initiates Members of the Salem high school Commercial club held an initia tion party at the home of their faculty adviser, Mrs. Helen Ed mundson, Thursday night. Ap proximately 20 new members were admitted. Willard Grant is president of the club. Applications Filed Log haul ing applications for operation on the North Santiam highway were filed with the county court yes terday by James Beametz, J. E. Radford,! Claude W. Patterson and George Gladwell. Extradition Honored Govern or Martin on Friday authorized the extradition of Caryl Webster who is wanted at Seattle, Wash., on a charge of embezzlement He is under arrest at Klamath Falg. VOTE 61 X Herman A. Brown Republican Nominee for CONSTABLE Salem District A; Honest, Courteous, Efficient Service Pd. Adv. E. IEYES Pd. Adv. Bunce Divorce Case Up Again Guardian Asks Decree ; Be Set Aside ; Grounds : of Fraud Stated Having failed in an attempt to get the divorce suit, of M. A. Bunce against C. E. Bunce reopen ed because of failure to appoint a guardian ad litem. R. H. Basse tt, guardian of C. EL Bunce yesterday filed suit to have the divorce de cree, granted January 6. 1930, set aside on grounds of fraud. The complaint makes Ida Can- nos. individually and as Joint ex ecutrix of Mrs. Bunco's estate and Bruce Fenwick defendants of the case. Mrs. Bunce died after re ceiving the contested divorce de cree. '- The plaintiff asks that the de cree of divorce be set aside be cause Mrs. Bunce at the time the decree was granted was acting as guardian of her husband who bad been committed to the state hos pital November 10. 1923. The de cree is claimed to be fraudulent because the divorce papers were not served on the guardian, no guardian ad litem was appointed and the plaintiff in the divorce ac tion as guardian assumed a po sition adverse to the interests of the ward. At the time of Marietta A. Bunce's death she is alleged to have owned $12,000 in real prop erty and $3000 personal property. The plaintiff claims that a part of this property is rightfully owned by C. E. Bunce. Circuit Court Elizabeth Reinhard vs. Alvln Reinhard: complaint for divorce on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Couple was married June 6, 1936 at Vancouver. Probate Court. John Noren estate; supplemen tal account showing receipts $7.- 121, disbursements $59 and a bal ance of $7062 approved. B. B. Cronk estate: fifth semi annual account of Ladd and Bush Trust company, administrator, ap proved. Account shows receipts. $1684. disbursements $1058, bal ance $625. The report states that there are $711 in bonds held in the estate. i s Frank Moran estate; Thomas E. Swan appointed administrator. L. L. Swan, J. A. Howard and Leon H. Fish named appraisers. L. F. Butler estate; report of sale of real estate for $491 by Ra chael Ann Patton, executrix. Andrew K. Loe estate; admit ted to probate and Emma John son appointed administratrix of the estimated $800 estate. Con rad Johnson, Mina Ott and Esther Alrick named appraisers. Vinnie Powell guardianship; or der confirming sale of real prop erty. - -;-J . Marriage Licenses John Stone, 62, farmer, route" 4, and Flora Cowell, 72, house keeper, 1035 Mill street. Justice Court- Gilbert Alpin : prelfmln ary hearing at 10 o'clock today on as sault and battery charge. A. Hunt; charged with install ing plumbing and drainage with out having either a certificate of registration or certificate of com petency. Also charged with vio lation of state plumbing code Pleaded not guilty on all three charges. Trial dates to be set later. Released on own recognizance. Richard G. Jenkins; charged with operating trailer with con cealed registration plates. Plead ed guilty and fined $5. Edward E. Turner; charged with operating truck with no P. U. C. plates, no logging permit and no P. IT. C. plates on trailer. Pleaded guilty. Case continued to November 27 for sentence. , Re leased on own recognizance. Ruben A. Bixel; fined. $10 and costs on two charges of not hav ing declared weight receipt or ve hicle registration card. Theodore Delmond Andresen; fined $10 and costs on two charges of not having a declared weight receipt and having no vehicle reg istration card. ; Herbert G. Schiewe: ' charged with hauling logs without per mit. Pleaded guilty and fined $25 and costs. Commitment papers is sued when fine not paid. Roy Allen Jenkins; fined $5 and costs on charge of having trailer plates concealed. ' Municipal Court Henry A. Girod. charged by John L. Geren. county milk inspector, with selling adulterated milk; plea of innocent entered, $50 bail posted. Davia W. Heliin, Z505 Brooks avenue, one-day jail sentence ; in lieu of $2.50 fine for failing to stop. F. A. Montandon, 575 Center street, and Mrs. Allen Toole, 1740 South Winter, $2.50 fines for fail ing to stop. Norman Favors. Eugene, $5 fine, violation of basic traffic rule. Hawley Confident Of G.O.P. Victory Hon. Willis C Hawley, former congressman, has been campaign ing for the republican ' national committee in Oklahoma and oth er parts of the middle west. He is en route home now, closing his campaigning in Idaho. ; Op. Chdn Lam CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Natural remedies for disorders of liv- . er, stomach glands, skin, and arinary system of men and women. Remedies f or constipation, asthma. arthritis. sugar diabetes and JkyZL, rhenmatisni. T. T. LAM 19 years in bast- K-1-ess. Naturopathic physicians. 803)4 Court ; St. Corner Liberty. Office onea Satnr It days and. Tuesdays -- 1 1 a1 A a as P. M P. M. to 7. Coasa ltattoa Blood pressure and urine tests are free of charges. Oeidis Chan N.D. 3 U a." ' Movable Waiting Sheds. For Pupils Receive Approval A plan for Installation of mov able waiting sheds tor school children to be placed at strategic points in the various school dis tricts was outlined to the county court yesterday by C. L Nelson, district supervisor of the national youth administration. Nelson asked the court for permission to place the sheds on the. county roads in positions that would not interfere with the traffic or -the view. The eourt granted permission with the proviso that each loca tion is to be approved by the county engineer. Nelson said that material for the waiting sheds would be fur nished by the districts and the work of constructing and install ing them would be done by the NY A. The first sheds are to be installed in and around the Wood burn district. 20-30 Club Votes Even, Presidency The Salem 20-30 club also qual ified as the "50-50" club Friday night when its straw vote on the national election turned out 15 votes for Alf Landon and 15 for President Roosevelt. William Lemke and Earl Browder each re ceived one vote. Still devoting its attention to politics, the club selected nomin ees for offices to be voted on No vember 13, as follows: President. C. S. "Pat" Emmons and Harold Pruit. x irsi vice-presiaent, k a i p n Mapes. George Jackson, Lawrence Engstrom. Second vice-president. Warren Keeney and James Sehon. Sergeant-at-arms, William Holt, Gene Paulin, James Sehon. Directors, George Jackson, Floyd Emmons, Earl Cutler, Wil liam Depew, George Fletcher, Ralph Mapes. Lawrence Brown, Warren Keeney. - State Precincts Total Now 1625 Voting precincts In Oregon now aggregate 1625. according to a tabulation released Friday by Se cretary of State Snell. Copies of the tabulation were sent to ell county clerks. Multnomah, with 438 voting precincts, leads the list. Lane is second with 96 "voting precincts and Marion third with 77 voting precincts.. Clackamas is fourth with 66 voting precincts. Gilliam with eight voting pre cincts has the smallest number in the state. Sherman county has only nine. OAIiVABT BAPTIST CHTJKCH Ferry and South High street. Bev. Arno Q. Weniger pastor. Bible school. 9:45 a. m. W. F. Foster, sopt. Horning worship, 11 o'clock, sermon, "Tarrying One for Another." Ordinance of com munion and hand of fellowship to new members. Young people's meeting 6:43 p. m. Evening worship, 7:45 p. ra. Ser mon subject "Thst Brsien Thin." broadcast from 8 to 8:45 p. nt. The vested choir sings under the direction of E. D. LJndbnrg. Service Wednesday, 7 :80 p. m. FXBST BAPTIST CHXTBCH Marion and North Liberty streets. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Fred Broer, sopt. Moraing worship and observance of the Lord's supper at 11 a. m. Ee ning service at 7:30. -Simon Forsberg. teacher of the Union Bible classes of Portland, to speak at both services. Young people's meeting, 6:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHXTBCH North 19th and Breymaa streets. Er nest H. Brown pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Bally day program at this service. Morning serrice at 11 a. m. Sermon, "Walking in the Spirit, the Besults." Senior Young People's society at 6:30. Intermediate society at 6:45. Evening serrice at 7:30. Sermon, "A Great Catch of Fish." Midweek serrice Thursday at 7:30 p. as. NATIONAL TICKET For President ALF. M. LANDON For Vice-President FRANK KNOX For U.S. Senator CHARLES LMcNARY State Legislature SENATE Representatives George R. Duncan Walter Fuhrer Hannah Martin Ronald Jones M.shmmM tit My.cM V TIBST OSBMAJff BAPTIST X. Cottar at I) itrMt J V tllthaff tastor. Bible school, 0:45 a. ra. Samuel chirsBan, aapt. Worship in Genua at ! T. si tl k. i ... . . . - w. ocamcf win onag mc ntesssge. No serrice in the ereaing. bat members and friends are requested t A atkd tk. .MMllM ' .1 tW. ' church Ut Fort land. Devotional hour t euuesaay, B p. m. CHTTECH OP CHRIST North Cottage and Shipping atreets C. T. Springs, minister. Bible study at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11. Topic, "Chris tian Unity." Observance of the Lord's supper. Preaching in the evening at 7:30. Topic, "Three Specitie Duties of a Christian." ; THE CHTXBCH AT SALEM 197 8. Commercial street. J. Alenso Sanders, paator. Sunday Bible school. 2. Devotional, 8:1$; Y. P. F.. 6:30. Ruth Shaey Beer, director. Evangelistic, 7:30. Pastor Hoy. Neigh. McCleary. Wash., gueat speaker. Tuesday, Bible study. Thursday, testimony and praise. Satur day, gospel messsge, 7:45. FIB ST CHRISTIAN CHTTECH Corner of Center and High atreets. Guy L. Drill, minister. Church school at 9:80. Morning worship and communion at 10:45. Anthem, "Just As 1 Am," Thompson. - Sermon, "Ego Christo-Cen tricity." Christian Endeavor societies at 6:15. Evening service st 7:30. Special music. Sermon. "For God, Home and Native Land." Midweek meeting Wednes day, 7:30 p. m. " FIBST CONGREGATIONAL CHXTBCH Liberty at Center. J. B. Simonds. min ister. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sacrament of the Lord's supper. Anthem, "God Is a Spirit" by Bennett. Communion meditation. "The Un-Xumbered Multitude." At 7:30. Mon roe Sweetland will speak at the public forum on "The Protest Vote."- This will be the last in this series of discus sions on "Behind the Election." COTTBT STREET CHTTECH OF CHRIST Court and 17th streets. D. . Daniels, pastor. Bible school at 9:45. Mis Jean Hawkins, supt. Morning worship snd observsnce of the Lord's supper at 10:45. Message by Hayward H. Johnson. Evening worship and Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Message, "What Are We Go ing to Do About It!" All day meetins of the church women on Wednesday in the basement of the Bungalow. Midweek service Thursdsy at 7:30 in the Bunga low. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev. George H. Swift rector. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Holy eucharist and sermon, .11 a. m. FIBST EVANGELICAL Corner Summer and Mariou streets. Rev. Jsmes E. Campbell minister. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. L. L. Thornton, supt. Morning worship at 11 o clock. Specisl music. Sermon, "Who Owns the World!" Senior high school league and young people's league at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic serrice at 7:30 o'clock. Special music. Sermon "Evangelistic Message." Bible study Thursday at 7:30 p. m. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Ferry and 13th streets. C. Q. Weston, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. C. A. Wilson, supt. Church service at 11 a. hi. Subject. "Uetting 'l nines iron God." Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. Subject "Samson and Delilah." Prayer meeting Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Young people a service st 1 :o p. m. xnursaay. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHTTECH X. Capitol and Marion streets. Edwin Horstman, pastor. Sunday school. 10 a. m. German services. 10 a. m.. "The Glorious Gospel." English services, 11 a. ra.. "Zeal lor Righteousness. sacra ment of holy communion. Delegatea will menu mo iuuuii punu, vcuvui conference of the Portland classis in the Third Reformed church Portland Sun day afternoon and evening. HIGHLAND T TENDS Highland avenue at Chuach street. T. Clio Brown pastor. Bible school at 10 o'clock. Clifton Boss. supt. Meeting for worship at 11 a. m. Meeting en ministry and oversight at 8 p. as. Christian En deavor at 6:30 and evangeliatie services at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursdsy at 7:30 p. m. SOOTH SALEM FRIENDS CHURCH Corner S. Commercial at Washington streets. Miller H. and Hazel K. Porter, pastors. Bible school at 10 a. nt. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Midweek prayer and teaching methods, Thursday at 7:30 p. as. FIR8T CHURCH OF OOD North Cottage and Hood atreets. L. Wesley Johnson, paator. Sanday school assembly at 9:45 a. m. James S. Davis, director. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Solo by Lowell Loveall. Sermon "An Ade quate Gospel-for a Day of Uncertainty." Young people' meeting at 6:45 p. m. Evening general service at 7 :45. Ser mon, "True and False Humility." Five minute preliminary talk on "Temper ance." Service Wednesday evening 7:45. FOR CONGRESS 1st District JAMES W. M0TT 2nd District -ROY VY. RITNER 3rd District -WM. A. EKYYALl STATE TICKET Attorney General -I. II.Van WINKLE State Treasurer- RUFUS HOLM AN County Officers James McGilchrist .Sheriff U. G. Boyer Clerk R. Shelton .-LAssessor Lyle J. Page ..-Dist. Attorney L. E. Barrick . .Coroner D. G. Drager Treastixer Hugh Fisher -Surveyor Roy S. Melson ..Commissioner M. B. Hayden ....Justice Peace Herman Brown . Constable Grant Murphy County Chairman KSIGHT aTEMOKIAXi 4 COKOSEaATZOKAI. Nineteenth, and Ferry. H. C. Stover, aniniater. Morning worship at It. Sermon "My Feople." Quartet, "The Galilee.. Call" (Hall). Anthem "Seek Ye the Lord" (Roberts). Sacred concert at 7:50. Christies Eadeaver at 6:43 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. sa. Koy Hsrland, Pt. XJLTTEZ-DAT SAXVTS Cottage and Cheoseketa. Sunday school. 10 a. so. Evening aerviee, 0:30. Relief society Wednesday, 2 p. m. M. I. A. Wednesday, 7:30. A. C. Hswkins, presi dent. AhfEKICAW Z.UTHSRAK CHURCH Church street between Chemeketa and Center streets. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pas ter. Saaday school, S:4i a. am. Arnold Knieger. sept. Morning worship 11 a. a 8eanoa topic, "Will the Whole Church Program Adapt Itself for a lay Like This." 8pecial music arranged by Prof. E. W. Hobson. Solo by Miss Mary Chad wick. Mixed quartet, "for God 80 Loved the Worfd," Stainer, Ronald Craven, Richard Bartoii, . Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, Miss Hath Bedford. Young people's aerv iee, 7 p. m. arranged by the Lather league. CHRIST X.TTTHXRAM CHXTBCH Eighteenth and State atreets. Rev. Amos E. Minnoman, A. SC., paster, tier msn, 8:80 a. m. Subject, "Sins of the Tongue." English, 11 a. m. Subject, "Counting the Cost." Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Jscob Fox. supt. Luther league, 7 p. in. C. U. A. OOSPEJC TABERNACLE 655 Perry street. Rev. Koy Bressier. pastor. Sunday school. 0:45 a. m. Dan Sheets, sopt. Morning worship, 11 a. m Young people's service. 6:43 p. m. Serv ice, 7:45 p. m. Prsyer service Wednes dsy, 7:45 p. m. Choir and orchestra practice Thursday. 8. p. in. FREE METHODIST CHURCH N. Winter and Market streets. Tlio missionary convention which opened Fri day night will close today. Sunday school, 9:45. Emory Goode, supt. Mrs. Jessie Casberg returned, missionsry from In dia, will spesk at 11 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Prayer meeting Thusdar. 7 :30 p. m. JASON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH North 'Winter and Jefferson streets. Rev. Lynn A. Wood, minister. Church school, 9:45 a. m. H. B. Carpenter, aupt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Theme,. "Pae ing Life With Jesus." Epwortb leagues. 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Theme. "God's Point of View." LESLIE METHODIST CHURCH South Commercial and Myers streets. Dean C. Poiadextre, minister. Church school. 9:45 a. ra. "Worship, 11 a. an. Sermon, "True Liberty.". The leagues will meet at 6:30 p. m. Rev. Hideo Hash imoto will speak to the older league upon his impressions of the Lakeside, Ohio, youth conference. The Woman's Home Missionary society, sponsors for the Queen Esthers, will install the officers of the Queen Esther society at 7:30 p. m. FORD MEMORIAL K. E. At West Salem. K. K. Clark, minister. Church school. 10 a. m. Kenneth Abbott, aupt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon. "The Hypocrisy of Repeal." Epworth league, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 p. as. Miss Snth Bedford will present Ronald Craven, Richard Barton, Garland Hollowell. Jamea Smart, Mrs. Sholseth, Mrs. Stanley Satchwell, in a sacred con cert. SALEM MEXNOWITE CHURCH Corner 17th and Chemeketa streets. H. H. Dick, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. as. H. W. Wall. snpt. Morning worship at 11. "What Do We Owe Our Government." - Evening aerrieea at 7:30 with Rev. Carl Wakerbarth giving the message. Wednesday night at 7:30 Rev. Enoch Zimmerman will conduct a class in "Personal Evangelism." Evening Bible school Friday at 7:30. EVERYONE'S WELCOME! 3TLJNIIDAY 5IHIS)L RAILUTT Sunday, Nov. 1st 9:45a.m. FinGT NAZ AEIENE CHURCH 13th c"ter "VOTERS Read Carefully! A TAXI l THIS MEASURE LIMITATION CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS HAVIMd 100,009 POPULATION Purpose: Te aaaea4 Use constitution to levy taxes nt to MASQUERADING UNDER FALSE COLORS th is amendment Is not a TAX LIMITATION It's a TAX BOOST of $1.300.000-although purposely word ed to DECEIVE YOU that Portland School District would operate for 80 of the 1932 levy, or 20 less. " r This measure Is not honestly and fairly presented to you with all facts , clearly stated the main purpose of the bill Is CONCEALED. Portland school census shows rapid decline, ever 100 Vacant rooms with t,000 less enrolled. INCREASED TAXES ARE NOT JUSTIFIED. DONT PERMIT Portland School Board to tamper with present Tax umitauon I nw observed by all outer school districts in Oreeon; or to enact SPECIAL LAWS by Statewide vote for PORTLAND BENEFIT ONLT. ...... DONT PERMIT Portland School District to become exempt from FULL LEGISLATIVE CONTROL as to general school laws. Maintain HOME RULE THROUGHOUT THE STATE and reaulre Portland School District to submit special problems of school operation to the Voters of its own district. SA9T AIDS TAXPATKKS IXAUUK, KAIL WAT- KXCHANOK BUM.. PORTLAND. OKEOON. laws li NeweiL FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL State and Church streets. James E. MiUigan. pastor; Mildred Bartholomew, director of young people's activities : Rob ert M. Getke, aupt. chureti school. Chorea school. 9:4i a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. an. Sermoa. "Letters from a Prodigal 8oa." High school league will meet at 6:15 to go ia a body to attend the Epworth League service tt Jason Lee eharah. University vespers.. Sunset honr for feUewaltip at 5:30. Diacnssion. 6:30. Subject. "After Election, WhaiT" Ei img worship. 7:30. Ineme. "Letter from Another Son. Young adults, S:45 p. m. ia the Carrier room. FIRST KAZASEJTE CHURCH Corner of 13th and Center atreets. Rev. L. W. Collar, pastor. Sanday school at 9:45. Departments snd classes for all ages. Frank Litwiller. supt. Morning worship at 11. Special music by the choir. Joha Friesea, director. Oeimoa by Rev. Edgsr Sima. N. T, P. 8. meeta at 6:30. Evening evangelistic service at 7:SO Duet, Miss Haael Edwards and Mr. Lit willer. Sermon by Rev. Sima. Wednesday prayer service at 7:30 p. nt. Thursday evening radio broadcast. At 6:30 Thurs day evening a dinner reception at the Y.M.C-a.. for Rev. and Mrs. Collar and family. Friday evening young people' prayer aerviee. PRESBTTEBIAV CHXTBCH Winter and vhemeketa atreeta. Grover C. Birtchet. D. It-, pastor. Church achoel directed by J. J. Fitxsimraons,- supt.. 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 11. Ser mon. "Men for the Cities of Our God." Anthem. "Onwsrd Christisn Soldiers." Schnecker. Christian Endeavor societies, 6:30 p. ro. Evening worship, 7:30 p, m. Sermon, "The Voice of the Dead." Choir htrmn. "Lead lie Gently Home. Fath er." Thompson. Wednesdsy, 7:30 p. m. prsyer meeting. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST . SCIEHTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. San day school at 10 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject. "Everlasting Punishment." Testimony meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday. Heading room in the Mssonie temple, 11 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.. except Sundsys and holidays. ATTEND THE GRACE GOSPEL HALL SUN DAY. 0:43 a. m., 2:SO & 7:30 P. 51. 15th & Mill Sts. "The Wages of Sin is Death, bat the Gift of God is Eternal Life, thru Jesus Christ Oar Lord. RADIO'S NEWEST HIT KOIN 6 P. M. P.S.T. (Portland) AND CIS NETWORK Featuring FLOYD GIBBONS MEADUMC HUNTER AND M.C VINCENT LOPEZ AMD HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA . IRENE BORDONI FAMOUS COMEDIENNE BILL ROBINSON WORLD'S 0 RCA TEST TAP DANCER APPEARS ON TOUB BALLOT:- exceed M of TOTAL tSSS lerj . . . XL. U WOsaa. Bohart atttchan. Tjmm AUsweH. P. EHOLEWOCD UNITED BRETHREK 'Seventeenth and Nebraska streets. K. C Mann, minister. Church school, 9 :4.S a. m. Mrs. Anna Wolcott, supL-Mernlntf worship. 10:50 o'clock. Theme, "The Excellency of the Right Wsy." Anthem. "Angelic Songs" by Hines. Junior church meets at the ssme hour. Mrs. J. C. Hill, director. Christina Endeavor, 6:20 p. m. Special aerviee celebrating "Worid Advancement Day," 7:30 p. in. Special musie and other features of iaterebt wits address by Mrs. - Lynn A. Wood. Midweek Bible study Wednesdays, 7:30 P. ns. . i UHIOS BULB CLASS T.M.C.A.. Tuesday, S p. m. Mr. Fer berg will disenss the topic. "What Alout thr Heathen!" OUT OP TO WIT CHURCHES Clear Lake Evangelical Herbert I.. Bennett, minister. Morning worship st 9:45 o'clock. Piano solo, cioprsno solo, "Satisfied with Jesus" (McKianey;, Miss Phyllis iis.t . Sermon. "In tJ Heart of a Pharaoh." Sunday school at 10:45 a. m. W. "P. Collard, aupt. Bible study Wednesday at S p. as. Lablsh Center Evangelical Herbert E. Bennett, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. nf. W. A. -Starker, supt. Morning worship at 11, o'clock. Choir number. "Master, the Tempest Is Raging." tin praae sole "I Know It" (I.Hlena. Miss Phyllis, Macy. Sermon, "Noah, too Builder." Young People's league at 7 p. m. Mrs. Edna Kurth, leader. Choir practice Thnrsday at 7 p. ra. Bib!- study Thnrsday at 8 p. m. Marie Fr.eads Church Sunday school . 10 a. m. Lowell Lambert, supt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Message by Rev. Head rick. Christian Endeavor, 7:15up. m. Evangelistic -service. S p. m. Messsge by Rev. Headrick. Throughout the week, services each evening at 8 p. as. br Re. Dennis B. Headrick of Springbrook. i i Brookt Methodist Chnrch 3 u n 4 a y school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Theme, -"Needed, a Rock Man." Young people's meeting. 6:30. Preaching aerviee. 7:30. Rev. Joba Finkbeiner. pastor. Vote For R. (Tad) for County Assessor His record as present coun ty assessor and formerly as chief deputy entitle him to election. Efficient - Courteous Dependable CONTINUE SHELTON AS ASSESSOR Pd. Adr. also i READ VOTERS J PAMPHLET PACE 17 U Cover i 4 Sheh