The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 16, 1936, Page 14, Image 14

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Phe OREGON STATESMAN, Saleia, Oregon, Friday Morning, October 16, 1935
Five Mountain
Villages Taken
Zero Hour For Storming
of Capital . Itself Is
Delievetl Imminent
. (Continued from page 1)
marching east from San Martin de
Valdeigleslas occupies the town of
Chapineaia and pressed on tow
ards Madrid.
(The broadcast also said Ma
drid goTernment militiamen fled
from Cebreros, 12 miles north of
San Martin, leaving detailed plans
of Madrid fortifications.) .
Insurgent planes swung low
over the advancing troopstaking
the retreating government militia
men with deadly effect.
On the northern front. General
Emilio Mola's fascists pushed rap
Idly towards the capital, plodding
ahead over the bleak mountain
A column advancing from Sig-
nenza towards Guadalajara, 3o
miles from Madrid, made heavy
territorial gains but suffered sev
ere losses from the sniping and
'ambushes of government guerilla
bands stubbornly falling back.
A Junta communique tonight
aaid a "State of complete disor-
Generalissimo Fanrco, himself,
threatened to "punish" nations
which receive Bank of Spain gold
from the Madrid government, de
claring he would refuse to sign
economic agreements with them.
Governor Fights
mm . ti l
mounting Duagei
(Continued from Page 1)
and counter-act these pressure
groups for they represent only the
wishes of organized and active
minorities. j ,
"If these pressure demands are
not counteracted the tax load in
this state will rise to unheard-of
levels. It is time the people re
alize this and take steps to pre
clude the state from ; becomins
Santa Claus." '
Aid to Eldeily and
Poor Large Item i ,
Ma3or requests Include $3,600 -000
for the state share or assist
ance to the poor and $2,381,400
for the state's share of old age
assistance. Both of these must be
matched with similar amounts by
the counties through direct taxa
tion. The 11 state institutions 'have
requested $5,054,420.92 or an in
crease of $1,648,552.92-over the
amount appropriated for the cur
rent biennium.
Other major requests include
$5,218,850 for the state board of
higher education, $310,000 for
orphans and foundlings and $60,
600 for care of wayward girls.
Of the $5,218,850 requested by
the state board of higher educa
tion, $1,322,048 Is a supplement
al appropriation by the legislature
In addition to the authorized mill
age tax.
The total of $21,300,000 does
sot include any money required
during the biennium for construc
tion of the new state capitol.
I Bjl
and Enjoy Instant
Penetrating Radiant
Tb mw Coleman Oil Burn
ing HMW la two baiter In
ootl It circulates a tremendous
. volume of comfortably heated
air to warm every corner of
yoot home and when you
open the Hsat-A-Justor Doors,
flood of vibrant penetrating
rotHmt beat warms you like
summer sunshine! By adjust-
; tag the doors yon can focu the
heat where you need it! " -
Barna low coet furnace oil. Give
dean, carefree hmalthful beat.
No constant watching and fuel
feeding. Mo dust, no ashes.
Keep the air fresh and in active
circulation. Keepa floors warm.
Economical. Dependable.
Com In and see the beauti
ful new Coleman Oil Burning
S36 X. Com! Phone 4610
J! I '"' i
w J
.tuft 1
Ajr rsil
Estranged Stars
! x .
' K
UJl j Adrienne Ames - 1 '
Adrienne Ames and Bruce Cabot, screen stars rumored as separated
tgain. gave gossips indication that harmony reigned between them
when they appeared together at a Hollywood night club, above.
It Can't Happen Here"
(Continued from page 4)
i -
"Oh, all you Minnie Mouses
know me. I've treated most of
your brightest gunmen for un
mentionable diseases. I just told
wanted in here professionally."
wanted in her professionally."
Swan was at his Eilkiest: "Oh,
and how we-did want you, my
dear fellow though we didn't
know it until this moment. So
you are one of these brave rus
tic Aesculapiuses " I
"I am! And if you were, in
the war which I should doubt.
from your pansy way of talking
. you may be interested to know
that I am also a member of the
American Legion quit Harvard
and joined up in 1918 and went
back afterwards to -finish. And I
want to warn you f three half-
baked Hitlers "
"ATil iBut my dear friend! A
military man! How too too! Then
we shall have -to treat you as
responsible person responsible
for your Idiocies not just as the
uncouth clodhopper that you ap
pear!" j
Fowler was leaning both fists
on the table. ow I've had
enough! I'm going j to push in
your booful face"
Shad had his fists up, was
rounding the table, but Swan
snapped, "No! Let ihim finish!
He may enjoy digging his own
grave. You know people lo hare
Annual Roll Call
Workers Lined Up
(Continued from1 Page 1)
efficiency in closing the work of
solicitation. i
One of the delightful innora
tions this year will be the tea
for which Mrs.. Charles Martin
will be hostess at her home on
Fairmount hill November 6 with
rural roll call chairmen as her
guests.. Other social features are
being planned by those in charge
of committee plans.! The Marion
hotel has given its banquet room
for a large gathering of residen
tial workers November 15.
Important committee chairman
ships which have been accepted
ar Announced hv Mr. Newman
las follows: Industries. Ray Yo-
eom; sustaining memberships,
Douglas McKay; residential,
North Salem, Mrs. Joe E. Roman;
South Salem, Mrs. Walter Kirk;
rural, Representative Hannah
Martin; business district, 20-30
club; chain business concerns,
Edwin Goodenough; speakers bu
reau, Dwight Lear; publicity,
Mrs. Chester Cox; churches and
schools, Rev. James IE. Milligan;
office staff, Mrs. J. J. Elliott;
supplies, Miss Elizabeth Putnam.
Mr. Newman pointed out that
the Red Cross is a volunteer 'or
ganization and urged that those
who have time to do some vol
unteer work during i the next six
weeks make this fact known to
Mrs. Elliott, telephone 6911.
Qualifications of
Bidder Turned In
Seeking to comply with the state
bidders' prequallfication law.
James Crick, of Spokane, Wash.
yesterday afternoon filed with the
city water department the re
quired statement of financial
standing, equipment at hand and
experience in the construction of
pipelines. Be was the only one of
eight bidders on the Salem-Stay-ton
gravity pipeline who failed to
submit this statement before the
bids were opened by the council
Tuesday night. i
- Water Manager Cuyler VanPat
ten said he would refer Crick's
statement to the water commis
sion, which will hold Its second
October meeting tonight If a quor
um can be obtained. Commis
sioner I:' M. Doughton has been
away- on a hunting trip and Com
missioner J. M. Rickman Is at
present In Walla Walla. Wash., on
business. Chairman Edward Ros
tein was away yesterday.
Horseshoe jls 50
Years Old, Claim
PORTLAND. Oct. 13-(Th
Oregon Historical j society was
handed a real piece of luck today
when D. C. Sixberry of Yamhill
presented it with a 60-year-old
horseshoe. The shoe,' crudely ham
mered out of bar iron, wag loand
near Yamhill. 1 f i
Sixberry said the; type of nails
in the shoe had not been used in
the Willamette valley for half a
Declare Truce
SV Bruce Cabot &
such quaint variant notions about
sports. Some ladles actually like
to go fishing all those slimy
scales and the shocking odor! By
the, way. Doctor, before It's too
late, I would like to leave with
you the thought for the day that
I was also In the war to end wars
a major. But go on. I do so
want to listed to you yet a little."
"Cut the cackle, will , you, M.
J.? I've just come here to tell
you that I've had enough every
body's had enough of your
kidnaping Mr. Jessup the most
honest and useful man. In the
whole Beulah Valley! Typical
low-down sneaking kidnapres! If
you think your phony Rhodes
Scholar accent keeps you from
being Just another cowardly,
murdering Public Enemy, In your
toy-soldier uniform " ;
Swan held up his hand in his
most genteel Back Bay manner.
"A moment. Doctor, if you will
be so good?" And to Shad: "I
should think we'd heard enough
from the Comrade, wouldn't you,
Commissioner? Just take the bas
tard out and shoot him."
"O. K.! Swell!" Shad chuckl
ed; and, to-the guards at the
half-open door, "Get the corporal
of the guard and a squad six
men loaded rifles make it
snappy, see?"
(To Be Continued.)
Bridges Confident
Of Strike Victory
SAN PEDRO, Calif., Oct. l.-A3)
-Harry Bridges, president of the
International Longshoremen' as
sociation on the Pacific coast, told
local association members tonight
that the Atlantic and Gulf coast
unions would support a maritime
strike on this coast. ;
Only a guarantee that hiring
halls and the six-hour day will
continue-can avert a strike when
the present maritime truce expires
October 28, Bridges said in an ad
dress to a crowd of I. L. A. lead
era estimated at 200.
"It is going to be a grand bat
tle If no agreement is reached by
October 28," he declared. "Ship
owners are better off than in 1934,
but so are we. We're going to
get help. The warehousemen's un
ion in San Francisco alone has
S600 members and can tie up the
city hall themselves."
He asserted the maritime com
mission has no power to "over
role the law of collective bargain
ing or to keep the unions from
striking" and said he hoped the
commission would force employers
to negotiate.
Alberta Scrip to
Face Court Test
EDMONTON, Alta., Oct. 13
( Canadian Press) -The city of Ed
monton and the Alberta govern
ment faced the possibility today
of farther litigation in their de
sire to come to an agreement over
provincial scrip money.
R. H. Watson, Edmonton min
ing engineer, lfled a, court aotlce
today he would seek an injunc
tion restraining the city from ac
cepting scrip in payment of util
ities services as authorized by the
city council Tuesday. The notice
indicated it would be heard here
October 23.
It was watson who upeet by
court action an agreement be
tween Edmonton and the provin
cial government under which the
city undertook to take scrip In
ilea of cash relief money. Edmon
ton's relief grant for August,
165,000 was to be exchanged for
crip to that value and IS 0,0 00
extra scrip donated. The city
agreed to circulate the fSO.000
for two years with holders obli
gated to affix a one-cent stavmp
each week. i
Enter Now
Win a Packard
Enter the
Safeway Coffee
Contest Note .
See Tour Nearest Safeway
Store for Details
Belgian Stand
Upsets Europe
If Leopold Means Total
Withdrawal, Aid Pact
Greatly Weakened
(Continued from page 1)
in future Locarno discussions?
; 4. Would Belgium abide by
her League of Nations obliga
tions? ;
. Upon clear answers to these
questions,- European observers
felt, hung the fate of the complex
European treaty set-up designed
to guarantee the continent against
another world war.
The Locarno pact, signed 11
years ago today has been held by
European statesmen to be the
keystone of collective security.
The signatories were Germany.
Italy, France, Great Britain and
The present Locarno treaty be
came a "dead letter" In March.
1936, when Hitler re-armed the
demilitarized Rhineland. In a Ger
man note sent to Britain In reply
to a British questionnaire yester-
oay, nowever. Hitler was eald to
have declared his government will
ing to sit In on further Locarno
conferences providing the extent
or Italian participation were de
lined. I
The reason for this reservation.
it was said, might He In the Aus
trian : situation, where nazl and
fascist elements are both as strong
as tney are opposed to each other.
Only Three Remain,
They're Unfriendly
If Belgium, vitally fmnortant to
European security because of her
geographical location, should
withdraw from the Locarno pact,
only three nations would be left
actual supporters France, Italy
and Germany.
France has a socialist "popular
front" government. Italy and Ger
many have rightist dictators. Po
litical sympathies between the
three nations are not in the great
est accord.
If the Belgians should answer
that they were abrogating their
mutual , assistance pact with
France, soviet Russia would be
brought to the foreground of the
complex set-up. ,
Russia's situation is this:
She is bound by a unl-Iateral
military assistance pact to France.
Her relations with Germany of
late have not been of the best.
If Germany should attack Rus
sia under the existing treaty set.
up, France would be bound to
come to her aid. If Germany then
should attempt to strike at
France, too, Belgium would he
pledged to come to France's aid
and thus become an ally of Russia
against Germany.
The Belgian frontier Is the
easiest pathway between France
and Germany.
: But If Belgium should answer
that she Intended breaking her
pact with France, she would have
tovprotect her borders as best she
coald against a German invasion
Just as she was forced to do In
1814. j
The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special
Store of Salem
A Harvest of Savings at Schaefer's !
Guaranteed to relieve a
cold in 12 hours or Cfl
money refunded ......
Timely Suggestions V V SAVE
25c Hinkle Pills . .... . . . . . ... ... lie
25c N. R. Tablets . . t . . . . . ; . . . . . 16c
50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia . . . 34c
35c Tick's Vapo Rub ... ... .... . .24c
60c Italian Balm . . . . . . . . . . . ... .39c
81.00 MarwO-Oil Shampoo . . . . 59c
50c Vitalis . .... .. ... . 4. . . . 39c
70c Vaseline Hair Tonic . . U. ... 59c
SL25 Petrolagar . . .. . . . 89c
30c Bromo Seltzer . . . : . . . . . 25c
50c Eff. Sodium Phosphate t . . . . .34c
30c Bromo Quinine ,t:. . . . . " . . . . .19c
25c Anacin Tablets lt. . . .. . ... . .17c
50c Feenamint , . , .f . . . . .... . .39c
50c Midol Tablets . . ...i. ... 29c
25c Carter's Pills .. ... ..15c
75c Doan's Pills ... . . . . i . . . . 49c
25c Fren's Napkins . ,13c, 2 for 25c
Kill That Corn!
Use Schaefer's Guaranteed
1 Corn Remedy
Reliable and safe. Manufactur
ed In our Salem laboratory.
Vo Relief - No Py
Twins, They
Louiae Sebring (left) and her twin sister, Lois Sebring, were partners
ta a strange legal action in Los Angeles when they obtained divorces
from their husbands, Roy and Ray Sebring, also twins. The brothers.
, members of the TJ. S. Marine Corps, are now stationed In Honolulu.
or Endorses
Vaudeville Show
Mayor V. E. Kuhn yesterday
placed his official I endorsement
on the 10-act professional vau
deville show which the Salem
Trades and Labor council plans
to present in the Salem armory
November 6 to raise the remain
ing money needed to buy a first
aid car for the city fire depart
ment. '
"I am strongly In favor of the
city's obtaining this first aid car
and I am glad to see this co
operation between the labor coun
cil and the fire department mak
ing it possible," Mayor Kuhn
stated. "I trust the people of Sa
lem will Join In the project by
attending the labor council's show
which I am told will be a fine
one."- . 1 ' I '
The first aid car will not be
used in competition! with private
ambulance services I but will be
dispatched on accident, drown
ing, fire and similar cases where
first aid by experts having spe
cial equipment available Is need
ed, Mayor Kuhn pointed out. j
Foster Opposes !
State Bank Idea
Arthur Foster of Portland, for
i tears a farmer in North Da
kota and still a landowner there.
was In Salem Thursday afternoon,
He went to Chexnawa last night
to talk against the state bank
bill. Foster strongly opposes the
state bank, and carries his tax
receipts to show what the North
Dakota bank has cost him In
8enator Peter Eimmerman was
scheduled to talk in favor Of the
Drag Store
PHONE 5197
& 7023
Get a Full Night's Sleep
Don't wake up in the morning
All In.
Kidney & Bladder Pills
will relieve Ktg
Fall Colds!
Perhaps they are no worse
than any other colds, but we
hare nerer heard of a good
cold.'- Protect yourself Use
Throat and Long Balsam
50c $1.00
Divorced Twins
Postoff ice Award
Is Delayed Again
(Continued from Page 1)
contractors who built the blind
school dormitory and Bush grade
school and are now putting up the
new Montgery Ward & company
store building at 155 North Lib
erty streets. The number of firms
in other cities holding plans of
the Salem postoffice Job are:
Tacoma, Wash., Washington,
D. C, and Philadelphia, Pa., two
each; St. Louis, Mo., DesMoines,
la., Oakland end Los Angeles,
Calif., one each.
Youll increase your
politan NOW'. . during this great value -giving event! So get on the bus
you get a free ride downtown this morning and make the Metropolitan
your first shopping stop! v i .
Mopj Sticks Heavy
spring. Reg. 15c
Now .1UC
Fly Swatters
Good, heavy, ea.
Stove Polish-
Rising Sun
Mouse Traps Strong
spring, very special C .
2 for . ; ;...OC
Kiddies' Hankies
color designs
While Quantities
Last Silverplate
Laconia Pattern
O Fork
O i Teaspoons
O Soup Spoons
O Tablespoons
I Out
Ladies Flannel Gowns
colors 59c
Fast II
1a sneciali .....
Ladies' Rayon Greatest Value U Wo1
PANTIFS u 7 Evcr0ffcrcd sweaters. W
l II Sheet Mlisic M For Men and Boys
II A Real Buy III fj a Closing Out j
Chinese Infonner
Slain, Vancouver
(Canadian Press) A Chinese
police informer, pierced by three
bullets, was found dying in a
blind alley in Vancouyer's China
town tonight.
Police Identified the man as
Rial Barings In Dollars to
Limit 10 yds. Yd. 1UC Many colors. Reg. JJA
CUKTA1N MARQUE- 89c. Special, yd. .. I
10 yds. Yd. . ........ AUC Reg. 79c. Many AQr
70x80 PLAID BLANK- colors, yd. ...3C
ETS J Cotton, singles. $2.98 CHIFFON VEL-
Limit 5 to a cus- CQ VETS. Blue, wine, $T .69
tomer .. .. ..... QUI green, 39 in. Yd. I
666 PLAID BLANK- 54 in. WOOLENS Val-
F.rr Fotion sgIesv ues to 1.39. Flan- AQ
Limit 5 to cus- JA nels. tweeds. Yd. VOC
tomer a
STHEDBA irwte-
CHIEFS 10c, 15c, r SKIRTS Reg. $t .98
25c values JC $2.48 A
All colors, wash- A BLOUSES Reg. n A
able.' Yd. ......;... UaC to 2.98. Closeouts I iC
Salem. Oregon
harvest of savings many times
Men's Amoskeag Flannel
Pajamas and Gowns AO
Each i - JJOC
Men's 15 Wool
Work Sox, pair .
Ladies Rayon, Wool
& Cotton Hose, pr. aCOC.
Ladies' Flannel 2-Piece Pa
jamas r Very TO-.
. i7C
Ladies Flannel
Outsize Gowns ..
1L U II Toi.
320 Page Smooth
if i School
j( Tablets j
W EG(3 )
N Perforated, '
Delmxe Brand
II Puffed Rice,
1 ; Wheat or Corn II
11 Healthful Food II
y Reg. 15c pkgf. fl
only IOC
Quong Kong who -had been acting
for them as an informer in gamb
ling house inTestigatlona. "
The man died shortly after be
ing taken to hospital and before
he was able to make any state
ment to authorities.
Late tonight police requested
Canadian-U. S. ' horde points to
watch closely for any suspicious
characters and outgoing planes,
boats and trains were checked for
possible suspects. ...
will I u
Yon What Take Advantage
v 220 to 226 N. Liberty
if you shop at the Metro
Waste Baskets Smartly
decorated, attrac- 1A
live designs
Reg. 5c Pot Clean
ers, rust proof, 2 for
Rag Rugs 18x30 1C
Very special IOC
Whisk Brooms Plush
top top . A
sewed JLUi
Canvas Gloves f Special
value - ' f
Special Value!
This is a special purchase
ch roi has 2 Inch
fringe. -
4-Inch Block Plaids!
Soft and fluffy cotton
singles at a special value
prlctft 66x76 inch size. Ia
rose, blue, peach, green
and orchid!
Hot water
50c value-
Bottles Reg.
P Cask BuysattheLo Schaefer'
IcenUrx.. j