The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 05, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 5, 1936
Local News 'iBriets.
Three Involve" "... a.
mobile driTen br Mrs. Dale Hur-
2i2 Lft? tre. Irene
Alice ShattacH, 2754 Brooks av
enue, and a truck operated by
Oeorge Pappendrew, 1010 High
land, were inrolred Thursday in
a three-way accident at the last
named address; according to re
ports to police. . A minor collision
at Marion and Summer streets
yesterday inrolred cars driven by
R- R- Bailey, 455 Marion. n d
Frenchi Martini. Portland. An
gelina G. DUUrd, Eugene, advis
ed police that a rroman named
Smith suffered minor injuries
when the DiUarA rr kit
a track on the state fairgrounds
'yesterday morning. -
-The "Spot-light ear of 1937.? Stn-
ueuuaer again leads the parade.
Seo for yourself at Bonesteele
Bros., Inc. The only 1937 model
car on display in Salem, -
pance, Haunted Mill, Sat. nite;
.Vacancies in Army There are
at present several vacancies -tor
Mjh school graduates Interested
.n radio from Salem and sur
rounding areas in the 3d tank
.company located at Fort Lewis,
according to Sergeant L. B. Ma
ble, local army recruiting officer.
There are also racancies In . the
military police company, 3d divi
sion, and the 91st obserration
squad, also at Fort Lewis. No
foreign duty posts are open at
Western Oil 8c at. Pure Penn
Oil 19c at. Hi-Octane Gas 18 He
1160 Smith St. Oil Station.
Penney's will remain open until
8:30 Saturday night.
Four Industrial Deaths There
were four fatalities due to indus
trial accidents in Oregon during
the week ending September 3,
the state industrial accident com
mission reported Friday. The ric--tims
were Glen Oldham. Spring
field, truck driver; Len E. King.
McMtnnrllle, farmer; O. W. Tay
lor'. Lebanon, laborer, and Ralph
Kirkland. Glendale. choker set
ter. There were 928 accidents re
ported to the commission during
the week.
-Yes. you can see the- new 1937
Stedebaker Sedan now on display
at Bonesteele Bros.. Inc., show
room. Public announcement
Trio Arrested in
Teamster Strike
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 4.-(JP)
-Three more arrests resulted
from the teamsters' and ware
housemen's strike at the Blu-mauer-Frank
wholesale drug
company today. Two men were
charged with wilful destruction
of property and another with as
sault and. battery.
Police said two men punctured
the tires of a truck the drug
company hired to do its hauling.
The union has demanded a
closed shop. The drug company
had continued operations despite
picketing. i "
Listing of P-I as
Unfair Is Upheld
WASHINGTON Sept. 4. - (JF)
Willlam Green, president of the
American Federation of Labor,
said today the Seattle central
labor body had "conformed to the
laws of thfe A. F. of L." in plac
ing the" Seattle Post-Intelligencer
on lis - uniair 111.
Publication of the Post-Intelli-gencer
was suspended after an
American Newspaper Guild chap
ter had called a reporters' strike.
Green said he had Instructed
Rowland Watson, A. F. of L.
-agent, to try to bring a settle
ment of the strike.
Celery Shipments Huge
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 4.-(JP)
-Oregon celery growers said to
day current actlrity in the celery
market was the greatest in his
tory. Shipments to date are
around 250 carloads. Prices were
declared to be improving.
R. C.'i Witter, at a local hospi
tal. September 4, at the age of
C5 years. Late resident of Kerby,
Ore. Survived by widow. Mrs.
Hattie Witter of Kerby. Shipment
made to Medford for serrices and
burial, by Clough - Barrick com
pany. Plank
At a local hospital. Sept. 3.
Chester Plank". 28. late resident
of 16 80 N. Church street. Sur
vived by widow. Mrs. .Emma
Plank, Salem: daughter, Lillie
Ann Plank, Salem: parents. Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Plank, Oklahoma:
and three brothers, Jess, Laur
ence and Hubert Plank, and a
sister, Juanita Plank, all. of Okla
homa. Funeral k announcements
later by Clou gh-Barrick company.
At the residence of her son on
route 7. Mary Zielinskl. aged 78
years. Survived by son. John F.
Zielinskl. and two daughters,
Mrs. Jattie Hammelman of Wood
burn and Mrs. Leona Wojcik of
Portland; several grandchildren
and great grandchildren. Fun
eral serrices at St. Joseph s
Catholic church. Saturday. Sept.
5, at 9:30 a. m. Interment at fat.
Barbara cemetery. -
At the residence. 990 North
17th street, Victor Dahlen. aged
20 years. Suxrired by mother.
Mrs. Augusta Dahlen: two sis
ters, Irene and Alice; two broth
ers. Walter and Alvin. all f of Sa
lem. Funeral services will be held
from the W. T. Rigdon company
chapel Saturday. Sept. - f. at z
p. m. Interment Lee Mission cem-
etery. -
Want Old Dictionary Tha
state library Is trying to And a
dictionary printed prior to 1195.
Harriet Lone, state librarian. nM
the dictionary was wanted to ob
tain me meaning of word which
appeared In early issues but later
was eliminated.
Hop pickers wanted at the Wil
liams & Thacker hop yard. 4 mf.
W. of Salem. Payment 81.78 per
hundred. Ph. 9S14.
Luts Florist 1278 N. Llb7P 9592.
:at Woodburn Cars
drhren by I Charles T. Sweeney
woodburnj and John C Bartels.
Portland, eolllded on the Pacific
highway, at Woodburn. according
to a report filed at the sheriff's
office yesterday. -
. 1 s
Will pay 5c each for complete
copies of Oregon Statesman of
Aug. 12. 1$38. !
. - " ' r -
Son is flom Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Poland of Tillamook are
parents of ' a, son. Harley Herbert,
weighing seven "pounds and four
ounces, born Sept. 1 at Tillamook.
Mrs. Foland will be remembered
as Florence Riley of Salem.
Cash for used furniture. Ph. '5 110.
Bright Future Is
Seen For Dalles
THE DALLES. Ore.. Sept. 4.-(tfT-Gorernor
Charles Martin told
visitors at the old Fort Dalles
frolics here that this area is "des
tined to become a great. Inland
seaport. Maritime derelopment
the world I over has proved that
most grea ports are located on
inland rivers, far from the sea.
You are going to grow, going
to become a great city. You can't
avoid it."
Senator I Charles L. M c N a r y
(R-Ore.) also painted an optimis
tic future I for the mid-Columbia
area and predicted that the first
ocean vessel would dock at The
Dalles before many months.
The twb guests received a pro
longed oration when they were
introduced; as the men most re
sponsible I for the 342.500,000
Bonneville; power and navigation
project. !
i '
Creamery Defies
Milk Board Rule
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 4 -JP)
The Brandes creamery of Port
land filed i suit in federal court
today challenging the validity of
orders issued by the Oregon milk
control board and seeking to re
strain the; board from revoking
the creamery's dealers licenses.
The dealer's license was or
dered revoked August 8 on the
basis that ; the c reainery refused
to pay equalization charges and
expenses of pooling periods from
June 15 to July 15.
The plaintiff today contended
enforcement of the order would
compel the creamery to pay prices
in excess of its competitors and
that the order is unconstitutional
in that it deprives of property
in violation of law. -.-
Hollywood Drive
Name Given Road
"Hollywood Drive" was the of
ficial name gtven yesterday by the
county court to the road running
south from the SUverton road and
east of Market road No. 93. Mrs.
Walter Eisner and Mrs. Charles
Lowe .representing the Hollywood
Ladies' club appeared before the
court and requested that the name
be giren the road. Signs are to be
placed on; intersections directing
traffic to the district.
The delegation stated that
there are 25 families living on the
road. Many are engaged in truck
farming and feel that the new
name will help them to advertise
their products.
Two-Foot Plot of
Ground Is Deeded
' ROSE BURG. Ore., Sept. 4-(ff)
It nilgai; as well hare been two
acres as two feet as far as the
clerical . work Inrolred was con
cerned. But two feet It was.
The county clerk today entered
title for the state to a two-square-foot
plot of ground at Reedsport,
necessitated by the relocation fo
the Oregon coast highway. The
tiny plot previously was included
In the neighboring privately-owned
. !'. " . . ;
Allen Resigns (as
Alumni Secretary
EUGENE. Ore.. Sept. A.-UP)-Dr.
C. V. iBoyer. president of the
University of Oregon, announced
the resignation today of Robert
K. Allen, secretary and editor for
the Oregon state alumni associa
tion for the past four years. He
will enter private business.
Dr. Boyer said Allen's successor
would not be selected until re
organization of the alumni assoc
iation is completed.
Serious Waterfront Fire
Prevented at North Bend
NORTH BEND. Ore.. Sent. 4.
-iip)-Prompt action by firemen
prevented! a repetition or me
$300,000 j waterfront blaze 'of
three years ago. Flames broke out
In an unused building at the
Kruse and Banks shipyard, scene
of the former conflagration, but
were quelled before spreading to
nearby structures.
Brown-i-To Mr. and Mrs. Wen
dell Carl Brown, route six. a boy.
Raymond j Wendell, bora August
129 at the residence.
Auto Thieves
Get 6 Months
Kalanqnin and Bragg Take
Shortcut to Prison;
Both Admit Guilt
William Kalanqnin and' Frank
Bragg, charged with larceny of an
automobile appeared before Judge
L. H. McMahan yesterday -and
were sentenced to six months in
the penitentiary. The men waived
indictment in entering their pleas
of guilty. 1 ;
They were arrested at Yreka, 1
Calif.. Tuesday after stealing a
car here Monday night belonging
to Charles Wright. They were re
turned here Wednesday. I
Circuit Court
Tarner State bank by Karl : G.
Becke. liquidating agent, rs. J.
R. Daris: motion , to strike the
complaint on grounds that more
than one cause of action is Join
ed. i k 1
Alice Marchbanks rs. City of
SUverton and others; amended
complaint for 120.420 damages al
leged to hare been sustained by
plaintiff by loss of a thumb while
using a swimming chute ' in the
SUverton city park. She alleges
thst the city was negligent in
not protecting her from the dan
ger. The accident ocdired August
31. 1935. .
Silrer Eagle company rs. Frank
C McColloch; demurrer to com
plaint. ,'. - -.':,;
Federal Land bank of Spokane
vs. Carl H. Johnson ' and others;
complaint for i foreclosure ; , of
$7,272 mortgage. Complaint re
quests that' salo of 5 shares of
land bank stock put up s by the
Marlon-Polk national farm loan
association as security for the
loan be ordered sold to satisfy the
debt. -: " : - . ,j-t
Lucy J.' GHle rs. Herbert L.
Gille; . complaint for divorce ; on
grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment. Couple was married
married April 4. 1909. She al
leges that the defendant became
cold and indifferent toward her.
that he left home and told her
that he no longer loved her. i'
John Peter Schaefer by Margar
et Waldman. guardian ad litem,
rs. Frank and Florence Pickens;
motion to make complaint more
definite and certain and to strike
the complaint tor Improper Join
der of causes. ;
F- S. Sweringen rs. Douglas
Jaquith: complaint for collection
of S170 alleged to be due on
piano stock and accounts sold to
the defendant. - ;
Marriage Licenses l
Russell Ererette Word. 28.
truck driver, Eugene, and Hazel
Alice Smith,' 21, housekeeper.
South Beach. 1.. : )
. Justice Court I
Richard C. Bandy paid a fine
of $1.00 for failing to stop at a
stop sign. i ! !
The case against Gilbert Ennis.
charged with stealing two horses
and farm implements, was dis
missed for lack of evidence when
the private prosecutor failed to
put in an appearance. t
The case of George Osborn.
charged with Issuing t cheek
without sufficient funds, was con
tinued. ,:j ' In
Municipal Court
Ernest R. Brundridge, plea of
guilty to drunken driving charge;
$100 fine. 30-day Jail sentence to
be suspended if fine paid, six
months probation, driver's license
revoked for one year. ;
Oren McDonald, Jr., 1065 North
Fifth street, $2.50 fine, violation
of basic traffic rule. I
Wright Taking Up
Church Task Here
William H. Wright, choir direc
tor and director of religious edu
cation for the First Presbyterian
church has moved to Salem and
taken a house at 1875 North Cot
tage street, with his wife and two
Mr. Wright is well known In
Salem for he was assistant to the
pastor at the same chucch several
years ago and last year directed
music for the First Evangelical
church here while residing . in
Portland as assistant director of
the Portland Bible Institute. Dur
ing the summer he was f on the
faculty of the Mount Hermon
summer school of sacred music, j
During his four years in the
east Mr. Wright attended the
Westminster choir school , at
Princeton, receiving a degree of
B. M. there In 1933, and being a
member of their touring choir.
He also served as minister of mu
sic in various churches in Trenton,
Philadelphia and Providence. R. I.
He was head of the roice depart
ment at Proridence Bible insti-
Kute. :
Mr. Wright Is reorganizing the
choir at the church and plans its
expansion and training to make it
an outstanding Organization. -
Relief Officei to Close j
Monday and Wednesday
The Marion county relief i of
fices at 357 North High street
will be closed all day Monday,
Labor day, and Wednesday, Sa
lem day at the state fair, Glenn
C. Niles, county relief adminis
trator, announced yesterday. The
relief commissary also wiir be
closed on those two days.
Honey Crop Excellent
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 4.-(P
-The U. S. department of agri
culture said today Oregon bees
appear in excellent condition, es
pecially in the 'Willamette ral
ley where colonies hare yielded
as much as 100 pounds. : Quality
was declared the best In years,
with more than 90 per xent of
the honey grading white.
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to neigh
bors, Chemeketa Lodge No. 1 and
Sewing Room friends for floral
offerings and sympathy extended
in the loss of my husband. Mrs.
Mary Osborn. 1
Coming Events
Sept. 4S MC Angel flax
festival,-. : - ' ;' '.v -
Sept. S 4-n livestock
show for Marion county at
state fairgrounds.
Sept. 7-1 a Oregon state
. Sept. 21 First chamber,
of commerce luncheon.
Sept, 21 Salem schools
Sept. 21-23 Registration .
at Willamette university.
Sept. 24 Fall Opemlag.
sponsored, by Salem Ad dab.
Oct. 16-18 M a ri n
.County Christian Eudearor
convention. First Christian
- church, ;
Gamers Dine as
Campaign Closes
. To climax a two weeks' high
speed subscription contest. $1
Statesmen carriers gathered at.
the Marlon hotel last night to dine
and to hear announcement of the
winners who had been kept as a
The winners were Billy Bent-
son, first; Lawrence Macklin, sec
ond;, Ray Griffin, third, each re
ceiving a cash award.
Stanley Stiffler and Earl Nlcol
tied tor fourth place, -each re
ceiving a prize. Jim .Taylor, sixth
place, received honorable men
tion. The prizes were awarded in
addition to the regular commis
sions for the orders.
The following received cash
awards for rendering the best ser
rice throughout the month of
August: Hume Downs. Eugene
Beall and William Trudgen.
C. A. Sprague. publisher, dis
cussed with the boys the part of
a carrier In the relay race of put
ting out a newspaper and briefly
reviewed the long and important
history of The Statesman since
, The boys were the guests of
Carl Porter at the Elslnore
theatre following the banquet.
Outside Judge to
Hear Fish Action
An outside Judge, to be se
lected by Chief Jnstice Campbell
of-the state supreme court, will
hear the suit to enjoin Secretary
of State Snell from placing the
so-caned antl Columbia river fish
ing measure . on the November
This was determined at a con
ference Friday attended by Cir
cuit Judge Lewelling and. all at
torneys interested in the proceed
ing. A temporary restraining or
der was denied.
Attorneys urged that the case
be set for hearing not later than
next Tuesday.
The measure under : fire would
prohibit the use of seines, traps
and other set gear In the Colum
bia river and its tributaries.
89th New House
Permit Granted
- Albert A. Dean yesterday took
out the 89th permit of the year
here for construction1 of a new
house. He will build it at 1210
Lewis street at cost of $800. Home
building permits to date this year
hare a total ralue of $198,596.
Fire other permits were issued
yesterday as follows:
Eire E. Duncan, reroof house
at 1130 North Cottage, $40; Rey
nolds Allen, alter house at 1650
John street, $483; George Wa
ters, repair house at 1901 North
Fifth, $35; Capitol Security com
pany alter house at 486 Center,
$20; Virginia Wells, alter house
at 344 Wyatt Court, $20.
Paraniount market
Corner Court and Liberty.
Phone 3161 Formerly Steuslof ft
We feature quality at reasonable prices plus .
service. Four Deliveries daily. We deliver to
West Salem and Kingrwood Heights at 10
o'clock. No charge.
l-Ib. Cello Pkg.
Macaroni . . 10c
l-lb. Cello Pkg.
Spaghetti . . 10c
l-lb. Cdlo Pkg.
Egg Noodles 15c
Made with Durum Semolina
Lga Pkg. ECPjCg
Everything in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
For Your Table;
Choice Steer Beef
Fancy Fryers and Bakes 7 .
Fresh Fish and Sea Foods
Large Assortment of Cold Meats, Cheese Salads,
Pickles and Olives
Hoover to Speak
In Landon Behalf
Addresses in Denver and
"New York Scheduled;
Leaven For East
SAN FRANCISCO, "Sept. 4 .-Up)
-Former President Herbert
Hoover, leaving on an eastern
trip, said tonight he would make
some campaign speeches in be
half of Gov. Alt M. Landon, the
republican presidential . nominee.
Mr. Hoover, Jovially greeting
newspapermen at the ferry build
ing, said he had talked yesterday
with ' Governor Landon' in a tele
phone conversation at his, Palo
Alto home, si-
The former chief executive
would not discuss details of the
conversation other than to say:
"Governor , Landon is mobiliz
ing his forces.
As to his own part in the re
publican campaign, Mr. Hoover
said he had accepted engage
ments for two addresses this
month in behalf of the Kansas
governor, one in New York and
one in Denver.
Denver Date Set
He said the Denver address was
tentatively set for Sept 28 At a
mining conference there, but he
was not certain of the New Tork
date. : -. I ;
-Mr. Hoover said he also would
makA "other -talks" but that loca
tions and dates were nnsettled.
"I entered! the fight a month
ago," he said, "and I am going
to be in it until the end."
He did not explain his refer
ence to entering the campaign a
month Ago, but it was recalled
here he conferred a few weeks
back with the national republican
chairman, John D. M. Hamilton,
who was on j the coast during a
campaign speaking tour.
The two j lunched at , Mr.
Hoover's residence and presum
ably talked about the . campaign.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Son
day school at 11 a. m. Services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject. "Mil." Tes
tiatsiiy in ee ting at S p. m.. Wednesday.
Reading room ta the Masonic temple. 11
t. m. to 5:30 p. m. except Sundays aad
holidays. . ,
Of United Sciences, Inc., 430 Bute
street. Sunday j service ; prosperity - and
healing meditatioa. 8 p. au. lecture sub
ject. "Why Wo Suffer oa Earth". Mid
week service. Wednesday. 2 p. m., silver
tea with service readings. Dr. Orlen
Richard Kriag, leader.
J. Alomo Sanders, pastor. Services :
Tuesday, ?harsday aad Saturday eve
ning at 6. Sunday school: t:45, preach
iag service at 11:15. Sermon by Evan
gelist Marie Sandvik of Miaot, K. Dak.
Evening service at 8; sermon by the
Eighteenth aad State. ' Rev. Amos E.
Miaaeman. a. m., German: 9:30 a. m.,
subject: "Who Is My Neighbor Skillfully
Aaswered." English, 11:00 a. mn sub
ject: "The Good Samaritan, A Neighbor
Most Truly." Sunday school, 8:30 a. m..
Mrs. Jacob Tox, aupt.
North Cottage and Shipping streets.
C. T. Springs, minister. 1309, No
Com'l. St., Bible study at 10 a. a.
Preaching at 11. Topic: "Paul Before
Agrippa." Observance of the Lord's sup
per. Evening service at 7:30.
Yew Park Hall, corner SL 12th and Les
lie Sts. C. I'. Rounds, supply pastor. Bi
ble school at 10 a. m. Morning worship
at 11. Evangelistic at 7:45 p. nt mid
week praiaa service Wednesday night;
Friday night, young people's service. '
Church and Chemeketa Streets. Rev
erend George H. Swift, rector; Holy
Communion, 7:?0 a. m.; Holy Eucharist
and sermon 11:00 a. m.; church school
to open September 20.
Chemeketa and Cottage. Sunday schoo!.
10:00; evening service, 6:80.
Fraternal Temple,- Center st. at Liber
ty. A Bible lecture at 2:30 and at 8:30
p. m-, a Bible study oa tha subject "Ga
thering tha Multitude".
- Blue Line
8-oz. bottle
4-oz. bottle
Both for
Guaranteed Not to
FVeeae or- Bake Out
i S . &W.
. -
29 c
2 lbs. 55c
itsst chuzch or 00s I
- North Ctuc aa Hood -troets. L.
'Wosley Johuoa,' psitor. 8anday isckoo!
eluss ot 9:45 a. a.. LyU J. Kazapt,
Mrs. Xaeat Jafcat. jnaiar sapC :Ma
inr warship at 11. uram, "Iatrustiac
Ouraelm to Got." Sala by Lawell Love
all. Youbc people' aoeietr at T V
Ud br Kisi Ruby Davis. EvoaiBf geooral
orviea at, 8. Labor day aoraoa. Wtd-aaaday-
Bight wo bofia a aeriro of mid
week aerrjeea. with (vest speakers, oat
lining the five-rear, five-poiitt pograos
of toe W. C 1. U. Mrs. rrea Toole. jr
win bo the principal speaker. g
xyasoeucax. aid nzroutxD
Capital and Marios Sts, pdwia
Horatmaa. pastor. Sunday school.' 10
a. a.; Gersaaa services. 10 a. m., 'tChris
tiaa Zeal"; English services. 11 Sa. m.,
"Ciaato of tha Old Testasseat The Lib
erators". Fellowship loocheon rt aooa.
Misjiionarv society and Chorchsen";s Bro
therhood, S P. SB.
Corner N. Winter and Market 8& D. A
Cohagaa, la-stor. Residence 1330 X Win
ter tit. P1-DO 469. Sunday school :43.
Kev. Kalpu J. Milton, district eldir. will
preach Sat. Bight and on Sunday? at 11
a. as. and 7:3t p, sa. SacrimenUl ser
vice Sunday a. as. Young people a meet
ing. 6:30. Midweek prayer Meeting,
Thors, 7:45. i
Highland arenuo at Church St.
Browa, pastor. Bible school at 10
Clifton Ross, superintendent.,
for worship at 11 a. m. Meeting
T. C!i
pf clock
n min
istry and oversight at a p. sa
Intermediate and Adult C. E.'a
Evangelistic services -at 7:30.
meeting Thursday at T.tO p. nr.,
business meeting following.
a 6:30.
Corner Chemeketa and Winter streets.
Regular Sunday school and church aer
vieea Sunday. Dr. Drover C. Ulrteuet.
pastor, hss returned - from his vacation
and wilt preach at 11 a. m. Evening ser
vice in charge ( the young peep I-. Wil
liam H. Wright, choir director, will sing
at morning and evening services
Corner of 17th snd Chemeketa: street
H. H. Dick, pastor. Sunday school at
9:4S a. m.. H. W. Wall, pastor. Morning
worship at 11. Theme: "Confession of
Sin by Christians." Christian Endeavor
program- at 7 :30 p. m. Prayer fleeting
ana ehotr practice on Wednesday it 7:4i
193 North Commercial St. Adjutant
and Mrs. John Allen In charge. Sunday :
9:43 a. m company meeting; 11:00
a. nu. holiness meeting; 6:30 p. m
young people's r meeting. Colin .Mor?as
leader; 7:30. open air; 8:00. evening
meeting. ' Thursday and Saturday, 8:00
p. m. ; 7:30 Saturday eve-, open,: air.
Ferry aad High Streets. 9:4Sia m
Bible school. W. Foster, snoerinteadent :
11 a. m.. morning worship, sermon
'Shewing the Lord's Death". Rev. Wal
ter A.j Pegg. Huntington Park, Califor
nia. 7:45 p. m., evening service, isermon
-"Hiding Behind the Golden iKule,"
ev. waiter a. fegg. s
The regular aU-day meeting f the
aianon county Holiness association will
I be beld at the Freo Methodist church in
Woodburn. OTeffon. 'on Tueadsv. itent. 8.
Rev. U. E. Harding who was the evan
gelist during the camp meeting will he
present for twe ef the services.! Edgar
jr. bubs, pre li a en t.
- Liberty at Center. J. R. Simond mis
ister. Family service at 11. Labor day
sermon -mi Cburch and Social Re
form." with special reference In tha
proceedings st the June session tot the
General Council of Congregations Chrts-
iiaa enure nes. -
South Commercial and if vara Sts
Dean C. Poindexter, minister. Church
scnool :4j a. m. Morning worship 11
a. tn HMtin TniA vMfM r 1
Leagues meet at T p. m. Evening aerri'ee
P- - inemer i Uanaicaps EAecea
sary to Success." f
Nineteenth and Ferry. II. C.
minister. Morning worship at 1
mnn "Tt T . v S t.v ...
it over
school at 10 a. m., Roy Harland. jsuper-
luiEuueai, -
fa fact everything- for the
office at
WW4m J compiny
340 State St. Phono -404
I? " i I Oat.
You can reach tlie customers you
and you can keep your sales higher when you
use printed selling to supplement regular sales
mediums.! -Use printed selling to drive home
your sales: messages.
Statesman Publishing Co.
complete j
Korth Cottage and D Streets. 3. F.
Olthoff. pastor. Bible achoot at :!
a. am.. Samuel Sehirman. auperlnteadent.
Menung worship in tiaras a a at 11. Ser
mon. . Daf 4eaeaanata gnter - erae.
( The Secret ( Good Work'f). The
Lord's Sapper. Radio service over sta
tion &TWJJ, Partisan, 1:30 to 4:15 p. m
vcaiag service ia Kaglish.? Twia Rock
Assembly F-ehoa. Several of tha young
peepto wfll-eTive reports. Closing message
oy too pastor, mia-weea aeveiionai nour
Wedaosdayi evearng at "clock. Wom
en a Miasioaary Society meeting laurs
day at S pJ as. .. j-
! !: i -
Coart and 17th bta, D.IW. laniela.
pastor. Bihlo school at 9:45 withMUa
jeao Hawkins, supt in charge, asorning
worship aad obaervaaro ot tha Lord's
Supper at 10:45. Sola by Joseph iae Win
keawerder.! Message: 'The; Fersvcutd."
Evening service at 7:30. Labor day play
let by the young people i assisted by
manv oeoola ot the coacreratian. Mes
sage: "Workmen JUeserve to Live." AH
day meeting of the ehnrch women .in the
basement ot the Bungalow oa Wednesday.
Mid week service Thursaayj at 7 :4a.
Winter. Jeffersoa. and FaV
ground Road. Lynn A.. Wood, minister.
Church school V:4o a. m.: morning -wor
ship 11:00 a. m "Labor i Sunday Mos
saga". Annual homecoming of the Lee
Hi League at 5:30 p. -m. Waffle aupper
and program. Eveaing service 8 :IK) p. m,
"The Objections of Youth", worship
theme. Installation of the j High School
Lpwerih League. j
Corner Summer and Marion Streets
Rev. James K. CampbelL minister. San'
day school! at 8:45 a. m.; Mr L. L.
Thornton, superintendent. Morning wor
ship at 11 o eolck. Special masic. Jser
mon: "Achieving Faith", i Senior high
school league and young people's lesgne
at 6:S0 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7:30
o clock. Uoapel aong service. Special at
sic. Sermon: "God Answers by tiro".
Bible stndy and , prayer service Tbars
day at 7:30 p. m.
- CHURCH i (
State Sti at Chnreb. Jaai E. MilKgan.
pastor; Mildred Martholomew. director of
young peoples activities: K. at. uatke.
8. S. aupt; Sunday school ':45. clssses
for all grades: morning worship, 11:00
o'clock, "Great Dreams": i evening wor
ship. 7:30 .'It Can't Happea H
yoaag people 'meet at 6:34; iastallatioa
of new high school league officers by
Dr. Milligan. --,1
Corner ef Center and tliarh Streets.
Guy L. Drill, minister. Church arbool at
9:80, with A. P. Speer. sUpt. Morning
worship and Communion at 10:45. Ser
mon by Rev. G. E. Williams. Chrlstis-l
Endeavor at d:45. Evening servire
8:00. Sermon by Rev. Williams. Special
mnaie at all services. There will be ao
mid-week meeting this week.
Herbert E. Bennett, minister. Sunday
school at :5 a. m W. a. Starker, su
perintendent. Morning worship service at
11 o'clock. Special masic by the choir.
Sermoa: "Christian Experience Effective
ia the Life of the Individual". Young
People's League at 7 p. m. Choir prac
tice Thursdav at 8:00 p. m. r
Herbert E- Bennett, minister. Morning
worship service at 9:45 o'clock. Contral
to solo. "A Lovely Song" (Lillenaa),
Mrs. C. T. Mason. Sermon: "This Life".
Sunday school at 10:45 a. nu, W. P. Col
lard, superintendent, j -tl
When Others Fall
Chinese Herbs
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122 N. Commercial St.. Salem,
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Sunday aad WL O to to a.m.
itvi Added sales
Wheh You Plan Yqur Next Selling
j Consult lis for Costs on Printed
Selling for Results
South Commercial Street
Church atreeti between Chemeketa aad
Center streets. Rev. F. W. Eriksea. pss
tor. Moraiag worship oermoa topic:
Power to See It Through." l-aoor ear
ran. Special satnaie arranged by Prof.
Hobaon; thia service ia broadraat over
local atatioa from 11-13 aooa. Solo: "la
tha Shadow of the Almighty," Boaes
Mrs. Stanley Satchwell. The male auf
tet will aiag: V Lor of Home.'
8ibellus Ronald Craves). Herbert Xiotf
eon. Garland Hallowell and Richard Bar
tea. Young people's service reports
from the sneouver convention oy xne
delegates. Clarice Kolbe. Gladys Ques
seth. Violet Jen sen. Junior 2clsoa snd
Clifford JenseaL
Career of 13th oad Ceater streets. Mar
vin G. Jebe. pastor. Phono 3G40. Snaday
school at t:45. dept. aad clssses for ail
ages, Frank Litwiller. aupt. Morning wor
ship at 11 a. m. John iriesea, mosie ati
rector Special I musical oelection by the f
male quartet. Sermon by Rev. Jobe; ioV
JVC A Bl v . . . a. m
at 7 p. m, Henry Mattsoa, pres. Speaker,
Miss Priobe. miasioaary from China. Lre
aiag evangelistic servire at 8 p. m. Spe
cial mnaie. (duet) by Julian and Milford
Stnlt. Sermon j by Rev. Jobe. (sabjecO
"The Poor Man's Market"; prayer and
praise service j'ed. evening at 8 p. m. .
357 H Court St. Kev. Lloyd A Rev.
Esther Millerl pastors. This Sunday
morning being commnnion Sunday, the
subject used is 4 'Broken." Young peo
ple's service V:30; this is to be a spe
cial servic. Subject at 7:45 Sua. eve.
ia "The biffereaee between tha Birth
of fhe Spirit aad the Baptism of tha
8pirit." Wed. 7:45. Fri.. 7:45, are the
mid week services. Sunday school at
8:45; classes for alt ages., This church
desires your fellowship.
R. C. Ma no minister. Seventeenth and
Nebraska Streets. Church school :3
a. m Mrs. Aaha Wolrott, superintendent.
Morning worship. 10:35 o'clock. "The
One Greet Need of Mankind." Christian
Endeavor 6:81) p. m. Eveaing song ser
vire aad sermdn, 7 :45 o'clock. Mr. Maaa
will speak o "The Struggle Agaiast
Fearl. Midweek Bible stndy and prayer
service, Wednaday. 7:45 o'clock.
R. W. Bresfler. pastor. 655 Ferry St.
Bible school, 8:45 a. m.; morning wor
ship. 11 a. m. Sobject, "The Aggreasivo
Christians Position." Evening aerviee.
7:45 p. m.. Rev. Chan. Spellman, convert
ed Jew ef Los Angeles speaks. Subject,
"Palestine and the Jew in tha Light ot
Prophecy." Wed. eve.. 7:45 p. m.. mid
week piayer and Bible study.
Ferry and 13th Streets. C. G. Westoa.
pastor. Sunday school at 8:45 p. m,
C A. Wilsan. Isupt. Church service it'll
a. m. Sermoaj "Christ ia You." Evan
gelistic aerviee- at 7 :4S p. m. Topic,
"The Seed ot the Woman." Bible and
prayer meeting Tuesdsy at 7 :45 p. m.
Vouag people, Christ's Ambasssdors,
Thursday at 7; 45 p. m.
The family of Margaret Plunts
takes thia means of expressing its
most extreme gratitude to all
those friends who helped so gra
ciously In jthe hours of trouble
and for the many beautiful floral
offerings presented. William' F.
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