The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1936, Page 11, Image 11

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    " t
The OUEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October 27, 134 v
Sesurclhi Tlhies
to :Fi' iWliat
1 t t
Classified Ads
Call 9101
Classified Advertising
Single insertion per line 10c
Three Insertions per lino 20 c
Six Insertions per line 30c
One month per line ... ,$1.00
Minimum charge 25c
Copy for th1 page accepted until
(:30 the evening before publication
for classification. - Copy received
after this time will be run under
the headlig. Too Lsl to Cias
slfy , - r.v.
The Statesman assumed no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may apper 4n advertisements rub--tlshed
in ftaf columns, and In cases
where this paper Is at fault will re
print that part of an advertisement
In which the typographical mistake
The Statesman reserves the right
to' reject questionable advertising.
It further reserves the right to
place all advertising under the
proper classification.
1 Help Wanted Female
BOARD FOR 2, some wages. In ex
chng. woman's help In kitchen. T. 4445.
Situations Wanted
FURNACE AND sibol repairing.
Drain troughs cleaned. Mallory-Thomp-son,
TeL 8147.
CHIMNEY SWEEP, furnace and
stove repairing. Drain troughs cleaned.
Mallory-Thompson, Tel. 814".
clerking Saturdays. 696 N. Cottage. TeL
WANTED NURSING by experien
ced nurse. Tel. S254.
PAINTER AND interior decorator
wishes position with contractor. 371
Rosfinont, West Salem.
WANTED WORK, hour, or day.
Apt. 310, Monterey Apts Tel. 6431.
WILL CARE for children, day or
night. Exp. Mis. Earley, 1545 N. Cap
itol. PRACTICAL NURSE, day, week, or
month. 1113 Ruse.
For SaleMiscellaneous j
WE BUY sell exchange anything
that's saleable at Woodry's Auction
Market, 1610 N. Summer. In Holly
wood. Phone 5-1-1-0.
- ADDING MACHINES, cash regis
ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped.
Expert repair service, moderate prlcea
Roen Typewriter txc. 42 Court.
COAT MILK, quarts 17c. pints 12c
TeL 3175. Capitol Dairies.
Salem Box Co.
Telephone 9189
Order now while the supply last a
BEI.CREST AT cost TeL 6367.
PIANO WAL. case. 635 Chemeketa.
FAT HENS 50c. Dressed, wrapped
for cold storage 55c ea. 1400 .S. 22nd.
GREY FUR coat, size 33, sacrifice.
569 N. 23rd after 5 p. m. ;
BABY BUGGY for sale, good con
dition. 348 Union St. ' ,,
APPLES, GOOD Gravensteins. ; 25c
A 35c bv. Ering boxes. Ernest Ander
son, Orchard Htights road. Polk Co.
SMALL RANGE, kitchen cabinet,
bed springs and dresser 248 Marlon.
WHT BUY wormy apples. when you
can get the best for 25 and 50c with
out the '-worm. Bring containers any
dav excelt Sunday. 2600 S. Summer.
PAINTED TURTLE and feed 25c;
snails red. mystery and trapdoor.
1920 S. 12th. Gold Fish Farm.
CLEAN' 'WARM air from the "Cole
man" scientifically designed floor fur
nace, fully automatic, special intro
ductory offer limited time only, see at
sales room, 32D N. Commercial, Sid
ney S. Day Inc., HEATING EQUIP
MENT. ' ,
HALLOWE'EN PURE, sweet cider,
33 cents gallon. 7C3 Rural Ave., phone
FRENCH DOORS, 2 pair, In excel
lent condition. TeL 5540.
. FOR PALE Poultry Fertilizer,
sacked. Straight or With peat moss.
Also with straw. Ph.' 133F2. Lee's
Hatchery. :
Extra good -piano and bench. $93.00.
Terms. 606 N. 14th. Tel. 7249.
j Wantel -Miscellaneous!
WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In
hell, any quantity Slate Cafeteria.
tt'OODRY THE auctioneer pays cash
or trade for used furniture or what
have you? Ph. 6-t-tv; -.,
HIGHEST PRrOU for old bldgs.
20th Century Wrecking Co., 411 N.
Front ''.I'
Free We pick OuO and worta
te horses, cows, sbreo Tet 4869.
WILL TRADE tkycle for band In
strument. What hays you? Phone 7781.
WANTED Best" kitchen range, that
$10 cash will buy V'alao want to rent
small acreage close to town. R E.
Cookln. Rl, BoxSl, Salem.
COLD STORAGE locftera. Ramags'i
N. Uberty Phone 8751.
I Wanted Furniture
Stoves, Furniture
Capital Hardware ft Furniture Ce.
til N. Commercial Pbone till
Western Advertising
Fencer-Hall Co, Ltd.
Saa Frasruoe, boa Aorelas. Seattle
Eastern Advertising (
RepresenU tires
Bryant. Griffith Bmneoa, lae.
Chicago. New York. Detrelt.
Boston. Atlanta -
Vnfered at fit roatoTficm at flelem,
Orepcn, ea Seeead-CloM Hatter. Ph
lissed every morn fa 7 accept Monday
B mines of firm. 315 Sotk Commercial
stall Subscription Rates, in Advanca,
Wtthla Oregon: Dally and Sunday. 1
sCo. 50 eenu: 1 Ma $1.2; S Ma. $;
1 year $4.00. Elsewhere $0 cents per
Mo, or $5.00 for 1 year In advance. Pet
Copy 3 centa News Stands S cents. '
By City Carrier: 45 centa a month:
$5.01 a year In advance. -
For Rent Rooms
BOARD, P.M. Close In. 315 Bellevue.
CLEAN, LARGE, comfortable room
for gentleman, close in. phone 4743.
NICE FURN. rw 446 Oak. P. 9534.
KM., GARAGE, breakf. opt. TeL
Sleeping rooms, SS ma. 1570 Missouri,
Room and Board
ROOM. BOARD. "43 S, CommercIaL
SLEEPING ROOM, phone 4849.
CLOSE IN, very bejst tnard and
room steam heat day and night. Cor.
S. Commercial, 815 Bellevue.
ROOM and BOARD. TeL 3614.
i tor Kent Apartments J
' 2 ROOM FURNISHED apt., private
hath. 14"tt Waller St. 5
FOR RENT Furn. apt., adults. Ref
erences. 60 N. 14th. i ;
y FURN. ILK. ROOMS, 160 Division.
MODERN 2 ROOM furnished apt.
Close In. Tel. SSS4 ;
FURN. AND unfurn. apts., 1710 N.
CapitoL Van Orsdol Apts.
CLOSE IN apt. Very coay. US Union.
CLOSE IN ;3 R. furn. duplex, first
floor. Adults. S60 Mill. T. G. Albert.
2 ROOM FURN. apt., lights, water,
$2.25 wk. 1230 Oak TeL 5276.
3 ROOM UPSTAIRS furn. apt. "Ad
ults only. $ 12 mo. Lights, water. 412
N. 21st. - - I
3 R. furn. apt., priv, bath; sleeping
porch. Adults. 666 S. Summer.
Light hskpg. rms. TeL 5715.
Strictly , modern unfurn. apt. with
bedroom. Adults. 755 Ferry St.
For Rent Houses
MODERN 5 ROOM house. Call 8233.
5' ROOM HOUSE, all modern In
quire 1009 N. Fifth St.
-- iViVi'i'tWWMVwxftrwi
NIPELY FI'RM. mivlorn 5 rnnmi
$30. 2250 Chemeketa, call 5491 after 6.
TO REXT Large house 1 blk. from
State House : completely furnished. A
good proposition to sub-lease.
Also 3 A., 1 mi. from city limits; $15
per month.
H. C. Shields, TeL SS02. 210 Oregon bid.
For Rent
Hospital beds and wheHct.alrs to
eitt, tl. 1. Stiff I umlture Co.
Of flee rooms tor rant it Stats St.
IVt 3713 1
Office for rent, 4th floor; north and
west front. .;. Reception room and priv
ate office. See Hawkins and Roberts.
TJ SPMP1IT -.nAm - oil nranlnnri
es; 2 garages no drinkers. Tel. 7172.
Wanted to Rent
YOUNG MAN, desires room and
board, priv.- family pref. Box 834, care
of Statesman, f ;.
For Sale Real Estate
BY OWNER. 7 R -no use at 1745
State. TeL 9479.
GOOD OLD house, small lot, close to
business district. Price only $2000.
SEE Mrs. Ellis with
CIirLDS-; MILLER, Realtors
3 it State St. ; Phone 6708.
' THE FINEST. view property in Sa
lem.'? room home, 3 large lots. Price
today only $7500. A little recondition
ing will double its -value. Small -down
payment, bal.' monthly basis.
' SEK Mrs. ISUis with
314 State St Phone 6708.
CLOSE IN.l Two acres of ground. 4
room unfinished home. Only $1S00 with
$300 down payment.
First Natlonal .Bank Bldg.
$250 DOWN. PRICE $lS50 6 R.
house and 2 good lots, -paved street
a good buy. ;
$900 cash, price $2375 an excep
tionally good ! 4 R. house, 2 bedrooms.
basement z furnace, nice lot This IsJ
sometmnB gopa lor me money.
$1000 down, dandy 5-R. house, base
ment, furnace fireplace, garage, fine
location, price $2100.00. You will like
this place. 1
buys good 5 R. house on a mighty fine
lot in good location. ; Better see thla
one. '.. . .
What about a good creek lot? Nice
S-R. house, 63 ft. frontage; can be had
for $2900 terms.
DANDY -R.- home, strictly modern
and a real Lome for $2700 41300 cash.
ROOMING I HOUSE. 9-rooms, base
ment & furnace, 1 H -lot, good shape.
Price : only $2650 $1500 down.
If you want to buy or sell, SEE
Jas. D. Sears Chas. Sanders
IIS-8. High f . , Phone 5131.
NICE 8-ROOM home on Winter
street Close i in ; can have a 2-flat
apartment that will bring you in a
nice Income'; on your investment. A
dandy lot and perfect location. Price
reduced this' week to $3300 $1000
down. This place will gross about 15
on your money. Call office for appoint
ment to see ' . .
Jus. t. Sears Chas. Sanders
1J8 a High ! Phone 5131.
MODERN 6 ROOM home, large lot
is fenced, double garage. Bearing fruit
trees. - !'..
GOOD 7 ROOM house, full basement,
fruit nut and shade trees, shrubs and
berries. $ lots. All or part. Not on Sun
day. J. B. Moorman, 2589 Laurel Ave.,
Salem, Oregon.
---- - -- - -ri-i-i-innnrinjnrinnArt
ft R. HOUSE CREEK lot $2750
terms. TeL 7349 COS N. 14th St
Homes. (Irant 629 Court- TeL T7XJ.
S Km. ; bath t plast. : garage ; wood
slieil ; fenceH nice roses ; $1000 ; part
cash. !:.
3 Rms. : gas ; elect. ; Wg lot ; paved
street, pd. $800 f $250 cash; $15 month.
Rms.; bath; 3 bed rms.; walks;
pave. pL ; good location, north. You
must see this one for bargain. See
F. Griepentrog, 194 McCoy St
.1 Tel. 4954.
2 A. ; 5 R, liouse : stream ; very well
located. $1600; $300 down; $15 per
mo. . . i ;
10 A. ; S R. liouse : barn ; good well ;
creek. A good buy at $1800. One-half
cash. -
20 ' A. without bldgs. Exceptional
soil ; near highway : -north. $100 per A.
. S R. bouse: all plastered: In good
condition ; paved street, paid. $2190 ;
$500 down. -1 .
. Good grocery stock and fixtures ;
well Iocatel : nt a sacrifice.
1853 N. Capitol. Phone 3031.
1 ExcliangeReal Estate
WELL LOCATED 2 A. suburban S
R. and nook. For 3-bedroom house In
or near Snlem, or whnt have you? Will
asume. 525 N. 14th. :
I. For Sale Used Cars
Oearance Sale Ends October : 3.1st '
1930 Chev. Sedan, comp. overhauled .:$300.00
1931 Ford DeLuxe Roadster,' rumble seat 300.00
1930 Studebaker Coupe, a dandy ....J... 310.00
1930 Ford Coach, a nice clean car 290.00
1930 Ford Coupe 275.00
1935 V-8 Reg. Coach : 545.00
1932 Hudson Coupe, rumble seat 445.00
1933 V-8 Reg. Coach, low mileage
1928 Chev. 4-Door Sedan
Valley Motor
Center A Liberty Phone 3158
Used Cars
Choose Your Used Car from This List of
Amazing Values
1934 PONTIAC Sedan. 6-wheel equipped
1934 CHEVROLET Master Coupe
1934 CHEVROLET Master Sedan ...
1932 STUDEBAKER Club Sedan
1931 FORD Coupe ;
1930 CHRYSLER 77 Sedan. New tires
1930 Oakland Spt Coupe i
1929 Dodare Sedan, leather upholstery ; low mileage
192 FORD Coach ...;
1928 BUICK 4-pass. Coupe ... .
1928 BUICK Standard Coach
1926 HUPMOBILE Sedan
1927 CHRYSLER Sedjn
1927 ESSEX Coach .
Otto J Wilson
BUICK & PONTIAC Sales & Service 1 :
S88 North Commercial - Salom, Oregon Phone 5431
Exchangee Real Estate
IV, A. IN Woodburn. bldgs.J fruit.
clear. Exch. for Salem, Portland or
coast property, W. S. Bates, R. 1,
W oodburn. ,
For Sale Farms
FARMS. ACREAGE, for rent, sale.
trade. Oregon Land Co.. Woodburn. )r.
6214 ACRES. ABOUT 33 under plow,
balance timber and pasture. AH river
bottom loam, good 6 room house, barn.
other outbldgs. Plenty of fruit, nuts
and berries. With the place goes good
team, 5 cows, 4 heifers and bull. Some
hens. All tools, equipment and bam
full of alfalfa hay. 14 acres in good
alfalfa. Account of ill health will sac
rifice at only $6500 for all. Some terms.
SEE Mr. Walter with . - S
344 State St. Phone 6708.
10 ACRES 8 MILES out On good
road, one-half in cultivation, balance
timber and pasture. Comfortable 5
room house, electricity, mail route,
good well, creek. Price $1000, part
terms, bal. easy.
EivK curtora tiaroia witn 1
344 State St Phone 6T08.
IF YOU are in the market for a
farm, look Into this. 80 acres good dark
loam on Pacific highway north. Re
duced to $8000. Terms.
First National Bank Bldg.
1 ACRE, NICE 3-R. house, elec
tric lights, garage, price $1300 $500
5-acres unimproved, 2 miles east for
11150 nice tract to build on 14 mile
east, close to schooL A snap.
10- ACRES, 7 miles out paved road,
fine soil, stream, all kinds fruit, nuts
and berries. Good 3-R. house, barn and
P. II., $2400 $600 down. s
11- ACRES, 4 miles S. E., good soiL
New house, barn and poultry house
only $3500 $500 down. If you want
a real new place close In, see this one.
Now here , is an up-to-date placer-10-A.
1 miles out on paved road.
Modern 6 R. house. When I say mod
ern. "I mean it Poultry house. 24-116.
Fruit nuts and garden. Owner sick,
-unable to run It and will give some one
a bargain. Call for appointment to look
this over, as we will not tell where it
it Must be seen to be appreciated. See
Jas. D. Sears- Chaa. Sanders
118 S. High Phone 513L
FOR SALE Five or 10 acres river
bottom and upland. Also attractive
market garden proposition: partner
ship basis. One mile on Wallace road.
Route 1, Box 137. rhone 6F4. i W. C.
I Wanted Real Estate i
WANTED GOOD Improved 10 " e
20 acre tract near Salem. Cash deal.
Write Roy Morgan. Rapelje, Mont
( Money to Loan
Less '
On Your Own Signature
" All Types of Loans
AOS .! "J: -
Auto Refinancing
You Must be Satisfied
Phone 3740
Loan Society
ttoom 119 New Bligh Bldg Sod Floer
. SIS SUte St . Stiem. Ore.
License 8 1 22- M 165:
mortgage real estate loans; farm and
city properties. Net Investors B4 to
Amounts $300 to $2000. Exam
ine security yourself. . t 4 j
344 State St Phon 7C$
PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles
New low rates. Roy H. Simmons., First
National Bank Bldg. Lie 4-15X
i( For Sale Used Cars
,, .., . . Sa5
..$ 75
..$ 75
..$ 43
Bet&r Used Cars for Less Money at
BulcK Coach
Jordan Sedan
30 Ply. Sedan ..
32 Chev. Coach
33 Chev. Sedan
34 Ford Tudor
36 Chev. Std. Sedan .....695.00
36 Chev.Mst Town Sedon 7&5.00
McKay Chevrolet Co.
333 Center Phone 3189 430 N. Com'l.
Open Evenings and Sundays
Borrego9s Car Mkt.
193S Ford coach
1931 Essex sport coupe
1929 Fontiac sedan
1929 Hudson roadster
1927 Pontlac coupe
1927 Chevrolet sedan ...
Paige sedan, good condition
.$ 50
Remember Borrego's
a Better Buy
525 Marion St
Phone 4533.
Money to Loan
MONEY BY an Independent local
corporation on pianos, musical Instru
ments, automobiles, furniture, live
stock and endorsed notes. New tow
rates 1 to 70 months to repay.
General Finance Corp.
Phone 916$ Lie. S-1S.
First Nat'L Bank Bids., Salem, Ore.
Federal bousing toana title 2. build
or refinance homes or business prop
Low rates A brains A Ellis. Masonic R
$800 to load. Box 837, c-o Statesman.
Loans Wanted
l.oans wanted on term ani city
property. Before borrowing. Inquire
at Hawkins A Roberta
THOUSAND. Salem Federal Savings
A Loan Ass'n. 130 So. Liberty.
Livestock and Poultry
LEGHORN HENS and pullets, 140
New Hampshire Reds mated. ; Eggs
sold for hatching1 all year. Warinefe
Hatchery, 546 Highland Ave.
FOR SALE 50 R. I. Red pullets. 1
roosters, blood tested, from rood test
ed stock. Mrs. R. McNown. Rt , Scio,
SALE Bronse turkeys. Big; broad
breasted. Not related to Willamette
valley strains. Prices reasonable. J.
C Leedy, 2 mL east of Brooks.
FOR SALE White Lethom pullets.'
Now laying. Best quality. Ph. 133F
Lees Hatchery.
For Sale Wood !
TeL 6000. Salem Feel Co. Trade S
Cottage. - ' '
ALL KINDS of wood. TeL 611
DRY WOOD, all kinds. TeL $S.
lt OLD FIB, $5.10. Tel. 9456.
GOOD WOOD, reaa, Tel $354.
1$ IN. OLD fir, alder, maple, $5.60
cd. Pbone (010. f s'.
4 FT. ASH. $5.75. delivered. Geo.
Kappauf. R. 1. Turner. Ore.
ALL KINDS rood wood : contract
hauling. Reasonable. TeL 3858.
Wood Sawing
WOOD SAWING, reason. TeL I0.
J. H. BOEN1NG. Phone tSS-
WOOD SAWING reasonable. TeL
8290.- . .
Lost and Found
'LOST Keys on ring, between post
office and high school. Reward. Leave
at Statesman; - - vj"-"
ticT r .v. PaituiiiK wrist watch.
Reward ; no questions. Chamberlln,
Rt 4, Box 440. Salem.
. LOST Black wool coat belt with
buckle to match. TeL 6524 tor (108.
T For Sale Used Cars Tj
-Then -
i. ,
Marion A Liberty Phone 7910.
October Bargain Sale
1936.DeSoto Custom 4-D. Tour.
Sedan. Overdrive trans
mission, new car guaran
tees low mileage. Just like
new, and only ..... $995.00
1933 Terraplane 4-D. Tour. Se
dan, low mileage, new car
guarantee 675.00
1931 Hudson 4-D. Sedan, motor
reconditioned, car has had
very good care
1931 DeSoto Sa-4-D. Sedan.
special bargain price 295.00
1931 Ford Deluxe 4-D. Sedan,
A-l condition 295.00
1330 Ford Deluxe Bus. Coupe .,. 265.00
1928 Durant Four 4-D. Sedan,
In wonderful condition .... 145.00
1927 Chevrolet 2 - D. Sedan,
miles of cheap transporta
tion . ..." 75.00
1927 Chevrolet Touring only 43.09
1927 Pontiac 2-D. Sedan. Look
this over, an exception .... 133.00
1926 Nash Touring car, Calif.
top .
1925 Ford 2-D. Sedan, as is ......
W. L. Anderson, Inc.
DeSoto-Plymouth Motor Cars
360 Marlon Phone 7703 Salem
Pick Ups and Trucks
1925 International
U W. B.
pickup .$575.50
1934 Dodge two-ton L. W. B. 650.'O
1933 Ford 1 4 ton S. W. B. 330.00
James H. Maden Co.
217 State Sf! Phone 8590
sale by owner, 640 S, CapitoL
FOR SALE by owner, 193 Chev.
truck, long wheel base. Van body. Dual
wheels. ltw mileage. , Built and used
as house car, or suitable for transfer
or farm truck. 1205 N. Summer St.
1935 CHEV. TRUCK, long wheel
base. Good aa new. 707 Union.
HOUSE TRAILER priced to selL Rt
1, Box 246 or phone 2F22.
BOY'S Chev. Touring car; cheap for
cash. TeL 9339. . - f .
No. 815S
Estate of John J. Mickey
In the Coupty Court of the
State of Oregon for the County
of Marion Probate Department.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, as Executor of the
estate of John J. Mickey, deceased,
has filed his final account in the
office of the County Clerk of
Marion County, Oregon, and that
. , 1 ...... .
Business Directory
Cards In this directory ran Mattresses
on a monthly basis only. SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress
Rate; SI per line per month. Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to
"" ortjCPi 0jj remade ; carpet cleaning, slz-
' " " ' Ing; fluff rug weaving. S. 13th A Wll-
1 Auto Brakes g To'il'"1" OTT F' zwicker-
Mike Pa nek. 27$ South Commercial. Mirrors
V Brushes Mirrors resilvered. 807 N. 19th.
FULLER BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL I MnaiV 5fnre 1
(724. 2785 Brooks St Eve. appoint- IHU81C Oioreg
tnents. .
- ' " " " GEO. C WILL Planoa, radios, sewing
f T,.;l.l:ra , I machines, sheet music and piano stud-
j Omiding "contractor tea Repairlns radios, phonographs and
sewing machines. 432 State street.
FOWLER A SONS TeL $183. Salem,
- - '
1 1 1 1 1 1 e
I Chimney Sweep Painting
TELEPHONE! 4450. R. a. Northnesa. ALSO KALSOMIN1NG. reason. $147.
( Chiropractors Photo Engraving
DR. Ot L. SCOTT.i PSC Chiropractor. Salem photo engraving. 141 N. Com
25( N. High. TeL Rea. $762 merclaL TeL 6881. -
: Electrical Service - Printing )
BOSLER Electric. 240 State St WIr- FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph-
mg, motors, appliance, repairs, service, lets, programs, books or any kind of
-i i n i printing, call 1 he Statesman Printing
GENERATOR EXCH., auto wrecking, fe.rtmf9L ,li CcnmL Tel
expert repairlns. 030 N. CommercIaL
1 Excavating Sewing Machine Repairs
Excavating aU kinds. Barents & & Sherman, f 8(7$. IU1 Waller.
dug. Dirt bauled or w.oved. Dirt for I 1 . 1 c. . 1
sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Pbone I : ' ' ' OtOVCS - I
$40$. . ' ' '
- We repair stoves, ranges, eirculatora
Flnfieta Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and
a iurts , circulators, stock fence, posts, cbickea
... ... i wire. Salem Fence and Stove Work
Brelthaupta, 44 Court 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. U.
. Fleming. , i
ALL kinds of floral wort. Luts. Flee- I
ist 127$ w. - Liberty TeL s2. j Taxidermist I
. - -Fnrg- - t E. WIGGINS. I mil N. Pae. hwy,
DuBAIN Fur Co. Master furriers and I Tmnafpr I
designers. Rm. $ A t. Miller Bldg. iraustcr
I w i i FOR local or distant transfer storage,
' Laundries call S131. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks
111 to -Portland daily.
THE WEIDEB fcAUNDRY Ramseyer truck service. Phone 8384.
2(3 a High , .,TeL 125 CApiTAL c, Tr.Brfer Co.-22(
CAPITAL CITT? LAUNDRY State St TeL 717$. Distributing, for-
Flrst In Quality and Service warding and . lorage our specialty. Gel
Telephone 21(5 12(4. Broadway our ratca
Lawn Mowers "1 ( Vacuum Cleaners
Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. AUTH. HOOVER sales and rvlce.
4514 H-urv W. Scott 147 & Com! Ralph Cochran. 735 South St T. 423$.
t Mattresses 1 Well Drilling 1
CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40(9. R. A. West RL $, Bos 445. TeL .110F5-
Naomi Rebekahs
Hold Homecoming
- DAYTON. Oct. 26-SUty mem
bers and friends attended the an
nual homecoming of Naomi Re
bekah lodge of Dayton Friday
night. Special guests were - from
Portland and McMinnville. Mr.
and Mrs. S. R. Tilson of Blachley,
Mrs. Virginia O d o m of Valley
Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Rossner of Salem were members
from a distance who returned.
Baskets of fall flowers In the
hall were beautiful. Mrs; D. C.
Clark gave a group of selections
on her electric guitar, Helen Jan
nette Dower a reading, Enos Wil
lard sang.
A club luncheon was served.
Mill Near Sandy Burns
: PORTLAND. Oct. 26-(iP)-The
Greenwood lumber company five
miles east of Sandy was destroyed,
by fire Saturday night.. Fifty
thousand feet of lumber and ties
were burned. Loss was estimated
at $4,000. The blaze was started
by sparks from the boiler.
Monday, the "th day of December.
1936, at the hour of 10:00 in the
forenoon of said d a y , In the
County Court Room of said Court,
has been appointed by said Court
as the time and place for the
hearing of objections thereto and
the settlement , thereof.
Dated and first published Octo
ber 27. 1S36.
Last publication November 24,
Attorney. O 27-N 3-0-17-24.
that the undersigned administra
tor of the estate of Frank Gross
man. Deceased, will on and after
Friday, November 13. 1936, at the
office of William H. Trindle. 314
United States N a 1 1 o n a 1 Bank
Building, Salem, Oregon, sell at
private sale, for cash, the follow
ing described real premises owned
by the estate of Frank Grossman.
Beginning at the Northeast
corner of Bush and Saginaw
Streets in the City of Salem.
Marion County, State of Ore
gon, running thence Easterly
along the North line of said
Bush Street 150 feet: thence
Northerly parallel with thet
East line of said Saginaw '
Street 63 feet; thence West
erly parallel with the North
line of said Bush Street, 150
feet to the East line of said
Saginaw Street ; thence
Southerly along the East line
of said Saginaw Street 63
feet to the place of beginning,
situated, in Marion County,
State of Oregon!
Said sale will be made under
and pursuant to the terms of an
order of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Marion Coun
ty, made and entered the 3rd day
of October, 1936, in the matter
therein pending entitled: In the
Matter of the Estate of Frank
Grossman, Deceased, No. 9184.
Dated and first published: Oc
tober 6, 1936.
Administration of the Es
tate of Frank Grossman,
Attorney for the Estate.
U. S. National Bank Bldg..
Salem, Oregon. Oct, 6-13-20-27-Nov.
3, 1936.
"It Can't Happen Here"
Continued page 4)
come In with you. And say," .when
we get this man's revolution go
ing, let me drive the tumbril with
Doc ia it, Say. remember 'Tale of
Two Cities? Good book. Say, how
about getting out a humorous life
of Windrip? You'd Just have to
tell the facts!" ;
Buck 'Titus, pleased as a boy
invited to go camping, offered his
secluded houseand. in especial, its
huge basement for the headquar
ters ot the New Underground, and
Buck, Dan. and Doremus made
their most poisonous plots with
the assistance of hot rum-punches
at Buck's fireplace.
The Fort Beulah cell of the
N. U.. as It was composed in mid
March, a couple of weeks after
Doremus had founded it, consist
ed of himself, his daughters, Buck,
Dan, Lorinda, Julian Falck, Dr.
Olmsted John Pollikop, Father
Pref ixe (and he argued with the
agnostic Dan, the athiest Polli
kop, more than ever he had with
Buck), Mrs. Henry Veeder, whose
farmer husband was fn Trianon
Concentration Camp; Harry Kind
ermann, the dispossessed Jew;
Mungo Kitterick, that most un
Jewish and un-Socialisiic Jawyer;
Pete Vutong and Daniel Babcock,
farmers, and some dozen others.
The Reverend ' Mr. Falck, Emma
Jessup, and Mrs. Candy, were
more or less unconscious tools' of
the N. U. But whoever they were,
of whatever faith or station, Dore
mus found in all of them the relig
ious passion he had missed in the
churches: and if altars, if win
dows of many-colored glass. had
never been peculiarly holy objects
to him, he understood them now
as he gloated over such sacred
trash as scarred type and a creak
ing hand press.
Once it was Mr. Dimick of Al
bany again; once, another insur
ance agent who guffawed at the
accidental luck of insuring Shad
Ledue's new Lincoln; once it: was
an Armenian peddling rugs; once,
Mr. Sampson of Burlington look
ing for pineslashing for paper
pulp; but whoever it was, Dore
mus heard from the New Under
ground every week. He was busy
as he had never been in newspaper
days, and happy as on youth's ad
venture in Boston.
Humming and most cheerful,
he ran the small press, with the
hearty bump-bump-bump of the
foot treadle, admiring his own
skill as he fed in the sheets. Lor
inda learned from Dan Wilgus to
set type, with more fervor than
accuracy about el and ie. Emma
and Sissy and Mary folded news
sheets and sewed up pamphlets by
hand, all of them working in the
high-old brick -walled basement
1 Ox of Tibet
4 -Begin
9 Hebrew letter
12 Constellation
13 What Chief Ju.tice of the U. S.
succeeded Joba Marshall ?
14 Wine vessel
15 Faithful counselor
17 .What is the capital of
19 Classify
20 Sea eagle
21 Small particle of fire
23 Myself ; ?
25 Tissue
28 Heroine of "Lohengrin"
29 Price of a person's transporta
tion 31 Metal
32 Chinese measure
33 What U. 3. President died on
a tour?
36 Japanese measure
37 Of each aa equal quantity
39 Leguminous plant
40 Dry
42 What park In Loadon is kaowa
for its "soap-box" orators?
44 Printer's measure
45 Wind instrument
40 Son of Jacob
48 Greek god of war
49 la classical aeythelofy, who
ferried souls over the Styx?
52 Heaped or pOed up
65 Goal
66 Medium of excbAng
58 Japanese statesman .
69 Footlike part
60 Passages out
61 Old horse
1 Sweet potato
2 Exist .
3 Of what state is Alfred Lan
do the governor?
4 Large wading bird
5 Small pie v
- 6 Indefinite article '
7 Kind of cloth ,
8 What seaport of ancient Phoe-
, aicia was faaaons for its purple
dye 7
' " - -a- - -
Cross Word Puzzle
15 ' 16 17 IS
21 22 2r 5525 26 27
32 33 34 . 35 36
HI SO - 51 52 53 5i
"1 1 Mio I I I M"
that smelled of sawdust and lime
and decaying apples.
(To Be Continued)
Governor Curley
Engages in Fight
BOSTON. Oct. 24-iP)-Govern-or
James M. Curley and Joseph A.
Maynard, collector of the port of
Boston, were separated by friends
Saturday night after a heated ex
change following. upon an address
by Curley at a dinner of the dem-.
ocratic business men's league of
Massachusetts. .
Curley, in his address, had com
mented on president Roosevelt's
tour of Massachusetts earlier in
the week which he said "proved
beyond doubt that he would carry
the state.' -
Curley also praised Joseph Mc
Grath, chairman of the democratic
state committee, originator ot the
1100-a-plate dinner in Massachus
etts for the democratic campaign
funds. V
There was an Intermission after
Curley's address and in the lobby
of the hotel Curley and Maynard
came face to face. I
"Why don't you g I v e credit
where credit is due?" Maynard
asked the governor.
There was an excited argument
and the two men moved toward
each other when Mrs. Mary Don
nelly Governor Curley's daugh
ter, grabbed her father's arm. Po
lice also stepped between the pair.
48 Youngsters Belong
-To Music Group Which "
Is Now in Fourth Year
HAYESVJLLE. Oct. 26. The
H. G. L. harmonica club of the
Hayes ville school - h a s lieen re
organized for the fourth year.
There are 24 beginners, and 24
In the advanced class. Officers
were elected: president, Gladys
Malniberg; vice president, P a n 1
Andresen; secretary - treasurer,
Dorothy Zurlinden; reporters, El
sie Stettler and Paul Andresen.'
Masons' Hunt Success
CLEAR LAKE, October 26
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. (Kelly) Mason
returned Saturday night from a
week's outing and hunting trip in
eastern Oregon. They brought a
fine three-point mule deer back
with them. Floyd Herrold and
Art Baker went to. Salmon river
Saturday and brought out a load
of salmon Sunday. -
9 That which attracts
10 Australian bird
11 Feminine name
16 Divine instruction
18 Skill in performance
21 Word appearing in the Psalms
22 Who is probably better Lnown
. than any other Roman writer
except Caesar?
23 Form of polite address
24 Ireland
26 Boundary
27 Positive terminal 4
29 Liberate
30 Half an em
34 Month In the Jewish calendar
35 Famous Greek physician
38 What f anions settlement worker
founded Hull House ia Chi
cago? 41 What Victorian essayist and
art critic wroto "The Stones of
43 Sense organ
45 Wears off by rubbing
47 City in Alaska
48 Help
49 Covering for the head
50 Hasten
51 Roman foddess of night
53 Greek letter
54 Animal
57 Nickel: chemical symbol -
Herewith is the solution to yes
terday's puzzle.
Cprrlttit, His. hr fine tatara flrsdscsM, ise,
c Rp e MQ(RE luei i
L. E MpiNg OP E WA tig
A T ft 6R D A M :
111 AfflG OjN feWAfe
WP Mva1t
s p VE Ep Afr g nW bl A
pjoi6is!E is'gmEiEiprs