f - - . . - The OOEtiON STATESMAN, galea Oregon, Saturaay Morningr ucxooer 17, 1938 I .i Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10e Three insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per JIna 30c One month per line a.$ 1.00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this pas accepted until :30 the evening bfore publication for classification.- Copy received after this time -will be run under the heading. Too Lute i Clnt ify." . Tbe Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occur a The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves tha right to place all advertising under the proper classification. , ( Ilelp Wanted Male MAN, RELIABLE, to become an au tomobile and accident claim adjuster in your territory. Insurance eperleo.ee' unnecessary. No nulling. WTlte ASSO CIATED ADJUSTERS. Box 6S4A. Mil waukee, Wise Help Wanted Female 1 GIRL, IS to 23 yrs, for general lious work. E?x 366, Rt. 1. Ph. 63F4. Salesmen Wanted WANTED . Experienced salesman to sell Hudson, Terraplane and Packard Automobiles. S.x'ary and commission. ' Apply State Motor. Inc. ' - !- - -i g rTrvfcii--ii'vvy'irjinxrLn SALESMAN BETWEEN 25 AND 2.-. TEARS OLD TO COVER SALEM TERRITORY, SOME MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. ' INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MA CHINES CORP.. ELECTRIC WRIT ING MACHINE DIVISION . 915 S. W. Oak Portland. Ore. ( Situation Wanted ) TOUNG MARRIED farmer wants steady work on farm or dairy. Tractor, truck and mechanical experience. Bank and business, references, 15c. an hour. iio 826. Statesman. , EXP. MIDDLE aged woman, hse. vork any place. Esther Metsker, Mo la'la. Ore. f . For SaleMiscellaneous WE BUT sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market. 1610 N Summer, la Holly wood. Phone 6-1-1-0. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service,, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Excj 420 Court ESPECIALLY NICE Sweet Wa ter grapes. Stoddard. 14 relies on Wallace road. Tel 66F1S GOAT MILK, quarts 17c pints 12c, Tel. 3175. Capitol Dairies. FRIG I DA IRE. ELECTRfC range. both for $150. Tel. 4S58. i FAT HENS 45c ea. Fryers 60c ea. and up. 2282 Turner Rd. PLANER ENDS , Salem Box Co. Telephone 9189 Order now while the supply lasts. LARGE CIRCULATING heater. Tel. S::7. Inquire 761 Mill SL FOR SALE Ear corn by the sack r-r In quantity, 1743 Nebraska Are. Phone 7SS8. Morning or evening. WOOD RANGE, 151 E. Bush St. COILED WOOD range, 682. Mill. Today or any night after 6 :30. CUT FLOWERS and potted plants. Jay Morris, Florist, Phone 8637. APPLES Good N. Spies, Stark, De licious and others. 2315 & Cottage. TOLEDO Computing Scales: cheap: easy terms. Lane Morley. Phone 8s SC. COCHIN BANTAMS. Tel. 8840. T 'WINDFALL APPLES. $2 ton. You sack, yourself. Tel. 100F23. BIG BLACK grapes 2c lb. at Kings, nil. north of - 4 Corners. Wanted Miscellaneous " WALNUT MEATS w walnuts In shell, nny quantity State Cafeteria. Free We pick up flea a and worth less horsea, town, sheep TeL 4 869. WOODRI THE auctioneer pays cash er trade for used furniture or what have youT Ph. 6-1-I-s WILL TRADE bicycle- for band In strument. Wbat have you? Phone 7781. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lockers. Ramaga'a, IS N. Liberty Phone 8751. Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture - Capital Hardware Furniture Co. IIS N. Commercial Phone T84S. I ' For Rent-Rooms ROOMS. LADIES. S9S N. Cottage NEWLY FURNISHED room for gentleman. Close In. Ph. 53, CHEERFUL front room for gentle man, private entrance, $10.00. Garage available. 1220 N. Summer. FURN. room. 473 Division. BOARD, RM. Close In. 315 Bellevue. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Penger-HaU Co, Ltd. a rrociao. Los Angelas, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representative . Bryant. Griffith A Branson, In, Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta ' Entered at the roatofflee at Batem, Oregon, a Second-Clats Hatter. Puo llthed avert morning eacept Honda. ! limine te office. Zii South Commercial Street., SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, In Advance, Within Oregon: DaHy and Sunday. Km so cents: 3 Mo. $1.25 ; Ma $2.26 : 1 year 44.0s. Elsewhere SS cent per Mo, or fi.ee for 1 year In advance. Pet Copy 8 ceata News Stands i cents. By City Carrier: 46 cents month: IS O a year tn advance. Room and Board ROOM AND hoard for 2 men. 645 S. Commercial. TeL 3835. ROOM AND beard. 134S & Corat ROOM ' AND BOARD near state bouse and Univ. TeL 4907, HI S. 14th. 2 TOC.VG MEN, 4S Union. TeL 4231. . For RentApartments GIRL TO s!are apt. TeL 5609. 1 R. FURN. APT., SS. 332 Water. ofeooe0o1So'o0ot1S0k 2 R. FURN. apt., adults. 1384 Marion. CLOSE: IX, 3 R. furn. duple, first floor. Adults. 860 MilL . 2 OR 3 RM, 267 S. Church. 4 R. unfurn. apt.'; fireplace, bull tins: polished floors ; sleep porch. ' Heat, wa ter furnished. 825 N. Winter. - - i-i-n-.--irtnrxruxn 2 ROOM APT', 369 N. Cottage. 3 R. FURN. mod. apt. Close in. 224 Division. j ; i, ; For Rent- Houses J T HOUSE PARTLY furn 1270 N, 18th. STRICTLY MOD. 5 rm turn, house. Adults. $45. Owner 195 Hazel Ave. For Rent llorpitai bt'ds and wheelchairs to nt ii i. Stiff Furniture Co. Office rooms for rent. 311 Stat If U frl 3713. For Sale Real Estate BT OWNER. 7 R, nous at I74S State. Tel 4 7. Hoiurt. tiraut. SXS Couru Tei. I72S. t SPECIAL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a neat 6 room bungalow, east front, near grade, junior and high chooL Easily worth S3750. Will accept $3300 if taken at once. $i00 down, 6 int. n bal. i - - - SEE Mrs: Ellis with ' . CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 314 State SU Phone 6708. ""suburban homeT BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN Iwme, modern In every detail, 1 acre beauti fully landscaped With nhrubs, pool. outdoor fireplace. You will like it and the price is only $5500, part terms. SEE Mrs. Eilis with CHILDS 4b MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone (708. 5 R. house for $1230. This as a good Investment. 6 R. house : modern : near new high school: $3000: terms. a acres,! good- soil, all in cultivation : produced I better than $500 net last year : about 5 miles from Salem ; priced to sell. i See Vosborgh Grant, Masonic Bldft. QUICK SALE 6 rooms: large beau tiful lot. trees, etc. Close to creek. 815 N. Winter. t room ' modern house in Englewood district. Price $3200; terms. room new mortem bungalow. Nice lawn and shrubbery. Price $2500 ; $ K)0 down. i 30 A. 3 miles on this side of Silver- ton; 14 a. in river bottom: good six room house ; barn and other outbuild ings. Price $4500 ; $2000 down. Nice corner lot with good old 6-room house on Fairmount hill. $1800; $500 down. ! Want to trade 5 -room modern house on North Capitol, for 6 or 7 room house in Englewood preferrabie. Phone S5B or see Art Madsen at S83 Court . $250 DOWN, 6 R. plastered house, double garag. cement floor, paved street and walk. Total price SISSO.O. $500 down. 7 R. house, new roof, 23 A, mostly in orchard. Total price $ 2G30.00. i $a00 casu f total price) wul buy a A. excellent dark soil. 2H mi. north east. Priced for quick sale. $325 cash (total price) will buy 1 A. good dark garden soil, 1 ml. out en pavement.' Wonderful view, fine build ing site, t We need more listings. Give us a trial. i I. J. Crittenden Chas. Lebold 2583 Portland Road Tel. 6113. LARGE TEN room residence with sleeping porch, close In. Lot 75x1 30, $7,500.00.' Owner will exchange for small modern home. Close in resident lal-a partmen t house. Rental Income $261.00, fully furnished. $8,500.00. Will give terms. 8 -room boarding house, close in, fur niture only. Income $160.00 month clear. Price $1,200.00. Terms to suit. . HAWKINS tc ROBERTS INC., , Guardian Building, Salem. 8 ROOM HOUSE. 1 blk of postoffice, $2300. Inquire 1335 State St. $150 DOWN, 5 ROOM plastered house in good condition, garage, paving, $1500. $200 down, large living room, bedroom, bath, kitchen, lots of built Ins, good location, $1500. $100 down, good house on Myrtle Avenue,-: basement, furnace, 3 bed rooms, $2500. $300 down, nice bungalow, oak floor in living room, kitchen, nook. 2 bed rooms, basement, furnace, fire place, close , to bus and school, $2350. $730 down, good home, oak floors in living and dining rooms, kitchen, nook, 4. bedrooms, basement, fur nace, fireplace, $3750. $750 down, modern room English type home at 1363 N. Church St. ' $4250. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St. . t j . , Phone $723 STOP RENT BUY NOW $200 DOWN, PRICE $2000, baL $17 per mo. s Nice 4-R. house, bath, ' basement, garage, good location. $500 price $1600.00. nice 5-R. house and a real bargain. $200 down, price $2000. 5-R. hojse, bath, garage, fireplace. $500 down, price $3250 dandy 5-R. house on Cbemeketa St, all modern, a snap. ' i $500 down. 6-R. house, on Center street, $2000 price, lot 67x123. $250 down, price $1850 7-R. house and 2 lots 2 S blks. of State street. $500 down, price $2500 nice largo corner loti both streets paved, room tor another house, basement, furnace, ail in A-l shape. $2000 down buys one of the nicest homes in North Salem. All strictly modern you should see this nice place $6000 place for $4500.00. Before you biv or sell, see us. JAS. D. SEARS CHAS. SANDERS 118-S. High Sc. Phon 5131. For Sale Farms FARMS, ACREAGE, for rent, sale, trade. Oregon Land Co.; Woodburn, Or. 11 A. ALL in cult., new house, never occupied, i good barn, family orchard, on paved road, 4 mL from capltol building, i immediate possession, some terms can be arranged, see my repre sentatives. ' Wm. McOilchrlet, Jr. or R. D. Embrey 825 State St. - Phone 4838. 6H A. MI. FROM Salem, small 4 room house, chicken liouse, barn, some! fruit, spring, $1255 $230 down. . 83 A. 5 room house, bath, good batn, other farm bldgs, 20 A. cult, dark rich son. irrigation right, $3700. 41 A. 1 1 ml from SUverton, 7 room house, Jarge barn, 35, cult., some timber, orchard, good soil, $5000. 11$ A. of good land, good bldgs., all fenced and cross fenced, 10 A. or chard, 10 A. timber, $51 per A. 11 A. 6 room house, barn, other i... H.1 Vr- tan A f-, fkAArintf prunes, south. $350.00 down, 30 j years on balance at 5. I MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St. i : Phone '3723. j For Sale Used Cars"" j j October O These Gars Must Go BeforeNovember 1st 1931 1930 1931 1930 1930 1927 1929 Ford Deluxe Roadster . S3Q0.00 Chev. Sedan, comp. overhauled ..... 300.00 Willys-Knight Coupe, rumble ... 300.00 . Studebaker Coupe, a dandy 310.00 . Ford Coacha nice clean car .... . 290 J00 Nash Coach, new paint .....4.... ....I... 90.00 Buick 7-Pass. Sedan J 260.00 galley Motor C0 Center A Liberty Phone 3158. ilarkn A Liberty Phone 7tt. I!!! LOOK CLOSE !! HERE IS AN UNUSUAL OFFER OF THE BETTER USED CARS 193S DODGE Sedan . 1933 DODGE Sedan .... 1934 CHEVROLET Coach 1931 STUDEBAKER Coupe 1931 buick sedan 1931 CHRYSLER Sport Sedan 1931 GRAHAM Sedan . 1932 PLYMOUTH P.'B. Sedan 1929 PONTIAC Coach 1930 CHEVROLET Coach . SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 435 N. Commercial - - - - Phone 4673 ----------- - -i-i-i-M--M--M--wvwwxm Toa can See Bargains at 'C" Shrocks Car Lot without hunting. No Sales No Specials Fair prices on all cars always . . . Some of the many 1935 Plymouth Deluxe Coach .$635 193a Grabam Coupe .$695 ..$745 1935 Hupmoblle Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coaches (2) 1931 Chevrolet Coupe ,.$316 ..$316 1929 rontiac Coach .$195 Many others including several WE NEED MORE CARS AND WILL PAY CASH OR SELL ON , CONSIGNMENT 555 Chem. St. For Sale Farms NORTH OF KEIZER SCHOOL 37 A. RIVER BOTTOM soil. Price $3600.00, $400.00 down, bal. easy. This place is priced for quick sale. See I TUCKER OR LINDGREN j ; M. - i 175 a High. . s : RANCHES THAT WILL PLEASE 3 -ACRES, CHERRIES and apples. Nice setting tn fir trees, good 6-R. house, basement and water system, barn and garage. Price $8700 $1500 down. 5 -acres good soil and nice new S-R. house, 2 miles out, price $1880 S80 down. r 45-ACRES stocked and equipped S0-A. cult, some lumber and -good evergreen pasture. Living stream, fair Improvements. 7 -cows, 4 heifers, 20 ton hay, one horse and all implements, $5000 down. i 97-Acrea, 60-acres cult, 2 5-A. fine timber, good pasture, good 6-R. hoase and barn, running water, all for $4000, $1000 down. A real stock ranch for l't tle money. JAS. D. SEARS CHAS. SANDERS 118-S. High Phone 5131. FOR SALE 240 A. stock farm, fen ced. 120 A. -cultivated, balance timber and posture, springs. Fair bldgs. $25 per A. 645 Ferry St. 68 ACRES IMPROVED farm, S miles from SUverton. 45 acrea .in cultiva tion, balance pasture and some timber all year creek, by bldga. Nice family orchard. 8 room house, good barn and other outbldgs. Priced $5800 $580 cash balance very easy terms. Imme diate possession. - . , LINDGREN OR TUCKER 175 & High TeL $890. GOOD 80 A. FARM, sell at a sac rifiee or trade for city property. Thia is not just an ordinary proposition. In vestigate now. Get a good farm while you have an opportunity : terms to suit. See my list before buying; trades my specialty. IL C Shields 21$ Ore. Bldg. T, 8902 Acreage MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 13 ACRES. 2 A. CHERRIES, 2 A. prunes, .1 A, filberts, some walnuts, apples and grapes. 1 A. pasture.-Fine 6 room home nearly completely fur nished, electric range, Hotpoint water heater,' Frigidaire, rugs, and all com plete. Hay In the barn. Good garage and laundry room. Only 5 miles out on pa?ed road. Everything goes at only $4500, some terms. SEE Mr. Walter with ' CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone $703. SMALL ACREAGE suitable for bldg. Bites. No payment down, interest for 1 yr, tfren small monthly payments when you "build your own home. I have attractive bldg. sites. Some of these you may want. ' F. II. Weir, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. ' ACREAGE 5 ; ACRE, S ROOM house, barn,lty water, family orcnara, $900, $500 down. V, acre. S room nearly new plastered house, double garage, electric water -system, modern chicken house, $1600, sauu aown. 6 acres, no bldgs. All fine soil, good road. 2H miles from Salem, $1400 easy terms. 10 acres 1H miles of Salem, 6 room plastered house, good bam, elect tic water system. 5 acres in large walnut trees. Will trade for Salem property. bl acres, bldga, so acrea in crop. Soma be a verdarn land. Good buy at $5250.00. MOUSES 4 rooms and nook full - basement and furnace. Z bedrooms in tbe Holly wood district. $2500. $350 down. S room plastered house In good re pair in North Salem. Aa . exceptional buy at $2100. $oo down. s BUSINESS - Service station and camp ground a money maker. Let us tell you about this. Why not list your .property with us? R. A. Forkner W. I Gibson 1853 N. Capitol TeL 3031. Wanted Real Estate ; SMALL HOME. P. O. Bx. 235. Salem. WANTED GOOD Improved 10 or 20 acre tract near Salem. Cash deaL Write Roy Morgan, Rapelje, Mont. WANTED THE best small house $1000 cash will buy. F- GRIETENTROO ; i -191$ McCoy Street ; ,: For Sale Used Cars j Was ssatlMWSaaMKaSVSksehsBaatfBlasiaAAAMAA ' 1 .$695.00 . 675.00 . 495.00 . 345.00 . 425.00 425.00 . 325.00 . 425.00 . 215.00 . 275.00 .-,y-rM'-.-M'-w'ww-.-,.-.w-M-M-.-..-,-v- 1935 Chrysler Sedan $745 1981 Willys Six Sedan $15 1931 Chevrolet 6-whL Coupe $325 1930 DeSoto Sedan $295 1928 Bulck 6-whl. Coupe $175 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan $19 Troclc and Motorcvcle Bar Rains At Phone 7922 hrock'o Business Opportunities CAMP SITE on 99 highway north, 4 A, 1 Vi in timber, new 4 room plas tered house. $2150. Nice clean board and rooming house furniture. Making money, excellent location. MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 Court SC .. Phone. 3713 : -., -? CEMENT STORE and apartment building close in. This is a real pro ducer. $16,600.00. $4,000.00 cash hand les. This will stand rigid investigation. HAWKINS I ROBERTS. INC Guardian Bldg, Salem Money to Loan SOUND INYESTMENT. Good first mortgage real estate loans, farm and city properties. Net Investors 6H to Amounts $500 to $2000. Exam ine security yonrself. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 Stat St. Phone 670$. e0teoe0otikenn0nt0n)ni)t $300 or ILess On Your Oxen Signature All Types of Loans Aad Auto Refinancing You Must be Satisfied Phone 3740 Beneficial Loan " Society Koom 119 New Bligo Bldg 2nd Floor 618 Sut St. Salem, Ore. Liceme 8-122-U 105 iasaairfitsasaaaaaasai PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles. New low rates. Roy H. Simmons. First National Bank Bldg. Lie. 4-15Z. Federal tiBiinlnv lnanB tt1 S build or refinance home or business prop. ljur f. f . a A lira wyrtm a U.innl. H MONEY BY an Independent local corporation on pianos, musical instru ments, automobile. furniture.' live. stock and endorsed notes. New tow rates l to -20 months to repay. General Finance Corp. Phone 9168 "Lie. S-139. First Nat'L Bank Bldg, Salem, Ore. E Loans Wanted Loans wanted on farm and city property. Before borrowing. Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta LET TOUR SAVINGS earn FOUR PER CENT INSURED to FIVE THOUSAND. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Ass n. 130 So. Liberty. Insurance You need Burglary Insurance' For lowest rates see Standley 4k Foley, Inc. Phone 5874. Livestock and Poultry SALE 1 GUERNSEY and Jersey bull 18 mo. old, 2 Jersey cows, one freshens In Nov, other on milking. All for $125.00. R. Hansen, Detroit, iwegon. PURE BRED Guernsey Bull for sale. Sixteen months old; ready for serv'ce. W. A. Timm, Box 84, Route No. t. Turner, Oregon. , I For Salt? Wood "1 GUARANTEED DRT wood coal Tel. S0t0. Salem Fuel Co Trade Cottage. ALL KINDS of wood. TeL 6616. GOOD DRT 4 ft 2nd gr S cd. lota. $13.50. Tel 7860. . Wrood Sawing WOOD SAWING, reason. TeL4 80S8. J. H. BOENINti. inon 8633., WOOD SAWING reasonable. TeL 8290. , j t For Sale Used Cars I III Then $265.00 265.00 275.00 ' 285.00 265.00 75.00 235.00 $245.00 245.00 215.00 245.00 235.00 70.00 195.00 Wslsl Ssieaeaaaa -r'V-V-y-)j-f-ljt Not a Clean-Up Just More Trade-ins on the New 1937 Studebakers NEW-NEW This is a brand new '36 Ply. DeLuxe -. Touring Sedan sub stantial discount saving with new car Kuarantea and service. 3$ Studebaker 6 -pass, tudor sedan low mileage, fhllco radio deluxe heater .- lf45 33 Plymouth DeLuxa Coupe very low raueage iooks un nw inside and 1 out . . . ssi a 33 Dodge Bus. Coupe metallic finish he model that gives high gas rnileag e ee this one for say ing $s 32 Studebaker Regal Brougham 6 wheel equipt, trunk, very low mile age and we guarantee this to be th cleanest, beat kept, used ear tn Sa lem .... $495 82 Ford V-S Bus. ' Coupe factory re conditioned motor, new tires re finished thousands of miles with out high cost $335 33 DeSoto Cust. Sedan air-wheel tires, dual . equip, see thia motor perfect .. , $495 33 Dodge Bus. Coupe. 19,000 .miles, runs smooth as velvet. Dual aqnlp, driving- light ; $550 29 Dodge D. A. Coupe don't Judge this one till you see It. A real value 31 Chev. Special Sedan trunk com plete reconditioning : $35 Franklin Sedan motor reconditioned, refinished, 'One of the outstanding cara for low maintenance cot. Somebody Is going to enjoy real value at $395 LOW PRICED, DEPENDABLE CARS 30 Studebaker Diet. Coupe, top con dition ; $325 29 Pontine Sedan, original finish, gned condition . :$2I5 18 EIGHTEEN OTHER CARS $25 to 8175 ? Look these cars over your old car accepted in trade terms to suit the individual. WrATCH STUDEBAKER Bonesteele Bros., Inc. Cbemeketa and Liberty- :w Ph. 4444 Pick Ups and Truck 193a International I W. B. pickup ..$S7S.C0 1934 Dodge two-ton W. B. . 1933 Ford 1 M ton S. W. B. 350.00 OTHERS TO SELECT FROM James H. Maden Co. 217 State SL Phone 8390. 35 PONTIAC COACH DeLuxe trade Or sale TeL 3727. ask for Whit. SELL EQUITY In 3 Plymouth Se dan. Ph. 87F13, Rt T, Box 2S2. Lost and Found TAKEN UP " on Guernsey-Jersey heifer about two years old, with horns. Oct. 13th. Fred W. Ramey, R. 4. Box 362. Dairy Lunch, mall to address Inside. I no questions asxea. Cards In this directory ran on a - monthly basis only. Rate: SI per line per month.' 1 Auto Brakes Mlk Panek.r 27$ ' South Commercial Brushes FULLER - BRUSHES. So. Side. TeL 6724. 2785 Brooks St. Eve. appoint ments. ' - - Building Contractor FOWLER A SONS. TeL $183. ChimneySweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. North ness. Chiropractors DR. a L. SCOTT. PSa Chiropractor. 35$ N. High. TeL Res. $762 Electrical Service BOSLER Electric, 24$ State St Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. GENERATOR EXCH, auto wrecking, expert repairing. 930 Ji. CommerciaL Excavating Excavating of an kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled nr ir.oved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 9408. Florists Brelthaupf a. 44T Court. ALL kinds of floral wor'c Luta, Flor ist 127$ N. Liberty TeL 9592. urs Do BAIN Fur Co. Master furrier and designers, Rm. lit Miller Bids. Insurance S. E. TON SET H District Agent National Life of Vermont. Phon SOSO. 119 N. Commercial St Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WE1DCR LAUNDRT 263 a High TeL $125 CAPITAL CITI LAUNDRT Flrnt In Oualitv and Service Telephone 3165 1264 Broadway Lawn Mowers Sharpened.-repaired and traded. Ph. iii Harry w. ecott, iti a. wvuii. Business Directory 1 : - i- Li For Sal Used .Care i T CERTAINLY YOU MILL VOTE FOR THESE BETTER USED CARS AT 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Spt. Coupe 1930 Plymouth Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Coach Written Guarantees Low G.M.A.C. Terms $33 Center Street McKsly Ohevroleli: Co. ssaasaaaKBaBsaaBasMMaBaakaahe OLDSMOBILE Clean Up Sale TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE MANY TRADE-INS ON NEW 1937 OLDS S S WE OFFER : I C Salem's Outstanding Values In Late Model Reconditioned Used Cars, that are ' absolutely Guaranteed and Sold with tbe Lowest Finance Cbarf ee 1935 Olds 6 Touring Sdn $795.00 .-:! ' The original maroon finish ts like . new. Mechanically perfect. Tires almost new. 1935 'Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan $695.00 Only driven 13,000 miles. 1932 Ford V-8 Sedan $385.00 . Has f W.W. '33 Motor. 1931 Chev. Master Sedan $385.00 Driven Just 29.000 milea. W. W J932 ForJ B Coupe $345.00 New paint. A-l condition. 1931 Oakland Sedan $345.00 For a fin car In first class condi tion don't overlook this buy. 1929 Olds 6 R. S. Coupe JS215JD0 1929 Pontiac Rdst. R.Sl $195.00 1927 Olds 6 Sedan $85.00 ' We Have Tivo House Car$ (Olds 6 Touring' Sedans) that we aie ririnr a rv liberal discount oni i BOZELL-GRIMSON MOTORS Open Evenings A Sundays 350 N. High Phone 5500 Now Showing Preview Photographs 37 OLDS $ AS ! NEW TRAILER Travelome. 7649. 2673 Portland road. TeL SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remaae; carpet cleaning, sis bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZWICKER. KSt. 1911. . CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phono 40$$. Mirrors Mirror resilvered. 607 N. 19th. Music Stores GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet muslo and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machine 432 State street Salem, Photo Engraving I j Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com merciaL TeL 5881. . Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind Of printing, call in statesman printing Department 316 S. CommerciaL Tele phone 910L I Sewing Machine Repairs C E. Lent her man. T 8676. 1163 Waller. Stoves We repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire.. Salem Fence and Stov Works. 263 Cbemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. t a Taxidermist E. EL WIGGINS, 1 mL N. Pac. hwy. Transfer t FOR local or distant transfer atorage, call 313L Larmer Transfer Ca Trucks to Portland daily. j Ramseyer truck service. Phon $35:4. -I. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. State St TeL 772, Distributing. for. warding and ttorage our specialty, our rates. Get i Vacuum Cleaners AUTH. HtXIVER sates and service. Ralph Cochran. 733 South St T. 4235. Well Drilling a A. West IIL ft, Bos 445. TeL 110FS. I I Mattresses ! For Salt; Used Cars 42C - ........ 100 ....... 150 ......... 265 .. 295 .. !. 365 Phone $189 GOOD USED CARS SOLD IN GOOD FAITH 1935 Buick Small Series Touring Sedan. Radio equipped $o5 1934 Pontiac Sedan. 6-w. qulpt$635 1934 Pontiac Coupe, 6-mh. equipt $435 1934 Chev. Master Coupe $525 1934 Chev. Master 6-wh. equlptf 75 issz citooeoaKer ciini eeuan. t- -wheel equipped $335 1931 Ford Coupe, reconditioned. repainted ; 8595 193$ Chryder 77 Sedan. 4 new Lee Urea l $365 1930 Oakland Sport Coupe. Re- ' conditioned $25 1930 Oakland 2 -door Sedan . $265 1929 Ford Coach $185 1928 Buick 4 -pass. Coupe $165 192$ Hupmoblle Sedan 8 75 1927 Chrysler Coach .- $75 WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON THE USED CARS WE SELL . . . OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE . . OUR SELECTION WIDE . . . OUR TERMS ARE EASY It PAYS to Deal with Us. OTTO J.WILSON BUICK SALES A SERVICE 388 X. Cotn'l. Ph. 6451 Salem. The House That Service Built 1933 DeSoto Custom 4 -door Se dan, completely o'hauled '$595.00 1935 Terraplane 4 -door Sedan. NIce: shape $675.00 1931 Chev.- 4 -door Sedan, very clean 273.00 1920 1929 1928 192$ 1929 1926 1925 Ford A 4-D. Sedan -Ford A Tudor Sedan Chev. 2 -door Sedan . Durant 4 -door Sedan Essex 4 Sedan 295.00 175.00 125.fe0 145.09 70 00 30.00 20.00 Ford Model T Touring FOrd Model T Tudor W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSoto and Plymouth ij Phone 7703 360 Marlon. Borrego9s Car Market RALPH BORREGO SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE ON - LOW PRICRD CARS BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES 1929 Nash coupe $175 1928 Dodge sedan 125 126 75 75 45 1928 Falcon Knight coach 1928 Essex coach , 1926 Studebaker sedan 1928 Durant coach 1925 Studebaker roadster 80 30 1924 Bulck sedan We also have some good buys In late- model cars; Fords, Chevrolets. Plymouth. Dodges and Grahams. REMEMBER: BOHREGOS FOR A BETTER BUY 523 Marlon St -Phone 4533. Cross Word Puzzle I Wy" i""1- 2cT -7- 22 77? -L 21 22 X 23 Z 2 2f ZO 31 32 33, 34 33 36 r"" 41 fls4 1 H5,l I 1 1 By EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL 1 adhesive mixture 6 uncooked - 9 masculine - name 3 13 impede legally " 13 tone in ' . v Guido's scale 14 hail! 15 aroids of the Pacific islands . 16 biased 1& expiates 20 -preposition 21 writing implement 23 extinct flightless ; bird 24 musical in struments 25 instigate 27-fish-eatinjf mammal 2d deals with 31 paid attention 35 web-footed birds 37 bird of the pigeon family 38 amused expression 41 metal 43 binding; custom 44 timid , - rodent 45 story . printed in parts 47 salt of acetic add 49 box made of wooden slats 52 human beings 53 established - value - 54 wading bird 55 Peer Uynt'a mother - 56 bitter vetch Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle. 6 AT(S! MUGK i t IRiUN A GjE N-5 A PAN I & S T?RjgF V lANp ff A L TlOlSlsf - ?EIN Pi - iRiElN T oWrltat. !:. Xlnc )T"For Sale Usetl Cars , S 1933 Chevrolet Sedan .,......-$445 1935 Chevrolet Std. Coach 545 1935 Chevrolet Std; Coach .. 565 1936 Chevrdlet Std. Sedan 695 1936 Chevrolet Master Cpe .. 695 1936 Chev. Master Totvn Sdn 745 430 N. Commercial PRIVATE PARTY has left 1935 Ford pickup and 1935 Plymouth Coup with me for sal at $430.vO and $549. respectively. Good Jerms, but no trades, Stanford C Sparks, Rr 3, Box 211. Sa lem. Phon 9731. --" - -- -- -- - .,-i-i-,-.-,ri nnnAorixm 1925 FORD V-8 COACH. 3500. 1930 Harley Davidson motorcycle 74, $110. M F. Cochran, Rt 1, Box 92A, Glenn Creek Rd. Christian Church Opens Series. Special Meetings MILL 1 CITY, Oct. 16. The Church j of Christ has started a series of special meetings under direction of Rev. P. Crowle-U-Renn, fireside pastor of Salem. His son, Harold L. U'Renn, recent ly on the staff of KOMO and KVL Seattle, a 'brilliant lyric-tenor,' is song leader and soloist for the series here. No.' 353 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon For Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of MARTHA J. BROWXELL, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PHIL BROWXELL has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Martha J. Brownell, de ceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Connty, and has qualified as such. All persons who have claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, -within -i months from the date of the first publication of this notice, -which is the 3d day of October. 1936 and the last IS the 31st day of October. 1936. PHIL BROWNELL. ; Administrator of tbe Estate of Martha J. Brownell, De ceased. PAGE AND PAGE. Attorneys for aaid Eatate. ' Ladd Bush Bank Building. " Salem, Oregon. 0. 3-1 0-1 7-2 4-3 1. 7 worm . VERTICAL 1 fondle 2 masculine name 3 unaccus tomed - 4 blow a horn 5 town in England 6 reiterate 7 exclama tion of despair 8 armed combat 9 corrupt 10 eg-shaped 11 island of the Cyclades 17 journeyed 19 loop with a running knot) 21 place 22 make a mistake ' 24 shelterci side 26--young eagle 28 possessive adjective 30 golf mound 32 American money (pL) 33 feminine name 34 moisture on plants 36 guides 38 Indian song bird 39 heavy club.- , 40 feminine name 42 recess in -wall for a statue 45 celestial body 46V-Greek god ' f of war 48r-imitate 50- -dijrit 51 being in - . the most abstract sense fWara 1ncUnU. aw.