The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 18, 1936, Page 2, Image 2

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    I li-
The QSEGQN STATES AfSten i Ore-uny nntfay -Morninsr, October 18, lSKifr
'Liber iY- Res
JL: . , .
More Caution
Signs Planned
v As Last Resort Community
? Will Urge Police to
Take Hand i '
LIBERTY. Oct. 17. A - large
crowd attended the first meeting
7of the community- club Friday
: night in the gymnasium. - C. D.
i' Curtis presided. Election- of off i-
cer resulted: Iresident, " John
Dasch; rice-president, Mri.' W-.
I YVestenhouse; secretary-treasurer,
: Miss Florence Berndt.
r The matter of cars tearing past
' the school ground: at an excessire
rate of. speed during school time
was brought up and remedies dis
cussed. E. B. Hauser, chairman of
the school board, promised that,
- in addition to highway caution
signs "already in place, warnings
:, win be painted upon the road. He
'also stated that if this does not
help In curbing speeders the as
sistance of state police will be
i asked.
S The program consisted of : Flag
salute and singing by audience;
Violin solo, Darlene Evans; dra--matization
of "Little Black Sam-
bo. by first and second graders;
Murray Baker, president of school
student body, gave a short talk on
student body affairs; rhythm
r band selection, "Beautiful Blue
.Danube'-' by Miss Cladek's pupils;
-dramatization . of story behind
X"Star Spangled Banner," by Miss
, VGibbs pupils ; tap dance, Grace
JLaidlaw skit advertising coming
-school carnival, p u p i 1 a in Mr
I Myers room. , ; .
V Pomona Meets Soon
Pomona grange will - conrene,
rhere Wednesday, October 21, in
regular all-day session. Grangers
'will assemble in the auditorium of
.-the gymnasium building on tire
school grounds. Lunch will be
serred -intthe Red Hills grange
jhall, which is on the Liberty high
v way a short distance north, lo
; cated between Krauger's store and
Rthe Jory Packing Co. cannery.
In addition to Pomona business
t fifth degree Initiation will be held
V in the afternoon. A special degree
team is preparing for this event
under the direction of W. R. Dal-
; las and is to practice Monday ere
.ning in the gym. Special music
;, will be featured and : a speaker
K will talk on matters of present
apolitical interest.
Missionary Group
Gathers at Zena
ZENA. Oct. 17.-
Spring Valley
t Home Missionary society was
? pleasantly' entertained at the first
-fall meeting Wednesday after-
Wnoon at the home of Mrs. Wayne
-i D. Henry. Mrs. James A. French
: and Mrs. William Crawford were
assistant hostesses. -"t
Mrs. D. R. Ruble, representing
tne nomination committee, re-
. ported that they voted to retain
the incumbents in office inclad
ing Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, presi
dent; Mrs. Fred Muller, Tice-pres-,Mdent;
Mrs. Ben McKlnney, sec
ir retary, and Mysv; Jesse, Walling,
lif treasurer. ' ' :
This report was adopted but
Jesse Walling declined the nomi
L nations, the vacancies being fill
i ed by Mrs. Ralph C. Shepard- as
? secretary .and Mrs, W. W. Henry
, as treasurer. Mrs. Shepard was
requested by Mrs.' Wayne D. Hen
t ry to make a hostess calendar
it tor the year. Mrs. Frank Windsor
i will be hostess to the group next
i month.
Special speaker on the pro
ifgram was Mrs. Marie Flint Mc-j-Call
who gave" a glowing travel
uogue of her trip this summer to
, Hawaii, New Zealand, Suva and
Mother points of interest. Mrs. Mc
Call appeared in abbreviated na
if tive costume of grass skirt and
bodice with lei around her heck.
i iiewivwetls Are Oiven .
Rousing Cliarirari by
Young People at Gates
GATES, Oct.-17.--A group of
If the young people, former school
4 mates And friends, gathered at the
fchome of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ratz
Jv berg on Kings Prairie and sur
j prised Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey
:wlth an old fashioned charivari.
,i Mrs. Bailey was formerly Marie
Ratsberg, a graduate from Gates
high school In 1936. During the
past summer she has been em
ployed in Salem. The reunr neo-
iSple are with Mrs. Katzherc'c rar-
ri enta for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shepherd
and small daughter of Klamath
1 Falls are guests of his parents,
KMr. and Mrs. Adam Shepherd.
i S. A. Ball and his brother-in-law,
Gus Moritx of Lebanon, left
tj v j v a tc la J i Chilli i.K9 II J
ft their luck at hunting.
j i
i Wheeler Opens Service
Station at Joint Roads
A service station was opened
here today on the division line
between the Sllrerton Hills and
' Sllverton on the Silver Creek
Falls road. Harry G. Wheeler
erected and Is running the sta
tion. The Wheelers also plan to
construct a group of tourist cab
Ins near the station.
Slate Church Dinner
SILVERTON. Oct. 17 First of
; the autumn church dinners has
. been announced for-Friday night
at me unrisuan cnurco. ine ai-
. tml will fiA tnrlrv dinner nA
. . . - - - - j -
' ean class. A bazaar will follow
the dinner.
News. -of West- Salem
WEST SALEM; Oct. 17. Rev."
and Mrs. Collar were guests at
the John Friesen; home Tuesday.
Rev. Collar is to be the new min
ister in the Nazarene church in
Salem. . j : ". ..
. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brown
have received word v that their
son. Ross, who has been a prin
cipal in the grade school at Cur
tain, ;has beerr , transferred to
Camas Valley where he ia a coach
and teacher of science in the high
school there. j , v
Mrs. Fanny v Moore's nephew,
Everett. Bresures and his -wife
were guests at her home this
week. Mrs. "Moore has received
word that Charles Baker of Dal
las route 2 is very ill with heart
trouble and not .expected to live.
Charles Baker lived In West Sa
lem a number of , years ago.
Warlyn , Ashcraft was host to
a group of his friends Friday af
ternoon to celebrate his' birth
Reception Honors
Pastor at Dallas
DALLAS. Oct.! 17 The
members of the Dallas Christian
church gave a reception last night
in the church parlors for their
new pastor. Rev. A. B. Cromwell
and Mrs. Cromwell. A large num
ber of members of the church and
friends were .present for the af
fair. -
lrgil McPherson. chairman of
the pulpit supply committee, had
charge of the program which was
as follows: Invocation. Rev. Dean
Vermillion, pastor of the Evan
gelical church;- welcome to the
new pastor and wife by Mr. Me
Pherson: welcome from the Evan.
gelical church by; Rev. Dean Ver
million: welcome' from the Pres
byterian church by . Lloyd Whit
ten: vocal duet by Mrs. Bert Cur
tis and Mrs. Clarence Dornhecker,
accompanied by Mrs. Doris Fully;
vocal solo by Hubert Springsteen;
welcome to the new pastor and
his wife by Rev.lH. E. Widmer,
pastor of the Grace Mennonite
church: vocal solo by Mrs. Anne
Dashiell accompanied by Mrs.
Fully; welcome from the Metho
dist church by Rev. J. A. Linn;
words ot welcome by Supt. R. R.
Turner, representing the Dallas
schools; response to welcome by
Rev. and Mrs. Cromwell; guitar
duet by Dick end Ike Bartel;
group Binging and benediction by
Rev. H. E. Widmer.
At the conclusion, a social hoar
was held and refreshments were
served. Those " in charge ot this
were the Loyal j Women's class.
the Live Wire class, and the vol
unteer class of the Sunday school
The rooms, were 1 beautifully dee-
orated with baskets ot autumn
flowers and . ferns.
"Tin sties'9
Tourney Staged
By Fair Golfers
.WOODBURN, I Oct. 17. Mrs.
Clyde Cutsforth and Mrs. F. G
Evenden tied for honors in class
A and Mrs. La Verne Otjen won
in class B In the "tin whistle"
tournament held' by the women
of the Wood burn golf club Thurs
day, j .-"'..I
A 1 o'clock no-host luncheon
preceded the afternoon's - play.
Mrs. M. D. Hanning and Mrs.
Mrs. Frank Cannard tied for low
net in the week's electic contest.
Next Thursday, women's day
at the course, another 1 o'clock
no-host luncheon will be served
followed by play.
Show Award For
Dairy Announced
Delayed report of another. Sa
lem dairy's winning honors at the
dairy products show held in eon
nection with Portland's annual
lievstock exposition-came yester
day to John la.' Geren, Marion
county dairy Inspector. The" Suii
shine da(ry, he was advised, won
a silver medal diploma for Jta
milk samples entered in the show.
Lebanon Wonian Gets
Honolulu Appointment '
As Government Nurse
LEBANON, Oct. 17. Edna
Gould, a daughter of Mr. and
Mn. Charles Gould of Lebanon,
has Men -Appointed public health
nurse by the government and
sent to Honolulu; she sailed from
Saa Francisco and writes that she
has reached a land of beauty and
hot weather; but that Oregon is
still very attractive to her. Miss
Gould Is a graduate nurse from
Good Samaritan hospital ot Port
land and also took an extension
course at the .university In Port
land, i
L. A. Tucker is erecting a mod-
era home on East Grant street.
Bonds in Pullman - -TURNER.
Oct. 17. Mr. sad
Mrs. H. S. Bond are spending the
week with their son. Alvin. Bond
and family at Pullman, Wash.
Moving Storing Crating
We Also Handle Fuel Oil, Coal and Briquets and High
Grade Diesel Oil for Tractor Engines and Oil Darners
day. The games and refreshments
were enjoyed ' by Norma - Jean
Newgent, Carol Asberaft, Howard
Obershaw, Richard and ' Kenny
Lawrence, Tommy -'Shinier and
Warlyn Asberaft. - ;
The Waakita Camp Fire Girls
met at the J. J. Shiplef home
Friday afternoon." A doughnut
sale is. planned for October -91
Shirley Dickson' and Gertrude
Kuhn- brought displays of, waxed
leaves- that hey had mounted
and named on cardboard for na
ture honors. The girls spent the
rest of thejr . meeting time in
making and painting designs on
their cushions. They plan soon
to meet in the new municipal
building . where they have - been
given permission to meet at least
for the next few months. : f
The West Salem Boy Scouts
will hold their meeting Tuesday
night in- the firemen's hall in the
municipal building.
Sopli-Frosh Party
Held, Dallas Higli
... - . -
DALLAS, Oct:' 17. The an
nual sophomore-freshman recep
tion held Thursday afternoon in
the high school gymnasium mark
ed the beginning of social activ
ities for the new year in. the local
high school. ; Bob .Dalton,;-president
of the sophomore class, wel
comed the new . students. A re
sponse was given by Alvin Kroe-
ker, freshman. -class president.
The program also Included a
violin solo by Lenore Meyers ac
companied by Joseph Hartley; a
reading by Delores Autritt; group
singing; ft' harmonica- solo by
Teddy Favef; dance by Naomi
Hayes; two vocal solos by Elma
Ray and a dance number by, Del
ora Blanchard. " ' - !
The remainder ot the afternoon
was spent In playing games and
in dancing. Miss Is'adine Millbol
len, sophomore class adviser, as
sited by members of the sopho
more class, was is charge of the
Epworth League
Has Installation
BROOKS, OcU., I7.v The
Brooks Methodist E p w or t h
League has installed officers for
the coming year: Marie Bosch,
president; Kreta Fae Ashbaugh,
first vice president: Daisy Potts,-
second vice president;" Robert
Gallaghre, third vioe president;
Neva Ramp, fourth vice presi
dent; Edna LaFlemme, secretary;
Robert Bailey, treasurer; Brady
Gallagher, librarian; Airs. M. F,
Day, adviser.
A business meeting: was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Day. The league will hold
meetings every Sunday at.. 6:30
p. m. Following the league meet
ing Rev. Finkbinder. will preach.
Mrs. Roth Vaughn has been
teaching here In the Intermediate
grades the past three weeks, la
the absence of the regular teach
er. Miss Rose Marie Kronberg,
who is very ill in a hospital in
House on Island
GRAND ISLAND. Oct. 17. Mr!
and Mrs. Henry Taylor - are con
structing a new residence size 24
by 30 feet on their tram near the
head of the Island. The one and a
half story house will contain six
rooms and bath when completed.
Construction work ia ia charge of
William Case. j
Harvesting of a three-acre field
of onions has Just been completed
at the Morton Tompkins farm. A
yield of 2,500 50-pound sacks was
received. ' . ';.
Floyd Mittord and son, Wilbur
and Arlo and Wesley Hill have
gone to Tale Lke. Calif. wher
-they have employment in the po
tato harvesting. , . ;
Hopkinses on Visit -
LINCOLN. jQct. 17. Mrs. Alice
Simpson had as her guests from
Neah Bay, Wash., Thursday and
Friday, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hop
kins and small son, Richard. Mrs.
Hopkins (Elsie Smith )TIs Mrs.
Simpson's granddaughter. Satur
day they motored to Portland, ac
companied by Wilma Crawford.
On Horse Buying Trip
MONMOUTH, Oct. 17. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Adams left today
for Prineville where Adams will
bay horses and cattle for distri
bution in his livestock business.
They expect to return early next
week. : - .
Decke & Wadsvrorth
189 N. High Phone 4947
Conference 1
Slated 21st
Evangelical Leaders Will
; Gather at Dallas
: For Program
DALLAS. Oct. 17. The Oregon
district of " the Oregon-Washington
conference of the Evangelical
church, which is holding four re
gional conventions from October
20 to 22, will hold one of these
conferences in Dallas at the Evan
gelical church October 21. Minis
ters and laymen, of Salem, Kings
vaiiey, Monmouth, Taft and Day
ton churches will attend
- Dr. E . W. Petticord, Oregon
district superintendent, will have
charge of the program for the
day and will be assisted by Rer.
J. H. Soltman.' Washington tfia-
trict superintendent. ReV. J. E
Campbell of Salem, will be soloist
and will also lead the group sing
ing. A male . quartet . composed
ot Kev. L. H. Willard, Rev. R. E.
Plowman, Rev. J. K. Wishart and
Rev.S Dean Vermillion will also
Evaneellsm Theaae "
The general theme of the con
vention is "Evangelism." There
win be group discussions In both
the morning and afternoon. Rer.
R. E. Plowman of Portland will
give a paper on "How to Build
a Church Program" and Rev. J.
H. Soltman win discuss 'The
Church and Youth.' Other mlnia-
xers woo wui take part-in this
feature of the program are Rev.
Dea,n, Vermillion of Dallas and
Key. E. A. Fogg;. ,f , .
There is to be a service at 7:30
p. m. at wnich time Dr. E. W.
petticord, district superintendent,
win give an address.- .
WiDard Club Has
Annual Guest Day
WALDO HILLS. Oct. 17. The
Willard Woman's club enjoyed
"guest day" at its opening meet
ing lnursaayarternoon. The af
fair was held at the clubhouse and
12 guests were present; "
:At the program hour Mrs. An
sel Solie, president of the Sllrer
ton Woman's club', gave report
on the state convention held at
The Dalles. Mrs. Dewey Allen, Sil
verton's vice president a n d ad
viser for the-Sllrerton' Junior Wo
man's club gare a report of that
organization's past in the state
meeting. Miss Vera Ottoway.
president of the . Marion county
Federation and a past president
of the Willard club, explained the
changes In the "eonnty club con-
A dainty lunch was served in
the club dining room. Officers of
the club are Mrs. Miles Ottoway,
president; -Mrs. Merle Bye, vice
president; Mrs. - Will Egan, sec
reary; Mrs. Fred-Knight, treas
urer. '
Farewell Party Held :
For Alice Ballengrud
: At Goplerud Residence
Peggy Goplerud: and Miss Marie
Bolme ' were hostesses Friday
night at the Goplerud home fa
compliment' to Miss Alice Ballen
grud who will lea re soon to make
her home at Portland.
.Inri ted guests were Miss Bal-
lengrud. Miss Marie Ireron, Miss
Evelyn Solum, Mrs. Eva Diger-
ness Benham, Mrs. Jack Strihix.
all of Sllrerton; Miss Ella Pfeiffer
or Gresham; Miss Esther Towe
and Miss Flo Ena Chamberlain of
Vancouver; Mrs. Cecil Clark. Miss
Josephine Brekke,- Miss Esther
Erlckaon, Miss Connie. Smart and
Mrs. Joe Tompkins. .
I Monmouth Woman 111
MONMOUTH, Oct. 17. Mrs.
W. J Mulkey, 8t, satire Oregon
fan, and longtime resident of
Monmouth is seriously sick at her
home here. Her granddaughter,
Mrs. Marian Fresh, a trained
nurse is caring for her.
has been fulfilled
c Property rights tara baaa mad secuxa.
nk, Forecloaures harw ennsad, while monny
lias ben made araUabl by cornnixnnt -loans
at graatly radacad intsrest rates. '
5k Taxes (so mnca talked about), enpaid
T and in arrears, almost universally icmx
yaara ago, at now almost aniirely paid.
' V Thara 1 NO idla labor in Oregon and
wages have been materially increased.
r -sjt; Prices o farm and dairy products are
exceptionally good.
c Bank deposits are absolutely sale. In
sured by the federal covernznenL
There are no mobs and no hunger
For these great and beneficient accomplishments, the
President is entitled to ijonr gratitude and support
Hunting Bring to
Light Ariitf Vein
In Toicn'a . Mayor
That the Sllverton taaypr Is
somewhat of an artist was
disco rered this- week when
m comparatively large draw
ing on' packing paper was
found lying; npon his desk
in his office at the locker
.plant. The drawing showed
deer making headway in
the opposite direction from
the hunter, who with gnu in
hand and hair standing per
fectly erect, was startled
from the path of the run
ning quarry.
Mayor E. W. Garrer . ad
mitted he was the artist and
that the picture was an ex
pression of how . he felt
when he and his family re
turned, empty handed after
two weeks of hunting in the
Ochoco country- in eastern
Officers Elected
For High School
Classes But Juniors
at Scotts Mills
Name Heads
Scotts Mills high school has
swung into . action, electing new
officers for the Various classes as
follows: - :
Senior class, president; Annette
Heinz; vice president. Donald
Green; secretary, Mildred" Rich
treasurer, Margaret Landwing
council member, Evelyn Taylor.
Sophomore class, president,
Jean Dixen; secretary-treasurer,
Verna Olsen.
Freshman class, president, Paul
Smithrude; vice president, Man
rice Macy; secretary, Gerald Or
em; treasurer, Johnnie Ray John
son; council member, Harold
Lawrnece The junior class will
organize later.
Students Plan Carnival
The students are preparing
their program to be given before
the school carnival October 24.
The Misses Gale Smith and Ed
1th Sowa are attending the Christ
ian Endeavor convention in Sa
lem this week-end.. They are
guests ot Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Shoemaker.: Shoemaker was pas
tor ot the Christian church at
Scotts Mills at the. time of his
retiring about' a year ago.
Bowersox Choice
Of Caucus ta Top
Ticket, Monmouth
MONMOUTH, Oct. 17. At
city caucus held Thursday, Dr.
F. R. Bowersox, incumbent, re
ceived the nomination for mayor:
Mrs. Elsie O'Rourke was nominat
ed for city recorder; and G. XI-
Partridge and Ed Rogers were
nominated to succeed themselves
as city councilmen.
George . Cooper and L. B. How
ard who hare served on the coun
cil daring .the blennium just past
declined 'to be, renominated. Dr.
B. F. Butler and J. L. Norrls
were placed on the ballot.
Jones to Talk Before
Silverton Rotarians on
Problems of Currencies
SILVERTON, Oct. 17. Pro
fessor .William C. Jones of Wil
lamette University will speak on
International Currency Stabili
zation" at the' Monday noon meet
ing of the SUverton Rotary club.
Monday night at S o'clock the
board of directors will meet at
Tone's. All directors are asked to
be present in border to fill, out
the report of , the club to the Dis
trict . Governor on Club admini
stration. - ,
Honor F. Dentals'
...s. , ....i .. .'.'v , .. .....
25 th Anniversary
Lodge and Grange Arrange
Attractive Event - - at
Butteville .
AURORA. Oct. 17. One of the
largest and loveliest of autumn
affairs was the reception siren
in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. -Fred
Dental, at the Butteville grange
hall. Saturday nirht. Orer 100
friends called from Donald, St.
Paul. Farxo. Canbr. Portland and
Butteville to extend felicitations
upon their silver wedding an
niversary. Both hall- and dining
room were appropriately decorat
ed. The attractive dining -table
with ray - splashes of flowers.
gleaming silver and soft candle
iignt, was centered with a large
wedding cake. The bridal party
becomingly gowned, : approached
the floral altar where nuptial
rows were renewed.
Mrs. R. E. Donahue, as rector,
read the service. Little Lorni
Mae Linquest was flower girl. At
tendants were Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Northup, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lin
quest and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Miller. Mrs. C. A. Weber, nee
Amelia Giesy of Portland, play
ed the Mendelsohn wedding
march having at their
wedding 25 years ago. "I Love
r rw m
iou iruij was sung ny Miss
Alice Davidson of St. Paul.
Receiving were MrsPaul Ban
man, Mrs. Irvia Carter and Mrs.
urace Jones.
Grandma". Dental mother of
Fred Dental, wearine her SS
years well, was Dresent and shar
ed honors. An evening ot danc
ing followed : the service. Miss
Alice Davidson. Mrs. John Fenske
and Clarence' Williams furnished
the music. A midnight lunch was
served by Mrs. William Goodina
Land Mrs. William Thamer, as
sisted by Dorothy and Betty Den
tal, daughters of Mr. and Mrs
Dental, and a group of the young
er generation. The Rebecah lodee
and Butteville grange members
were responsible for the gracious
Edna Overland Is
Honored, Shower
-BETHANY.. October 17.. Mfu
Edna Overland was honored at a
prettily arranged shower Friday
nignt at the C. E. Jorgenson home
with. Miss Elsie Jorrenson.- MIm
Marie Larsen and Miss Sylria Ov-
errana as; oostesses. . ;
f Shower rifts were arranred on
a pink and white table in the din
ing room. Miss Orerlund's mar
riage to EIser.Aarhus will he an
event of next week.
Guests Friday nirht were Mlsa
Edna Orerlund, Miss Helen El
ton. Miss Hilder Thorkildson, Miss
Roberta Newton, Miss Grace
Campbell. Miss Inra Thorkildson.
Miss Hasel Mae Baker. Miss Ver
da SJomngen. Mrs. Reuben Jor
genson, Miss Evelyn Solum, Miss
Ardiss Aarhus, Miss Gladys Birch,
miss Gudrun Walin. Miss Alma
Tostenson, Miss Dorothy Stirber,
Miss Myrtle Thorkildson.
Complete Stock Eastman
Kodaks. Morie Cameras!
Coolxc'c rop7.
Formerly Pattoa's Book Store
840 State St. Phone 4404
Health Service '
At State Normal
-T x In Own Quarters
MONMOUTH, Oct. 17.The
health service of Oregoa Normal
school is now located in the build
ing formerly known as E a s t
Honsej belonging to the campus.
Dr. Donald H. Searing has been
appointed physicial, and Miss. Ida
Overland, head nurse for, the etu
dent hospital. Miss Overland Is
a graduate of Emanuel hospital,
Portland. -..::
Dr. j Searing camej here . from
"Farther and
On a Gallon of Gasoline
Than Any Gar in Americaw
fuHIl Do Mq&q Sim .
2 a,
thcap " Floor
When you paint softwood floors, you paint for
sturdiness at well at looks. But "cheap" paint won't
do the job. Poor paint, because its colors won't bold
and its film is weak, will not stand the strain of
scuffing, hasty feet and repeated washings.
On the other hand Bass-Hueter Quick-Drying Floor
Paint takes punishment with a smile. And it is eco
nomical because it takes less to cover well and it
wears longer. Its 8 colors are. mellow and lasting.
Come in and see them.
lai &j a iiaut
You'll Get One
That Hunting Trip'at Doughton
Chech These Equipment Needs
-Knives, Axes
Camp Stoves
If You're Short on Any of the Above See .
355 Court St.
Carefully planned printing will bring
back in sales more than sufficient added
profit to pay the printer's bill and
then some.
! ..
Keep in touch with, former customers
and make their accounts active, again
tell; them regarding your merchandise
and services with Good Printing,
Phone 9101 We'll Gladly Call and Discus
Your Printing With You No Obligation
215 South Commercial Street
the Puget Sound area last spring.
Prior to that he practiced in
The first floor of the hospital
has been reorgssited to contain a
waiting room, offices for doctor
and nurse, dispensary, and health
office. Seven rooms and a sleep
ing porch are available for 'pa
tients on the second floor.
Mrs. A. Jacobs Dies
ELDRIEDGE, Oct. 17. Mrs.
Mayme Jacobs and daughter, Mrs.
Cora Wilkerson returned this
week from Portland where they
attended the funeral of Mrs; Ar
thur; Jacobs, sister-in-law to Mrs.
Jacobs ot this place.
Paint Vqn't
1 z
1 s
v H
X ""I
Stop Service For.
Cooking Equipment