The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 26, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, "Saftrdar Morning September 26, 1938
Local News Briefs
To Organize ' Bureau -At the
second committee meeting held
yesterday with Otto R. Shulz,
Washington representatire of the
American farm bureau federation.
It was decided to hold an organi
zation meeting of representatfve
farmers later in the month.
Leaders are to be invited to at
tend the meeting to discuss the
possibility of organizing at branch
of the bureau here. The bureau
now has organizations In 38
states and is concernedprincipal
ly with economic problems faced
by farmers. Date and place of the
meeting was not announced.
Hotel Association Gathers
About SO members of the Oregon
state hotel and the Southern Ore
gon associations met yesterday af
ternoon with Thomas D. Green, of
New York, president of the Amer
ican Hotel association In Port
land. W. W. Chadwlck of the Sen
ator hotel and Edward A. Fettig
of the Imperial hotel in Portland
went to Seattle where they es
corted Green to Portland. A' ban
quet was held in his honor last
night at the Hotel Portland.
Piano Bargains Wheelock, $43:
Meister, $48; Fischer, S45; Tway.
130. Rebuilt pianos: Kroeger,
139; Fischer, S58; Kohler Camr
bell, $68; Deck, $78; Stiff, $87;
Kohler & Campbell, $93; Alten-
berg, $65; Wheelock. $68; and
many others for less than $100.
Grands. $195 up. Largest stock
In northwest. Terms. Tallman
Piano Store, 395 South 12th St..
at Mill S
Lodge Opens. Fall Program
Salem camp 118, Woodmen of the
World, opened their fall program
last night with initiation cere.
monies at Fraternal temple. Pros
pect camp of Portland which
brought its drill team, was in
charge.- Consul Commander L. W
DuBois 'nrited members of t h e
Silrerton lodge to attend. The Sa
lem lodge furnished entertain'
ment and refreshments.
Wanted First class pastry lady;
experienced in all lines of home
made and French pastries. The
. Check Vagrancy Charged
Carl B. Canaday, 13th and Mis
sion streets, was arrested by city
police yesterday aCternoon on a
charge of yagrancy In the form
of issuing checks uyon a bank at
which he had no account. He was
charged specifically with giving
two Buch checks for $1 each- to
the Serve Rite grocery of which
Fred C. Peterson is proprietor.
To Build Shed Gilbert C.
ITammnnil voutitrilav trmlr nut q
city permit to erect a $30 wood
ehed at 1355 Cross street. Othr
permits were as . follows: S. F.
Hendrickson, repair roof at 1705
North Cottage, $25; HJ H. Wink
ler, repair house at 213 East
Owens, $40; Mrs. Enid Hammond,
repair house at 395 North 23d.
1930 Nash. $295; 1931 Graham
Dol.a t15 T,-.fli f l 11 Knnrfl.
tion. Reo Sales, 337 HJgh.
Two Imlustri, Deaths There
were two fatalities in Oregon due
to Industrial accidents during the
week ending September 24, the
state Industrial accident commis
sion reported Friday. The victims
were Earl P. Hawks, Portland,
delivery boy, and, Harry T. Hellig
bo, Astoria, logger. There were
879 accidents reported to the
commission during the week.
Downtown Fine Blazes Cath
, olic daughters rummage sale
goods were badly smoked up at
3:30 yesterday afternoon when a
chimney, fire occurred at the sale
location, 175 South Commercial
street. Six gallons of chemicals
were required to extinguish the
blaze, firemen said. Damage was
confined to that caused by smoke.
Special New Dresses priced $7.95 i
to $10.00. Sizes 14 to 44. Excep-
tional values. Milady's Shop, 41 5
Collision Reported Mrs. Rita
E. Mahoney. Gervais. and L. L.
Weber. 557 North Statesman
street, reported to Sheriff A. C.
Burk yesterday that their cars
collided five miles west of Ger
vais at the intersection of the
Fairfield road and the Salem-St.
Paul -road. No one was injured.
Invite Yonng Ifople The
young people of the university and
the senior high school who are in
terested in joining the Young Peo
ple's Fellowship of St. Paul's
.Episcopal church are invited to
the parish house on Chemeketa
between High and 'Church at 6 p.
m.', Sunday.; 1 ';- -
DrI .C. C. Gilbert. Chiropractic
Physician, has .moved to 322 Ore
gon Building. ,."
j '. : "-
Extradition Honored-rGovern-or
Martin issued extradition pa
per Friday for the return to San
Francisco of Paul S. Hyalt, want
ed on a charge of grand theft.
Hyalt Is due for release from the
Oregon state penitentiary.
Few Jobs Offered The season
employment rush has ended as
far as the state job office here
Is concerned, attendants said yes
terday. The office lists showed
only two farm Jobs and several
wood cutting jobs available.
Lepley's Fancy Fryers. Tel. 8630.
Cherry Pitters Notice Pitting re
sumed Monday at Oregon Fruit
Products Co., West Salem; Expe
rienced pitters wanted.
Stampers to Meet The Salem
Stamp society will meet . Monday
night at 7:45. o'clock at the
Y.M.C.A. Everyone interested is
invited to attend.
In this city, September 24,
Mary E. Tdwusend, at the ago of
82. Survived Jy a son, a. waiter
Townsend and a gister, Mrs. Mae
Forrest of Salem, one brother, J.
II. Missler, Staytoii. Funeral ser
vices will be held Saturday morn
ing. September 26, from RigdOA
mortuary. Vault entombment
Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum.
To Practice Judging M ark.
Fern and Verna Lewis of West
Stay ton who compose the Marion
county 4-H judging team are to
go to Corvallis today to practice
judging in preparation for the
Pacific livestock exposition where
they will compete with other
judging teams from the west. The
Lewis team won the 4-H county
fair judging: award but did not
compete at the state fairas Mark
has already won the event twice
and was Ineligible for " further
competition, j
Cash for used furn. j Ph. 5110.
Home Wanted Mrs. Nona P.
White, county probation officer, is
seeking a home for a 14 year, old
boy who Is to enter the 9th
grade in school this year. Mrs.
White is desirous of placing the
boy where he can pay for his
room and board by working after
school hours and on Saturdays.
She requests that anyone desiring
to take the . boy interview her in
person at the cou thousc
Hats restyled. The Fashionette
Leaders Meet Chiefs and cap
tains of the Y.M.C.A. membership
enrollment met yesterday to dis
cuss plans for the annual drive.
Addition to; the personel of the
workers was taken up and instruc
tions given by A, E. Larimer,
Portland associate secretary of
the T.M.C.A. who is to direct the
campaign. Douglas McKay, gen
eral chairman, presided at the
To Speak at Church Dr. W. P.
White, from the extension depart
ment of Moody Bible Institute of
Chicago, will speak at two Mar
ion county churches Sunday. He
will be at ! the First Christian
church at 2:45 p. m., and at the
Pratum Mennonite church at 7:30
p. m. j
Wanted 160 Used beds, springs
and mattresses. ; Tel. 5110.
Wants to Be Fireman Norval
Lester Hirons, 298 South 24th
street, yesterday applied to take
civil service examinations Octo
ber 27 for a position on the city
fire department employment list.
He is 30 years old, his applica
tion showed.
Speeding' Charged The city
police blotter yesterday listed Al
fred Neuharth, 2165 Hazel ave
nue, as arrested on a charge of
speeding. I
Lutz Flor Lst, 1276 N. Lib. P 9592.
Obtain License to Marry C
Wallace Beckett and Carolyn A
Trent, both of Salem, recently ob
tained a marriage license in Van
couver, Wash.
Robin Reed Sued
For Divorce Here
Alimonyj of $15,000 was asked
in a divorce complaint filed in
circuit court yesterday by Eva I.
Reed against Robin Reed.
Grounds for the action were bas
ed on cruel and inhuman treat
ment. Mrs. Reed also asked for
$75 a month support money for
a minor child, of which she asks
custody, and $1000 attorney fees.
The plaintiff states in her com
plaint that they were married at
Reedsportj November S, 1925.
and, that -for the last 10 years
the defendant has been abusive
and violent toward her.
The complaint states that the
defendant! operates his business
through two corporations, the
Marion Finance and Credit com
pany, Salem, and Reed's Inc.,
Reedsport, and that the combined
assets ofi the corporations are
between $40,000 and $50,000.
The plaintiff also states that as
1 fM-llTAOoinn a 1 wAnw 1 . J
7. T I T'"1'"' "r
i Rums and that the Port Umpqua
i Courier, owned by one of the cor-
' porations.l creates substantial
i income. I
She asks $50 a
month tem
porary support money for her
self during the pendency of the
suit. $7o a month support money
for the minor child, and $35 suit
money. She requests an order of
the court' restraining the defend
ant from harassing and annoying
ner during the action.
660 Enroll at
W. lb Gain Shown
Figures indicating that the an
ticipated ;700 enrollment at Will
amette university will be reached
or exceeded were given out at the'
registrar's office Friday. On the!
third day of enrollment 660 stu
dents bad registered, in compari
son to 540 on the same day a
year ago. ; There are usually a
number of late registrations by
students who are still employed at
the opening of the school year.
Classes were in session Thurs
day and Friday, most professors
just making assignments and ac
quainting themselves with the
students.; Full time work will start
Monday and a few more are ex
pected to register the beginning
of the week.
Freshman week will he con
cluded tonight with the presi
dent's reception at Lausanne hall
honoring new faculty members
and the! barn party to follow at
the high school gymnasium.
This Store Will Be Closed All Day
Docket Is Full
12 Cases Listed; McMahan
Also to Sit in Dallas
Case, Announced
Judxe L. H. McMahan will sit
for the trial of 12 cases during the
October term of court the sched
ule of cases that have been set for
the month show. ; In addition to
hearing the Marion county eases
Judge McMahan will spend three
days in Dallas sitting on a case in
the Polk county court.
The $10,000 damage action of
Stam against Apperson is set on .
the docket for October 27. 1 Mrs.
Stam as administratrix of the es
tate of Pearl O. Fuller is seeking
to recover damages for the death
of Mrs. Fuller who died after be
ing struck by a car driven by Ap
Other cases to be heard during
the months are:
October 6 Doerfler vs. Salem
Nut Growers association.
October 7 City of Salem ts.
Tallon. i
October 8 City of Salem vs.
October 9 Koker vs. Wilson.
October 13 City of Salem vs.
October 14 City of Salem vs.-
Llghtfoot. Schneider and Johnson
vb. jrrc.
October 16 Nelson Brothers I
vs. Thompson.
October 22 Palmer - vs. s west
Coast Life Insurance company.
October 27 Stam vs. Apper
October 28 Skinner vs. CoHe.
November 2 Aronson vs. Mc
Nina B. Murdick Charles
Cutsinger; complaint asking $100
damages for wrongful possession
of a house and for immediate pos
session of the property.
F! n rTohha v T.HI.fl TTnhhar I
- - " J " I
answer making general denial to
v ' I
divorce complaint and motion
seeking $50 suit money, $40 a I
month support money and iloO
attorney lees, in support or tne
motion, defendant filed an afflda-
vit alleging that because of ill
health h wast rnmnpil tn re-1
side in California, that the plain-
tiff had been contributing 40 a I
month supnort money and that I
she has a good defense to his com-1
Dlaint for divorce. She alleges that
plaintiff as state printer receives
a salary in excess of $250 a month,
Leo N. Childs vs. A. C. Meyers
and others:" answer filed making
general denial. Mrs. A. C. Meyers
appointed guardian ad litem for
Lillian Meyers, one ot tne defend-
ants to the action.
" F. Loren Boulier vs. Bernice
Boulier; complaint for divorce on
grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment. Couple was married
August 5, 1932 at Burwell, Ne
braska. Plaintiff alleges that de
fendant refused to live with him,
and that she had told him she no
longer cared for him.,
Mary Kralicek vs. Anna Jarvil;
transcript of appeal from Salem
justice court. Defendant! is ap
pealing from a verdict of $115
damages given plaintiff on assault
and battery complaint. t
Elizabeth Allen vs. John H. I
Scott: order of confirmation of
, - . .. mtmt a I
sale of real property for $3314.
1 rODaie UOUri ! I
Jane Watson estate; petition of
Belle W. MacDougal. James Hen-
ry Watson and Mrs. May Davis for
.r " , . ' .
the removal Of George F. Clinton
as administrator of the estate. The
npHHnnors bIIpm that Clinton has
failed to have an appraisement
filed, that for three years he has
failed to publish notice to credit-
ors and failed to make annual re-
ports. They state that the estate is
being dissipated and that there
are past due taxes of $450 stand
Inar aeainst real nroDertv held bv
otminlctmtnf Pltotlnn voa
v-'v" . "
issued to Clinton to appear Deiore
the court October 12 to Show
cause V,bv he Should not be re-
F. B. Wedel estate; report Of
sale of real property to P. E. San-
ders for $4 250. Lavina Wedel is to watch the excavation opera
executrix of the estate. tions. Many of these have re-
George Stephen Schaefer guard-
ianship. order approving annual
account of First National Bank as
guardian. Report shows receipts
of $770, disbursements of
and assets held in the estate
Rebecca Leach estate: final ac
count of GJadys H. Gibbons, ex
ecutrix approved
Frank Carlson estate; final ac
count of Frederick S. Lamport,
administrator. The report shows
IjS13 5 f28,7 and expenses of eiectIon November 3 and are un
$1663 and a balance for distribu- registered, have only one week
!u" Ul ? " V 1 .uu
.V" I ar ,Bea V , i
Boston. Lpon investigation . the
heir was found to have died. Aft-
.ui, e.
. ,
r.hv t v vr5 T-
ed that Betty Nord was: the
riehtful legatee. Hearing on the
aiwAnnt v.. t fnr ntcrr 2fi
t J v
.fJ.mer,Vrf" !!,"1"',ri r
cnanic. ooaourn, auu nuu u.
j usuce ourv ;
Gerald S. Tillett; on a change of
plea defendant was fined $5 for
operating a motor trucK wun no
license plates. .
unris iioru; iinea iv, on a
charge of speeding with a truck.
Robert L. Everetts; charge of
issuing a check with insufficient
funds dismissed.: :
-Municipal Court
B. Murphy and .; Ben t Winters,
drunkenness, 10-day jail senten
ces suspended.
Guy Mellone, drunkenness char-"
: Coming Events .
Sept. 24 Fall Opening,
sponsored by Salem Ad club.
Sept. 25 Missouri club
supper scheduled at 0:30
o'clock, 246 H : Commercial
street. :.'
Sept. 25 Willamette vs.
Albany; Bight football.
Sept. 26 E 1 g h t team
football game, Willamette
Valley Interscholastie lea
gue. Sept. 28 Young Republi
cans meeting, 8 p. m., Ma
rion hoteL
Oct, 2-3 W ood ba r n
community fair.
- Oct. 3 Marion county
Farmers Union quarterly
convention, Marion local
Oct. Rlckreall com
nnnity fair.
Oct. lO County I.O.O.F.
convention, Silverton. -
Oct. 10 Salem high vs.
Chemawa. night football.
Oct. 16-18 Marion
County Christian Endeavor
tion. First Christian
Jged. $10 ball forfeited.
Eld on Courtney, 1908
North I
Fifth street, $2.50 fine, falling to I
Gear Lake Bell
To Ring Monday j
ni tm ! . -m r
ixoiJCTison ramuy io iuove
To 10-Acre Tract
Near Salem
axv liAivr-, ""T"
fir vn a v v a Tr-n c a m
next Monday, September 28. Mrs
Carpenter and Mrs. Kennon will
-TQ. - Km ..a-ii-wi
fountains have been installed in
&n i vrrr art A o vara tr Knllt Iaf
t6acherg. carg
Grandma'' Hammack left for
m . m
eastern uregon weanesaay lor t
..I. J A I
T,8,,' w,lu uer uausaier'
Ray Minty is building a new
house on hfs tract near Keizer and I
win move into ms new nome soon, i
ti. KODerison ana iamuy win
move to a 10-acre tract south of
Salem about October 1. The peo-
Die of Clear Lake are sorry to l
nave tnem leave.
Harvest Starts Soon
A. L. Lamb will commence
Picking filberts in his large or-
cnard Monday morning. Tnis is. I
the finest filbert orchard in the I
district and is heavily loaded this I
Miss Katherlne Miller Is leavlngj
'or Corvallis Saturday to com-
mence ner supnoinoro year m me i
Hop picking is over and the
rarmers are Busy witii fall seed-
Ins and the other fall work
Objects to Fence
In Capitol Ground
An unidentified woman early
Friday called Dan Fry, state pur
chasing agent, out of bed and
protested against the construction
of a high board fence around the
land now being excavated for the
. . , . ....
new state capitol building.
Tne woman tola ry mat ner
children could not attend school
ana tney naa looaea aneaa to
watching the excavation opera.
tions. .....
If tnis fence is completed tney
Will be Shut out." the woman said,
"wnen tney are watcning tne ex-
I . . . V .
cavation operations l anow wnere
they are
Fry informed the woman that
I the contractor and not the board
of control was building the fence.
The State purchasing agent
I later suggested that some enter -
Drininr nprROn rct hlpachprH
'1 r '""7,::7" . r:7J:
ana cnarce aaniission. Anoiuer
I State Official Suggested an ice
Cream Stand.
Several hundred persons, in-
eluding many professional men
and officials, have gathered daily
mained on the ground far into
the sight.
Must Register in
Next Week, Warns
Marion county voters, who ex-
nr in vntA at thcx nrpsidpnt tftl
Jef t tQ get tneIr namgg m tne Tot,
Ins lists, U. G. Boyer, county
clerk, stated yesterday. Registra
I ' , .k
." "..v "T.J V. .
on muuisx oeiore me wecuou.
I Although more than 200 people
W'te t - clerk's office
. . . v
yesterday and the registration has
oeen neavy for tfte last tWO. Weeks,
the lists of both parties are still
hfar short of the 1932 registration,
Boyer said
Boyer urged that all citliens
who have not voted in the last
two years or have moved from
one Drecinct to another register
immediately. He also stated that
I women who have changed their
I names by marriage should re-
When Others Fall
Chinese rierh
Healing virtue
has i been 1 tested
hundreds years
for chronic all
in c u t a, nose,
llimn (
....... . . , . . '
catarrh, ears, i5 ;
lungs, asthma, chronic coagh,
stomach, gall stones colitis,
constipatten, diabetls, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood nerves,
neuralgia, rheumatism, high
blood pressure, gland,, akin
sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders. -
S. B. Fong, 8 years practice
in China, Herb. Specialist,
122 N. Commercial St., Salem,
Ore. Office hours 0 to 0 p.m.
Sunday and Wed. 0 to 10 a.m.
Extension School
Schedule Is Made
Six-Day Program of Nine
Courses Is Slated to
Star Next Week
A six-day week schedule of
nine courses will open at Salem
high school Monday. night under
the Oregon higher education ex
tension division, it was announ
ced yesterday. Persons enrolling
may or may not work toward col
lege credit as they desire.
The fall term of subjects, credit
hours and instructors will be as
follows: 1
Monday Geography of South
America, two hours, Katharine
Arbuthnot. )
Tuesday Contemporary social
movements, two hours, Dr. R. R.
Martin. j j .
Wednesday Advanced mental
hygiene, two hours, Dr. O. R.
Chambers; survey of English lit
erature, two hours, Margaret
Thursday Aesthetic values in
relation to social living ad-
art appreciation, two
hours, Nowland B. Zane.
.Friday Painting and composi
tion, combination course, one or
two hours, Andrew Mc D. Vin
cent, English drama, two hours,
or 19th century prose, two hours.
Saturday, 10 a. m. English
seminar in special authors, for
graduates only. " t
May Offer Others
Courses in secondary education,
principles of teaching and-history
of education will be offered
if there is a demand for them.
The extension courses carry
tuition fees of $5 for one, $9
Ur two and 12 for three under-
graduate subjects. Graduate
H for two.
The night classes, according to
an extension bulletin, "are plan-
rt cxA in urta oil vhn hnw 11 f .
flclellt maturity and background
uA aT.M nvAf;tavi
a.aav au v u a a vj suu WBV -ea "
to themselves.?' Students not de-
-irine college credit will he ex
cused from all written work if
they wish
TloK Will fTil-ia
vtvii . vt i a. c.xv
Job in Louisiana
Kenneth Reach, statft unnervis.
or OI aduit education in the office
f Btate superintendent of
schools for the past two years,
ant professor of Industrial educa-
tIon at tne TjniTer8ity of Louisi.
art a Ho will oooiima hta ns rin.
ties October 1.
Mr. Beach is a graduate of the
Oregon State college and holds a
degree of master of arts from that
institution.. He was at one time
vocational instructor in the Rose-
burg high school.
Ferry at South High street. Rev. Arno
Q. Weniger. pastor. Bible school, 0:45
a. m. W. F. Foster, snpt. Morning wor
ship. 11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Per
sonal Soul Winning." Young people's
service, 6:45lp. m. with a special speak-
Vesper prayer meeting. 7:30. Eve-
.h.m fW. in'v,, p,oni..
I This service is broadcast from s to 8:45.
The ,P,9tor who reur1 fm his
I vacation, will speak at both services.
choir directed bv E. D. Lindburr. The
I midweek service Wednesday at 7:30
i riEST baptist chttech
I Marion and Xprth Liberty streets.
I Britton Ross, minister. Bible school at
9:45 a. m. Fred Broer. supt. Morning
I worship at li o'clock. Sermon, "A De-
lightful Service.' Junior, intermediate
and senior B.Y.P.U. will meet at 6:80
p. m. Evening service sermon. The To,
kens of Salvation.". The pastor will
preach at both, services. Wednesday eve
ning prayer meeting and Bible study
at 7:30.
ouhoff ntor Samil Schirman. snnt.
v -i r. m
I Bible school. Rally and promotion day
1 of Bible school at 10 a. m. . The ' usual
Bible school and morning hour of wor-
Bhip wiM fombined. All pupils who
I have met with the requirements for
graduation from the primary department
bound Bible. Evening service at 7:30.
I Sermon. "Can Every Man Believe in
Christ I" Devotional honr Wednesday
evening. Cottage prayer meeting Friday
at the parsonage.
Korrh 19th and Breyman streets. Er
nest H. Brown, minister. 8unday scohol
at 9:45 a. in. Wendell Cross, supt. Mom
ins- service at 11 a. m. Sermon. "Condi
tions Prevalent to a Revival." 8enior
B.Y. at 8:30 t. m. Intermediate B. Y
at 6:45 p. m. Evening service at 7:30
p. tn. Sermon. "The Wheat and the
Tares. Midweek services Thursday at
7:80 p. m.
Corner of Center and High streets,
uuy Ij. Drill, minister. Church school a
9:30, with A. P. 8peer, supt. Morning
worsnip and communion at 10:45. An
them: --fraise. My Koul, tne Kjng'
Heaven." Hnhn. "Savior. Teach We.'
Krattr sting by men's quartet consisting
of John Schmidt. .Milton Urslapp, War
ner Jackson and Fred Bates. Sermon,
"Those Who Prevail." Christian En
deavor at 6:15. Evening service at 7:30,
Sermon. "Christian. Who Is This!
Midweek meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. i
I North Cottage And Shinning streets.
T' 8p1?'- ?iaiMt FH?
I 10 a. m. Preaching, at 11. Topic, "The
Macedonia. Call." of the
r Lord . supper. Evening service at 7:30
And other Fruits. Wholesale Sk
Retail. Late Crawfords, Hales,
Elbertas mad Salways. Direct
from grower to yonl
C. M. LaFoIlette & Son
270 N. Commercial
Dir. Chan Lam
Natural remedies
for disorders of Uv
er, stomach, glands,
skin, and urinary
system of men and
women. Remedies
f or - constipation.
sucar diabetes and -."V
rheumatism. - j - T.
19 years In bust
nesa. Naturopathic
ST. D-
ptu-atcians. 393 H , Court St.
Corner Liberty
Office open Satur
days and Tuesdays
only, IO A. II. to 1
a a .
P. M 6 P. M. to 7.
Consultation Blood
pressure and line
are free of
rx chargea.
Court and 17th streets. D. W. Ian
iels. pastor. Bible school st 9:45 with
miss Jean uswkins, supt.. In charge.
Morning worship sua observance of the
Lord's supper st 10:45. Message. "While
It Is Day. Evening evangelistic service
and Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Vusie
r mixed quartet. Message, "Why I
ast Accent the Bible IV: It's Sym
bols.!' All day meeting of the church
women in the Bungalow oa Monday. Mid
week Bible study Thursday night at
Church ond Chemeketa streets. Holy
communion, 7 :30 a. m. Church school.
& a. m. Morning prayer and sermon.
1 a. m. Young people's fellowship.
a. Saint Mary's, Wood burn, 7:30
m. Rev. George H. Swift, rector.
Corner Summer and Marion streets.
Rev. James E. Campbell, minister. Hun-
day school at 9:45 a. m. L. L. Thornton.
snpt. Morning worship at 11 o clock.
Special music. Rev. P. B. CuWer, of
I'oruann, will bring the message. Senior
high school league and young people's
lesguo . at 6:30 p. m. Evening evan
gelistic service at 7:30 o'clock. Gospel
song -! service.- Special mnaic. Sermon,
Acquaintance With God." Bible atndv
and prayer service Thursday at 7:30
Herbert E. Bennett, minister. Morn
ing- worship ssrric at 9:45 o'clock.
Special mnaic Sermon, "Wo All Want
It." RT. H. B. Sebenarman, Vernonia.
Sunday aehool at 10:45 a. m W. P
Collard, snpt. TounsT peoole's learne at
p. m. The Toanc oeoDla of Ihih
Center will present a demonstration ser
vice. Evening; service at 8 o'clock. Gospel
sons; service led bv the Labish Center
choir. Special mnsie. Sermon, "God's
Blessed Man." Dr. E. W. Petticord,
district supt. Communion ot the Lord's
snpper. Quarterly conference Monday at
s o CIOCK.
Herbert E. Bennett, minister. Sundav
school at 10 a. m. W. A. Starker, supt.
Morning worship service at 11 o'clock.
Sermon. "We All Want It." Rev. H. B.
Scheuennan, Vernonia, Ore. Sunday
school convention at Hayesville Baptist
church at 2 o'clock. Young- people's
league at Clear Lake at 7 p. m. All
younr people meet at the Labish Center
church at 0:30 p. m. ETening service at
Clear Laka at 8 o'clock. Sermon, "God's
messed Man." by Dr. E. W. Petticord.
Choir practice Thursday, 8 p. tn.
N. Capitol and Marion atrorta Edwin
Horstman, pastor. Sunday school, 10
a. m. German services, 10 a. m. "An
Ideal Christian Life." English services.
lam. "Crusaders for Righteousness."
A rally day program will be presented
in the 11 o'clock services.
(Missouri Synod)
Sixteenth and A streets. H. W. Gross.
pastor. Sunday school, 9 a. m. Service,
Evangelistic tabernacle
Ferry and 13th Btreets. C. G Weston.
pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m-
Classes tor all ages. C. A. Wilson, supt.
Church service at 11 a. m. Evane-elistie.
service at 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at
i :a . p. m., -inesaay. loung people s
service. Christ's Ambassadors, 7 :45 p. m
x uureuij.
Corner South Commercial at Wash
ngton. Miller H. and Hazel Porter.
pastora. Bible school at 10 a. m. Morn
ing worship at 11 a. m. Theme. "Christ's
I Philosophy ofL4fe" Christian; Endeavor
at 6:30 p. m. bvening service at 7:30
m. "Blessed Is the People That Know
tne Joytul Bound."
Eighteenth and State streets. Rev
Amos E. Minnemann, A. M.. pastor. Ger
man mission festival services. 9:80 a. i
with Rev. E. C. Knorr, Queen Ann Luth
eran church, Seattle, Wash., as - the fes
tival speaker. Lnelish mission festiva
services, 2 :30 p. m.. Rev. E. C. Knorr,
speaker, uerman mission festival serv
ices, 7:30 p. m.. Rev. E. C. Knorr.
speaker. Potluck luncheon at the noon
hour, coffee furnished by . the Dorcas
society. Sunday school, 9:30 a. to. Mrs.
Jacob xox, supt.
Liberty at Center. J. K. Simonds,
minister. Morning worship, 11. .Sermon.
nut.'' Colo, "eiun of My Soul." Scott.
by Mrs. Ersel Mundinger. ,
nineteenth land Ferry. H. - C. Stover,
minister. Morning worship at 11. Ser
mon, "About Knowing God." . Anthem.
"My Soul Is Atbirst for Uod" Peace .
Trio. "God Is a Spirit" (Meredith).
Evening service at 7:30. Serman, "The
Problem of Prosperity." Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Roy Harland, supt. Young
people's societies at 6:45.
655 Ferry street. Rev. Roy Bressler.
pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Dan
sheets, snpt. Morning worsnip, 11 a. m.
Rev. Lloyd Rice of Dallas will have
charge of this service. Youug people's
service, 6:45. Evening service, 7:4a p. m.
Robert Rich will have charge of this
service with two other special speakers.
Praver aervicA VYednesdav. 7:45 n. m.
Choir and orchestra practice Thursday,
7:4a p. m.
Fraternal Temple. Center at Liberty.
Meet at 2:30 p. m. Special feature a
Bible study subject, "Joshua, as a Type
of Christ Jesus."
Corner of Cottage and , Chemeketa
streets. A. C. Hawkins, president. Ray
Stumbo. supt. Sunday school. : Sunday
school. 10 a. m. Services.' 6:30 p.' m.
Genealogical conference Sept. 27. After-j
noon meeting, s:au p. m. jnerwing
tnoakera and urogram. Evening meeting., I
6:30 p. tm. f.Mer epni Jensen oi rorf-jd
land principle speaker. M. 1. A., bept
- Eighteenth and State street.- fieri
laoa K. Minnemann, psator, will -eeler
brate its annual mission festival Sunday
with services at 9:30; German, 2:3
p. m.; Kngusn. 7:au p. wun itev
E.C Knorr. psstor of the Queen Anif
Lutheran church, Seattle, Wash, as th
festival speaker.
la fact everything for the
office at
34 O State St.
Phone 4404
: ,'"
5 '-itj; ,? 1 '-f,r:l': :
Church street between Chemeketa ond
Ceater. Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor.
Sunday school, 9 :45 a. as., all graded
work. Arnold A. Krueger, snpt. Dr. A. 8.
Jefesen, teacher for the Young Men's
Bible class. Morning worship, 11 a. sa.
Besteea topic, "What Is tbo I'hareal"
Special auusie arranged by i'rol. ri. v.
Hobson. Solo, "The Living God."
O'Hara, Miss Mary Chadwick. Anthem,
"The God of Abraham Praise," Dudley
Buk, Prof. E. W. Hobson. director.
1 ong people s meeting, Liutaer league
in tcharge. Open forum. 7 p. m.
Corner of 8tate and Church streets.
Janice E. Milligan. minister. Mildred
Bartholomew,' director of young people's
activities. Kobert M. ttatke, supt. of
church school. Morning worship, 11
o'clock. Sermon theme. "Doors.'' - Eve
ning worship, 7:80 o clock. Sermon
theme. "Under .God's Smile." Toung
people's meeting at 6:30. High school
league, led by Beverly McMillin. L Diver
sity Vespers, led by Jean Hollingworth.
Church school at 9 :45 a. m.
;K. Winter. Jefferson. Fairground road.
Lynn A. Mood, minister. Church school.
9 45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 p. m.
Theme. "What Is Your Chief Concern I
Epworth leagues, 6:30 p. m. Evening
worship, 7:30 p. at. Theme, "The
i .
5- '
Sooth Commercial and Myers streets.
Djan C. Poindexter, minister. Promotion
day services will be held in the church
school at 9:45. The parents and chil
dren will sit together , at the church
s&rvice at 11 a. m. A service from the
tejtt. "A Sower Went Forth to Sow,"
and installation for the teachers and
officers of the church school. The young
pie s league at 6:30 in Leslie hall.
e intermediate-senior lesguo will meet
at 5:30 in the church parlors for a
fellowship lrour, to ba followed at 6:30
by devotional service. The speaker for
te 7 :30 p. m. service will be Hayea
Biall. president of the National Council
ofi Methodist Youth.
ICorner N. Winter and Market streets.
Rev. D. A. Cohagan, paator. Sunday
school. 9:45. Emory Goode, supt. Church
worship, 11 a. m. Sermon by pastor.
YOung people a meeting, 6:du. tvan
ralistie service. 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet
ing. Thursday, 7 :45.
ICorner of 13th and Center- streets.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Frank Lit
willer, supt. Classes for all ages. Lesson
study, "The Review." Worship service
at 11 a. m. Sermon by Mrs. K. E.
Martin of Portland. N.Y.P.S. meets at
6s80 p. m., Henry Mattson, president.
Lesson topic, "A Good Christian Sol
dir." Garrnet Six. leader. Evening
evangelistio aervico at 7:30 p. m. Music
directed by Ernest Friesen. Sermon by
Mrs. E. E. Martin of Portland. Wednes
day evening prayer and praise service at
7 '30. Friday evening young people's
ptaver and praise service. Special music
s each of these services.
Winter and Chemeketa streets. Grover
Cg Birtchet. D. D.. psstor. Church school,
9S30 a. m. J. J. Fitzsimmons, supt.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon, "Jus
tification By Faith." Anthem, "Angel
Voices Ever Singing" (Shelley. Chris
tian Endeavor societies, 6:30 p. m.
Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. Message,
''Doubts Concerning' the Future." Hymn
anthem. "Day Is Dying in the West"
(Sherwin). Gospel solo by Prof. Wright.
Midweek service Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Fall Specials
$234.507.2 CU. FT., 1936 FULLY GUARANTEED
$264.508 CU. FT.
UNTIL 8:30
WaofiCF Clcoo-opo
All NetCy Guaranteed Stock
$59.50 Large Tube Barton, safety wringer, t A Q C A
with pump -. P57.tJU
$69.50 large tub Conlon,
15 year guarantee .
$44.50 medium size Barton,
machine, guaranteed
$64.50 Patented tub Barton. 1710 extra
washing actions per minute
$99.50 Norge demonstrator, full guar-
anteed. AH de luxe features
$59.50 Conlon, de luxe wringer,
.15 year guarantee ... ....
$790 doube tub Conlon,
15 year guarantee
Used Gainaday
Works O. K. .
Hardware Co.
236 No. Commercial Phone 4610
Corner of 17th and Chemeketa streets.
II. H. Dick, paator. Sunday school at
9:45 a. sa. H. W. Wall. supt. Morning
worship at 11. Dr. W. P. White from
the extension department of the Moody
Bible Institute of Chicsgo will bring the
message. Christian Endeavor program at
7:80 p. m. Prayer meeting and choir
practice oa Wednesday at. 7 :45 p. an.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sunday
school at 11 a. m. Services at 11 a. m.
and 8 p. m. .Subject. "Reality." Testi
mony mooting- at- 8 p. m Wednesday.
Reading room in the Masonic temple. 11
a. m. to 5:30 p. m. except Sundays atd
- Seventeenth and Nebraska sixer ts.
R. C. Mann, minister. Church school,
9:30 a. as. Mrs. Anaa Wolcott, supt.
Morning worship. 10:35 o'clock, 'Bcv
ting Your Life on God." Mrs. N. V.
Lowery and Mrs. E. A. Bradfiefd Will
aing, "Come. Holy Spirit" by Jerome.
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Program
will be in charge of Mrs. Helen John
stead, the director ot young people' a ac
tivities. The young women's quartet will
sing. Song and sermon, 7:45 o'clock, air.
Mann will speak on "Satisfying tr.e
Longicg Soul." Mrs. Ed Oison and E. A.
Bradfield will sing. Midweek Bible study
Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.
420 State street. Fellowship center.
Sunday service, healing meditation with,
lecture, 8 p. m. Subject. "Man and Hia
Three Bodiea." Midweek services. Wed-
Lnesday silver tea wita messages, 3-.-3v
pSspi. Thursday, 8 p. m., psyehie ms-
ssges wittt snort lecture, upes every -ay
for personal help. Dr. Kring. leader.
197 4 .8. Commercial. J. Alonso San
ders, pastor. Sunday. Bible school, 9:4..
Worship. 11:15. Young people's fellow
ship, 6:45. Evangelistic, 8. Tuesday,
Thursday, Saturday services. 8.
Revival "Back to Pentecost..
Evangelist, Ethel M. Heidner, in
charge. The Lord has been using
Evangelist Heidner in s wonder
ful way, through the gift of the
laying on of hands for the recep
tion of the Holy Ghost. In the
past year 753 have received thls
blessed experience. Acts 2:4, un
der her ministry. Two have -received
in the first three nights of
her campaign here, and many
have been refilled and we extend
to all who-desire to be filled with
the Holy Ghost a hearty Invita
tion to come andvbe filled while)
the latter rain is falling so freely.
She will be speaking on the fol
lowing subjects the coming week:
Sun. A. M. Lift up a standard
for the people. Sun. I. M. Behold
the Man. Mon. P. M. I will pour
water upon him that is thirsty.
Tues. P. M. Is the speaking In
other tongues - scriptural? Wed.
P. M. The unchanging Christ. Ii
Tlne healing. Thurs. P. BL, The
world's light and power Co. Inc.
Fri. P. M. Better Babies.
Whosoever will may come to
The Church of the Foursquare
Gospel, 357 K Court St. Rev.
IJoyd and Esther Miller, pastor.
safety wringer,
sturdy .
finest wringer, CC4 Cfl
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