Th$) OHEGON STATESMAN, Sales Oregon, Friday Morning, September 4, 1936 PAGE THIRTEEN ainid U . - -, 1 - - . .Z . r ' ....'. "...! ' : For iBestt 3Rs ulfcs Classified f - ! i ft Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 - Classified Advertising Single insertion per line....10e Three Insertions per Iine.0c Six insertions per line. 30e One month per line 11.00 Minimum charg . 25e Pfp ,or P8 accepted until :30 the ventng before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will b run umlei thf heading.. "Too Late to Clas sify." , The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear tn advertisements pub lished In Its columnar and In cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake ccura : , ( r. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification 1 Hop Picker Tf WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR OUR MItoma yard and Cur tis yard. We should like you to In spect the yards. Picking will start about September L Call afternoons Durbln 6 Cornoyer office over Pen ney' store for particulars. MOP PICKERS wanted. G. A. Mc laughlin ranch two miles north of Independence. 300 acres, bis crop, fine camp grounds. Store on ranch. , HOP PICKERS wanted at the Wil liams Thacker hop yad. 4 miles west of Balem. Payment - 91.7 per hundred. Phone'? 6 14. a Help Wanted PRUNE PICKERS. Phone .7580. t Help Wanted Male I WANTED EXPERIENCED car renter to spend his vacation at Devil Lake - In my cabin in exchange ; fo. Improvement on cabin. Lake front lot. Sleeping room for five. Fine - bathing beach. Fishing, etc Write Hal Spooner, ICS N. 12th. Salem. WVTF.nMAV in llv tn imill moveable cabin and care for turkeys. Tel. 78F12. ? "Sal esmen Wanted GOOD. LIVE real estate salesman. Box 765, care Statesman. - I Situations Wanted COMPLETE LANDSCAPE service. J. W. Maruny. Tel. 8840. HAULING TeL 6547. DIRT, gravel, r wood. EXP. DRESSMAKER. 694 N. Lib. Annette Smith. LADT WISHES work- in motherless home xr as cook for men. Also young man wishes work of any kind. TeL 6379. 143 Court street. . MAN EXECUTIVE, bookkeeper, au ditor, married. Available at once. Box 73:, Statesman. CARPENTER WORK, new or re pair. W. II. Perry A Softs- 967 a Commercial. t ."'x- PRACTICAL NURSE- with hospital . training and 12 yr. experience will care for elderly people or convales cents in pleasant home. Tel. 126F3. For Sale Miscellaneous j WE BUT- sell exchange anything that's saleable at Woodry's Auction Market, IS 10 N. Summer. In Holly wood. Phone 8-1-1-0. ADDING MACHINES, cash regis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair service, moderate price Roen Typewriter Ex&. 420 Court. WOOD FOR SALE. You cut. 8 miles out. Tel. 3800. NARROW WIDTH ladles' high grade shoes, $2.98. Greenbauma 24 N. Commercial street. FOR SALE Latest model gas range, cheap. 332 N. Commercial. RUMMAGE SALE every day this week. 178. S. Commercial. 2 -WHEEL HOUSE trailer. 619 N. Front. " WANTED GOOD home for child dog, preferably in country. Doj about one year old. 1919 N. Sth street. HEAVY FRYERS, 2 dressed. TeL 13SF4. to S lbs.. SALE JIG-SAW Just like new, automatic ' blower. Woodry Furniture Co., 474 S. Commercial i j . v ..... o - - - rlpened Improved Elberta and J. H. Hale canning peaches now ready. Get your requirements now while they are at their best, run tan Cider Works, ' West Salem. v- . - v . w - a V -V k&4 - A 4 "" field. Mrs. Wright, 4 miles. Wallace road. ftAArmnnnrVi"ii - i CIIOICE IRRIO. Marglobe tomatoes after Sept. 10th. Zlske, ieL i.tJ, rc crvxrv. tn T Ifrv'n or chard for Elbertas, Hales and Muira. On Wallace road. - GOOD BANJO for sale cheap or trade for radio. Box statesman. NEW ZEALAND whito rabbits lor sale. Double deck with 5 modern sani tary apartments. rabbits 6 months old. two mother rabbits one buck. Pedigreed, blue ribbon stock. New arrivals due middle of this month. College boys retiring from the busi ness. Phone PIANO. GOOD condition, 865. Terma 986 N. Summer street. 5 ' SHARES Producers - Canning Co. stock. Roy Ohmart. TeL 8724, evenings. rurrwv nrtA - turkev erit. River Bend Sand & Gravel Co. Plione ?rff--- - - nnnnrn-nwuwn ' IRISH SETTER pups, sell or trade. S19 State street, faaiem. . swiT-fc uit v ri , A n Wilson. Corner S. Summer and McGUchrlst. ADVERTISLNQ Western Advertising v . Representatives - ranger-Ball Oe Ltd. . rrsacisee, Los Asgelea Sesttle . Eastern AdTertlslng ' Representative Brrant. Griffith Branson, Inc. Chicago. New Tora, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Sntfrtd t l I'oatorrie at alm. Oregon, as fieod-CJas 8eter. Psi- , IlsAeoT every morning ButinetM off km. 318 8outh Commercial Strict. - subscription Kates : Mall Subscription Ratea In Advance, Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday . 1 Uo. 60 cents: 8 Mo. 3L25 ; 8 Mo. 32.28 i 1 year 34.00. Elsewhere 80 eenta per lfoL or 85.00 for 1 year In advance. Pel CUrCarrteT" 46 cSti a monta: t'.? rWSma 111 For Sale; Used Cars Jj Ak A SinraasHng Victoiry . for tHne Used Car JBoyer Come In and Take Advantage of the Fine Buys at I Otto J. Wilson in Better Used Cars 1935 1S33 1931 19S1 1S31 1930 1930 1929 1930 192S 1930 1929 Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan fradlo heater) , 785.00 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan, dual equipment ' , , , 54&.00 Buick Sedan ( 6-wheel equipped). checked over and repainted Ford Victoria Coupe a nice little huick uoupe, priced to sell quick at Packard 7-pass. Sedan, newly painted O. K.'d ,., Oldsmobile Coupe two side mounts O. K.'d and repainted Buick Sedan a fine car throughout Chrysler 77 Sedan new rubber all Buick - small aeries Sport Coupe Chev. 4-door Sedan, complete overhaul, new pa hit ,,, . Pontiac two-door, formerly owned by prominent people and had excellent care 1928 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan Many Others to Choose From Otto J. Wilson i 388 N. Commercial Phone Used Car Mart Specials! 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe. Like new 1935 ; Plymouth .Touring Sedan .- - 1 35 Idt;e DeLuxe " Sedan 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan - 112 IxmIkc DeLuxe Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Sedan . 1930,BuIek Sedan i TRUCKS 1935 Dodge L.W.B . 1935 Ford. L.W.B. 7.50x20 tires 1934 Ford. LW.B. ....... 1930 Chevrolet, L.W.B; HerraiU-Owens Co. Dependability" Dodge and Plymouth Dealers 235 S. Commercial lUsed Car Center 210 CENTER 4 28 2 27 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 34 31 34 32 34 MODEL T 1FORDS .... . ... ESSEX i ROAIXSTEK WILLYS KNIGHT. Make an offer OVERLAND COACH. Good tires HUDSON COACH , ERSKINE COACH CHEVROLET PICKUP DURANT SEDAN HUDSON SEDAN , DE SOTO SEDAN . PONTIAC SPORT ROADSTER PONTIAC COUPES Special FORD TUDOR SUDAN FORD COUPE J WILLYS 77 SEDAN BUICK De LUXE SEDAN i CHEVROLET PICKUP i OLDSMOBILE SEDAN L. CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN GRAHAM SUPER-CHARGED SEDAN TERMS . . Open Evenings j Used Car Center, ! 40 Center Street s CASH FOR GOOD USED CARS For Sale Miscellaneous PEACHES Crawfcrds. Hales, Al berta a. C C Chaffee. H mile from bridge, Wallace road. Phone 52F21. BARTLETT PEARS. 2 ml. on Wal lace road. Box 181. Joe Mesner. Trade Miscellaneous WILL TRADE men's clothing for second growth 16-inch lir wood. O. W. Johnson. TeL 4463.1 Wanted Miscellaneous - WALNUT MEATS or walnuts In shell, any Quantity. ; State Cafeteria. WOODRY THE auctioneer paya casn or trade for used furniture or what have you? Ph. 5-1-1-0. Free We pick up Ocaa and worth less horsea cowa sheep TeL 4883." WANTED ASH wood, $8.00 per cord. Call at 310 S. Winter for speci fications, i , i . OLD BUILDINGS wanted. 20th Century Wrecking Co., 411 Front. - MILK GOAT. P. O. box 228. Salem. WANTED " TO buy large quantity government piling. 14-Inch butt, 8-lnch tip. Parker Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore. WANTED TO 'buy old or useless horse and cows. Finlar Fox Farm. Jefferson, ,Ore. TeU Jefferson 7F13, collect. j ,i Miscellaneous COLD STORAGE lockera Ramage'a 810 N. Liberty. Phone 875L I Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOOL Stoves, Furniture Capita! Hardware 4 Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial Phone 1848. For Rent Rooms j ROOMS.! LADIES. 898 N. Cottage SLEEPING ROOM, . 1145 S. High. 632L . i FURNISHED ROOM. 2097 State. ROOMS,: MEN. 600 N. CapltoL MOD. RM. for man, gar.Ph. 7772. I- SLEPINO RM. ilen only. Ph. 4498. FURNISHED SLEEPING room, Close In. 224 Division. WARM,' FRONT sleep rm. 985 Saginaw. - ' --.- NICE SLEEPING room. 255 Center. Room and Board RM.-BD. TeL 8394. SCO Chcmeketa. EXCEL. RM. and Od. 745 S. Com'L ROOM. BOARD. $6.25 week. Chil dren cared for. Tel. 69;8. . . ; " . t For Rent ApartmentsJ MOD.' FURN. .apt.' Gar. 343 Union. FURN. APT. 2261 HaieL TeL' 7666, ATTRACTrVEast floor. 210 N. 14th. 1-RM. APT 8S. 332 N. Water. ' For Rent Houses ou. out on c leay road.! About A. Prefer someone 1 interi.Ted In milk rToata Mra 'S Culver, rtj 5. box 243. Salem. For Sale Used Cars This -car has been thoroughly , family car 395.00 335.00 SS5.00 245.00 275.00 385.00 265.00 25.00 285.00 165.00 around 8451 Salem. Oregon. .8725 J725 3723 $S5 0585 3345 8343 ..8543 -3595 -9445 .-1295 . Phone 3168 MMWwWwVwWWMwwWwV STREET ....310.00 815.00 $20.g 8 23. .f 35. ..3 65.00 -3 95.00 -3 95.00 ..3125.00 -3165.00 -3165.00 $265.00 ..$195.00 ..0185.00 ..$245.08 ..$275.00 $365.00 -3425.00 ..$33.00 ..$465.00 ,8545.00 $365.00 . TRADES and Sundays Phone 3421 For Rent Houses : MOD. 7-RM. turn. TeL 6384. FOR RENT location. Price 860 ner month. Posses sion October 1. f CHILD3 tt MILLER, Realtors 344 State Sc. Phone 6708 For Rent Hospital beds and wheelchairs te nu H. I- Stiff Furniture Co. Office room for rent 381 State St. fL 8713. DANDT BOARDING house tor rent. Corner Belteview and 8. Commercial, 350. Also modern 5 -room home on Owens street just off S. Commercial, $40. Phone 4109. Hawkins ft Roberts, Inc. , ; Wanted to Rent WANT SMALL unfurn. house or apt. TeL 6859 between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. . . . . T ; I For Sale Ileal ErtateTf Hotnea Grant. 829 Court. TeL 7723. ATTRACTIVE HOME, overlooking Salem. 6-room modern house, garage, chicken coops, 3 A. best fruit $3500. 166 N. 21st. TeL 4034, owner. SPANISH STUCCO HOUSE This wonderful home Is modern In every way and is located at 8S5 N. Capitol street. In one of Salem's best residential districts and is priced at 34200. Will be vacant on Sept. 12, and if not sold will rent for $35 per month. W. G. KRUEGER Phone 4728 147 N. Com'L 1 OR 2 LOTS on paved street for sale by owner. 725 Thompson Ave. MOD. 7-RM. house. Used furnace. cheap. $1000 to loan. 1290 N. 16th St. 7-RM. CLOSE to grade. Junior and high schools. Best buy In city, $2100; $250 down. McLaren-Moses, 331 H State street. $500 CASH BUYS a S-room house at 1240 Fairmount avenue. W. G. KRUEGER Phone 4728 147 N, Com'L DON'T PAT RENT 3-room bouse with back : porch which can he made' into an extra room, has shower. Iaved Street and side walk. Large lot. In north Salem. Price 31000, cash $150, baL $18 per mo, including 6 int. - . SEE Clifford Harold with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phone 6708 IN EAST SALEM, modem -roora house. $500 cash. Price 33250. W. G. KRUEGER Phone 4728 - 147 N. Com'L TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Good 6-room house In South Salem. Price $3000. SEE Mrs. Ellis with - CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 6708 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of a repossessed 5-room cottage, large corner lot. one street paved. walks " in, close to - scivtoI and bus. Price $1500, cash $200, baL monthly. ' CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 State St ; Phone ; 6708 LOOK 4 Home and Income. Full price $3250: good terms. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, all furnished. Income 833 month. Double plumbing, large corner lot, both streets paved and paid, douhle garage. Ideal location. Act quick. Phone 6963 for appointment or see Bechtel or Jackson, 341 State. 4-RM. HOUSE, fireplace. Immed iate possession."; Cottage Realty Co., Z63 p. cott-gev I For Sale Used Cars I See These at State Motor Liberal Trades 6 Finance' 1936 Terraplane Sedan Demonstrator $150 Off 1935 Terraplane Brougham Large trunk. This car run less than 13.008 miles. New car ; service and guarantee. $695 1931 Packard Club Sedan Original finish extra good. Upholstery good. Tirea A-l. Cost new $3500.0$. Our price now $595 1934 j Terraplane Sedan DeLuxe model. Trunk and other ex tra Reservleed as needed. , 30-day service and guarantee. - $595 1933 Terraplane 8 Sedan Overhauled. Ref inlshed. ! Good tirea Two fender wells, trunk rack $495 1932 f ! Willys 6 Sedan New paint A-l mechanically. Brand new air wheel tires $395 i 1930 Hudson 6 Coupe Very low mileage. Brand new paint Nearly new trres. Rumble seat $325 1931 Durant 6 Sedan Motor overhauled. Repainted. Good tires and upholstery $325 1930 Ford De Luxe Sedan . Karl-Keen trunk ' $295 ; ja' 1929 Buick 6 Sedan Brand new paint Motor and tires good $295 1930 Hupmobile 6 Sedan A-l In every respect Six wheels and trunk $275 1929 Hudson 6 Coach Two new Urea New paint Motor .- overhauled. Brakes rellned $265 1930 Essex Challenger Sedan New paint and tirea Overhauled from stem to stern " $225 : Specials As Is at a Price 1931 Ford Panel Delivery $195 1928 Reo Panel Delivery $195 1929 -Durant 4 Sedan $135 : 1929 ' Essex Challenger Sedan $175 1926 Buick Sedan $37.50 1926 Hudson Brougham $27.50' tate' - Motors Inc. i High at Chemeketa Packard ; Hudson & Terraplane Open Nights and Sunday I For Sale Used Can Drastic Price Save $ 1 0 to $ 1935 Graham Sedan ..i... ...... 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1929 Pontiac Sedan 134 Terraplane Coach . . 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Pontiac Sedan .. 1926 Dodge Sedan : -Special Truck Bargain- 1935 Chevrolet Truck ...... &I5 625 Low G.M;A.C. 333 Center State Fair Car Prices Week At Shrock's Lot, and They 1833 Nash Sedan (clean) $495 193S Plymouth Coach deluxe) 685 1935 Willys Sedan 450 1930 Pontiac Sedan i 285 1931 Chevrolet Coupe i 325 1938 DeSoto Six Sedan . , 32- We Pay Cash Phone 7925 Fair Week Specials i ON USED CARS 1st Prize Of fer 1930 HL'P Snecial .Sedan 1933 PLYMOUTH Rumble Seat 1930 DURANT Sedan 193 FORD Del. Sedan 1930 CHEVROLET Coach 1930 CHRYSLER 78 Coupe 1929 CHEVROLET Coupe 1929 OLDSMOBILE Coupe 1928 DURANT i Sedan 2nd Prize Offer 1928 CHRYSLER Sedan 1929 DURANT 60 Coach 1928 CHRYSLER Coach . 1926 CHRYSLER 70 Coach 1927 NASH Sedan 192$ PONTIAC Sedan 1)27 PACKARD Sedan 3rci Prize Offer 192T PONTIAC Coupe lizi stah seaan 1927 OLDSMOBILE Coach 1922 VELIE Touring 1925 CHEVROLET Coach . The- Entrance Fee Is Free. The Down Payment Is Small. The Terms Are Convenient. Salerai Automobile Co HOME OF CHRYSLER A PLYMOUTH 435 N. Commercial j For Sale Real Estate BELCREST LOTS. Phone . 4728. I-RM. HOUSE, fox 754, Statesman. MR. RENTER All going out, noth ing coming in. See at once, best propo sition In Salem. You can secure a home for X years with all; expenses paid. 246 . State. I SALE 6-RM. modern bouse, double garage, large lot, fenced and bearing fruit treea 458 N. 19th street. Exchange Keal Estate TO EXCHANGE Good (-room house. In Wet Salem, for house in Salem.-1 W. G. KRUEGER ! 147 N. Comt SO ACRES EXCHANGE FOR SALEM RESIDENCE 80 acres about one-half under plow, balance fine oak and fir timber. 34000 worth of wood on the place. Prune orchard, other fruit, old house and barn, dandy running stream, on good road near pavement. Priced at only 33500 and' will take Salem residence to 82500. Submit what you have. SEE Mr. Walter with CHILDS A MILLER,' Realtors 344 State St- j Phone 6708 TO EXCHANGE t-room house In Portland, Ore., at 1319 S. E. 53rd Ave., j valued at $4500, for house In Salem. Phone 4728 , W. G. KRUEGER 1 For Sale- Farms j FARM BARGAIN 80 . acres all in cultivation, good so Ik ' 6-room bungalow, good barn. Fenced with woven wire. Owner roust selL Priced at only $4500, cash $1000, baL $200 per year plus 8 interest. SEE owner at CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. Phono 6708 RIVER BOTTOM DAIRY FARM 63 acres, about 35 -in - cultivation, timber for family use; some good pas ture. All stocked and equipped with small . dairy , herd. . good team, ; some poultry . and all machinery necessary. This -place will be sacrificed and sold on liberal terms to responsible., party. SEE Mr. Walter with - -CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors -341 State St. Phone 670$ I For Sale Used CarT"! Reductions on lOO Was $795 &5 & 285 495 495 175 !45 Terms Phone 3189 Open Evenings and Sundays i Nesrit Week Fair Every I93t Ford Coach ( rebored DredM .. it ...j $31 1930 Willys Six Sedan 19 Pontlao Coach. . 1939 Oldsmobile Coach 1939 Nash Coupe (heater) Many Others $15 up for Good Cars at McKays hrock's 555 Oieraekea Street ..i$3;o -.3345 J8325 -.3295 -i$295 .8293 ..$235 ..41235 -i$225 Coupe . i$175 -il -4$10 -48175 -43135 $15 8125 8115 i$ 75 IS 35 25 A PLYMOUTH j -, Phi Phtme 4673 Wanted Heal Estate : TOD MAT have the property onr buyers want. list with J. M. Cavender, 147 N. Com'L St. WANT 40 to 60 A. good cash pay ments, and liberal terma I have two buyers with $1000 to $1600 cash. Let me know what you have. 11. C. Shields, Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. Business Opportunities ( FOR SALE Furniture In ten room boarding house, rent reasonable.- In come over $200 per month. Box 749, Statesman Money to Loan PRIVATE LOANS for automobiles New low ratea Roy R. Simmons. First National Bank Bldg. Lie. 4-183. By aa Independent amem Flrtsnce Co. Amounta to $1600.00 One to Twenty Months tot Repay Deal with aa Independent Salem owned-and-operated finance company where your needs will receljro every consideration beta before andiafter the loan Is mads. , 1 No Delays - . . No Red Tape General Finance Corp, First NafL Bank Bldg. Phone $163. Licensed, tt-138 by State BENJAMIN FRANKLiN federal 8 money. Ne commission. Te build, modernize and refinance. Seat Delamv $80 N. Church. A Complete Service on Loans Up to $3Q0 Personal Loans IT can advance cash quickly and privately to any employed ma er womsn In 34 houra - I woman in 24 hours. Salary-Toons now available, , I Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Room 1 1 9. New Bllh Bldg. 2nd floe I.ICKNSED NO S-122 A UI6S by STATE 1 $1$ Stale SL TeL 87 4 8. Loans Mads la Nearby Towns I For Sale Used Cars I Used Cars . at Now I Save $695 r $100 645 50- " 595 50 245 40 475 20 475 1 20 v 55 I 20 35 i 10 r. I' ! 50 Written Guarantees Better Cars 430 iV. Commercial Used Cars 1928 Nash Coupe . 3145 1927 Studebaker Dilator Sedan- 165 1938 Buick Sedan i 165 1929 Nash Special Sttlan 265 1933 Plymouth Seda4. A-X i 465 1929 Studebaker Sedin, A-J 250 Carter & Church Motor !,.'-' Co! 365 N. Commercial Phone 3731 Pickups, Panels & Trucks 1935 International L.W.B. Pick-up 1936 International L.W.B. Pick-up 1934 Terraplane Panel Delivery 1928 Two-ton International L.W.B. Body and License - 1929 Reo Two-ton LW.B. Body and . License , 1930 Reo Two-ton ILW.Bw - . 1933 Reo 1 ft -ton W.B. Body James H. Maden Co, 317 State St. ! Phone 859$ International Motor Trucks McCormick-Deerlbg Implements, SALE REO 2 VI 3 ton truck with van, :24 N. ChurctL 30 ;POXTIAC sport roadster. Good condition, cheap. 2035 N. Church. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Salem resi dence property. Small monthly pay ments. Salem Federal Svga A Loan Ass-4.402 State street. Phone 3801. Federal bousing loans tttto t, build or refinance homes or business prop, taw ratea Abrams Ellla Masonic 8 MONEY TO LOAN for 3 to -5 yeara ALSO: 325,000 in small amounta Most convenient monthlyi repayment plan. SEE US for prooiAt action. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge Loans 34 4 State St. Phone 6708 Loans Wanted loans wanted oh (arm and city property Before borrowing. Inquire st Hawkins A Roberta t Livestock and Poultry GOOD BREEDING ewe for sale. Cash: or time or on shares. J. L. Rod (era TeL 465 Scia For Sale- Wood WOOD. Ph. 4SF11. Smith A Rubena GOOD, DRY 2nd:growta fir. t cord lota $12.00. Phones 7860. GUARANTEED -DRT wood roal TeL .6000. Salem rSiel Co Trade Cottage, I . Tt IirVWTrrtr T.l AS.7 tnr rood second growtn aider or nmna All kinds good dry wood. TeL 3354. ALL KINDS onwood. TeL 616. 16-INCH OLD fir, alder and maple, $5.23 cord. TeL 700. . Business Cards In this directory rua on a monthly basis only. Rates l.i0 per line iper month. ? Anto Braktss Mike Panek. 37$ Souta CommercUL Chiuine Sweep TELEPHONIC 441$. R. E Northnesa Cliiropractors DR. O. L SCOTTi PSC Cntropractor 256 N. High Tet Rea 8763. EUectrical Serrice I BttSI.UR Mertrle. 346 State St. Wir ing, inntora appliance, repalra serrlca Excavating Excavating of alt kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for a!a Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone $48$. . .. ..... - Florists BreUhaupt'a 441 Court. A l.l. kinds or floral work. Lota, Hat 1st. 137$ N. IJberty TeL 85IL La on dries I ,THR KKW 8ALEM LADNDRT TUB W EIDER LAUNDRY 283 S High I TeL 8138 ; CAPITAL! ClTT LADNDRT i First in Quality and Service retephotie 3163 j 1264 Broadway Lawn ! Mowers Sharper ed. rermlned and traded. Ph 1818. Harry W.ScotU 147 & Cotn'l Well Drilling R, A. West. R, ,Bot 448. TeL Il6r$ Wood Sawinjr WOOD iiAWG.-Reas"able. TeL 3792. kMAASVASAAASSAAMMeeVwVwWWM J. H. BOENING. Phone 9623. Lost and Found LOST IeLGIN wrist watch, down town district, Thursday p. m. Return 2248 Trade Reward. LOST iBROWS Pekinene dog nfar Leslie scliool. ' Phone 87 L Reward. Personal MEXICAN LEGAL matters. Write Box 731. care Statesman. - Me' . LINIMENT IS great for eexema, poison oak. Inflammatory rheumatism. Permanent relief. 3i E. Eighta St, Eugene, Ore. WANTED INVALIDS - or chronla patients to care for In my home. Mra G. K. Gilbert. 464 N. ISth. WILL PARTY who owns dogs, "Lee- and -Lokf call 8377. J-f 10IMAAVA J J1 ULAjJ Plans Warelionse Columbia Distilleries. Inc., is adding j another unit to its new plant at 501 South 14th street. terday Issued the concern a permit to build! a one.story warehouse at arcostf $3787. It "will be buiit by H. 0, Carl. Eleven other per mits were taken out yesterday as follows: - Leo X. Childs. $40 house repair jobs at 1309. 1347 and 1327 Fer ry streot. 152, South 13th. and 2397 Ctenter. and $20 in house repairs at 690 South 18th; F. K Manley, reroof house at 1585 Jef ferson, $25; Gladys Saling, alter house :it 170 North 21st. $85: Mr. O. A. Davidson, repair hotisa at 566 Union. $140; Fred Lenion. alter house at 2310 North 14th. $25; Eniily Earhart, repair garage at 195 South 24th, $35. f Lew Released as Father Pav For Slain Animalx 4 Juvei ile authorities yesterday released the 14-year-old Auburn district boy whom state police took ln:o custody Wednesday lor investigation concerning the shooting of four sheep and' two cows belonging to Charles A. Pur ham aid Arthur Herring, route six farmers. The men decided not to press charges after the lad's father had made restitution for the-dead animal. Stejele Wins Slow One SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. Z.-Al -Freddie Steele, world middle weight champion from Tacoma, won a decision over Young Stuh- ley. Chicago, In a listless 10-rouml non-title boxing b o u t here to night Steele weighed 160;! Stuh- ley 16 notich of review and Equalization of LaSSESSMEXT ROLL Thej State Tax Commission will attend! as a board of equalization, at thej Capitol in Salem. Oregon, on the third Monday in Septem ber, 1936, and publicly examine the. assessment roll by It made, and review the same, and correct all' errors In valuation, descrip tion, (quantities or qualities of prQperty by It assessable And in apportionments of assessments made by it; and it shall be the .4 . - L . I. ies to jappear at the time and place appointed. Petitions or applications for re- mentof a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath ot the applicant, its president, secretary, managing : agent or attorney in fact, and be filed with the Commission during the first week It Is by Jaw requir ed toj be in session, and any pe tition) or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Commission. STATE TAX COMMISSION By -Earl L., Fisher, Com. missioner and Secretary. A 28 S 4-11-18. Directory AlattfMSM CAPITOL BEDDINQ Ca Phone 406$, SAKKM FLOFF-RtJO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad te order, old remade; carpet cleaning, sit ing ; rluff rug weaving, a 13th A Wil bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZWICKKrt. Est. 1-911. . . . - -Music Stores CEO C WILIPlanoa radloa sewing machlnee, sheet muslo and piano stud lea Repairing radloa phonographs end sewing machlnea 433 Sute Street. Salem. , Photo Engraving j Salem photo enrmrlng. 147 N Com mercUL Tl $887. I Printing FOR STATIONER T. carda pampb lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. $1$ a CommerdaV Tele phone 818L - I Sewing Machine ISepairs Ln therms a. T 8678. 1168 Wsller. Stoves I I lepatr stores, rangea clrculaixra Sell fcew and rebuilt store a ranges and circulators, stock fence, posta cMiVen wlrsy Salem Fence and tov Works, 2 ChemeketA. TeL 4774. R B. Fleming. . Transfer VI in! iocs I dr distant transfer storage, all jtUL Iirmr Transfer Ca Trucks tn P)JMland dally. ' Ramseyer track eervtce. Phone 8354. OATITAL CITT Transfer Co 116 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our pertalty. Get jut ratea