I' AGE SIX The OREGON STATESilAfi, s&iexa. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, October 21, 1933 Society . . Glubs Music News';'aiiS--7Ftur6s.;6f Mteresf to Women MAXINE BUREN Women's Editor HbmemaTdng Styles v. Food Legion Auxiliairy Officer Presents Trophy For ' Winning Unit!'-'. MRS. F. N. WATERS, state vice president and past district president of the American Legion auxiliary last night at a meeting: of the group, offered a trophy to the unit in. "the state, taking first musical honors this year. The trophy -is being awarded in honor of Mrs. Waters brother, J, Urschel ; who was killed during the World war. - ! During the business meeting an- Dnrosriatlon of Sid was voted to 'the fund for rehabilitation of Ban don.. The report given by the mem bership drive ' committee was en couraging as they hare reached were- presented- corsages. Mrs Otella Mardls of Dallas, president of district No. 2, Gladys Turnbull, -'national membership chairman. Helen McLeod, department chair man of community service, Grace Zosel, department chairman of music, Blanche Jones, department ot Oregon president and Rose Hill past department president were in cluded. After the meeting, members of the auxiliary joined the American iegion post in a musical ana social program. Several vocal solos were rendered, a poetic tribute to Mrs. ; Waters read and several instru mental solos were given. Refresh ments were served at a late hour. Another activity of the Ameri can legion auxiliaries is the an- nnniMvnment nt a TTallnwa'on nar. ty to be held by the Junior auxil iary on October 30th. A no-host linner, scheduled for after school rill be served at the home of Mrs. I. H. Brady or in case of rain, the affair will be . held at the Leif Official mi .mi miwni. ill lm T rr-i . - , J.- fa SOCIAL CALENDAR . ' . Wednesday, October 21 A - -' Woman' Foreign Missionary . Society of the Leslie' Memorial church meets with Mrs. C. A Graham, 266 South Commercial, 2 p. in. v , - East Central Circle, First M. E. church at home f Mrs. Ray Farmer. 909 Chemeketa. West-central circle, .Ladies' Aid of M. E. church. , home of Mrs. A. E. Hale, 695 Marlon, 2:30 p. in. Women's ; Missionary Society, , Leslie- Memorial . -church, 2 p: m. at homeef Mrs. C. A. Graham, 2525 South Commercial. . .-''N-i ; sc --- ;.'."". Women Union ! Temple Baptist tshnrch meet with Mrs. Gerald Chrtstoffson, 1C90 N. 19th at 2 p. m. . South Circle of First Christian church meet at. the. heme" of Mrs.C. C. Cole, Rt. 2 for no-host luncheon at noon. . ..Maccabees No. meet at K. P. hall at 8 p. m. for social hoar and business meeting. UPark Circle of the First M. E. church meet at the liome of Mrs. A. A. Under hill, 885 S. 12th at:3-p. m. r .Royal Neighbors sewing club,' at Fairgrounds cabin . all day. No host dinner and pound, party. - V s -Thursday? October 22 '-. j' . : : Town and Gown club, Lausanne hall on Willamette' campus, 2:30, members and friends invited. - Salem sub-districtJadlea aid rally at First Method id t church in Silverton beginning at 10:30 a. m. Seven S-Sisterhood class -of the First Christian . church, meet in church parlors at 2:30 p. m. for regular faaslhesa and social meeting. Everyone asked to be pres ent, . ... .. CaplUl Auxiliary number 11 wHl meet at I. O. O. F. hall. 8 p.m. - ..- . ; : ; Friday, -October 23 . . - ' The. Council of ChnrchrWoasen meet jrt .Bethany -Reform church, corner Marion .and Capitol. 10 a.-m., all - day meeting and noon lmtcb. t ....... , - . Married People's claes.L Ftxst -Baptist ehurch will, hold social and business mefttng; at the church-at' 7:3.0. . p.m. " '. v. "- - : ',..... -,-.-. j,:- . Mrs. F. N. Waters of Sadem, state -- ' w - . LoTIuSa mTl Miss Millhauset Shower Bergsvik home. Cars will call for VanderbllTg-Morris VoWS the youngsters at their schools. -r, , ; - Are jcxcnangea '.. GmldlLIembers Entertain at Dinner Inter-Sorority Dance Slated Saturday The first large social function of the season on the Willamette campus will take place Saturday night when members of the three 'sororities Alpha Phi Alpha, Beta Chi. and Delta Phi wUl entertain with an Informal dance at the . armory. This affair, la an annual -event and Is given, in compliment to the new pledges of the . soror Itles. - - . . Hours for dancing will be from , 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock. Oyer 150 couples will dance to the music of Harry Wesley and his orches- - tra. ..:! -.i. , Those who have been asked to serve as patrons and patronesses ' for the dance are the three house mothers, Mrs. Charles Wilson ? Mrs. . F. A. Elliott and Mrsu Fred A. Weil, Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Bax ter. Dean and Mrs. Frank, Erick : son. Dean and Mrs. Daniel Schulze -and Dean Olive ML Dahl. . Miss Rachael Yocom heads the directorate for the affair and as sistlng her are members of the inter-sorority council Miss Norma Fuller, , Miss : Marjorie Thome, - Miss Julia Johnson, Miss Martha Warren and Miss Mary Jeannette - Sargeant. -. - a ,, a Bridge Tourney: Winners tor Week Told ' nnHE Elks club was the scene of " X -tu'e ' second ' very successful evening of the annual bridge tour nament, held under the supervi sion of Mrs. Max Gun ter. The Elks club sponsor the evening of play and each Monday night prizes are given to the north and south, east and west groups,- winning highest . At a lovely wedding held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton -A miscellaneous shower honor- a delightful affair of last nigh,t honors ing - sans ixrene juuinauser, was was me informal dinner for which Mahi nta-i. ?T'? t-KJJ?? 2i ,E? mmbra St. Cecelia Guild and south went to Mrs. Arthur I1"' ..C . Vt f "U1 episcopal cnurch en- BInegar and Max Gun ter. . first; night with Mrs. Howard Mills as tertained at the home of Mrs. nr hmii. wt,m- Vanderburg Saturday evening at Joint hostess ior the affair. Frank Spears on ChemekeU Ercel Kay, second; Mr. and Mrs. nine o'clock, their daughter Shlr -fas Mllhauser is the bride-elect street. The dinner was arranged Elmer Berg, third. ley ana rrea Morris were tin!- -or Jtaipn couisen, me weaarog is : to honor new members . ; Eat md vnt baban want, tn itoyai xveignDors sewing Club iea in marriage, j Kev. ua want scaaautea ior wovem per in. Fall flowers In the brom Walter Cline and Ercel Kay. first: B. Hart of the- Baptist church of - Hallowe en decorations predom-; shades were arranged on the table Mrs. R. Rankin and William Leary Corvallls read the ceremony. The inated and fall colorings In chry-;and eDOnt the guest rooms. Fol- cond: George Waale and R. bride entered on the arm of her santhemums -were used. Miss Mill- lowing - dinner the evening waa Rankin, third. rather, preceded by the brides- n"8' ' presentea - wun ine ; 8pent Informally and formulating There will be eight Mondays of and take them to the party. a a a Royal Neighbors to Have Meeting will have an" all day meeting today in their Fairgrounds cabin. There will be a no-host dinner and a pound party for an "old member. Mrs. Dora Pratt and Mrs. Florence Hofma are host esses. ' maids, Miss Edyth Boise of Sa- tffts during "the evening which i pUng for the year iem. ana jaiss w lima y anuer- was utvu w sum auu tuu- burg." sister of the bride. They ersatlon. were met by the groom and best man. Roland E. Shull. Pattern -The bride was dressed In rust crepe with white i tulle shoulder veil. Her shoulder corsage -was of Talisman roses and bouvardia. Brilliant fall leaves and snow berries were used in tha Hmflra. f stf iz, ) tion ot the home, tall silver tap- C. Jliwmm ers forming an altar. -r. mr- 'a - mWiM Followinr . the reception, the I'M - rmMmi couple left-for at short visit to 4m rni - Silver Falls. irom southern California. .. ' BSBaaBSBaWEaBaatSSCBIBHil "play in all, sweepstakes prizes will go to those gaining highest - scores in the six best scores. Leisure Hour Club Meet Today w Members of the -Leisure Hour club will open their fall season today when Mrs. D. A. Hodge and Mrs. Hex W. Davis will entertain the group at the home of Mrs. Hodge on Chemeketa street with a dessert luncheon. . Snblimltv Mis- Catherine Wald KiliTh. n,.rH.lt .wra m nniaa. cnry. . . : : . ' . ; ; .. o-. uncncnDmi anil nihiiai win a- mr- come recently scnernnng was nonored wltn a Miss Mildred Een nf tI. ,m. 7v - . " . l" Mr. bridal shower Sunday afternoon at " win w. Vr, 7V Those who attended the party are: ME8DAMES tAlfan- Shepherd Tiny William I Cecil O'Reilly Ed lews - TtA Hainevgkl Hewsrd MVU ' - MISSES ; florcne Melatoth Mrth Rsady Leren Millhar Thetaa Bead of Eafene Covers were placed for the: MISSES CbarlotU Hill XUxine Rtnkin Rotcbs Eyre Vlrrinim Willianu Jocephiae Coraoyer Clara Scaaanep Eleanor. Perry Josephine Scbaanea L Wheelhanc Jeaa Bartlett - , Batty Camel Barbara Beaaoa Roberta Smith - Jeanne Pat ton Eleanor Eandmaa Maria Pattea ' Iria Jarcenton Dorothy Alexander Marsaret Rosa - Mrs. Frsak Spears In the Valley Social Realm Mock Cheese Cake m i y 7r I aiock ineese Today s Menu New creation; Mix 1 can sweetened condense "J milk, 2 cups sweetened" ' sauce, and. grated rind of 1 lenv JL, raclne of mock cheese cake tul Green celery, grown locally now. came through the mail and al- crumbs on. top and bake S25 da makes an attractive salad plate' though I haven't trled.it, per- greea (moderate oven) for 4 when, arranged next to tomato hap someone will, and then tell minutes. If made In Individual slices. Here is the menu for today me about It. pans, allow only .0 minutes. " as planned for your table: Green celery and tomatoes . Baked beans with salt pork Brown bread Pumpkin pudding . . ' - , - ... POfPKlN PUDDING r 1 M, 'cups pumpkin 1 cup brown sugar ' - 2 tablespoon molasses '. 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' 1 cup milk teaspoon ginger t teaspoon salt f i eggs -t -v Mix. and bake in a deep dish un- i til set. Moderate oven. . - . ' Deviled Veal Is Interesting Dish . Veal steak, seasoned with m'us- - tard and ' dipped in rice or corn Hakes makes as Interesting meat dish. Cut veal steaks in serv ing size pieces, mix two tea spoons prepared mustard. 1 tea spoon salt, ' pepper and 1 table spoon butter. Rulr on the steak then dip it in a slightly beaten egg thinned with a little water or milk. Dip In crushed rice flakes, or cornflakes and fry in plenty of hot fat. Serve with sliced tomatoes. Oysters Make Main Dinner Dish : Oysters, now found in the fish, man's display, offer a good sol ution for a main dish M a k e a cream sauce, spread buttered, seasoned crumbs on the bottom of a baking dish, put in a layer of oysters, add more crumbs then more oysters. Add the cream sauce to the mixture. Top with a layer of buttered crumbs and bake in a moderate oven until well heated through. - ",. Individual steaks, served on the plates In the kitchen, make at tractive company fare. Arrange the meat, with a browned potato or a baked potato, green beans or broccoli and a bit of red in the form of sliced or pickled JeeU. Garnish with a sprig of parsley and serve piping hot. Plates ar ranged in the kitchen are much easier to make attractive as us ually the server at the table la less careful in the placement ot garnishes and food. - a Roughen up the surface of a cake for the best effect. A smooth icing U hard to get anyway, a rought one is a simple matter. Sprinkle the top with cocoanut if the effect isn't just what yon want .: ; MOCX CHEESE CAKE - 20 graham crackers Gingerale an8 plenty. of orange v cup .butter : Juice or commeKial.syrup make 4 Melt butter and mix with good drink for the youngsters"' crackers, pat into a' shallow pan. party. , n 1.1 4 a? IL S. v r a t Tr.TTf.i: TO HELP PREVENT MANY COLDS VlCltS AfrmJrtptHJ FuM detoil in eoch Vicks pockooeL TO HELP EMO A COLD QUICKER Vicus usfrvSejt' entfbtck a AU This Week ! Ph otb Splcial! 3 8x10 Large Portraits Now! Have Your Large Photos Taken and " Save Money! : . 3-8x10 photos of you, one of which -win be painted in oils ali tor,:.. only ...... ...$ZSS This offer good until next Saturday nighU Phone tlTt Jesten-MQler Studio. An appointment now with, deposit paid will bold this offer open until Christmas.-- JESTEN-MUXER STUDIO (Balcony of Wller9) I 1,; I w J; i. Members of the club are: KESDAUES C. 8. Haniltoa R. W. Da via D. A. Hodge ln Fry, gr. Kittle Grarer Charles Weller Alice Bodd Miaa Oda Chapman Seymour J one a D. B. Jarmaa Willis Uoort Milton L. Merers Georfe Peare O. A. Park P. W. Steusloff U. O. Shipley J. H. Scott H. E. Lee Steiner Student Body! Tea Is Morris is from Colorado and Is the home of Mr. and Mrs. JoseDhl Peterson of Sil- will be spent luformaily, a a a aa laI IMTS ST1 V ina Mmm wt WX connected with the Rlckard ear- Wolf. Miss Scherbrine's marriare Tenon toon place Tuesday in Van- age in Corvallls where they will to Frank Wolf will take place at couver. They were accompanied j0hn Albert reside. i i st. Boniface church October 29. f by Mr. - Peterson s sister, Mrs. J. J. w. BeTeridse Special guests at the ceremony The afternoon was spent in card K- Sorensen. . w:Dc"rt.B w.ere Mrs., L. C. Vanderbure. ni.,i., tih imn Mrs. Peterson is the danrhtoi H. J. ciementa granamotner or the bride and Mr. going to Mildred Rauscher and f Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Egan and Mrs. L. B. Steward, all from consolation to Rosene Hartman. and has always lived in the Cen- Southern California, At mid-afternoon lunch was serv.l terview district. She was gradua- i ed by the Misses Clara, Teresa and ted from Silverton high school In a , . . L, . Agnes Wolf and Mrs. Joseph Wolf. ; and has since been in the Subscription Club to The bride-to-be received many ' employ of the J. C. Penney store n,nfl c J beautiful and useful gifts. j either in Salem or Silverton. : uance paiuraay f ., .... t. nonor.a Mt Mr. Peterson came to Silverton ' ': Miii Catherine 8cherbrmp. Ereiya Kint. from Portland r three ' years ago "JliVeilt of Tofiav ; " ' ' T ' - A .smart event 1 calendared for Rita soabaaer. Wainetta Hofner, Mildred and is connected with the JnHn. " - Saturday night m be the. Sub,; Bbor y swipuon cino oance to be held i,y Leona Bents, Catherine Aibns. Do home at 1204 , Pine street In Sil orated as a new social event on v iuo "oi iuu uviti. : tail will, lores cenn, uireni j.hi rniin orr, vertOn. - -' 1 ' " I V the Willamette hmnn.-lniliT ior Sofr cr of tbe 8ea8on :" sa-EA.Mb...ent . Jc . roUp' " - Brandt. Mabrtlda Etiel. Fraheia Silber- , :s . v ; members Of the Student body at The formal affair will start at ?.. ,c'' Ceeeiia - Siibernatei.: Mt Angel 'Friends- and an informal tea to be riven in bv 11 ,hbrS f and Mr.;.Wmia-Chr2Sracott?e ny a no-bos t dinner at the Mar- oeraparher. Hei Will, Maria Weid- Oebler gave them a surprise party hours of three and nvin.v- Sre'cbtMrt. nrV" 8tf fe" roWe W m id In tnf2! '"fi' PUnnCd Joseph Gerspcher. Sirs. John Halfmaa. oiaen ed d in g anniversary, every month. , .. ...r Mrs, Aloi Wolf, Mrs. Frank Eanscher. Cards, music and singing formed. Autumn flowers will decorate Mrs. C. i. Bnetteers. Mrs. Ben Baker the eveninr S entert&inmont Tha lha tsa taK1& rt&.. tii. it n.1.1 ,oe. Mra, Joaepb Wolf. ; lnM,ri,. " " "..I . w'" ' " "1 a 1 aowrcuieu i.u a auu aiim. r 1 alia .nciion , w 1 1 1 ion at nine, o'clock. The Halloween-motif will be carried out in the- decorative scheme. Mrs. -E. T. Pierce is in charge of dec orations, i" j : and the ho lovely gift. Prizes for high score in cards pour during the afternoon. Jun lor. and sophomore women will Monmnnth ir. r..i. Lebanon A pleasant social ev- Davis and twin daughters Jeanne' enl on tne Prorm f "Girls' won Dy wrs .rank Aman, sist In the serving. . Miss Julia " v, u.u6iiicia, cauxic rri.i, o-v 1 f .... , v anil' Jna T. Pnnlh.hM . Ta. tt mm. 1. -t-i i. - vo, - ruiiiu is . uiauuE 1 iiih arrinrH. High School League" was the Mother and Daughter banquet in the Mayer building Saturday aft ernoon. . . - : ; 1 Following the banquet hour the and Joanne, spent Saturday in Portland with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Monner. who ac companied her i home. Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Davis. Others pres- program opened with a piano solo ent were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis by Dorothy Bohle; Pauline Pen of Albany. Alfred Monner, Port- gra welcomed the mothers and land. Arthur Davis, Monmouth, guests, and Mrs. E. L. Clark re and Leslie Davis.' . sponded; Joyce Kelly and LeNeve Clyde Davis recently was grad- Bahr sang a duet and Mrs. E. L. frock that's just the thing for an uated from a diesel school of en- Clark and Pauline Pengra. eacb action-loving young Miss! Anne gineering at. San Francisco. He sang a solo; Grace Chilcote spoke Adams knows that very young and Leslie Davis are sons of Mr. on "What Is the Girls League?". mates sometimes nave trouble ana Airs. 1. A. Davis dressing themselves, so she's plan- . - - . ned Pattern 4197 with a clever and; Jos.' Dehler received the draw prize. ments. By ANNE ADAMS Here's a jolly school or play Tbe guest speaker was Mrs. C. H. Schwering, dean of women at i .v.w . cie,t EllenaalP Mr ri v niia, tne University of Oregon. , Her buttoned front that fastens easily E"aaAtM' (f!0:. clleTCr address on the mutual debendence in a jiffy! Mother Monmouth ! i- Auction bridge will be delight- wm honored with a birthday party mnv.r, .-a ed with the simplicity of this pat- nom Z her daughter. Mrs. wlatlonTt" the nublic was tern, which may be cut and stitch- A- Brown Monday evening. Guests ufl P ,tl ed in no time it alL LUUe sister the occasion w e r e Mr. and g'S-Jj nd food ,or will be nleased with th lon- or Mrs.- G. E. Cliever and children. -lOU8l,V - abort puffed) sleeves, handy patch HeIenV Raymond, Edna, Elden, sockets and demure collar. Sua if Kenneth, Delbert and Lucille. Mr. on don't Iik thin bloomer frnrk and Mrs. Arthur Cliever and fam- wo. th. tvimA e wt.. its sltort-eleeved version made up lly nd Mr- nd Mrs. Henry Cliev- card party, sponsored at the Le- in gingham, or crisp percale. For r B?(,Mr- nd Mr- Jonn Freexen gion hall by St. Hilda's Episcopal -the long-sleeved style choose of Dallas, Pete Lehiman and son suiid. as a benefit affair. Seven challis. - ; ; daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. teen Ubles were in play, honors" Pattern 4197 Is available in six- oel of Bend, Oregon, and the , going, to- Mrs. Horton. Indepen-" . ak. A t . J -m A .Me a . a 2 T" afh lanf wm tlw t - i . " s ., n. o wa iv. one mbs ..... ; dence. and Miss Ruby Maddess of ' Jessica Todd hall, for. women; Marion Mrs. I Homer Smith "d f' Gillette and W. L. was hostess Thursday afternoon Smltn fo men-' Al additional r a nrMai !... ..a,. feature or entertainment was pro vided by an auction, for which Dr. V. V. Caldwell was auction eer, and Miss Bertha Brianerd, di rector. ' 1 ' - . 2 yards 36 inch fabric. Illustrat ed step-by-step sewing - instruc tions Included. Bead FIFTEEN CENTS 1S in coius at stamp (eoias preferred) tor this Aim - Adams pattern. Write Plainly name, address and atria aura- BK gUBfe TO 8TATK 8IZR Jest oat. Onr new AXNE ADAMS PATTERN . BOOK. - presenting the smart,! ia tall fashions, the latest in frtx-ks. ; fabrics and gift aassee tions. Yon'Il find flamorona. (owns for after-dotk, allaricf daytime nod-. - els. ebeerr bonaedressea and kiddies' clothes.- Styles, too, for the '.'would be sjender"- woman. 'aad the arirl-T-it--kMl. . Send for U- todart BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTT-FIVE CKNTS FOB BOTH WHEN OR DERED TOGETHER. . - Address orders to Tbe Oregon Statesman Pattern Dept., 2 IS South Comaaerial - street. Salem. . Ore. Make aeeeaeary eoelonarea. Your- order will be promptly attended ta. - Orders customarily are filled with , in fonr- daya f mm '.tlsis raceived br Tha Statesman. , for a bridal shower arranged In compliment to Miss Pearl Trud eeon. bride-elect of Robert Moses. Those attending- were Jdrs. Sel : mar Lee, Mrs. ' Charles "Sarver, Mrs. Margaret Davidson,' Mrs. Iva Trudgeon. Mrs. Clyde Bethel, Mrs. Earl T r d g e o n, "Mrs. Arthur George, Mrs. J. C. Hartley, -Miss -Minerva James. ' i Miss Marcla Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Horn er. Smithy-; : ' !-: . . .. , - .vnivi; - --rv - - Talbot Sanday J dinner! guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Linston and daughter were Mrs. Hasel Sloan, Mrs. E. P. Doty, Ger ald Swerzle and Francis McCor mick of Portland, and Mr. and -Mrs. George Potts jr., Mrs. Edna Reeves, Mrs. Mary Nye and Al bert Voriea r j Tho ncrc Gss services you e4 1 Ui l as wl the rate you pay ! Sc3 Gas Co. Keep Afoot with the Future h- I in the r NEWEST . (. L.J HOSIERY- : - VI I FASHION ' ' ", created by PHOEl3IX HOSIERY ; P MObEENEES YOUR SInIAKTNESS ; - ; SLENDERIZES THE ANKLE .. - . , FLATTERS THE LEG ' areamline--"a 3-tfaread eflernocxi chiffcoi in Spun-Crepe fabric assuring a dull sheer new. and extraordinary wearing qualities. :Ali "Brin.! ' wim Kewpori SuWtoe heel, a 2-thread wvwauMg cnuzon m ceautUut iM0dm iabrio at 31.63. The smartest d new shades, ol course .15 SHIPLE Y -S 409-415 COURT ST. n ft-.- Oct. 21- 2$ I 'Ml .X: !!l Announcing Two Day a A remarkable opportunity for you to secure one of the season's, smartest furs, offered to the women of this vicinity by TRIPPY'S FURS, INC., of SEATTLE, (Roosevelt Hotel). All the season's newest styles and furs at prices f ar below what you ordinarily would pay. ' Meskin Seals : In the latset styles and patterns. Caraculs One xf - the season's smart . est fnrs priced from 00 Ckaco Droadtails Black, Brown and' Gray, priced from - . :-. . - Also Many Other Coats Priced from $75.00 up - " You Are Invited to Come in and See Our 020,000 Stock of Choice Selected Fur Coats, the First of a Series of Rerrular &hihit ........ . . . . . w HI V v . ALTElUf IONS FREE A SJIALL DEPOSIT TILL nOLD YOUR SELECTION 415 State St. Phone 7112 I