The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Blornin?, September 22, 193t PAGE NINE the Ads. IE, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six insertions per line 30ft One month per lino ..1.00 Mialmum charge 25fl Copy for this pagre accepted until ( :38 the evening- before publication for classification. Copy received after this time win be run under tha heading, "Too Late to Clas sify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in Us columns, and In cases Where this paper ts at fault will re print that part of an advertisement la which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject Questionable advertising It further reserves the right" to place all advertising under the proper classification. - - j . Hop Pickers I HOP PICKKilS Our trucks will leave for the Roberts hop yards from corner Commercial and State a. m., Commercial and Miller. C:10 a. m. Help WantecT EXP. DISHWASHER.: State Cafe. WANTED BEAN pickers at once. J. T. Slattum, Hazel Green. PRUNE PICKERS and shakers wanted. One mile west of Kelzer achoolhouse. Big crop, easy picking. Keiser Bottom prune ranch. Louis ia,cbmunu. j Help Wanted Male MAN, STEADY, good 4ay. Apply at once between 7 and 9 p. in. Tel. 75S2. MAN, RELIABLE to become an automobile and accident claim adjust er In your territory. Insurance ex perience unnecessary. . No selling. Write Associated Adjusters, box 664A, Milwaukee, Wise Help Wanted Female i KLDERLY LADY for light duties in exchange for rra. and board. Tel. 8221. Help Wanted Female j "WANTED ; SALESLADY for house wares store. Must state previous ex perience and furnish references. Box 773. co Statesman. WANTED: EXPERIENCED woman to demonstrate electric- ironers. Geo. K. Allen Ildwe.. 236 N. Commercial. WORKING MOTHER wants de pendable woman , for light services. Permanent, place. Some wages. Box 781.- Statesman. ' . GIRL FOR housework. Inquire 693 N Liberty. Tel. 6359. WANT GIRL for general house work. Small family. No washing. Tel. 3F3. WOMAN FOR housework. TeL 3634. Situations Wanted ' EXP. DRESSMAKER 694 N. Lib Annette Smith. ,, ! lMMWlVWWVMVWWm CARE FOR children, eve. Tel. 3360. HAULING DIRT gravel. wood. TeL 6547. - For Sale-Miscellaneous f WE BUI sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market, 110 N. Summer. In Holly wood. Phone 6-1-1-0. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters -sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate prices Roen Typewriter Exc, 420 Court. . GRAPES. TEL. 6294. CHOICE PEPPERS 60c bu. Concord grapes for Jelly, 2c lb. del. Ph. 77F2. JELLY GRAPES, blue, white and pink. Call Jay Morris. Phone 8637. REAL CONCORDS and "sweetVi ter grapes. Stoddard. 1 miles on Wallace road. TeL 56FI3. WOOD RANGES, heaters. 590 Union. LARGE SIZE baby bed and studio couch. 862 State street. Tel. 7044. TRAILER, A-l'condL. 1165 N. 19th. IMPROVED CONCORD grapes and prunes. 1V4 miles on Wallace road. Box 181. I-EW NICE fall pears at 40c box. Right In town. 765 Rural Ave. Ph. 8854. Auction Sale COWS and SHEEP I will sell at public auction on my farm. 6 miles north and 1 mile east of Rfckreall In Polk county on the Oalt Grove-Bethel road, one mile south of the Bethel school on Thursday, Sept. 24, commencing ; at 10 a. m. 17 bead of cattle 175 head of sheep 2 brood sows and pigs 3 work horses , 273 sacks of oats 20 ton of baled hay Full set of farm equipment and small tools. ' ' Owner, F. N. ARXOTT. Auctioneer, BEN T. SCDTELL. , 'Clerk. ' ED C DUNN. GOOD HEATING stove. TeL 66F1L SIMPLEX ELEC Ironer. TeL 4SSL ------i - -- i- "i"i"iiH-iWWOTrVUAJi BABY BED, wicker stroller and nursery chair. 634 N. 15th. COTTON SACKS, unbleached. 60c per dos. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. SACKED POULTRY fertilizer, straight or with peet moss. Also with straw. TeL 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. CONCORD GRAPES delivered. Ph. 4388. GRAPES 2c LB. at King's. Bring containers, 4 ml. north of Four Cor ners. i Ox ADVERTISING Western Adrertislng Cow Ltd. ' Sea Praaciaae, Lee Aageles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Branson, lae, " Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta Knttrtd mt lae Peatofftce et Celem. Oregon, es feeoad-Class Uatter. P lished every morning tsoejH if e4ay KnafeeM offiem. 315 South Commercial rreet :' ., , - : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mat! Subscription Rates, la Advance. Within Oregon : Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. 6 cents : 1 Mo. 31.25 : f Mo. 32.36 ; 1 year 84.00. elsewhere 60 cents pet Hck, or $5.00 for 1 year In advance. Pet Copy 3 cents. News Stands S cents. By City Carrier: 45 cents a month. ti.01 a year in ajraneaj. ' For Sale Miscellaneous . 4 WHITE PIGS. 8 wks., C ea. Hugh Harris. R. 4, Bx. 361, Salem. oeefcO v(-(-w-w-t-w-wJiJJ--tt WOOB RANGE with coil. Nickel base and trim. 710 N. High St " " " ' " -! 1 ii-ii . 1 Li LrtJj-lj Ll-l NICE FALL pears right in town. You pick them, 25 ots. box. Ready picked 40 cts. box. 765 Rural avenue. Phone 8854. r Trade Miscellaneous ( WANT TO TRADE bicycle for 2 cords wood. 201 S. CommerclaL Wanted Miscellaneous j WANTED GOOD used wood range. State price, condition. Must be bar gain. Call 3169. ask for Gorman. WAT.K'TTT IIP" AT nr niiHiti In shelL any quantity. State Cafeteria. WOODRY THE auettoneer pays cash or trade for used furniture or what have you 7 Ph. 5-1-1-0. Free We pick up Oca a and worth less horses, cows, sheep TeL 4869. WANTED TO buy old or useless horses and , cows, Fiulay Fox Farm, collect. I OLD BUILDINGS wanted. 20th tlAL aosjjj3 ix eJo -uosaajjaf Century Wrecking Co.. 411 Front. WANTED 16 " FIR wood In ex change for clothing. G. W. Johnson Co., 460 State, j j Miscellaneous li COLD STORAGE lockers. Ramage's. 810 N. Liberty. Phone 8751. RELIABLE, DEPENDABLE men. now employed, who desire to better themselves by training spare time or evenings for electric refrigeration and air conditioning industries. -Must be mechanically Inclined. Write. Utilities Eng. Inst., box 780, care Statesman. l Wantetl Furniture CASH PAIIJ FOR TOUR TOOLS Stoves, Furniture Capital Hardware Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial. Phone 7846. For Rent Rooms ROOMS. IZtO State street. FURS. SLEEPING rm. 07 N. 19th. ROOM NEAR school, 2205 N. Fifth. ROOMS'. I.AIHKS. 6H6 N. Collage ROOM FOR teacher. Tel. 5136. Room and Board ROOM. BOARD. TeL 3634. 234 N. CHURCH. Tel. 5183. ROOM. BOARD. 543 S. Commercial. RM., BD. for lady. 841 N. Cottage. For KentApartments j MOD. FURN. apt. Adults. 643 Union. 3-RM. FURN. apt.. 820. 1396 N. 4th. 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment Heat and water, $35. Van Orsdel apartments, illlO N. Capitol street. 3-RM. FURNISHED apt. Garage, heat, light, water, 823. 355 N. CapitoL 2-RM. APT.. $12.50. 315 HazeL 2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Adult. 510 Judson. 2 ONE ROOM apts.. nicely furnished. near Bush scltooL 1118 Oak St TeL 5S34. i 3 R. UN FURN. apt 660 Union. NICELY FURN. 2 R. apt Private bath. Adults. 666 S. Summer. For Rent Houses CLEAR, COMFORTABLE furnished house with gaTage. Couple only, no children. $35, 837 N. CoiunierciaL 4-ROOM FURNISHED house, $25. Inquire 162ft Ferry street Upstairs. 6-RM. MOD. house, partly furn. 1 block from Grant school, 835. TeL 3723. Melrin ! Johnson. 7 ROOM HOUSE, Tel. 5204. 5 R. STRICTLY mod. 5S5 S. 12th. For Rent HorpllaJ tx-d and wheelchairs to nt. II, I. Stiff Furniture Co. 1kAAe"aeiAels'eeeAAAfMWMWMVW Office rooms for rent 381 State St feL 3713. I Wanted to Rent PLACE FOR chickens and cow or cows and sheep. Box 773, Statesman. WANT 20 to 50 A. by Oct 1. Cash rent Box 784, co Statesman. WANT SMALL unfurn. house or apt Adults. Box 786, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate"""! Homes. Grant 629 Court TeL 7723. -- -- - I,-.-,,-! i-n-mAAji ATTRACTIVE HOME, overlooking Salem. 6 -room modern house, garage, chicken coops. 3 A. best fruit $3500. 166 N. 21st TeL 4034. owner. FOR SALE Near grade, junior and high school, neat 5-room. bungalow, newly painted and decorated. Nice east front lot with abundance of choice shrubs. Price for quick sale only $3,500 terms to suit buyer. Place carries $2,200 HOLC loan. Immediate possession. Call Mrs. Ellis, with i CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708 THREE WONDERFUL BUYS IN SALEM HOMES 5-room cottage on paved street Large corner lot with shade trees. Distant owner says sell for 81.100, Part cash, balance terms. To close an estate, must sell our home. 2 -story 8-room residence with basement. 2 nice lots with fruit and shade trees. Both streets paved and paid. Price only $2,100 worth double. Immediate i possession of a re possessed home. Neat 5-room house on choice east j front lot Price only $1,500; $300' cash, balance like rent To buy your home see CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone (70S APPFfi WAT P iPPPC fmlf Kaha. On mil out. Phone 4745, GOOD. . 7 -ROOM house, full base ment Fruit. ; nut and shade trees, shrubs and berries. 6 . lota Sell all or part Not on Sunday. J. B. Moorman, 2580 Laurel Ave. 6-RM. MOD. house. Full mice S3250 : $300 cash, balance $20 per month. 6-rm. house. Full price $3000; $250 down. $20 per . months 6- rm. house in N. Salem. Price 82500; $200 down. -$20 per month. 7- rm. house. Full price $1400; $400 down, balance $12.50 per month, in terest Included. F. It WEIR, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8J02. 1 A. BUILDING SITE. Close In on pavement $650. terms. $500 down. 7 A. good solL Some nice timber.. 6 R. house, close In. $2500. $500 down. New strictly mod. bouse, 6 R. down Stairs, upstairs partly finished. $3500 ; some terms. I Chas. V- Lebold I. J. Crittenden Z6S3 Portland Road Phone 6143. 1 For Sale Real Estate 4 R. NICELY FT7RNISHED modern house in North Salem, email payment down. Price S3200, phone 5580. : IF YOUR troubles are real estate, see Shields for best buys. H. C Shields. Oreg. Bids. TeL 8902. Exchange Real Estate FARMS FOR CITY We have two of the best farms In the Lake LabUh district excellent soil. Can be bed stocked and equipped. Owner will accept good Salem resi dence or income property. Also. . 103 acres, two barns, lovely mod ern home. Nearly all under plow. Abundance of fruit and nuts. Located on highway 09E just south of Wood burn. Excellent site for camp ground and service station. 916,000 takes alL Will accept residence In Salem to 15,000. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street t Phone 6703 EXCHANGE 8-acre tract . located on ' highway close to Salem. Will trade and pay difference for good property In Salem. Also neat 5-room modern house well located In S. Salem. Corner lot with room for another house. Price 83,500. Will accept small tract in exchange. Call Mrs. Ellis, with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone C708 PORTLAND HOME for small acre- ( age In Salem or home with large lot. Call 6341. TRADE Modern house with 3 apt a. 3 gara- ges. Corner lot 150x137. Income 380 per month win trade for smaller moa- 5 ern house. , TeL 3031 s I For Sale Farms f ( FOR SALE Mountain stock ranchj ' 160 acres, about 35 in alfalfa, grain, j corn, spuds. Under irrigation, free j water. No limit to outside range for 'cattle. Trout stream, Tarue ranch. New ' house, 2 barns, other out buildings, 25 tons hay, machinery, 10 head cattle,, family orchard, berries, Rood free soil. Good Investment No trades. Price $5500; cash, balance terms. Fred Rcinhart, Anchor. Oregon. BUY COUNTRY HOME 1 acre, good 5-room house, bath, toilet, electric lights and plumbing system. Grapes, berries and 23 bear ing filberts. Price $2750. Give terms. 5 acres, good buildings, fine soil, 500 chickens, hay and Implements. Price $2750; $1000 down. 2i miles out " Here Is a snap $500 down buys a good 40-acre ranch (north) all In cultivation, 5-room bouse, barn, P. H., silo. A good place. Price $4000. 1 30 acres, all good river bottom soil. Raises vegetables, alfalfa, onions. A good Irrigation plant. Modern home and bam. .Also tenant house. Priced right. 45 acres, stocked and equipped, fair buildings with silo, good black soil. 7 cows, 4 heifers, team. Implements and crop also goes. 1S7 acres, fine stock farm, fair Im provements, two good barns. 600,000 feet fir timber, running water, fenced and cross fenced. $3000 will handle or will trade for city property or small ploce. See JAS. D. SEARS-CHAS. SANDERS 118 S. High St Phone 6131 SMALL TRACT of land, N. of town. Full price $350. Pay interest for 1 yr., then $15- per mo., interest included, until paid out - 1 A. " adjoining city limits, large chicken house, 100 by- 30. -No payment down, Interest for 1 yr., then monthly payments until paid out 24 A. for rent F. H. WEIR, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902. TIMBER OLD fir, 37 A., 4000 cords 16 miles from Salem, good road. Price $1650. Give some terms. Phone 5580. 30 A. farm. 7 R. house and barn, 14 A. river bottom. Between Salem and Silverton. Price $4500 some terms Phone 6580. Acreage 10 A. RIVER BOTTOM, with gro cery store and living quarters 6 miles from Salem $3700. A real buy. Phone anytime 5580. r ACREAGE t A. EXCELLENT SOIL, 3-rm. house, barn, chicken house, close In $1650; $600 down. 4 A., 5 mL from Salem. Good road, good well, family orchard, 4-rm. plas tered house, electricity, barn, garage, chicken house $2100 ; $300 down. Will trade for acreage close to state hos pital. - 10 A., good soil, electric water sys tem, 60 fruit trees, 6-rm. ceiled house, barn, garage, poultry house' for 200 $2500 ; $750 down. Terms. 33 A. Willamette soil, 6-rm. plastered house, electric lights, barn, chicken house, 6 cows $3400 federal loan; $6000. 35 A., 25 mL from Salem. Log cabin, stream, 500 cords wood $1000. 50 A., 30 A. cultivated, good soil, family orchard. Some stock and equip ment $5000. Terms. Trade for small clear acreaee. 184 A.. 25 A. cultivated, 150 A. tim ber. Spring water, piped. Creek, fam ily orchard, ceiled house, barn, chicken house $3600; federal loan $1000. Near coast i i ' For other good buys see R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol St j Wanted Real Estate HAVE BUYER for home, 81500. 5 or 6 rooms $400 cash. Melrin Johnson. TeL 8723. Business Opportunities GROCERY, MKT. for sale. Price $2000; $1000 will handle. Choice loca tion, doing good business. Box 785, Statesman. AN OPPORTUNITY to earn $150 per mo. or better. Well located subur ban store. Address Box 787, States man. ".-; GROCERY STOCK and fixtures priced to sell at sacrifice if taken at once. : . " AUTO CAMP, service station and store a fine camp at the right price $9500. I Money to Loan 3300 oir Less On Your Own Signature All Types of Loans i Aad Auto Refinancing You Must be Satisfied Phone . 3740 Beneficial Loan Society Rooia 119 Kw Bligh BUg. 2nd Floer 51$ Stat St Salem. Ore. License S-122-M 105 BKNJAMIS FRANK!. .N federal money Ne commission. Te build, modernise and refinance. See Detanr, 290 N. Church. ,, -:. s ; - -ii-ii-i-ii-in nrLru-L PR1VATB IXANS ror automobiles New low rales. Roy H. Simmons. First National Bank Bldg. Lie, 4-153. I For Sale Used Cars Otto J. Wilson Says Every Used Car Must Be Sold at Once - and Here is What We are Willing to Do: WE ARE PUTTING OUR PRICES DOWN' TO ROCK BOTTOM AND WILL INCREASE THEM $5 PER DAY FOR SEVEN DAYS UNTIL THEY ARE BACK TO THE NORMAL ASKING PRICE 1935 Bulck Touring Sedan. Formerly 1935 Pontiae DeLuxe Sedan. 1935 Ford DeLuxe Tudor. 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan. , 1931 Bulck e-wheel Sedan. 1931 Buick 6-wheeI Sedan. 1910 Chrysler 77 Sedan. 1929 Nash Coupe, ' - " 1930 Packard Sedan. " REMEMBER These Prices are for QUICK SALE ONLY, and every day you wait they go up $ each. . . . For better deals on high grade Used Cars I ; HE Otto Ji BUICK and PONTIAC Sales and Service 383 N. Commercial Cleao-op Sale Last Two Cars We Have 1935-PLTMOUTH 4-DOOR DeLUXE SEDAN, a real beautiful car, that has been selling readily for $675.00 to $695.00; prlcetHto sell today for $595.00 1931-BUICK 5-PASS. 4-DOOR SEDAN finish and upholstery fine condition, a fine sturdy car At a low price today's price only , $xts no ; Bay Co. FORMERLY High A Chemeketa For SaleUsed Cars Quality Used Cars 1S35 Plymouth deluxe 4-door tour ing sedan. Low mileage, new - car guarantee $830 1933 DeSoto custom 4-door sedan. New rubber. An exception-" al car . $395 1933 Chevrolet 4-door sedan. Mo tor reconditioned .$165 1933 Plymouth deluxe business coupe. Free wheeling, low mileage $450 1930 Oakland 4-door deluxe se dan. Low mileage $300 1929 Chevrolet 2-door sedan $235 1929 Ford 2-door sedan . ,.$1 1927 Chevrolet 2-door sedan -i $ 85 1927 Pontiae 2-door sedan. Low mileage. Look uus over i i 1928 Chevrolet 2-door sedan Sl TERMS . . . TRADES : W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSoto Plymouth Motor Cars 260 Marion Phone 7703 -. Salem LINCOLN ZEPHYR, 1926. Almost new.. Columbia overdrive, radio, heat er. Sacrifice. Tel. 7532. '31 CHEW COACH. A-l condition. $295.00. Greenwood Corner, $ mL west of Salem. Lugene Lwen. Money to Loan By aa Independent ani-rn Finance Co Amounts to $1500.00 One la -Twenty Months to Repay Deal with an independent Salem owned-and-ope rated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan is made. No Delays - - - No Red Tape -' General Finance Corn. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 9168. Licensed. S-I2S be Stat Federal bousing loans title 3. -build or refinance homes or business prop. low ratea A Drams El I la Masonic a essSaMMsaMisssaaaasM MONTHLY PAYMENT loans on Sa lem homes at better than FHA rates. Salem Federal Savings A Loan Assn. 130 South Liberty street Loans Wanted Loans wanted on rarm an city property. Before borrowing, inqvire at HnwkTM Roberta PRIVATE LOAN 31500. Close In property. Box 778, Statesman. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 1 Romy buck, 1 Shrop buck. L. Town send. Mission Bottom. ABOUT 50 White Leghorn hens. 60c each. Thos. Little, rt 1, box 6, Turner, Ore. For Sale Wood GUARANTEED DRT wood al TeL 5000. Salem Fuel Co Trade1 Cottage, ALL KINDS of wood. TeL 6616. WOOD. Ph. 48F14. Smith A Rubens. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWG. Reas'able. TeL 372. J. H. BOENING. Phone $633. Lost and Found LOST RED Persian female cat. An swers to whistle. Reward. TeL 3532. LOST COIN purse. Reward. Marie Toungberg, Shaw, Ore. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR ; Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State ot ! Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Adminis trator of the estate of R. L. Mor ton, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such adminis trator; all persons haying claims against the estate of said dece dent are hereby notified to pre sent the) same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C Gloyer, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st day of September, 1936. CAMPBELL. C MORTON, Administrator of the Estate of R. 14 Morton, Deceased. RONALD a GLOVER, Attorney for Administrator, -Salem, Oregon. v 8.1-8-15-21-29. Vacation Is Enjoyed In Trip Along Coast MONMOUTH, Sept.! 21-Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Derby enjoyed a vacation in the coast area this week, turning west at Drain, fol lowing that excellent highway to SeotUburg, and on to North Bend, Marsbfield, Coquille and Bandon. Returning they followed the Siu slaw into Mapleton where - they hare relatiyes; then back to the coast and on north to Otis to see all the new highway bridges. They consider It one of the most scenic trips In the northwest. 1 For Sale Used Cars advertised at $795 Today $76$. " " $765 Today $730 - $595 Today $560 - " $585 Today $550 " . ' $395 Today $360 " " $385 Today $340 " $363 Today $330 " " $285 Today $J$$ " $365 Today $330 Wilson Phone 6451 Salem, Ore. DA.Y A NILES TeL 6195. County Schools Will Show Gains Although no figures are yet available all reports received to date indicate that the cornnty school registration .will be far In excess of last year, it was stated at the county school superintend ent's office yesterday. Practically all of the schools were getting un der way yesterday.. Some have been going for a week and there will be some stragglers that will not get started until next Mon day. j The schools that are late in starting are held up to allow the students and ' their families to work, in toe harvesting of hops and prunes. Relief Payments Run Over Million Relief payments cleared through the state treasurer's de partment during June, July and August, aggregated ?1, 224, 549. 52 according to a financial state ment prepared by Ruf us C. Hol man, state treasurer, i Payments for J n n e totalled $425,248.78 and for July $404. 557.91. The August payments were $394,742.85. I Payments included those for blind assistance, old age assist ance, state and federal assistance, county public assistance and state emergency relief administration. Two Dahl Boys Enter Oregon State College; Kenneth Is Freshman 1 ABIQUA, Sept. 21. Frits Dahl and Kenneth Dahl will both at tend Oregon State college this autumn. Fritz is entering his junior year and will serve as pledge chairman for the Phi Kap pa Tan frternity the opening week. . Kenneth will enter as a fresh man. He has been spending the past six weeks attending fairs throughout the northwest assist ing with stock, exhibits for show men. Business Cards In this directory run on m monthly basis .only. Rate: 1 per line per month. Auto Brakes Ifiks Panek. 27V South CommerclaL Chimney Sweep 1 TELEPHONB 4158. B. B. Northness. Chiropractors DR. O. I SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. Z5 N. High. TeL Res, S752. Electrical Service j BOSLER Electric. 34C fitala St, Wlr taC motors, appllaac. repairs, service. Excavating Excavattac of aU kinds. Basements doc. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt Cor ale. Salem Sand and Gravel Ce. Phone . - Florists Breithaupfs. 44T Court. ALL kinds of floral work, Lots. Fler lsC127t X. Liberty. TeL I5M. Furs See DuBala for finest work. Km. J, Miller Bide Ph. CMS. . . Insurance S. E. TONSKTH District Aeat National Lira of Vermont. Phone SSJO. Commercial EC f Laundries THE NEW . SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DEB LAUNDRT !C3 a High TeL tlJS CAPITAL CTTT LAUNDRY First Id Quality and Service Telephone 21i . . I24 Broadway Lawn Mowers Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. 421C Harry W. Scot. 147 8 Com'L t For Salis Used Cars Always a Better Used MkKB.w 27 Chevrolet Sedan 29 Pontiae Sedan 29 Hudson Sedan 33 Ford V-8 Coupe ... 33 Dodge Sedan ... ... 35 Chevrolet Totvn Sedan . 35 Chevrolet Sport Sedan ... 35 Graham Sedan ........ GENEROUS TRADES - WRITTEN GUARANTEES LOW GMAlC. TERMS - BETTER CARS McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center. I Rhone 3189 430 N. Com' I "It Canlt Happen Here" By SINCLAIR LEWIS (Continued from P$ge 4) I j Perefixe and silvery old Falck of ten worked together, rere fond of each other, and agreed upon the advantages of clerical celibacy and almost every other doctrine except the supremacy of the Bish op of Rome. With them "were Buck Titus, Louis Rostenstern, Dr. Fow ler Greenhill, and Banker Crow ley, a financier who liked to cul-S tivate an appearance of free in tellectual discussion, though only after the hours devoted to refus ing credit to desperate farmers and storekeepers. ' Fooiist the Dor Better than" his own glacial white-paneled drawing irooni was Its portrait of dead Vermont wor thies. Doremus liked Father Per efixe's little study, and jts combin ation of churehliness, of freedom from Commerce (at least ordinary' Commerce), as displayed in a cru cifix and a plaster statuette of the Virgin and a shrieking red-and-green Italian picture of: the Pope, with practical affairs, as shown in the oak roll-top desk and steel fil ing cabinet and well-vrorn port able typewriter. It was a pious hermit's cave with the advantages of leather chairs and excellent rye highballs. j The night passed as the eight of them (for Foolish, tod, had his tfpple of milk) all sipped and lis tened; the night passed as the convention' balloted, furiously, un availingly . . . that congress six hundred miles away, six hundred miles of befogged nighj, yet with every speech, every derisive yelp, coming into the priest's cabinet in the same second in which they were heard in the halt at Cleve land, i Father Perefixe's housekeeper (who was 65 years old to his 39, to the disappointment fjof all the scandal-loving local Protestants) came in with scrambled! eggs, cold beer. I Colonel Dewey Haik, Buzz's pro poser, was announcing that Sena tor Windrip felt it would be only modest ot him to go to his hotel now, but he had left a letter which he, Hailk, would read! And he did read it, inexorably. i .Windrip stated that, just in case anyone did not Completely understand his platform! he want ed to make It all ringingly clear. Summarized, the letter. explain ed that he was all against the banks but all for the hankers except the Jewish bankers; who were to be driven out f finance entirely, that he had thoroughly tested (but unsuspeoified) plans to make all wages very! high and Directory Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4065. SALEM FLUFF-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, siz ing; fluff run weaving. 8. ISth A Wil bur. TeL I44L OTTO F. ZW1CKER. Est. 151L - I i Mirrors I Mirrors resUvered. 807 N. tth,! r Musie Stores GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud tea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 422 Stat streets Salem, e Photo Engraving s Salem photo engraving, 14 N. Com mercial TeL 111. i I Printing I FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, tit & CommerclaL Tele phone 3101. a . j Sewing Machine Repairs a E. Leatherman. T IC7S. 1111 Waller. Stoves We repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, cblcken wire. Salem Fence and Store W6rkst 212 Chemeketa. TeL 477s. R. B. Fleming. g -- Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 2111, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. I Ramsey er truck service. Phone 2J54. CAPITAL CITY Transferii Co. 15 State St- TeL 7TS. Distributing, for warding and itoiase our specialty. Get our rate.' i - r- Well Drilling ft. A. West, Rt , Bos 445. TeL 10rS. tl For Sale Used Cars j Car for Less Money at $95 .....$ 95 .....$245 .$375 .........$545 ...$645 $695 ...$695 the prices of everything produced by these same highly paid, work ers very low; that he was 100 per cent for Labor, but 100 per cent against all strikes; and that he was in favor of the United States so arming itself, so preparing to produce its own coffee, sugar, per fumes, tweeds, and nickel instead of importing them, that it. could defy the World . . . add maybe. If that World was so impertinent as to defy America In turn, Bnrz hinted, he might have to take it over and run it properly. Each moment "the brassy im portunities of the radio seemed to Doremus the more offensive, while the hillside slept in the heavy summer night, and he thought about the mazurka of the fireflies, the rhythm of crickets like the rhythm of the revolving earth it self, the voluptuous breezes that bore away the stink of cigars and sweat and whisky breaths and mint chewing-gum that seemed to come to them from the convention over the sound waves, along with the oratory. It was after dawn.; and Father Perefixe (unclerically stripped to shirt - sleeves and slippers) had just brought them .in a grateful tray of onion soup, with a gob of Hamburg steak for Foolish, when the opposition to Buzz collapsed and hastily, on the next ballot. Senator Berzelius Windrip was nominated as Democratic Candl- 95 OC Oir 9 2TC bZ 9Z oz Ol By EUGENE HORIZONTAL 1 Possesses 4 Satisfied 0 Cruxc 12 Be indebted to IS Place of assembly 14 Recline 15 Bolt ; 16 Who plays the rele af Mercuti ia the motion picture and Juliet"! 18 Scent 20 Greek letter 21 Spar used as a eras 23 Spectral 27 Eager 28 Jeer at 29 Abort 30 By war of 31 Greek letter 32 Evergreen tree) 33 Exists 34 Where is th Lnxesaonarg Gar- - den 7 35 Narrow read 3S What aa f David third kimc of Israel? 38 Masculine name 23 Whit linen vestment 40 Illusion ia Hinduism 41 Two Southern states considered together 45 Immerse) 48 Utilize . 4 Escape 50 Air henp 61 Dance stew 52 Wise men 53 Affirmative rote VERTICAL. 1 Jomp on one foot 2 Inspire with fear 3 Province of Spain 4 Wooden shoe 5 Edible substance from sea - weeds - - 6 Jagged cliff 7 Make a mistake - 8 What town ia Florida Is noted for n Booth beach oa which smoter race are held? Beach v v : 9 Treat with contempt 10 Ventilate Cross Word Puzzle 1 I date for President of the United States. e e e Doremus, Buck Titus, Perefixe, and Falck were for a time too gloomy for speech. R. C. Crowley gloated. "Well, all my life I've-voted Republican, but here's a man that well, I'm going to vote for Windrip!" Father Perefixe said tartly, "And I've voted Democratic ever since I came from Canada and got naturalized, but this time I'm going to vote Republican. What about you felllowsT" Rostenstern was silent. He did not like Windrip'g reference to Jews. The ones he knew best no, . they were Americans! Lincoln was his tribal god too. ha vowed. "Me? I'll vote for Walt Trow bridge, ot course," growled Buck. "So will I," said Doremus. "No! I won't either! Trowbridge won't have a chance. I think I'll indulge In the luxury of being indepen dent, for once, and vote Prohibi tion or the Battle-Creek Bran-and-Spinach ticket, or anything that makes some sense!" (To Be Continued) Church Wedcling Held at Dayton DAYTON. Sept. 21. The Day ton Methodist church was the scene of an Impressive ceremony Wednesday night at 8 o'clock when Miss Winona Nickerson, daughter of Mrs. Lee Martin. 'be came the bride of Alvin. Brostrom of Eugene. Rev. Earl Ladd of Eugene officiated. The bride wore a princess gown -of white satin and lace with long train and a veil of lace and car ried a shower bouquet of pink and white rosebuds. Mrs. Albert Snyder of Hubbard, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Mrs. Leon Blanchard and Miss Sarah Nickerson were brides maids. Eleanor Brostrom. sister of the groom and Phyllis Snyder, niece of the bride, both dressed in green organdy, were ring bearer and flower girl. Robert Sawyer, of Eugene, was best man. Leon Blanchard and Norman Brostrom were ushers. Preceding the ceremony, Byron Willard of Eugene sang "Because" and "At( Dawning." Mrs. John Shippy played the accompani ments and the wedding marches. A reception at the church for members of the-bridal party and relatives followed. Mrs. Brostrom has for more than five years been a clerk at Shippy and Filers store in Dayton. Mr. Brostrom is a student pastor at Eugene. Their home will be at Eugene where they will attend bib,le school. Anderson Club Speaker SILVERTON, Sept. 21 Ralph Anderson, district organizer from Portland, will be the featured speaker .Tuesday night at the reg ular meeting of the Townsend club to be held at the Knights of Pythias hall. . 1G b I XT bQ 90. 'A QZ 3 LZ ZZ IZ v. ti 91 si 1 z 2 SHEFFER 11 River in England 17 Pole sustaining sails 19 Made 21 Whn was elected president ef - the Confederacy in I So IT 22 Dispatch boat 23 Street Arab 24 Sings without words 25 What artist naiated m famous fresco in the Brera, Milaa? Bernardino 25 In what town near Braf Bel fiuso, were three important battles nf the World War ' feoehtr 28 Tropical plant 21 Plays games of chance 32 Who Faid the foundation, ef modern electrical, scieace? 34 Game played on horseback 35 Who played opposite William Powell in "The Thin Man"? 37 Italian household gods 28 Foundations 40 Constructed 41 Drinking vessel 42 Masculine name 43 The yellow bugle 44 Old horse - 45 Frown water 47 Seed of a well-known vine Herewith ( h ant nHnw f n vatw day's pnzxie. CterrtsBt let. Kiat fetes bji a , let l2 IS s s L2 mm '4 5-ts AP)AjCE , jg-Cpl'riAQTjS DiE EPk;OR'l IE "X hVV. ' T aAWtfqtgtsT(AplN)T 01qTiEbWEMT3-iEjRTlf u o p e RC&Hr orArri t n