J i - 4 I- . . f ' 1 . . 3lic OUEGOX,STATES51AN SaJea, Oregon, Sundav Morning; October 4, 1930- r 1: 1 : I K- II 4 Ml V r For Sale Miscellaneous PIANO BARGAINS. Wheelock $43. Melster Hi Fischer $45. Tway $39. Rebuilt pianos, Krueger $49, Fischer $58. Kohler Campbell $ S3. Decker $71. Stelff $S7. Kohler ft Campbell $93. Alt en berg $65. Wheelock 68 and many others for leu than $10). Grarurs $195 up. 'Largest stock In northwest. Terms. Tall man Piano Store, $93 South 12b St. at tai SL. v . GRAPES 1c. U PICK. 2c deL Pep pers 50c bu squash IS. Pit. 77F2. . SALWAY AND Foster peaches ready now. Imlah Fruit Farm. Tel. 62F11, GRAPES 2c LB. at King's. Bring containers, Vt mL N. Four Corners. - . "WILL SELL very cheap, mahogany piano, - in excellent condition, 1 69 0 S. Cottage. GOOD APPLES 25c. orchard run. Ton pick them. Tel 7SF14 or $678. GRAPES lHc LR winter pears. 25e bu.. 1 mL north Middle Grove school. Rt 7, Box 445. LARGE SIZED CELLO, reasonable, 660 D street. Phone C53C. AUCTION SALE STARTING AT 1:10 p. ia Tuesday, Oct 6. 1936. on Rt 4. Box 216, 7 miles south on Sky Line road, y mile north of Prospect school oo the Jako Goth maa farm. Horses, farm machinery and tool. H. O. HAGEDORN", Auctioneer BOY'S CHEV. Touring car, cheap for cash. Tel. 9539. 'YiriyiWi'i'ryiiiArifLrtAn SALE REAL Concord grapes, lc per pound. Over ISO pounds for less Rudolph Schmidt. Rte. C. Box 235, Sa lem, 8 miles east on penitentiary road. 2 GOOD RANGES. 248 Marlon. GOLDEN CARP, plain and--fancy fantalls 10c and 15c at 12tn St. Gold Fish Farm, 1924 12tl St " APPLES 25c SACK on trees. 4 miles 1st house south sid of Claxter Rd. after leaving N. Pacific highway. GOOD USED burlap sacks. Inq, Kar-mel-Kora Shop. 134 S. High. FORMAL EVENING gowns, size 33 35. Wool pajama set. 'Sheep-lined jack et size 10-12. TeL 6585. Wanted Miscellaneous ( WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In shell.' any quantity. Stats Cafeteria. WOODRY THE auctioneer pays cash or trade for used furniture or what hare youT Ph. 6-1-1-. Fret We pick op on! and worth less horses, cows, sheep TeL 4$$$. OLD BUILDINGS wanted. 20th Century Wrecking Co.. 411 Front. WANTED ANY kind of nursing pups mother lost pups. Phone 88S2 or call 1789 Center, today. i Miscellaneous - "UNCLE SAM" JOBS. Men-women. Start $105-8175 MONTH. Try next Sa lem examinations. ' Sample coaching and list Jobs FREE. Apply today. Box 1277W care Statesman. Hurry. COLD STORAGE locKers. Ramage'a, 810 N Liberty. Phone 8751. -0000000000000000000j0f000. MEN WOMEN. Want government Jobs? $105.00 to $175.00 month. . Try next Salem - examinations. Get ready now. tSample coaching tests full- par , tlculars, and list positions F1MSE. Ap ' ply today, iurryBox. 1174 '"r States man. . . - . STENOTTPB CLASS starting two vacancies if "Interested see Mr. Flem ing at Senator Hotel. U. S. GOVERNMENT NEEDS men and women $ 1 4 5-8 1 78 month to start. Write for FREE list of positions.? Ore. Statesman, Box 790. ' I Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TCHJR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. S5 N. Commercial ' Phone 7841. For Rent Rooms ATTRACTIVE 1st" floor. TeL 2 9 7. WOULD SHARE my home with " working girl. 1295 N. Liberty. ' ROOMS 5 BLOCKS from state office fcldgs.. also board. 1724 CUemeketa St. FURN. ROOM for gentleman, pri vate entrance, $10 mo. Garage avail able, 1220 N. Summer. .' DESIRABLE FURN. rm. reasonable. Close In, gentleman. 4 48 Oak. Ph. 534. HEATED ROOM, convenient to state office bldg. Breakfast optional. TeL $539. rn-iriririrn-irii i - - -- -- -- -- -- SLEEPING ROOM, well furnished. close In. Gentleman preferred. 172 . Marlon St . LARGE. LIGHT sleep, room. -Pri-Tate entrance. 883 Court, , corner of Summer. DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, close in. Private entrance. TeL 6977. . ' Viruiii-ii-.-. i i i - -- -- -- - -- -- -.. ROOMS. IADIES.C9 H. Cottage tVuKWWVi rr m m ' EXTRA NICE room. 1498 N. Church. RM. FOR lady. Close in. S229. SLEEPING RM, 97D E. Tel. 5.833. Room and Board 1 BOARD. LADIES. Prlv. TeL $730. RM.. BD., nice home. TeL 5184. ROOM. BOARD for 2 men, 54 S. (CommerclaL For Rent -Apartments S R. UNFURN. duplex. TeL 4579. LGE. 8 R. APT. cloaa la. Ino, 69 V. High. ' sJ-U-Liii"1 " m mmm sa aa snaa aa 1 ROOM APT. 331 N. Water. NOTICE: MONDAY have unfurnish ed apt or turn, to suit. Be at 581 N Want unencumbered woman for working interest. Mudd. - - . i t tnTTHENKTTE a S R. aots.. sleeping rm., fireplace, 250 S. Cottage. ' ADVERTISING . , Western AdrertUlaf ' Representa tires ranger-Hsil Co Ltd. gas 8rcisao. Les Aagslss. Seattla Easttra Adrertlsl&r RepreseaUtirei Bryant Griffith A Branson. la. Chicago. New . York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta Mntmi at Itytortw ml ajf Orroca, as ecead-CiMS Mtu. P8 litM every fnora'a sweep Moudap. BHtines of fie, tit Coatstsrciaf rrsst. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I MaU SubacrlpUon Rates, in Advance. Within Oregon : Dally ana Sunday, 1 Uo. 6$ cents: 3 Mo. LJS; Mo. $8.1$ ; t yea $4.00. Elsewhere $ eenU per - Mo- or $5.00 for I year in advance. Pet Copy t cento. News Stands i cents, By City Carrier i 45 cents a moats $S.q a year ta d' For Rent -Houses R. FURN. house, 1310 Waller. ' B ROOM HOUSE, 1188 Marlon St Ph. $494 after 6 or before 8 a. m. SSsSaSaSaaSsenSi 0000000000000000 7 RM. HOUSE, furnace, garage, close In. $25. V ' ft rms. and attic, furnace, fireplace, double garage. $37.50. 7 rm. house, strictly modern. Fair- mount Hill. $45. WINNIE PETTYJOHN -214 N. High Street. COZY MODERN bungalow, turn. 179ft N. 20th. 0000000000000000000 LARGE HOME on Falrmount Hill furnace and garage. $25.00. TeL FOR RENT Strictly modern 7 rm. home with 2 smalt -sleeping . porches, close in. Only f SO. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON, First NafL Bank Bldg. , . 2 ACRES OF ground, mixed fruit. 5 rm. home. Reduced to $1300. Terms. SOCOLOFOSKY ft SON, First Nat'l. Bank Bldg 4 . . , r MOD. S R. house, $25. TeL 4397. 3 ROOMS IN private home furnish ed. $15. located in N. part of town. 5 It. bouse with 4 large lots for rent Oct 20. See this place. Will rent to right party for $20 per mo. Owner go ing to California. SEE F. H WEIR. Ores. Bids. Ph. 8902. NEW 5 ROOM suburban home, bath, lights, electric range, Frigidaire, cir culating heater, fireplace, $22.50. MELVIN JOHNSON. TeL 3723. 2 R. FURN. house. TeL 8840, 000000000000000000000. 5 R. HOUSE, 493 N. 19th. For Rent Hospital beds and wheelchairs to -nL It 1- Stiff f'urniinn) Co. Office rooms tot renc SSI State 8t TeL 3713 i , -n-ri ii t uui ruuin FARM FOR rant 7$ A. with bldga. West Stay ton irrigated district 2ft mi. south of Aumsvllle. Anna Savage, Rt 3, JsUverton. Ore. 3 FURN. APAS. in private home, suit able fox gentlemen. 2 It- fum. apt, heat, light, water, fur nished for $20. All of tbem close in. Unfurn. house, $30. P. H. BELL. 42 Orexon Bldg. Phone 8121 or 9924 Wanted to Rent YOUNG LADY wants nice room for light housekeeping, r's'naMe, in vicin ity of McKInley school. Box tit, Statesman, i i . ; WANT TO rent small space for a tobacco and candy counter in prosper ous buftineBs 1 establishment in Salem. Write Box S20, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate 1 TODAY'S SPECIAL SPLENDID WELL located 4 rma. and bath, fireplace, 2 bed rms., break- last nooK. oaK uoor in living rm., ga rage, $2700. $500 cash, baL monthly. SEE DELANO. 299 N. Church St flMSOWN " BALANCE $23.50 PER month to in clude int., will bay this modern 4 room home with two bedrooms, basement. furnace, garage, late, construction. Price $2350. . - SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST CO.. - REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone C46S. 00S00000JI40JJ0k00 $300 DOWN BALANCE P A Y A B L B $22 per month to include In t t 6, will buy this modern 5 room borne with full basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved at. located near Richmond school. Prica 2500. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St.-. Phone S4S8. $100 DOWN $20 PER MONTH will buy this 5 acres with 3 room bouse .drilled welL bearing orchard. located 1H miles out on Pacific highway. Price $2000. SEE, W. H. ! GRABENHORST CO. - 134 S. Liberty St SNAP. ATTRACTIVE HOME FIVE ROOMS, full cement base ment, furnace.- fireplace, tile drain board, -nice large east front lot. wltn attractive back yard with nice flow ers .shrubs, fish pool, variety of fruit trees. Good location. Price $3150. $1150 down, bal. easy terms, t SEE, W.H. GRABENHORST A CO REAI.TnBS 134 S. Liberty St. . Phone 6448. - - --rii-Trii--iij- iri ijjiruTjTj"uuuiss. SALE OR rent, 2 6-R. liouses, new. Inq. 2510 Laurel Ave. 4 ROOMS AND bath, plastered and furnished house, $2000. 752 S. 18th St, Salem. Ore. i ------- - i-i-ii-i-ii-ii-ii n-ii-inn.i-irin n n.rfijt SMALL HOMES SACRIFICED $ 800 BUYS THIS property with two small homes.: Plumbing, garage, ' fruit trees. ' J $ S00 buys this 4 room home on good sized lot. Garage, plumbing, shade trees, j $1000 buys this 3 rm. plastered home , I on paved stf eet with complete plumbing and garage, $100 ' !' down. .- I ' $1000 buys tills 3 rm. home on paved i street i in northeast Salem, Plumbing and fireplace. $100 down, $15 mo. ; $1000 inys this' 4 rm. home on High land Ave. Lot 45x150, plumbing, garage, $56U;dn. $15 mo. $1050 buys this 3 rm. home on cor. lot with fruit and shade trees, garage, part plumbing. $350 ! down, i i I $1050 buys this 4 rm. plastered home on cor. lot 50x125, shade tree, plumbing, garage, near schools, located in one of Salem's better residential communities. $1250 buys this 7 rm. plastered home in good district plumbing, ga rage, lot 50x120, several fruit ' trees. I -ACT NOW! DON'T WAIT! See R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Ltbery ".St.- j . Ph. 8488. INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Ill Chemeketa St Apart house In heart of city, three 2 rm. apta, four 1 rm. with kitchenette, and 20 single rooms. 4 gar. Lot 48V4xlS8 all rented and turning people away dally. Income over Sseeo.eo r, price iKooo.ee. down payment 300., $50.00 per month plus 8 bit See V. L. Irish, 605 N. 17th St, or Ph. 7184. .1 LOTS II SUBURBAN TRACTS $300 DOWN, 6-ROOM house. 1 mL from city. Bath, lights, fireplace, ' wonderful view $2500. riot in 1900 block on N. Church. Sev eral fruit trees $450. Paving pd. Lot OS Jefferson 5th, CSxlSO. Pav ing paid $450. : Lot on Gaines A 6th. 78x81. Paving and walks in and paid $858. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St l Phono 372$ ' $1500. 6-ROOM PLASTERED house in good, condition, garage, wood shed, paving. $25$ down. 9 400. down. Nice home on Jefferson St 3 bedrooms, . paving; lot 50x135. $1800. $4200. Good home on Fatrmount Ave. 4 bedrooms, basement furnace, fireplace, nice lawn and shrub- bery. Trade for smaller house. $ 750. down, l-room English type borne at 1363 N. Church. Com bination living and dining "'..rooms, . kitchen, nook, $ bed rooms, basement, furnace, fire. " place. Nice . lawn, lota of fruit $4250. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St g r r-1 s sJVnOJTJXTLruLs3 5 ROOM STRICTLY mod. home. 1 V Oiks, from schooL For sale reasonable by owner. TeL C172. j For Sale Useti Cars I BETTER USED CARS. Oakland Sedan .......... : Durant Sedan ...... 28- Chev. Sedan 29 Pontiac Sedan .. 28 Chev. Coupe . ........... 29 Chev. Sedan J...... 31 Chev. Sedan 32 j Chev. Coach ,..LJ.-... 33 Dodge Sedan '...J.. 34 Chev. Coach ... . 36 Chev: Coach ........ 36 Chev. Sedan ......... McKay Chevrolet Co. $33 Center Phon 3189 43 North Commercial OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAYS - 1- -li- -n T.T.-L-UI Used Gars BARGAINS - BARGAINS - BARGAINS Remember the Price of a Used Car Does Not Always Mean You are Getting a Bargain ' 0 . ' : . . t ' !:.-, : . . ! : ; APPEARANCE AND CONDITION TOGETHER WITH A FAIR PRICK IN A USED CAR ARE WHAT MAKE A BARGIN 1 ; 1835 BUICK Small series Touring Sedan. Radio equipped $795.0$ 1935 PONTIAC 4 -dr. Sedan, dual equipped, very low mileage. new car appearance 1$ 7 6 5. 0$ . 1934 PONTIAC Sedan. $-wheei equipped ot 1934 CHEVROLET Master Sedan. 6-wheel equipped $585.0$ 1934 CHEVROLET Master Coupe. Radio equipped ... ., $545.00 1934 FORD DeLuxe 2 -door Sedan ; - 1931 BUICK Sedan, completely overhauled, repainted $395.09 . - 1932 STUDEBAKER Club Sedan. 6-wheel equipped. Repainted $385.0$ 1931 FORD Coupe. Reconditioned and repainted , , - .$295.00 1930 CHRYSLER 77 Sedan. 4 new Lee tires $35.0$ 1938 OAKLAND Sport Coupe. Reconditioned, repainted $285.00 1929 NASH Special 6 Sport Coupe. -Reconditioned, repainted .$285.00 1928 BUICK Small series, 4 -door Sedan. Recond., repainted 9185.00 1928 BUICK Small Series 4 -pass. Coupe $185.00 1925 ESSEX 4 Touring , 1.0 . Model T FORD Coach $ 10.0$ YOU ARE ASSURED OF PERFECT SATISFACTION IF YOU BUY TOUR ' ' I CAR FROM - : v Otto j Walsoo j i Buick Sales and Service $88 North Com'L St Phone S451 Salem. Ore. 0000000000000000000000000 Used Cair Mart' Specials . - -DODGES --. 1938 Touring Sedan 1935 DeLuxe Sedan. Perfect 1933 DeLuxe Sedan. New paint 1925 4 -door Sedan - - - PLTMOUTHS - - - 1934 DeLuxe Sedan 1935 DeLuxe Tudor. A Dandy 1934 DeLuxe Tudor . . . OTHER 1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 1931 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 1930 Buick Sedan TRUCKS - - - 1934 Chevrolet I'W. B. 1935 Ford L. W. B. 1934 Ford. L. W. B. . MerrtBill - Owens Go. Dependability- " ' . DODGE A PLYMOUTH ! f 235 S. Commercial - - - -Phone $18$ . . For Salt; Heal Estate ! BY OWNER. T R. tiotJsa at 174S State. TeL $479. COZY MOD. well located. 4 R. and bath. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, oak floors. basement, stationery tuba, garage. Can seu furnished, very reasonable, v none 9543. ' , Homes. Urnou 629 Court. TeL 1723. . . Buy Homo- Be Independent $200 DOWN, PRICE $200 5 R. house, bath, fireplace, garage, a good buy. ! $200 down, prices $2300. Dandy 4-R. house, basement hardwood floor, dou ble garage, close to grade and high schooL $350 DOWN, price $2300.005 R. house, basement furnace, good loca tion. $300 DOWN, nice 5-R. house for $1500.00. : i $500 DOWN, price $2100.00. Nice 4 R. bouse or will trade for a 6 R. bouse and pay $1000 difference. : $500 DOWN, price $2500. 5 R. mod ern house, basement and furnace, good location. ' ' '' $500 DOWN, price $2500 nice 5-R. modern house, large lot, room, for an- otner nouse. , - i Have a $5500 strictly modern home in N. Salem will sell for $4200.00 on terms. Before buying see what we have, " Jas. D. Sears Ciiaa. Sanders 118 a High : Phone 5131. y 5 RNf. MOD. house. 2 bedrms., fur nace, fireplace, 128a N. Cottage. . . 3-RM. PAVED ST. $450. TERMS. - Nice 6-rm.; bath, garage, paved A walks.- $250 cash, bal. $20 month. Have some good 1 A. tracts with modem houses priced to sell, close In. ALSO some farms stocked ft equip ped for" sale or trade. For Bargains see F. GRIEPENTROG. 1940 McCoy St TeL 4954. THREE WONDERFUL BUYS , - ROOM SEMI-MODERN home plose in on paved street With Some re pairs can be made worth double. For short time to close an' estate priced Tory low at $1500; . 2 beautiful lots in East Salem, fruit, shrubs and flowers. .Paved street and walks In. 7 room residence, hardwood floors tn part. Price S2950, cash $250, bsL $27 mo. including interest at V. Distant owner says sell his boms hero at a sacrifice price of $1900. Lo cated on good street in North Salem. 6 room residence on large, beautiful lot - If yon are considering buying a home. SEE US before choosing. CH1LDS A MILLER, .Realtors $44 State St Phone $708. X ACRES -WITH 6 room house and creek oo property $1600; $300 down, $13 per month. ; H acre. 4 rooms and nook in North Saiam. double garage, prie $3000 or will trade- fdr 15 or 20 acres. See Mr. Wldener with Wm. Bit Ten, 21$ Mason ic Bldg. We want elty and farm property list- toss. ; . ' - : BARGAINS IK HOMES I ROOMS IN good condition, located So. 18th. price $130 $300 cash, hat like rent room house, beautiful lot 75x150, lovely fruit trees, located on Saginaw t for quick sale offered for $1100. , - $room home. No. ComroerciaL m 100 condition. Owner leaving city; price rut to $3250 terms. Very lovely home located 4 Mocks from state house on Court St Finest of yard, trees, flowers snd shrubs, large lot. Shown by appointment only. 5 room strictly modem on So. High St Price $3350 $350 cash, bal. Uke rent ' . . LTNTXSRIN OR TUCKER 175 80. H'gh - . Ph. 8890. ) For Sale Used Cars- - ) 75.00 95.00 125.00 165.00 185.00 195.00 375.00 385.00 495.00 495.00 575.00 695.00 WW0WMMWIWM .$825 $5 $375 $ 3 $S8S -$T5 , $55 MAKES . , ..$395 .8315 -$345 -.34 75 .445 $445 Used Cars Bought Rite- Sold Rite Honest Values Compare These Prices 1938 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan, trunk . , $77$ 1934 Chrysler Spt Cabriolet, rbL seat, run 27,00 miles $35 1924 Studebaker Dictator Custom Sedan ; 475 1932 Plvmouth 2 -door Sedan, only 87$ 1931 Chev. 6-wheel 4 -door Sedan - 86$ 1931 Chevrolet 2 -door Sedan, : trunk, motor completely overhauled ,, $46 1930 Ford A Rdstr. Runs like new 245 1929 Hup 4-door Sedan, very good 846 1931 Ford A Spt Rdstr R. seat xza 1929 Ford A Coute. new Daint, motor good 185 1929 Chev. 2-dr. Sedan 165 1928 Graliam Paige, 4 -dr. Sedan - 175 1929 Hudson Custom Se. Best buy in town. Drastically new rub ber . 165 1928 Olds 4-dr. Sed. -.145 1928 Pontiac- 4-dr. Sed. . 145 1928 Ford A. 2-dr. Sed.. only 135 1927 Buick 4-dr. Sedan, only 125 1929 Ford Rble. Seat Spt. Coupe 135 1929 Ford Rdstr. with 30 motor 115 1928 Che-rolet Coach, good value 129 Essex Challenger 2-dr. Sedan 1929 Chev. Panel Del., only 1927 Chev. 4-dr. Sedan - . IS 2 Xtodge Touring. runs fine 95 95 95 5 5 45 1923 Hudson 4-dr. Sedan 192 Ford 2-dr. Sedan 30 1924 Light 6. Studs Touring 1923 Buick Rdstr. 25 12 John White Co.. Tlarc-aln Tjnt Ph. 211 4 Ooooslte Marion Square Park 544 N. Com'L : Bozell-Grimson Motors, Oldsmohile Dealer i OFFERS - THE BEST IN LATE MODEL SLIGHTLY USED TRANS PORTATION AT THE LOWEST POS SIBLE COST i 1986 Olds Touring Sedan. Used as a bowse car $96 19S5 Olds Touring Sedan. A per- - feet car , . ,, $78 193$ Ford DeLnxs Touring Sedaiu, Has DeLuxe radio, white side .: wall tires. We believe this to be an outstanding bargain $735 FINANCE CHARGE UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAT Bozell-Grimson Motors I 850 N. High Phono 6504I - Bargains J Bargains . Bargains. 1928 Dodge Sed.. perfect cond. $195.00 1929 Stude Sedan -. -$1.00 192$ Ford Roadster -.....414$.$ . . air wheels 1 v j Carter & Church Motor Co. ' Tour Nash A X Fayette Dealer $65 No. Com! . Phone $734. : Capps Used Cars COMPARE THESE PRICES: 1934 Terraplane Sedan Delivery $125 1928 Dodge Sedan . $125 1927 Pontiac Sedan $ 65 1927 Pontiac Coach .... , .,$ 55 1927 Olds 4-door. Trunk ..$ 85 1926 Chevrolet Cooch $22.5 We TRADE and give TERMS -11 Edgewater St. W. Salem. Fn, $01$ t For Sale Real Estate $1150. WTLI. BUT large hoase, (needs repairs). 1 A. dark soil, some fruit, lota xf shade, wonderful view, ideal home site, on river drive, paved road, elose to Salem. ISO A. stock ranch, $0 A. cleared. 45 in cult, balance timber, spring, ale-year lake, 5 room house, barn, family orch ard, etc. $11.50 per acre, some terms. Chaa. ' E. Lebold I. J. Crittenden 2583 Portland Road P. 8142. MsSaas4JsA4a4 6 RMS, NOOK., bath. gar newly refinished. Near new Bush school. $1300. Terms. 1335 Hines. Call 30F4. mm0m0m0000000h0000000000000, ' 10 Down Payment ACADEMY ST. Lovely- $ room home, S bedrooms. Nice yard. $3800.. N. 24th St. new 5 room bungalow. 2 bedrooms. It's a beauty, $300. 3. Liberty St. 7 room home. 4 bed rooms, all improvements. Like new $4100. ' N. Commercial, business location, 7 room borne, redecorated smd painted. High cement basement A good spot for business a ad home, $5900. , Electric St. S room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, small S rm. homo tn rear. Only $2800. Above homes are' ail 10 down and balance Uke rent See Mr. Severin with - ... HAWKINS A ROBERTS, Inc. Guardian Bldg. Dial 4109 Evenings IJ53. $1150 3 RMS.. GARAGE and wood shed, now rent lag at $1 8.00 per month. $1700. Nice 4 room plastered house, paviag paid. $400 down. $2000. Buys 8 rm. plastered house in good condition, garage, paving paid $50 down. $5500. Thoroughly modern' home, fully furnished with good furniture. Splendid location. A good buy, close hi. ACREAGE 1 acre fine sou, 4 rm. plastered house. Barn and chicken bouse. North of Salem $1500. 20 acres $ miles north of Salem, good soiL : Build your own buildings $100 per acre. BUSINESS Good 'grocery, -stock and fixtures, well located, doing good business $1750. Auto camp, doing a good business. Priced to sell. R. A. FORKNER 1S58 N. Capitol Tel. 303L AsaajaaasaJ4a $ ROOM MODERN house at 1308 Market for only $3750.00, liberal terms, partly furnished. $ room house, lot 67x134 to alley, at 955 N. 19th; price $1750.00 $230.00, bat arranged. 5 room house located in S. E. Salem, no mortgage ; value around $1500.00 wilt exchange for bouae in better loca tion and assume $1000.00 or $1200.00. S. M. E A RLE VICK BROS. 208 No. High Phone $C7L - -"rrririfSivvvsVvvsjsjviAiwi 5 RM. HOUSE, corner lot good buy. $1200 $100 cash and $15 per mo., im mediate possession $1000 and mtge. back for $1100 rents for $35.00 you knw it a a good buy. ; $300 and $25 per mo. buys modern house -at $300 N.Salem. See this 5s A. farm equipped. 8 A. undeveloped - onion - land, fair bldgs. Can't bo beaten for $4500, terms. Trade for city property otner good buys ft trades. H. C Shields Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8302 5 R., $1 N. 19th. $32.50. 8 R N. Lihertv. 83500. : 102$ North Cottage, $2150. 1939 N. Church. $3000. Vosburgh-Grant Masonic Bldg. 4 RM. UNFINISHED bouse, now livable, on concrete foundation, all studding and frame work up, electri city to bouse. 1 ft mL north of town pn small tract of land.- Owner will sell this place as is for $775; $300.cash. bat $15 per month, or some discount for all. cash.' Must sell, see this prop osition if lt'a a home you want, F. H. Weir- Oreg. Bldg. TeL 8902. 000000000000000p000000l A REAL SNAP THIS MODERN up to date S home wlUi oak floors, tile bath and drain board, sun room, double garage, east front located at 2035 McCoy St Price $4200, terms. See, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phono 6468. LOOK. A REAL BARGAIN $4560. GOOD MODERN up to date room home, located ; close in. largo living room with , oak floor, fireplace.' 8 bedrooms, full cement basement, furnace, dou ble garage, nice corner lot with both sts. paved, located at 890 N. Fifth St, $500 down, baL $50 per month. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 SI Liberty St Phone 6468. 000M000000000i00000000000. LOOK AT THIS ONE LARGE 8 ROOM bungalow home, plastered, fireplace, garage, nice large east front lot, with shade trees, loca ted on Falrraount H11L Price $3250. $250 down, -bal. $32.50 per month. You will like this place. A REAL VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St ' Phone 6468 000m00j0000000m000f0 $100 DOWN WILL BUY this 5 acres with. 3 room bouse, bearing orchard, located 3 H miles out on Pacific highway. . Price $2000, baL payable $20 per month to include int at 6. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St I Exclian pe Real Estate SPLENDID 95 A.-- ALSEA. Benton Co. 'farm, trade Salem residence prop erty. John Hubler. 463 S. CapitoL TeL WILL TRADE $300 aedaa for lot Phona 3084. . For Sale Farms 92 A. ABOUT 65 in cultivation Polk Co., small house, 26x30 - barn, little timber, woven rire fence, stock ma chinery and furniture, all for $7500. $2000 down, might take little trade. Bechtel or Jackson, 341 State St .FARMS FOR SALE AT BARGAIN . PRICES , HIGHLY. IMPROVED farm, of 20 A. 13 miles from Salem. 12$ A. -in eul tivatlon, bal pasture and some Umber, fine all year creek; through property. V room house, barn 21x72, cost to build over $4500. Lots of other outbuildings. water piped to all bldga.; Owners cost oC this, farm over S24.oos.ee: tor mi' mediate sale offered for $3500.00 on reasonable terms. 1 127-A. farm 2 mL from Monmouth on paved highway, all in cultivation. fair - set of buildings, family orchard, price reduced to $42.60 per A $1500 cash, bal. 6 year st. mortgage, at 6. UNDGREN OR TICKER 175 So. High St. Phone 884 TEN ACRE -'BARGAIN ' ONE, ACRE of bearing filberts, 6 acres bearing prunes, acre of cher ries, balance .plow land, good loca tion, oa market road.. 8 miles out, no buildings, price $L5e. $250 down, bal. easy terms rer month.- " - SEE, .W.-HY GRABENHORST A CO., ? j REALTORS 134 8L Liberty St. Phone CMS. 000000j0000000000000000. 644 A. $t4 MI. FROM Salem. New 4-room ' house, barn, chicken u bouse, spring, variety or rruit, $125; $300 down. 40 A. 1 mL front Sllverton, fair bldga. 3 A. timber, some fruit. (doq sou. fvv. 60 A. on oaved road. 18 A. cult 4$ ; A. timber, creek. 5 -room bouse. small barn $240. 1 116K A. 19 mL from Salem. 7-room hoase. bath, 2 good bams. Large chicken bouse. 1 A. orchard. 1 A. timber, fenced and cross-fenced, good clover ft grain land, v $51 per A. ' MELVIN JOHNSON - - T25 Court St Phono $72$ t For Sale Used Cars- Ocibobeir Cleairairace Sale- . All Cars Sacrificed at Big Price Reductions iggesfc Used Car Sale 1931 WiUys-Knight Coupe, rumble seat 1930 Studebaker Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Door Sedan 1929 Chrysler Coupe .... 1929 Buick 4rD6pr Sedan 1928 Nash 4-Do6r Sedan .. Center A LTberty-i-Phons USt " ' ' a . 1 .- -. i-i-i-ii-iLr ui D024T WASTE TOUR TIMS OR MONET a "e'Shrtjek PLENTY OF GOOD BUYS, ALL MAKES 193$ Terraplane deluxe sedan 1935 Graham coupe' (perfect) 193S HupmobUe aedaa (like new) 1935 Chrysler alrstream sedan 1933 Nash special sedan ' , g ('. 1930 Pontiac sedan ! (trunk) i 1931 Chevrolets. coupes, coaches ' 1931 Ford coach, and coupe j, 1931 Ford 'sport roadster f Many others. Including motorcycles A trucks, at prices that will astound! Cash Paid For Good Used Cars ! At brock's 555 Chem. St ! Phona T922. - "B O" (bargains only) Borregos Better Bjays RALPH- BORREGO 1935 Graham Sedan - -$645 -$525 -$365 1934 Plymouth Coach 1932 Plymouth Roadster 1931 Chevrolet Sedan , . -, t i $345 l3t,Cnevrolet Sport Coupe i-$3$5 1931 Ford Coupe 8-$295 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Hudson Roadster 1929 Pontiac Coach 1929 Chevrolet Sedan -$225 .$225 15 $195 -$145 1928 Dodge Sedan 1928 Pontiac Coach -4- ..$145 We have 25 other cars to choose -from, Priced from $: up. ; Borregos for a Betten - Buy I ' Across from High School - 525 Marlon St Phpns 453$. 30 GRAHAM COUPE. Thoroughly reconditioned. 1010 Howard St- - i NEW TRAILER Travelotne. TeL 7549. 2673 Portland road. ; i EQUITY IN 1930 Dodge Sedan, trade for Panel Delivery. 855 Gainef. - SALE P. D. '23 PlvmoutM Conoe. Excellent condition. Phone 3034.; i , 2 FORD TUDOR. TeL 6273. FOR SALE-OR TRADE: 1926 Chev rolet track, suitable for woodrhauUng. will take late model light carland pay cash difference, or I what have you I Make -me an offer. I Box Slai States man. - ' -i i I - - - 28 HUPP. 6-cyilnder 4-dodr Sedan. A-l condition, $185. Half down, no fi nance charge on balance. Consider some cheap car as down payment H. F. Engelhardt, 411 McNary Ave, w. aa- Wanted Used Cfers " WANTED: LATE Model light coupe. Have 192 Chevrolet wood! hauling truck to trade, plus; cash fdr differ ence. Write Box 816,: Statesman. For SaleFarms ONE ACRE j 315 DOWN AND sis per month takes a fine 1-acre tract close! in. good welt and will furnish to right party $150 of building material foil a small dwelling. Price Including lumber- and weU and land $1000. 1 W.. H. GRABENHORST CO-' 134 & Liberty St - i GOOD SUBURBAN PLACES f 10-ACRES ON paved road all kinds fruit nuts, berries, garden. Good san dy river loam, house, barnj poultry house, good welL A fine place for $2300 $500 "down. : 1 5 V -ACRES. 7-miles out On paved road, nice home, large poultfy bouse, barn. 1 -A. filberts, i grapes ajid fruit Can't beat it for $2100.00 cash. 5-ACRES 2 miles out goodfbldgsi. 2 large hen houses, electricity. 5I0 chick ens. cow and feed, all for $2750.00 $1000 down. "I 5 i 20-ACRES mostly in fruit, has fine 6-R. house, ' hwd. ,floors electric lights and water system, bathf and toi let, 2 poultry houses, 4Hmlle$ out on paved road, a real buy for $5500. ' . If you want to buy ot? sell. SEE JAS. tJ. SEULRS CHAS. SAilSK!f 118 S. High i-i Ph4ne 8131 Acreage i ACREAGE CLOSE In, sonfe terms. Box 821. Statesman. 4 A. NORTH. CLOSE inf electric water system, barn, chicken houses, S2100. will exchsnare for city hbme. ) 15 A, excellent soiL faroi fruit $ large rma. bath, electricity, feaatlfal shrubbery and shade trees, $4es. . 20 A. in bearing nuts, cherries and pears, 5 rm. house.1 barn, elec., for a short time only, sjsow. ; ' 6 A. in filberts, cherries anil peach es. bis soring, view property. Very close la, cheap, 4 rm. house. This Is a bur at $2500. - ,:- - WINNIE FETTIJUHM . 214 North High Street Wanted Real Estate H SMALL FARM from ownfr. Box ses, statesman. i $ WANTED TO buy : Modem home. dose m, will pay $200.00 down and meotlUy payments.' Give fulijt particu lars, aooress, morigage, taxes, nc. nnra jmx aj 7 emaanuj j Bnsiness Opportunities j ATTRACTIVE OPP ORTUNITT Someone to take my bulbs ajd plants and raise the, flowers for me to selL. Forced to give up my acreaee wnicn is being subdivided. For fuH detaU write or see E. A. Bennett 2133 Fmlr- gromnds Road. Phona 61 3. $ SUBURBAN STORE doinif good business; lease $27.5 a month, pries $15.0 o r$ 600.00 for fixtures plus invoice, living quarters available. S. M. EARLE VICK BROS. : Bloney to Loan! -T BENJAMIN FRANKLiN federal money. N commission, Ts build. modernize and reuaanca, aeaj kuh-, t-t N Church. - - mm0000000k000 nt?iTS miNjl for intsmnMlfS New low rates. Roy H. Simmons. First National Bank Bldg. Lie. 4-1(2, For Sale Used Cars Motoir FOR BETTER -AT- LOWER We Must Clean House! And - Are Depending Upon Better 85 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN spotllght , clean, 35 FORD SEDANS radio, beater, trunk, top condition ' 85 DODGE BUS. COUPE, tip-top condition, low mileage COURTESY CAR . 28 STUDEBAKER ST. REGIS SEDAN, 6000 miles, new car guarantee, and service. Substantial discount. j , 30 FRANKLIN 6-WHEEL SED. Complete motor reconditioned and guaranteed, car ; - ; $ss a 32 W. K. SEDAN, in top condition $9 PONTIAC COACH, trunk equipt -condition compare this one 29 OAKLAND SEDAN- lot of service 29 PLT. SED.. That economical car with WE HATE SEVERAL FROM WHICH 1 The 1937 Studebaker is Now on Display BONESTEELE BROS., Inc. Chemeketa A Liberty Sfcaite Motor's, Hoc , Cunt Fo PRICES CUT FAR BELOW J THE ANTICIPATED 1937 LEVEL Action! Sales! Reductzono We Simply MUST SELL Our Entire Stock Before OCTOBER 15 I S TERRAPLANE DeLuxe Sedans 900 miles 35 HUDSON Custom Sedan. Fender wells. Radio 35 FORD DeLuxe Sedan. Bunt-in trunk. 14.000 miles 31 TERRAPLANE DeLuxe. Sedan. Real value -33 TERRAPLANE DeLuxe Sedan. Fender weRa 32 WILLYS Six Sedan. Air wheels 31 STUDEBAKSR Sedan. Fender wells 30 STUDEBAKER DeLuxe Sedan Low mileage 31 ESSEX Coach. Liko new. 21,000 miles 30 HUDSON Coupe. Rumble seat Low mileage 2-0 ESSEX Sedan. Refinished. Overhauled 21 FORD Panel Delivery. New paint, overhauled 2 HUDSON Coach, new tires, new motor 30 DURANT Sedan. Refinished, overhauled!. 29 ESSEX Coach. Overhauled, ner paint . 29 DURANT Sedan. New tires, overhauled. New paint REMEMBER 6 FINANCE - - Best PACKARD - - HUDSON - - TERRAPLANE 525 Chemeketa at High Phone Si 00 , ; - OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDATS . . Money to Loan Livestock and Poultry Federal noosing loans title X. build LEGHORN PULLETS, laying. War- or rcfiaancs homes mr business prop, lner s Hatchery. 2160 N. Fifth or 546 Lew rates. A beams A Dili. Maaaoie B Highland Ave. ;", iTTw dft if a . ' For sale 10 choice Barred Rocfc ihr "TU B(l U fTT jniHet beginning t Uy. R. E. Ander- rytJ) yJJ AUii, j son, east end Auburn Lane, U ml Tt ; south. .... .. II .(fSS '! - FOR SALE Team of young mares, - sAsa wrt. .200 $150. Call today. Ted Burns, V "V f d' . Wood burn. Rt 1, Box 99, 6 mL N, Un I OUr UWn signature Wacoada on Salem-St, Paul highway.. All Types of Loans j I For Sale Wood ""If And " ; i Autn Rpfinsmrintr ' GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. - siuia nejinancing : i gm,a. sim fi Co Trade You Must be Satisfied ! Cott--- ' - ' "-- -- Phone 3740 ALL 01 wood. Tea. 66i6v, in ! WOOa Ph. 4U14. Smith A RubenA Mlrl s Q 11 C? ft I GOOD DRY ft. 2nd gr. 3 ed. lota, LoEn Sotreity i- old aider, piC $5.5$ Seosa lit Kew Bligh Bldg. Sad Floor cd. Plxms 6010. v ; 61 Stats St Sslesv Ore. i , . s Ueease g-122-M 163 . ' Wood SawinST ? i ii i Qllll ULrLnj' "tTLfXTUff iVsBsasMBsnsssaBsBSSBiMBSBBBssBBB By aa Independent Siiwn Finance Co. " HlBOE?riNG. Phone 963$. r ; " Amounts to $160.0 i ' One to Twenty Months to Repay 1 Lost and round f Deal with an Independent 8alsa ' VZZtf?PZZ? Jm?Z.lalJ?Z FOUND STRAYED to my placo cWdenn k bTfllL 7f , ZJIZL quarter mile east of Eldridgs scboni; loaTiT madsJ. Sept 11. four heifers, three Jerseys and N.Delaya. Tap. JT nStl!;. LOSTGERMAN T Poiie. ' bo'o Flrst Nan. Bank Bldg. Phono 1A tail, answers W "PaL" Reward., Joha Ucsased. 8-13$ by Stste Bright, Rt 2, Monmouth. MONirr TO LOAN on real estate. BLACK BILL, folder, contain a Any amount $ to 6 years. We also check from 5 iles V Jenks, rews rd. 43 8 maks the most convsnient monthly re- S High. 3992. - . - payment loan on city property. Ces ss .w.p mowvvwv for prompt service, TAN JACKET on- 12th or 1 Jtft, re- CHILDS A MILLER. Mtge. Loans turn, to service station. 12th and Hoyt. 344 Stats-St . , .. Phone 678. Liberal reward, Lost Thursday. Loans Wanted - ?- . Personal " lisnna wanted on arm an elty : NOTICE I win not be responslbia property Before borrowing. Inqlr for sny bills contracted for except r ?:.....H . .,.,..,: , W. L. WIEDERKELN. PERCTSUI F LOSWGHT day ture. THOUSANDl Salem Federal Savings expeostv. Write Dr. Wendt. Canton, ft Loan Ass n. 130 So. Liberty. S. Dak. - Ml For Sale Used Cars of tte YeaE jWaG .-.$275 $250 285 260 225 210 175 310 300 265 ..... 235 ..... 200 Marlon A Liberty Phon 79 lH ' I -S6sMkjSSs$Ss$SsSs4M USED CARS Values to Do the Job' low mileage, trunk, beater, and $615.0$ 646. 675. 895.$ Very low mileage and In excellent , r , , 245.6$ at low cost 22. 225.$ hydraulic brakes LOW PRICED CARS TO SELECT Phono 4444. of Trades - - Your Own Terms in Reason Co.