PAGE ft IN 2 Fiimd W MM Vbe OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, .Wednesday Morning; September 9, 1936 Waiit haft k V n Glass Ads c. For Sale-Miscellaneous' Statesman 1 1 Vj j WOOD CIRCULATOR heater, oak LtlaSSltiea AOS llbrarr taWe. buffet and well mad ' trailer. 46 Ford St. , . ' BLACK GRAPES. Rt 3. Box 87. Classified Advertising Wallace Road. Turn in at Swift Stock Single insertion per line 10c n , . Three Insertions per llne20c rummage sale Monday, 17$ s. Six Insertions per line 20e Com! New $3.00 sweaters at $1.50. One month per llne -.61.00 ' Minimum charge 25c Wanted Miscellaneous Copy for this pace accepted until -- -- :30 the evening before publication WALNUT MEATS or walnuts la for classification. Copy received shell, any quantity. State Cafeteria, after thle time will bo run under ww-m.m.imii the heading. "Too I ta to Claa- WOODRT THE anctJoneer pays cash If jr." or trade for used furniture or what The Statesman assumes no flnan- . clal responsibility for errors which 1 1. ' r- l.V0-..-,.1 - may appear In advertisements pub- X.Tt.LI1 llshed In Us columns, and In cases j5,.or'.ow,'?,n: .... ? Srint thai rW!t 2rtEimS; WANTED TO boy - old or useless ta which the typographical mistake Jefferon Ore. Tel. Jefferson 7F13. ?ccurs. collect. i The Statesman reserves the right iw.mmmwmmwmnwm. to reject questionable advertising. CAR WASHING complete, $1.0. ; It further reserves the right to Carter and Church, $65 N. Commercial, place ail advertising under the .wwwmwwmmi proper classification. OLD BUILDINGS- wanted. 20th! 1 Century Wrecking Co., 411 Front. ' I Hnn Piilrrn I WANT HOME for Coflter Spaniel I "P a-icskera doc is bwl, Hi n. 16th. HOP PICKERS wanted. C A. Me- I ... ,, . i Laughlln ranch two miles north of flllSCCllaneOnS ) Independence. 600 acres, big crop, fine camp grounds. Store on ranch. COLD STORAGE toc-era. Ramags'e, It N. Liberty. Phons 1761. HOP PICKERS wanted at the Wll- . it I f : llama A Th acker hop yard. 4 miles , I Waniefl rurniluTe west of Salem. Payment $1.75 per ------- hundred. Phone 9814. CASH PAID KOR TOUR TOOLS' wwwwomm , Stoves Fit! ' lUtUI'6 HOP PICKERS wanted. Picking has Capital Hardware A Furniture Co. commenced on the Illihee bop ranch m N commercial Phono t$4$. three miles east of Salem, near Au- 1 burn school. Big crop. Easy driving i - I distance from Salem. - t OT Kent ItOOmS Help Wanted rooms. ladies. 9$ n. cottaga. PRUNE PICKERS. Phone 7580. prune Dickers. r. b. Kieihege, 7 st east of state hospital H. 6, Bx. 656. .PRUNE PICKERS. 1 mile west Rrtsedale school. Frank Ertler. PRUNE PICKERS wanted. Good price TeL HFr3. Guy Williams, Lib--rty-iRosedaIe Road. WANTED BEAN pickers at once. J. syattum, Haxel Green. Rt. 7, Box T Help Wanted Male MAN, RELIABLE to become an au tomobile and accident claim adjuster in your territory. Insurance experience unnecessary. No selling. Write ASSO . .C.IATED ADJUSTERS, Box 664A, Mil waukee. Wise. WANTED, MAN to buy tomatoes In the field and market them, or market them on the . shares. Rhoten dairy farm, one mile beyond Roberts, " i ViAWW,iiWiflflm $26 A WEEK Income, commission on two excellent food routes, for ambi tius man over 25, no experience or in vestment necessary. Write J. R. WAT .KIN3 COMPANY, 4548 - Hollis St., Oakland, Calif. WANTED MEN mechanically In clined to train as Diesel engineers. Real opportunity if you can qualify. Write P. O. Box 281, Salem. Help Wanted- Female" "GIRL FOR light housework, two. In famUy. Tel. 32F3, Rt. , Box 248. W A N T E D ELDERLY Christian woman to work In boy's . boarding house. Inquire after S p. m, week days, 8(5 Marlon. " -ii"ii,yw)rMMirifuinnnAnAA GIRL OVER 18 to assist with house work and small child. TeL 4965. GOOD COOK and housekeeper. Lives near 14th and Trade. Go home n!ghts. Phone 6487. Situations Wanted" COMPLETE LANDSCAPE! service. J. W. Maruny. TeL 8840. ILVULINQ DIRT, gravel, wood. TeL 6547. EXP. DRESSMAKER. 894 N. Lib. Annette Smith. ' " - J- -- I,-riviyinnn ii.n.ri.rLn WANTED POSITION as manager of apartment house lor rooming house. 1441 N. Commercial . 8t. EXP. STENOGRAPHER, with ref erences wishes employment. Box 7 CO, Statesman. EXPERIENCED MAN .wishes posi tion with oil company. 6 yrs. exp. In bulk and service sta. Excellent refer ences. Box 761, Statesman. WANTED POSITION with cream ery and poultry co. by experienced creamery representative. 11 yrs. with one firm. References. Box 762, States man. NEAT. INTELLIGENT man of good character wants work, exp. seven years for furniture business, 6 yrs. life insurance underwriter, anything considered. Box 763, Statesman. - For Sale Miscellaneous"! WE BUT sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodrys Auction Market. 1610 N. Summer, ta Holly wood. Phone 6-l-l-a . ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate pricea Roen Typewriter Exc. 420 Court. NARROW WIDTH ladles' high grade shoes. $2.98. Greenbauma, 240 N. Commercial street. , ii i i ii ii i r 1 1 1 1" i fi ri.ri.i'i.r i" j'ir .11 -GOOD BALED wheat straw, $4 in field. Mrs, Wright 4H miles. Wallace road. I iJ . .- nniiiri.ii i"i.ii n. A-l CHICKEN and turkey ' grit. River Bend Sand Gravel Co. Phono 134F2. I - BANTAM CORN for canning. 75c tack. TeL 81F13. Fryslle, rt. 6. box 250. BARTLETT PEARS, t ml on Wal lace road. Box 181. Joe Meaner. PERFECTION PEACHES now ready at Petteys orchard on Wallace Road. TOMATOES FOR SALE on the farm or delivered. Prices 60c and J 5c per bu. Rhoten dairy farm, one mile be--rond Roberts on. Riverside drive. Phone noon or evenings, 78F12. 29tSSS ADVERT1SINQ Western Advettliint RepreseotstlTcs Fenger-Ball Co, Ltd. Saa rraacisoa, Los Aareles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representative Bryant. Griffith ft Branson, Ine. -. Chicago. New Tork. Detrelt, . Boston. Atlanta BtTd mt CA Poatofke e Sotont. Oregon, am fisooad-Ciass Matter. Pfe lisaed every morning eecese Jfenetay ButinetM ffic0, 21$ South Conatrctal freet. . . -- , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates, In Advance, Within Oregon t Daily and Sunday, 1 Mo. 50 cents: 2 Mo. $L2S; Mo. $2.2$; 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Mo, or $6.00 for 1 year In advance, Pei Copy 8 cent a News Stands cents. By City Carrier: 48 cents a month; $5.04 e year in advance. NICE SLEEPING room. 255 Center. RM., PRIVATE entrance. TeL 6325. SLEEPING ROOM, 633 Chemeketa. LARGE. FRONT sleeping room, reasonable. 857 N. 16th street. LIVING SLEEPING place, 250 S. Cottage, room, flre- Room and Board RlL-nU Tel 1394. 160 Chemeketa. EXCELTrM. and bd. 745 S. Com'L ROOM. BOARD. $6.25 week. Chil dren cared i for. TeL696. ROOM. BOARD and table board. Close in. 405 Marion St. TeL 4445. I For Rent Apartments FURN. APT. 2261 HaseL TeL 7664. ATTRACTIVE 1st floor. 210 N. 14th. l-RM. APT, $8. 232 N. Water. 3 ROOM APT, 200S N. CapitoL ij-Mswjju'xjtr MOD. FURN. Garage. C43 Union. 2 R. PARTLY furn., 1396 N. Fourth. assseMsasMaasaaaj FURNACE. WATER, . lights, May tag, garage, sleeping room. Adults. $12.60 and up. 2ttt N. CapitoL NEW MODERN duplex house, close ln.".by spt--J3.. TeL 5625. .. " SMALL FURN.'apt,- 260 & Cottage. E RMI APT, 752 N. Winter. For Rent Houses DESIRABLE HOME on Fairmount Hill, three ; bedrooms : large attract ive landscaped yard. $50 per month. Available about Oct. 1. Also larg dwelling house near new high school $25.00 per mo. CALL IVAN G. MAKTIN Office Phone 441S :Rsidence 4817 FURN. OR unfurn, 4 -room English style. Near schools. Box 55. care Statesran. .-, i MOD1IRN EXCELLENTLY fur nished iaouse. - 035 month. References. Elf strom, 31 Cliemeketa. MOD. C R. HOUSE, $35. TeL 8837. For Rent Hospital ' beds and srheelrhaJrs to rent. H. I Stiff Furniture Co. Office roooae tor rent, Sll State 8L feL $712. ! Wanted to Rent WANTED : SMALL bouse, acreage preferred, near Salem. Oct. j 1st. Box 75, statesman. ' - - i i iir i iiir.iiriri..'iriririi c WANTED ONE or two room furn. apt. North Salem, Box 764, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER NEW FOUR room modern house complete with bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, large unfinished upstairs. garage, drilled well, electric pumping system, small acreage, near se-nooL Price $2600, terms. Rent $25.00 per month. Phone 313 or call at 1190 N. Cottage St. 1 A. GAR, HOUSE. R. 3, Bx, 96, saiem. . i , - 1 1 SPECIAX. . LOVELY C room house, basement. rurnace. ia unary trays, Irult room. nice imng room, amine room, bunt In kitchen, nook, bedroom and bath on first floor, 2 large bedrooms with toilet on second floor. Place needs painting on outside and is well worth $4000. Owner will accept clear prop erty worth $1500 with cash for bal ance. . i SEE Mrs. Ellis with CH1LDS 4c MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 6708. mm - - - - - - - n, nn n.ri.rLTu-ujT. WILL HELP YOU RITILD WE HAVE several choice building lots with Improvements paid. Reason able dawn payment and balance to be paid like rent. CHILD 3 ft MILLER. Realtors 244 State St Phone 7CL NICE S-ROOM modern home, full basement. Newly refinished inside and out. Large lot. several fruit trees and shrubbery $0 down. Terms. See at 830 Shipping. - --- - -- - -i-i-r- iVivivuywm 6-RXL HOUSE. Box T54, Statesman. -m m mm m m fm mil'MIIVW A REAL BUY I NEW STRICTLY modern furnished or unfurnished 6 room house. Open for Inspection ; 2 to 9 p. m. today. Week days 4 to 9 p. m. 2290 Center St SOME BARGAINS FURNISHED 5 ROOM house In North Salem 13:00 terms. Cosy 4 room home in -North Salem. Lot 60x137 with oak trees around house. Price $1750 cah. Large lot off State St at $500 cash or will trade for good car. 883 Court St i PHONE 6580 mmm sfc -- - jiryysrsrrvi.rixxi. Homt Uranu S2 Court. TeL 77JX ssmssa mm,. B-r-u-(J-1Jxrinjxru 4 R. HOUSE, NICE lot In good lo cation, paving and walks in, price $850. VPS BU RGH-G RANT. Masonic Bldg. " R EHOUSE ON N Fifth,' large lot, garage, exceptionally well loca ted, must sell; full price $1,000, $100 down and $15 per month. Interest In cluded. If: interested call early In the morning. - F. IL Weir. Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. 1 For Sale Used Cars jl Special Bargains, 1926 Chev. Coupe $ 35.00 75.00 165.00 200.00 1928 Chev. Coupe 1929 Cher. Sedan . 1930 Chev. Sedan 131 Ford Tudor 275.00 245.00 129 Hudson Sedan l3 Kord V-S Tndor 193S Graham Sedan . Generous Trades - - - Low GJII4.C. Terms Better Cars - - Written Guarantees McKay "Giewolet Co $33 Center Phone Open Evenings HJs3dl WATCH THE BLUE TAG 8 FECIALS IN FINE USED CARS AT OTTO J. WILSON'S - - - EVERY CAR BEARING A BLUE SPE- , CIAL BLUE TAG HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY CHECKED OVER ' AND O. K.'d BY OUR SERVICE DEFT. AND THE PRICES . HAVE BEEN GREATLY REDUCED. . BLUE TAG SPECIALS k i Was : ' Now 1929 Bulck small series Coupe. Reconditioned ft repainted $235 $15 1929 Bulck Small series Sport Cpe Reconditioned. A fine buy $265 $266 1930 Oldsmoblle 6-wheel Coupe. Reconditioned, repainted $295 $246 1929 Pontine Two-door Sedan. (New tires) $285 $245 1930 Packard 7 -pass. Sedan. Reconditioned and repainted $385 $365 - - - ALSO Other fine Buys to Choose ITom - - - 1935 Pontlae DeLuxe 6 Sedan. Radio and heater , , - 1933 Dodge: DeLuxe 6 Sedan. Dual equipped (trunk) 1931 Buick 4 -door Sedan. 6-wheel equipped - .1931 Ford Victoria Coupe. -wheel 1931 Buick Coupe. Reconditioned and repainted 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. Complete overhaul job. Repainted 1930 Chrysler 77 Sedan, 4 new Lee tires 1930 Oakland Sport Coupe ' 1928 Chevrolet sjn 1928 Buick Sedan LIBERAL TRADES ft TERMS - - - See Our Stock Before You Buy Otto J. WUson SSS N Commercial - - - Phone S451 - - - Salem, Ore. For Sale Real Estate ATTRACTIVE : HOMft-f overlooking Salem. 6 -room modern house, garage, chicken coops. 3 A. best! fruit $3500. 166 N. 21st TeL 4034. owner. SALE 6-RM. modern house, double garage, large lot fenced and bearing fruit tree . 450 N. 19th street : GOOD 6 ROOM bungalow.- Full base ment furnace. Pavement all paid. $2125. $700 cash. Phone 9433. , t RM. HOUSE, large shop. 2 lge. lots placer gold $2 to $30 yd. $2500 or trade. Must be clear.' Lockhart, Jack sonville, Ore. ;!: j Exchange Real Estate"! FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR SALEM HOME 173 ACRES IN Yamhill Co, Ore. Close to school, few acres cleared and In meadow, fair set buildings, soma fine timber, running water on place. Ideal stock farm. Price $3000,- part terms or take Salem home. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708. For Sale Farms BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED AND IMPROVED FARM 17 ACRE3 ALL under plow, good soil, running water. Only 10 miles out Modern 7 room home, fine dairy barn, plenty of fruit, dairy nerd, team, 100 Barred Rock hens, bay and all equip ment An exceptionally good buy for only $6500. some terms -or will accept Salem home up to 92500 in exchange. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors -344 State St . . Phone 6708. $7 ACRES STOCKED and equipped, all in cultivation, modern 6 room house, good dairy barn, good outbldgs. Hay and feed In barn. 4 brood sows, 100 barred rock hens. Team, stream, a real buy at $6500. Some terms.. 125 acres 120 in cultivation, S room house, barn, all good soiL On paved road 2 mL of town. , A real buy at $5300. Some terms. R, A. FORKNER, 1858 N. Capitol SEE THIS fine 6 acre tract for two thirds its value; will take good car as part payment Don't miss this. H. C Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. Wanted Real Estate 1 YOU MAY have the property our buyers want Hat with J. M. Cavender, 147 N. Com'L St - i ; ; Money to Loan """j MONEY TO LOAN on Salem, resi dence property. Small monthly pay ments. Salem Federal Svgs. ft Loan Assn, 402 State street. Phone 880L BENJAMIN FRANKLIN federal 6 money. Ne commission. To build, modernize and refinance. See Delano, 29 N. Church, j - PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles New low rates. Roy H. Simmons, First National Bank Bldg. Uc '4-152. . Federal bousing loans title 2. build or refinance homes or business prop. Low rates. A bra ma Ellis. Masonic B MONEY TO LOAN for $ to $ years. ALSO: $25,000 In small amount Most convenient monthly repayment plan, SEE US for prompt action, CHILDS ft MILLER. Mtge Loans $44 State St. Phone 670$ By aa Independent snv n Finance Co. Amounts to $1500.0 One to Twenty Months to Repay Deal with an Independent Salem own ed-and-ope rated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan is made. No Delay ... He Red Tape General Finance Corp. First NatL Bank Bldg. Phone 16S. Lloani isd, S-1JS by State $30 or On Your Otcn Signature All Types of Loans "An . " ..- Auto Refinancing' You Must be Satisfied Phone - 7 3740 BeneficicaJ Loan Society Room 119 New Btieh Bldg. 2nd Floor 51 State St. Salem, Ore. License S-122-M 163 Loans Wanted Leans wanted on farm ant city Property. Before borrowing, tnqwire at Hawkins A Roberta, For Sale Used Cars in Used Cars at 1929 Pontine -Sedan 1938 Ford V-8 Coupe .$346.0 . 376.00 - 44J.B0 . 4S. - 4$. . (96.00 1938 Chev. Sedan 134 'Jerraplane Coach . 1934 niev. Coach 1934 Chev. Spt Sdn. Ms as 318 43 N. ConVL ft Sundays Cam I$545 .$385 325 -$335 -$265. -$365 -$255 -$165 -$185 equipped See These ''Fair99 Values 1935 1933 1935 1935 1933 1930 130 1929 1929 1929 1931 1929 1929 1929 1929 1930 1928 1927 1929 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1926 1928 Ford V-8 D. L, Trg. Dodge D. L. Sedan. .$625.00 i . 625.00 w. Dodge Coupe . . 695.00 Stude Touring Sedan W. K. IX L. Sedan. W. W. Cadillac Sedan, 6 W. W. Stude Diet Sedan Chev. Coach . Chev. Convertible Coupe Reo Sedan. 6 W. W. Ford Spt. Rds. Auburn, Sdn, 6 W. W. ...... Durant 6-60 Sed. 6 W. W, trunk .... . . . ,. Oakland Sedan Pontia Coach Franklin Sedan Pontiae Sedan Pontiac Sedan Plymouth Coach , ,,, , - Dodge Sedan , . Packard Sedan -Buick Sedan .... ,. ,. 795.00 425.00 625.00 825.00 225.00 225.00 250.00 265.00 150.00 195.00 245.00 275.00 425.00 175.00 165.00 165.00 135.00 125.00 85.00 85.0 85.00 85.00 135.00 95.00 185.00 Chev. Coupe Chev. Sedan Olds Coupe Dg. "Fastest" Sedan 192 1928 Stude Sedan President 7 -pass. Sedan Bonesteele Bros., Inc. Chemeketa ft Liberty' Ph. 4444. Fair Specials 1933 Chevrolet Master 4-D. Se dan. Motor reconditioned $465.00 193 Chrysler Royal 4-D. Se dan. An exceptional car 315.00 130 Oakland DeLuxe 4-D. Se dan. Has had good care 845.00 1929 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan 235.00 1928 Chrysler 4 -door Sedan 245.00 1928 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan 125.00 1926 Dodge 4 -door Sedan, as is 30.00 192 Ford 4 -door Sedan 35.00 1926 Ford 2-door Sedan as is 20.00 Terms Trades W. L. Anderson, Inc. De Soto-Plymouth Motor Cars 360 Marlon Phone 7703 Salem Pickups, Panels & Trucks 1935 International L.W.B. Pick-up 193 International L.W.B. Pick-up 134 Terraplane Panel Delivery 128 Two-ton International L.W.B. Body and License 192 Reo Two-ton L.W.B. Body and License 1920 Reo Two-ton L.W.B. 1932 Reo lK-ton L.W.B. Body - James H. Maden Co. 217 State St Phone 8596 International Motor Trucks McCormick-Deering Implements mmmmm000mm0mmmm10mf00mpmmmwmm0mm)0tfi00i MODEL A FORD pickup- for sale or trade for what? 651 Thompson street Livestock and Poultry 100 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, laying 40. Warmer's Hatchery. 216 N. Fifth or 646 Highland Ave. 10 WEEKS OLD Barred Rock pul lets TeL 566. 1 For Sale Wood GOOD, DRY 2nd growtn dr. S cord lots, $12.00. Phone 780. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. TeL $000. Salem Fuel Co. Trade A Cottage. ' B. FEN WICK. TeL 452T for good second growth alder or limbs. All kinds good dry wood. TeL 3354 ALL KINDS of wood. TeL 5616. PUT IN your winter wood : now before prices go up. TeL 4633. SO CORDS DRY 16" mile out Ph. 6813. - grub oak, 1 Wood Sawing WOOD BAWG. Reas'able. TeL 8792. J. H. BOENTNG. Phone 933. Lost and Found LOST St. Bernard tan and white, wt. 140. Reward. P. 7127. Name Frank. LOST LADY'S wrist watch, keep sake. Reward. TeL 857. Personal X WILL NOT be responsible for any debts except by own. Ralpb A, Wail ing. LADY WISHES transportation to San Diego. Share expense. TeL 8878 Assessors Convene MEDFORD, Ore., Sept. 8. -ff) -Seventeen Oregon, county asses so t met here today for the ini tial session of three three - day annual conference. Several com mittee 'reports were heard. The group will elect officers and adopt resolutions Thursday. Buried Treasure Lures Another ST 4 ICfrptalie AlTin Loeche tl - ' ! t vs ' r " iff I .mmrr- .. m I ' ' :''"" i irtnr Sunken treasure, estimated at between $1.000.000 . and S4.000.000, has lured another expediUon ofif on a deep-sea hunt, The treasure is said by some to have gone down off Cape Charles, Va, during the Revolutionary war, and by others in 1911. when a ship carrying Mexican political refugees sank in the same spot. Headed by CapL. Alvin Loesche and a No. 9099 CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OP MARION, STATE OP OREGON In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN QUIRK, Deceased. JOHN IX) HAN. BRIDGET LO HAN . NAUGHTON and KATE L0HAN. Plaintiffs, v. LIZZIE QUIRK; MAMIE LO GAN; ANNIE QUIRK GUN NOUGH; DELIA QUIRK QUIG LEY; CATHERINE CARR; PAT RICK LOHAN; JOHN QUIRKE; MICHAEL QUIRK; KATE LO HAN; PATRICK CAVANAUGH; MICHAEL CAVANAUGH; DELIA CAVANAUGH CONBOY; ANNIE CAVANAUGH HAMILTON; MARY CAVANAUGH B A H R; MARGARET CAVANAUGH NEAL; MICHAEL QUIRKE; BRIDGET QUIRKE CUDDAHY; M A 6 6 I E QUIRKE; ANNA QUIRK; THEODORE J. BER NARDS, as pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church ta Salem, Ore gon; THEODORE J. BERNARDS, as Administrator and Pastor of St Vincent's Catholic Church In Salem, Oregon; CORNELIUS J. SHEA, as Administrator and Pas tor of the Catholic Church of Newport, Oregon; SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OP JESUS AND MARY, ft corporation: COR PORATION OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY, a corporation; ST. BENEDICT'S ABBEY, a corpor ation; - BARBARA EVANS, an in fant; ELIZABETH EVANS, as Guardian of the Person and Es tate of Barbara Evans, an in fant; MARGARET EVANS; JOHN EVANS; ELIZABETH DY ER GREGG; MILTON STEINER; RITA STEINER FRY; BAR BARA STEINER, FLEGEL; THOMAS GRIFFITH FORD, an infant; LEWIS FRANKLIN Business Cards in this directory run om monthly basis only. Rate; St per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. $75 South Commerclai. Chimney Sweep 1 TELEPHONE 4150. R. E. Northness. Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 254 N. High. TeL Res. 6753. Electrical Service BOSLER Electric, 24 State St. Wir ing; motors, appliance, repairs, service. Excavating Excavating ot all kinds. Basement dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 9408. Florists Brelthaupt'a. 44T Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts. Flor ist. 127 N. Liberty. TeL 692. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 268 8. Hih Tel. 9125 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY : First in Quality and Service Telephone 8165 .; 1264 Broadway Lawn Blowers Sharpened, repaired and traded. Ph. 451. Harry W. Scott, 147 8. Com'L Well Drilling R A. Welt, Rt. 6, Box 445. TeL 110F6. TT - Y wlfej I 3a FORD, an Infant; PHILIP BER TRAND FORD, an Infant; BERT T. FORD, as Guardian of tie Persons and Estates of Thomas Griffith Ford, an . infant, Lewis Franklin Ford, an infant, aAd Philip Bertrand Ford, an infant; LORETTA M. FORD; CATHER INE KISSANE; MADELINE MC DONOUGH; BETTY BYRD, in infant; JANET BYRD, an infant; VEDA C. BYRD, as Guardian of the Persons and Estates of Betty Byrd, an Infant, and Janet Byril. an Infant; STANLEY BATES, in infant; CAROLYN BATES, an in fant; STELLA G. BATES', as Guardian of the Persons and E's states of Stanley Bates, an in fant, and Carolyn Bates, an in fant; ANDREW CAMERON; IDA MARTIN: MARIS JULEEN: ARCHDIOCESE OF PORTLAND IN OREGON, a corporation; RO MAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF THE DIOCESE OF OREGON, a corporation sole; L ADD l& BUSH TRUST COMPANY, a colr poratlon, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of JOHN QUIRK. Deceased, AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNNAMED OR UNKNOWN HAVING OR CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN SAID ESTATE AS HEIRS OR DISTRIBUTEES. De fendants. : . TO DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAM ED. AND EACH OF Y0&. GREETING: f IN THE NAME OF TltE STATE OF OREGON, you, afd each of yon, hereby -are clteji. directed and required to be aid appear before this court, at tie courtroom hereof, in the Marian County Courthouse at Salem, Ma rion County. Oregon, on Tuesday, the first day of December, 193C, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon ,of said day. then and there to show cause, if any there D i r ectory Alattresses CAPITOL BEDDINQ CO. Phono 409. SALEM FLTTFF-RCO and Mattress jractory. new MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sis Ins; fluff rug weavlag. S. 13th A Wil bur. TeL $41. OTTO F. ZWICKER, Est. 191L , j I Music Stores GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewuig machines, sheet music and piano stud lea. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 - State street, Salem. :. !'! Photo Engraving I Salem photo engraving. 147 N. Com merciaL TeL 6887. f Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. Ill 8. Commercial. Tele phone 91L i .-. i l. Sewing Machine Repairs C E, Leatberman. T $67$. 116$ Waller. Stoves We repair stoves, ranses. eirculatora. Sell 'new and rebuilt stoves; ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 6776V R. &. Fleming. ; 3 Transfer FOR local or distant transfer storage, call $131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally: : j Ramseyer truck service. Phone 33 CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St. TeL 773. Distributing, for warding and itorage our specialty. Get our rates. ' : '.-. i-:. ::r:.,:f :-:' J Expedition 7JT1 - - pta. ba lUrry Bowdotn M "'1 ! V 'vrl ; .JMm The schooner onsteUatloBitp a, n-MTrr Timat n rii'aema-T-- mi . v: - sat jfy, - mf - ' s If crew of 12. Inciudihg four deep-sea divers, the treasure hunters have set out Ui the four-masted schooner.' Constellation. Most of the work under water is expected to fall to Roy Hansen, one of the diver who worked on the submarine S-4. Captain Harry Bowdopi. anothe treasure, hunter, sought in vain to locate! the precious metal several years svgo be. why the facts should sot be found and the frights of heirship and distribution to said estate decreed as set? forth and prayed in the petition? on file herein of JOHN LOHAN, BRIDGET LO HAN NAUGHTON and KATE LOHAN, plaintiffs above named. and file answers setting up your respective claims of heirship, ownership or interest, it any, in said estate. .'''' ' ' - rWITNESS, the HONORABLE J. C- SIEGMUND, Judge of the County Court Jof the County of Marion, State I of Oregon, with thei seal of skid court affixed. this eighteenth day of August, 1936. - J ATTEST: V. G. BOYER, - i I CLERK (SEAL) A.19--C; S. 2-9-1 C-2 3-50 3. 13 14 15 16 iff 23 2A 27 33 34 3 'I 3 AO 41 43 45 He 41 50 55 56 58 1 Cross Word Puzzle 11 2Q 2 mm. By EUGENE SHEFFEK HORIZONTAL 1 mire 4 - fsecinste -consumed -14 estranges 16 monetary ; unit of ' Japan 16 pertaining to the Isle of Man IT canvas 42 privation - 43 oegritOg . 45-Hodal I organixa tien . 3 47 bone 48 former title I of respect 50 wild ox of -I :- I Celebes 1 52 men t j water -I IS grewa te I arether shelter IS interjec tion 20 quantity esT ST plaything: l - P: per 1 wo iiuui ig ;zz Dora ! 23 network i gS of each aa equal i quantity I 28 have ex ; ocers O f emalt i j the sheep I Jlerew ithisthesoliitUwieyester- 24 Greek istence , 27 AuBtraiian .! i bird 23 the sun : 50 vehement j i eutburst i 1 S3 mutter f 1 35 non-pas-I serine bird 36 division of day's puzzle. the until " Intestine 37 prohibit SS utter a low ' sound 1 39 chemical ' symbol for f sodium f 40 negro tribel in the , Caraeroons? itti. QBE HrWf fp! a!n: E AT- AIN T Al jw, -JDj5' t;AV-"3fejPjL A V'TpT tp& GfiP O - ft 5jS !E3ME9i Itt SmtM ER5L C I TD N AjGjE SpfviE T f M A LI? 5 1 LAG,I;S TWTTOjR NOTICK ti .' A .'OINTMENT OF EXECUTRICES , Notice Is -hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executrlces of the last will and testament and estate of Emil Hoffman, de ceased, and that they have duly qualified as such Executrlces; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are here by notified to present the same, duly verified, to us, at the office of Ronald C Glover, our attor ney. 20& Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at. Salem.' Oregon, this 12th day of August. 1936. MARY ELKINS and - CLARA SOOS, Executrlces of the last will and testament and estate of Emit Hot f- man, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrlces. Salem, Oregon. : ' A. 12-19-26; S. 2-9. Xo, 0045 !' ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOIt HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT j In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon. -. I In Probate In the Matter of the Estate of F. L. MATTHIEU, Deceased. WALTE HIXMAN. Administra tor of the above entitled estate. having tiled his First and Final Account herein; NOW. THEREFORE. IT IS OR DERED that Monday the 5th day of October, 1936, at the hour of 9:30 a. m. Is hereby set for the time of hearing said Final Ac count and any objections thereto. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of the time and place of hearing said. final account be published In the Oregon States man for fcrar consecutive weeks prior "thereto. Dated this 1st day of Septem ber, 1936. J. G. SIEGMUND. Judge. S.2-9-1 6-23-30. NOTICE OF FINAL -SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that tht undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified Final Account as Administratrix of the Estate ot Ella McMunn. deceased, and that said court has fixed Friday, the 18th day of September, 1936, at. the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ot said day. as the time and the County Court Room in the County Court House, at Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day of August, 1936. . FLORENCE MATTHES, Administratrix of the Estate ot Ella McMunn, Deceased. R. J. HENDRICKS. Attorney for Administratrix. V Salem, Oregon.' I A-19-26-S-2-9-1I. lO tl 12 17 21 22 25 26 .v no 31 32 35 37 38 42 47 51 52 57 5f VXKTICAL 1 month of - the year member of - an Indian tribe 8 render un fit for eat ing 4 rots ring part on " wheel winged 6 pertaining to one of -the glands T native ef Texas 8 t home 9 cistern 10 solar disk 11 -gloomy 13 those who show re- - cpect 19 biblical . pronoun 21 one who bniMs with stone and brick 23 indulge In memories 24 rivalry 23 genus of shrubs 23 correlative of either SI towards 32 i contrary letter 53 exclama tion S7 leap sud- : denly ' 41 violent gust ef wind 42 behoU! . 44 inland sea of Russia 46 colonist in South Africa 49 high priest of Israel 61 beast of burden 63 animal 54 sense organ 66 plural suffix mSSSYS vv 53 54 I - !