The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning:, .September 26, lass Always SomefcMirag f Mteres MsiftM - - - .ft . r t J u Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 0c Six insertions per line .30c One month, per line $1.00 Minimum charge 5 c Copy for this page accepted until C:39 the evenmg before publication for : classification. Copy received after this time will be run under the heading:. Too Late to Clas ifjr." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished In its columns, and tn cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that art of an advertisement in which tlii typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the tight to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. Help Wanted Male HIGH SCHOOL boy to wash dishes for his board. 427 Ferry. Help Wanted Female GIRt FOR housework. Inquire 695 K Liberty. Tel. 559. WANTED LADY dinner cook In mall restaurant. Club Cafe, Indepen dence, Oregon. EXP. GIRL for light housework, 9 . m. to p. tn. call 5510, after S p. m., E66. ... f - - CASHIER WANTED ; young lady vith some knowledge of bookkeeping. State age 'and experience. Box 792, Statesman. . .- iriiiwwwwwiAnAAfl GIRL FOR ReneriLL housework. Two In family. Call 3544 after 6. . GIRL TO assist general housework. Would consider one going -to school half day. Call 3879 between 10 and t .00. Situations Wanted CARE FOR children, eve. Tel. 83(0. -.-------a. ---s.--i iYjvvvrMyu'nj'MijM WOMAN WANTS position as house keeper or companion to elderlv lady. Minnie Denton, 1111 S. Ninth St, St. Louis, Mo. AUTO MECHANIC, body and fen der, tractor rebuilder man wants work, 2l; Miller. CAPABLE MIDDLE age lady wants light work good ref. Available Oct. 1. Box 790, Statesman. WANT CHILDREN under school ae or eighth and ninth grade boys. K. 1. Bx. 68, Salem. For Sale-Miscellaneous j WE BUT sell exchange anything thnt-s saleable at Woodry's Auction Market. 1610 N. Summer. In Holly wood. Phono 5-1-1-0. , ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Esc. 420 Court. REAL CONCORDS and Sweet Wa ter grapes.. Stoddard. 1 miles -on Wallace road. Teh 56F13. ; COTTON SACKS, unbleached, 60c per do. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. SACKED POULTRY fertilizer, straight or with pcet moss. Also with straw. Tel. 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. CONCORD GRAPES delivered. Ph. 4388. - PIGS. RT. 2. Bx. 213. TeL 5F11. APPLES 35c. 733 N. Commercial. NEARLY NEW Montag range, $30; electric plate $2.50. 1160 N. Church. TRAILER HOUSE 7Xl4. 249 Mil- ler. LOCAL LATE Elberta peaches first e.;iallty now ready. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. - GRAPES 2c LB. at King's. Bring containers, ml north of Four Cor ners. ' LARGE TOMATOES, 4 mi. out. L,H. Zielke. TMT 77F3. " WINTER BANANAS and King ap ples, east on Center St. to Box 518, IL i SHOW CASE, 184 N. Liberty. FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester mod el 6 1 rifle new. $27.50. Also 12 ga. Remington automatic shotgun like new. Only 935.00. 325 Mission St., Salem, Ore. -- GOOD WORK mule, weight 1200 lbs. .Also wagon, hayrack. Gervais, Route il. Blaine McAllister. i PIANO BARGAINS. Wheelock $43. Tklelster $4 8. Fischer $45. Tway $39. "Rebuilt pianos, Krueger $49, Fischer ;$J. Kohler Campbell 968, Decker $78, Stelff $87. Kohler Campbell $93. Alt Jenberg $65, Wheelock $68 and many .others for less than $100. Grands $195 tip. Largest stock In northwest- Terms. Tallman Piano Store, 395 South 12th Ft. at Mill St , SALE OR trade for motorcycle, fully ViPPd trailer house, S. Perkins, R. 6. Bx. 2. Dreamland Court. ! CAMELS EARLY grapes. 65c bu.. 4 mi. north on Pac highway. Lytle's Cor ner. P. W. Woelke. lei. in z. 2 RANGES $4 AND $8. 2 bed strings, add pieces furniture, Z48 Mar Ion- Trad; Miscellaneous WANT TO TRADE bicycle for 2 cords wood. 201 S. Commercial. gWyi-syWa1 a.s.ars- m m e as . DENTISTRY FOR first class car pentry. TeL 7532 today. Wanted -Miscellaneous"! WANTED CLEAN cotton rags. 5c pr lb. Mike Panek, brake specialist, 275 S. Com'l St. STILL BUYING hides, wool, cm car bark, herse hair, etc. Salem Wool & Hide Co., 430 S. Commercial. OtnCac ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives renger-HaU Co- Ltd. Has fraDrisaa. l-ot Aagelss, Seattle Eastern Advertising " Representative lirvant. Griffith B run son, Ina. Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta gttered at like Fottomem at Salem. OrtQon, a Second-Claa Hatter. P liahed every morning except Monday, limine of He. 215 South Commrciui Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates. In Advance, Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. 60 cents: I Ma $1.25 ; Mo. $2.25 ; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Ho. or $6.00 for 1 year in advance. Pet Copy 8 cents. News Stands cent, By City Carrier: 45 cents a month i . ft year u uti ) Wanted Miscellaneous WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In shell, any qnantity. State Cafeteria. WOODRT THE auctioneer paya cash or trade for used furniture or what have your Ph, 6-1-1-0. Free We pick up Beta ana worth teas horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4869. ------------- umrmvmy''Vvyrjrjtfjsf WANTED TO buy old or useless horses and cows. Filay Fox Farm, collect. i - WANTED BELCREST property. reasonable. J. D., 2349 Myrtle Ave. ( v - OLD BUILDINGS wanted. 20th Century Wrecking Co.. 411 Front. Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lodters. Ramage'a. 410 N. Liberty. Phone $751. WANTED CHILD school age to board and room. 2305 N. Fifth Su Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture 285 N. Commercial Phone 784$. For Rent Rooms FURN. SLEEPING rra. 607 N. 19th. ROOMS. LADIES. 69 N. Cottage. rWSTR A RT TT ST.FTITPTVfS . r O O tBu close in. Private entrance. TeL 5977. "ROO&tsTTiTT'cE'NTE NICELY FURN. room for gentle man In rood, home. Centrally located. 1420 Court. ! SLEEPING ROOM, 725 Court St. RM, BD.J reasonable. 995 S. 12th. SLEEPING R. for business or office man, 255 Center. ; Room and Board RM.. BD. for lady. 811 N. Cottage. ROOM & BOARD, 549 N. Cottage. RM., BD. Tel. 8394. 860 Chemeketa. BOARD. ROOM- Close in. 6482. BOARD, LADIES. Prlv. TeL 6730. FURN. SLEEPING rm. with break fast for lady like home. 340 So. 14th. For Rent Apartments 3 R. UNFURN. apt 660 Union. FURN. APT.. 62 4 H N. CapitoL 3 R. FURN. APT. New mod. kitch en. Shower. I TfL 4442. 2 R. FURN. lge. apt.. 823 S. 12th. VERY NICK first floor 4 room apt. with sleeping porch, fireplace, built ihs, 925 N. Winter. For Rent Houses 6 R. STRICTLY MOD. furn. house, Frlgidaire, fireplace, furnace, garage, $40. Tel. 7476. MOD. 6 ISM. house, 2510 Laurel. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE, furnish ed cottage with garage. Couple only, no children. $35. 837 N. CommerciaL HALF OF double IimisetotmIdle aged or elderly people. P1l 9454. NEWLY DECORATED 5-room mod ern house with breakfast nook, on one of Salem's best streets. Price most rea sonable. Call 6412 or see Roy R. Hew itt. Attorney-at-Law, ISO N. Commer cial Street, Salem. 5 ROOM MODERN furnished house, $35 per mo.435 Market St. For Rent Hozplt! bed and wheelchairs to 'fnt. H. I. Stiff furniture Co. Office rooms for rent. 31 State tft reL J71X j Wanted to Rent GOOD HOUSE. 3 bdrms., lge. lot, near grade schooL Bx. 174, Salem. For Sale Real Estate 1 Homes, ("ranu 629 Court- TeL 7723. i FOR RENT CLOSE IN SUBURBAN Tiome with basement, furnace, fireplace, 3 bed rooms, nice large living room, electric water system, modern plumbing, about one acre of land. Colonial style home. $30 per month. SEE, W. II. GRABEXHORST & CO., ! REALTORS 134S. Lfcerty St. . Phone 6468. THEY ARE GOING FAST SEE THIS one today. 6 room modern home, 'large corner lot, both streets paved and paid, close to schools. For mer price $5500. Today $3S00. Call for appointment. Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6703. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN OVER TWO acres with long road frontage, close in, 6 room home with basement, furnace, large barn. Price $2500 cash. 1 SEE, W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. , i i-B--truixjLrt KEYS ARE READY TO A comfortable S room cottage on fine, large east front lot. Price only $1475. cash $275, bal. like rent. CHILDS 4k MILLER, Realtors (SEE Mr. Harold) 344 State St. Phone $708. rk-vvvM'w'vnjnjvxrxo 5 ROOM MODERN house, full base ment. Large lot, fruit and shade trees. Priced to selL Monthly payments less than rent. See 'owner. 830 Shipping. A REAL SNAP LARGE DWELLING located close in, i block of ground, located on cor- f-Aer, both streets paved. Price for QUICK SALE TOCLOSE AN ES TATE $2500 cash. SEE, W. IT. t5RABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 13 N. CAPITOL HERE IS an exceptional good' buy If you can finance. Modern . 7 room home- with 4 bedrooms, fireplace, etc. Lovely landscaped lot with 110 It. frontage on street and creek. $5800 cash. Call Mr. Severin for key. The house Is vacant thereby assuring im mediate occupancy. HAWKINS! & ROBERTS. INC., 4t09 t Evenings 6953 Guardian Bldg., Corn. Liberty & State SALE It R. HOUSE. Good Income property. Close In. See owner, 660 N. High. j 3 R. AND BATH close in. Gar. and woodshed, $1150.00. Terms. 4 R. and large nook, full basement, furnace. $2350.00, terms. ' 5 R., basement, furnace and fireplace, living room, dining room, . kitchen and 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch. Flowers and shrubs, close in, fully furnished. $5500.00 ; terms. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol .1 Phone 3031 TODAY'S SPECIAD SPLENDID WELL located 4 rms. and bath, fireplace. 2 bedrms., break fast nook. Oak floor In living rm., ga rage, $2700. $500 cash, baL monthly. . - ( , - i -. 5 rms. new, never occupied, mod. everywsy. Desirable location. $3750, $500 down. Bal. monthly pymts. WCrrtH more. 6S DELANO, 290 N. Church SU j For Sale Used Cars 1 T" For Sale -Used Cars ( Do Your Fall Used Car Shopping at : Valley Motor Co. " Select Yours from the Folloiving 1928 Nash Sedan . 19J0 Chevrolet Sedan, camp, overhaul, 1932 V-8 Coach recently overhaul!, 1928 Willys-Knight Sedan A-X mech., TlfW . - 1930 Model A Coupe A-l mech., good rubber and upholstery, new paint 275.00 1931 Buick Light eight Sedan, 2nd series, runs like new, a real buy at . 400.00 1930 Graham Sedan A good family car 265.00 Today's Special 192$ Nash Coupe-.J new tires, A-l mech., new paint, priced to sell Valley : Motoir Co. Center and Liberty Phone 3158 Specials in Unused Ti'ansportation 1935 1935 1933 1934 1935 Dodge Coupe - . Dodge Sedan Dodge Sedan Plymouth Deluxe Sedan Your Plymouths Deluxe 2-door (Your Trucks 1935 Ford LWB 7.50x20 tires 1331 Ford 14 -ton Panel YOUR CAR IN TRADE. .... .YOUR TERMS WITHIN REASON Herrall-Owens Co. ' Dependability" 235 South Commercial St. Real Buys in Cars in Good Mechanical I Condition 1927 Pontlac Coupe . 1928 Chrysler 4 Coach (hydraulic 1929 Durant Sedan . 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Durant "65" Sedan A-l 1927 Nash Sudan (overhauled) 1928 Pontlac Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach A-l 1939 Durant Coach 1929 Oldsmoblle Sport Coupe 1928 Dodge 6 Sedan 1321 Buick Sedan For Those Who Want Late Model Cars 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chrysler 6" Sedan, 6 w. w.. 1931 Buick "67" Sedan, 6 -ply tires 1930 Dodge 6' Sedan 6 w. w. 1934 Plymouth Coupe low mileage 1931 Studebaker Die Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Cab. Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER Commercial St. i . 435 N. STOP and SHOP at SHROCK'S ; WE HAVE "B O" (BARGAINS ONLY) MATCH THESE CARS AND PRICES WIT4 S ANT IN THE CITY 1938 Terraplane sedan 1935 Graham coupe tperfect) 1933 Nash sedan 1931 Chevrolet coach . : j 1929 Pontlac coach ' I , 1929 Nash sport coupe 1930 Ford coupe Many others. Including trucks and cash for good used cars. ave At hrock'o 555 Chemeketa St. For Sale Real Estate SNAP ? : : NICE MODERN 6 room home loca ted at 990 N. Fifth St., corner lot. both sts. paved, double garage. Pice $4200, now rented for $37.50 per month. THIS IS A GOOD INVESTMENT. SEE, W. II. GRABEXHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. ; R. II. CLOSE to State St. on 14th Full price $1900, $300 down, $20 per mo.' :-"-!.- - " ' 5 R. IL on Market St. $3200, $300 down, $25 per mo., interest included. 6 K. II. on S. Liberty,- small pay ment -down, bal. like rent. - 4 R. IL on Bellevue St. ! 4 R. H. on N. 18th. Full price $1800, $600 cash, bal. $20 per: mo. 4 R. IL on N. Liberty, $1200. Pay ment, bal. like rent. 7 R. H. strictly-mod., a real home, $4500. Some terms. Located on N. 21st Street. F. H. WEIR Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. LAND SACRIFICE 1 143 ACRES, FOR 935 per acre.' a good farm, with old buildings, about 90 acres plow land. A REAL SPEC ULATION. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. mm00i 4 NICE LOTS, a bargain at : $75 each. Terms or good discount for cash. Phone 574 S after 5:00 p. m. BY OWNER, 1 R. house at 1745 State. TeL 9479. ! LOOK -r-' $100 DOWN, BAL $20 per month, 5 acre home, 3 room ' house, drilled well, located 34 miles out on Pacific highway. Price $2000. W. IL GRABENHORST ' A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. SALE OR trade, 2 A. close In. t R and nook, chicken house, well, creak, trees and view. TeL 6248. t n.' HOUSE FITTED f or'roimers or apartments at 1120 Center St, t blocks north of state house for sale at a very reasonable price. - -- -- ------ -,- - - -, -n--Mirnnrijtji ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN THIS MODERN 8 room late built home, located at 2035 McCoy St, price $4200. $1700 down, bal. terms. Has oak floors, tile bath, double garage, LOTS OF HOUSE FOR THE MONEY. SEE IT TODAY. W. 11. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St- . $2200. 85 A. 23 CULTIVATED, CREEK, spring, S R. house, 2 barns. Will trade for 4 R. house in Salem. . 25 acres all cultivated. 8 A. cher ries, 2 A. strawberries, 7 R. house, barn. A good place. t R. house for .T.$1500 4 R. house for , $1959 1 . R. strictly modern house, plumb ing on both floors, nicely located. VOSBURGH-GRANT. Masonic Bldg. $2650.00. 7 R. HOUSE, GOOD con dition, new roof, basement, garage. 4 A. good land, on river,, paved street, close In. $500 down. . $1550.00. 6 R. plastered house- dou ble garage, paved street and Valk. j Good location, $250 down. I $2500.00. 160 A. timber 29 ml. out. Good road, $500 down. ' L J. Critlenden-Chaa. E. Lebold 2S83 Portland Road TeL $14$, .... new paint, good rubber .$185.09 . 285.00 . 365.00 paint nearly new original finish, upholstery like i ,,. i. 175.00 $5.00 Marlon and Liberty Phone 7910. . . . . choice of two) choice of two) .$695.00 . 725.00 . S4S.00 . 545.00 . 695.00 .$595.00 - 249.00 Phone $169 Low Price . brakes) .$115.00 . 145.00 - 140.-OO . 195.00 195.00 145.00 135.00 275.00 - 145.00 195.00 150.00 95.00 ..$495.00 425.00 425.00 345.00 565.00 . 295.00 . 335.00 trunk and overhauled motor . AND PLYMOUTHS ' Ph. 4673. 1935 Hupmohile sedan 1935 Chrysler airstream sedan 1931 Willys sedan 1931 Chevrolet coupe 1930 Pontlac sedan 1929 Hupmobile coup 1929 Ford coach . motorcycles, ' from $15.00 up. We pay Phone 7922 For Sale Real Estate ALL GOOD BUYS $300 DOWN, NICE 6 R. house, base ment, price $1650.00, Fairmount H11L $300 DOWN, S R- house near new high school, price $2000 a snap. $400 DOWN, nice 6-R. house, base ment, fireplace, trays and all furni ture complete for $3000.00. $500 DOWN, 6-R. house, paved street and good location, $2000.00. $500 DOWN, dandy 6-R. house, base ment, furnace, garage, close to Leslie high school. ' $500 DOWN, good 5-R. house, base ment, furnace and all furniture goes for $2100.00. . $300 DOWN. Here Is the greatest bargain of all nice 4-R, house, base ment, built-in kitchen, double garage, nice lot on 'paved street close to high school and grade school, $2200.00. $850 -DOWN-Daniy -good 4 R. house, 2 bedrooms, basement, furnace, on N. Com'L street. These are all good. Come look them over. . JAS." D. - SEARS CHAS. SANDERS 118 a High Phone 6131. 1$00. LARGE LIVING room, kitchen, bedroom, garage, nice lot S200 down. $2100. 7 -room plastered home, wood shed, garage, good location, 500 dn. $2500. English type home, oak floors in living & dining rooms. Base- ; ment. furnace, fireplace, 4 be a , rooms, double garage, on bus line $600 down. $3600.' Good home on S. High, living room, dining r.. 4 bedrooms. basement, fireplace, automatic furnace $600 down. , $3700. Good home, living room, dining room," kitchen, " nice Book, oak floors. Basement, furnace, fire place, 5 bedrooms, lot T 3x1 2 a $700 down. MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St. ' Phone 2723 For Salts -Farms j t Buy Ranch Be Independent $500 DOWN. DANDY 40-acre ranch. 7 miles north. Fair bldga, with silo. Electric lights. Most all In cultivation. price 84000. $500 DOWN buys a nice 10-A. ranch 7 miles west, fair house, earn and poultry house. A snap Xor $23C0.00; give terms. 20-acres near Wood burn. Almost new 5 R. house, barn, hog bouse, all Implements and furniture for $3200.00. $1200 down. 44 -acres, good soil, located on new Pacific highway. Good 6-R. house, basement, furnace, electric lights and water system. Family orchard, price $3200 $1500 down. A nice place. 6-ACRES, good bldgs.. fruit, nuts. berries and garden, 500 chickens, cow. hay and all Implements Xor $2.50. f 1000 down. Z miles out. 6-ACRES, good improvements and profitable place. - Have pictures, of place in show window. A place you will like. Price only 13500. HOW IS this one fit the best buys or toe season- s-acres. . good 7-K. house, poultry house,. barn, nice creek. electric lights and gas, mixed orchard. A veal honest to goodness place. You will like It when you see it. And think only (2100 cash. Look this over and you will buy It. SEE JAS. D. SEARS CHAS. SANDERS Phone 6131 . ... 11 S. High St. r For Sale Farms STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM 62 ACRES, ABOUT $5 cultivation, balance timber pasture, good six room home, good barn and soma outbuild ings. 14 acres In alfalfa, some fine corn. All sandy river bottom loam soil. Barn filled with alfalfa bay all other crops, team, i good dairy cows. 4 heif ers, 1 bull, some poultry, all the tools and equipment. Take the whole and move in on short notice for only $6500, some terras. , SEE Mr. Walter with ' " CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344State St. . -Phone 6708. 4 A. ON highway $iorth, 2 A. In tim ber, beautiful site for camp ground. Melvin Johnson, phone 3723. BUY i COUNTRY HOME 1 acre, good 6-room house, bath. toilet, electric lights and plumbing system. Grapes, berries and 23 bear ing filberts. Price $3750. Give terms. 6 acres, .good buildings, line soli. 500 chickens, hay and implements. Price $2750; $1000 down. 2 miles out . Here Is a snap $500 down buy a good 40-acre ranch (north) all in cultivation, 6-room bouse, barn, P. H, silo, A good place. Price $4000. ' 30 acres, all good river bottom soil Raises vegetables, alfalfa, onions. A good Irrigation plant. Modern home and barn. Also tenant house. Priced right 45 acres, stocked and equipped, fair buildings with I silo, good black soil. 7 cows, 4 heifers, team, implements and crop also goes. 187 acres, fine stock farm, fair im provements, two good barns, 600,000 feet -fir timber, running water, fenced and cross fenced. $3000 will handle or will trade for city property or small place. See JAS. D. SEARS-CHAS. SANDERS 118 S. High St. Phone 6131 10 A. CLEAR OF encumbrances, S mi. from Salem, good land, fair im provements. Sell on easy terms; trade for house in Salem, or store, or service station. ' Modern house, immediate possession. Up-top condition. Terms to suit purch aser : see me about this. -IL C. Shields Oreg. Bldg. TeL 8902. AAswsfaAAMsMvisBwa1MVas-M 1 A. 4 MI. EAST of city, several trees $500. 5 A. 14 east on paved road, good well, email house $1600; $300 down. 70 A. about 12 ml. from Salem. 300 cords- of wood timber; 25 A. cult., spring, some fencing $1750; $500 down. 95 A. 4 mi. from Woodbum, 75 In cul tivation, new house, bath, lights, fair barns, good soil, stock and equipment $3500: $2000 down. ; MELVIN JOHNSON - - 725 Court St Phone 8723 Wanted Real Estate HAVE BUYER for home, $1800, 5 or 6 rooms $400 cash. Melvin Johnson. TeL 3723. Business Opportunities FINE GOING business of ladles ready to wear doing good business. Low rent stock and fixtures invoice around $2000. LINDGREN AND TUCKER 1758 S. High TeL 8890. GAS STATION, store and living quarters. Sickness reason for selling. Price $2500.00. Auto camp, station and store a real buy at.i0000.00. R. A. FORKNER 1833 N. Capitol Phone 3031 BANKRUPT STOCK of variety no tions invoice $93. Will take half for cash or trade. Box 795, Statesman. Money to Loan By an Independent aimn Finance Co. Amounts to $1500.00 One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan is made. No Delays - No Red Tape General Finance Corp, First Nan. Bank Bldg. Phone 9168. Ltcensad: 8-188 by State MONTHLY PAYMENT loans on Sa lem homes at better than FHA rates. Salem Federal Savings ft Lean Assn. 130 South Liberty street - Federal bousing loans title S. build or refinance homes or business prep. Low ratesu Abrams Ellis. Masonic EL MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. Any amount, 3 to 6 years. We also make the most convenient monthly re payment loan on city property. See us for prompt service. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St Phone 6708. 300 or Less On Your Own Signature All Types of Loans ' . - And' -- Auto Refinancing You Must be Satisfied Phone 3740 Beneficial Loan Society Room 119 Sew Slick Bldf. 2nd Floor 618 State St Salem, Ore. . License S-1ZZ-M 165 - -- -"-- i VivrriWYyWMVw nm BENJAMIrT FRANKLiN federal money. Ne commission. To build, modernise and refinance. See Delano, 290 N. Church- Loans Wanted - Loans wanted on ' farm an city property. Befora . borrowing. Inquire at Hawkln Roberta PRIVATE LOAN. $1600. Close In property. Bpx 778, Statesman. For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRT wood coal TeL (OtiO. Salem Fuel Co Trade t Cottage.. - ALL KINDS of. wood. TeL 6S1C WOOD. Pb- 4 8 Fl 4. Smith A Rubens. 16 IN. GRUB oak. Phone 5883. 1 OLD FIR, 15. TeL 8237. GOOD DRY 4 ft. 2nd gr, 8 cd. lots, $13.50. Tel. 74160. j Wood Sawing 3. H. BOENTNO. Phone 8833. Lost and Fonnd RED COCKER Spaniel mo. old, gray eyes. Call E. IL Burrow. Reward. TeL 3791. - .. " ' ' Personal NOT RESPONSIBLE for bill con tracted by anyone except myself." J. W, Mattern. I For Sale Used Cars PRICED FOR quick sale, 1933 Dodge Sv'dan. very good throughout 553 N. Winter. Plione 4195. 'iTcHEVrCOT For Sale Used (Cars A Positive Written Guarantee: Always at 27 Chev. Coach ... 27 Hup. Sedan ... 28 Chev . Sedan ... 29 Pontiac Sedan 28 Chev. Coupe . 29 Hudson Sedan "f" - SI Generous Trades MclKa 338 Center Street Prices Hiii Bottom" ,- - - Buy No w at ONCE A YEAR, BEFORE INToDUCTION OF NEW MODELS We SLASH PRICES pnd CLEAN HOUSE '35 HUDSON DeLuxe Sedan, radio 35 FORD DeLuxe Sed an built-in trunk, low mileage 34 TERRAPLANE Sedati DeLuxe, fender wells 33 TERRAPLANE Sedan DeLuxe, fender wells 32 WILLYS Sedan, air wheels, new tires - , 30 HUDSON Sedan DeLuxe, low mileage '31 FORD Panet Delivery motor overhauled 31 ESSEX Sedan, perfect '30 STUDEBAKER Sedart DeLuxe, fender wells 30 ESSEX Sedan, motor Overhauled complete 30 DURANT Sedan, new; paint, motor overhauled 29 ESSEX Cdach, A-l shape, real value '29 HUDSON Coach, complete motor overhauled '29 FORD Coupe, R. seat, new paint, A-l motor ' ABOVE CARS MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICE . BRING YOUR OLD CAR IN IT WILL MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT YOUR OWN TERMS ON BALANCE UP tO 24 MONTHS LIBERAL TRADES. ! ALSdf N USE ON State Motors, inc. PACKARD HUDSONi and TERRAPLANE I . 625 Cliemeketa at High g Thone 8109. Open Evening! and Sundays Just Received ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF NEW 1 Chryslers anidl Plyn Come In and See Them Today SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. "Home of CHRYSLER 435 N. Commercial 00110$1f01 Autumn Used Car -Specials THE NEW 1937 BUICKS WILL SOON BE HERE AND WE WANT EVERY USED CAR WE HAVE IN STOCK: SOLD BEFORE THEY AR RIVE. SO DO NOT DELAY, SEE THE FINE BUYS WE NOW HAVE IN RECONDITIONED USED CARS. 1935 Buick Touring Sedan, ra dio equipped $795.00 1934 Chev. Master Sedan, S- wheel equipped . 685.00 19X4 FVrd two door Sedan 485.00 1931 Buick 4 -door Sedan, S wheel equipped .... ., 365.00 1930 Chrysler 4 door Sedan, 4- speed transmission 365.00 1930 Chev. 4-door. Complete overhaul and paint job 265.00 1932 Studebaker Club Sedan, 6 wheel equipped 385.00 1931 Ford Victoria Coupe, - - wheel equipped . 325.00 1930 Oakland Sport Coupe 2S5.00 1929 Nash Sport Coupe - - 275.00 1928 Buick 4-pass. Coupe 185.00 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Otto J. Wilson Buick Sales k Service 388 N. Com'L Phone 5451 Salem, Ore. USED CARS WHITE'S BOUGHT SOLD SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS 1934 Chrysler Sport Coupe, R. seat, heater . $645.00 1934 Stude Custom Dictator Se dan . 475.00 193$ Willys 4-door Sedan, sac rifice 4 75 .00 1932 Chevrolet 1-door Sedan, very good 345.00 1931 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan, Karl-Keen trunk 335.00 1931 Graham Paige 4-door Se- dan . $95.00 1931 Ford A 4-door Sedan, mo- hair upholstery 295.00 1931 Ford A 4-door Sedan, broadcloth upholstery 265.00 1931 Ford A 2-door Sedan, new tires . 195.00 1931 Ford A Sport Roadster, R. seat, air wheels 225.00 1929 Ford A Coupe, recondl- ' tioned 185.00 1929 Hupmobile 4-door Sedan 245.90 1928 Olds Sedan, 4-door, mo hair ; 45.00 1928 Hudson R. S. Coupe : 95.00 1927 Cher. Sedan, only only 65.00 1931 4b 1932 International pump trucks ?? "SEE THEM ASK US REASON ABLE TERMS JOHN WHITE CO.. Phone 7114 . Opposite Marlon Square Park Bargain Lot 544 N. Com'l. - NOW WRECKING 1928-Pontlac 1927- Studebaker Special , 1928- Dodge 1-T. Truck ' - - 126-Cadll!ae l2C-6-44 Flint 1927-Wbippet-4 Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers Look For The Neon Shm 43$ SL Com'L St. Phone 7722. FOR SALE Hudson Sport Coupe, a light straight eight with big car per formance. Will give you 14 miles to the gallon and Is in excellent condition. Only $163.00. Terms if desired. 335 Mission St.. Salem. Ore. SALE OR TRADE 1930 PACKARD 7-PASS. Sedan Complete overhaul and paint job new tires. Price $345.00. Will take smaller car in trade Phone 7180 evenings ; ask for Mr. Eoonq, NEW TRAILER Travelome. TeL 7549. S71 Portland road. - ' 1930 CHRYSLER 77 SEDAN in per fect condition. 4 new ply Lee tires, price $S35.0. Phone $337, C T. Rob erta, 119 J-eyers, city. For Sale Used Can S' 65.00" 65.00 125.00 195.00 185.00 24500 33 Dodge Sedan ..-...$545.00 36; Chev. Std. Toivn Sed. 675.00 35 Chev. Spt. Sedan 695.00 ' 36 Chev. Standard Sed. .... 695.00 34 Buick Sedan . 750.00 36 La Salle Sedan ............1450.00 Written Guarantees Low G.M.A.C. Terms Go, Phone 8189 I -Spring Prices 6-J. FIN AN CARS . .VNCE CHARGE and PLYMOUTH" Phone 4673 Used Car Specials Studebaker sedan, courtesy 1936 car ..8923 Dodge Victory Coupe $125 Studebaker Coach ...$875 Ford V-8 Trg. $625 1928 1930 1935 1933 1933 1935 Dodge D. L. Sedan. Six wire wheels ..$625 $65 Dodge Coupe .. Studebaker Touring Sedan .$795 1933 1930 1930 1929 1929 1929 1930 1929 1929 1930 1928 1929 1927 1926 1928 1926 1928 W.-K. L. L. Sedan, 6 wire wheels . $425 Cadillac Sedan. 6 w. w. $335 Studebaker Diet Sedan $323 Reo Sedan. 6 w. w. $250 Auburn Sedan. 6 w. w. ; $150 Durant S-0 Sedan. Six wire wheels. Trunk 8193 Chevrolet Coupe. Air tires $295 Oakland Sedan Pontiac Coach Franklin Sedan Pontiac Sedan Plymouth Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Olds Coupe Dodge "Fastest" Sedan Studebaker Sedan President. 7-pass. Sedan Bonesteele Bros.. Inc. Chemeketa 4b Liberty. Ph. 4444. Business Cards in this direct 017 ran oa a. monthly basis only. Rate: $1 per line per month. Auto Brakes -like Panek. 275 South CommerciaL Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4 1 SO. R. E. Northueta. Chiropractors DR. Ot L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 254 N. High. TeL Res. 87S2. ' Electrical Service BOSLER Electrlci" 24$ State St. Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. Excavating Excavating of all kinds. Basements dug. Dirt' hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 9408. . Florists Brelthaupt'sv 447 Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Lutx, Flor ist. 127$ N. Liberty. TeL 9592. Furs DuBAIN Fur Co. Master furriers and designers. Rm. A , Miller Bldg. Insurance a a TONSETH District Agent National Life of Vermont. Phone 3430. 110 Hi N. Commercial St. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY -THE WEIDER LAUNDRY -263 Su High TeL : 9125 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 81(5 1284 Broadway Lawn Mowers Sharpened, reralred and traded. Ph. 451$. Harry W. Scott 14? S. ComL 1 Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40(9. $275 ; $3425 $175 $225 $ 75 8 85 $135 $ 95 ..$! 85 1 For Sale Used Cars - 410 N. Commercial Borrego9s Better Buys RALPH BORREGO 19C5 Graham Special 0 Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coach 1933 Plymouth Roadster 1930 Nash Sedan . . 1939 Pontiac Sedan , Ford Sedan 19:9 Portiac Coach .,, 1939 Ford Roadster 1928 Dodge 4 Sedan i J9SS Studebaker Sedan $4$ -S!S $25 $235 225 9225 -0195 1S $145 .$ 95 ...$ 20 1928 Ford Coupe ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS SEE THIS ONE ! 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN ... . . ?? Borrego's Car Mkt. Across from High School ' 23 Marion St Phone 4533. S4 ritEV. RDST. new mint. A-l motor, rumble seat. $15-7. 280 N. 15th. Voters Pamphlet Is Being Printed The first run of 40,000 com bined candidates and measures pamphlets for the November elec tion, got under ay in the state printing department, Friday. These pamphlets will serve eight eastern Oregon counties, in cluding Baker, Gilliam, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wal lowa and Wheeler. " Pamphlets for other counties are being made up and printing will Btart -within the next few days. The law provides that the? pamphlets shall be in the mails 10 days prior to the general elec tion, i Approximately 475,000 pamph- r lets will be required to serve the entire state. - , Warrant Issue by District Forecast The Salem school district prob ably "frill return to a warrant basis late next month, Clerk W. H. Burghardt said yesterday. With approximately 125.000 oa hand, the district treasury must provide a 120,000 teacher pay roll October 5 and a janitorial and miscellaneous payroll of more than $5000 later in the month. - Burghardt said the warrant debt, however, would not rie t a large figure because additional tax moneys would doubtless be re ceived from the county treasurer In November or December. This month the district has received $9892.80 from the county school -fund and $12,256.21 from 1935 and 1936 tax collections. Directory r Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, ris ing; fluff rwr weaving. S. lth Wil bur. TeL 144 1 OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est. 191L Mirrors Mirrors resUvered. S07 N. 19th. Music Stores GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State street. Salem. - Photo Engraving ) Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com merciaL TeL (887. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph- lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing" Department 21$ 8. CommerciaL Tele phone 910L Sewing Machine Repairs C E. Lea therm an. T 8678. 1183 Waller. Stoves We repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 22 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. U. Fleming. Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. Ramseyer truck service. Phone 3334. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 2$ State St TeL 773 Distributing, for warding and torage our specialty Get our rate . 1 Vacuum Cleaners- Al'TH. HOOVER sales and service. Ralph Cochran, 723 South St T. 4233. Well Drilling 1 R. A. West, RL t. Boa 44S. TeL 110FS. n