The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1936, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 18, 1936
PAGE uracz
Health Officers Sleet
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 17.-P)-Dt.
Frederick D. Strieker,
secretary of the state board of
health, called a meeting of the
state's health officers today for
October 6 and 7 In Portland.
Lose Unsightly
QuicMy Safely
Drugless Preparation for
Scientific Weight Reducing
compound of pure
vegetable matter.
tains no danger
ous drugs of any
kind no dinitro
phenol no salts
or other harmful
laxatives. There
Is absolutely nothing in WATE-OFP
that can do you the slightest harm.
Many users report that after taking
WATE-OFP for just a short time
they actually feel better than they
have in years. Yet. WATE-OFP
makes it possible for overweight
women, ana men too, to take oC five
pounds a week, or even more, with
out strenuous exercii'jig and without
starvation diets. In fact, as you take
on weight with WATE-OFP, you not
only LOOK better but you actually
FEEL better.
The instructions say: Take WATE
OFP before meals, 3 or 4 tablets a
day, then eat your hearty fill. Users
tay: "Results are simply amazing."
Unsightly flesh frequently melts
away like magic and, without caus
ing the skin to sag or wrinkle as so
frequently happens .with fast-acting
but dangerous drug reducers. .
You have seen WATE-OFP adver
tised in Pictorial Review, Physical
Culture and other leading magazines
at 2.45, Here now is your oppor
tunity to purchase this same fine
preparation for only $1.19, with our
guarantee that if you're not satisfied
with results you may return the
empty carton and we will return
your money. 4 1 Q
2 wetks treatment!
Sage of Salem
On Sale at
Toiletry and Remedy Shop
170 X. Liberty
Romantic Episode
She was a girl of Salem,
He was a boy of Linn,
And love notes oft mailed 'em,
Each day one out, one in.
And when they were together.
As sometimes chanced to be,
The love they breathed between
:: 'em J ; - ..- :i '
Was what's termed ecstasy.
They though! so. and it looked so,
But 'twasn't so not quite.
For on some simple matter
They disagreed one night, i
: J ! ! ' :
And he was big and forceful,
While she was small and meek.
So by the rules of cavemen,
He roughly slapped her cheek.
The system works for Gable,
If pictures tell the truth,
But this time 'twas disastrous
To the big and forceful youth.
His face next day bore scratches,
A limp was in his gait,
Plainly an ear showed marks
An lumps adorned his pate.
- r
Find the moral for yourself,
If you for morals care; ;
It may be difficult to find.
But I'm quite sure 'tis there.
I saw en: the street today a
gentleman whose shirt-tail was
half out behind. This man is, I
think, a later edition of a boy
whose shirt-tail crept furtively out
behind him at times and caused
laughter amongst his little school
mates. A good, kid, he was. I
recall that boys whose shirt-tails
were frequently out almost invar
iably possessed pleasingly care
less and democratic natures.
I have chanced recently to
glance through a small book, the
title of which is "Muscular Devel
opment; How Attained". Among
the exercises listed in the book,
operating a typewriter with one
finger seems to have been omitted.
When a person is in the mood
for marveling, and most of us
are subject to such moods, he may
well marvel at the frequency with
which the safety-razor blade reg
isters in ell departments of our
national life. More particularly
the used blade, the number of
which " probably runs into i mil
lions annually. I would not care
to guess the number of millions.
Tastes in statistical millions vary
greatly. In a matter of this kind,
each may determine a figure that
appeals to hkn, and let it go at
that without danger of stirring up
disagreeable . controversy, i Per
sonally,. I have a preference for
totals of medium magnitude. Oth
ers go in for the tremendous.
Still other sniff scornfully at any
thing which totals beyond human
comprehension, and like best
something in the hundreds. ,
Somewhat oddly, the mention of
safety-razor blades reminds me of
a day on Olinger .field,, when the
tents of -the - Ringling Brothers
Barnum & Bailey circus were
spread there. I was at the time
owner of a Boston terrier named
"Babe". Before going out to the
show lot that afternoon I had put
"Babe" Into the ; woodshed and
closed the door, but she had em
erged through a hole at the other
end of the wodshed. She had
kept out of sight until the Four
teenth street bridge was reached,
and then, mighty proud of her
self and jumping about frantically
to evidence her joy in being re
united with an old friend after
a painful separation of 10 min
utes, she put In an appearance. 7 1
had serious doubts as to whether
she and the menagerie would get
along together. I decided to
make Bare before going In. So
we went to one side of the men
agerie top and waited. It would
not be long, I was quite certain,
before one or more of the cats
would roar. Presently the roar
came. "Babe" at once emitted a
series of growls and barks and
made a fuss generally. So I de
cided to wait for the night per
formance. We strolled over back
of the dressing tent and for an
hour watched a troupe of acro
bats . rehearsing what I Inferred
to be new stunts. And then, the
acrobats having gone Inside, we
were on the point of leaving when
the side curtain of the annex was
raised and a woman appeared. I
recognized her as the lady who
had handled the monster serpents
In the ballyhoo which preceded
the opening of the big show. She
was evidently out for a bit of
sunshine, a brief change of air and
perhaps a few moments of exer
cise. She came towards us, and
"Babe" went forward to meet
hem. Somewhat to my aston
ishment, the serpent lady took
the dog in her arms and talked
to her. Nobody had ever done
this before, although a number
had attempted it." And- that to
make a 30-minute story last but
a minute or two, was how it came
about that the serpent lady and I
sat on the tongue of a canvas
wagon in the sunshine and
talked. She did most of the talk
ing, and the subject for a time
was largely dogs. Presently,
however, the subject of snakes
was brought up. and I asked her
a question bearing upon the dan
ger of handling reptiles. She re
plied, laughing a little, that there
was almost no danger in handling
the snakes with which she per.
formed. She used two pythons in
her act, she said, both of which
were given treatment to render
them harmless before they were
exhibited. As to the handling of
poisonous snakes, she said she
presumed there was no rule other
than would apply in a general
way to the handling of safety
razor blades. If you have a box
ful of old safety-razor blades you
don't reach in carelessly and take
un a handful. Then she sold me,
for 10 cents, a . photograph of her-
ROOKS F dll Opening
Combined with Sensational Sale of
Additional Clothing and Furnishings from the Dan Bowman
Store, Portland, that was sold for the benefit of creditors!
An announced in the Portland and Salem iiew&naixrs nurtliaMHl bv Brooks under
the -Bulk Sales Law away under its value and we pass the savings along to you.
MEN. YOUNG MEN. .COLLEGE MEN Get These Famous Brands
I I - , - III cc-
U f jf
i i ii j ii
I t II
I J ft 1 1
Michael Stern G.G.G Groshire
Park Row arfd Club Clothes A generous assortment
11 At 1 m w. m m m . m . -
aiioiiea to urooks baiem store irom the Dan
Bowman liquidation purchase. AH nationally-
At . j mm a
Known iamous ior quality and autnentic
Now Combined With
Our Own New
Fall Stocks
i-v .f a- f"
a arm v .t? a. .
- .vv
We have
v cyo0Ce spread the pro-
V fits made In this sen
sational purchase, so as to
reduce our entire clothing stocks.
Men's and Young Men's
Mew Fall II SHacHis
F!rtAf in thp slnreeverv conceivable color
in nw dark natterns for falL Welt Seams, some
.. : v. :.,.-, ii,n nloln citanloc and siiitinor natt flUS. t AND
vt tin. .iHFcls p -j o
Stephen L.
Smart Hats
.95 $.50
& U
Two feature groups in several leading brands. Fine
Broadcloths,1 fused and plain. Soft eollar, solid col
ors ana imux pauen
Latest Sfapes
and Colors
Rayons and Mixtures 25c quality in
new fall colors and patterns. All sizes.
g Cltoice
for ....
of 3
All sizes. VALUES to
S1.65 for 91 .20. Also
llroadeloths a nt Madras.
Values : $125 to $1.49
from the Dan Bowman
fine stocks. Any two
shirts for f 1.75, or. each
-hoi"e at . . . X. ' .
Rain Coats
Dressy Guards Model
Roomy raglan shoulder, full
belted. Finest rain proofed
fabric. dJO if
Each ...... wOXO
Collegiate Jacket
. Parka Zipper
Comes with detachable hood
made of fine rain
proofed fabric ....
Wool Sweaters
Waffle weave, raglan shoul
der, 2 - &y stretch, ribbed
knit back. DeLuxe quality.
Regular $6.50
value ...
New Style Wide Bottom
College Cords
None finer than "Can't Bust
'Em" famous quality. More
swagger and long
er wear for .....
See us and save on all the new
Men, College Men and School
famous staple brands.
Ideas correctly styled for Business
Fellows.' Nationally advertised and
Water repellant and sportsmen's cloth- .
tng (finest in America). Von may order
at sale prices and will get from Dan
Bowman Portland Jiquidation for de
livery here same day.
Silk Ties
Values jto j65o from the
liowmaiu stocks. Choice
: ,,!,;i35c
.. Any 3Ties for f 1.00
Brocks Special
Hand made silk Ties. New
fall styles are here.
Choice each . DDC
Shirts & Shorts
: Fancy and plain fine broad
cloth Shorts and Ribbed
Knit Shirts. OO.
Each .-aC
, 5 Garments for f l.OO
But Mere Fraction of All fixes Fine
: .Merchandise Available on
self with, one of the pythons
draped over her shoulder.
. Also somewhat oddly, the men
tion of lafety-rator blades re
minds me ot Shakespeare. Re
member what old King Lear said
about the thankless child that was
sharper than - a safety - razor
blade? Yeah, I know he said "a
serpent's tooth," bat he didn't
know anything about safety-razor
blades, and a serpent's tooth can
not be any sharper than a safety
razor blade, and, anyway, what's
the difference?-' Every year the
Shakespeare plays move in a bit
more on the moving pictures. We
now . hav "Romeo and Juliet"
coming, with Shearer and Howard
as the 1 leads, and too' we have
Elizabeth Bergner , in "As Ton
Like itl" already booked for pro
duction in October at the State
theatre. I have read no reviews
of the "As You Like It" picture,
but I have seen Bergner and I
have a smattering acquaintance
with the play. It appears to be
a combination which should be
delightfully entertaining. . I un
derstand that the picture will be
shown only twice each day, and
at prices somewhat higher than
customary, daring the Saleih engagement.
On the wall over my desk la a
picture of a girl. Age about 8.
A native of Atlanta. Georgia.
Face sweetly devil-may-care. Hair
worn In a bang. Across the hot.
torn of the picture, written! in
scrawling hand, . "Lovingly; Lit
tle Jane Withers". There- are
some players, not many, whom I
never miis seeing when they ap
pear on the local screen. Jane
Is one of these. On some oc
casions I see her twice. a.s a
matter of fact. I think Hi shall
see her again in, and as, f'Pep
per", in the picture now current
at the Grand. In this film she
is given hilarious support by Irv
Cobb and Slim Summerville,
' Why Mother Nature? Why not
Father Nature? Not much -use in
asking-such questions. We've be
come so accustomed to addressing
Nature as mother, and to not ad
dressing Nature as father that
nothing can change it. Only those
features in Nature that are all
wet are addressed as father, like
the oceans and the rivers. Father
Ocean and the Father! of Waters,
as terms, meet with general ap
proval, especially during a
drouth. Mother Nature does not
do so well when the, wet mem
ber fail to do their part.
Work in Harvesting Is
- - ?
Cause of Postponement
DAYTON, Sept. llf-The Day
ton union high and grade schools
did not open here Monday be
cause i harvesting .of corn and
prunes has not been completed
and many students are still em
ployed and earning good wages.
The opening date was postponed
until September 21.
The Dayton garden; club met in
regular monthly session Monday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Helen McDonald "with good at
tendance of members! Carl Park
er Of Jenning's Lodge spoke on
iris and Tock garden plants and
presented four choice plants to
members of the club;
Plan Joint Installation
For Legion and Auxiliary
At Blount Angel Oct. 20
- - I
UT. ANGEL, Sept. IT. A joint
installation of officers of the Mt.
Angel American Legion and Aux
iliary on October 20 was planned
at the meeting of the Legion
naires in the city hall Tuesday
evening. Present plans are to
Invite the public to the installa
tion ceremonies at which state
or district officials will function.
The annual Legion dance, al
ways a stellar affair in Mt. An
gel, has been set for sometime
in t October, j The definite date
will be announced later.
The Legion will again sponsor
a Thanksgiving turkey shoot. No
plans, aside from the announce
ment that the shoot will be held
in November preceding Thanks
giving, day, have been made as
The meeting of the Auxiliary
was postponed to September 29.
..dMsaMIISsWisnW JMmKttUMmgMtKt
4 Stores-r 935 S. Commercial Court "and Commercial
1 1978 N. Court- Corner 13th and State
. ' . . j -
A Safeway Pre-Inventory Sale is 'always a signal for plenty of
"kneevadtion," because folks just Icome arunning for, the extra
savings ;We offer at such times. Reason, of course, is that just
before Inventory time, there are always odds, and ends and some
over-heavy stocks of items we'd niuch rather sell than carry on
our books. These, we put on sale atj big discounts and you are trie
gainer. Be sure to come early!
Effective Sept. 18, 19, 21,
Friday, Saturday, Monday
Airway, 3 pounds .49c
Dependable, 2 pounds, 45c
Nob Hill, pound 23c
A Blend in These Three
Coffees for Every Taste,
Make Your Washing Easier
With These SOAPS
ii i. I' - r
Prices for Produce Friday; and Saturday ONLY
U. S. No. 2
50-lb. Sack
Lemoriettes i
q I ' - Green
i eppers - For, stuffins
i i
Danish Squash
Sweet Potatoes u' s 2: u fl3
Rinso pS19c
White King or
P. & G. Soap
10 bars . . . 29c
5 bar
3 rolls 14C
PoirEi & Beaon:
Van Camp New Large! Tins ..........
IPfflstt iTToasttiies
While They Last .. .1
Reg. Size
jJIEIML A8sortcd Flavors' pks- g
Rosedale No. 2s Tin
Old Fashion
Molasses Chews
Snowflake Crackers, 2 lb. box 1
Instant Postum
8oz. tinyi)
2 pkgs. ago
Log Cabin -Medium
A Fine Shortening
3-Ib. tin
While It Lasts Good Quality
if MeJtt ID)Giu)ai?ttinm3cail
Tender nd Juicy, lb, .I..........-L-.. -I
17 f
DggC IPtt Ubott
Cut from Young Beef, lb. .
Fine to Bake or Boil, lb. 1.-
To Fry or Stew, pint ; . 1
Lemon Whip, pint I ; ' -
Porter's Macaroni
1 Kleen Pack , ,
2 Cellophane
Delmonte Corn
Tin Zj
Kitchen Brand ' r
A Good Quality
Try Thit Breml. It it the f inert
in the Wen. - ;
: Assorted Cellophane Wrap.
OIL Pen Had
2 gaL can
S1.25 y