V MILLER'DAYS "SPECIAL EDITION, SALEM, OREGON A GREAT MILLER DAY SALE OF FINE FALL FABRICS J WW Ace TO) VALUES TO $1.49 YARD O Rough Crepes O Novelty. Crepes O Taffeta? O Plain Crepes SEW YOVR OWN AND SAVE! Here's blr surprise! Hundreds of yards of tine fall fabrics direct from the mills for this Miller Day etent to make your Fall sewing most profitable! Special weares for school . . . for the workaday . . . for afternoon and sports ... for dinner and formal wear. Blacks, blues, browns, rusts, dark greens, dark reds, white and pastel shades! Special fabrics for your tnnlc and peplum dresses, in fact, there's almost etery wanted fabric in this great showing and yoa get tha choice of the entire lot for 49c yard! Be sure to attend this sale early! Store opens Friday morning at 1:00 o'clock. Main Floor. These New "Southern" TWEEDS or SCHOOL A BIG ASSORTMENT , FOR MILLER DAY J amartlxatteine4JL'.w.O0l! ready to show you on Miller Day. Specially priced, too. Make up an entire school wardrobe of these and see how much yoa can really save. All the new browns, blues, greens, reds, etc. Washable, fast color cottons! Main floor. LUNCHEON for SIX and Six Napkins $49 r-l 77 . . t v v A tr j Pure linen plaid luncheon cloths for six. Set comprises one 62x52 inch table cloth with six napkins to match. Color schemes are blue, green, orange, brown, etc. . BATES' RAYON -EHf II FKIC an Bates rayon bedspreads (seconds of regular 5.95 values) come in all the wanted shades. Large sizes long enough for bolster. Buy these and save nearly half on Miller Day. Main floor. Hi NOTION DEPARTMENT Man Floor Features a Bliller Day Sale Hickory Girdles All Sizes ' Start the maw fashion season with a set of new girdles! These Hickory girdles . are nationally known for their good '-, quality. 2-way stretch, garters; etc. Bay them now and sate from 21e to 48c. Notion dept. main floor. Rubber Aprons Tour choice of hundreds of plaid and floral patterned kitchen aprons In this sale on Miller Day at 2 $c each. Choose for self and gift sating 1 Notion dept. main floor. Stamped Pcquot Pillow Cases 74c These stamped pillow cases are geaalne Peqoot! Bay them now at sating and embroidery them at your leisure. Assorted pat terns. Balcony needle-art shop. Special Stamped Goods-49c : Closing out 'an assortment of stamped goods comprising baby clothes, table scarfs, pillows, knitting bags ate. Valnes to f 1.95 New Slippers $fl9 : - ii Pair k For MMer Day Here's the smartest house slip per Imaginable! Toull like the new high Instep trim of fluted satin, the Military heels, leather counters, 4 tery special prlco for Miller Days only! Shoe dept. main floor.. SPECIAL! New High Styled Footwear $4.9. Dozens of new HIGH STLTE numbers hate awited for aut nmn - wear.Introdnclng Slem,l newest and litellest fashion Una of women's shoes at a special price . . . $1.95 Plr! British tans, blues, mouse greys, blacks, browas. B fitted while your size is here. Shoe dept., main floor. - PAGET