For Sale Used Cars 1 For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars 1 Help Wanted Male Wanted Furniture For Salt; Used CarTTf j For Sale Used Cars f For Sale Used Cars 1 WANTED WILL, personally Inter view and select three men to learn to service and install electric refrigera tors and air-conditioning equipment 1'hone J. It -Binder, New Salem Hotel, Tuesday only. , ...- Help Wanted Female GOOD GIRL or woman for general housework, 254 N. Church St. TeL 51S5. 4)1" WEEKLY AND your own dress es FREE showing Fashion Frocks.' No canvassing. Send dress size. Fashion Frocks, Inc., Dept. B-2046, Cincinnati, Ohio. ADDRESS OUR postcards, at bom. We pay weekly, and furnish supplies. Write, enclose nt.irap. Dorothea- Cos "uietlcs. Bo 607. Hynea, CaJLf. ;- EXPERIENCED WAITRESS only short hours apply between 10 and 12 Monday. 150 & -liberty.' Salesmen Wanted WANTED Experienced salesman to sell Hudson, Torrs plane and Packard Automobiles. Silary and commission. Apply State Motors. Inc. - SALESMAN BETWEEN 25 AXD 85 YEARS OLD TO COVER SALEM TERRITORY. - SOME MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS -MACHINES CORP.. ELECTRIC WRIT ING MACHINE DIVISION 915 & W. Oak Portland. Ore. .-:.' MAN .WANTED for nearby Raw ffiKh routes of S0O families. Write. Kawlelgh's, Dept. ORJ-187-SB, Oik l md, Calif. SALESMEN SELL calendars com- - .plete line, all sizes, including, jumbos ; lf,ai. subjects. Every business a pros ret. Samples free! Fliming Calendar iCO ;:i6343 Cottage Grove, . Chicago. - . ' BIGGEST. FASTEST, pure silk la- iJies' full fashioned hosiery seller ' to ' day. Uniqiie guarantee. -$29.00 weekly earnings powible. Milger Hosiery -3S5-. Fifth Ave., New York City. Situations Wanted YOUNG MARRIED farmer wants steady work on farm or dairy. Tractor, truck and mechanical experience. Bank and business references. 1 5c an hour. Bos 836, Statesman. For Sale-Miscellaneous WE BUT sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market, 1610 N. Summer. In Holly wood.! Phone 8-1-1-0. -------- i-- -i-nrrAAAAj"ui ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. . Experit repair service, moderate prices. Koen Typewriter Exc. 420 Court. GOAT MILK, quarts 17c. pints 12c. TeL i Si 75, Capitol Dairies. FRIGIDAIRE, ELECTRIC range, soth fjer $138. TeL 4556. PLANER ENDS -: ... Salem Box Co. : k Telephone 9189 Order now while., the supply iasts. , - - - - - - -h-i .-ir-. i-n-ii-iru-i nnA q CUT . FLOW ERS and potted plants. Jay Morris, Florist, Phone 8 6 ST. - APPLES Good N. Spies, Stark. De licious and others. 2315 8. Cottage. ii'rirMs'VngunLfru TOLEDO Computing Scales : cheap ; a sy terms. Lane Morley. Phone 8SS2. COCHIN BANTAMS. TeL 8840. WINDFALL APPLES, 82 ton. You sack, yourself. Tel. 100F23. BIG BLACK grapes 2c lb. at Kings, i ml' north of 4 Corners. HEATER, DAVENPORT and chair. Ph. 4493. NEW HOUSE trailer for sale cheats 71 NJ High St. SAVE $50 DOLLARS THE COLEMAN Lamp and Stove Co. are Introducing a modern scientif ically .designed floor furnace that pro duce a large volume of sprayed neat at low operating cost, special introductory-offer, (three only) 8179.00, in stailations for $129.50, fully automatic, no basement required, demonstration at 339 N. Commercial St. 20 WinTE LEGHORN. Hansen strain chickens, 2 yrs. old,- $1.00 ea. Also 25 pullets beginning .to lay, $1.00 ea. Rt. 8, Bx. 137, Salem. ' . , SCOTTIE PUPPIE, 2381 State St. Wanted Miscellaneous"! WALNUT MEATS or walnuts tn shelL any quantity. Stat Cafeteria. Free -We pick np dead and wortb less horses cows, sheep TeL 4889. WOODRY THE auctioneer pays cash er trade for used furniture or what have yout Ph. B-l-1-0 . WILL TRADE bicycle for band fn , stnaoent What have youT Phone 778L WDT WILL share expenses, round trip to Marahfleld. R. 1, Bx. 180, Salem. I Miscellaneous I COLD STORAGE lockers. Ramage's, 810 N. Liberty. Phone S7S1. MEN WOMEN. Want government Jobs $105.00 to $175.00 month. Try next Salem examinations. Get ready now. Sample coaching tests full par ticulars, and list positions FREE. Ap ply today, hurry. Box : 127CA, Statesman. ' FILMS DEVELOPED. 8 prints and 3 enlargements 25c. Quality Co., box 1578. Portland. Ore. " FILMS DEVELOPED. 8 prints each good negative, 25e. Portland Film Co., box 4213. Portland, Ore. FILMS DEVELOPED. Eight prints and hand colored enlargement. 25c. Oregon Picture Co., box 4292, station D. Portland. "Ore. 4 Vi-fcTT T TtTC Tf TVD A XXT QtTVTPIT ir A tJ S -- - or PAINT Write for Talent Test N Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 818, Statesman. OrC ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall Co. Ltd. as Prsaciseo. Lot Anftles, Seattle Eastern Advertising . RepresenUUret Bryant. Griffith Bninson. latw Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Wn mmmA mm - PiilifflM ttt galMI. Oregon, o Stcond-ClatM Matter, Pub lished every etomfne ewp Jfenday. f.-Mjfcies oic. 115 South Commercial " gwHgmM-' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, tn Advance. 'Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. 1 U. fie cents: 8 Ma 81.3S ; 0 Mo, 83.28 : 1 year 84.00. Elsewhere $0 cents per Mo, or 85.00 for 1 year tn advance Pet Copy t cents. News Stands S cent. Br City Carrier: 45 cents s month; S.0 a year la advance. CASH PAID fB TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. tit N. Commercial Phone J 141 For, Kent Rooms ROOMS. I Ji DIES. 3$ N Cottage. CHEERFUL front room for gentle man, private entrance, $10.00. Garage available. 1220 N. Summer. FURN. room, i 473 Division. BOARD. KM. Close In. 315 Bellevue. "eeeeeeOMeeeeaMaaesaeWeaeeeae COMFORTABLE SLEEPINO R. for middle aged lady, with use of radio and piano,. Call 310 Leslie, evenings. CLEAN, LARGE, comfortable room for gentleman, close in. Phone 4745. . NICE FURN. rra., 44$ Oak. P. 9534. FURN. ROOM, 455 S. Liberty, P. 7600. . ,.'!. , . ' - Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD near state house and Univ. TeL 4907, 161 S. 14th. 3 YOUNG MEN, 430 Union. Tel. BOARD AND room close to business district, 69 3 S. Commercial St RM.. BD.; 434 Union. Tel. 4231 ROOM AND garage, TeL 4098. ROOM AND BOARD. Tel. 3614. 1340 S. Cora'L ; also 3 R. furn. apt. , ! For Rent Apartments GIRL TO share apt. TeL 6609. 2 OR 3 RM., 267 S. Church. 4 R,-unfurnl ant. : fireplace, builtins: polished floors; feleep porch. Heat, wa ter furnished.: 925 N. Winter. " " , , - -uJyJrnr(j-jt 2 ROOM APT., 969 N. Cottage. 3 R. FURN. mod. apt. Close in. 224 Division.-.'. .. i ! .. .. . SINGLE ROOM, kitchenette. 250 S Cottage. - s u 2 R. FURN. APT. for . single man or woman. Oct.! 15th. 255 Center St. NEW MOD. furn. apt., close in. Ad ults. 835 Division St. 2 ROOM FURN., light, water, heat 1470 Waller, i FOR RENT Furnished ants.. 318 and $22.50, also a choice fine A. tract. House, i rooms, bath water system. elec. light and gas, barn and lien house. Rent $25. Bechtel or Jackson, C 11 State St. A NICE place to live. Newly decor ated and under new management, 4 R. furn. or unfurn. apt- electric rerrijr., light and heat. Monterey Apts., 633 rerry. ; For Rent Houses ) STRICTLY MOD. B rm. furn. house. Adults. $45. Owner 19f5 Hazel Ave. 10 ACRES 3 MI. from city on Bel- crest road 5 R. house, basement, fur nace, all kinds fruit, walnuts, $16.00; chicken house, barn, garage, avail able Nor. 1st. RL 2, Bx. 137, Salem. For Rent Hospital bed f and wheelchairs to mi -H. I.' Stiff Furniture Co. Or rice rooms for rent. 881 State St. Tel' 371$.- , i ; MODERN) HOME 2 bedrooms. $30. 10 acres--modern 6 room house. other bldga. ! ' J. LINCOLN: ELLIS, 2063 State St. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER. 7 R. bouse at 1745 State. Tel. 9479. seeeeesiEaseesae1Vs1s Homei, (innu ft 29 Court. TeL 1721- JssessseesseasjaseeBeeerfefc t SPECIAL IMMEDIATE . POSSESSION Of a neat 6 room bungalow, east front, near grade, junior and high school. ' Easily worth $3750. Will accept $3300 If i e,tu ef aa s tf i . ! baL SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 Stare St. Phone $708. QUICK SALE $ rooms : large beau tiful lot. 'trees, etc. Close to creek. $15 N. Winter. 8250 DOWN, R. plastered house, double garage, cement floor, paved street and walk. Total price $1550.10. $500 down. T K. house, new roof. 23 A., , mostly, in orchard. Total price $2650.00. i - $5O0 cash (total price) will buy 6 A. excellent dark soil, 2M ml. north east. 'Priced for quick sale. $325 cash (total price) will buy 1 A. good dark garden soil, 1 ml out cn pavement. Wonderful view, fine build ing site. i We need more listings. Give us a trial. ' L J. Crittenden Chas. Lebold 2583 Portland Road Tel. 6143. LARGE TEN room residence with sleeping porch, close In. Lot 75x150, $7,500.00. Owner will exchange for small modern home. - Close tn residentlal-a partment house. Rental Income $261.00, fully furnished. $8,500.00. Will give terms. 8-room boarding house, close In, fur niture only. Income $150.00 month clear. Price $1,200.00. Terms to suit. HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC., Guardian Building, Salem. 8 RM., FIREPLACE, big lot. $1259, terms. 4 rm. pi a st.. bath, garage, walks and pav. rL, $1800. $250 cash. 8 rm. plast., bath, garage, fine con dition, good lot, $2500 $250 cash $20 mo. . . $ rm., t brms., 2 lots cor., paved walks pd., ; $2U0O. $500 cash, baL terms. i Have buyers for mod. 4 br ' 5 rm. close In, for cash. : Also a small house for $1000 cash. See me at once. - Frank Grtepentrog. 1940 McCoy St. , TeL 4954. SERVICE STATION store and loca tion for auto camp $2250.00. 8 acres, usual bldg., good soil, pave ment near Salem, $1850.00. J. LINCOLN ELLIS 2061 State Street FOR SALE Small apartment house, close ln, A. good buy for a couple without a family. Inquire at 1604 Oik St., Salem, Oregon. T RM. HOUSE near state house, furnace, garage, $3000. - 8 rm. modern home on large creek lot. double t plumbing, furnace, fire place, $5500. ' will take small home part pmt, t !; A rm. house near new -high school, fireplace, trees, 2 garages, $2500. easy terms. T rm. home, furnace, trees, axod buy at $2500, easv terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 N. High Street $1500. 5 rm. N. Com. $1600. 4 nil, 21st, Thompson St. $1600. 6 rm, fa. bstnt., good loc. $1650. 4 rm. Market St. . $1800. 4 rm N. 2.!d st. $1900. 4 rm. N. 16th St. ' $2250. 6 rm. mod. W. Salem. $3000 4 rm. So. Winter. $3500. 4 rm. So. Winter. $3500. rm. N. 24th St. $4500. rm. Superior St. $4750. rra. mod.. Court at , f Oood lots. $150 and up. . i Several good suburban nomes, In. V. U HUSH. 103 N. 17th. Hi. 7181. Reduced Agam October Clearaoce Sale These Csirs Must Go Before November WkG -Then - Now 1931 Ford DeLuxe Roadster $300.00 $265.00 $245.00 1930 Chev. Sedan, comp. overhauled 300.00 265.00 245.00 1931 Willys-Knight Coupe, rumble 300.00 275.00 215.00 1930 Studebaker Coupe, a dandy 310.00 285.00 245.00 1930 Ford Coach, a nice clean car 290.00 265.00 235.00 1927 Nash Coach, netv paint 90.00 75.00 70.00 1929 Buick 7-Pass. Sedan ; 260.00 235.00 195.00 Valley Motoir Center & liberty Phone 2 lit iMilTl(V"srtfVVlefVV'VVV NO HUNTING! You can See Bargains at "C Shrock's Car Lot without hunting. No Sales No Specials Fair prices on all cars always ... Some pf the man 1935 Plymouth Deluxe Coach 1935 Graham Coupe 1935 Hupmobila Sedan . ...... .8138 -35 -$74$ .8315 .$315 1931 Chevrolet Coaches 1931 Chevrolet Coupe . 2) 1929 Pontiac Coach $185 Manv others Includlne several WE NEED MORE CARS AND WILL PAT CASH OR SELL ON CONSIGNMENT 555 Chem. St. Oldsmobile Clean Up Sale TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE MANY TRADE-INS ON NEW 1937 OLDS A 8 WE OFFER Salem's Outstanding Values In Late Model Reconditioned Used.' Cars, that -are absolutely Guaranteed and Sold with the LoweBttFinance Charges 1935 Olds 6 Touring Sedan ; ,- . ... , -1 798 .f 1935 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, 13,000 miles .- 89s 1932 Ford V 8 Sedan, 6 wf w., '33 moeor ... 385 1931 Chev. Master Sed., $ w. w 29.000 miles - 385 1931 Oakland Sedan , . 84S 1929 Olds 6 R. S. Coupe . , . 215 We Have Two House Cars (Olds" 6 Touring Sedans) that we are giving a very liberal discount on. BPZELlJ-GRIMSON MOTORS i Open Evenings & Sunda ys J . 350 N. High i Phone 6300 - . . . Now Showing Preview Photographs , '37 OLDS 6 A 8 For Sale Real Estate tt. ACRE LAND. BIdg. 24x30, up stairs celled, electricity. 3 miles ; out on paved road Owner Box 828, States man. ; - --- ' i i f. LOTS LOTS LOTS $750.00 TO $1250.00 WILL purchase one of those fine building lots located between. S. Liberty and South High streets and Leslie and Mission streets, 6 blocks south of State and S. Liberty streets. Here is your chance to buy a lot at a right price and reasonable terms. The cheapest close i in resi dence lots in the city of Salem, walk and pavement paid. $100.00 down and $20.00 per month, int. 6 percent. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street 4- SUBURBAN HOME S . BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home, modern In every detail, 1 acre beauti fully landscaped with shrubs, pool, outdoor fireplace. You will like It and the price is only $5500, part terms. SEE Mrs. ; Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. $100 DOWN I BALANCE $20 PER month wUl buy this 5 acre home with 3 room house, good drilled well, located it miles out on Pacific highway. Price $2000. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS I 134 S. Liberty St. - Phone 6468. 8 ROOM HOUSE, 1 blk tf postoffice, $2300. Inquire 1335 State St. FAIRMOUNT HILL BARGAIN . THIS 8 ROOM home with basement and furnace, garage, large lot, good lo cation, price $2800, cash, bal. terms. A REAL VALUE. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. $150 DOWN, S ROOM plastered house . In good condition, garage, paving, '$1500. $200 down, large living room, bedroom, bath, kitchen, lots of built ins, good location, $1500. 8100 down good house on Myrtle Ave . nue, - basement, furnace, $ bed rooms, $2500. 3300 down, nice bungalow, oak floor In living room, kitchen,. nook. 2 bed- , rooms, basement, furnace, tire place, close to bus and school. ' $2350. f $750 down, good home, oak 'floors In living and dining rooms, kitchen, nook, 4 bedrooms, basement, fur nace, fireplace. $3750. $750 down, modern 0 room English type home at 1363 N. Church Sr. - $4350.- MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St. Phone S723 NEW HOMT , NEARLY COMPLETED, located In northeast Salem, five- rooms, mahogany finish, hardwood floors, tile bath, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot. Price $4200, terma Will be ready to move Into In about two weeks. SEE, W. H. -GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. STOP RENT BUY NOW $200 DOWN, PRICE $2000, baL $17 per TOO. i ; ; - ;. .... ' ; ( s Nice 4-R. house, bath, basement, garage, good location. $500 price $1600.00. nice 8-R. house and a real bargain. $200 down, price $2000. 5-R. hojse, bath, garage, fireplace. $500 down, price $3250 dandy 8-R. house on Chemeketa St., all modern, a snap. . $500 down. 6-R. house, on Center street. $20t)0 price, lot 67HX123. $250 down, -price $1850 7-R. house and I tots 2 ft blk. of State street. '. $500 down, price $2500 nice large corner lot. both streets paved, room for another house, basement, furnace, alt In A-l shape, $2000 down buys one of the nicest homes In North Salem. All strictly model n you should see this nice place $000 place for $4500.00. Before you buy or sell, see us. J AS. D. SEARS C HAS. SANDERS 118-S. High St. Phone 6131. A REAL SNAP THIS MODERN 6 room home loca ted at 990 N. Fifth St.. nice corner tot, double garage, oak floors, fireplace, basement and furnace, price '$4200, terms. i SEE, W. Jf. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. - OWNER LEAVING town. House aid creek lot at bargain. Small down pint., apts. yield $50 mo. and 7 rooms left 740 N. Church. TeL 580$. r 00en0mmremmmeeee 1933 Chrysler Sedan 1745 1931 WUlya Six Sedan .i. 1931 Chevrolet -wbL Coupe .$318 .$328 .$295 1930 DeSoto Sedan 119 Rtllr-k C.wht. fToiine $17 1928 OldemoHe. Sedan , 419i Tfuck and Motorcycle Bargains' At Phone 7922 hrock'o For Sale Real Estate ' LOTS LOTS LOT S WATCH ROSEDALE addition' grow, . located between . 14th street and 17th street, north of Market street, six new houses being built at Jits time ; If you are considering build ing don't fail to drive out and look at this fine addition, 200 lots to select from.-Price $450.00 and tip with pared street. Now is the time to buy that lot while prices are reasonable. If you are figur ing on building, we can help you finance your building, SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 184 a Liberty Street 5 R. HOUSE, WELL located. N. Sa lem. Full price $1800, $300 down, $20 per mo. 5 R. house on N. Fifth near High land school. Full price 12600, $500 cash, $20 per mo. 4 good lots in N. Salem, Ideal build ing locations, $450 each. 6 R. h., strictly modern. Fall price $2500, $500 down, $20 per mo. F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902. 1 A. ON Cascade Drive, good R. house and bath, city water, lights, barn, large chicken house, garage, fruit house, cherries, other fruit, 1 ml from Ladd A Bush bank. $2750 terms. . - Vosburgh-Grant, Masonic Bldg. For Sale Farms f FARMS, ACREAGE, for rent, sale trade. Oregon Land Co.. Woodburn, Or. 11 A. ALL In cul.. Sew house, never occupied, good barn, family orchard, on paved road, 4 ml. from cap! to building, immediate possession, some terms can be arranged, see my repre sentatives. Wm. McGilchrist, Jr. or R. D. Embrey 325 State St. Phone 4838. 6tt A. 9 ML FROM Salem, small 4 room house, chicken house, barn, some fruit, 'spring, $1255 3250 down. 33 A. 5 room house, bath, good bain, other farm bldgs., 20 A. cult., dark rich soil, irrigation right, $3700. 41 A. 1 mi. from Silverton.7 room house, large barn, 35 cult., some timber, orchard, good soil. $5000. 116 A. of good land, good bldgs., all fenced and cross fenced, 10 A. tr- chard, 10 A. timber, $51 per A; SI A. S . room house, barn, ' other buildings. Most of land in bearing prunes, south. $360.00 down, 30 years on balance at 6. MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 Court St. Phone 3723. 68 ACRES IMPROVED farm. A miles from Silver ton. 45 acres In cultiva tion, balance pasture and some timber all year creek, by bldga. Nice family orchard. $ room house, good barn and other outbldgs. 'Priced $5800 $580 cash balance very easy terms, .imme diate possession. UNDGREN OR TUCKER 178 & High TeL 8890. GOOD 50 A. FARM, sell at a sac rifice or trade for city property. This is not Just an ordinary proposition. In vestigate now. Get a good farm white you have an opportunity ; terms to suit. See my list before buying; trades say specialty. It, C Shields 21$ Ore. Bldg. T. $902 eeeeeem&ee0 10 A. CITY LIMITS. $2500, easy terms good 8 rm. house, water sys tem, barn, chicken house. House and 3 A., wlU lease 1 mL from Polk Co. bridge. 50 A. farm, trade city. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $902. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 120 A. 3 MILES FROM good town on market road, 36 A. cult., creek, spring, 6 R. house, large barn, family orchard. $3700 with $350 down. i LEBANON DISTRICT SI-A. 16 A. cult.. 4 R. house, good barn, close to school, good road. $2000. $200 rasli, balance easy' or will rent for $180 a year. Jesse G. Campbell, 22, Oregon Bldg. "A POSITIVE BARGAIN" $2500 24 ACRES, ALL in cultlva tlon, fruit, berries, 5-room house and outbldgs.. implements, situated mile N. W. of Woodburn, Ore 35 mL Port land... Mr. Gatewood with A. W. LAMBERT A SON C39 S. E. Morrison St. Ea. 413L - Portland. Oregon 1U ACRES HOUSE, fruit, near Salem $800 terma PHONIC 471J 1st Marion A Liberty Phone 7910. For Sale Farms RANCHES THAT WILL PLEASE l-ACHES, CHERRIES and apples. Nice setting in fir trees, good 6-R, house, basement and water system, barn and garage. Price 12700 $1500 down. 6 -acres good soil and nice new 2-R. bowse, 2 miles out. -pric $1(80 $680 dosrn. .4 5-ACRES ! stocked and equipped 20A. cult some lumber- and good evergreen pasture, Living . stream, fair innrovements.. "rcows, 4 belters, 20 ton hay, one 'librae and all implements, Steeo down. 97-Acres. 60-acres cult., 25-A. fine timber, good pasture, good 6-R, house and barn, running water,.Jl for $4000, $1000 down. A real stock ranch for i't tle money, - ; " . JAS..D. SEARS CHAS. SANDERS 118-a High , . Phone 613L NOHTH OF KEIZER SCHOOL 37 A. -RIVER J BOTTOM soil. Price $3600.00, $400.00 down, baL easy. This place Is priced for quick sale. See TUCKER . OR LIN DG REN : 175 S. High Acreage . MODERN' SUBURBAN HOME 13 ACRES, 1 A. CHERRIES, X A. prunes, 1 A. filberts, some walnuts, apples and grapes. 1 A. pasture. Fine 6 room home nearly completely fur nished, electric range, Holpolnt water heater, Frlgidatre, rugs, and all com plete. Hay in the barn. Good garage and laundry room. Only 5 miles out en paved road. Everything goes at only $4500, some terma i 1 SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 844 State Street Phone $708. ! I ' ACREAGE : H ACRE," 6 ROOM house, barn, city water, family orchard, $900, $500 down. . ; - H acre, 5 room nearly new plastered house, double garage,, electric water system, modern chicken house, $1600, $500 down. - 6 acres, no bldgs. All fine soil, good road. 2 Mi miles from Salem, $1400 r easy terms. 10 aeres ltt miles of Salem, S room plastered house, good barn, electee water system. 6 acres In large walnut trees. Will trade for Salem property, 50 acres, bldga, 30 acres In crop. Some beaverdam land. Good buy at $5250.00. HOUSES 4 rooms r and nook full basement and furnace. 2 bedrooms in the Holly wood district. $2500. $350 down. 6 room plastered house in good re pair in North Salem. An exceptional buy at $2100. $500 down. , - BUSINESS Service station and camp ground a money maker. Let us tell you about this. Why not list your property with nsT R. A. Forkner W. I Gibson 1853 N. Cspitol TeL 3031. 8 A. ABOUT MILE from city lim its, 8 i room house, elec. water system, good barn, $3500. $1000 down fir take house in Salem or W. Salem In trade. Be elite! or Jackson, 341 State TIMBER LAND $65.00 PER ACRE buys a fine 60 acres of timber located 8 miles from Salem ; if it is a cord wood proposition, see this. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. I Wanted Real Estate SMALL HOME. P. O. Bx. 235, Salem. WANTED GOOD Improved 10 or 20 acre tract near Salem. Cash deaL Write Roy Morgan, Rapelje, Mont, i WANTED THE best small houee $1000 cash will buy. F. GRIETENTROG - .1940 McCoy Street WANTED BEST mod. 6 R. house $1500.00 to $2000.00 cash will buy. Box 827, Statesman ) Business Opportunities CAMP SITE on 99 highway north, 4" A., 1 to timber, new 4 room plas tered house, $2150. Nice clean board and rooming house furniture. Making money, excellent location. . MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 Court St.; Phone 3723 CEMENT STORE and ' apartment building close In. This is a real pro ducer. $16,500.00, $1,000.00 cash hand les. This will stand rigid Investigation .HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. 4 Guardian Bldg., Salem MANAGER WANTED To place and service consigned stocks in 100 store route, this vicinity. No personal selling. $5$.00-$80.00 weekly for right man. $300.00 required, fully Secured and returnable. VAN BRUNT, 1265 a Norton, Los Angeles. MONEY MAKER oil refinery com plete with good wholesale trade estab lished also Includes at reasonable rent a gas agency, 2 pumps, shop, eta Priced $850, some terms. - r Chas. EL Lebold I. J. Crittenden TeL 6143 i 2583 Portland Road INVENTIONS: WANTED' suitable nsationa! distribution. Send full details. Roy C Burns, Hotel Multnomah, Port land, Oregon. Money to Loan SOUND INVESTMENT. Good first mortgage real estate loans, farm' and city properties. Net Investors 5 Mi to 6H. Amounts $500 to $2000. Exam ine security yourself. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans $44 State St. Phone 6708. PRIVATE LOANS for automobile Ker low rate. Roy H. Slmmon Flmi National Bank Bids. Uc 4-152. sjsMMsMMsMaaassasasi I7suleel feak..eeB Meek wtftasi S 8rMll 1st it ' CWICU UWUSIIIB; (Wll esww w--w or refinance homes or business prop, f.ew rates Abrams A Ellis. Masoele R MONET BT an Independent local J corporation on pianos, musical insu-u- i ments, automobiles, furniture, tlve-J stock and endorsed notes, new : tew rates 1 to 20 months to repay. . . General Finance Corp. Phone $188 1 Lie. S-138. First Nat L Bank BldS- Salem, Ore. CERTAINLY YOU WILL VOTE FOR THESE BETTER USED CARS AT 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Spt. Coupe 1930 Plymouth-Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Coach Written Guarantees Low G.M.A.C. Termb 333. Center Street McKay Clhie wqlelfc Co. Borrego's Car Market RALPH BORREGO SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE ON LOW PRICED CARS BIO REDUCTION IN PRICES 1929 Nash coupe $175 1928 Dodge sedan 125 192S Falcon Knight coach 1928 Essex coach 125 75 75 - 45 30 1926 Studebaker. sedan 1928 Durant coach 1925 Studebaker roadster 1924 Buick sedan SO Ws also have some good buys lu late model cars Fords Cheyrolets, Plymouths. Dodges and Grahams. REMEMBER: -BORREGO" S FOR A a. , .. . BETTER BUY 525 Marion St. Phone 4538. GOOD USED CARS SOLD IN GOOD FAITH 1935 Buick Small Series . Touring Sedan. ' Radio equipped - $785 1934 Pontiac Sedan. 6-w. equipt-$635 1934 Pontiac Coupe, 6-wh. equipt $t35 1934 Chev. Master Coupe $525 1934 Chev. Master 6-wh, equlpt,i$'75 1933 Studebaker Club Sedan. 6- wbeel equipped .....$3S5 1931 Ford Coupe, reconditioned. repainted . . $295 1930 Chrysler T7 Sedan. 4 new Lee tires $365 1930 Oakland Sport Coupe. Re- $265 .$265 $185 -..$'65 conditioned 1930 Oakland 2-door Sedan 1929 Ford Coach 1928 Buick 4-pasa. Coupe 1926 Hupmobue sedan -$ 75 19ZT cnrysier uoacn $ WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON THE USED CARS WE SELL . . . OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE . . OUR SELECTION WIDE s . . OUR TERMS ARE EASY It PAYS to Deal with Us. OTTO J. WILSON BUICK' SALES A SERVICE 388 N. Com'L Ph. 5451 Salem. Pick Ups and Trucks 1935 International L. W. " B. pickup $575.00 1934 Dodge two-ton L. W. B. 650. ftO 1933s Ford Hi ton S. W. B 350.00 OTHERS TO SELECT FROM James H. Maden Co. .-. 217 State St. Phone 8590. YOU CAN buy a Good Used Gra-i ham for as little as $25.00 per month Including - insurance and 6 - finance charges. See LODER BROS, before you buy. 445 Center Street Phone 6133 Salem, Oregon. . FOR SALE or trade my equity In Model A Ford roadster with excliange motor. Ed Gipson, 519 Market St. Tel. 3800. ' PRICED FOR quick sale 'a V-8 Ford Sedan. 35 Locust St. - Money to Loan 300 or . On Your Oivn Signature All Types of Loans - Aas Auto Refinancing You Must be Satisfied Phone 3740 Beneficial Loan' .Society Roots lis flew Bliga Bldg. - znd Fioec 618 SUts SL : Salesw Ore. , Lieeate S-122-11 165 . Loans Wanted Leans wanted en rarra an city property. Before borrowing. Inowlre at Hawkins A Roberta.. -LET IOUR SAVINGS eam FOUR PER CENT INSURED to FIVE THOUSAND. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Assn. 130 So. Uberty. Insurance You need Burglary Insurance. For lowest rates see Standley A Foley, Inc, Phone 58J4J. - Livestock arid Ponltry " PURE BRED Guernsey Bull for sale. Sixteen months old: ready for service. W. A. Tlmra, Box $4, - Route No. 2. Turner, Oregon. 1 For Sale Wood "1 GUARANTEED DRT wood roar TeL -50UO. Salem Fuel Ce Trade 41 Cottage. ALL KINDS , of wood, TeL :. GOOD DRT 4 ft- 2nd gr, 8 cd. lets, 818.60. Tel T 8 60. Wood Sa vring j WOOD SAWING, reason. TeL" 8081 X H. BOEN1NG. Phone 963 A WOOD SAWING "reasonable. TeL 8290. Lost and Found ' 1 TAKEN UP one ' Guemsey-Jersey Oct. 13Uk. Fred W. Rauey, R. 4, Box LOST MALE Irish setter. Reward. TeL 3751. . - Personal I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by any others -than myself. Mrs. Ida M. Beeman. : TMr WFIflllT .In IK' Kaim. uf.. in. expensive. Write Dr. "Wendi, Canton, S.Dak, . - n I :.$; 75 1933 I;....... 100 1935 150 . 1935 265 1936 I...;;-.; 295 . 1936 L........ 365 1936 Phone 3189 t MM UiA Mn o State Motor's, Inc. OFFERS Sensational Reductions NEW 1936,.. PACKARD "12b9 SEDAN NEW1 1936 ' - ? ' TBRRAPLANE DeLUXE SEDAN . Almost Neiv 1935 HUDSON CUSTOM SEDAN; Radio Unusual Terms , y REAL VALUES 34 TERRAPLANE DeLuxe Sedai Like 33 WILLYS Six Sedan. New air wheels and tires 31 STUDEBAKER DeLuxe Sedan. Fender wells 31 FORD Panel Delivery. New paint. New tires 30 HUDSON Coupe. Refinlshed. K. seat 31 ESSEX Coach, original finish. Low mileage 9A P.ssEX'J'nafh. Mntar overhauled. Real Value .. 30 DURANT Sedan. Reflnlshed, motor overliauled PAY 29 HUDSON Coach. New tires. New motor PAX PJS.The New 1937 Packard Sixes are Here! FINANCE Charge - - Liberal Trades - - Up to 24 Months to ray State Motors, Ine. PACKARD - - HUDSON - - TERRAPLANE , 525 Chemeketa at High - - - -Phone 8400 Open Evenings and Sunday .,. Hoiu About This List of Used Car Taken inv on New 1937 Plymouths & Chryslers? - Come in and Look Them Over 1935 CHRYSLER 6, Sedan with trunk. HOOft m. - 1935 DODGE Sedan, excellent condition, low mileage 1938 DODUK Sedan. LlKe new 1934 CHEVROLET Coach. Low 1931 STUDEBAKER Coupe. New 1931 BUICK Sedan, In fine shape 1931 CHRYSLER Sport Sedan. 1931 GRAHAM Sedan 1932 PLYMOUTH P. B. Sedan. A 1929 PONTIAC Coach 1930 CHRYSLER "JO' Sedan a SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 435 N. Commercial ------- Phone 4673 BILL CHURCH . .Announces THE NEW 1937 LAFAYETTE & NASH See Them at the Show Room of CARTER & CHURCH MOTOR CO. 365 N. Commercial St., Phone 373 i WHITE'S USED CARS Bought Right - Sold -Right 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe, -new paint. R. seat, .duplex glass -V. ...,...$425 1934 Chrysler Cabriolet. R. - seat, runs like new $635 1938 Plymouth Sedan DeLuxe, with trunk . ..$775 1935 Plymouth 2-door Sedan $365 1931 Chevrolet 4 -door, 6-wheel Se dan $3C5 1929 Hupmoblle 4 -door Sedan, tnk . :. -$225 1929 Chevrolet Coach, best buy In town . $175 1932 V-8 Coach with '34 motor, 18.000 miles ...$36S 1931 Ford A Touring, fine condi- dlton $165 1928 Pontiac 4-door sedan 3135 1928 Graham Paige Sedan, 4-door $15 1926 Chrysler 70 Coach ; . $ $5 -1931 Ford A 4-pasa. Coupe . ,. $265 1930 Ford A Coach ., $195 1930 Ford A Sedan, 4-door ,$235 1931 Ford Coupe, bargain $185 1929 Ford A, Sedan, 4-door 6(65 1929 Hudson 4-door Cue. Sedan $175 1929 Hudson Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Pontiac Coach, perfect 1928 Durant 2-dr. Sedan 1929 Ford A Coupe, R. seat 1930 Ford A Roadster , 1927 Chevrolet- Coach ' 1927 Chevrolet Sedan - , 1929 Chevrolet Roadster .$148 .$125 - 0 .$ 65 $!S5 1927 Buick Sedan II1S $ 95 $55 1191 Old. SmI,. rnr wut 1927 Chevrolet plcinip T-,.J"T lz uasiana pickup $ 45 Lots of other cars less than $50. John L. White Co. Bargain Lot Opposite Marion Square Park 644 N. Com! St. Phone 7114. Salem, Ore. --- -" - i - -, M1--.1 r,n -in rtn.iuino The House That Service Built 1938 DeSoto Custom 4-door Se dan. eomDletelv o'hauled 8598.00 1935 Terra plane 4-door Sedan. Nice shape Z $675.00 1921 Cher. 4-door Sedan, eery clean 275.00 1930 Ford A 4-D. Sedan 295 00 1929 Ford A Tudor Sedan . 175 00 1923 Chev. 2-door Sedan 125 ( 1923 Durant 4-door Sedan 145.00 1929 Essex 4 Sedan .. 7 00 1926 Ford Model T Touring 80.00 1925 Ford Model T Tudor 30.00 W.m L. Anderson, Inc. ; DeSoto and Plymouth Phone 7703 , . 0 Marion. $165 6145 $150 i.$128 $ 85 Chevrolet Sedan . .,...$445 Chevrolet Std. Coach 545 Chevrolet Std. Coach 565 Chevrolet Std, Sedan 695 Chevrolet Master Cpe 695 Chev. Master Town Sdn 745 "430 N. CommercIsA IN USED CARS new PAT DOWN $17 DOWN 310 tDowN $ioe DOWX $ 96 DOWN $98 DOWN $ 95 DOWN $ Si DOWN $ 5$ DOWN $ 7$ -PAY .PAY .PAY .PAY .PAY -PAY :$soo.oo . 6W.V00 . 495.00 . 345.00 . 4 23.00 . 42,1.00 . 325.00 . 425.00 . 215.00 . 325.00 inrougnout , mileage tires, motor overhauled Far above average .- - l In every .way .... , ...... real buy Not a Clean-Up Just More Trade-ins on the New 1937 Studebakers . 36 Studebaker Sedan Low mileage, Phllcb radio del ixe heater ....;..$ 945 35 Plymouth DeLuxe , ' Coupe ' ' ' ' T't- Very low rnileage looks like new inside and out ' - ' 1 $61$ 35 Dodge Bus. Coupe' Metallic finish the model that . gives high gas mileage see -1 fits one for a saving -.$6$ 32 Studebaker Regal Brougham - 6-wheef eonipt, - trunk, Tery low mileage and we guarantee this to .be the cleanest, best - kept, uxed car In Salem $195 32 Ford V-8 Bus. Coupe Factory reconditioned motor, new tires refinislied thousands of miles without high cost ..i $3a5 32 DeSoto Ciist. Sedan Alr-wheet 'tires, dual equip., ... this motor perfect , $ i$ 29 Dodge DA. Coupe Don't Judge this one till you see ft. A jeal value i ..$325 31 Chev. Special Sedan Trunk- cemplete recondition ing : $165 Franklin Sedan Motor reconditioned, refinlshed. One of the outstanding cars for low maintenance cost. SooitWly is going to enjoy real value at $395 , Low Priced Dependable Cars 30 Stude. Diet. Coupe Top condition $1!5 29 Pontiac Sedan Original finish, good condition $?45 18 EIGHTEEN OTHER CARS $25 to $175 Look these cars over your old car accepted in trade terms to suit the Individual. W A T C II 8 T U D E B A K E R Bonesteele Bros., Inc. Chemeketa and Liberty Ph. 4H4. NEW TRAILER Travelome. TeL 7549. 2673 Portland road.