The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 18, 1936, Page 10, Image 10

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    iTht OREGON STATESMAN, Kalcn, Oregon, Sunday Morning October 18, 1933
raiday Society? Glmbs and Music Page ,.of The Statesman
' - Women a Editor
Phone 9101
Lovely Church Wedding
Their Responsibilities Are Over
Willamette PledgeisAre
R e veale A at- Ermal" "
- Dinners Saturday
-''Will,, Unite;
: This Afternoon
AGAINST an autumn background of chrysanthemums,
gladioli and tall cathedral tapers Miss Lucille Rolow,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J F. Rolow, will become the
bride of Maurice Heater; son of Mr. and Mrs J W. A. Heater,
at a large church ceremony this afternoon at the Knight
Memorial church at four o'clock.
N -Dr. Grover : Birtchet will per-
form the service assisted by Rev.
H. C. Stover. Preceding the wed
ding Lawrence Alley will sing "O
Promise Me" and' "I Love You
Truly." Donald Allison will be
the organist and will play -the
wedding marches.
The bride, who will enter on
.the arm of her father, win wear
a gown of white satin made on
princess lines with full court
train. The dress is fashioned with
tight sleeves and high neckline.
Her full length tulle veil will fall
from a lace halo cap. She will
carry a shower bouquet of bou-
vardia and. bride's roses
Members of Wedding Party
The attendants will wear gowns
in the fall shades. Mrs. Harold
Heath of Portland will act as
matron of honor for the bride
elect. She will wear peach chif
fon over crimson taffeta made tu
nic style and carry an arm bou
quet of bronze chrysanthemums.
The bridesmaids. Miss Irma
Martin" and Miss Coleen Mennis,
will wear peach chiffon "over
bronze made similar to the honor
attendant. They will carry har
monizing arm bouquets.
Little Miss Ramona Lee Rice
will be the flower girl and will
wear a tip toe length dress of ap
ricot taffeta.
Raymond Rolow, brother of the
bride, will act as best man for
Mr. Heater. Ushers will be
Douglas Heater and Wendel We-
Reception to Follow
A reception will be held at the
home of the bride following the
wedding: Roses and gladioli will
decorate the serving table and liv
ing room. Mrs. Byron Royce of
Oak Grove will cut the bride's
cake. Mrs. Minerva Holcomb of
Portland will pour and Mrs. W. D.
Rice will cut the ices. Friends
of the bride-elect who have been
asked to serve are Mrs. James.
Sehon, jr., Mrs Clinton Stand
lsh, Mrs. Kenneth Barker, Miss
Virginia Wassam, Miss June Ed-
wards. Mis- Rachael Gardner and
"7 ' t - -
.Ilea IS TIDT p tVP
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs Rolow has chosln T dress
5 Mart net : mad ? with tulic
and ill fwer ".houldei corsage
ana Will wear a snoumer curmgo
, of gardenias. Mrs. Heater will
be gowned in, black crepe with
gardenia corsage.
The couple will leave after the
reception f o r a honeymoon in
California and Mexico. For trav
ellin gthe bride-elect will wear a
tailored brown suit with green ac
cessories and rosebud corsage.
After the 15th of November the
couple will be at home in Salem.
Both Miss Rolow and Mr. Heat
r are well known among the
younger set. Miss Rolow attend-
ed Salem schools.
Alnha Chi Omesa Alums
Will Meet Monday
Mrs. Robert Shinn will enter-
tain the alumnae of Alpha Chi
Omega sorority at her home on
North Summer street tomorrow
night. This will be the first meet
ing of the year and election of
officers will take place. Plans for
the coming year will also be made.
Bridge will be in play follow-
tug the business meeting. Later a
supper win be served to tne
group. The autumn decorations
will be used about the rooms. Any
Alpha Chi Omega in the city Is
cordially invited to attend
Alumnae members active in the
capital are:
Ted Chambers
Bnrton K
Jack Minto
Lewis Griffitk
men Gil mere .
Ted Hadsen -Gardner
Monroe Gilbert
Ithelwynne Gerke
Merle Lens
Cart Pe
11. J. Riokerdeon
( laade Stenaieii
inr Tonne
. Gordon Badley '
Harry Bnrklay
.Tames WaHen
William 8. Cole
Knbrrt Shlna
Frank Senfrvw ( Aa
Billie Cnnver
Dorothea Stensloff
Winifred Byrd
Gladr Dunn
o' Dallaa
teniae Williamson
Marjorle Karma
:: .
Catholic Daughters
Hold Meeting
', The Catholic Daughters of Am
erica held their regular monthly
meeting In St. Joseph's hall. Wed
nesday evening. A social evening
was spent after the meeting and
chill supper was served with1
Mrs. Georgia Etzel, Mrs. Marie
Xoenig, and Mrs. Nora Windlshar
tn charge. i ; '
- Plans were made' for the card
arty to be given in St. Joseph's
all Friday evening, October 23.
Bridge and Five Hundred will be
played and lunch will be served.
Tne committee in charge of this
party consists of Mrs. Marie, Roe
Big, Mrs.. Maude Rocque, Mrs.
Reenan, Mrs. Ringwald, Pearl
Balrey, . Mrs. Anna Hendricks.
Sylvia . Hoffman, . Mrs. Margaret
Innoeentl and Agnes Brown.
Catholic literature is to be plac
ed in -the Salem city library by
the Catholic Daughters. Mrs. Vera
Anderson and Mrs. Margaret
White were appointed to secure
the material. .
The Sewing Group has been ac.
tire this fall season. Material and
clothtag were sent to the fire suf
ferers at Bandon last week. The
next business meeting will be held
on Monday evening, November 9.
.. ' e !r
Ladies Nigfit At -
Lion's Clnb ' w
Ladies - Night at the Salem
L4ons club win oe ooservea Tues
day night at Nelson hall at eight
o'clock. The affair will honor Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Brandon who is
the pest president
Speaker Talks
On literary
Dean Alfred Powers, who gave
the address of the afternoon at
the American Association of Uni
versity Women's, meeting Satur
day, quoted passages of the writ-
Jngs of preg0n authors. "Purple
passages Dean Powers explained.
"are the reward for doing a piece
of writing and there Is about one
chance In 5000 words that there
will be one. But every really
great work has a ""purple pas
sage." - , J , i , .
Joaquin Miller in 1907 wrote a
letter to the county commission
er about little trees being too near
the road in Harney county. This
was one of the . most eloquent
business letters ever written.
" "A Salem man not properly re
cognized," said Dean Powers,
"was a gifted writer and poet.
This man, Samuel Clark, at one
time published The Oregon States
man and wrote a book of poems
about the Vanishing: Indian.'',
Dean Powers quoted from "50
years in Oregon" by T. T. Geer
in which he told about the girls
watcbing the pieplant grow until
it was big enough to eat, and
then watching their mother make
the pie, and the disappointment
when company came and the pie
was eaten by the grownups.
In conclusion Dean Powers said
"We have been a sad and tragic
people; our feelings flow deeply.
There are many purple passages
in Oregon writings. We are not
a glad and happy people though
we joke and laugh, we are mel
ancholy;" j ,
A business meeting occupied
Z. tT.V 7'''7Z .Z
oicusiuu wm juuuuuwu m
i n. t a. a
n08nItf"ty naiJman nd oter
""i!?6 h?t& m!td6
The FellwAh,p l "."i!
flounced that they had decWed
tA Bnormor th PTnrlUh film "Pan
7 ' r " V ZZ. r Z.m i. . .
sing of the Third Floor Back,- at
the State theatre in the near fu-
ture. Mrs. Roy Lockenour spoke
on the compulsory training bill.
Classes were announced as xoi
lows: Music appreciation class
will be conducted on the first
Wednesday of each month, by
Miss Frances i Virginie Melton,
Mrs. Earl Stewart will teach In
ternational relations on the see-
2nd ?f!?.?onw rn r,?"
w "i8ftIf51,an1da
F11!6 CfSt ,n, he
second and fourth Wednesdays,
. . i
Reception Held by
Englewood P.T.A.
Englewood P,T.A. entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gaiser, teach-
ers of the school and school board
at a reception in the auditorium
Thursday night
id group was entertained by
the Crescendo ? club of the high
school and the committee In
charge served ' refreshments in
the recreational room In the base
ment, r ; , '
Monday. October 19
American Legion auxiliary, regular meeting Fra
ternal temple, S p. m. . Joint social meeting with Post.
The Woman's Republican7 Study club will meet St
the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop,' 2 p. m.
Oregon Worker's Alliance, 7:30, at 420 State street.
Sigma Nu Delphian study club; public library, 2
o'eloek. " H - . . :
Junior American Legion auxiliary. Fraternal Tem
ple, 4 p. m., election of officers. . - '
West Salem Community club, new City , Hall, 8 p. m.
Willamette Shrine No. t, White Shrine of Jerusalem,
S p. m., Masonic Temple reception.
Salem Al truss club will meet with Miss Mlrpah Blair
at T: SO p.m. ,
Rebecca initiation at t p. m.
i . , . .
! Tuesday. October to
Salem Writer's club meet at the home of Uti. TJotfaH
McLeod on North Summer street at 7:80 p. m.
Regular meeting ofTJhadwlck chapter of O. K. 0,0.1
S p. m., honoring Grand Pages. ;, " 1 '
War Mothers meet st home ot Mrs. Carrie BeeaUetY
8 IK North Front, 2 p. m. . -
- North Salem W. C. T. TJ. at Jason Leo chuTch, 2 p. 21.
Juvenile Neighbors of Woodcraft meet at Fraternal
temple, 4 p. tn. for practice.
Salem Oarden club, 8 p. m.. Woman's elub house.
Pro America lunch at Marion hotel, noon.
Delphian groups. Alpha Mu and Beta Sigma, maa(
: 30 dinner, Marion hotel. -
Laurel Social Hour elub, with Mrs. Robert Hall,
2 p. m. i
McCormick girls elub, home of Mrs. Xmmett Well
ing, 1:30.
Etokta elub, home of Mrs. W. E. Hansen, West Eft
lem, 2 p. m.
Salem W. C. T. TJ. annual membership roll call,
P- m- I i
I ! Wednesday,
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society ef the hrilit
Memorial church meets with. Mrs. C. A. Graham, 2821
South Commercial. 2 p. m.
. East Central Circle, First M. E. church at home tt
Mrs. Ray Farmer, 909 Chemeketa.
i : Thursday. October 'it
Town and Gown club, Lausanne hall on Willamette
campus.; 2:20. members and friends Invited.
Salem sub-district ladles aid rally at First Methodist
church in Sllverton beginning at 10:80 a. m... - :
;; T " i Friday; October 3
The Council of Church Women meet at Bethany Re
form church.' corner Marlon and Capitol, 10 a. all
day meeting and noon lunch.
Tliis pro up of seemingly carefree students is the committee responsible for the clever decorations at the very successful student body dance
on Friday night. This affair Is the first big event of the high school social calendar. The very retiring young lady behind the windshield is
Maxine Goodenough, chairman of the group and her committee includes: Back row, Eileen Lester, Eileen Goodenongh, Helen Kestly and
Kd Tuttle. Front row: Kirk Bell and Arnold Thonstad.
PotTAt ll g1 r4
iiC 11 Uliial Ul
Joan White I
Is Told
Stirring much interest among
the university set in both Port-
kuv u ui w b a a a j dkt a, au uuku uil
ia nnfVAMitw at In tA1a TJAf
"uu. lw,ai ,B
meat Deinjt Snae tnis wee&ADa By
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. White
of Portland of the engagement of
tnelr daughter, Miss Jean, to Ken-
neth M. Potts of Salem son of
. - . . .
mn. nenry jioya, xormcriy oi
Milton-Freewater, but who Is now
mSLlllng ner nome ltt Saieni. The
wedd,ng has ben panned for
Saturday. December .12.
Miss White Is a graduate of Wil
lamette university where she was
very popular in social and campus
affairs. She was a member of Beta
Chi sorority serving as president
in her senior year. She is now pre
sident of the alumnae chapter of
Beta Chi. Miss White has visited
in the capital many times and has
large circle of friends here, s
Mr. Potts is a graduate of the
University of Oregon. He Is now
with the General Finance corpora,
tion and the couple will make
their home In Salem following
their marriage.
' ,r
Auxiliary Will Meet
un Monday
The regular meeting of the tor patrons and patronesses, re
American Legion auxiliary will be storatlon (a polite name for
held in Fraternal temple Monday, cleanup committee) was in charge
October 19, at 8 o'clock. It will of Claire Marshall. Miss Goode-
be a Joint social with the Pott.
October SI
. -L
i Stadent Body Dances
HIGH school social life began with a flourish Friday night
when the Salem high school student body presented the
Phirst Annual Pharm Phrolic. A rural atmosphere with
a riAfili nf TTflllnwAVTi fTirnwn in
Vlfll.v Mtj: vorv.van wiorrt trftaliM nn orftrtw
- w - aw- -otwwwj J
. . . -
"T ' V Ir" . .
wu vuc; w &epi oeama m. remv
ers mingled on
the dance floor
land the crowd
seemed little per.
"" '"Uurbed over the
result of the
-;tor the same
, A grand march
- (n the middle of
tne evening ana
several Paul
Joneses mcreas-
Mlaa Ooodenougii ed the -11
spirit of the eTening.
1 7
Miss Maxine Goodenough, vice
president or tne stnaent noay was
head of the social committee and
displayed originality in ideas, and
good organizing ability when she
directed tne work on tne parry.
Thla 1 the first of three all-etu-
This is the first of three all-Btu-
dent body dances Scheduled to be
finder her direction
i Miss Goodenough's committee
chairmen included, Barbara Lamb
f or publicity, Carolyn Brown as re
tention committee. Helen Kestly
nough headed the decoration com.
mlttee which included, Eileen Les.
ter,- Eileen Goodenough, Helen
Kestly. Ed Tuttle. Kirk Bell and
Arnold Thonstad. .
Firemen Will Aid
Needy Children
l. The annual drive for. toys has
been begun by the Salem, Fire
men and contributions are a
ready coming In. For 8 years the
firemen hav? been mending broV
kn dolls,' wagons and other toys
to give away on Christmas.
According to C. V. Faulkner;
who mends dolls every year at
Uie IBIS ana BUie Street StSUon,
there were 22 S dolls given away
last year. Mrs. Faulkner dressed
50 for youngsters. Thousands of
toys have een given to poor chil- 'A'nVttiarv Fntrtalns
dren since the custom began and k AUXmary entertains
eTory year Dlaythings with a Past President
value of about 12.000 are dlstri- .
buted by the firemen. ; .. . Hal Hibbard auxIUary U.S.W.V.
1 Salem residents are asked- to mat at the home of Mrs.. Arthur
bring any toys, even parts to wa-" Oirod on Friday, for a social af
gons or automobiles, dolls or me- ternoon. Mrs, A. Tyner . Woolpert,
(hanlral (ati n sn Mu' .t.H.. ; Iff. "RJ W. W11iat anH
Many times a spare part Is Just
what a toy needs and often two '
or three are combined to make
one good one.
White Shrine Honors
; New Officers i
l ,'i
The .Willamette Shrine Vo 1
of the White Shrine of Jerusalem ... : ..
. . ia-
sonio Temple on Monday sight at
Jll 5:. A!0" fW
l" Bompiinieui a. tl. UUiettO, TO-
cently appointed Deputy Supreme
waicnman or Hnennvrf . m
district, f
k a the receiving; line will tie
Mr. and Mrs. Gillette, Mrs. Mods
Toder. Wayne Henry and Mrs.
Delia Hayden. Mrs. Eiien Gab-
rlel Is general chairman assisted
by Miss Edna McElhaney and Misa
Rata Moore la charge ot decora
uons and Mrs. Lena Beechler lnCalem Woman's clnb house. The
charge of the dining room. Little Oarden club of Salem high
Guests ar expected from Port-' school . will have charge of the
land and The Dalles as well as prograsa. Members and friends
districts within .Willamette yal- are ranted to come and bring
ley. , ; twin vase exhibit. , ; ;
xuna nrrvlnrpfl hrr corn sfalka.
J --ww 5 "
- . .
" "
Indies' Aid Rally
To Be Held
A Salem sub-district Ladles' Aid
rally Including Jason Lee, Leslie.
West Salem, First church, Dallas,
Indenendence Turner Stavton
Donald, Woodburn, Marquam,
Pratum, Sllverton and Beuna
"Vista will be held In Sllverton on
October 22. beginning at 10:30
a. m.
The M. E. church of SUverton
- fr,a t1j. tnr ih nmrlnn nT -
the aim Is "Broader Vision and a
m.. n n m.. ....
Is Mrs. A. B. Evans.
B program for the session is
M follows:
Muaie wnu sembiinf.
loiBaon ervic.
10 :0 Devotions by
io:!Z.MV w
ll :00 Addrata of welcome by Hn. Kada
urmaw neaponae aj Jra. oni
. Ulrica. Special number. Commit
Mrs. John
tees appointed.
llllO Roll call. Bound table diicnasion.
Important - queationa concerning
euilerent phases of canrch work
by each aid society. Ia charge ot
lias Clarice Hermr.
li:Q Special number.
eonxtcsy com-
aaittee. Dr. Magin. Getting ne-
innintea period In charge of
fra. H. - W . George.
11:00 Luncheon: Bring bread and but-
hot dish and coffee.
Moaie while assembling.
i4eODeUrr.Ti;d .br Her. Orr.l
llBi Special aanale, Bar. Ben Daria.
s :ou lyecmre
'Modm Method? "to
Temperance Education." Special
music. Bar. Hnekabea.
9:S0 Bnainesa meeting
. 1. Collection.
2. InTitation for next Tally.
9. Awarding of attendance ban
d. Bills presented.
. Jteport
of resolution conamit-
t 9. Secretary end treasurer's ' re
T. Closing message by Sr. Lamia
AH aainiatera are cordially invltaJ.
Committee: Dr. luin Magin. Mrs. Kada
rinae, president; Mrs. H. W. Oeorge,
reuaeni; mrs. j. w. jeuey, adv.;
Xrcd Barker, secretary-treasurer.
lopnie Gtner were assistant
hostesses. Marigolds and . sinnias
vere used as decoration and a
ihort program was given on the
ife of Theodore Roosevelt. Mrs.
fell L. Asseln of Fergus Falls.
linn., first president of Hal Hlb 1
ard auxiliary, was a s p e c 1 a 1
Members present were:
John Sermoor Charles Greene
w. j. Dane , J. Jti. Arnold
Le!a Kubn Henry Miller
b. w. wnicber m. w. Baker ...
itnelpert c2f aV.
J?T-i . Thompson John Bertelson
L combe
Hate Bodensick
Luln HmmhrrT
Jeanne Swallow
Salem Car den Chih to
oaim Vucn UUD IO
Gather on Tuesday
The Salem Garden club . will
meet Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the
Popular Maid
Will Marry
Miss Iris Jorgenson, daughter of
m v ann mvi ra jnrransnn riHta
announced the date of her forth-
coming marriage as November 9,
to Carl Collins, formerly of Salem
but now of Eugene, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Collins.
The marriage tows will be ex
changed at the Jorgenson resi
dence at six o'clock with Rev.
uoor rl- wui oiuciaiing. miss
George H. Swift officiating. Miss
the ceremony. Only a few Intimate
friends and relatives of the cou
ple will witness the service.
Miss Josephine McGilchrist will
be maid of honor for Miss Jor
genson. The bride-elect has asked
- six of her friends to hold ribbons
"'A v.4 "cl i
g,StS; SSiSS
teen leading to the improvised
' Royena Eyre,
Miss (Betty Read. Miss Helen
Worth, Miss Esther Wood, Mrs.
Robert Drlscoll and Miss Eliza,
beth Calef of Portland.
Melvin Goode of Albany will act
as best man for Mr. Collins.
A reception will' follow the
wedding. The couple will make
their home in Eugene where Mr.
Collins is in business. The' en
gagement of the couple was an
nounced this summer.
Miss Jorgenson is well known
in the capital and graduated from
Salem schools and later attended
the University of Oregon where
she was affiliated with Delta
Gmm sorority. She Is also an
active member of the Spinsters.
S'"101 P
Meeting Tuesday
The American War Mothers will
taTO SOCIal meeUng at the home
of Mrs. Carrie Beechler. 8 9 5 North
Front street on Tuesday at 2 p.m.
Mrs. Alice Eekerlin will tell of
her trip to Australia. The Gold
Star Mothers will assist the host
TAKE NOTES . . . from the clev
er rush parties given this week
on the Willamette campus. At Al
pha Phi Alpha the cabaret idea,
red checked table cloths, modern
istic bar ... . master of ceremon
ies in "top hat, white ties and
tails" J .". Beta -Chi transformed
into a hotel, miniature office, let
ter box and keys, bell hops es-
YT f . " "",
dinner served ' in the grille with
an orchestra playing for dancing
between courses .. .. . rushees
went to the Delta Phi circus ...
balloons everywhere! side shows.
cIowns' pink lemonade and straws
"u 0 corn Ior oeMe"
iuB9 tucay co-eas nave oeen
having one grand time this week.
SEEN DANCING . . . at the
Monday night dancing club at
Castilllan. The women in, their.,
forma gowns against an autumn
background were very picturesque
. ; . Mrs. Ralph Campbell, at
tractive in a black crepe frock
with clever neckline and ' bril
liant ornament ... Mrs. Merrill
Ohling in a sweeping gown ot
red taffeta, setting off her dark
hair . . Mrs. George Alexander,
distinctive in a deep red model,
fashioned with pleating . in the
back ; . Mrs. Bob Glenn stun-
ning ia black georgette with vel-
vet straps in shades of red over-
each shoulder . . . Mrs. John"
Beakey In a striking dress of -
black with cape lined with green, ;
silver belt' and matching slippers
Mrs. Floyd Miller, down from
Seen and Heard
ENDING a week of excitement amidst formal and informal
rushing Willamette university rushees attended their
preference dinners at the sorority house last night. Pled
ging is being held this morning followed by attending the
First Methodist church in a body. . : ."
The formal preferential dinners -are - one -of the nicest
1 , o functions during the rush period.
. -m
aftfWX Y io
feY'' 19
Autumn announcements are
continuing to be more numerous
ana tne latest to join the ranks
of October bride-elects Is Miss
ui uciumr uriue-eiecta is juiss
Frances Park, daughter of Mrs.
ueuure rut) auu mil iuu jrar&er wioosm vi nut
of Oregon City, son of Mr. and gardenias were, given the guests.
Mrs. Frank Parker .of Oregon Mra David Wright; Mrs. Robert
City. The news was fevealed at M. Gatke, Mrs. Charles Wilson
a bridge party for which Miss nd MrB- Perey'Kelly were special
Park and her mother were hos- quests for the affair,
tessea Friday night at their Royal . ' Pledges of Alpha Phi Alpha
Court i apartment. The .wedding who were present at the dinner
date has not been set but will be were the Misses Natalie Neer,
an event of the late fall. . ..- Dorothea Kletting, Lorna Bar
Miss Park formerly made her ham, Antoinette Irish, Genevra
home In Oregon City, but grad- Selander, Esther Vehrs, Marjorle
uated ; from Salem high school. Craney, Margaret McKenzie, Mary
She Is very popular among the Fronk, Sophie Hughes, Rose Ann
younger set in the capital. , Gibson, Jeannette Brown all of
Gladioli, zinnias and chrysan- ' Salem, and Muriel Stewart, Lil
themums in the brilliant hues Han Briggs, Betty Williams, Mar
were used about the guest rooms.- garet Engdahl, Myrtle Martin,
Supper was served later In the Marjorle Herr, Audrey Ried. Jean-
evening to the guests by the hos-
Those bidden to hear the in
teresting news were:
John. Bon - AYardie Graham
Pern Arerill Earnest Knapp
Edward B. ,Marr Traxton Foreman
Barbara Porter Jeanne. Patton
Lola Dale Pickens Marie Patton
Maria Statesman Dorothy Alexander
Josie Acklin Mary Jane Lau
Y.W. Activities for
Week Outlined
Wednesday nleht the Tri-Y
Miss Elizabeth Steed is the song
leader and is now working on a
double quartet which will appear
at the membership meeting on
October 27.
The Cadina club will hold their
regular meeting Wednesday night
.1-1.. -t . v .
at eignt. o'clock at the T.W.C.A.
isu, aoca ai 1110 l . v .(J.A..
mm. a . x ... . ... .
organizauon or a new recreation
class.; Esther Arnold will be in
Mrs. EUzabeth Gallaher isask-
ing for an Inter-club meeting for
Thursday afternoon at four
o'clock at the T.W. The presi-
dents of all Girl Reserve groups
and a council member from each
will attend. Plans will be worked
out for the general program and
Inter-club projects. The Christmas
and Thanksgiving work 'will be
discussed. ,
Advisors for Girl Resee
groups at Grant. McKinley and
Hlghland are yet to be secured
and anyone wishing to become an
advisor should get in tour with
Mrs. Gallaher. All r.M i-
groups will meet this Ww2T at
their regular hour.
Town and Gown Will
Hear Prof. Matthews
. The Town and Gown club meets SSS mSnli'Sf 01'
at Lausanne hall on the Willam- ftnJ Eleaor Sherman,
ette campus on Thursday to hear ?dEH.
Professor James T. Matthews, 5 3?! Jamea f alem.
well known instructor in mathe- f"" Charboneau of Independ
matics talk on "Here and There t',BaJ a, ChaPIeI". Alene
at Willamette." Sm i if He en Trulsen. My
Members and friends of Wil- S"10"1 Howe, Melba Riopelle,
lamette are asked to come. Later " iJtrnYosper- Vivlan Willing and
in the afternoon Mrs. Frank M. -Sharp of Portland, Dorinne
Erickson, assisted by Miss Olive Wiln Of Vancouver, Wash., Vir
M. Dahl, Mrs. S. B. Laughlin. in,a Moore and Enid Winning
Mrs. Amy Mills and Mrs. Charles "am of Klamath Falls, June Arm-
Haworth, will serve tea. .
Portland, in a bouffant style
dress of gold and wine metal
cloth, chatting with old friends
. . . Mrs. Frank Myers lovely in
wine velvet and Mrs. John Bro
phy i smart in silver lame with
touch of red, were without hus
bands for a while, as they were
scurrying around town' for the
punch glasses.
. . . at the A.A.U.W. tea last week
at the L. O, Clement home. No
one seemed to be in a hurry but
stayed and enjoyed themselves,
chatting and visiting the gardens.
A gorgeous array of autumn flow
ers from Sally Bush's -gardens
were arranged by Mrs. George
Allen . . M compliments were
many. Miss Mary Eyre in black
lace - (the new length) greeted
guests at-therdoor . . . Mrs. Al
den charming In black crepe with
lace , trim, will be missed by her
host-of Salem friends . . . her
daughter, Mrs. Margaret Alden
Abel, striking in a blue silk suit
and hat ... the president, Mrs.
M 1 1 o Rasmussen, . charming as
ever in black accentuated with
gold clips . . .'Mrs. Clement, the
hostess, in a print silk.. Glimpsed
about the rooms . Dean Olive
M. Dahl in a black suit made on
.the new military lines ... Miss
Mabel Robertson, smart in a ox
ford grey suit, with silver fox
. . . Dr. Helen Pearce, Mrs. Asa
Fisher, Mrs. Ted Chambers, Miss
Dorothea Steusloff all lovely in
colorful prints. Many of Salem's
young attractive maids assisted
about the rooms and added much
color to the' festivities. : v ; -
tjniy lormai appointments are
used In table decorations and the
coeds In their formal&j make it
A striking combination of red
roses and silver decorated the
dining table at the Alpha Phi Al
pha 'dinner last night. Guests were
seated at a U shaped table with,
a large bouquet of red roses cen
tering the table and smaller ones
around It. Silver tapers in crys
tal candelabra guarded the bou
arc wu i(uuwn
arranged between the bouquets
quets. Silver paper was artistically
nette Brown, Harriet Foster," jan-
et Powell and Ariss Jones.!
Beta Chi Dinner j
A gold and black decorative
scheme was used for the Beta Chi
dinner. The long table was cen
tered with bouquets of roges,
chrysanthemums and other fall
flowers in black bowls. Black ta
pers in gold candelabra flanked
the large bouquets and single ta
pers and . flat arrangements of
flowers interspersed the larger
ones. Gold jand black programs
were at each place. Gold j jewel
boxes with the Beta Chi initial
were given to the guests. The
Pledges of , Beta Chi are V
J?1!?68 Leone: Burdlck, Dorothy
, ?' Btty.Iiou Lacey and Caro
lTn of Portland, Irma Cal-
vert, Mary Sadler and Dorothy
T1 . ' Bremerton, Wash..
7" . "
lOW OI Tillamlok. Marina Pu.l.
. . U -"-"-
jfiinei . ijennflni. Fin,Af nv- t
, ."T "m ueajie,
"V . """"""i
acy Ev!lyJ? shefi Elizabeth
SavacA nnrl TTHa holt. -rrnn-t.
. At,th Delta Phi House
1,,.ppoIlltme,lt8. ,n crytal and
rhlte,wer.e U8ed at the Delta rh4
Iormal dinner. Crystal baskets
"Und, ,mIrro!v wlth delicate
2?wfZa. of "ly of he TaJle bal
:'' , m,aidtn h.alr Ur,m
hjA sil!er taPe in
"IaI ,cav,(leU.brf decorated tbe
JSiV-fw A,.1vrg? basket pf
wnIte "owera with silver ribbons
1?' frnt. hal1' FaTOr
fJT?n ? J9 uests tteur-
it"8- WhIt.ev cnrysanthemum cor-
, 6 rusnees nd vlite
aIJT,er ProSfam8completed the
decorative motif. Miss Jeannette
acuu renaerea a violin solo dur
ing the dinner hour and the Delta
Phi trio composed of Gwen Galla
her, Wanda Landon and Annette
Jordan sang. j
V:-Delta Phi pledges are the Miss
; es Ruth Armpriest, Jean Bartlett,
.strong, June Brasted and Olive
Japanese Church is
Host to Friends
The Jananese churrh tn - n
sel Green dUtrict will be host
next Saturday night between g
and 10 at a reception. The three)
buildings, located on the church
grounds, will be open Including
the Sunday school building, the
parsonage and the church. The
public is invited. j
Klmi Yada and Tom Aye are in
charge of arrangements for the
J. Y. P. L. H os h 1 Watanabe.
assisted by 'Jessie Fukuda - and
Paul Watanabe. Is in charge
of public 1 1 y. Poster com
mittee includes Hiroshl Kaneko,
Jun Watanabe Tom MIo and Hi
dlo Tokimoto. Martha Okudo is
in charge of the musical program.
Jessie Fukuda. Tats Tads, Chiyo
Saito, Helen Tanaka, Yelko Saito, ,
Symio MIo, Slzie Fukudo, Roy '.
Kaneko, Kay MIo, Taro Asai, Ab- ,
raham Hagiwara and Paul Tan
aka will decorate.
. The cleanup committee consists
of Shig Watanabe as chairman
and refreshments willte prepared
by Suzie Fukuda.
. -1 .
Delphian Dinner on
Tuesday Night : j
The Beta Sigma and Alpha Ma
of Delphia wUl meet at the Mar
ion hotel Tuesday night at 6:80
for dinner and a. meeting. Mrs.
Lena L. Goble, of Los Angeles,
district officer of the group will
be guest speaker. Those wishing
to make reservations will please
call Mrs. Harry Belt at 7774 be-"
fore noon on Monday.