The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 04, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 4, 1933
page Tnnca
VTA V. m.
Union Uist
Jefferson Idea
Five Districts Invited to
Send Representatives
On October 14
JEFFERSON, Oct. 5 Directors
of school district 14 here this
week directed their clerk, Mrs.
Martha Hatchings, to inTite Tal
bot, Parrish Gap, Looney Butte,
Scravelhill, DeVaney and Marion
school districts to send represent
atives to a meeting here October
14, to discuss unionizing the dis
tricts. : " ' '
The board also will consider
building a new school house with
federal aid funds. Purchase of
four typewriters for the commerc
ial department and of chairs and
desks to accommodate the larger
enrollment this year has been or
dered. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Compton and
daughter, Evelyn, of Seaside, left
for their home-Tuesday morning
after several days visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bur
nett. Sunday the group motored
to Helmick park, in Benton coun
ty, where a picnic was enjoyed.
About 20 relatives of the Burnett's
were: present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira ClaTk and
daughters, Ruth and Ivadell, of
Red Oak, Iowa, were Sunday
guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
J. C Clark. They visited the Clark
family last year, and were so well
pleased with Oregon that they de
cided to -come west and locate
here. At present they are stop
ping in Salem.
Visit Fire Area
Prof, and Mrs. A. A. Haberly
motored to Arago Friday after
school closed to spend the week
end with Haberly's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A; Haberly, who lost
their home in the recent forest
fire at Bandon. They are both
about 70 years old and were alone
at the time. They have two daugh
ters, Mrs. Aason and Mrs. McAl
ister at Arago with whom they are
staying for the present. Bandon
is Prof. Haberly' name town,
where he attended schooi for eight
years. , V- .
E. A. Barlow has been some
what indisposed this week, having
an abscess on his left eye. He had
to make several trips to Salem to
Lave it treated.
Mr. and Mrs Jack Tyson ac
companied by Miss Mervine Thurs
ton left Wednesday morning on a
motor trip to. San Diego, Calif.
Miss Thurston will be the guest of
Miss Emogene Dunkel, a former
Jefferson resident, and the -Tysons
will yisit relatives and friends
They will be gone about two
Mr. and Mrs. George Hinz and
family. Miss Helen Hinz, Mildred,
Carol, Marylen and George jr., of
Plymouth, Wis., are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hinz.
The men are brothers. Miss Helen
Hinz stayed with her aunt and
uncle in Jefferson two years, and
graduated with the class of 1935
of the Jefferson high school,
j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and
son, Leslie, and Mrs. Minnie San
ders of Crawfordsville were guests
Tuesday of relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Cobb and family.
Mr. and Mrs. i Ed Fish, who :
spent the past summer in Stock
ton, Calif., have returned, and are
staying with Mr. Fish's sister, Mrs.
J. W. Vaughn In the Parrish Gap
Miss Margaret Ham ill, nurse at
iDoernbecker hospital in Portland,
Is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Y. HamilL
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Cole and fam
ily who ; came here from Okla
homa in July, are moving this
week to Tillamook, where Cole
will have steady employment for
the winter. Otis Is a brother of
Clifford Cole of Jefferson, and
the family have been living in the
Blackwell house In northeast Jef
ferson. Mr. and Mrs. Miesen and daugh
ter, Carmen, of Portland, and Miss
Zola Shellabarger of Vancouver,
Wash., were guests Sunday of
Jlelsen's and Miss Shellabarger's
father, F. G. Shellabarger, local
Globe Trotting By Air Waves
J as-. - x
s ' I M -
.:: i it r t
Reaching any part of the world via the air waves is only a matter
of seconds with one of the new General Electric "Focusted Tone
metal-tube radios. Shown here Is the seven-tube table set witb.
three bands for reception of domestic and foreign broadcasts.
Central Radio Service, 207 North High Street; Is the local agency.
Radio Programs j
Snndsy, October 4
8.00 Day Dreimi.
8:30 Major fcowci Theater Family.
10:00 Church. .
10:30 Socialist program.
10:45 World ceriei.
1:30 Serenade.
2 :00 Unseen Friend, drams.
3:30 Old Songs of Church.
3:00 Jo Pen per, comedian.
3 :35 Thru Aces, sing.
3-43 Mayfair Singers, chorus.
4:00 (iluskin orca.
4:30 Artists' recital.
5 :00 Open house. "
5.30 l)alt and Zumba.
5:45 Popeya, the Sailor.
6:00 -Symphony ETenins".
7:00 Community Sing.
7:46 Split i Seconds in History.
8 :00 Eddis Cantor.
8:30 Himber orch.
8:15 (ieorge Lee Marks.
9:30 Memory a Corner.
9:45 Fisher orch. :
10:00 Drews' organ.
10:15 Horse Eensa Philosophers.
10:30 Dortey's orcb.
11:00 Mojica orch.
8:05 Ward and Muzzy, 2 pianos.
8:15 Songs Wa Left Behind Us.
8:30 Sunrise church program.
9:00 International balute.
:30 Grier orch.
10 :45 World aeries, baseball. .
1:00 Sperry Special, varied.
1:30 Posey Playlets.
1:45 Nobis Cain choir.
3:00 Marion Talley, sing.
3:30 Horns Harmonies.
3:00 Stars of Tomorrow (JuTenile).
4:15 Tanya Krasaaora sing.
'4:30 Bob Ripley. Oixis Nelson res.
5:00 Good-Will Court, drama.
6 :00 Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.
6:30 Album of Familiar Music.
7 :00 Symphonic concert.
8:00 Sunset Dreams.
8:15 Busse orch.
8:30 Jack Benny, comic-orch.-solo.
9:00 Passing Parade: news.
9:15 Night editor, drama.
9:80 Ons Man's Family, serial.
10:15 Beside the Shslimar.
10 :30 Bridge to Dreamland, organ.
11:00 Dorsey orch. ! I
11:30 Hal Tabarin sreh.
12:00 Weather and police reports.
ursted Heater,
Rug Damage Cause
KINGWOOD. Oct. 3. Damage
to rugs and floors resulted the
bursting of a water heater in the
sew home of Mrs. Jennie Ferguson
on Glenn Creek road.
..Recent arrivals In the neighbor
hood are Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Bar
tell from Lemon, S. D., who are
living on the Moyer place. They
have two children in grade school
and two in Salem high school.
Bartell is employed as a mechanic
In the Bonsteele garage In Salem.
Yamhill Commissioner Is
I. Improving at Sanatorium
HOPEWELL. Oct. S. An elec
tric range Is being Installed at the
Craig home near Hubbard.
Frank Campbell, of Hopewell,
Yamhill county commissioner.
who suffered a light stroke of par
alysis Monday, is improving at
the Portland sanitarium.
8 :05 Alica Kemsen, ting.
8:15 Neighbor Nell. ;
8:30 World Is Yours.
9:00 Rhythm Steppers (ET).
9:05 Song Cycle tET).
9:15 Christian Endeavor union.
9:30 Music ball symphony-soloists.
10:35 Let's Siring it.
10:45 World series, baseball.
2:00 Wa the People (Phillip Lord).
2:3ft Stoopnagla and Budd, comics.
3:00 Fchocs from orchestra pit.
3:30 Ahstaire Cooke, talk (.London).
3:45 U. 8. Horse Show team.
4:00 Pittsburgh, string ensemble.
4:30 Kef lections, instr.-sing.
5 :00 Symphonique moderne.
8:15 Travelogue, Richard Steele.
8:30 Weather.
8:35 Bcok chat, Richard Montgomery.
9:00 Tropic Traila.
9:30 St. Francis orch.
10:00 Palaca orch.
10:30 CslTary Tabernacle.
11:15 Ronyan's organ,
to 12 Wunther and polics reports.
Monday, October 5
6:30 Kock.
7 ;45 Exercise and Applesauce.
8:00 Magazine.
9:30 Helen Trent aerial.
10:00 B.itty and Bob, aerial.
L:30 Tops rsvue.
1:45 Jcannette .Cramer, faomemaker.
2:30 -Variety matinee.
2:45 Wilderness Road, serial.
3:00 Feminine Fancies, varied. ,
4:30 Melody Gems.
5:00 B-ight's Hollywiians.
5:30 Helena's Fashions.
5:45 Melodies.
6:00 Thester: "Elmer the Great."
7:00 King orch.
7:30 Utt la Show, instr.
7:45 Gooss Creek Person.
8:00 Repoblicsn national committee.
8:15 Renfrew, aerial.
8:30 Pick and Pat, comedians.
9:00 Heidt orch.-soloists-chorua.
9:30 Bouquet of Ballads, sing.
9:45 Drews organ.
10:00 Dorothy Dix, drama.
10:30 Milne orch. 11:00 Harris arch.
11:30-12 Bittick orch.
7:00 Now and then.
7:30 Petite musieale.
9:00 Christine, singing pianist.
9:15 Mary Marlin, serial.
9:30 How to be charming.
10:00 Style chats. . ;
10:15 World series.
1:00 Sperry special, varied. )
1:30 Landon Radio clubs.
1 :45 Ma Perkins, serial.
3 :00 Hollywood news.
3 :05 Council churches.
8 :0O Woman's magazine, varied.
4:15 Back aeat driver.
4:30 Onterrill sketches.
5:00 Sunset melodies.
6:0020,000 Years in Sing Sing.
8:30 Dinner concert.
7:00 Contented program.
7:30 Hawthorn House, serial.
8:00 Amos 'n' Andy, comedy.
8:15 Lom and Abner, comedy.
9:00 McGee and Molly, comedy.
9 :30 Champions, orch.-vocalist.
10:00 Xewa flashes.
10:15 Night Watchman, drama.
10:20 Stringing Along.
10:30 Mark Hopkins orch.
11 :00 Ambassador orch.
11:30 Reveries, reader instr.
6:30 Musical Clock. ' ;
7:00 Calvary Tabernacle.
7:30 Josb Higgins, drama.
7 :45 Aristocratio Rhythm.
8:00 Herman and Banta, xylophone
8:15 Vagabond, 4-sing.
8 :S0 Honeymooners, sing.
8:45 Gospel Singer. (
9:15 Jack and Loretta Clemens, sing.
. patter.
9:30 Hints ib Housewives.
9:37 Trailing Along.
9 :45 Home Institute. 1
10:00 Valvatone Singer.
10:15 World series, baseball.
1 :00 Markets.
1:05 Forum Luncheon.
1 :80 Tune Twisters.
1:45 Young Hickory, serial.
2:00 Let' a Talk It Over.
2:30 Irma Glen, organ.
2 :45 Johnstone Ensemble.
S :00 Army band.
8 :25 Financial and Grain.
3 :35 Gale Page, aing.
3:45 Flying Time.
4:00 Beaux Arts Trio, inttr.
4:25 Watts Watt.
4:30 John Herrick, aing.
4:55 Amusements. .
5-15-5:30 Show Window.
8:15 Literary Digest Poll.
8:30 Homicide Squad, drama.
9 :00 Frank Watanabe, comedy.
9:15 Horse Show, Livestock Exp.
9:30 "Bambd." Helen Hayea. drasna.
10:00 Wrestling, r
10:30 Dane musie. i ;
10:35 Biltmore ores.
11:00 Carson's organ.
to 12 Weather and police reports.
9 :00 Homemakers' hoar. ,
10:15 Story hour for adults.
11:45 Guarding your health.
12:15 Noon farm: hoar.
1:15 Variety half hour.
8:00 Horn visits with extension spec
4:00 The symphonis kour.
4:30 Stories for boys and girls. '
5:00 On the campuses.
6:30 Evening farm hoar.
7 :80 4-H club meeting.
8:15 Book of the week.
Sargents Are Enroute
To Iowa for Visit at
Homes of Relatives
Keizer (M Will
Sponsor Players
Salem Civic Group Given
Bid; Bazaar Plans
Are Started
KEIZER. Oct 3 -A large crowd
attended the first community club
meeting of the year Friday night
at the schoolhonse. Mrs. Albert
Minturn presided. Mrs. Roy Mel-
son Is the newly elected secretary
for the year.
It was decided to have the Sa
lem civic play put on the night of
October 30 at Chemawa hall.
Mrs. P. E. Wolf presented the
plans for a bazaar and supper to
be held December 4. The baiaar
will give everyone a chance to par
, Scholarship voted
The club voted to sponsor a 4-H
club scholarship. Ben Claggett
was appointed sergeant-at-arms.
Mrs. G. N. Thompson was nam
ed club reporter for The States
man and also chairman of the
courtesy committee. The program
read by W. E. Savage consisted
of musical numbers by Leonard
McCloud of Hayesvllle and Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Robertson and son,
Clyde, of Salem; piano duet by
Mrs. P. O. Breckenridge and Irma
Keefer. A reception for the teach
ers followed.
Cloverdale Notes
Residence Moves
eral families' moved here this
week. Llyod Jarmans have bought
and moved to the place where
Wayne Voris has resided for the
past several years and the Vorises
have moved Into the Battlecreek
district. Walter Miller moved to
his farm near Turner. Miller has
been living on the Staples ranch
for the past eight years. John
Schilling and family moved from
J. W. Schifferer's place to the
Staples ranch. Clason's family has
moved onto the Schifferer prop
Mrs. Nellie Hamilton under
went a major operation at the Sa
lem general hospital Tuesday.
Ruth Clason and William Kelly
were married at Vancouver, Wash,
last Saturday. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Drager left
Wednesday for a two week's va
cation at the beach and on a hunt
ing trip.
A teacher's reception will be
held at the Cloverdale schoolhouse
next Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hedges and
family left for southern Oregon
to work In the potato harvest.
Gervais Taxpayer
Meeting Is Called
GERVAIS. Oct. 3. Mayor Mol
san has called a meeting of the
taxpayers of the city of Gervais
for Tuesday night, October 6, at
the high school auditorium for
the purpose of discussing a budget
for next year and to nominate
candidates for the offices of may
or, city recorder treasurer and two
councilmen. Officers whose terms
expire at this time are Mayor Moi
san. Recorder A. B. Minaker,
treasurer, Mrs. M. D. Henning and
Councilmen C. W. Cutsforth and
Joe Kuhn.
Services to Be Held at
Union Hill Hall Today
LIBERTY, Oct. 3. Mr. -and
Mrs. Cecil Sargent and family
started on a month's motor trip
Thursday morning that will take
them as far east as Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, where they will visit rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bietz,
who have made their home with
the Sargents Bince returning from
Pennsylvania a few weeks ago,
will be In charge of the Sargent
Others visiting relatives outside
the state just now are Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. Stitt and Mr. and Mrs.
A. O. McMillen. both families see
ping relatives in various parts of
Washington. ; ,
UNION HILL, Oct. 3. There
will be Sanday school at 1:30
o'clock and church at 2:30 o'clock
on Sunday afternoon at the Union
Hill grange hall. Rev. Lyman of
the Christian church at Stayton
will be the speaker.
J Loomis House Sold ; ; .
SILVERTON, Oct. 3. The W
Ifred Loomis house has been sold
to E. H. White who has been liv
ing in the Crowder house at 620
South Water street. The Whites
will move to their new : location
in the near future.
Tonight and every Sunday night; the
idol of the concert stage, screen and
radio will be host at Vkks Open
fJouse. Tune fa and hear Nelson
Eddy sing the songs that have won
th hearts of millions. Over Columbia
. network, coast-to-coast. Sponsored
by Vkks, maker of Vkks Va-tro-noV
to help prtvent many colds, and Vicks
VapoRub, to help end a cold quicker.
When Others Pail
Chinese Herbs
Healing virtue
has been tested
hundreds yean
for chronic ail
aents, nose,
hM, Innaffia.
.lirrh. ears. S. B. Fong
longs, asthma, chronic congh,
stomach, gall stone colitis,
constipation, dlabetls, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood nerves,
neuralgia, rheumatism, high
blood pressure, gland, skin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
S. . B. Fong, 8 years practice
in ' Chin, Herb "-- Specialist,
123 N. Commercial St., Salem,
Ore. Office hoars to p-m-Sanday
and Wed. 0 to lO a.m.
Safe Investment
If you suffer from frequent dizzy spells and split
ting headaches it is because your system is under
par. Stock in the Company of Good Health never
depreciates, but soars ever higher toward greater
physical perfection. Invest your faith in your phy
sician and share in the profits.
Our Prescription Service is
Our Best Service
Corner State aad Liberty
Driig Store
Phone 3118
j!v Inr kT
j : - - j
i r ' I
r i
W. I. Staler, President of the
Y. M. C. A. Board of Directors
since 1905. Mr. Staley has guid
ed the "Y through years of
war, building and depression,
always thinking of the service
that it could render to Salem.
He appeals to the people of Sa
lem for their continued sup
port, so 'that the "Y" might
continue its fine program.
' ' X
Fboto Fsssags .Studio. .
Douglas McKay, General Chair
man of the Y.M.CA. Enroll
ment Week and member of the
Board of Directors. Mr. McKay
has been a "Y" member con
tinuously since he was 11 years
of age and knows 'first-hand
what the "Y" does for boys. He
says, "I am sold on the Y be-"
cause of its program for youth.
mix :mmmm
? (
Panl B. Wallace, Chairman Sns
' taming Membership , Committee
and Member of the Board of Di
rectors. Mr. Wallace has been
active In the Y.M.CA. for thirty
years, and gives some time to
it nearly every day. He says, "I
sun glad to work for the Y
because of what It does for Sa
lem. ..
- X
. 7
A. E. Larimer, Associate Gen
eral Secretary Portland Y. Ms
C. A., Director of Salem Y. M.
C. A. Annual Enrollment Week
for the third successive year.
Mr. Larimer says, "I believe the
Salem Y.M.C.A. is conducting m
very fine program which de
serves the membership and fin
ancial support necessary to sus
tain it for the ensuing year.
Facts About Enrollment Week
! The 44th Annual Enrollment Week for the Salem Y.M.C.A.
will be launched with a Kick-Off Dinner at -the Y Wednesday
evening1, October 7, with Douglas McKay, campaign chairman,
as: toastmaster. Dr. Bruce R. Baxter will give the principal ad
dress." I1 The goal for Enrollment' Week is 800 members and a sus
taining fund of $15,000. The campaign lasts from October 7 to
14, with A. E. Larimer of the Portland Y as executive manager.
The goal is $2,500 more than last year, which is required to meet
increased expenses for maintaining the Y organization. 1
Daily luncheons for workers will be held at the Y da. Tnjr
the campaign.- " .
Sustaining (Those who contribute above $25.00)
Family Membership entitles whole family to join $50.00
Business Men
Young Men (18 to 21)
High School ....
Junior High SchoqJ
Grammar School
v Business Girls
School Girls
ACTrvrnEs for your health -
Gym classes swimming basketball handball ; Box
ing, wrestling, tumbling, etc. . -
Friday night is Social Night Families play together
Gym 7:00, Swim 7:30, Fireplace room 8:Q0
Physical activities a above leagues and tournaments
t Camp Oceanside Educational trips.
The Y" is a pioneer in adult education; It offers: Pub
lic Speaking, Landscape Gardening, Spanish and any
other subjects in which there is sufficient interest for
a rlass. . '
Douglas McKay, Chairman
W.- I. Staley, President
Paul B- Wallace, Chairman,
Dr. F. E. Brown
Tinkham Gilbert
T. M. Hicks
B. E. Sisson -Q.
A. Sprague
E. L. Weider
Carle A brains. Chief
Clifford Harold, Captain
John Friesen .
W. E. Hansen
Dr. D. B. Hill
Charles S. McElhlnny
Horace Walter
R. J. Hendricks, Captain
Dr. Brnce Baxter ,
John Carkin
Uynn Cronemiller
Bev. Guy L. Drill
H. B. Glaisyer
liloyd Gregg - . "
A. Lu 2,indbeck
J W. Moore
J B. Young . v,
Rich L.. Reimann, Captain
Rev. M. R. Campbell
31 D. Foley
Ti' M. Hicks
Edward H. Johnson
E. W. Rose -
Li Tu. Thornton
C A. Sprague, Captain
E. T. Barnes
Edward Majek
Dwigbt Lear
Wm. McGilchrist, Sr.
Al Ramseyer
Fred Anunsen, Chief
Paul Acton, Captain
Marion Curry
Roy Harland
A. J. Montgomery
a A. Page
Ralph Kletalng, Captain
R. C. Davis
W. H. Moran
Dr. Henry Morris
B. W. Thomas
Rev. Lynn A. Wood
M. D. Ohling, Captain
Lowell Kern
Eugene Legge
Wm. Newmyer '
Wallace Bonesteele
George Allen
B. E. Sisson, Captain
Dr. F. E. Brown
Julian Burroughs ,
Silas Galser
Rev. J. E. Milligan
Sr. Ray M. Walts
Rev. C. G. Weston
Ted Chambers, Chief
deorge Alexander, Captain
Wm. Hammond
: W. L. PhiUips
Ralph Sieben
R. W. Skopil
Homer H. Smith, Jr.
Robert Shinn, Captain r
Rev. G. C. Birtchet rs
J. J. Fitrsimons ' i
Dewey Greiner
J. E. Law
Harry McWhorter
J. L. Steed
Karl Wenger, Captain
Lawrence Brown
Rev. Geo. Swift '
W. E. Wads worth
Walter Minier
Edward A. Robey
Elton Thompson
Ray Yocum, Captain
Ralph Allen
Rev. Dean Poindexter '
Dick Rentfro
Dale Taylor
E. R. Wagner -
Dr. C. A. Downs, Chief
Dr. K. K. Adams, Captain
Tinkham Gilbert
W. C. Jones
Geo. A.- Rhoten
George Forgard, Captain
Walter Batliner
Otto Bowman
Lyle GloveT
Phil Huth
Wes. Roeder
Hays Rehm, Captain
Phil Bell
Bob Boardman
Glen Holman
Dr. K. E. Waters, CapUin
Dr. L. L. Hockett . -
SUn Satchwell
Harry Scott
Dr. Louis B. Schoel, Chief
Reynolds Allen, Captain
Ray Busick
J. P. McDonald
Gus Moore
Herb Olin
E. E. Thomas
Robert Johnson, Captain
Frank. Cross
W. W. McKinney
Vernon Perry
Edward Roth
Garlou T. Simpson
Walter Lamkln, Captain
Phil Bell
Cecil Edwards :
Homer Goulet
B. K. Grsybill .
Lowell White
Robert Needhant, Captain j
Ed Bissell
W. C. Clark
Tom Drynan
Dr. E. V. FortmHler '
John Minto
A. E. Larimer, Director -
C. A. Kells. Secretary