The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleia, Oregon, Friday Morning:, October 16, 1936 PAGE THREI2 i PS Church Guild Opens Season All Officers Reelected to Serve, Coming Year; QARP Meets HUBBARD, Oct- 15 -The first meeting of the Federated Church Guild was held Wednes day afternoon at home of Mrs. N. S. Hawk. Officers for the com ing year were elected, all being reelections: President, Mrs. R. J. Foster; rice president, Mrs. E. U. Anderson; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. George Leffler. Much work is being planned for the year. They will hold an election day dinner November 3. Th will also i hare several ba zaars and food sales during the year, . ; : Those present for this first meeting were Mesdames Kate Schlittenhart, H. E. Adams, D. E. McArtbur. E. C. Boyd, A. N. Flaten of Hlty, Alberta, J. E. Hughes, Porter Rickabaugh, Glen Larkins, G. I Prentiss, E. U Anderson, Q. I C. Hepler, A. Cooner, H. L. Carl, Geo. Leff ler, Neva McKenzie of Wood burn, R. J. Foster, Miss Esther Schlittenhart, and the hostess, Mrs. N. S. Hawk. "XJARP Oub Meets The Townsend club met Wed nesday night, when Mrs. Harriet Krauss of Portland spoke on the control of tne tnuea states mon ey system and ! Its circulation. She said that the: control of the money system by the few should come under the control of the Townsendites, then ev eryone would j have their Just amounts of money and those In need would Teceive a living wage. She also said the opposition to the Townsend plan was working hard er In Oregon than any other state, and that the Townsendites should unite stronger to combat the ov Dixons Due Today INDEPENDENCE, Oct. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dixon and son. Loring, will visit at the home of Mr. ani Mrs. Paul E. Robinson this weekend.) Mr. Dixon is su perintendent of the W8sco schools. He was formerly a coach at Independence high school. Dix on and Robinson will attend the vrincipals conference in Salem Friday and Saturday. Jury Disagrees So Is Dismissed DALLAS, Oct. 15 The case of W. T. Raleigh company against Ben A. Cotton, William Peyree and Mrs. William Peyree, and Peter InKermanson and Florence Ingermanson was tried In the cir cuit court here this wee. ; . The plaintiff was seeking Judg ment against the defendants for 1685.91 with Interest at per annum from Feb. 10, 1933, and costs and disbursements, f The case went to the Jury at 5:00 p. m., and at 2:00 a. m., no verdict was reported. As the Jury could not agree they were dis missed. It has not yet been de termined whether or not there will be a new trial. . Missionary, Worker on l Indian Reservation to Speak Sunday, Liberty LIBERTY. Oct. 15. A. W. XSarretson, who has been a mis sion worker on the warm springs Indian reservation, Is to speak at the hall here Sunday at 8 p. m. following the Christian Endeavor services. Mrs. J. A. Dorman, who has made her home in Salem for some time, moved Into her home here on Wednesday. Her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dorman, who have been occuvylng the place expect to move Bhortly. Mr. Dorman Is ne gotiating for timber for a shingle mill and will live near its location mm TTMTfNVAl.E- Oct. 15- A pie social and program, the first one fnr thin oannn will he held at the Unlonvale schoolhouse Friday night under the auspices ox Unlonvale community club. ; : ALBANY, Oct. 15. The com mnntt oinh of Oakvllle started the winter season Friday, by elect ing officers and holding a pro gram given by the school enua ren nnder the direction of the two teachers, Miss Ruth Reeves and Mrs. Paul Beight. Officers are: Richard stocaeton, r-Amrtt- rHrk n&Tis. wlee presi dent; and Ern Williamson, sec retary-treasurer, rsni-rTiAT, HOWELL. Oct. 15. -Mrs. W. A. ... Roth,, vice presi dent, presided at the xirst com munity meeting ef the year Fri day night. It was decided to buy some new kitchen equipment for the club, with Mrs. Clyde De Sart and Mrs. Clarence Simmons to purchase this. Mrs. Clarence Johnson was named chairman of the program committee for November and Mrs. Alphan's Schar, Mrs. Earl DeSart and Mrs. Jasper King, lunch com mittee. Dig 250 Acres Spuds DAYTON, Oct 16. Potato digging at the E. M. Alderman farm where 250 acres were raised is nearing completion. Many local people have been employee. Rural Club Has Initial Meeting OAK POINT, Oct. 15 Mrs. C. 0. Allen was hostess to the In dependence Rural Woman's clnb Tuesday afternoon for the first tall meeting. Amendments were made to the constitution, changing the calen dar year so that the annual meet. Ing will be in November and the new officers take their seats the first meeting .in January, Instead of the new officers taking charge the first meeting In October. So Mrs. Grove Peterson, . president, and the other officers of last year presided at the meeting. . - Work for the year was outlined. Each member told of her experi ences and vacations during the summer. The committee in charge will have a speaker at the next meeting, October 27, to explain the proposed constitutional amendments and measures. Mrs. Allen served refreshments. Bowers Has Word From Bandon Area longings packed and out In the road for hours. Bowers had a valuable timber lot that was burned. Mrs. Bowers - has also heard from her sister, Mrs. Jack Jar vis. She had taken a carload of furniture to the beach but when she reached the spot with a second load the articles had all been burned. As. she turned away a guest of wind swept her from the rock and she was badly bruised. Jarvis had sold his drag store in Bandon a month earlier. WALDO HILLS. Oct. 15 Frank Bowers has received a let ter from his brother W. H. (Har ry) Bowers, whose home was Just outside Bandon. He wrote that his house was on fire eight dif ferent times although he and two men friends circled the place with barrels of water. He had his be- taaeasnnnnnsnsnsnsssssBsns.aMaBBaaaaaB.. - - . Reports Mrs. T. J. Jenefer r: ; v '4 -v and when we eat lots of good wholesome bread I save on more expensive foods!" Governor Lauds Guardsmen For Fire Messages ALBANY, Oct. 15 Seven Al bany youths signed up for service in Battery A, 249th coast artillery, at the Albany armory this week. As there was not room for them all. the seven were placed on a waiting list and will be called as vacancies occur. -. , Open house was held by the batery boys Monday night . under the direction of Capt. Charles Ol vls. A banquet was served and a program enjoyed. Present were 47 enlisted men and 22 guests. One of the pleasant features of the evening was the reading of a letter from Governor Charles Mar tin commending Dan Mulver and Clyde Bartcher for their work In relaying short wave radio mes. sages from regimental headquar ters at Salem to the fire district in southern Oregon. These two ar tillerymen manned the local short wave station Sunday September 27. - ? Eternal Love V ani Fidelity! I - i I 1 Not one but two got- -' f f "N I S . 11 So ring ot this sen- I I , I IB' rsZS'L iional ow Price! 3 A Q I I I JJ I ,'"xTJrW l'amofd inebch ring' 2i X I S&ft? flD) ply "oUbed 7 U I CTT 1 1 f mountings in yellow f w-m r I "W fiiT(3fiiiirirartl (vittii 7-DIAMOND wnCinTAWTE" !a tW SlwJi. Yitlw 11 i m it Mm il dlitlmll CX)XVKXIEXT TERMS THE JEWEL BOX S. JIUCHNICK, Prop. NEW LOCATION . 443 STATE ST. Between High A Liberty HEADQUARTERS FOR riHE JEWELRT i i OS 0131? DO EAT YOUR. bread-ano-butter; SON J V V5J AW.SHUCKS. DAOOy DOESNT t J f V ou KNOW THIS I V A FRESM BREAD! THAT SHOULD PLEASE MY MEN FOLKS! 930HSGHr UM-M . THIS BREAD TASTES SWELL A NEW KIND i By JULIA LEE WRIGHT ! Head of one of the world's largest : Home Economics Bureaus Our hundreds of taste tests proved that bread is most, delicious when it's fresh . fresh as Grade A milk ! And my new "woman's recipe" bread ' is so costly to bakt; so marvelous in fla vor we want you to have it fresh always. So we take special steps to get each day's loaves into your hands at peak freshness. Actually, this tender Julia Lee Wright's Bread has the taste thrilling goodness of fresh-baked homemade! Women also report this. My bread is so fresh when you get it, each loaf keeps appetizing longer in your breadbox. That means a worthwhile economy! JULIA LEE WRIGHT ( TJx L REALL FRESH BREAP J Vtr't :1C- SL,CE RI imi annua i iii imiwi iimiii iiiimiimwi i m ii ... mm. ,mrr f i . .w. . - i msmimiEstm- 4 Stores: 935 S. Commercial, Cor. Court & Commercial, 1976 N. Capitol, 13th & State BBS AIRWAY COFFEEn and win a Valuable Prize in SAFEWAY'S GREAT s OCTOBER 8th to 31st, INCL. Hew would yoa lik M wis a Wstifl, mart mrm 1117 Packard SlXf - . Thtrn why aot rater this frcat CMInt today mmi try? Rtmrmb.r titer mrm 4 Bis Cah PHxm. too. or SO mat vrin. la all. All yoa 4a is AIKWAT. HOI HILL, mr KDWAKUI UEfKnuDi.a r 03r biggMf . Dm i mUi, mellow flavor mi .f4a"f traziKaa coffee lt - I J C beet. Cnmni at woeient g m PJwrJ? ( DEPENDABLE COFFEE I aocke. bWflds. A far- jm. mmw I arit. far nor. m j Ml 30 year. Guor- a 9tf , aeleee ta . :I CaVee to year friend, and neighbors. Year aner tiane in helpina: Saia way farther noDalari these fansona Mead, may anna yon a Dig a warn. Start today. Rcfitter and get contest slip at yoor Safeway NOW. FIRST PRIZE NEW 1937 NOB HILL COFFEE FOUND; TOTS m ah. ouolity conn saB ). CeMI Ixtra rich flavor. M I P 2lm.45c fragrant end M-bodie d. Ground' when yea buy Ik PACKARD SIX Yoar choice .1 Modela completely eqainned srith. Standard Accessory Crnos 2ND PRIZE $400.00 in Cash! 3rd Prize 4th Prize. 5th Prize 6th Prize 7th Prize $250 Cat , 100 Cash . 75 Cash , 50 Cash 50 Cask 8th Prize 9th Prize 1 6th Prize 1 1 th to 20th. 21$'t to50th.. .$50 Cash 50 Cash . 50 Cask 25 Each 10 Each BUY OREGON PRUNES for Delicious Flavor lbs. ..... 1 17- V&::HM' Xy DETAILS AT SAFEWAY " ' ;. 4 1 t)r I SUGAR Pure Cane CQ ik airJ AL.mC I 1(l.lh. ranpr bac DC a IU I " FLOUR 24 Vi lb. JC sack ". T IOC RAISINS Seedless DATES 7X1c Bulk...;. . f jibs. Ui APRICOTS Dried O 1 f OQ in the bnlk 'ZL :. i lbs. AiJC OATS. Triangle 'AO 10-lb. bag ..... CORN MEAL-Yellow or White QC j lOrlbT bag V4s4. OOC ' : PANCAKE FLOUR ' j AQ 2 j 10-lb., bar JW .CCdRNDe.'jaiM'- t 1 71 No. 2 tin ... & fog 1 1 C PINEAPPLE Del Monte j ; A PEASBbzman - " "o j 4 OC ' No. 2 tin tins t JC TOaiATOESStandard O I :l A j; Brand, No. 2V2 tin "SlJ. ins :A7C ; SAOION--Pink, No. 1 .tin .-j JQ 'x. Friday and Saturday Only GRAPEFRUIT Arizona i OC Size 100, doz. Ji aViJC APPLES Winter Banana i SQUASH Fine to bake L ' Pound ....'.:: . . iJ. 1 C CARROTS OR Hi t 1 A BEETS . X ban. 1UC JELL-WELL Assorted flavors 3 nke 14c MARSHMALLOWS-Fluffies 1-lb. pkg. : .J...!..;.. 15c TISSUE rolls 14c CALUMET 1 lb. 19c ......7.. 10, $1.29 TEA LiptonV Yellow Label 1-lb. tin -H; 79c POSTUM CEREAL 19c CREAM OF WHEAT .Regular pkg.. L.2. 23c SOAP-?-Peets Granulated Large; pkg. .. : .' 29c PUMPKIN Llbby's ' 2Vt tin -J. 2 19c BACON Plenty of Lean Pound 1-; 27c rJckrlibtt Fcattatfco 19c 15c 25c 10c 5c STEAKS Cut from young tender beef, lb. SALAD DRESSING Lemon Whip, pint LINK SAUSAGE Real ff resh and very good, lb. .1 SAUERKRAUT-New Crop Quart DILL PICKLES - -: Quart With Meat Purchase . MARKET HOURS: 8 to 6 - Sat. 8 to 7 ' SPKCIAI WEEK KXD TAL.UES EFFECTIVK FRIDAY TO MONDAY. OCT. 16 to 10. ISCL. JriM-i rCJ. " "" Take a Frjee' Bus Downtown TJiis Moraing sOjf.!xT "r Join Your Neighbors in Salem's j J AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY... SAFE WAY