The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 04, 1936, Page 9, Image 9

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TLt OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Horning; September 4, 1935
... - v.. - - - r--. ; . . I LGE NINE
Local N
evs oners
- fceven Accidents Reported Po
lice received reports of seven mi
nor automobile accidents her
yesterday as follows; F- EL.Welr.
2397 Hazel avenue, ! and C A.
Lytl. route three, atl Miller and
Saginaw streets: D, V. Chapman.
Portland, and Walter R. Ransom.
Black Roek, at 16th and B; Lai,
nelle Chapin. route two, and a
motorist named Pattojn, on Court
between High and Liberty; Frank
E. Judd and rn. UU Ansel driver,
on Liberty - between i Ferry and
State ; - Estella P. Maden. route
three, and G. W. Egan. 210 Cen
ter, on Riverside drive; George
Pappendrew, lttlO Highland, and
Irene Alice Shattuck, 2T64
Brooks, at 1010 Highland; C.
Beatson. 230 North 20th. and an
unidentified driver, at State and
''!.'-'. ' ; ' ....
New formala for dancing. Just ar
rived for Miller Day special! Bril
liant elrce and satin, laughing wa
ter moire taffetas! Black and all
the new season shades. New pep
lums and tunic fashions. Miller
Day. special $7.95. Miller's, 2nd
floor. .
Army Tracks Here Salem wit
nessed Uncle Sam's modern meth
od mt transport hero today -when
the third signal company convoy
pf 27 ' trucks passed through Sa
lem en route from Tort Lewis,
Washington, to E u g e n e on a
practice march. The company
comprised eight officers and 135
enlisted men under command of
Captain J. I. Downey.,
Penney's will remain! open until
8:30 Saturday night, j ,
Carver Files-Willam Carver,
Woodburn, yesterday! filed peti
tions with the county clerk to
place his name on the November
ballot as an independent candi
date for the position of constable
of the Woodburn district.
Miller Days begin today at 9
a. m." ' .
Club No. 6 to Meeti Townsend
club No. 6 will meet at Nelson
hall at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Mem
bers are being asked to bring ar
ticles for a cooked food sale.
Obituary v
Plank I
At a local hospital, Sept. 3.
Chester Plank, 28, late , resident
of 16 SO N. Church street. Sur
vived by widow, Mrs. Emma
Plank, L'a'.am; daughter, Lillie
Ann Plank, Salem; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Plank; Oklahoma:
and three brothers, I Jess, Laur
ence . and Hubert Plank, , and a,
stater, jnanita nans:, j an ox uma
homa. Funeral announcements
later by Clough-Barrick company.
'!''. Kehrberger
August Jacob Kehberger, at
the residence, 1740 State street,
September 1, at the age of 73
years. Survived by widow,-Pauline,
and five stepchildren includ
ing Mrs. Anna Rotzein, Mrs. Mary
Baker and Bert Kook.v'aJl of, Sa
lem: five nephews including G. C.
Hoffman of Center,! Colo., and
six nieces also survive- Funeral
services will be held Friday, Sept.
4rat 2 p. m., at Christ Lutheran
church, preceded 'by prayer serv
ices at Clough-Barrick chapel at
1 : 30 p. m.. Rev. Amos Mlnneman
officiating. Interment Mt, Crest
Abbey mausoleum., j
Mnhs I ;
Leona Estelle Muh9, at the resi
dence. 642 Statesman street,
Tuesday, September, j 1. Survived
by widower, Frank Mubs; daugh
ter, Mrs. Virgil Gearhart, Salem;
sons, Frank Torgerson of Cali
fornia, Ralph Torgerson and Har
old Muhs, both of Salem, and a
grandson, Gary Gearhart. Salem;
four sisters, Mrs. James Tousses
of Montana, Mrs. Richard Stevie
of Wyoming, Mrs. John Haeyden
of California, Mrs. C. L. Ratch
f ord of California; brother, Frank
Simons of California. ! Funeral ser
vices from Clough-Barrick .chapel,
Friday, Sept 4, 10 a. m. Inter
ment at Belcrest Memorial park.
Y.M.C.A. Leaders Meet Dlvl
Ion leaders of the T.M.C.A. en
rollment week campaign win meet
at the Y.M.C.A. for luncheon this
noon. A. E. Larimer, associate
general secretary of the Portland
x .M.C.A. and head of the local
enrollment program, will be pres
ent. C. A. Kells, secretary of the
Salem .Y.M.C.A., reported yester
day that plans for enrollment
week are shaping ap , well.
Just arrived. In time for Miller
Day, girls' school jdresses. Guar
anteed prints, 3 to: 16 -year sixej,
79c or two for 11.50. Miller's.
Elks Come Saturday The new
ly revived Oregon State Elks' as
sociation, composed of represen
tatives from each of the 23 Ore
gon lodges, will meet here Satur
day to plan its first state conven
tion in several years. Exalted
rulers and state association offi
cers who Were elected this sum
mer will attend. J. W. Flanagan
of Marshfield wll preside. .
Yes. yo can 'we the new 1937
Studebaker Sedan now on display
at ; Bohesteele I Bros., Inc., show
room. . public i announcement
aier. ,
Pipe Hearing Tonight The
city council water construction
committee will meet at the water
offices. Commercial and " Trade
streets, at 8 o'clock tonight to lis
ten to statements to be present
ed by manufacturers of pipe ma
terials for use in laying the Sa
lem water supply line to Stayton.
The water commission also will
meet there tonight.
i -,
Hop pickers wanted at the Wil
liams & Thacker hop yard, 4 mf .
W. of Salem. Payment $1.75 per
hundred. Ph. 9614.
Plan C. E. Confab Plans for
the Marion county Christian En
deavor convention to be held OCr
tober 16 to 18 were discussed at a
meeting at the First Presbyterian
church here this week. Citizen
ship, grading and extension will
be stressed during the next three
months of the Endeavorers "Live
Christ" program, it was decided.
: '
Wanted, good home if or child's
aog. preferably in country, 1919
i. ft in street
Skeltoh Faces
Burglar Count
Attempt, Actual Robbery
Both Charged to Man
Now in Hospital .:
Home Is Offered A woman in
good health between the ages of
45 and 55 years will find a home
if she interviews Mrs. Olive Doak
Bynon at the i Red Cross office.
5911, some morning this week. A
motherless family of five .children
needs a housekeeper. The young
sters range In I age from "5 to 13.
Remuneration j will be given as
well as a permanent home.
" ' -: i. - 1
Cooked food sale, S. Salem W. C.
T. V, Hogg Bros. Court St. Sat.
Represents TTnion- Robert Lit
tle, Willamette university grad
uate, who is an attorney in San
Francisco, has been appearing for
the International Seamen's union
in its controversy with the Sea
men's Union of the Pacific befpre
a labor department examiner in
that city. j '
Will pay 5c each for complete
copies of Oregon Statesman of
Aug. 12, 1936,
Visiting In! Salem Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Davis, Shelburn, and
Mrs. Thomas Hall, Gervais. were
visiting friends in Salem yester
day. . ;: I .
Johnson To Mr. and Mrs. Per
cy L.. Johnson; Turner route two,
a girl,- Patty Rae, born September
2 at the Bungalow Maternity
home. I
Zwicker To Mr. and Mrs. Har
old George Zwicker, 2236 North
Church street, ! a boy, Steve Har
old, born September 2 at Salem
General hospital.
Ts'orris To Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
I ITa Otto Norris, 2390 Nortn
Fourth -street, a gin, rinnne
Marion, born August 30 at Salem
General hospital.
)WM ill
For Easy-to-Vqsh
Smart Walls
Satin Eggshell Finish a increasing
ly popular for kitchens, bathrooms,
nurseries and bedrooms. Its semi
gloss finish gives a crisp freshness -to
walls and woodwork that can
be washed and washed. And, like
a "wash dress. it goes oa so
' easily and wears so long!
Satin Eggshell Finish
Certain-teed Scores Again by Introducing a New
Patented DoIicMtto DcoOSns
The' Most important Jt&?&
fa for the past SO years. An Improved "o"
irdlfferentand nnmparable witt ty tner.
Reroof now before whiter. Free Estlmatefc
Paint Ct Roofing Co.
-i Phone 4642
Vernon K. Skelton, shot Mon
day night by Dr. F. C. Jones as
he was attempting to break into
Jones' ; office, was charged yes
terday in justice court with ' at
tempted burglary and burglary
not in a dwelling. Justice of the
Peace Miller Hayden set bait . at
11000 for each of the two charges.
Dr. J. G. Nash identified gold
in Skelton 's possession as some
taken from his office. The charges
were signed by Louis Burgess of
the Salem police. '
Skelton 's condition is un
changed. It was stated at the hos
pital where he is confined with a
gunshot wound in the abdomen.
Circuit Court j
Salem Collectors. Inc. vs. J.
T. Faulkner; transcript from the
Salem justice court filed under
writ' of review order from circuit
Cora V. Harding vs. M. Clifford
Moynlhan; amended complaint
for the collection of a $2500 note
given August 17, 1928.
Lottie W. Robbins Vincent j vs.
Maude C. Newton and others;
complaint for the foreclosure of
a $1500 mortgage.
W. G. Krueger vs. Hugh C. and
Nellie Brown Fletcher: decree of
foreclosure of a $64$ mortgage.
Hugh Rogers vs. William . H.
Trindle; demurrer. f
L. R. Mirphy vs. K. K. Kirk
and others? sheriffs return ; of
sale for. $26 98 in full satisfaction
of judgment. if
Ruth Warren vs. Ernest L.
Warren; complaint for divorce on
grounds of desertion. Couple was
married at Geneva, Nebraska,
February 15. 1912;
Lester Marion Alsman vs. Edna
Four Booked, Traffic C 1 1 y
traffic police ' made four arrests
yesterday on charges as follows:
Speeding, Orin McDowell, 1065
North Fifth street, and Harold
Dean Ellis, 496 Hoyt: failing to
stop, R. T. Warner, Tourist camp,
fairgrounds, and Harold D. Jones,
route four. ; " r
Lutx Florist. 1276 N. Lib. P 9592.
Payment Authorized Payment
of $6046 for care of insane 'pa
tients In the1 state hospital com
mitted from Marion county was
authorized yesterday by the coun
ty court, A transfer of funds from
the emergency fund was ordered
to cover the payment. f
Cash for used furniture. Ph. 1110.
Laytons May Move Her Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Layton, Halsey,
former residents of Salem, were
visiting here yesterday. They are
looking for a place to locate
should they decide to return to
Salem. . . :-,;.. . .
The Spot-light car of 1937.- Sttt
debaker again leads the parade.
See for yourself - at Bonesteele
Bros., inc. The only 1937 mode:
car on display in Salem. f
Board to Meet A special meet
ing of the Salem public library
board will be held at 7 o'clock
tonight at the library.
Coming Events
Sept. 4-3 XI t. Ansel flax
Sept. 5 4-H livestock
show for Marlon coufty at
state fairgrounds.
Sept. 7-1 Oregon state
fair. i - .
Sept. 21 First chamber
of commerce lancheon.
Sept. 21 Salem schools
open. .' ,
Sept. 21-23 Registration
at Willamette university.
- Sept. 2t Fall Opening,
sponsored by Salem Ad crab.
Oct. 16-18 Marion
County Christian Endeavor
convention. First Christian
V. Alsman; complaint for divorce
on grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment. They w e r e married
August 10, 1933. He charges that
the defendant found fault and
criticised - him and that she left
home for long periods. Restora
tion of the defendant's maiden
name, Edna V. Kugel, is request
ed in the complaint.
Probate Court y
Harry A. Witte estate; Ida M.
Seymour, administratrix, filed
final account showing balance of
$275. Hearing set for October 6.
J. McCready estate; supple
mental final account.
T. B. Jones estate; Ladd and
Bush Trust company, executors,
authorized to sell eight $1000
bonds and to make distribution
of net income from the estate, as
provided in the will of the de
ceased. '
Elmira A. Scott guardianship;
Joseph B. Felton named guardian
of the estimated $4000 estate.
! Margaret Strayer estate; resig
nation of Ladd and Bush Trust
company as guardian approved
and property turned over to,W.
A. Weddle, administrator.
Caroline Selee estate;- report
on . sale- of real estate to Duane
and Rose Gibson for $2500 made
by Ladd and Bush Trust com
pany, executors.
. Thomas Peterson guardianship;
hearing on final account set for
October 17.
' Edward J. Pearce estate; ap
praisal of $3998 filed by Enos
Shark, J. P. Blankenshlp and Nite
Alvin A. Horst estate; TJrlin S.
Page, administrator, authorised
to loan $2260 to Kenneth Horst,
administrator of the same estate
in Washington,
r Marriage Licenses
T Enoch R. Stevenson, 28, car
penter, Salem, and Irma Ahlquist,
29. bookkeeper, Marsnneid.
' Claire E. Weaver, 26, janitor.
340 Union street, and Hasel O.
Seeler. 20. housekeeper, Sher
wood. :
! -Justice Court--.;
The case of Gilbert Ennls, who
leaded not guilty to a charge of
stealing two horses and several
farm implements, will be neara
at 2 o clock this afternoon.
Preliminary hearing for George
R. Osborn who yesterday pleaded
not Kuiltr to a charge of giving
checks without sufficient funds
Will be held at 10 o'clock this
MurticiDal Court
! Jack Clifford, Salem, plea of
euiltr to being drunk; sentences
to 30 days In Jail with privilege
of release during working nours,
Sentember 9 to October 2.
' F. W. Richardson, Slaters, $5
fine, speeding.
.Harold D. Jones, route four.
(Improved Patented)
i - ' , i
RemoTe the Cause of Your Foot Troubles
Quick Relief for Tired, Aching Feet, Fallen Arches, Baraing
Feet, Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Cramp In Feet and Legs
Sweating Feet and Varicose Veins, also Cold, Clammy Feet.
Stops spreading and stretching of the foot, and makes more
room in your shoe. It's your feet that makes yon old.
? 4
IP r
This Is W. C BURNS, Cuboid Specialist and Inventor of
Burns Cuboid Muscle Developers and Arch Builders, who
will show you, free of charge, so yon will understand that be
does everything lie advertises. s
He will advise and show you. Free nff Charge, how Cuboids
make walking easier, bow walking on Cuboids develops the
muscles, forcing blood through the arteries and builds vital
ity, making the heart's work easier. Cuboids, relax the cords
and nerves, giving you full benefit and rest from your sleep;
also why your corns, callouses and bunions will gradually
disappear; along with your tired aches and cramps la your
feet, legs and back. Give relief when everything else has
failed. Burns Patented Cuboids will be sold for the low
price of S3, f 4 and SS for a ten. Women and Children during
this . Factory Advertising Campaign.
We Want Everyone to Know About This Wonderful Invention
Whether Yon Buy or Jfot
XJT'coIlQGti Q2 JLQ(S3 Drugs
Corner Liberty & Court Streets - Phone 3444
Mrs. Wright Will
Head Party Work
Leader Jnst, Appointed Is
Active For Years in
: G. O. P. Campaigns
Appointment of! Mrs. R. - I
Wright of Salem' to the office of
republican chairman for the wo
men's division of ! the Marlon
county republican central com
mittee Is an Important step In the
union of all republican campaign
forces In this county. She will
cooperate with Marlon county re
publican women in the activities
of the campaign and will be as
sisted by the women's division of
the state central committee. Her
work will be carried , on chiefly
through the local republican
headquarters. i i ". .
Mrs. Wright was born and grew
to womanhood in Portland, Ore
gon; and has been a resident of
Salem for many years where she
has done effective ! work for the
civic betterment of ' both - connty
and city.
For four years she was secre
tary of the Marion county council
of parents and teachers and for
fire years vice-president of the
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teachers and In several sessions
of the Oregon legislature she
worked in the interests of educa
tion and child welfare.
Mrs., Wright Is well versed In
government, experienced In cam
paign work, a loyal enthusiastic
republican and : is cordially wel
comed by the Marlon county cen
tral committee.
$2.50 fine, falling to stop.
'Miles C. Helms,- Albany route
two, $2.60 fine, violation of basic
traffic role. :
Frits MIchelson, Portland, $10
fine, drunkenness. '
G. OP. Worker
lag i sWiiV ii-rtrtsnsJUnnts
Bellinger Goes t
Minnesota School
: Jack Bellinger will entrain (the
first of next week for Minneapolis
to enter the graduate schoo
the University of Minnesota,
will study for his master's
in journalism.
Bellinger Is a graduate of
University of Oregon, and fbas
been j connected with The Oregon
Statesman news staff. .
H will join his mother, Mrs.
J. N. Bellinger of Lebanon at
Pendleton and they will travel to
gether as far as Kansas City. Mrs.
Bellinger will visit her daughter,
Mrs. Paul Williams, in Toledo O.
North Santiam to
Dedicate Building
- : . v-
New Sehbolhoose) Ready
For Fall Term Mott
Slated For talk
Dedication exercises for the
new North Santiam school build
ing which has been under con
struction during the past several
months, is scheduled for Satur
day, September . 5, Frances I
Miller, clerk of the district, an
nounces, v !
The two-room building, erected
at .a cost of $4000 for material
alone while the WPA supplied
the labor, is modern! in all re
spects, being equipped! with elec
tric lights and plumbing. A large
stage takes up one end of the
building and In the other is a
kitchen equipped with builtins
and a range, and a library with
folding doors which cad be opened
to convert the two rooms into a
good sized dining roomj D. Arthur
Lowe of Salem was the designer.
Mott Is Speaker
The public is Invited to attend
the formal opening and the dis
trict especially wants; as many
former teachers and
can, to attend. There
picnic luncheon at noon, followed
by a short musical program and
an address by Congressman James
W. Mott, who together with Sena
tor Charles L. McNary obtained
approval of the project In Wash
ington. : ; .
The building which; this new
pupils as
will be a
i cheeks
XJaM, Tablets
S aire, Vese- Dropi
fry "XVMv-Tlsm,--WrU's Best
-first day
Headkeliaa. .
SO minutes
schoolhouse I replaces was first
used in 1905 as a oae-room school
and in 1909 a second room was
added. The old building has bees
sold and will be removed by Octo
ber 1.
: The new building is surrounded
by six acres of school park which
has been developed by WPA la
bor. There lis yet considerable
work to be dbne on the park. The
project will be resumed along
with others (when the harvest
period Is ended. ;
Final Teaming On
Licenses Is Sent
City Attorney Paul R." Hen
dricks announced yesterday he
was giving a final warning to
holders of delinquent city licen- r
ses to take out new permits or
pay fees past due. He said action
to close , the various places up
would be taken If the warning
were not heeded.
Collection of license fees has
rutt betwee 85 a'nd 90 per cent
this year as against around 30 '
per cent last year, Hendricks
said. Soft drink stand and apart- '
ment house owners are In the ma
jority among the operators whose
licenses are, not op to date.
Destroy Your CoastirtiMi
Best knows trestSMM let
the West tot Ulcers. Acid.
Bloatlac, CoastiMtioa.
Tiieeaostsj Exeousatiea
a4 Treetmeat by skilleS
specislists.! .
tLlwr1'- -r-'-r '-- TrnrnS.'
wrmotcmU fac HLE theuUiUn Bockkt.
- rnysfeias) ssmI Savsjaee -
K.K, Comer Bnraeide and Grend Avuae -JjetajgwwAetSBIS
ieter VtKlV.Mairtrfg .'iM'J: Words and IInsic by Sclireder-Berg
wh Those rapip
a . , w-
iia. i . BUU1II UV . , w
sacw Af
joy To 5HOP
Whererer Smart women gather at crabs, luacheons, teas, or wherever you'll
hear them talking about the food values from the f SCHREDER-BERG Grocery.
Follow the trend here, and learn how to Bay THE BEST AND SAVE. j
No, 10
Pure 1A lb.
Cane IU
M'3 can,E(3
Iraweville f lour
All Family
IHsr?t3:n)im9G SaUti:
8 toBEg
Holiday Specials
Choice Fryers
Dressed and fle
drawn, lb. ,, , . jUC
Hens ..
Babbits for
28c lb.
Fryins; 25c lb.
Shoulders Young Mut
ton ; A. lie lb.
Breast of Young Mat- -
ton J .. ....7c lb.
Igs of-Young Mutton, 15c lb.
Mutton Chops . 13c lb."
Picnics, Sugar Cured. ...23c lb.
Fattened on 30
Peanuts ; ..." oLC lb.
Boned and Tied Picnics
Nice to boil for on
Vacation Trip eJUC lb.
Lux Flakes
Size for
2 for 19c
Lnx Toilet Soap
3 bars. 18C
Lifebuoy Soap ,
O bars 19c
for your
Labor Day
Reg. 15c pkg
' - i " -'
77 V 0 77 77 1 77 ' 77 o ' 77 0
ii mm bbt nv; m m m m mm m m mm mm mm
e-et V-s-a n U Vint SSW , aU U V
atch For Sunday9!
It Will
Bring Yourl Invitation