The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 13, 1936, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October 13, ;i936
Boy's Warning
Brings Arrest
Planned to Shoot Wife
And Himself Quoted
by Official Here
(Continued from page 1)
and bad then gone home with
their son, about 16, whose fall
name police, withheld. The youth
told police that hi3 father had In
formed him after they arrived at
the Center street house that he
planned to shoot Mrs. Grant when
she came home. Told by the boy
that "they'll hang you for it,"
Grant replied "they won't get a
chance to," according to the story
given officers by the youth.
The boy fled from the house
and telephoned police from a
house nearby. .
Grant was in a bedroom packing
a suitcase when police reached his
wife's house.- On the bed were a
coast guard uniform and cap and
a few other articles of clothing.
His new automobile was parked
in the alley, at the side of the
house. That he is a crack pistol
shot was indicated hy eight marks-
jiiaDsnip meaais luanu swung ma
A tall, quiet-appearing man.
Grant said little at polfce head
quarters. Iyocked in a jail cell, he
asked for cigarettes and then dis
robed and went to bed.
Police said Grant had come to
Salem three weeks ago to see his
family but had not stayed at the
Center street house, of which his
wife and three children occupy the
east half of the first floor.
' Grant's coast guard station Is
located on Golden Gate in the San
Francisco harbor.
. T . 1 . . . VI..
Gym Teachers of
County Organize
Marion county physical educa
tion teachers have formed a dis
trict organization to function as
a subsidiary of the Oregon State
Physical Education association,
Vernon Gilmore, of the Salem
schools, announced yesterday.
Gurnee Flesher of Leslie junior
high school, is president and
Muriel White of Woodburn Is
secretary of the new group.
Otia tt iha main roaanna fnr
starting the district organization
Is to assist physical education
Instructors in developing their
programs toward standards newly
established by state law which
must be met by 1940, according
to Gilmore, who heads this work
in the city schools. Salem high
school, he said, already has been
brought up to the new require
ments. The .new program re
quires four-year physical educa
tion training, instruction in hy
giene and physical examinations
for students.
The county association will
hold its next meeting on or near
November 26 with members of
the Willamette university physi
cal education staff on the camp
us. Dedication Plans
Are Taking Shape
A committee, headed by Salem
Lions club members is laying
plans for the formal dedication of
the new state blind school dor
mitory here to B. F. Irvine, blind
Portland editor, on October 25,
according to Ralph Kletzing, dis
trict . Lions governor. Wallace
Bonesteele is chairman of the
dedication program committee.
The three members of the state
board of control, other state offi
cials and Lions from ell parts of
Oregon are expected to attend the
ceremonies. At that time a bust of
Mr. Irvine, made by Mark Shoe
smith, blind sculptor at University
of Oregon, will be unveiled.
Lions club members were in
strumental in impressing the last
lArl&latum with thn hltnrl chnnr
' seed for a new. fireproof dormi
tory The grounds about the new
building are being landscaped
with money donated by Lions
ClttDS. ,
; - - ' ' - .
? Bays Aberdeen Hotel
ABERDEEN, Oct. 12.-P)-George
W, Earle, veteran hotel man of
Eugene, Oregon, today announced
the purchase of the Washington
hotel, Aberdeen's leading hotel
for many years.
Gets 99 Years
I XJ - J
:: t
.4. J
. 10
y N John Pavelka
Although he pleaded for the chair
In his trial before a judge In Chi
xago for the slaying of his 15-?year-old
daughter. John Pavelka.
;48, above, waa sentenced to 99
jrears In prison. Pavelka waived
a jury trial and told the court he
killed his daughter because he was
.too poor to buy clothes and to
take care of her properly. :
f A, ( Aerial view of Budapest .
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Regent Nicholas Horthy I lL' .T'-'-v, ( Premier Goemboes ) I
J -Archduke ottoi -J""""""""" ' 1 1
Death of Premier Julius Goemboes of Hungary,
who thwarted the return to the throne In 1921 of
Emperor Charles and Empress Zita, has revived
royalist hopes of placing their son. Archduke Otto,
in power. Regent Nicholas Horthy, left as sole
Arts League Will
Hear L. Fairbanks
"For 15 years the Salem Arts
league has been presenting pro
grams for the benefit of the Sa
lem general public," said Miss
Grace Gilliam, president, yester
day. "We are commencing the
sixteenth year with a talk by Leo
N. Fairbanks, head of the art de
partment of the Oregon State col
lege, in the auditorium of the Sa
lem -Chamber of commerce, to
night at 8 o'clock As president
of the arts league I hope every
person in Salem will attend. The
program is free." j
Artist Leo Fairbanks will illns-
trate his talk by means of lantern
slides. There will be a short busi
ness session of the league at 7:30
o'clock in a side room. Members
of the league are requested to be
present. j
Abrams Squad in
Lead, Enrollment
Workers in the Y. M. C. A. en
rollment week led by Carle Ab
rams leads the other four divi
sions in the drive with 115 mem
bers secured in a total value of
11778, A. E. Larimer, director of
the week, announced last night.
Total memberships as reported at
yesterdays luncheon showed that
374 members have signed up so
far and have agreed to pay6578
or a little less than the 800 mem
bers and 115,000 value goal set
for the week's work. Yesterday's
contacts resulted, in 121 members
valued at $1943.
aLrimer urged ; that all workers
attend the report meeting today
with their continuance cards in
order that they he reassigned. if
contacts have not been made. Rev,
C. G. Weston will speak today.
"Yesterday Revj George H. Swift
gave a short inspirational talk and
Billy Shinn spoke on the activities
of the Y. M. C. A. summer camp.
Enrollment weeks Is scheduled to
end Thursday.
Pipeline (Bids to
Be Eyed Tonight
Bids on pipe expected to run in
excess of half a million dollars
will he opened by the city council
at an adjourned meeting at 7:30
o'clock tonight. The proposals
will be on supplying and laying
pipe between Salem and Stayton
to connect the city with the In
filtration gallery being developed
on Stayton island.
With 28 firms "holding copies
of plans and specifications, bid
ding is expected to be lively, pro
posals have been requested on
85,000 feet of 36-Inch, 4200 feet
of 30-inch and ;1700 feet of 27-
inch pipe made of steel, concrete
or creosoted Douglas fir.
Townsend Ticket
Handbills Issued
Handbills listing the candidates
who are endorsed by the Town
send organization in Marion
county, were being distributed in
Salem Monday ' over the signa
ture of Ralph I. Shaddock, state
area manager of Townsend ; Na
tional Recovery Plan, Inc.
The ticket lists Willis Mahon
ey, democratic, for U. 8. sena
tor; James W. ! Mott, republican,
tor first district representative in
congress: S. BJ Mills and H. M.
Potter, democrats, and R. A. Har
ris and O: A.i Olson,: -independent,
for state representative, 12th
representative district. - .
J Influx of New Pupih at
Iligh School Diminishing
The Influx of new pupils to
1 Salem high school slowed down
t last week. Principal Fred D. Wolf
: announced yesterday. Enrollment
yesterday totaled 1645, an in-
crease of eight in the week and
', of 124 over the same day a year
I ago. - ..: .
Death Revives Royalist Hopes
Artisans Going to
Portland Meeting
Artisans from Woodburn, Sil-
verton and Salem will go to Port
land Wednesday night to attend
the public installation of officers
of Al Azar pyramid No. 1 of Port
land, to be held at Al Azar tem
ple, Third and Columbia streets.
starting at 8:30 o'clock.
For the first time in the his
tory of the Al Azar organization.
a man outside 01 Portland, Ed
Robey of Salem, will head the
organization. Following the pub
lic installation a dance and enter
tainment will be held.
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head of the state, figures importantly in the situa
tion which all Europe Is watching' with tense in
terest. Budapest, capital of Hungary, seethes with
excitement as the nation's political future hang
in the balance. . : ;
Salem Artisans plan to leave
the Fraternal temple, 447 Center
street, by bus at 6:45 o'clock.
Some will go in private cars. ;
Thursday night at 8 o'clock the
local Artisans will hold a business
meeting In the Fraternal temple
with Master Artisan Tom Burton
Gerald Smith to Speak:
PORTLAND, Oct. 12.-(P)-The
late Huey Long's No. 1 "Share-The-Wealth"
banner carrier, Ger
ald K. Smith, will speak here
Wednesday at Benson Polytech
nic In behalf of the Lemke
O'Brien third-party ticket.
rSs7! . Its a Liqht 5mk
Wedding b..-. - )) 'j . - - -
I . isnht smoke I ' , I it
Free Exchange
Of Gold, Pact
Stabilization Funds Are
to Be Employed But No
Private Dealings
(Continued from page 1)
were carried on with unusual
secrecy. Several treasury officials
followed newsmen into the confer
ence to get their first Information
on the accord.
Few American business men
will be- directly - affected by the
new system, said.
- Previously gold could be ship
ped .out of America by any indi
vidual or corporation 'obtaining
an export license from the treas
ury. Actually few such licenses
were ' sought, because gold has
been flowing steadily into the
United States for many months.
Knox Applauded
In "Solid South"
RICHMOND, Va., pet. 12.-(P-
Col. Frank Knox, republican vice-
pfesidentlal nominee, carried his
party's campaign Into the "solid
south" tonight: to meet prolonged!
applause. i
Knox spoke at a meeting spon
sored by the Virginia state repub
lican organization in Richmond's
Masonic mosque. He drew cheers
and whistles when, in territory
traditionally democratic, he ap
pealed to Virginians to "do your
duty regardless of political affil
iations.' 1
He was repeatedly applauded
and there was a noisy response
when he charged the Roosevelt
administration "is not demo
cratic." Prune Contracts
Take Effect Now
ROSEBURG, Oct. 12. -(&)-
Prune marketing contracts were
effective today following the
agreement between Douglas coun
ty growers and the Oregon prune
control board here Saturday.
The contracts had been placed
in escrow pending completion of
a 75 per cent sign-up. The sign-up
had not quite reached its quota
but growers waived technicalities
that they might take full advan
tage of the 1936 prune marketing!
- -v i , ''i 7
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Juvenile Stars
Jackie Cooper
Although Jackie Cooper, left,
wtUe different than other lads
fecord endurance flight of one
uuwrueu moaei piane,Duut
Italian Winner of
Vanderbilt Prize
Island. N. Y.. Oct. 12.-(iP)-Over
and around Hell's Hairpin Toared
Tazio Nuvolari, the "madman of
Modena," to sweep to a brilliant
hut easy victory, today in tfce 300-
mile George Vanderbilt cup race
before 60,000 wind-blown specta
tors. -
Nuvolari's time for the distance
was four hours, 32 minutes and
44.04 seconds, an average speed
of 65.998 miles an hour. That
gave him a total elapsed time lead
of 11 minutes and 5 7 seconds over
Jean Wimille of France, who fin
ished second. t
Third came ' Count Antonio
Brivio of Italy.
R: Domasclioffsky
Dies; Polk Native
PIONEER, Oct. 12 Richard
Domaschoffsky of Dallas passed
away at his home this afternoon
after a prolonged illness. Al
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II Freddie Bartholomew
and Freddie Bartholomew, right, are
their age wften they established a
hour and 47 minutes 'with their
cy Reginald Denny, film star.'
though he has no tbeen well for
several years, he was seriously
sick only the past week. He was
born at tpje family home in Pio
neer, butf spent most of his life
after he was grown in Dallas. He
was a World war veteran.
Mr. Domaschoffsky is survived
by his widow, his mother. Mrs.
Christian Domaschoffsky; two sis
ters, Mrs ; John Nightengale of
Dallas, a$d Miss Clara Domas
choffsky of Albany; six brothers,
Louie, Oscar, Alfred Frank. Will,
all of Pioneer district, Robert of
Tillamook;' and Cliff of Junction
Baldock Praised
Earl L. Kelly
PORTfckND, Oct. 12.-;P)-Earl
Lee Kelly; director of California's
public works department, visited
Portland today and commended
the state' for its series of bridges
along the; coast highway.
Kelly j ;' lauded R. H. Baldock,
state. Mghway engineer, for Ore
gon; as -Vone of the finest in the
The Californian has charge of
all state! construction work.
When Thrilling Events Lead To
Constant Smoking!
When you'e excited . . . nervous . . . happy and thrilled,
you smoke many cigarettes without thinking about it.
Make your choice a light smoke. Smoke Luckies for
Luckies are alh'ght smoke of rich, ripe-bodied tobacco.
They are mafe of the center leaves of the finest tobaccos
that money !can buy. And they are the only cigarette
. in which youll find the all-important throat protection
of the "Toasting" process. Yes, the only cigarette.
Lucky Strikel . . the fine-tasting cigarette . . . the ciga
rette that "Itvcs happily ever-after" with your throat.
Winners in Alaska and
Eleven men and women in far off
Honolulu and six way up north id
Alaska know their popular music
so well that they have been able to
name the top ranking songs in Your
Lucky Strike "Sweepstakes" 1-2-3
just like that. Congratulations...
and good luck to the many other
far-away "Sweepstakes' fans.
Have yoa entered yet? Have yon
won your delicious Lucky Strikes?
There's music on the air. Tune in
"Your Hit Psrsde" Wednesday
and compare the tunes then try
Your Lucky Strike "Sweepstakes."
And if you're not already smok
ing Luckies, buy a pack today and
try them. Maybe you'vs been miss
ing something.
Pengra Resigns;
Takes Radio Job
Resignation of Marshall Pen
gra, English instructor, was an
nounced at Salem high school
yesterday. Pengra has accepted a
position as announcer for a Rose
burg radio broadcasting station.
Before teaching English and
coaching golf at the senior high,
Pengra was a member of the Par
rish junior high school faculty.
The school board employment
committee has chosen Nor borne
Berkeley, Pendleton senior high
school Instructor, to fill Pengra's
position here. Berkeley taught at
Salem high from 1927 to 1930.
He probably will be assigned here
to coach the forensics squad.
Berkeley Is a graduate of Univer
sity of Oregon and former grad
uate student of University ot
Southern California.
Own Textbook Is
Utilized by Rabe
Prof. Herbert E. Rahe, M. A.,
head of the speech department at
Willamette university, is using in
hia course, "Principles of Speech,"
the revised copy of the textbook -which
he has written "Speech
Projects and Principles." The
book is under consideration by
publishers for publication.
Miss Hortense Taylor who is
teaching at Willamina. is using
the text in her speech class.
The text contains over 140
pages. The purpose of the text
is to provide guiding principles
for everyday speech, platform ad
dress or forensic endeavor.
Accidental Shot Fatal
PORTLAND, Oct. 12.-(P)-Fr.itg
Erickson, 43, was accidentally
killed today near LInneman Junc
tion when the trigger of his gna
caught on a barbed -wire fence.
ine ouiiei strucK mm in me neaa.
Protect Your fek
Cjf Child's Eyes fii
fS! Send the lVi
Whole Child jjfg
V to School - IPil
VJvPhone 15927
s -