PAGE TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 4, 1935 X Wheat Advances More Thmi Cent -With ForeiOT Marliet Further Corn Loss Is Seen Estimates Sensational But in Line With Beliefs? Previously Held CHICAGO. Sept. 3.-P)-Wliea: prices advanced more than a cent a bushel today on strength . de , Tired from world developments. Higher prices in foreign mar kets, cables said, were based on reports of good sales of Dannbian wheat to Italy,- of suspension of erport permits for wheat by Ru nienia, and of better export busi ness in Canadian grain. - ' Private crop estimates of Chic ego grain experts released today had little market influence. Gains scored by both wheat and corn prior to reiease of the esti mates were well maintained de spite transient fractional setbacks. Wheat closed 1-1 higher com pared with yesterday's finish, September 1.09?s-10. December 108-. M a y 1.07 -,- and '; corn wag -l up, September 1.06-46, December 93-, May 89-89. . Oats gained December 41, rye 1-1. barley l-2. -and provisions were .unchanged to i 15. cents higher. , . Estimates Startle The corn crop estimates were sensational although in line with many traders expectations. They revealed further deterioration of the nation's corn occurred during August despite recent rains. , The average of five .estimates 'Indicated a 1936 domestic " corn crop of 1,416,000,000 bushels. 23,000,000 less than the August 1 government forecast and 156,000;- 000 betow the average of the same authorities a month ago. This is the smallest crop in more than 50 years. Oats 'and rye prices moved in sympathy, with wheat and corn. The average of the estimates on oats production was 14,000,000 larger than the latest official fore- .' cact. " Strength in grains, and hogs in fluenced provisions. Millrace Leaking, Turner Complains The complaint! of the: Turner city council that' the leaky condi tion of the mill race through Tur ner was threatening destruction to the paved streets there was re ferred to District, Attorney Trin dle for action when it came before the county court at its meeting yesterday morning. The race- is owned jointly by the city of Sa lem and by several industrial firns using the race. The court authorized graveling ,of the road on the south side of the Little North Fork of the San tiam at the morning session yes terday. Considerable work on the road has been done by WPA workers. '.'' Graveling of several roads near Mt. Angel was also ordered by the court. vjeneral Mkts. PRODUCE EXCHANGE rORTLAXD, Ore.. Sept. 3. (AP) X'ronuce exriiance nt prices: Butter Extras 35Vie; standards, 13- c; prime firsts, 33e; firsts, 1 31 ; fcnt- Ksrga V. a. large etraa, 27e; V. S. Medium extras, 24e. Portland Grain "PORTLAND. Ore, )eur. 3. (APT Wheat: Open Hiich Low- Close May 94B 44 844 94 H Sept. 92 93 H 02 92 U Dec. 92 H 92 92 U 9 JV Cash wheat Big Uend ISluestera bart 1.06A; dark liard winter 13 pc 1.1511; 13 pc 1.09B; 11 pc 1.03B; soft white 02 X; western white 9'iA; hard winter 7B; western red 93A. Oata white $31. Xe. 2 Palouse - gray 80. barley No. 2 45 lb. B, W, 35. eoru No. 2 Eastern 1. Ship 49.50, Argentine 40: milirua standard 27. Today's car receipts: wheat 49; tar ley Ji; flour 16; oats 7; hay 3. - Portland. Livestock PORTLAND, Ore Sept. 3. AP) (U. S. lept. Ar.) Hog: receipta 500, direct 173; market fair and mostly stea dy. O'ood to choice 165-210 lb. Urire ina, largely 11.25; 220-270 lbs. 10.50 75; ligbt-lighta, mostly 10.75,; packing some 9.00-25; choice 100-120 lb. feeder pigs 10.50. - , Cattle: receipts 150, calves 75;" mar ket rather slow, mostly steady. Few grass steers 5.75-6.25;- common grades down to 5.00; cutters down to 4.0m; grass heifers, mostly 4.00-5.50; low cut ters and cutter cows, 2.75-3.50; common to medium grades 3.75-4.50; rood beef eoJ. 4.75; bulls, 4.00-5.25; fair rrari-) Tealera. 7.50; choice quotable to 8.00; common calves down to 4.00. Sheep: receipts 200, direct 15; market steady. Good 75-100 lb. Iambs. 7.00-50; common to medium-jrrades, 6.25-50; lew yearlings, 5.00; fairly good alaughter ewes, 3.00. i - Portland Produce PORTLAND. "Are., Sept. 3. AP Butter Prints. A grade, 37 Ho lb. in parchment wrapper, 38 He lb. in cartons; B grade, parchment wrapper, SO He lb.; cartona, 37He. . Butterfat Portland delivery, general once A crade. delivered at least twiee weekly, 38-39 He lb.; country routes. 37 3d He lb.; B grade. 30 37e lb.; C grade at market. 11 grade cream for market Buying price, butterfat basis. 53 He lb. Kgga Baying price of wholesalers, ex tras. 24e; standards. 21c: extra mediums. 30c: do mediums, firsts. 18c; under grade 16e: pullets. I4e dozen. Cheese Oregon trtpleta. 19e; Ore gon loaf, 19He, Brokers will pay H" below aootatioas. . Country meats -Selllnf price te retail ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs., 15-15Hc lb.; vealers. No. 1. 14e lb.; light and thin, 10-12e lb.; heavy. 8-10e lb.; cotter cows. 7-8e lb.; canaer cows. 7-THe lb.: bulls. 9 9He lb.; spring lambs. 15-1 6o lb.; ewes, 5.-Sc ! t Mohair 1938. 40c lb. Cases ra bark Buying arte. : 1930 peel. -7e lb Hops Nominal; lfloi clusters, SOs pound. Live noultry Portland deliver, buy ing price: Colored bens, aver 4H Iba 17-lSe lb.; under 4 lbs.. 1718c; Leg horn hens. ll-12e lb-; Leghorn broilers. 1-14 lbs.. 16-17e lb.; colored springs, S lbs. and up. 17-1 8e lb.: over 3H Ibs 18 19e lb.; roosters. 8-9e lb.; Pekin ducks, ysmng. 14-17e lb.; geese, 11-12 ft. Onion Oregon. IUM.M per 100 lbs New onions Oregon. $1.75 cental; Salem Markets tirade IS raw per cent niilk. Salens basic pool price $2. 13 per hundred. Co-op bnltcrfat price,' F. O. B. Salem, 88 H C (Milk un( en iwi aiSuUlj auttcrfai vexefa.) I Distributor price $2.34. A grade butterfat Deliv ered,, 38 sc; B grade, deliv ered S7c. j A grade print, ; 38c; B grade, 37ci ' Prices, paid to growers ay Salem buyers. (Tba orices below, supplied by a local grocer, sra indicative of the daily market but are apt guaranteed oy I oe ftialee roan.) , . rBUITS (Buying Prices) - Atvulci. bu. .: .70 to 1.00 Bensuas. lb. on stalk .05 bamla - .Oj54 mulberries, crate 1.00 Cantaloupes, crate , .90 to 1.2a Cantaloupes. Dillard , ..1.25 Crabapples, bu. .5(1 to 75 Dates, fresh, lb ... .20 to .25 Grapefruit, Calif, bos 2.75 to 3.30 Grapes, seedless I.ftQ Tokays .1.75 Malaga1 , 1.60 Kabfers . 1.60 Huckleberries 12 Lemons, crate, fancy Choice , , 7.00-T.75 7 00 to 7.S0 1.65 Nectarine, log Oransts. eri.e. fancy 4.00 to 4.75 Choice .3.00 to 3.75 Peaches, Crawfords, bu. .35 to .75 Elbertas. bn. .75 ' to 1.25 - Hale.bu. . .80 to 1.25 Mnir bu. . i .50 to .75 Pears Bartlett. bn. .. 40c to .50 Pineapple, fresfi. crate : 4.00 Plums lb. ..J L .01 Vt Prunes. Iiur banks, lug .i.......L. .30 Italian . .20 Strawberries. Everbearing. crate 2.0O to 2.23 Watermelons, lb. i. .01 to .02 h atermclons. Uoneydews Watermelons, Ice Cream Watermelons. Casnbas i .. VEGETAB&ES (Buying Prices) Beans, srreen string, lb. : .01 to Beans. Ore. Giant, lb. 4 -------. Beans, shell, lb. Beans, Lima, lb. , ,, , Beets, dox. -Broccoli, lug 03 01 03 .03 .06 .04 .12 .17 .60 .04 .04 .1734 .as .90 .50 .70 .12 .03 .35 .03 .03 .04 60 Cabbage, lb. - " .03 te Cabbage, red Carrots, don. Chard- Cauliflower, crate Celery, ;doi. stalks Hearts Sweet, Corn, doz. , Golden Bantam . , . Vellow market -l Cucumbers, OJtdoor, lug Pickling, dill size, lb. . Pickling, medium, lb. , .to to .07 H to roTt Pickling, small, lb. Endive, doa. . Lettuce. Seattle, crates Lettuce, local . Onion,, 'green, doz 1.75 to 2.00 1.50 . .30 Onions. Oregon white, i per cwt. 1.23 to 2.00 California Bermudas 1.80 to 2.00 Walla Walla, sweet J 2.00 Radishes, doa.j .35 Peas, coast ori Seattle. lb. . .07 Peppers, green, lb. .02 to .03 Red. lb. i. ; .. .15 Potatoes, new, Xo. 1. cwt. 2.00 to 2.50 o. 2 ; i 1.50 to 2.00 Potatoes. Sweet Spinach, orange box .06 .75 .04 .40 .75 .25 .60 .40 Squash, lb. Danish, doz. .20 to Peanut, dox. .. Tomatoes, outdoor, lug .15 to Xo. 2. Iju. 4 -40 to Turnips, doz. ..;...... Caseara bark. lb. .06 H Peppermint oil.j lb. 1.75 to 1.80 ater cress .. KUT3 Walnuts, lb i Filbert, lb. I .80 in t 14 to .14 .11 HOPS (Buying Price) Clusters 19:14. lb. Clnsters. 1995. lb. t do 1936. lb. Puegles. 1033. top. lb. .15 .30 .40 .25 .40 Co l3Bj Ih. WOOL AND MOHAIB I Buying Price) Mohair i..". i Medium wool . .. ,. . Coarse wool . EGGS AND P0OLTBT (Buying Price of Andresens) as .30 .21 r-Airaa - - Brown extras Medium extras Standards Medium standards r.. 1 1 .25 .24 .22 20 .21 .14 45 .13 .10 .10 .06 jOO .16 .15 i uiit.ii Heavy heD. lb. Colored medium, lb. . Medium Leghorns. Stags. Ih 1U. -i- Oli roosters, fh i Colored frys. Over 4 lbs. I nder 4 lbs. i White- Leehornn. frs; .14 MARION CREAMERY buying Prices rouiirr. jo. I stock Colored hens, heavy i , Leghorn hens, over 3 H lbs. . Under 3H lbs.' i Colored springers. 2-3 H lba. Over 3H lbs. . Leghorn broilers ,, , , , . Old roosters, lb. . .19 .10 .09 .15 J .13 .05 .05 J22 .22 .2:t .21 .16 J3 Reject Kggs Candled and graded Lare standards t . Medium extras : Medium extras - Medium standards Cndergiades .. Pullets LIVESTOCK I Paying Price) Spring lambs i 7.00 to 7.23 Ewes . ... 2.50 to 3.00 Hogs, 130-160 lbs .10.25 to 10.50 160-210 lbs. 10.90 to 11.00 210-250 lbs. .10.25 to 10.40 Sows , , 8.50 to 9-00 Steers 5.50 to 6.50 Dairy type cow t. - 2.75 to 3.50 Beef eowg 4.00 to 4.75 Bulls Heifers 4.73 to 5.25 5.00 to. 6.00 Top real 8.00 Dressed veal. lb. . , , .13 ' Dressed hogs . .17 GRADJ AND HAT Wheat, western red t , , 1. .84 White, No. 1 ...4 .85 Barley, brewing, ton An nn Feed barley, ton - 23.00 Oals, milling, ton , a a Feed, ton . "0 car bnving price Alfalf. valley ''',,'", Oat and vetch, to Clover, ton .10.50 . 9.00 . 9.00 Yakima, 1 1.50-1.73 cental. Potatoes Local, JJ cental. : Cantaloupes The Dalles, 75-80e; Tsk- ma atandards. S5-90c; hearts of gold. 81.25; valley spears. 60-70c; Dillard, $1.15-1.40 crate.- j Wool Nominal: J Ull1mtt. .ll.. medium, 80e lb.; coarse and braids, 2Se lb.; eastern Oreson. 22-23 Ih 25 26c lb. f . Hay Selling price to wholesaler: Al falfa I. 15.50; eastern Oregon tim othy 18-18.50 ton: Willamette vallsy timothy. $18 1H.50 ton; oata and etcb, $15: clover. $11-12 ton. Portland Stocks & Bond . ''' September 3 STOCK AVERinr Com pi led by the Associated Press) 80 j 15 13 60 Indnsi Kail Util. Storks Today j 89.4 40.5 52.2 67-8 68.0 68.1 48.7 69.6 55.7 56.1 34.8 Prev. day 89.7 Month ago 90.3 Tear, ago - ...65.9 1936 high . 12. 1936 low 73.4 1935 high 76.H 1965 low 49.S 40.7 39.5 26.0 41.3 30.2 31.2 18.5 52.3 52.4 ia 53.4 43.4 , 44.7 21.6 BOND AVERAGES o 1 10. 10 10 Raits Ind-iBt. Today .4 94.8 j 103.4 Prev. day 94. j 108.S Ctil. ror'.En 102.1 69.4 102.1 102.6 98.2 102.9 99.3 99.8 ,84.3 69.5 69.3 68.1 72.0 67.6 70.4 65.5 Month ago , 94.0 j 103.5 Year ago ..82.6 j 98.8 $4.8 I 104.1 86.9 I 101.8 87.S 102.8 .76.4 I 92.2 ; ( . 1930" high 1936 low 1935 high 1935 low Profit-Taking Hurts Stocks Favored Specialties Gain Against Trend; Loss For Day .2 Point j NEW YORK, Sept. 3 --Leading stocks squirmed under profit-taking 'pressure In today's mar ket while favored specialties dis played independent strength. Steels, motors, utilities and rails generally found little stim ulation in satisfactory business and industrial progress. A number of traders seemed disposed to step over on the sell ing side in view of the prolonged weekend holiday Just ahead. The Associated Press average lost .2 of a point at 67.8, or ex actly what It picked up in the preceding session. Transfers to taled 1,047,760 shares against 1,351,970 Wednesday. Of 815 stocks changing hands 357 de clined, 287 advanced and 171 were unchanged. U. S. government securities con tinued their forward march as Secretary Morgenthau announced September financing involvins 5400,000,000 "new money." in addition to refundings amounting to more than 1500,000,000. Gainers up to a point or so in cluded: American Locomotive 32- 14 nd Baldwin Locomotive Pre ferred 54. Among the losers were: Gen eral Motors 66, Bethlehem 66- International' Harvester 74- Y. Oil Westinghouse 139 M. N Central 44 , - and Standard of New Jersey, 62. Electric Fences Illegal, Warning Use of electricallv charged wir fences for the exclusion of live stock from certainareas, unless the same are approved ; by the state labor commission. Is a vio lation of law. C. H. Gram, state lobor commissioner, warned Thursdav. Gram said his attention had been called to illegal use of these electrically charged fences in sev eral sections of the state. bucn fences when not approv ed are not only dangerous to live stock but to humans," Gram said. Oram said the use of these fences, when approved by his of fice, was practical and would re sult in protection to J livestock owners. . 1 : 46 Lose Lives in Fires in Oregon Forty-six persons lost their lives In fires in Oreeon during fthe yearj 193 5, , while three times that number suffered serious in juries. 5. according to the annual report kit Hugh Earl, state fire marshal!, filed with. Governor Martin Thursday. Ten of those who died in fires were from Multnomah county and six from Coos county. One was a Marion county ; resident. Disbursements of the depart ment increased from 26,020.56 in 1934 to $26,356.81 In 1935. Gardeners and Ranchers Mart PORTLANb, Ore., Setp. Z.(JP) Potatoes moved rapidly on the Gardeners and Ranchers market hero Thursday. Melons were in little 'demand due to the sudden change in wea ther conditions. Prices were some-i what reduced. ADDles Gravenstein. fancv 5n-A3- Oregoa and Washington varisus early arieiies, o-oac.w Apricots Oregon lugs. Tiltons, S5es wsshington lugs, Uoorpacks, 8jc Artichokes California boxes $3.50 Avocados California, 14-24's, S1.70- 3.50; green, f 1.6o-3.85. Bananas Per pound, 4-5e. Beans Oregon, per pound, 24 -4c; Oregon Gianta, 3 M -4c. Blackberries 90e-$1.10. ' Blackcaps 24-pint crates. $3-4 Cabbsge Oregon, round, bulk, per ewt.. si.dO-l.T5. Cantaloupes Standards, 75-85e; Ore gon Diilard. &0c-S1.25. ' Carrots Per pound. 15-20e. f Cauliflower Oregoa pony, fl. 10-1.35. Celery Oregoa ta crates. 2V4-3 doz. $1-1.15. 's Citrus Fruits Oranges, California val encies, fancy, 13.25-5; grapefruit. Cal ifornia seedless,: fancy, all siies, S2.73 4.50; lemons, fancy, $7-7.50. , torn tire dot. crates. 70-90c Cueumbers Oregon flat boaes, 20-30.- Currants Oregon 24-plnt crates, $1.35. Eggplant Flat crates, 40-50e. Figs California flats. 85-90c. I Garlic Per pound 1012c. ? Grapes Thompson seedlesa. Sl-1.35: lady fingers. $1.35; red Malagas, $1.50 1.75; Tokays, $1.60-1.75. Green onions 22V4-35e. Grosnd cherries Oregoa flat boxes per lb..- 7s-8He. rtueklebemes Pound, 10-12c. ' Lettuce Oregon dry. 3 dozen. S1.3S- 1.50; Washington, $1.35-1.75. Loganberries 24-oint crates. tl.50- 1.75. Melons Wasliinrton Caaahas lU.Ie lb.; ice cream. lH-lc; honey dews, l crate. Mushrooms On pound cartons 40e. Onions Yellows. 50-lb. sacks. 60c: reds, 75c. Paraley Per dozen bonehea. 15 30c. s Peaches Elbertas. 52 - Ralaa. 5-70c , . T Peaa Oregoa telephone. 54 -6c lb.: 25 lb. boxes. $1.90-2. Fears Bartlett. $1.40-1.63. Pepoer O reran flat bos. rS) 7 A. $1.25; orange boxes, green. 4O-50c. Plums Oregon lugs, lam.ons, 30c; Italians, peach box, 20-30e; Hungarians. 35e. - . Potatoes Oregon lone whites. O. ' S Xo. 1, $1.85-2.10; Washington russets, IT. 8. Xo. 1. $2.25. Kadisbes Per dozen bunches. 15-25c Raspberries Twelre-pint crates, $1.15 Rhubarb Oregon apple box. 85e. Biitab.icas Washineton 1UU lh. aaeka $1.50-1.75. .: - Spinach Oregon and Waahina-toa. erango boxes. 5-0e. Squash Orea-on Zucchini. 13-20e nor box ; yellow. 2e lb.: white summer. Se lb Danish, 45-65e. strawberries 24-pint crates. $1.75-2. Sweet potatoes California, ner nound. "He. , C Tomatoes Oregon, flat boxes. 40 50e. Turnips Dozen, banehe's. 40-55e. Watermelons Pee sound, le. - Tax on Gasoline I Is'; Over Million Gasoline taxes for July. 1936 aggregated $1,091,655.13. as com pared to $810,652,450 In July, 1934, Secretary of State Snell re ported Thursday. This was the first month that Oregon gasoline taxes exceeded the million mark. Gasoline consumption increased from gallons In July; of 1934 to 21,831,302.17 gallons In July of this year. ! Gross taxes for the first seven months of 1936 aggregated $6. 451,609.48 as against $9,059, 397.71 for all of 1935. Refunds this year amounted to S778.793.48 and administrative costs $24,006.79. Not Guilty Plea Filed by Hunter Roy Hunter, charged with at tacking H. Allen Early with a hop knife last Saturday night, pleaded not guilty to the charge in Justice court, yesterday afternoon and was returned again to jail in de fault or 12,500 bail. ! Trial was set for Wednesday, September 9 at 2 o'clock. Early, who beat Hunter so bad ly,' he had to be taken to a hos pital after the latter had alleged ly slashed him several times with a knife, is still confined to his bed with a bad gash in the abdomen and several cuts about the head. County Superintendent Is Speaker For Brotherhood UNIONVALE. Sept. 3.- "Choosing the Right Course" was his subject when Lynn Gubser county superintendent of schools addressed the Unionvale Evangel ical ; Brotherhood Tuesday even ing at the church. Rev. F. E. Fisher, the pastor, gave a short talk which was followed by a soc ial hour. Rev. O. R. Vincent, pastor of the Methodist church of McMinn ville, will be the speaker at the next meeting, when the wives will be guests. POLLY AND HER PALS THA'S WCTT I SAID 1 JESS FRESH PAINTED IT AN' ANGEL'S STREAKED IT ALL UP I MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY COME OM. ZERO WE'LL GO UP TO THE FROrJT GA.TE--MC. BULLION ALWAYS COMES HOME ABOUT THIS TIME" - WElt CLIMB IKITO HtS CAR AND RIDE. BACK I ON TO The House vjitm at; Am. m a a a TOOTS AND CASPER OH. EZRA, IF" YOU 1 T t n i -N lr- 1 IF- i eJ M 17 h s ? HAD ONLY RETJRNIHsmRWr4S AROUND SOONER! OUDT MISSED YOU 9 eSk - MARRIED WOMPN WAS J I FINDER AN SHE'S MARRIED! ST1 -""rV"' YOU 1 1 trOTTA HEAR IT OVER m& V toots i1Vr"V ostrich ? T?u K . ) vL "'LA VA THIMBLE TH E ATRE-tamng Popeyc "Thar He Blows! 1 SEGAJl r I'M HOT THROUGH I ILISTEH TOrXRX I I TOfXR SHOO) VOO ) 1 I s, Ut SK1"hELPOOTVJ I T " I I HOHEST,POP-1 HO CX USTH SOU! lUfMT I (GtTTltAG TlREO V N OOOO TRICK aMSJXL KT WitA- JOtT SPlT JcTj TILL CfXTCH YOU.V VOF PLM OJTTH ) w-r-r 7L A .WSHIJk. O0T" JJCfe - fe - c Insurance ! Facts Told, Lions Meet For every dollar1 an Insurance company pays In losses, the com pany collects from the public two dollars, the difference going for profits . and business expenses, J. M. Sehon. deputy state insur ance commissioner -who has been associated with the state Insur ance department for the past 12 years, told the Lions club at the Quelle yesterday noon. Speaking on the geenral topic of automobile insurance, he said that if paying unjust claims could be avoided, rates ! would be re duced 20 to 25 pet cent. Another way to reduce rates, he explain ed, would be to ldwer the num ber of accidents, .j i - "There is nothing complicated or magic about insurance," he told the group; "It is simply collecting a large number of small amounts to pay the large amounts to the few who suffer losses.', i "Oregon has about the best traffic law in the United States," he commented, ""but society won't permit the officers to enforce the law." - ! Rate Probes to Be Limited, Plan - : . j - Utility corporations operating in Oregon no longer are to be harrassed by lengfihr and costly rate investigations, provided! their operations are conducted honestly an dtheir earnings are reasonable. State Utility Commissioner Frank McColloch announced Wednes day. . " r . ' McColloch said he had found most of the utility corporation officials fair in their dealings and anxious to reduce rates when such action is possible. i Teachers Are Engaged For School at Airlie AIRLIE, Sept. 3. The school teachers have all been hired for the ensuing year with Seymour Feather from Canby as principal of the high school; Miss Stewart SfSUE. ANGELV s( OUGHTA J f HOLD OUT BE wr V VOJR, RBC -7CCH UF'C 1ILlOA I ATP TONIGHT UNLESS HE AT THE OFFICE HERE COMES HIS A I KIT "'"'I' 1 T I AINTT I i3UDY-S NOT T THEN VsHO PUT 1 1 SHE BOUGHT f SAY THAT t I l SAIDATOOTS, SAY THAT AAInJ SmRKINS AROUND 1 1 MARRIED - J THAT WEDD1N 1 1 IT HERSELF fl LAST PART . 1 1 JUDY II srOOD IKIEWS IS SO 1 WITH ANY 1 1 AND NEVER RINx ON HER 1 1 .- n . m rep A.aiiJ 1 1 LOVES 1 1 RARE To ME THAT rVE. I Rad io XOIBT TODAY 840 Xc 8:80 Klocav 8:00 Iobbia'a Kxercia a4 Applo- Bce. - . S :20 Marian Carlcy, hif. 8:30 Cap ti rat ora, orca. :00 Betty and Bob, aerial. 9:15 Mod era Cinderella, malic-aerial. :S0 Worry eliaic -1 10:01 Jady and Jeatera, alar. 10:11 Good Horn inc. Keirhbora. -10:45 Thia and that. 11 :0O Macaiine. variad. i 11:30 Thia and that. 18:00 Milla arch. i 12:30 Rhythm band. 1 Helena's fata- - Ion a. 1:15 Book of Life. t 1:30 Hard of Hearing lea rue. talk. 1 :45 Wilderness Road, aeriad. . 8:15 Maaro orca. 2:30 Stuart Hamblin, aing-iastr. S :00 Feminine fancies. 4:30 Broadway varieties. ! 5:00 Hollywood Hotel. Dick Powell. 8:00 Kostelaneti orch. -soloists. 6 :30 March of Time. 7:15 Renfrew, aerial. 7:30 Footlight Fantaaies, aing. 7 :45 Drewa, organ. 8:00 Goose "Creek Parson. I as assistant high school: teacher; Miss Honeycutt of Independence will take the intermediate grades, with Miss Huntington in-the pri mary room. School will start along about the 'middle of the month. i Mrs. MartbjswBlankenbaker and Nadene Blfckenbaker from Nav ale, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Jones with Keith and Bar bara Jones of Corvallis; and Lyle Rolan of Eugene were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Womer Sun day. Top Grade Butter Half Gent Lower PORTLAND, Sept. Z.-(&y- Weakness in the butter trade. which has been apparent for some time, finally resulted in a loss of c lb. in the two top grades. This is the first change made in extras for an extended period insofar as the cube trade on the exchange was concerned. On the open market, there have been numerous fluctuations, chiefly downward. There continues a bigger churn of butter than the public is will ing to absorb around current price levels. Seriously Reprimanded Through a Secret Panel Lady-in-Waiting l am sorbv, HAS To r' Sj WHEN VOU RE; 1 fr f THEREIN TEMPTED. TO ) VJ&?)f J C TH' colonel sure makes ) I jfViA A SNOOTY BUTLER, yr I ScirJeLv( ponT he? purty A y Jf VAV"ItU6H ONrTHOU6ri)lrr6J rK( M1 JTrV TRVIN' TUH lT JV? DlCl YP) AtONS WITHOUT niW J WAVE? NOT SEEN HH6 t MASTEC TODAY - HE MaV - LOOfci- CA. KlOVsl BE USING OK1EIO" HIS OTHER CARS Musical Words Programs ?8: 30 Johnson orca. 9:00 Republican aational committee. i:15 Mack orch. : , i S:80 Garber erea. 10 Mib4 orch. l0:30 Bobby Grayson, sports.! 10:45 Kent ereh. 11 Jergeni arch. 1 1:80-12 Leslie orch. j KOW TKTDJIT 880 kc 7:00 Oregon concert. 7:15 Sweethearts, siaf. f 17 :30 Home Folks, drama. 8:0C Christine, sing. 8 : 15 Honey boy-Sassafras, aiag-patter. 8:80 Dan Harding's Wife, aerial. 8:45 Merry Madcaps, arch. I 59:15 Tell Sisters, 3-sior. i 10 :00 Popular melodies, sins-arch. 10:15 Style chata. ' t ll:0O Pepper Young's Family, serial.. ss:i ferains. aenai. 11:80 Vie and Sade, comedy.; 11:45 O'Neills, aerial. 12:00- Woman's radio review, varied. t :so Midday melodies. 1:00 Bnghonse Rhythm, Meakln area. 1 :30 Coancil of churches. 1:45 Terri La Franeoni, sing. 2:00 Woman's magazine, raried. a:oo Tburn orcn. i 3:15 Back Seat Driver. 4:00 Irene Rich's ! drama. 4:15 Concert Petite. 430- Blue Prelude, sing-piano duo. 5:30 Clara. Lo 'a; Em. Fio-Rito orch. 6:O0 First Nighter, Don Ameche. 6:15 Earl Browder. Xat'l Communist. 6:80 Benson ensemble. 6:45 Wm. A. Sullivan, talk.' ! . llLi w nan -asm saw J WRIGLEV'S ), --- t - FLAVOR IS fc . fji ita THt PERFECT GUM ANGEL.tM SURPRISED ACrVDU! HEREAFTER, j WHEN VOU RE; TEMPTED. TO DO SUCH , ATH1NG- '1 Miss aumie -) OH- r- THANVt TOO roo . Inc. WM i T:00 Amos 'a Andy, eomedy. 7:15 I.nm and Abner, comedy. 7:30 Crawford, organ. 7:45 Secrete Secret Service. 8:00 Waring rch.-aoloiata. 8:30 Tine Story Court. 8:45 Mystery Chefj 9:00 Hendersoa orch. -10:20 Hoaglaad area. 10:45 Ramblinr Rhythm. 11 :00 Ambassador orch. 11:80 DeaavUle orch. H Weather . KEX ITtlDAT 1180 Kc 6:80 Musical elockj 7:30 Jack and Lorttta Clemens, sing. 7:45 Gospel singer! 8 Financial. 8:15 Pep music. 8:20 Cadets, 4-siag. 8:30 Doe 8ckneider's Texans. 8:45 Words and music 9:00 Belle and Martha, serial. 9:05 Pleasant Interlude, ergaa-siay. 9:15 Dot and Will; drama. 9:30 National farm and home. 10:00 Housewife hints. 10:07 Own Your Own Home. 10:15 Morning concert. 10 :30 Home institute. 10:45 General FedL Women's elubsw 11:15 Salon orch. , 11:30 Western fart and home. 12:30 Markets. 12:35 Left Swing It, 12:45 Talk, O. M. plummer. 1:00 Kapers and Kut-aps. 1:30 Irma Glen, erran., 1:45 Gentlemen of; Rhythm, orca. 2:00 National air jraees. 2:35 Talk. Roland! H. Xanto. 2:45 Ambasssdor Lido orch. 3:00 Southern Few r. sing. ... 3:15 Gran and Smith, 2-piaaos. 3:30 Dinner concert.- . - . 3:45 Carol Deis. aing. 4:00 Paul Martin, sing. 4:15 Doris Weteif; sing. 4:30 NBC. --I - 5:00 Show window. I 5:30 Clara. La 'nf Em, Fio-Rit cvh. 1 8:00 News for Voters (Continued). -6:15-6:30 Speaking ef sporta. -8:15 Watanabe and Jfilliam, comedy. 8:30 Hands of Lifthtning, drama.'. 9:00 Amateur 'show.; 8:30 Baseball. 10;30Rhythm Steppers. 10:35 Bsl Tsbsrin I orch. 11:00 Runran. orch. 12:00 Weather and police. KOAC FRIDAY S50 Ke. .' 8:00 Aa you like it. 1 9:00 Homemakers hoar. 10:45 Bird watching. 11:05 The world bookman. 11:15 Oregon fishing conditions. 11 :30 butrdmr yeur health. lz:oo Mwn firm hour. - 1:00 Music. I 2 :00-2 :30 Homemakers half hear. 6:30 Evening farm hour. LEV'S am easamw eaaaaas. By CLIFFjSTERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH sTT f n be purneo.' Jri i yj' (L Hen- THIS HOUSE jMI IL Jc4aT MUST BE . ttSS) WU liNOW, ZEROJ A SlCM MAJst UW6 M. erULLIOKl HAS A TESR10LS LOT OF TH1MSS TO CO - AkT THEY'RE- ALL AvifULLY WPOOTAMr ME CAMT NEGLECT BUStNESf 3UT TO COME HOME OtKlNEO. ri By JIMMY MURPHY KV f . t J A . ' I. 1 , .- . :".:..' ; i ... v -; 5 -' - -, - ' ; ' : 1 :' . -" : " -; .. . ' - ; J -' . - - '