K ' " " i The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 6, 1936 FACE NINE turn Class Jkds i ; i. ... FiiniM T For Rent x Hospital bnli and wheclrl.alrs to rent. H. I- Stiff Furniture Co. --------- ri'riwvvvvwuvtfvx'' Office rooms tor rent lit Stat tL Tet 3713. ; CHOICELY LOCATED, nice shady, cwl second floor modern 6 -room fur nished apartment. Nice separate front -atrance. Rear stairs to basement and l.iundry trays. Inquire 145 K. Miller St. 40 A. FARM. All ..necessary bldga. 4 mi. from Salem. Inquire 1817 State St. Viola Ilarrtlson. - I Wanted to Rent WANT 2 FURN. rooms for house keeping. Dollie Harding. IKS N. E. M or Ton street. Portland. Ore. ssssNs"WssWaaii REQUI RK OFFICE space to share evix-i.se with tenant. Box 757, States man. For Sale Real Estate 6-BM. HOUSE. Box "754, Statesman. A REAL, BUY! NEW STRICTLY modem furnished or unfurnished 5 room house. Open for inspection 2 to ) p. m. today. Week days to p. m. 2290 Center St HOUSES YOU will appreciate 31(iilni N. Salem, perfect condition. i small payment, bal. lilu rent see, this temi ,. modern house on N. Liberty ettra good only $300 down and baL lik rent, close in. A. -modern suburban home, fine river view all kinds fruit, berries and nutC At the edga of town. . y A. modern house, . 4 A. cherries. UaL strawberry land, depression priceB and terras. Take the time to investi gate these places. ,H. C. Shields. Oreg. Bldg. TeL 8902. 5 RM. MODERN home, corner lot with 'abundance of. fruit, nuts and Rr:ie arbor, very attractive and in 't fine condition, $2i00, will exchange for - larger home east or north and pay difference. : S rms. and' urifintslred attic, new, bath, surrounded by fine homes, $1250, terms. ' f rms. furnace, 6 blks. from busin- es ctnrtcr, fine residence district, large ,ak jind walnut trees, 82500, good I terms.. 7. rra. house, furnace, lots of beauti ful trees, $2500, terms like rent.' "6 rm. home with furnace and small house- on rear, 2 garages, near high Hchool, lots of bearing . fruit and graphs. $1500. g rm. modern home on large creek Int. double plumbing, a real buy at SiW'M, will take small home part pmC WINNIE PETTYJOHN 214 N. High Street SOME BARGAIN FURNISHED a ROOM house In North Salem $3200 terms. Cozy 4 room home in North Salem. Lot 50x137 with oak trees around Louse. Price $1750 cash. Large lot off State St. at 500 cash or -will trade for good car. 83 Court St. PHONE 55S NEW MODERN BRICK HOME READY TO OCCUPV, five nice rms. oak floors througlioitf, maho K iny finish, tile bath, tile drain board, gwd location, east front. ONE OF THE, BEST VALUES . IN SALEM. Pri. $1500, terms. SEE THIS HOME 'BEFORE YOU BUY. W. 1L GRABENHORST & CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6168. LOT BARGAIN; Good lot 60x100 ft, paved sL, cement walk, east front, g xl location. Price $250 cash. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. HOME BARGAIN !)'). BUYS THIS modern 6 rm. home on cor. lot ott. Market St. Fireplace, hardwood firs, in Hv. and din. rms., basement, fur nace, nook, garage, etc SEE THlrf HOME TODAY! See R. A. Johnson with, '' W. IL GRABENHORST & CO. 1-4 S. Liberty St Ph. 64 6S. FOR RENT MODERN 9 .OOM home located ctos In, corner lot, hot water heat, ' l.anlwood floors, $u per month. Five room modern home, located, in S. Salem, basement, furnace, fireplace, ' hardwood floors. $40 per month. tour room partly iurnisnea nouse, bn'iement, furnace, $30 per month. - SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST &. CO. 134 S. Liberty St. TODAY'S BEST BUYS $1500. BUYS THIS 5 rm. home on bus "line. PlartereTL fruit trees, fire place, all in, good condition. Terms. $170. Buys this 3" rm. house on lot ' 80x100. Plastered, good garage with cement floor. $200 down. $1309. Buys this 4 rm. plastered house. Well located near schools and " bus line, lot 50x100, garage. $200 dn. $2709 Buys this 5 rm. home with . basement, furnace, laun. trays, garage, fruit trees, new paint Job and roof, two lots. BUY NOW! DON'T WAIT! See R. A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. " r.E INDEPENDENT BUY NOW! $300 DOWN. PRICE $1850 dandy 5 -R. house with basement on Fair .mount kill. A snap. $500 DOWN, price $2100.00 this place Is furnished and it all goes for tftis low price 5 R. house, good re-v "r$;00 DOWN, price $2000. Nice place, 'large living room, dining room, kitch en, bedroom, rear porch, garage. A .nice place. ' - 8400 DOWN Price $2250 5 -room, baw-ment. furnace. Dapdy place.- House in good condition and real buy for the prii-e. $1200 down, price $3000 dandy hill sit home. 7-R. modern a real buy. Her Is the best buy dandy 7-R. hoi i st. large living room, dining room, .built-in kitchen, one bedroom, down stairs and 2 upstairs. Double plumbing, "baU and toilet downstairs and fur- . nace, laundry trays, nice garage. Flow ers and shrubbery and fish pond. Good location, price only $3675 with $1615 " down. - ANOTHER GOOD BUY. 7-R. house for S1800.00 $1000 down, good Invest ments. Near schools. : JAM. D. SEARS-CHAS. SANDERS 118 S. High Phone 6121. atsssss-SssssMMMWMss'Nssss ELEVEN R. APT. close In, $4500, good terms. '- 133 acre ranch, near Riddle. 60 acres cultivated. 40 A. good timber. . Would make good stock ranch. - '- , 20 acres east. 2 A. strawberries. 8 walnuts, 14 years old.. 16 acres culti vated, nice creek and spring, on place. Price $1650. - 4-R. modern house, good location $3000 terms. VOSBCROH-GRANT, Masonic Bldg. ADVERTtSINQ Western Adrertising RepresentatlTeg Fsngvr-Hall Co, Ltd. -gas Frsseis, Los Asgelts, Scsttls Eastern AdTertlglnr Represeatatlrea Bryant. Grirnth ft Brunson, I a. Chlcmzo. New York. Detrstt. .Boston. Atlanta Mnttirtd at thm Pottorrtc at Bolem. Oresrcn. Sscosd-Ciass Matter. P- - IWkea mvary wtomtng scep monaay i:Hiittt flit; 216 South Commaraiat MtrtaU .,'.. - -. - snBSCRIPTlON RATES t M.iU Subscription Rates, In Adranea, Mo. 60 cents: 2 Mo. $1.25 ; 6 Mo. $3.16; 1 year $4.00. El ae where cenU per lo or $S. for 1 year In adranea. Pa Cooy a cents. nwi o.bhu By City Carrier: 46 cants a month pgi n rear In adranea. For Sale Used Cars" I Com to " Valley Motor Co. I for That - R&G and SQUARE DEAL VALUE 1 IN USED CARS ' . ' i - ' liii V-$ DeLuxe Tudor Sedan. Low mileage. Looks and runs - like new. An RAG car . 192$ V-8 RegJ Coupe. Conventional black. Low mileage. 1932 V-8 Victoria. Completely overhauled. New paint, new rubber$16 5 1921 Chevrolet 6-Pasanger Coupe. Completely overhauled. Nw. paint, new rubber -. ..... -- $36 1922 V-8 Victoria. Completely overhauled. New paint, rood rub- ber , .1920 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan. Completely overhauled. New patnL . Good rubber ', 30 1922 1929 1928 1929 1921 WHrva-Knlzht Fordor Sedan. A-l condition - Chrysler Coupe. New paint, new Nash Sedan. Runs rood. A nice Bnlck 7-Passenger Sedan. A nice Willys-Knight Coupe. New. throusrbont ' VaUesr Motor Co. CENTER and Used Car Mart S 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. 1935 Plymouth Touring Sedan 1935 Dodge 1 DeLuxe Sedan 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 1933 Dodge . DeLuxe Sedan - 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Bulck Sedan TRUCKS 1933 Dodge L.W.B. .. 1935 Ford, L.W.B. 7.50x20 tires 1934 Ford. L.W.B 1930 Chevrolet, L.W.B. Her rall-O "Dependability" Dodge and Plymouth Dealers 235 S. Commercial STATE FAIR NEXT WEEK LETS GO! j Car Prices Fair Every Week at SH ROCK9 S Lot and They Go 1935 Graham Sedan (perfect)..- 6S5 1933 Nash Sedan (clean) $495 1935 Plvmouth Coach (deluxe) 685 1933 Willys Sedan . 450 1930 Dodge ,..L 295 1330 Pontiae Sedan 285 1931 Chevrolet Coupfc- 325 1931 Chevrolet Coach We Pay Cash cpave Fhrock: Phone 795 ! ::" Used WHITE .'.-:. 1 Bought 1936 1923 1931 1931 1931 1931 1929 1930 1929 1928 1929 1927 1927 1928 1929 1928 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan ....... DeSoto DeLuxe Coup, air wheels Chevrolet 2-door Sedan, with trunk Nash 4-dobr Sedan, very good Ford A DeLuxe 4-door Sedan Graham 6, 4-dr. Sedan Chrysler Coupe, radio, etc. ,, ,, Pontiae 4-dtr Sdan. Hurry I Ford A Coupe, Hurry ! ., - Chevrolet 4-door Sedan , Durant 2-door Sedan ,, . , Chrj-lser 50. 4-dr. Sedan Pontlac Coupe , .. Hudson Coupe .. '. .. ,, .. Nash Coach, going Whippet 2-dr. Sedan, new tires 1927 Dodge 4-door Sedan, only 1927 Chevrolet Touring, 29 motor Cheap cars. Fords, Chevrolets, Dodges, $25 to $50 rM ' m. t . 7 c jJ 1932 Mode! B Ford L. W. B. with new 1921 International, only 1933 International, only I John L. White Go. ; I 341 N. COMMERCIAL ST. Opposite Marion Squars Park Phone 7111. ! Attention! ! NEW CAR BUYERS! Before You Buy That- Netv Car See OLDSMOBILE DRIVE ft OWN THE CAR THAT HAS EVERYTHING FOR JTJST A FEW DOLLARS MORE THAN THE LOWEST PRICE NEW CARS WE CANNOT ADVERTISE DISCOUNT BUT Get Our Deal! 1 . Labor Day Specials on 1936 DODGE DeLuxe Tour. Sedan 1935 OLDS 6 DeLuxe Sedan 1935 OLDS 6 Bus. Coupe THE ABOVE CARS CARRY A NEW CAR WARRANTY - - . - - ; ; -v ; i Bozell - Grimson Co. ' S5 N. High - - ; Phone 55M WE DO NOT CARAVAN OUR NEW CARS ! .' . ; : - ' - : ; ' For Sale Real Estate A HOME AND INCOME. TOO 3-3 ROOM APARTMENTS in one story house. Apartments complete, in cluding bath. A fine proposition for a couple without children. Present in come $15.00 a month. Price $3000 as furnished. Property In Salem. F. E. Siemens, owner. Dallas, Ore. - -i -i-i-i-i riTnTAVwwwwwxnAAmm SMALL STORE building with soma fixtures, counters, shelving and seals for only $250.00 cash; building Is lo cated In rear of lot at 1430 No. Lib erty and can be moved to suitable lo cation, i I ; Fine acre lota just outside city on Market St. with elec. lights and water available for only $500.00. $50.00 down and $10.00 a month. 7 room fine home at 1660 Fa ir mount St. with fine lot nicely, landscaped In rear for only $4200.00. some terms, r . a M. EARLE-VICK BROS. 20$ No. High i Phope 9678. $ RM. AND 4 , lots, garage, wood shed walks and paWng pd.. 8 blocks from state house, $1500 $300 cash $15 month.; i - : For bargains, STTE FRANK GRIEPENTROO . 1940 McCoy St. ;. Tel 4954. FOR SALE OR KENT BY OWNER . NEW i FOUR room modern house complete with bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, large unfinished upstairs, garage, drilled well, electric pumping system, small acreage, near school. Price $2600, frm Rent $25.0 per month. Phone 8613 or call at 1190 N. Cottage St. i ' For SaleUse! Cars 1 the New paint, good ruDoer. $365 $225 8185 rings. A real buy at clean car priced at family car priced low at $225 paint, excellent condiuon $265 LIBERTY Like new . , .. , ..$725 -$725 .8725 -$595 -$585 -$345 -$345 ;.$545 $595 -jl$443 $295 wens Co. Phone 3169 1930 De Soto Six Sedan 1931-Ford Coach ( re bored ) 1930 Willys Si Sedan 1929 Pontlac Coach 1929 Oldsmoblle Coach 1929 Nash Coupe (heater) Many Others $15 up $325 for Good Cars 555 Chemeketa Street Cars Sold $795 $52S $550 $395 -8323 ! 829i. .-$295 -8195 -$143 -8150 $165 - 8 95 8 5 8 95 .-$125 $ 85 .$ 75 .-$ 45 n., rM 1 i . Ijm m motor , j , , ..$450 .$365 .$475 " ' ;: Late Model Used Cars I $84S I $795 .$95 For SaleReal Estate 1 1 A. GAR. HOUSE. R. 3. Bx. 96. Salem. t - . MR. RENTER All going out, noth ing coming in. See at once, best propo sition in Salem. You can secure- home for X years with- all axpensea paid. 246V4 State. SPECIAIj LOVELY 6 room house, basement, furnace, laundry trays, fruit room, nice living room, dining room, built in kitchen, nook, bedroom and bath on first floor, 2 large bedrooms with toilet on second floor. Place needs painting on outside and Is well worth $4000. Owner will accept clear prop erty worth $1500 with cash for bal ance. ' : SEE Mrs. Ellfs with CHILDS ft . MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 670$. Wtr.I. WPTt vntt mmn WE HAVE several choice building lots with Improvements paid. Reason able down payment and balance to be paid like rent. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708. $550 CASH BUYS small home r la South Salem. 1350 buys nearly new home in West Salem, hardwood floors, $250 down. $2500. 4 rooms and dinnette, base ment, furnace. $600 down. Apartment house with 3 " apts.. In come $50 per month. Priced at $3500 terms. R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol $25 285 SIB 215 215 225 For Sale Used Cars I See Thes at State Motor Liberal Trades 6 Finance r 1936 ; j Terraplane Sedan - -( Demoastrator- ; , $150 Off -h 1935 : Terraplane Brougham Large trunk. This car ran less thas 12.00 miles. New car service and guarantee. i " ! 1931 Packard Club Sedan Original finish extra food. Upholstery good. Tires A-L Cost new $1500.8$. our price now t r? $595 1934 Terraplane Sedan DeLuxe model. .Trunk and other ' ex tras. Reservlced as needed. ; 80-day service ana guarantee. $595 1933 Terraplane 8 Sedad Overhauled. Reflntshed. Good tires. Two fender weiia, truna raca $495 1932 Willys 6 Sedan New paint. A-l mechanically. Brand new air wheel tires 1 $395 - i i 1930 j I Hudson 6 Coupe "j Very low mileage. Brand new "paint Nearly new tires. Rumble seat $325 - i 1931 ; Durant 6 Sedan ' Motor overhauled. -. Repainted. Good tires and upholstery j jj - ; $325 1930 Ford De Luxe Sedan Karl-Keen trunk $295 V ! 1929 Buick 6 Sedan l 1 Brand new paint. Motor and tires good $295 '1930 Hupmobile 6 Sedan A-l in every respect. Six wheels and trunk ' ; $275 1929 Hudson 6 Coach ri t ft Two new tires. New paint. "Motor overhauled. Brakes relined $265 ' j 1930 j Essex Challenger Sedan New paint anO-Mrca Overhauled from stem to stern $225 . j i i Specials S As Is at a Price i : i ' j 1931 Ford Panel Delivery ' $195 ; k - 1928 j ieo Panel Delivery $195 -j.-; 1929 Durant 4 Sedan i $135 . 1929 Essex Challenger Sedan $175 - 1926 Buick Sedan $3750 1926 Hudson Brougham $2750 I j; J v-'- j-". , y c State Motors Inc. High at Chemeketa Packard ; i Hudson & Terraplane Open NighU and SunTS . For Sale Ileal Estate Homes. Grant. 828 Court. TeL 7723. ' ATTRACTIVE HO MB. overlooking Salem. 6 -room modern house, garage, chicken coops, 3 A. best fruit $3500. 166 N. 21st. TeL 4034, owner. 6-RM. FURN. house, fireplace. Im mediate possession. Cottage Realty Co.. 262 ,N. Cottage. - -- - -,-,-r-w-,rM-M-M-M-rt-ror,i m SALE 6-RM. nudtn hmu. douhla garage, large lot, fenced, and bearing fruit tree. 450 N. 19th street. - Exchange- Real Estate ' - FOR EXCHANGE ' . 177 ACRES. 85 IN cultivation, six acres of cherries, 20 acres river bot tom, 7 A. in alfalfa, $ room modern house, built in 1931. all necessary out buildings, located in Lane county, ten miles south of Eugene, price $lv609. eaerai loan szsve. w in exenange lor smaller place near Salem or a going business. Sec - W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St.- FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR SALEM HOME 17$ ACRES IN Yamhill Cc Ore. dose to school, few acres cleared and in meadow, fair set buildings, some fine timber, running water on place. Ideal stock farm. Price $3000, part terms or take Salem home. CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 670$. For Sale Farms ( HIGHLY IMPROVED farm of 200 acres. 120 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber. Fine all year creek through place, f -room house, barn 31x72. Cost $4500 when built. Water piped to all buildings. On account of death In family this place is offered at a sacrifice, owner's investment over. $24,000. For immediate sale now offer ed for $9000 or $10,000 stocked and equipped. Reasonable terms. House In Salem on deal. ; 20-ACRE ORCHARD. Pears, cher ries, prunes, berries and some apples. Fair set of buildings. One mile from Liberty. Priced te sell. . LOVELY HOME. North Summer street, to trade for smaller home. fc :' " ' - - 127 ACRES, all In cultivation. Good land. On paved highway. Old set cl buildings. $42.50 per acre takes Ht. Terms. - C. FOR EXCHANGE, 125-acre im proved farm ; 90 acres In cultivation, balance pasture. Spring water piped to house and barn. Will consider bouse in Salem for equity. NICE 6-ROOM home in Salem to trade for tourist camp. SERVICE STATION on highway, doing good business. A GOING money-making business on State street. Doing over $100 busi ness a day. Price cut to the bone for quick sale. 4 5-ACRE FARM for rent, Marion territory. See LINDGREN or TUCKER 173 S. High TeL 8890 ALSEA VALLEY RANCH 160 A. 80 A. FINE BOTTOM land, 2 sets buildings, river, creek, springs. school bus, paved road, possession Oct. 1st $700 cash will handle or take house or small tract. DAIRY RANCH llf A.. 30 cult.. $3500. $1000 cash. bal. 6. Possession anytime. 12 cows, horses, machinery, 35 ton bay, 360 hens for sale cheap. Jesse G. Campbell, 226 Oregon Bldg. FARM BARGAINS GOOD 10 ACRES with fruit and berries. 3-R. house, poultry II.. barn. good place, only 7 miles out, paved road, price JZ30O &00 down. 10-ACRES, 1 miles out on paved road, good 4-R. house, basement barn, electric lights and water system. A real buy for $3300 81500 down. - 15-ACRES aoout 7 miles out good ;-R. house, basement, toilet good barn and other bides., fruit and berries. Price $3850 $1350 down; have to see this place to appreciate it 20 ACRES HOPS at a sacrifice price- of $2000.00 to close an estate ; price- 32000 V, down. HERE is one of the most fertile (sandy loam) 100-acre places In the valley. 15-A. alfalfa. $7000 worth of Improvements. Nice home, all for $11,- 000 you will be pleased with this fine farm. If you want a farm, SEE JAS. D. SEARS-CHAS. SANDERS 118 S. High ; " Phone 613L Ti - - '"tsjm'm) firVYf! JunjnjnruTruuM"i 3LAND BARGAIN 55 ACRES LOCATED close in. east near Silverton road, about $5 acres in cultivation, old bowse and barn, paved roaa. ate snaae trees, an ideal niace for a nice farm home. Price $100 per acre. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. - 134 S. Liberty St 130 ACRES LOCATED EAST on Silverton road. nearly all cultivated, excellent loca tion. . No buildings. Price $125 per acre, suitable to sun-divide. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., HNAuiU rlo 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468, 5 ACRES. 6 ROOM house, electric water system. A good buy . at $2250. $500 down. 10 acres, house, barn, electricity, good roads, stream, $1750 one half cash. ,-..,-;.(. 30 acres, new house and barn, 7 miles of Salem, $2000, $500 down. 85 acres fully stocked and equip ped, uooa soil, stream, .good bidga. StatW, terms. . . R. A. FORKNER. . 1853 N. Capitol BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED AND IMPROVED FARM 37 H ACRES ALL under plow, good son, running water, only 10 miles out. Modern 7 room borne, fine dairy barn, plenty of fruit, dairy herd, team, 100 Barred Rock hens, hay and all equip ment. An exceptionally, good buy for only $6500, some terms or will accept saiem nome np to sz bos in exenange. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone C70f. 80 ACRES ALL in cultivation.' good soil, $ room bungalow, good barn, fen ced witn woven wire. Move on now- priced at only $450 $1000 cash. baL per year plus . stK CLIFFORD HAROLD With CHILDS ft MILLER. TSC. 314 State St Phone 1708. Acreage LOOK: LOOK: SAVE AND pay cash. This S acre home located miles out on pacmc highway. Price $1660 cash. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 13f 8. Liberty St. , t Wanted Real Estate YOU MAT have ' the property our buyers want Ust with J. M. Ca vender. 147 N. Com'L St PAY CASH for small bouse. J. E. Krauger, 1025 N. Com'L TeL 6293. j Business Opportunities""! , FOR SALE Furniture la ten room boarding house, rent reasonable. In come over $200 per month. Bos 749, Statesman . Money to Loan . lsIONEY TO LOAN n Salem resi dence property. Small monthly pay ments. Salem Federal Svga - A Loan Assn.. 402 State street Phone 3301. BENJAMIN FRANKLaN federal 6 money. Ne commission. Te build, modernize and refinance. See Delano 298 N. Church. PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles New low rates Roy H. Sltrtnmns. First National Bank Bldg. Ua 4-112. For Sale Used Cars I i Drastic Price, 1935 Graham Sedan .. 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Totvn Sedan 1929 Pontiae Sedan 1934 Terraplane Coach ............ 1934 Chevrolet Coach I 1927 Pontiae Sedan ...JL--.--"---.. 1926 Dodge Sedan ... I..... 1935 qhevrolet Truck 1 Generous Trades LowvG.IVL AuC. Terms McKaf Clhejirollet Op 333 Center Used Cars That Must Be Sold to Make Room for Neiv Stock of 1937 Models , '33 Dodge Business Coupe $670 '35 Dodge Touring Sedan with trunk. New rubber. Completely - checked for resale 785 35 Studebaker Custom Sedan, trunk model 795 '32 Willys-Knight Sedan, S-wheel equipped. Reflnished. Lots of economical mileage 395 '31 Chevrolet 6-wheel special. equipped trunk. Ref inished and reconditioned 375 '30 Cadillac Club Sedan, top con dition ... ,, , 523 '29 Pontiae Coach, late model .'29 in the cream of condition ; Zt '29 Auburn Sedan, a lot of Car and In good running condition 150 '31 Ford Sport Roadster, de luxe equipped 2 29 All -American Six Oakland Sedan. Traded by' original owner . 230 '30 Studebaker -Dictator 8 Sedan 325 '29 Durant 6-60 Sedan, in condi tion to more than iustlfy 195 28 Pontlac Sedan ... 175 '30 Franklin Sedan I . 42 "WATCH STUDEBAKER" The Spotlight Car of 1937 Bonesteele Bros.; Inc. Fair Specials 1933 Chevrolet Master 4-D. Se dan. Motor reconditioned $465.00 1930 Chrysler Royal 4-D. Se- - dan. An exceptional car : 815.00 1920 Oakland DeLuxe 4-D. Se dan. Has had good care 345.00 1929 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan 235.ee 1928 Chrysler 4-door Sedan 245.00 1928 Chevrolet 2 -door Sedan 125.00 1926 Dodge 4-door Sedan, as is 30.00 1926 Ford 4-door Sedan - 35.00 1925 Ford 2-door Sedan as is - 20.00 Terms Trades Wi L. Anderson, Inc. De Soto-Plymouth Motor Cars 360 Marion . Phone 7703 Salem Pickups, Panels & Trucks 1935 International L.W.B. Pick-up 1936 International L.W.B. Pick-up 1934 Terraplane Panel Delivery 1928 Two-ton International UwJl Body and License 1929 Reo Two-ton L.W.B. Body and License - 1920 Reo Two-ton L.W.B. 1922 Reo 1 hi -ton L.W.B. Body James H, Maden Co. Ill State St Phone S3$ - International Motor Trucks McCormick-Deeriag Implements 30 MODEL A roadster. Extra good condition. 630 Union street. NEW TRAILER Travelome. TeL 549. 2673 Portland road. HOUSE TRAILER 7x14. new Urea, 1500 lbs. Also heavy duty trailer, flat bed. Good condition. 80S s. 1 Jin. TeL 7030. . - - ; Money to Loan A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 Personal Loans We can adranea cash quickly and privately to any employed man er am In 14 hnarm. woman in 24 bourn, Salary loans now available. Beneficial Lean Society of Salem Room 119. New BItgb Bldg. tnd floor LICENSED NO S-122 ft M 168 by STATB 81 State St. TeL 8 T I . Loans Made la Nearby Towns Federal bousing wans ttrls 3. build or refinance homes or business prop. Low ratea A brums ft Cilia Masonic B MONEY TO LOAN for 8 to 8 years. ALSO: $25,000 in small amounts Most convenient monthly repayment plan. SEE US for prompt action. CHILDS ft MILLER, Mtge Loans 344 State SL Phone $70$ By an Independent annm Finance- Ce. Amounts to $1504).0o ' i One to Twenty Months to Repay -Deal with an independent Saleta ewned-snd-ope rated finance company where your needs will receive every consideration both before and after the loan is made.. No Delays - Ko Red Tape i General Finance Corp. First NatT Bank Bldg. Phone 9168. Licensed. 8-138 by 8tate Loans Wanted Loans wanted on ram a n. city property Before borrowing. Inqflre at Hawkins Roberta livestock and Pool try ' GOOD BREEDING ewes for sale. Cash or time or on shares. J. L. Rod gers. TeL 465 Scio. 100 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, raying 40. Warmer's Hatchery, 2160 N. Fifth or $46 Highland Ave. It WEEKS OLD Barred Rock pul lets TeL 956$. i For Sale Used Cars f ! Reductions -on - - V ' V : i ' , '...,!!...- ..... ' Save $ip to $ Was $795 695 645 285 495 .1 . I 495 75' 45 . x -Special Truck Bargain 675 : I Phone 3189; Open Evenings and Sundays Used KATrH THE BLUE TAG SPECIALS IN FINE U OTTO J. WILSONS - EVERY CAR BEARING CIAL BLUE TAG HAS BEEN AND O. K-'d BY OUR SERVICE DEFT, AND HAVE BEEN GREATLY REDUCED. . BLUE TAG 1J9 Buick small series Coupe. Reconditioned ft repainted 119 Buick Small series Sport Cpe. Reconditioned. A fine 190 Oldsmobile -wheel Coupe. Reconditioned, repainted 19S9 Pontiae Two-door Sedan. (New 1940 Packard 7fpass. Sedan.!' Reconditioned and repainted .j - - - ALau juier r ine 1933 Pontlac DeLuxe 6 Sedan. Radio and neater 1933 Dodge DeLuxe 6 Sedan. Dual equipped (trunk) 1931 Buickt 4-door Sedan.. 6-wheel equipped ' ; 1931 Ford Victoria Coupe. 6-wheel 1931 Buicki Coupe. Reconditioned 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. Complete 1930 Chrysler 7 Sedan. 4 new Lee tires 1930 Oakland Sport Coupe . . 1929 Dodge Sedan. 6-wheel equipped . , 1928 Chevrolet Sedan : ; , I LIBERAL TRADES ft TERMS - i -. .- Otto J. SS3 N. Commercial - - - Uised I Car CeEateir 240 CENTER STREET MODEL T FORDS i xi 2fi 28i 291 29: 291 29 3 30 si It ,i 34 ESSEX ROADSTER WILLYS KNIGHT. Make an offer OVERLAND COACH. Good tires HUDSON COACH ERSKINE iCOACH CHEVROLET PICKUP t. DURANT SEDAN HUDSON SEDAN DE SOTO SEDAN :.... - PONTIAC SPORT ROADSTER PONTIAC COUPE. Special FORD TUDOR SEDAN i FORD COUPE , I BUICK DeLUXE SEDAN CHEVROLET PICKUP OLDSMOBILE SEDAN CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN GRAHAM SUPER -CHARGED SEDAN 35 TERMS TRADES ' Open Evenings and Sundays - i . 1 Used Car Center 34 Center Street CASH FOR GOOD USED CARS Go to I . A Free Season's Ticlset piveh With the Purchase of a Car New or Used I at the Salem Automobile Co. 1935 Plymouth Coach 1934 Plymouth DeL Coach 1934 Chevrolet Coach - 1931 Chrysler C Sedan 1930 llup. Special Sedan 1933 Plymouth R. S. Coupe 1910 Chevrolet Coach 1980 Chrysler 70 Coupe , ... 192S Durant 65 Sedan -. 1930 Ford DeL Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 192$ OldsmobUe Coupe ,. -- A Free Ticket 1929 Durant 60 Coach J, 1921 Chrysler Coach - 1929 Durant Sedan , ; ' 1927 Nash Sedan 192$ Pontiae Sedan . 1927 Pontlac Coupe . 1927 Hudson Sedan 1927 Packard' Sedan 1926 Chrysler ? Coach Others from 325 up. - i - The Entrance Fee Is Free 1 The Down Payment Is Small : - . The Terms are Convenient Salem Automobile Co. HOME OF CHRYSLER ft PL YM OUT it 435 51, Commercial - Phone 4673 - 1 For Sale Wood lots. $12.60. Phone 7860. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. ret 6009. .Salem, Fuel Co. i Trade ft Cottars. " 1 - ' '!! B. FENWICK. TeL 4527 for good second growth alder or limbs. All kinds good dry wood. TeL 8364. - yaLL KINDS of wood. TeL 5616. 16-INCH OLD fir, alder arid maple, $5i25 cord. TeL 7020. ' L'I IN your winter wood now before prices go up. TeL 4333. Wood Sawing j I WOOD SAWG. Reas'able. TeL 8792. f. IL BOENING. Phone $683. Lost and Found SiOST GLASSES In blue case. Name Mrs.' F. Crandell. Ladysmith, Wia, In case. Leave at Statesman of floe. Reward. ii - For Sale Used Cars .1 . Used Cars at lOO Now $695 645 595 245 475 475 55 35 Save $100 50 50 40 20 20 y 20 ' 10 50 625 Written Guairantees Better ' Cars 430 Nl Commercial Card SED CARS AT A BLUE SPE- THOROUGHLY CHjECKEi CD OVER THE PRICES SPECIALS Was Now .....$235 $195 T $263 $255 $295 $245 $283 $246 $3S5 $365 pay tires) nuym in i.nowe Frobi - - ..$765 .$545 ..$3S5 equipped .$325 ..$3 nr. ..$265 and repainted overhaul job. Repainted ..$365 $255 ..$2 sr. ..$165 - - See Our Stock Before You Buy Wilson Phone 6451 - - -Salem, Ore. ........310.00 $13.00 $20.00 $ 25.00 $ 35.00 ..$ C5.00 .$ 95.00 .$ 95.00 $1I5.00 .8165.00 .8165.00 .$265.00 .$195.00 .$185.00 .$245.00 $275.00 .S365.0S .$(25.00 ..$395.00 .$465.00 .854S.OO . $965.00 Phone 3421 the Fair ..$6(5 $543 -r3525 i-3425 $:;o $313 -$25 $23 -$225 -$295 -$235 -$235 . . .. .. .... -- - .. , . , ,n with These. Too .... -$175 -$165 -$160 -$15 ..$135 -$125 $135 .$135 .$150 Lost arid Found LOST ELGIN j wrist watch, down town district, Thursday - p. . na. Return 2248 Trade. Reward, ' - --- 1 -i--i"i--,-,-)i-,-M-ii-iru-i-irLnji.f LOST BROWN Pekinese dog near Leslie schooL Pbofie 8I7L Reward. r Personal MEXICAN LEGAL matters. Write Boa 731. care Statesman. Mc " LINIMENT IS great , for eczema, poison' oak. Inflammatory rheumatism. Permanent relietj 356 E. Eighth St, Eugene, Ore. 1 . . WILL PARTY who owns dogs, "Lee" and "Loklf call 3377. - I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts except mr own. Ralph D. Wall ing. j . - LADY WISHES transportation to San Diego. Share exp. Box 756, States man. 'I : LOSE -WEIGHT dally. Sensible. Safe, Inexpensive.. Canton, S. Dak. Write Dr. Wendt,