The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 04, 1936, Page 4, Image 4

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paue Fbu::
: Grange to Meet
: . ' - ' -.
Fruh College grange will, hold
the first indoor meeting of the
Albers Feeds Put "Vigor Into
Poultry Flocks j
Tested Helps No.' 140
Now 1 the time to cull
the undersized and rongh
.pallets from your flocks'
becaase it is not profit
able to feed them. .
Albers Paks-N-Mash for
. Pullets
1936 Egg Maker Mash
Molasses Dairy Feed
Turkey Grower Paks
Korinek Fly
Wonnol 1 qt. will worm 200
228 Ferry St.
fa& ez- C
WG vS?sSS:-Vmtes Mrs. L. R. Bell fHi'f' 4
Fresh as Grade A Milk
that's how my new bread reaches you
. Head of one of the worW f largest Home Economics Bureaus
Surely you've noticed it yourself how bread .
tastes most delicious only when it's really fresh?
' - Even betwlen two loaves from thexsame
recipe when one loaf is fresher than the other
. there is a definite taste difference.
The hundreds- of Western women who
helped, me develop my "woman s recipe" bread
reported this difference. They found thajt brlad
to be most appetizing should he fresh as
Grade A milk! " , .
My new Julia Lee Wright's Bread is costly
to bake. Chemists as well as those who judge
bread by taste rate it superior. Each loaf de
serves to reach you at its peak of goodness.
. So we take special precautions to see that
Julia Lee Wright's Bread is always ideally fresh
when you get it most delightful to eat with
meals, toasted, or in sandwiches. ,
This means economy, too. For my fresh hought
bread KEEPS FRESH LONGER after you take it home!
; """75
season la the local schoolhouse,
Friday - night. A special feature
will be. a picnic topper at 7
o'clock. " ' 1 '; - . "' '
Carnation Dairy
1936 Egg Maker Paks
Calf Manna
Albers Progressive Mash
Rabbit Pellets
Molas-O-Meal .
Spray in Balk I
Chickens $1.00 per qt.
Phone 6S58
Pear fanning
Time Arrives
Three Tested Methods For
; Majrfng Preserves Are
Offered to Cooks
Oregon is a home state for
pears and thrifty housewives
should not neglect to preserve
some of them for winter time use.
Any of the three recipes following
are recommended. They hare been
contributed by cooks . from Salem,
and. ricinity.
Minted Pears
Green coloring '
1 cup sugar
1 cups water
Mint flavoring
Pack firm ripe peart which
hare been peeled and cored close
ly in a quart jar. Make a syrup
of the sugar and water, using the
amount of coloring desired . and
flavoring with mint to taste. Cau.
tion should be used with the mint
as It is often very strong. Cover
the .pears with the syrup and boil
in a hot water bath for about 15
minutes. These also may be made
red and flavored with cinnamon
if desired. Minted pears filled with
cream cheese and garnished with
mayonnaise end ground nuts
make a very attractive salad.
Blanche M. Syverson
Lyons, Ore. . '
Pear Filling
pears .
pounds figs
"nomie''Pc;i vsuai
don't want your
sen ,. .ci-.T. - m m t -. -m m
sb ... sa a w ' jm. rsssM t ' V fc-ssBSBBSsss - m :: V, I w ft 'y .
1 cup Butter
f cups sugar
Grind .figs, peal and cat up
pears. Mix an ingredients and
bring to a boiL Cook slowly about
is minutes. Pat in sterilised Jars
and seal. One pint makes enough
filling for a three-layer cake.
Gladys " XJndgren
-110 West Letelle
Christmas Conserve
1 dozen large pears
3 cups shredded pineapple
4 oranges " -. -
Peel and cut up pears, add pine
apple, the Juice of two oranges
and two oranges shredded. Drain
off combined juices and measure
bulk. Put back into liquid and
add 4 cup sugar to 1 cup of bulk.
Boil : until thick and just before
removing from fire add one cup
maraschino cherries . cut up. Seal
in sterilized glasses or jars.
' Mrs. N. J. Lindgren
lfO West LefeUe.
Brush Fire Spreads
"To Edge of Timber
Fred Gibson, who bad obtained
a permit to burn brush on his
farm here was responsible for an
exciting episode which occurred
here Monday. After he had : left
for his home at West Salem, the
fire got out bounds and swept
over a large area of brush land
before being quelled by all avail
able men in the neighborhood,
just before reaching a fine stand
of green timber; ; ...
Two truck loads of CCC work
ers, who had been hastily sum
moned by telephone, arrived after
the fire was under control, .
. m a
I v Vl
ja si'm. w w
a assBsssssisssssssssw mmmm x
Oregon, Friday Morning September 4, 1933
Foods Suggested
For Final Outing
Hot Meals Without Great
Amount of Labor Are
Passible, Shorn
This weekend will sea the last
major trek of the summer to the
mountains and seashore for the
triple holiday. Canned foods are
a boon to campers and should al
ways be included in the supply
kit, especially if the trip is of sev
eral day' duration.
What could taste better than a
piping hot corn chowder, a toma
to and corn soup, or a vegetable
soup, or a beef or mutton stew
with plenty of vegetables. A big
pan of steaming hot baked beans
or a huge dish of corned beef hash
will also "go right to the spot."
In addition to these dishes, why
not try a fish chowder, or sauer
kraut and sausages, or tomatoes
and spaghetti, or.tamalesor en
chilades with a good sauce and a
mixed vegetable ; salad followed
by canned fruit for dessert. v
Onion, soup with big croutons
and lots of grated cheese ' is al
most a meal in .itself. Use canned
oniqns and. the meal will be ready
very quickly. To make the meal
extra hearty, serve ravioli with to
mato sauce. - ' f
: Combine Soupe
Italian ; minestrone may be
made by using two cans consom
me, one can lima beans, one can
green beans, one can corn, one
can tomatoes, one can peas, one
J Vi, VI': J
can cabbage, and one can onions.
When this la served hot with lots
of cheese It 1 a meal In Itself.
Use number two cans la making
this thick and delicious soup.
Russian bortsch Is another sav
ory soup, . easily made ' by using
canned food. Use two No. 1 cans
beef bouillon, add one small can
onions cut fine, one No. 2 cam
cabbage, on No. i can toma
toes, one No. 12 can eat beets.
Simmer over a! lsow fire, season
well and serve hot. If came Is
near a farm, store, or dairy, serve
a 'generous tablespoon of sour
cream with each bowl of soup, i
A i : - - ;
r T ! " 1 1 ' .
One-Trip Meal Is
Sunday Eve Idea
Plate Dinner Is Designed
to Save Steps; May Be f
Served Upon Lawn.
Have you served a "one-trip"
meal to your houseful of guests?
It is a dandy for Sunday and may
be served on the terrace or in the
garden. i . , ' -.
The basic Idea Is to prepare
plate dinners, j lunches or - sup
pers and place each on an Indi
vidual tray with Implements, gar
nishes and beverage around the
plate. No seconds and no fuss
In serving. ,
"One-trippers' are only as easy
as what 'goes onto the plate. The
best Idea Is to have one hot main
dish, such as Italian Bked Rice,
on One Dish Supper Soup, or a
main-course salad, accompanied
by little rolls, and an assortment
of garnishes. The dessert can be
on a separate plate, and of course,
the beverage in cup or glass. , .
One-Dish! Supper Soup ;
cup rice
1 cup chopped . celery
2. small onions , i
1 green pepper
1 pint tomatoes
eggs, : f -v . : . -
, cup cheese
3 cups water
Salt 1
Add chopped celery and onions ,
to a kettle of boiling water. Add
chopped green pepper. Cook slow
ly 16 minutes.! Just before serv
ing, break the eggs Into the hot
soup. . Sprinkle with cheese. Cov-',
er. Keep in warm piece five min- j
utes. Serve very hot in indlvid-:
ual soup dishes or in a tureen
over a mound jot hot boiled rice.
Serve with sale wafers and tart
pickles. 6 servings. .
j ' ' L - .
Stay ton Students
Plan Fjor College
STAYTON, ept. 8. Those of
the younger Bet who are mak
ing plans to return to various
schools and colleges this term are
Jean Inglis to i Oregon State, Mil
ton Bell and 'Gordon Shields to
Columbia University in Portland.
Miss Delphi Brenner, who i at
tended the - University of Cal
ifornia last year will go to Mon
mouth Normal, Fred Lau to Ore
gon State, Miss Elizabeth Stay
ton, and Dale- and Rbwe Crab
tree to Willamette, Norbert Dos
ler and Leonard Berg to Oregon
State, Adeline! Thomas , to : the
Capital Business college In ; Sa
lem, and Miss Eunice Jordan will
start at a university of dram
atics in California. Miss Maxine
Huber, a former Stayton grad
uate, who graduated last term
from Monmouth will teach in
Elkhorn, Oregon.
Buchanan Change
To Tpach at Vida
" . . . I
SCOTTS MILLS. Sept. 3. Mr.
and Mrs. John - Buchanan spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Woodward. They both
taught in the school here last
year, and have been attending
summer school at Seattle. They
will teach at IVIda, Oregon, the
coming year. : ,
Airs. Eugene cnicc is visiting
her daughter, Mrs W. E. Cave In
Salem, also where she can be near
Mr. Chick who lis in the Deaconess
hospital, being treated for asthma.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan - Smith and
daughter. Gale, and "Mrs. Addle
Smith, visited pale Magee Sunday
Sunday, who is in the Salem gen
eral hospital, also E. Chick in the
Deaconess hospital. Dale hurt his
back two weeks ago, and was to
be put In a cast Tuesday.
Lose 5 lbs. a week
Safely or No Pay
II you are averwcigu
flabby, yon can lose weight
amazingly easy. There is no
mH tn rnnlxh vrwirxelf with
backbreaking exercise no
need to starve yourseu ana
deny your body the foods
you need for health.
Itarfucs) bv this
nnucLESS method
Thousands of women are
getting oacs . vo noruuu
weight easily and quickly by
using WATE-OFF, a harm
less food compound (no
salts, no dinitrophenol. no
drugs, no harmful laxatives) .
WATE-OFF Is composed of
vegeUble and herbal in
gredients mat j wumuiw ;
the body acids thus pre- ;
venting accumulation of
fat. - The Instructions say:
Take WATE-OFF before
meals, then esi your ncarvj
fill. -Results." users say, "are simply
amazing.- A tablet taken 4 times a day
will cause untghTy pounds to melt
away like magic leaving no sagry.
flabby or broken; down tissue. WATE
OFF was advertised to millions In Pic
torial Review, Physical Culture and
other leading magazines at S3.4S per
treatment. However, if you act now we
offer you a full sized Introductory treat
ment at only $1.19. Don forget. If you
are not satisfied with the results, simply
return the empty carton and we will
return your money. ; $4 IS
2 weeks treatment
On Sale at Fred Meyer
Toiletry. & Remedy Shop :
) WW
TesJeyan Pastor Goe ;
To Attend Conference
erend Henry Aarhuse.! pastor $f
tfaa I Wesleyan Methodist church
left! Wednesday for Portland
whefe he will attend the annuM
I r- ATMta
55 N.' Commercial '1 h 91M
Bttrba nks
j M. J, B. . , j
I in 2-lb. and 8-lb. caas
1 QGtb.
feAKING POWDER, K.- C, 25-oz. .4 -16c
CAKE FLOUR, Swansown, large pkg. .i..J23c
tlUSKIES, 2 packages -.,.-i22c
j Whole Wheat Flakes j With a Brand New Flavor
DOG FOOD, SCOTTY lALLEN, 3 cans ,......22c
PICKETT, Hard Wheat
lb. sack $1,491
I ! 1 1
1 II
Vorld's Fastest Cbrn Curd
Guaranteed to Homo vo
Corns PAINLESSLY-idO mutate
4r Your Monoy Ddck
Mm Imm.I, Httomi mi mill
M MM. Tmm lift mt tank. V.
mtrm la tm lt O
On Sale at Fred
New, Scientific Mixture of
ItfatureV Own Roos and
jHerbs Continues to As-
Itouna This Whole See-
Now Mr. McDow-
ell, of Salem, Describes
the Blessed Relief " It
IGave Him! . "
If r. W. W. McDowell, of Route
3, Box 427, Salem, is the latest
widely-known local resident to
come forward with a statement
PUBLICLY praising and endors
ing! VAN-TAGE. This "Amazing
Mixture of Nature's Roots and
Hebs and Other Splendid Medi
cinal Agents' is now being intro
duced to crowds dally In this city
by Ja Special Van-Tage 'Represen
tative, known as The VAN-TAGE
Man, at 170 N. Liberty St.
Mr. McDowell is known by al
most everyone here In Salem, and
nisi Remarkable Statement about
Vah-Tage, published below, will
be read with great , interest by
hundreds ef men and women who
are suffering as he did, and who
are;; seeking the blessed relief
that. Mr. McDowell found in Van-
Taf e. Read every wor of this
sincere, earnest , testimonial. See
rorj yourself how, Van-Tage goes
right to the very source: of Hu
ms h Ailments and drives out the
causes of suffering. His statement
follows: . . ;
ArLis So Painful He Was
Unable to Work !
' 'or the past 3 or 4 years rve
had! plenty of trouble with rheu
matic pains in my body," said Mr.
McDowell. "In fact, these pains
gotSso bad ia my arms that T
couldn't even, turn my milk sep
arator, and could hardly .get any
of ifly work done. I saw in the ia
peri what so many people were
saying about Van-Tage, so I got
two bottles and started taking it.
ant I can truthfully say that It
has given me more real relief
that I had ever hoped to find in
ANY medicine! Just the other
day I went out during hay mak
ing land pitched hay all day long
and-my arms didn't hurt me ne
bitJand now I can run m-r
arator and it doesn't bother jme
in ine least neca use those pains
have been cleared np. I actually
didn't think there was a medicine,
anywhere, that could do what
Van-Tage has done for me, and I
am Kld . to make this public
statement about it so that others
cans hear about It aad know what
it Will do. j If anyone wants to
kndw about Van-Tage. all they
have to do Is Just call and see
meand I'll be glad to teU them
wht a marvelous medicine it is."
iam mu. wmt yy - " i
C i
conference at St. iohna church,
with W. Lu Thompson of Marlon.
Indiana,' secretary of home mis
sions of the Wesleyan Methodist
church, presiding. Conference will
extend over next Sunday. Rev
erend Aaarhuse expects, the con
ference to return hip to his pas
torate at this place.
Lmm FruiU Vecetables
f 10
New -Crop
10 .5..
White Laundry
HQ bars
GRAHAf.I Flour
Fine or Coarse s
Lt10:,b: 139c
11 IV 'ilU' '3il-54
Meyer Toiletry Shop
MR. W. W. McD O W-E L L,
Widely-Known Salem Resi
dent, Tells How the Amaz
ing VAN-rAGEi Compound
Put a Quick Stop to Rheu
matic Pains That Had Kept
Him Miserable For Tears! -
Enlivens Organs; Clears
Out Poisonous Waste
VAN-TAGE contains more than
38 ingredients, including 21 Nat
ural Herbs. When
Amazing Fot mula,
like taking several
you-take this
It -is almost
medicines all
at once., It accomplishes several
things inside of you at the tamo
time. For instance, some of its in
gredients sweep- poisonous ga3
and waste from stomach, whila
others give.' the bowels a great
cleansing and clear! out the old,
foul substance that causes head
aches, skin eruptions, foul breath,
coated, tongue and worn out feel
ing., other Ingredients act as a
splendid diuretic to sluggish kid
neys and help Nature flush out
quantities of impunity, relieving
backache and night rising; others
invigorate the liver action and re
lieve awful bHIiouaness. Rheu
matic and neuritic Ipains, caused
by accumulations of waste and
poison in the system, quickly dis
appear when Van-Tage removes
those poisons and tones the or
gans into new, healthy activlt.
Another . thing due to the Im
mense volume In Which it sells,
the price of Van-Tage is reason
able. It is within the reach OF
ALL! So don't hesitate. Get this
Amazing ComDound TnnA yJ
and start feeling like a Real Hu
man juemg once again!
. speclal Van-Tage Represen
tative, known as The VAN-TAG E
Maiu i, now at 170 N. Liberty St..
Salem, dally meeting crowds of
wupi ana introducing and ex-
vuumug mis - Kemarkable Com
pound. - -.
On Sale at Fred Meyer
Toiletry & Remedy Shop
170 N. Liberty St.
, V
1 -r