PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 26, 1930 ! L i Detroit Blaze Under Control Situation Well in Hand .Unless .Temperature Changes, Report (Continued from page 1) the Detroit fire lines.. Approxi mately 300 men were fighting the fire late yesterday afternoon. Forestry, officials said most of the men were drafted from CCC camps at Crabtree In Linn coun ty,' .Triangle Lake in Lane coun ty and the state park at Silrer Creek Falls The Detroit fire, coming late in the season, was the first in the North Santiam river district this year to reach serious pro portions. The most serious fires reported previously were in Coos and Klamath counties. State Forester Ferguson said the Detroit fire bad not yet in vaded any valuable timber. Threatened Coast . Tie-up Is Viewed (Continued from Page 1) ' informed .other maritime unions of a desire to modify the terms of the current agreements. The Sailors' union of the Pa cific has notified the employers it grants a new agreement. The longshoremen announced i they would. fight for retention of the hiring hall. They expressed a willingness to continue working .under present terms pending fur ther negotiations. The shipowners planned to hire longshoremen directly at the piers after Wednesday, but an- -nounced they would shut down waterfront operations if sufficient men failed to appear. Waterfront employers and rep resentatives of the Marine Fire- men. Oilers, Watertenders and Wipers' union conferred over the possibility of modifying their old agreement. The union asked wage increases in some classifications. . It requested 1 90 monthly for oil ers and watertenders who now -receive $72.50, and $90 for wip er who now receive $50. 4 -ss - fl f! AHowOwned Itssar r IUOLLYV7ot2 Continuous Performance Today, 1:30 to 5 P. SI. . 10c HA. DOACH First Showing Salem Ken Maynard in 'ESS The Cattle Thier In T1ip Pinch Singer" Added Color Cartoon 'The Novelty Shop" Episode Three, Serial "Great Air Mystery" HEY, KIDS! Attend This Afternoon Matinee - 1:30 P. M. FREE Spanky Bars Sunday, Monday, Tuesday TOPS IN THRILLS I rW3 In .Milr &j 0(10 1 fv;;; VOTADTIBJO TODAY ) !St!!!3l!iiifii!!!i. M 'i'H, :ii,in!"!M, with JOHN ROSALIND RUSSELL Today Matinee- A G ft , ZOLLJE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Dannie Edwards: FREE DELUXE ICE CREAM SCREEN: "CHARLIE CHAN IX EGYPT" - Serial At Hollywood 4 m 'SpaJttkj" McFwland, featured in ! oar gang comedies. Farm Bureau not Liked by Grange SILVERTON. Sept. 25. A de finite stand against the American Farm bureau was taken at a meet ing of the Silverton Grange to night when the following resolu tion was passed: Whereas Marion county and Or egon are now being served by two excellent farm organizations, the Grange and the Farmers Union,' which are actually devoted to the welfare of rural life, and Whereas efforts are now being made to organize in Marlon and other counties of Oregon a third farm society, the American Farm bureau and j . Whereas the history of this so ciety shows that the first unit was organized and sponsored by the Binghamton, N. Y. chamber of commerce, and many of the activi. ties of the organization are dom inated by the commercial rather than rural interests and likewise that many beneficial farm meas ures, such as the Frazier Lemke refinancing act were refuse any aid by the American Farm bur eau; now therefore Be it resolved by Silverton Grange 718 that we recommend that no granger or anyone inter ested in the real welfare of rural life, give any aid, moral or fin ancial, to the American Farm bur eau. Profit on Liquor Million and Half . i : Profits of the state liquor com mission for the first eight months of this year aggregated $1,531, 824, according to a financial statement filed in the state de partment Friday. ; . , . This total included $833,165.41 from the stores and agencies di vision.. $222,717.39 from the li cense division and $425,941.40 from the privilege tax division. The gross liquor sales for the year amounted to $4,448,354.25. Profits for August. Included $112,250.42 (from liquor stores and agencies, $2,179.57 from the license division and $76,543.49 from the privilege tax division. The Gall Board ! f EL.SINORE Today William Powell in "My Man Godfrey." s CAPITOL. Today On the stage, Colorado Hillbillies, and Chester "Morris in "Frank le and ijohnnie." GRAND Today ! John Boles in "Craig's Wife." HOLLYWOOD Today Ken Maynard In "The Cattle Thief" and Our Gang in "Pinched Singer.'' i ' STATE Today only Ken Maynard in "Heir to Home." hnri:;'iiih:i n in iiiiiiiiiiiii'1 BOLES - BILLIE BURKE MM Big Stage Show 1 - . yf- ' - I i i m -KMum F One-Third Cut Is Acceptable Britain Also Takes Part In Stabilization of World Currencies :l r (Continued from page 1)1 the Immediate right to hold up payments until farther decree. The Bourse stock market will he closed for several days; the franc market will be strictly controlled. 7 The government will move to spend millions of francs to aid towns, departments, mortgage holders cooperatives, business In terests and Individuals that may he hurt by the franc's realign ment or the resultant inerease in prices. WASHINGTON. Sept. 25.-(;P)-An agreement between the United States. France and Great Britain to cooperate in devaluation of the French franc, which treasury of ficials hailed as a "major move toward stabllitatlon of currencies, was annomncea vomsm uj treasury, i . 1 ' " SecreUrf Morgenthau, describ ing the agreement as the accom plishment iof a three-year objec tive, referred to stabilization as an accomplished fact, but did not answer a question from a news paperman j as to whether it ac tually constituted ''effective sta bilisation.? t L Other treasury officials, calling the move! a major one toward stabilization, said the agreement entails readjustment of the French currency by that nation's parliament and until that; has been done the agreement is not operative. They also pointed to a line in the official treasury announce ment, saying that; all three na tions reserved their rights to "take into full account" the re quirements of "internal prosper ity." , Morgenthau g a 1 d the United States and Great i Britain knew the extent of the proposed French devaluation and it was accept able to both. Hop Sales Heavy: Near 1000 Bales For the second day In a week sales of hops nearedt'the 1000 bale mark yesterday with prices for the new crop holding steady at 45 cents and a new high price set for the 1935 crop. Sales reported yesterday showed 315 bales of 1935 clusters sold at a new high of 31 cents. Pre vious high for the year old crop has been 30 cents, which has been the prevailing standard for the last several months. i One hundred and twenty-five bales of fuggles sold at 45 cents 380 bales of clusters went to buy ers at the same figure and 34 bales of the 1936 clusters brought 42 cents to the grower. ? miV' tyj NK EXACTLY AS SHOWN IN ITS ROAD I SHOW PRESENTATION ! The Greatest Show on Earth! Ucr i't , fort" .. ? -v j U i-dj rL , :Ynn -v III , ! 4 it m r-i u ..... ms T Mllr W j FOR ZIEGFEXD X. ' TAU vttl C . ENGAGEMENTS . :x ' j a 1 vtltlrAiXV x Floor 50c 1 I MAV fS il Continuous ETery Day K U t -:VHr y3 X FEATURE STARTS Jh I r' : AMMJGiUwrm-HrTkbnm "7?:" .. I ii - LAST TIMES TODAY "Wi MAN GODFREY" with Wm. Powell - Carole Lombard Mickey Mouse Club Notes Well, well, here it is Sept. 28 already and school is well under way, and next week the colleges will get under way. I guess 111 have to get ready and go to college myself, but all this Is sort of getting off the subject of this after noon's show. which I know everybody will like very much. We have a real treat tor you this afternoon. ! M.M.C. - Bud Smith.' out piano player, left us last week and in his place this Saturday we are going to have one of the real old gang, Marion Draper, who Is now going to Willamette and playing the pi ano In "Skip" Spooner's band. We're glad to have you with us, Marion. i M.M.C. I told you that Bud had left ns but I didn't tell you what he is going to do. Bud has joined a band in Seattle and they are playing at a very fashionable place. After they leave Seattle they are going on a seven months tour through the west and south ern parts of the country While I'm on the subject I might tell you that next week Ted Stiff, our bass fiddle player, is going to join the same band. ... Good luck, boys. M.M.C. Our show last week was quite a . success, judging from the amount of applause we got. "Cud dles" the trained horse did all right and Jeanne Lunsford's song was a knockout, and I don't be lieve that I ever saw Kenny Cater sing better. That was just . a sample of what is going to he done. M.M.C. Now to tell you about the. treat that I promised you. On the stage today we are going to have the "Colorado Hill Billies," . a group of eight NBC radio artists. They have been performing every day since Thursday at the Capi tol theatre, and today we will have them for the Mickey Mouse club. We also have on our pro gram, Agnes Bowne from Ed Che ney's school of dancing and Helen Smith, one of the favorite sing, ers of the Mickey Mouse club. M.M.C. Those of you who like good dancing will want to be sure and see Fred Astaire and Ginger Rog ers in their latest picture "Swing Time" which is coming to the El sinore in a very short time. M.M.C. I got to thinking so much about the dancing that I almost forgot to tell you about today' pictures. The special feature will be John Wayne in "T h e : Lawless Nine ties" and chapter eleven of "The Phantom Rider." . The regular feature is William Powell and Carole Lombard in "My Man God frey." M.M.C. I feel a Joke coming on so I think I'll stop right now. I'll see you later. . . . Tour Pal, HAL. I K1 1 Midnite Shotc Tonite P Mickey Mouse John Wayne in "Lawless Nlnetiea Ballot Numbers, Places Assigned -i '" - '" -, (Continued from page 1) Ulrlch; 38 R. A. Harris; 39 O. AJ Olson. f f District Attorney: 40 Lyle J. (Barney) Page; 41 Avery Thomp son. .- County commissioner: 42 David C. Bloom; 43 Roy S. Melson. County Sheriff: 44 A. C. Burk; 45 James McGilchrlst. County Clerk: 46 U. G. Boyer; 47 Alvin H. Young. County Treasurer: 48 D. G. Drager; 49 1 P. C. Fulton. -County assessor: 50 Oliver H. Brougher; 51 R. Shelton. City Recorder: 54 Mildred Rob ertson Brooks; 55 Hattie G. Hart. . County Coroner: 66 L. E. Bar rick; 57 A.. C. Friesen. . . Justice of Peaqe, Salem district: 58 M. B. Hayden; 59 William Mc Klnney. i Constable, i Salem district: 60 Earl Adams; 61 Herman A. Brown. - ; 'i Constable, ; Silverton district: 67 E. L. Amo; 68 S. A. Pitney. Justice of ; Peace, Staytoh dis trict: 69 Walter H. Bell; 7 0 Chris topher E. Nettling. i Constable, Woodburn district: 73 William Ganrer; 74 W. C. Mil ler; 75 R. B. Smith. Eight measures will be on the ballot as follows: 300-30 1 Amending old age assistance act. 302-303 Regulating advertis ing. 304-305 Tax limitation amendment for Multnomah coun ty school district. 308-309 Non compulsory mil itary training. 310-311 Amendment limiting and - reducing taxes on ' tangible property, j SI 2-2 13 State power bill. 3 1 4-3 1 5 Hydroelectric tempor ary administrative board amend ment. ( 3 1 6-3 17 State bank bllL The numbers 306-307 are om itted as they were assigned to the fish bill which the supreme court knocked off theballot. The num bers ending in an even figure are for affirmative votes and those ending In an odd number for neg ative votesL Outstanding 4-H Youths Selected Margaret Upjohn. 17, and Don ald B. DuRette, 17, were named yesterday as the winners of the First National Bank of Portland contest to determine the outstand ing boy and girl in Marion coun ty 4-H clab work. The winners are to be the guests of the bank at the Pacific Livestock Exposi tion in Portland, October 5, 6 and 7. They wlll be taken to Port- Big DANCE I TONITE MELLO MOON Ladies Free Before 0:00 . ' a Matinee Today .IP. M. Big Stage Show - Featuring "Colorado IIUI Billies' Chapt. 11 Serial land by J. EL Roman, manager of the Salem branch. Margaret Upjohn Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Upjohn, 9(4 Sooth Liberty street. She has completed fire years of club work taking projects In clothing, cook ing, canning, health, rose and flower, homemaking and room Im prorement. She won a number of prizes in exhibitions and-was sec retary of her club. Miss Upjohn is a student at Willamette univer sity. :-: : Donald B. DuRette is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ,C. B. DuRette, Fairfield. He has had seven years experience in the club activities and was the president of his pig clnb. i He also has won number of prizes for his work. Basis for the selection of the outstanding boy and girl In the county was: projects carried, quality of work, years experience, offices held, county exhibits and prises, demonstrations, judging teams, clab leadership, commun ity activities, state fair prizes and county championships and show manship. Fascists Nearing Toledo, Reported (Continued from page 1) the war against fascist insur gents. ; Another" insurgent broadcast, from Seville, said fascist troops had cut off Spanish government reinforcements marching from Madrid toward Toledo. , The broadcast added that the besieged fascists in Toledo's Al cazar fortress had released their, women and children but that the men-folk still held to their de fenses. SEE this: starts mm -- . FIRST SALEM The First Big Show of Our New tfall . Show Season! AND MORE ON THE WAY! V XF - n I ' - - lA4 v , r - EXTRA! First Ran! End Dictatorship Is Knox Promise i( Continued from Page 1) ries the party's banner the other day," Knox told a railroad itt Uo$ audience when his train stopped in Creston. "He presented SUNDAY AND MONDAY TWO THRILLING FEATURES 1 ''W i -B ! " 1 r v i TOGETKEX UKAFKA1D THEY TRACKED THE BOSS OF TNE UNDER. W0RLDI LAST TIMES O TODAY O OX STAGE COLORADO HILL BILLIES SITA'H'S THEATRE PLAYING rvn Kctz i a i m il. ! J Wonder Horse, in "UNDERSEA KINGDOM" CARTOON, COMEDY, REWS SHOWING ! ! ! rdinr7.i;hH lA tit la i: in vsmmm t Consnlt " 1 I Yon it M s - ' A Vafltt EMcacy'c LattCGti Cocrttcoa: TOBY TORTOISE RETURNS'9 the first sound, clear-cut agri cultural program the nation ever heard." f am not going to discuss this so-called agricultural program of the present administration," Knox said here tonight. "I can't keep up with it. It reminds me of those vaudeville signs we see some times:,. "Entirely a new program every week.' " w Midnite Prevue Tonite 11:30 j fa j 1 1 . ; : m j ROMANCE vVT K U A K I N b - V Z. Evefya KNAPP O Ac Till X CS' 20 5P3I. 'CY KEKDALl ON BCREEX O "FRANKIE AND JOICWIE" EETTEP. PICTURES PERFECT SOUND TODAY ONLY! j U LISii ftnDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT 11:15 "SEVEN SINNERS" UOQ TO nr-N -"v fi nr n rra Jn Seven Sinners we are sincere in telling you that we believe we have the ' best and funniest mystery comedy ever produced! . . . Not an or dinary, cheap murder picture ... but an out standing:, intelligent pro duction. The Management GARWIER 1 Master Psychologist Gamier lie Will Amaj Not a Koi Fort an e TeUerl . . I'M" r rt r n . a A h at i tt WvtiJ v V V S X. : f m f i m m n