1 - - VThe OREGON STATHSMATf, -JSateazi Urecoa, WetfneKtsjr Mendssr uctoMrzl,.!!? Wsuat Statesman ' Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line ...:10c Three Insertions per line ..20c Six Insertions per line .. 30c One month per Hne ......$1.00 Minimum charge ..--...-..250 Copy for this pag accepted umll :39 the evening before publication to classification. Copy received after -this time will be run unler the heading. Too . l-ite to Clas sify." t Th Statesman Eim do finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to placa all advertislnj; under the proper classification. . . Help Wanted WANTED SALESMEN and wom en. Call 1105 Norway. Help Wanted Male S TAL.ENTEIJ BOYS around 19, trraduaten. To learn circulation bus iness. Travel east and return. Salary to start $: month and driving account. Mr. Alderman. Hotel Marion, 12 to 2 P. in. wily. Help Wanted Female "WOMAN FOR general housewwk. Must tie- clan, dependable and like c hildren. References. Tel. -654 4. GIRL. OVER IS. assist with house work and small child. Tel. 6905. AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION TRAINED MEN needed everywhere t America fastest growing Industry. Earn while you learn. Three men who can furnish references will be selected for PRACTICAL, TRAINING tn ser vicing, installing and selling by out standing engineers in the northwest. Jtefvrences will be checked by personnel directors at Senauy; hotel, 4 to 7 p. m. Wed. tt Tours, only.. Salesmen Wanted ' WANTED Experienced salesman to sell Hudson Terrapla'ne and Packard Automobiles. Salary, and commission. Apply State Motors, Inc. Situations Wanted EXR MIDDLE aged man and wife wishes apartment house, hotel, or auto court to mamigf. See or write G. J. learning, 416 Union St., Apt. 1, Salem. FURNACE AND stool repairing. Train troughs citaned. Mallory-Thomp-soii. Tel. &14T. Fur Sale-Miscellaneous WE BUY sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market, 1410 N, Summer. In Holly wood. Phone 6-1-1-0. . A DDI NO MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices (Keen Typewriter Esc 420 Court. GOAT MILK, quarts 17c. .pints 12c. Tel. 3175. Capttol Dairies. PLANER ENDS Salem Box Co. Telephone 9189 Order now while the supply lasts. 00000000000000000000000000000, CUT FLOWERS and potted plants. Jay Morris, Florist, Phone 8637. COCHIN BANTAMS. Tel. 8840. 000000k00000000000000000000000t BIG BLACK grapes 2c lb. at Kings. H mi. north of 4 Corners. SAVE 150 DOLLARS THE COLEMAN Lamp and Stove Co. are Introducing a modern scientif ically designed floor furnace that pro duces a large volume of sprayed neat at low operating cost, special -introductory offer, (three only) $179.00. in stallations for $123.50, fully automatic, no basement required, demonstration at 339 N. Commercial St 20 WHITE LEGHORN. Hansen train chickens, 2 yrs. old, $1.09 ea. Also 23 pullets beginning to lay, ft. HO ea. Rt. 3, Bx. 137, Salem. SCOTTIE PCPPIE. 23S1 State St. TOMATOES, RIPE or green. Bring containers. 2600 S. Summer. Tel. 3102. 50 GALLONS WESTERN oil, No. 4, 5c a gallon. Pu. 5504. WALLACE "WORKACE power aw: 78 It. P. motor. Tel. 7249. $06 Pf . Hth. St. SMALL OAK typewriter desk. Tel. 72l. 606 X. 11th St. " POULTRY FERTILIZER sacked, act !-- I nVi rv irlfh TtMtftt msvss FVl 1 3 t F?. life's Hatchery. BURBANK AND Netted Gem pota toes $1.75. Bring sacks. John Wirth, Kt6Bx. 613, V mi. N. pen. Four Cor ners. "i BELCREST AT cost. .TeL- 5367. TURK, SWEET cider, 25 cents gal l.ri. "65 Rural Avenue. Phorve 8S54. Wanted -Miscellaneous j WALNUT MEATS or walnute Sn hell, nny quantity. Slate Cafeteria. Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep TeL 4 8$. CASH FOR household furniture. .TeL 5uo. ; "WILL. TRADE 'bicycle for band instrument- What have you? Phone. 7781. WANT HOME for refined elderly lady. Must have private rooms conven iently located near city center with : board and attention to personal com .fort. Answer Statesman Bos 830. g'v "lng address and two references. - ADVERTISING . Western Advertising , Representative Fencer Hall Co, Ltd. . Baa 8r4acisoe, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representative tsryant. urirrun umnsoa. in a, ! Chicago. New Tork, Detraft. t BHHrn Br sue. oaivi 1 wkw a owm, ; Orepc, as Becond-Clatt Hatter. . Pub- 'flfr8,. ... , . -'. . - - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Moll Sabscrlptlon Ratea, in Advance, Within Oregon: Dally ana Sunday. 1 to. 80 cents: S Ma $1.25; Ma. $tii; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere cents per Ua, or $5.00 for 1 year in advance. Pei Covr 8 cent a News Stands 8 eenta. By City Carrier: 48 cents a month 85 0 a year la adi Wanted Miscellaneous) WOOD It Y THE auctioneer pay cash or trade for used furniture or what t;ave you? Pit. 6-1-1-0. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE locKers. Ramage'a 410 N. Liberty. Phone 8751. MEN WOMEN. Want government jobst. $105. Ou to $175:00 month. Try next Salem examinations. Get ready now. Sample coaching tests full par ticulars, and list positions FREE. Ap ply today, hurry. Box 1276A, Statesman.'- (:. ) Wauled Furniture CASH PAHlFOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware Furniture Co. 235 N. Commercial Phone 7841 For Kent Rooms FTTRN. room. 473 Division. BOARD, iiM. Close In. 315 Bellevue. CLEAN. LARGE, comfortable room for gentleman, close In. Phone 4745. NICE FURN. rm., 44S Oak. P. 9534. SLEEPING RM., 970 E. Tel. 5653. 0000000000000000000000000000000 FURN., UN FURN. 507 X. 19th. Room -and Board BOARD AND room close to business district. 583 3. Commercial St. RM., BD., 434 Unton. TeL 4231. ROOM AND garage. Tel. 409S. NURSE WILL take P. L. mental, aged, helpless in her home. Bert care. Dr. - and families references. -All con veniences. Phone 7172. ROOM AND board. Tel. 3614. For Kent Apartments 2 OR 3 RM.. 267 & Church. CLOSE IN S R. furn. duplex, first floor. Adults. 860 Mill. 3 RM. FURN., 325 S. 11th. 2 ROOM FURN. apt. very reason able. 1290 Oak. Phene 5276. m7V 1PT fn, hii.m.c, virl v.llc. Ing distance. Reasonable. Tel. 5211. For Rent Houses 7 ROOM FURN. house. 2 apartmen's. adults only references. 690 N. 11th, FOR RENT MODERN 5 ROOM furnished house north, $35.to. See Mr. Harold With CH1LDS A MILLER, INC. 311 State Phone 6705. 5 R. MOD. HOUSE, 1165 & High. FOR RENT 7 RM. STRICTLY modern home. nice back yard with outdoor fireplace, northeast Salem, possession Novem ber 1st, $10.00. SOLOLOtSSY SON First National Bank Bldg. " 7-ROOM MODERN. North Front street. $25.00 a month. Jesse G. Campbell. 226 Oregon Bldg. jsaeMeearfaaeWsi 5 ROOM HOUSE, basement, fumaca. Karase. $20.00,. P. H. Bell, 429 Ciregon Bldg. Ph. 8121. For Rent Hospital bed and wheelchairs to ent. H. I. Stiff Furniture Co. Office rooms for rent. 381 State St. rrl 3713. 9ft ACRE FARM with good buildings, $200 per year. P. II: Bell, 429 Oregon Bldg. Ph.. 8121. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER. T R. house at 1748 State. Tet 9479. Homes. tiranC 829 Court, let 1181. -I-, 1 1 1 .-Lr-Li-ui-njxrin f special IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a neat 6 room bungalow, east front, near grade, Junior and high school. Easily worth 13750. , Will accept $3300 if taken at once. $300 down, 5 int. an bal. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS 4c MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 8708. FOR SALE Small apartment houM, close in. A good buy for a couple without a family. Inquire at 1061 Oak St Salem, Oregon. A. FRUIT TRACTS, 733 N. CoraX 8 ROOM HOUSE. 1 blk of . postof f ice. $25j0. Inquire' 1335 State St. H ACRE i LAND. Bldg. 21x30, up stairs ceiled, electricity. 3 miles out on pared road Owner Box 828, States man. ! 1 ' SUBURBAN HOME BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home, modem In every detail, 1 acre beaatl fully landscaped with shrubs, pool, outdoor fireplace. Tou will like it and the price Is only $5500. part terms. SEE Mrs. ', Etlis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 311 State Street Phone S703. 8 ROOM HOUSE. 1 blk of postofflce. $2300. Inquire 1335 State St. OWNER LEAVING town. House a:d creek lot at bargain. Small down prat.. apts. yield $o0 mo. and 7 rooms left. 760 N. Church. Tel. 5809. FIR TREES SHORT DISTANCE outside city lim its, 5 rm. home, fruit. ' 1 , acres of ground. $809 with a small down pay, meat. SOCOLOFSKT & SON First National Bank Bldg. SLEEPINtl-PORCH 4 RMS., NOOK, rireplace. basement, furnace, garage, large lot. $2500 with $2a0 down payment. EAST SALEM . Nice 4 rm. liome, deep lot. Just off bus line. $3159. LARGE FAMILT ATTENTION ! la spacious rooms. 2 large baths. fireplace, basement, pipe furnace, large lot with BEAUTIFUL OAK. $4000 with only $80 down. SOCOLOFSKT SON First National B-ink Building i house, electric water system. Imme diate possession. Buy itnow for less than its value on terms like rent. 1L C. ShieldsOres. Bldg. TeL 8902. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5-R. CORNER LOT, paved street, garage, poultry house, neat little home. Only $1 COO, tenna Jesse Q. Campbell, 228 Orcg. Bldg, t Exchange Real Estate RIVER BOTTOM soil, 100 acres, S3 cultivated, balance pasture and tim ber. Fair bldgs., gravity water system, family fruit priced $1500. Will take Salem house -or acreage near Salem See UNDGREN. or TUCKER r V "T .:..' 1T S. High St. .:".; I For Sale -Farms """ 11 A. ALL in cult., new house, never occupied, good barn, family orchard, on paved road, 4 tnL from capltol building, 'immediate possession, some terms can be arranged, see my repre sentatives, i Wm. McGilchrlst, Jr. or R. D. Embrey 325 State St. Tlione 4833. t For Sale Used Carej Restated Agam U ! ! Octolbeir Cleaifainice Sale Cars Most Go Before 1931 1930 1931 1930 1930 1927 1929 Ford DeLuxe Roadster .... Chev. Sedan, comp. overhauled "Willys-Knight Coupe, rumble .. Studebaker Coupe, a dandy .... Ford Coach, a nice clean car .... , Nash Coach, neiv paint .... , Buick 7 -Pass. Sedan .... Vai Center A Liberty Phone S188 FOR SALE or trade, lH-ton Cher. i truck, compound low gear, full bed Rt. 3, Box 90, Salem, Ore. For Sale Farms I 1U ACRES HOUSE, fruit, near t Salem $800 terms. PHONE 4745 i FARMS. ACREAGE, for rent, sale. trade. Oregon Land Co., Wood burn. Or. Acreage MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 13 ACRES, 2 A- CHERRIES, 2 A. Drunes. 14 A. filberts, some walnuts. j apples and grapes. 1 A. pasture, Fine j C room home nearly completely fur. Inished, electric range, Hotpoint water heater. Frigldalre. rugs, and all com jplete. Hay la the barn. Good garage and laundry room, only miles out en paved road. Everything goes at 0017 $4500, some terms. ' . SEE Mr. Walter with CH1LD3 MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8708. Wanted Real Estate WANTED GOOD Improved 10 or 20 acre tract near Salem. Cash deal. Write Roy Morgan. Rapelje, Mont WANTED, FARM, $2600.00 cash will buy. Prefer running water, some timber, give full description and price. Box 831, Statesman. Business Opportunities $1000 BUYS SUBURBAN grocery. SOCOLOFSKV & SON. 0SyStSS0S,0000000S0S0 A COMBINATION bakery and gro cery store for sale, total value $1500. One-half cash to handle. Business shows a net profit of $200 per month. Will stand a most rigid investigation. J. F. Ulrich Co. or C. V. Johnson 363 State Street ; Phone 8672. Money to Loan SOUND INVESTMENT. Good first mortgage real estate loans, farm and city propertiea Net Investors 5 to 6Vi. Amounts $500 to $2000, Exam ine security yourself. CHILDS ft MILLER, Altge. UOan 344 State St. Phone 6708. PRIVATB LOANS for automobiles. New low ratea Roy H. Simmons, First National Bank Bldg. Lie, 4-152. Federal bousing loans ttUa 8, build or refinance homes or business prop, fw ratea A bra ma A Ellis. Masonic B MONET BT an Independent local corporation on pianos, musical instru ments, automobiles, furniture, live stock and endorsed notes. New low rates 1 to 20 months to repay. General Finance Corp. Phone 188 Lie S-139. First Nat'L Bank Bid., Salem, Ore. p300 or Less j On Your Own Signature All Types of Loans And Auto Refinancing You Must be Satisfied r Phone 3740 Beneficial Loam Society Boom 119 New Bligh Bldg 2nd Floor 618 State St. Salem. Ore. Lioense S 122- 105. Loans Wanted Loans wanted on rarm and -city property Before borrowings Inquire at Hawkins Roberta '' LET YOUR SAVINGS eara FOUR PER CENT INSURED to s FIVE THOUSAND. Salem Federal : Savings Loan Assn. ISO So. IJberty. . 0000000000000000000000000000000 WANTED TO borrow $1(00.00, good secnrlty. Boa 832, care Statesman. For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL 6000. Salem Fuel Co Trade Cottage. ALL, KINDS of wood. TeL B81. GOOD DRT 4 ft. 2nd grv t cd. lots, $13.50. Tel. 7360. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Tel. C6C3. 16" OLD FIR, $5.50. Tel. 9458. ? GOOD WORK, reaa TeL 3354. .Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, reason. TeL 8038. J. IL BOENIXa Phone 9(33. 0S000000S000 WOOD SAWING reasonable. TeL 8290.. ' ; -? Lost and Found LOST BLACK skunk fur collar.' Re ward. Ph. 6o69.'. :; ' 1 LOST RED maklnaw . and keys, SaW P. m. Rt. (..Box 447, C H. Brown. - ' LOST OR strayed Jersey-Guernsey bull Rt. 4, Boa 41, ,C Tlndall, Tel. 33F2. - r - ' : - LOST-iBROWN billfold containing currency, driver's license, etc. Reward. 420 S. 22nd. Personal I WILL not be responsible for ny debts contracted by any others than myself. Mrs. Ida M. Ceeman. - tew 1 1 For. Sale Used Care Hi a HI i Was .$300.00 . 300.00 . 300.00 . 310.00 . 290.00 . 90.00 . 260.00 ALWAYS BETTER USED CARS AT 28 Chev. Sedan $too 265 30 Ford Spt. Cpe. 30 Plymouth Sedan 32 Chev. Coach 2:5 305 445 bl5 33 Chev. Sedan 35 Chev. Std. Coach 36 Chev. Std. Sedan 38 Chev. Master Town Sed. - 745 McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center Ph. $189 430 N. Com'L Open Evenings & Sundays Pick Ups and Trucks 193S International I W. B. , , $578 no pickup 1934 Dodge two-ton L. W. B. 650. 0 1933 Ford 1 ton S. W. B. 350.00 OTHERS TO SELECT FROM James H. MadenCo. - 217 State St Phone 8590 Wrecking This Week 29 Ford Sedan 31 Bulck 8 27 Oldsmoblle '2 Oldsmoblle 27 Oakland 28 Essex 27 Chrysler 8 26 T Ford Sedan Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers LOOK FOR THE NEON SIGN 430 S. Com'L St. Phone 7723. LOOK ! SACRIFICE t 29 FORD COUPE. Good shape. $163. 921 N. Winter after 4 p. m. 0000j000000000J00t TOU CAN buy a Good Used Gra ham for as little as $25.00 per month Including insurance and 6 finance charges. See LODER BROS, before you buy. 445 Center Street Phone (133 Salem, Oregon. , - . PRICED FOR oulck sale 35 V-8 Ford Sedan. 525 Locust St. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE , Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator bat filed his final account of the es tate of Nancy Araminta Phillips, deceased, with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion, and an order has been made and en tered by said Court fixing the 14th day of November, 1936 at ten o'clock in the . forenoon as the time for hearing the said final account and objections thereto, if any; and that any creditor, heir or other person interested fn said estate may, on or before said time, show cause why said final ac count should not be approved and settled as rendered. Dated this 14th day of October, 1936. Dow R. Phillips Administrator of the estate of Nancy Araminto Phillips, Deceased. John Bayne Attorney for Administrator. s 014-21-28-NI.il. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE On the 21st day of November, 1936, at the hour of ten o'clock: a. m. at the front door of the Court House . in Salem, Marion County, Oregon, I will sell at auc tion sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located In Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: : r-Lots Twelve (12) and Thir teen (13) Moore's Frnit and Garden Tracts, Marion - County, Oregon -as shown by the- re corded plat of Moore's Fruit and Garden Tracts rifjw on file ' and of record in the office of f the County Recorder in and for Marlon County, Oregon. Sale is made under execu tion issued out -of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County to me directed in the case of Clara E. Moore and E. Esther Moore Clemmens, Exe1 cutrices of the estate and Last Will and Testament of Adelia "F, Moore, deceased, vs. L. C. Thom as. - A. C. BURK, , ' , Sheriff of Marion ; County; Oregon, ' j ' By Kenneth L. L Randall, Deputy. O 14-21-28. N. 4-11. NOTICE TO CRKU1T6RS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon,' for Marion County, duly made and entered on the "17th day of September, 1936, was appoint ed administrator of the Estate of Erick Albert Fredland, Deceased. All persona having claim against said estate are hereby, notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by raw to the undersign ed administrator In Salem,' Ore gon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publica tion being made the 23rd day of September. 1936. i Ray Is. Smith, Administrator. Salem, Oregon. 3 23-30 O 7- 14-21. - Motor For Sale Used Cars November 1st Then $265.00 265.00 275.00 285.00 265.00 75.00 235.00 Now $245.00 245.00 215.00 245.00 235.00 70.00 195.00 Marlon A LibertyPhone 7910. Free Dance Is Slated At Fairfield Hall to Celebrate Note Paying FAIRFIELD, Oct. 20. A free dance open to the public will be held at the grange hall here Fri day night of this week. Payment in full of the motgage against the community hall and grange has been made recently, and the corporation is giving the free dance to celebrate the oc casion. Dayton Turkey Growers Plan Alaska Shipments For Thanksgiving Trade DAYTON, Oct. 20. Turkeys are thriving fn this -locality and many are being fattened for the early market to be shipped to Alaska for the Thanksgiving trade. E. M. Maxwell has 1.800 young mammoth bronze turkeys, and they sold many hundred six-weeks-old pullets during the spring and summer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Last Will and Testament of L. F. Butler, deceased, has been duly proven and admitted to probate in the County .Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County,, and the undersigned, Rachel Ann Patton, has been ap pointed Executrix thereof, and that Letters Testamentary have issued to her. j All persons haying: claims against the said- estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Ex ecutrix at No. 707 First National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice; said first publication being made this 14thvday of Oc tober, 1936. RACHEL ANN - PATTON, As Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of L. F. But ler, Deceased. -' ROSS St FORD, ' " Attorneys for the Estate. -f. 014-21-2S.N4-11. Business Cards in this directory nut on a monthly basis only. Rate? St per line per month. Anto Brakes Mike . Panek, 271 South Commercial. Brushes FULLER BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL 6724. X7SS Brooks St. Eye. appoint ments. . . 1-. -j Building Contractor FOWLER A SOXa TeL SI S3. I Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. El Northnesa Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 258 N. High. TeL Rea S762 Electrical Service BOSLER Electric. 24 date St Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. GEN" ERA TOR EXCH., auto wrecking, expert repairing. 930 N. Commercial. Excavating " Excavating ' of aQ kinds. Basements a uirt nauiea or n:ovea. JJirt ror sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 940S. " Florists Breithaapt'a, 447 Court. ALL kinds ef floral worX Lata, Flor ist 1271 N. Liberty. TeL 9592. Furs DuBAIN For Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. .. Miller Bids. Insurance a E. TONSETH District Agent National Life of Vermont. Pnone 2020. 118 H N. Commercial St. Laundries ' the new ' Salem laondrt f THE WEtDER LAUNDRY IS2 & HigH TeL 2124 : CA PITA Lr -CiTt LADNDRI First in Quality and Service Telephone. 2 1 (a 1224 Broadway Lawn Mowers Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. 4512. Harry W. Scott 141 a Com'L Co. Fairfield Folks Now at St. Louis Father Vanderbeck Visi- ' tor '; Qeo Grassraan Is In Los Angeles v ' ST. LOUIS, Oct. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sussee and , family- of Fairfield have moved on the farm here until recently'rented by Mr. Corey. Mr. and Mrs.' Corey are now living in Medford. Rev. Joseph Vanderbeck of the Cathedral parish of Portland, vis ited relatives in St. Louis Sunday. He was accompanied by his fath er. Gene Vanderbeck. Cleo Grossman, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grossman left this week for Los Angeles, where- he will work for his uncle. Son to Carlsons Word has been received of the birth of a a o n to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carlson of California. Mrs. Carlson (Helen Maboney is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney of this parish. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fersch weiler returned this week from a week's vacation trip to Newport and other beaches; they report having a nice trip. Shower Is Given For Mrs. Wilson MEHAMA, Oct. 20. A large group of friends and relatives pleasantly surprised Mrs. Erclll Wilson (Dorotheen Dun wan) with a miscellaneous shower Friday af ternoon.' Mrs. Wilson received many lovely and useful gifts, af ter which refreshments were serv ed. Mrs. Eddie Drapela, Mrs. Cliff Phillips and Mrs. Cleve Davis en tertained with a group of songs. Present were Mrs. Cecil Lake, Mrs. Eddie Drapela and small son, Mrs. Cleve Davis and daugh ter, and Mrs. Cliff Phillips all of Mill City; Mrs. Sam Burdlck. Mrs. Maurice Cothern, Mrs. Mabel Boucke, Mrs. Giles Wagner. Mrs. John Moe, Eala Montgomery. Al len Boyington, Mrs. Wlllard John son, MTs. Floyd Monroe, Mrs. Floyd Boyington, Mrs. Edith Phil ippi, Mrs. Isaac Dixon, . Mrs. Jim Stockwell, Mrs. Boone Poyner, Mrs. James Blum, Mrs. Luther Stout, Gladys Blum, Mrs. R. A. Mason and Patsy Anne Cothren, all of Mehama; Mrs. Ruth Lyons, Miss Fannie Wilson, Mrs. - Ef f ie Monroe all of Lyons; and the hon or guest, Mrs. Ercill Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. John Kohlhepp and children, Charles, Thelma, Geraldine and Arleen ' of Salem spent several days last week at the home of Mrs. Kohlhepp's sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Flalman. . Cow "Apparently Drowns As Mud at River's Edge Indicates Struggle Had 8UVER, Oct, 20. A young Jersey cow belonging to H. F. Coney is believed to have drown ed in the-river some time Thurs day. When she didn't appear at milking time a search was made revealing only that she had be come mired in some- mud .at the edge of the river and had strug gled there. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Arehart have had some remodeling done to an upstairs room in their house. Directory E Mattresses ttraal SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mat Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, six. Ing; fluff rug weaving. S. Uth WI14 fff.i oi ii -aftsT-. r ynrrniL-'D- vur a ci. ws..su a? fl w ivnc 3 Est. llL CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4029 Mirrors Mirrore resilrered. 107 N. 19th. Music Stores GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewlni machines.. sheet music and piano stud- lea. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing .machines. 432 Stat street saiem, ...... Painting ALSO KALSOMINING, reason.' 8147L Photo Engraving Salem1 photo engraving. 147 N. Com mercial. TeL 68ST. ' Printing FOR STATIONERY, carda, pamphj lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman t Tinting Uppartment. II S B. commerciaL 'leief phone 910L Sewing Machine Repairs C SX Leatberaian. r 2272 4162 Waller. Stoves We reoair stoves, ramrea circulators; Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators; stock fence, posts, cnicken wire. Salem Fence and Btov wor 22 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. . R. Hi Fleming. Taxidermist ' E. E. WIGGINS, t sat N. Fac hwy. - Transfer FOR local or disfant transfer storage! call 2121. Lanner Transfer Co. Truck to Portland dally. . Ramseyer truck ervtca, Phone 2354. . ' ' i r . Etl II ' f.lTV - Tranlf., ' fA 99S State St TeL 773. Distributing. for4 warding and ttorage our specially Get our raiem. . Vacuum Cleaners v AUTH. HOOVER sales and aerviea) Ralph Cochran. 732 South et T. 41 J Well Prilling R. A. West Rt 2. Bos 445. TeL I10FS C.LO. Leaders psy I v, - S.i. r.i ' ij - '4 -- " ' u inwwaw v I ' ' " ' '' , ' ' v 1 I 4 ' " - " x . T I - ' - " ' - I 111 ' - - t , w . ' N II I : v- - ? - - V- ..-.-."WmSW V- -- -- - . - --- --- ."SBMBsSBSBsswssMBMSsakBaesaaisSJ Following a conference In Washington between John L. Lewis, right,' and Max Zaritsky. left, leaders of the Committee for Industrial Or ganization, it was announced that the insurgent faction of the A. F. of L. which they head would defer decision on the peace overture of the parent labor group until it was learned whether the "rebels", would be allowed to vote at the federation's annual meeting at Tampa, Fla., next month. Lewis, head of the United Mine Workers.' and Zaritsky. president of the Amalgamated Hatters and Millinery Workers, are among those championing organization of labor into industrial unions rather than the craft type favored by the A. F. of L.' it It G . i i an t naDDen in - By SINCLAIR LEWIS ' (Continued from page 4) "And you're burning the m burning my- " - , "Oh, no. Comrade! Not burn ing 'em. Worth too blame much. Comrade.," Shad laughed very much, "They're at the police sta tion. -We've just been waiting for you. It was awful nice to find all your littie Communist books. Here! Take him along!" So Karl Pascal was the first prisoner to go from Fort Beulah to the 1 Trianon Concentration Camp no; that's wrong; the sec ond. The first, so inconspicuous that one almost forgets him, was an ordinary fellow, an electrician who had never so much as spoken of politics. ' Brayden, his" name was. A Minute Man who stood well with Shad and Staubmeyer wanted Brayden's Job. Brayden went to concentration camp. Bray den was flogged when he declared, under Shad's questioning, that he knew nothing" about any plots against the Chief. Brayden died, alone in a dark cell, before Jan uary. An English globe-trotter who gave up two weeks of December to a thorough study of "condi tions' in America, wrote to his London paper, and later said on the wireless for the B.B.C.: "Af ter a thorough glance at America I find that, far from there being any discontent with the Corpo ad ministration among the people, they have never been so happy Cross Word Puzzle II mmm " 2p'2 13 " filfl 32 S3 . ZH WZ, 35 36 37 l!l!H"5 50 v 51 Toy 52 53 wA 1 1 1 EH 11 lb By- EUGENE HORIZONTAL 1 chew with force and. noise 6 bundle of straw 11 downpour -. 12 clerk on a passenger vessel . 14 correlative of either 15 approach ing. 17 interna tional language - 18 craggy hill 20 rows of seats 21 earthen drinking ,' . vessel.,, ' 22 Hebrew measure . 24 mineral " 'spring . - 25 having - little color . 26 a washing 28 packer --, -SO feminine name 31 regret : K '- 32 transport with - emotion 35 dwell 38 tie 33 female sheep 41 Ireland 42 deity 43 northern 45 beverage 46 ehort for Edward ' 47 scenic 49 part of To be" ' 50 town In Connecticut 52 soundness of mind , Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle, i o-ti BESSIE vigk l5th e yc a rneria IPiERMClNDrSlSlEIElKI Hold Parley s IS' UV 1 1 lappen ierc and so resolutely set on making a Brave New World. I asked a very prominent Hebrew banker about the assertions that his people were being oppressed, and he as sured me, "When we hear about such silly rumors, we are highly .amused." (To Be Continued.) Monmouth Slates Dedication New Buildings 26th MONMOUTH. Oct. 20 Monday afternoon, October 2f, is the date set for dedication of the new physical education and health, building, and the new administra tion building", recently completed on the Oregon Normal school's campus. Details and program are In progress and will be ready for release soon. October 24 has been chosen as the date for the annual homecom ing day at the Normal. Plaas for this event, also, are being formu lated, and will include the traditional-football game which has been- scheduled with Pacific Lutheran college of Parkdale, Wash. Social - events, including dancing, will be evening features for the week-end. SHEFFER 64 gives temporarily 55 banal . VERTICAL 1 color in tensity 2 exclamation 3 barbed appendage 4 encounter 5 laud 10 ruler used in punish ing children 11 yuccalike . plant 13 masculine - name IS kind ef cloth 19 reanimated ' 21 river in Brazil - 23 root number ' " 25 temporary halt 27 aeriform fluid 29-i-native ' compound 32 raved S3 footless 34 wading . ..birds, , 35 mold anew 36 expand 37 foe: .. :' 40 armed . . combat " ' 43 expired 44 Persian poet 47 clamor 48 bird of the" cuckoo..- " . family 51 concerning 53 pronoun 6 winding . round a center 7 vandals 8 nnit of - work