7. r- - : i 5 ,-. v.? -:"- The OREGON STATESMAN, Sale a, Ore-cm, Tuesday Morning, Austrst 23, 1933 rAGM.riNu Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10e Three Insertions per line 20e Six insertions per line SOe One month per line i. 00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this pas accepted until :2ft the evening before publication tor classification. Copy received after this time will be ran under the head Ins. "Too Lata to Claa-eify- -, The Statesman iitumti no finan cial responsibility for errors which mar appear In advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In cases where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake sccura. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserve the right to -place all advertising under th proper classification. Hop Pickers WANTED HOP PICKERS. FOR OUR Mitoma yard and Cur tis yard. W should Ilk you to In spect the yards. Picking will start about September 1. Call afternoons Durbln A Coraoyer office over Pn ney'a ator for particulars. i HOP FIESTA rodeo In Independence Hop Bowl, directed by W. Bay Adams, Friday. Saturday, Sunday, Aug. IS-S9-30. Starting daily at J p. m. Bronc riding, bulldoKKing. calf roping, bn re back ateer and horseback riding, clowns, Taney and trick riding, wild cow milking contest, boys" calf rid-? ing. Admission 53 cents; reserved seats 75c. Including tax. E Help Wanted EXP. DISHWASHER. Stat cafe. Help Wanted Male -ar a tat rv T c ct X? tt t a- i .a ':XL," . ; " I f 4a- rt am i t vaA Ylrtw Tmi 1 V.ii - --,, " " " " " ." ".i r-rt rvr-nirt't w vtfd I Our growing business necessitates : our emplovina 5 riwi rename men ' to add to our stall or outside coi- i lectors. We will pay car expense and J 1 M. .!,... I must be energetic and willing to work. ThrM. Tnri.rxef - In. buslnm with chance for advancement. TeL 4138 for appointment. Credit Bureaus Inc., 343 Court street. . WANTED MAN with truck to haul 10 cords of wood. 722 State street. I ilelp Wanted -Female EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Stat Cafeteria. GIRL FOR housework. Must be will ing to go to California. TeU 7717. Situations Wanted COMPLETE LANDSCAPE service. J W. Maruny. Tel. 8840 ; hauling dirt, gravel, wood. EXP. DRESSMAKER. C94 N. Lib. For Sale-Miscellaneous j WE BUY sell eichanR anything that's sales bl at Woodry's Auction Market. 1810 N. Summer, la Holly wood. Phon 5-1-1-0. ADDING MACHINES, cash re sis ters, typewriters sold, rented, swapped. Expert repair aervtce, moderate prtcea Roen Typewriter Exc. 420 Court. - WOOD FOR SALE. Tou cut. S relies out. Tel. 380O. DISTILLED WHITE vinegar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your pickles crisp. Pure apple elor vtnrirar. PURITAN CIDER WORKS WEST SALEM NARROW WIDTH ladies higrh grade shoes. 33.93. Greehbauma. 246 N. Commercial street. PEACHES Crawfcrds, Hales. Al- bertaa. C C Chaffe. H mile from bridge. Wallace road. Phone S3F21. BALED OAT straw. Tel. 88F4. MAHOGANY CHICKERING piano. excellent tone, reasonable, terms. Phone 3784. PEET MOSS fertiliser. Wirltifi Hatchery. 846 Highland Ave. PEACHES PICK Crawford peach es at Pettey's orchard on Wallace road and save money. Beginning Sunday. BARTLETT PEARS S5c and up. 1H mi. on Wallace Rd. Stoddard, box 1.9 APPLES. PEARS, sheep fertiliser. wheat. Mrs. Wrlgtit, 4Vi ml. Wallace road. - . . - CANNING TOMATOES, cucumbers and peppers. Ed FerrllL 4 mil east Kelzer school. CANNING PEARS. Box 175. Wal lac road. Tel. 64F2. CANNING PEARS, 35c bu., you pick; 80c bu.. picked. TeL 4489. I-TL'BE RADIO, 917.(0. 28 Ford coach. Box 739. car Statesman. BARTLETT PEARS. 45c box de livered ;,30c at orchard. RL . bos 381, surerton highway, xeu ivztzz. NEW 9x13 Ax. rriRs. at sacrifice price. 42 1H Court street. Upstairs. PEDIGREED MALE chow. Fhon 9(SL SjtSaataagaaaiaBaaaaafc GARAGE EQUIPMENT such at borinc bar. cleotrle drills and lathe, etc. See Geo. Hardy, Sa'.em Auto Co. RED GRAVEN STEIN applea on th trecL 35c a sack. First houne on south side of Claxter road after leaving North Pacific highway. (4 miles out) BARTLETT TEARS. 35c. 60c. Bring botes, t miles east on Pen. road. TeU 4SK1J. John Bucurench, rt. , box 121 ADVERTISING Westers Advertising, Representatives Fenger-Hall Co, Ltd. 8a a rVncisno. io Anctlea. Seattle Eastern Advertlsins Representative ' -j ' Bryant. Griffith Brunson, fne, Chicago. New Tors, Detroit. I Boeton. Atlanta t sTsfarcd at 4a f'osloftcs at flaiem . Oreoca, Secomd-Clait Hatter. Patr- t lUhea every orfao excep afoaday HuinM otficu. 118 South t'omnitrcuil - Street . EUBSCniITION RATES; ; ' Mntl Subscription Rates. In Advance, Within Oregon: uaiiy ana Sunday, Mo. SO cents: 8 Mo. 81.2S ; 8 mo. $2.18 ; 1 year 34.00. Elsewhere 80 cents per Mo, or 9ft.u0 ror l year in aavance. ret Cony 8 cent, rsewa fctanas a cents. By City Carrier: 4 5 cents a month s year la aavanoa. Trade- Miscellaneous WILL' TRADE model T Ford for cord wood, 642 N. Liberty. - WANTED To exchange . painting j for caroenter woric. apartment r automobile. Call evening. 778 S. 13th Immediately. Wanted -Miscellaneous WALNUT MEATS or wnfnuta la hell, any quantity. State' Cafeteria. WOO DRY THE auctioneer pays cash or trad tor used rurnltur or what hav you"? Ph. 6-1-1-0. Free W pick up Owa and worth- eas hnrtri. rowa snrep let . WANT GOOD milk cow and 2 1 young pigs. 1660 S. 12th street 000000000000000000000000000000 I WANT GOOD milk goat. Rt. 8, box 74. Salem. - i i ii ii irM.iiiifM"WMirwiiwrw"rrrn rii.o A 85. 0 price wlU be given this week for th six largest and best Marlon county apples brought to my office for exhibit. The prize will be award ed Saturday, August 29. at 2 p. m. F. H. WEIR. Real Estate Broker Oregon Uldg. Tel. 8902 Miscellaneous COLD STORAOE lockers. Rama'. sit N. Uberty. Phon S7L Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR TOUR TOO U Stores, Furniture Capital Hard wars Furniture Co. 285 N Commercial Phon 784s. For Rent Rooms ROOMS. LADIES. 891 N. Cottage. Room and Board - RM.-BD. TeL .8394. 8(0 Chemeketa. BOARD AND room. 1434 Ferry. EXCELLENT bd., rm. 745 S. Com'L For Rent-Apartments HSKPG. I ROOMS. 411 - N. Front.; 000000000000000000&00 j ROOM FuRN. 1173 N. 4th. CLOSE IN apt for rent Very coxy. I4s union street. . -s L "1L iTiXin - - 3-RM. iFURN. apt. 323 & 14th. FLRN, 2-RM. and kitchenette. 985 , . S-RM. (PARTLY turn. flat. Lights, water, wood furn. Cor. Neb. and Gar net streets. APARTMENTS. 197 S. ComX FIRST? FLOOR apt 210 N. 14th. For Rent-lIonses MOD. 7-P.M. turn. TeL 6284. LARGE HOUSE for rent, some fur niture for sale. TeL 9330. MODERN HOUSE close in, 7 room Available . September. -5. Telephon I 4 SO. i : For Rent Hospital beds and wheelchair to enu H I. Htirr r-ursiTtur - wmwm ' i triice room koi rnv oisn F-1 rj "Hit . , -t , - - - -l - g ' - - . PRUNE CROP on shares. Rt. 8, 4 txx llj. j&rs. uaxir.an. Wanted to Rent 5 OR 6-RM. mod. nnfurn. bouse by Sept 1 or Oct. 1. Box 738, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate Homes. Grant. 629 Court. TeL 7723. 7 ROOMS, full basement, builtlns. lots 50x120. Shade trees, shrubs, fruit I and nut trees, berries. Street Improve ments paid., John 11. Moorman. Zsu Laurel avenue, sea au or - part. CHOICE CORNER lot. Oaks .addi tion. 810V0. Box 732. Statesman. 11 ACRES for sale. 4. miles from capltol bides. New house, never oc cupied, barn, lamny orcnara, elec tricity. On pavco roaa towara turner. 1 via o. uin iirwi. rnc eu.w. 01 the place, then if interested see the owner. E. A. Rhoten. 1593 S. High St. iTTPirTivv HnifRi nverimkini Salem, s-roora modern house. garage. chicken coops, s A. nest iruit. ssaou. 186 N. 21st. TeL 3034. Owner. OWNER LEAVING town. Must sac rifice 6-room modem- home, newly re- .orfruitndhru 830 Shipping street. garage, creek lot 100x125 fC, trult l-nuj xrt.ir.Jit..i a. iw. vw. uiaoicicu.1 $180d; $50 cash. room ..':i system, close to Saiei nished. garage, bath 2000; lOOOI.jo rs h balance terma a-mnm nn. 4 lota 80x100. raved and walks In paid $1800 ; $500 cash, terms. For Bariralns fce - - - . . - 1940 McCoy St. TeL 49SiinM isano farri.. ttino foHoral $1250 5 -ROOM HOUSE, good terms, good location. 63000 lor 4 -room stucco modern house. ueoo terms. 11500 buys a 6-room house, 5 blocks from state buildings. 6 Money to Loan V OSBCRG H-G RAN T, Masonic mag. 10 A. 5 MILKS Salem, well im oroved. clear of encumbrances, to trade for store or property in town suitable location for a store. Modern house. N. 23 rd street, small down navment and terms like rent. Also erood housa on :s. uoertr. very n . a.m. Arm m 1 1 f now while you can get your money's IL C Shields. Oregon Eld. TeL 8903. 4-ROOM FVRNISIIED house, fire - olace. liardaood floors, for only 62000. Terms, i ' 5-room ' modern, newly decorated, fine location. Docsesslon at once, 12500. Terms. 62000 takes one of the best buys In Salem for a small home. L rnnm. modern, eood lot With fruit North Salem, newly decorated. 62300. Terms, i f J. M. LESLIE Real Estate 19i5 N. Capitol tMMPtlTATE POSSESSION of a neat 6-room cottage on paved street. iirg east iront lot. a re SNAP for 61500; cash 300, balance like rent. a SEK CS at once. CHILDS a MILLER. Realtors 314 State St. . Phon 6708 - ' i FOR SALE Going ' business right down town. Price onlr 6100. Ask us about It. mriii lii r r,ji V,7Vn.. y. Will ell stock and fixtures or err. f.Tr PJr7JnfnUl1r-Rftnneat 4"r-0m SEE Mrs. Ellis with . -' CHILDS 4k MILLER. Realtor 344 State St. Phone 6708 Exchange Ileal Estate ECGENE. CLEAR, for Salem prop erty, tsox in, car Statesman, isrvwfivrxnjjv' TO TRADE rental property near Salem for good farm, 40 to 70 A-. stocked and equipped. Will assume. Box 721,' car Statesman. For Sale Used Cars l First-of tho Week Bargains Your Pick of 192T PONTTAC Coup $135 CHRYSLER Coach ,w.,tUi DURANT Coach f 100 DURANT Sedan ft5 CHEVROLET Coupe $2SS DURANT 3 Sedan 1223 NASH Sedan , .-- 175 PONTI AC Sedan -145 STAR SfKlaa 9128 123 1029 1029 1929 1929 1937 12 1927 192S DURANT Roadster S135 Lowest Terms and Saleinni AofcomoMle Co. Home of Chrysler 435 N. Commercial Street MeECay 27 Pontiac Sedan 1:. 28 Chevrolet Sedan .....1 . 29 Hudson Sedan ......L......-..l..... . 31- Chevrolet Sport Roadster ........ ..... 29 Pontiac Sedan .J...;....................... 29 Willys-Knight Sedan 30 Ford Tudor 35 Chevrolet Toivn Sedan iL,.................... 35 Graham Sedan : ... ... ..... 30 Chevrolet Panel Delivery ......J. J Better Cars Written Guarantees Lower Prices - Low GMAC Terms McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center St. L For Sale Farms 10 A. FARM for" sale, 3 miles east I falrsTounda. 7 -room boose. tarn. chick en house, prunes, filberts, berries. Also 2 lots on S. Commercial. Reasonable. i M. C. Honaker, rt. 7. box 80. ONLT $38.85 PER ACRE 1287 acres near Salem. Will divide. Money talk. HURRY I I REASONER (certainly) 585 N. High. 94 A. DAIRY and grain, welt lo- cated. good soil, old buiidinag, -865 A. 1C0 A., new Duiuangs. paveo roaa. $100 A. Consider smaller place. 710 N. High. : - - i - f li'L'w xrt t ira riTTT aakenA im tu koias. I I . I gooa pasture. -roora aoum ana new i building raclns nig n way, eQUippea xor . j . r.. -ail n u aea an I UA it, UWlRsn W r W V-i aa-isy ava must 1L Price for all .4500. nart I cash, balance easy. CHILDS at MILLER. Realtors 344 Stat St. Phone 8708 Acreage 10 A. 5 ML from P.O. 6-room house. fireplace, bath, lights, 3 A- mixed fruit. 4 A. timber $3000. 10 A. mL S.E. of Woodburn. old bldxs.. M in crop, a. timoer, spring, well, good soil $1400; ,3 A , Howeli pratrle. 8-room house, I $500 down. lights, barn, chicken house, all cult. 85000; $1500 down, 6 on balance. I It A, ImL from Salem, 30 A. cult. 5 1 A. strawberries, A. timoer, new 1 a-room nouse, natn, iignta, targe 1 new barn, some equipment 3sut. 68 A. 1 ml. from Woodburn on paved I road, 7-room house, hath. liKhts, I gooo earn, ah cuiu, icnceu t n6 A, 8 mL from Monmouth, 7 . room house, bath, 1 chicken house, 10 A. fruit. 10 A. US0!?, I r . .... 1 1 & 3 uoun . 1 udi iihi lso ACRE3 LOGGED off land 5 A. -learrl near La Grauda. 85 Der A-1 i Box 708. Statesman. o" V', o..J. . PHced to aelL Box 737 car Statesman. ul a rare t.r?rvnr .rwnu. Tmhtv I si35o. .jwl wall .a nr rum la Mfllfm I 5 acres, 6-room house, electric water - I 1 .j-... m.ii Vm... voMtyA llr I T " . ..C;' j .treanv lota of fruit and nuts $3350 1 inolixliner eran. Sm this. ' I 33 acres. Howell Prairie, fine swIL loan. t R. A. FORKNER, 1858 N. CapitoL Wanted Real Estate 1 YOU MAY have the property our buvers want, list with J- M. (lavender. I 147 N. Com L St. ACREAGE. iOox .71", Jfifatesman. 7-RM. MOD. Louse, TeL 9669. Business Opportunities 1 m. w 11 you .nave 1 fl,,tm mnn.w a nil r. . , ,hiiiii.iiiiiiI I work for th whole family, teL 4964. I 1 CHOICE SITK for small cottages or apt a 1 ei. tc. 1 "w'wwiwiwoiw 1 HOME ANO INCOME I ; Nine-room residence In good condi I tion, arranged In i apartments. Now I rents for 63a month. Live In on and i rent two. Large fine hJfe-with double I garage. Price very low at 63100; cash I s aoo, balance pay like rent. 1 CHILDS 4k MILLER. Realtors 1 344 Stat EL ; Phon 6708 Money to Loan I BE.NJAflIlPI FRANKUS ledrl I money. Ne commission. Ti Lb,u,,1 i 'u"c' " i.uhw I n. t-nurcn. A Complete Service on Loans Up to $300 Personal Loans I Pr1Tar to any employed maa r 1 , , . woman in 24 hours. Salary loans now available. Beneficial Loan : Sochty of Salem I Room 119, New Bilgh Bldg. 2nd flooi LICENSED NO 8-1 23 4k M 166 by SIS But St . TeL 3746. Loans Mad la Nearby Towns Federal tiouslna loans title 2. build or refinance home or businea prop, Low rate Abram Ellis, Alaaoaie U. For Sale Used Cars the Pack 1923 PLYMOUTH Coupe . 1930 CHEVROLET Coach 192T PACKARD Sedan 1928 CHEVROLET Coach 1929 OLDS Coupe 1927 HUDSON Sedan 1924 CHEVROLET Coach 1928 CHRYSLER Sedan 1931 CHRYSLER Coupe . .1345 .1295 .$125 ,.$185 .9235 .133 -$ 85 .$185 -$295 - Liberal Trades and Plymouth Phone 4173 0t000m0000000000000000000000000 - 85.00 145.00 245.00 265.00 ..... 285.00 195.00 245.00 ..... 645.00 795.00 175.00 Phone 3189 We are Now Wrecking WUlys Knight 0, model 70 28 Essex Two '28 Chevrolets . Overland 4 Roadster '37 Butck Master Roadster '29 IVi-ton Chevrolet Truck '32 Cher. Truck, dual wheels 29 Chevrolet Pick-up 27 G.M.C Truck, 2-ton Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers "Look for th Neon Slam" 430 S. Commercial Phone 7722 I FOR SALE by owner Zl Chevrolet Mnel del I very. Good tlre perfect con- l UIam ftB iTnlnn ne tthnna 37 5 . r s"m z 1 " 71 z " '21 LZALjI LJnA.k lll-UAre. IlfW. A-l ,,At T. . - av-. at C condition. Best buy in town. 1355 Broadway. 35 CHEV. TRUCK. A-l shape, new tires. Cheap. Neal Wagoner, Auma- Tille. Money to Loan $25,000 To Loan Most convenient monthly repayment plan. Must be good security. City or acrea propertlea Prompt acUon. Childs & Miller a a . Mortgage LtOOnS u. gut Bt. Phone 7II )MiwWMtwww)ww privitp! trtANs Vnr ant nmnMlas New iow rates. Roy H. Simmons, First National Bask- 51 dg. lite. 4-lftZ. rNSU RED a 85 000 00 mederaSaALn Asn. I Guardian Bide. f non sx. I .... . fr.. .-.7... I 1 anwunu w fiaw.ww On to Twenty Month t Repay rv. te . aAAaB,jlAB.. a Um VSSXTjS considers tioa both before and after the loan Is made. N Delays - - . No Red Tap General Finance Corp. V ssoolFlrst NatL Bank Bldz. Phono 9168. I . . 3 ... w a.. . I MONEY TO LOAN for S to S years. J ALSO: $25,090 In email amounts. Moat I . v- I bk.'h ror prompt action. , I 244 State St. Phone 6705 Loans Wanted 1 La. ns wanted en rarm ana city property. Before borrowing, inquire 1 Hawkins Roberta. Livestock and Poultry "j WHTTfi ROCKS. Buff OrphlngtonSr- Whlt Wyandotte and Rhode isiana Reds, pullets and cockerels. Wander's Hatchery, 2160 N. 6tb or 456 Highland avenue. GOOD BREEDING ewes for sal. Cash or time or on shares, J. L. Rod- For Sale Wood 1 16 IN. OLD growth, dry and 4 ft second growth. TeL 3673. WOOD. Ph. 48F14. Smith Rubens. 4 FT. 2ND growth. Judd. Tel. 1S7FS. GOOD, DRY 2nd growth fir. S cord lots, 6 12.00.. Phon 7860. - GUARANTEED DRT wood coal rL 6000. Salem Ful Co Trade Cot tag. - - B. FEXWICK. TeL 4527 for good I second growth alder or limb. AU kinds good dry wood. TeL 8354. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWO. Reas'able. TeL 8792, Lost and Found LOST 'BLACK cocker spaniel, from 126 a Com L Reward. Phon 7840. Personal "MEXICAN LEGAL matters. Writ Bon 731. car Statesman. I WILL NOT b .responsible for any bills contracted by, anyone other than I myself. Mrs. Caroline Cernlk. PSTCHOLOGIST.- PSTCHO ANAL- I TST. advisor. Mrs. Martin. Depswl- labia. Favorably Known. 489 North 1 14th street. For Sale Used Cars 1 1 1936 DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN Built-in trunk and all other equipment. Very low. mileage. Can't be told from new. . . Here is your opportunity to make a real saving you surely will be inter? ested in this nearly new car at our special price of $895 : - ' P Better Cars Written Guarantees Lower Prices Low GMAC Terms ; MbKay Cfoewolefc (Co. 333 Center St. Pickups, Panels & Trucks 1935 International TVW.B. Plek-op 1936 InternaUonai L.W.B. Pick-up 1934 Terra plane Panel Delivery 192S Two-ton International L.W.B. Body and License 1929 Reo Two-ton L.W.B. Body and 'Weens 1930 Reo Two-ton L.W.B. -1932 Reo ltt-ton L.W.B. Body : James H. Maden Coi 2lt State St. Phone 8390 International Motor Trucks McConnlck-Deerlnr Implements Popular Priced Cars That Demand Your Attention 1931 DeSoto 4 -Door Sedan ..$375.00 1931 Ford 2-Door- Sedan 295.00 1931 Dodge DeLuxe 4-Dr. Sed. 393,00 1930 Oakland DeLuxe v 4-Door Sedan .. i 343.00 1930 Ford 2-Door Sedan 245.00 1929 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan ... 23a.00 1929 Ford Coupe 185.00 1927 Nash Sport Roadster lis. 00 1926 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan 80.00 1928 Chev. 2-Door Sedan 125.00 1926 Cher. Coupe ; . 35.00 TbKUa . . . TKAJJr.3 W. L. Anderson, Inc. De SOTO-PLYMOUTH Motor Cars 360 Marlon Phone 7703 NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE On the 5th- day of September, 1936, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock A. M. at the West Front door of the Courthouse in Salem, lfarlom County, Oregon, I will sell at auc tion to the highest Didder for cash the following described real property located in Marion Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: . Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section Sixteen, Town ship Seven South of Range. One West of the Willamette Meridian, thence East on Section line 2.65 chains, to near the middle of the County .road leading to S 11 vert on; thence North 2030 "West in the road 21.38 chains; thence North 2245' .West in said road 6.S9 chains; thence North 84 West in aforesaid road 10:74 chains to a point which is 38 links South 84 East from- the ' stone corner in front of B.. A. Leonard's house, thence South 26.80 chains to a point in the Section line;, thenee East along . Section line, 19.25 chains, to the place of beginning, and containing 44.07 acres of land, more or less, and situated In Marion County, Oregon. Save and except all roads and roadways; Commencing, at a point which is South 957 feet from the North west corner of the T&natlon Land Claim of John W. Shrum and wife in Township Seven South of Range One West of the Willam ette - Meridian, - thence North 8917' West 1980- feet: thence South 29.70 feet; thence North 84 West 630 feet; thence North 461 feet; thence East 2610 feet; thence South 514 feet to the place of beginning, and contain. ing 3 0 acres of land, more or less ...... Situated in Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, Together with the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereuntp belonging or in anywise appertaining. Said sale is made under execu tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the -State of Oregon in and for the County of Marion, to Business fjards In this directory run on a monthly basis only. Rater l.QO per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Psnek. 378 Sooth Commercial, Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. a E. Northaesa, Chiropractors DR. Ol L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor 156 N. High TeL Res. 8782. Electrical Service BOSLER Electric. 246 Stat St. Wir ing, motors, appliance,, repairs, service Excavating Bxcavattng of all kinds. Basements dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand and Gravel Ca Phon 408. Florists Bre'thaupt'a, 442 Court. AU. kinds of floral work, f.nts. Flar Ist. 1376 N. Uberty. TL 9692. , laundries THR NKW fAI.EM LAUNDTIT THE VEIDER LAUNDRT S3 8 .Hhcli Tel 1126 CAPITAL CTTT I.ADNDRT First In Quality and Service ' Telephone 2165 . 1264 Broadway Lawn" Blowers Shorpared. repelred and traSed. Ph 1516. Harry :W. Scott. 147 8. Com'l Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS AND renewals at or I... M,.hlt.ia nrlv, Paul M (l la user, phone 7818. . For Sale Used Cai-sTl Phone 3189 me directed in the case of The Federal Land Bank of Spokane! a corporation, rs. Knut O. Rue and Helen M. Rne, husband and wife; Coolidge and McClaine, a corpor ation; M.' G. Gunderson, as liqui dator of Coolidge and McClaine. an insolvent State Bank; Mark Skinner, Superintendent of Banks; and the Marion-Polk N tlonal Farm Loan Association, corporation. - A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon, By Kenneth X. Randall, Deputy. i William L. Beatty, E. C. Prest- bye. Attorneys for Plaintiff. i Aug. 4-11-18-25-SL CITATION- , , t IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, For the County of Marion, No. 9184. , -j; In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK CROSSMAN, Deceased, TO LQUIS. GROSSMAN and ill other heirs unknown bf FRANK GROSSBAN. Deceased. GREETING: ' i IN THE NAME OF THiE STATE OF OREGON, You afe hereby .cited and required to ap pear In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion,' at the Court room thereof, at Salem, in the County of Marion, on Friday, the 18 th day of September, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thkt day, and then and there Bhow cause, if any there be, why Jos eph B. Felton, as administrator herein, should not be authorized directed and empowered to sell the following described real prem ises, to-wit: i Beginning at the North East corner of Bush and Saginaw Streets In the City of Salem, Marlon County, State of Ore gon, running thence Easterly along the North line of sajd Bush Street 150 feet; thence Northerly parallel 63 feet: thence Westerly parallel with the North line of said Bush Street, 150 feet to the East line of said Saginaw Street; thenbe Southerly along the East line of said Saginaw Street 63 feet to the place of beginning, sit nated in Marion County, State ox Oregon; which are an asset of the above entitled estate, at private sale to me mgnesi ana oest Diaaer tor cash, for the purpose of paying debts, charges, and expenses Of administration .against the abote entitled estate, and the prayer tot the duly verified petition of the said. Joseph B. Felton, adminis trator herein, on file in the abote entitled Court, for the 'sale of said real premises be granted. This Citation Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. C. Slegmund, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 8th day of August, 1936. The date of first publication hereof, being the 11th day of August, 1S3. I WITNESS. The Hon. J. C. Slegmund. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for D i r e c tory Mattresses 1! CAPITOL BEDDINO CXX Phone 4048 SA1A.M FLUFF-RtTO mni Slaitn Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad t oraer, oia remad ; carpet cleaning, sis- wg, nuir rug weaving, a. 13th Wll hue, .TeL 644L . OTTO F. 2WICKER list. mi. Music Stores OEO C WII.I Pianos, radio, sew Ing machines, sheet music and oia no stud- lea Repairing radios, phonographs and wwmg macninea. 4ii total .street salens. . ... - . -: i j Photo Engraving Salem photo eneravlng. I4T N Cotis- merciaL , TeL 5887. r Printing FOB STATIONER T. cards, pamph lets, programs, books or anv kini ol printing, call Th SfaUstn.in Printing I apartment. 216 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L Sewing Machine Repairs? a B. Lea therms n. T 8678. 1168 Waller r Stoves I rnalr storea ranges, clrcuiatora Sell aw and rebuilt stoves, range and circulators, stock fence, posts, ehkken wtr. Salem r enc and .Stove work itt Chemeketa. TL 4774. R, B Fleming. ij Transfer POR local or distant transfer Storajt .all 2131, I.armr Transfer Ca . Truck Portland daily. - ' Ramseycr truck service. Phon 2354 CAPITAL CITT Transfer Ca 86 Stat St. TL 7773, Distributiag. for warding and storage our apcclaity. Gal our rates. . Well Drilling R A. West. ft. t, Bes 448. Tl 1I0K6 Popeye Starts FIFY P TVfl HPvWEO A 60T TO 6fU IH HtR GOT TO FIND ME P0PP, HE ME the County of Marion, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 8th day of August, 1936. U. G. BO YE It, Clerk of the above entitled Court. A-ll-18-25; S. 1-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned, Goldie Sid- well, has been, brn order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, appoint ed Administratrix of the Estate of Leonard Sidwell, deceased, and that Letters of Administration hare issued to her. . AU persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Ad ministratrix at Silverton. Oregon, or at the offices of Ross ft Ford, 707 First National Bank Build ing, Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made this 11th day of August, 1936. GOLDIE SIDWELL, Administratrix. ROSS tc FORD, Attorneys for the .Estate. A-ll- 18-25-S-1-8. "" r""iTl"sSaaB. M I i I A M a a a a . ' JfJ J 1 llslTi W V.V.V.VeVV.V..vAv.V.VV.V . ; a - a a v.v.v.v.vAV.v.v.y.v.'vVf- I Vv. V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V. Gross Word Puzzle 31 ' 32 3? 34 WWW M MM 4T 50 2 tt '41 I IH-I I Br EUGENE HORIZONTAL 1 Pain 5Mimie 8 Flexible band 12 Rustic 13 Italian household deity i 4 Fragrant resin 15 Sea eagle 16 What Swedish-American agi - aeer lesigadl the f anions -Moaitor-T IS Masculine name 19 Very small 20 Piles . 21 Medieval tyre of short tale 23 Rear appendage ' 25 What English novelist wrote "The City of Beaotiful Noa ' ' sense"? ., 23 Mineral spring 31 Noose . : . 32 Followed the trail of - 35 Australian bird 36 What city is th scene ml Shakespeare's "Hamlet"? 38 Who wrot "Th Iceland Fish. '? 40 Cavity in the ground . 41 What Italtaa city is th capital of Padova? 44 Personal pronoun 46 Make the calling sound of cattle 49 Estimate too highly -51 Make smooth 62 Tree - : v 53 Meadow - 64 Feminine name 65 Poems 66 Make a mistake 67 Finds the sum VERTICAL" 1 Son of Adam 2 Central part , 3 What is the chief city of Ha waii? 4 Sooner than ; j s On the sheltered side ; 6 What Italian economist and so ciologist ia Switzerland re cently published lua long-hr-aldsd treatise on society? Quest of Poppa AS v.v.y.v.5yC. . . '.'.7? . Mrs. - Duncan Leaves For Trip to Chicago HUBBARD. Aur. 24 Mrs. Roy Duncan left Saturday night 2or Chicago, III., where she will Tlslt with her mother, Mrs. ueorge Hendeo and other relatives and friends. Miss Anne Voget, who is going to Germany, will accomp any Mrs. Duncan as far as Chic ago. Mrs. Duncan plans to remain In Chicago for three weeks. "Harold Fowler and Miss Mar Jorie Fowler of North Santlam. stopped at the home of Rev. N. S. Hawk Saturday nighyt on their way to Newberg to -eee relatives. John Hawk, accompajried them to Newberg, returning Ith t h e ta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smolinsky and danghter, Mrs. Robert O'Leary went huckleberry pick ing all day Sunday on Mt. Hood. Return From Beach ' HOLLYWOOD. Aug. 24. Jack and Richard Wilson have ' Just returned home from a delightful vacation trip to Manzanita beach. SHEFFER 7 Biblical name 8 City in Switzerland $) Wheat did Lohengria chaas pioa? 10 Doubling of a rope 11 Numbers -17 Greek letter 19 Sage 22 Skill in performance 24 Insects 25 Definite article ' U :- -Son of Noah 27 Allowance for waste 26 Th Hebrides are off the west coast ef what country? 29 Through 30 American humorist - 33 Hature 34 Bird of the cuckoo family 37 What physician was tha founder of aseptic surgery? , 38 Entices 39 Rowing implement 41 Sport played on horseback 42 Eager 43 Administrative unit of Attica 45 Listen to 47 Roman poet 48 Marries 60 Beverage 61 Seed of a well-known vine Ilerewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. i 6 A'C'H E Em- LUPllL.. - N u-i - i l: Li - - lv . " .. i CaanlcW. 1131. f Kla rmim Sjo3.t.u, ta. SiLiPrj4'ClHg'MEl.ll -I LLjNITlEtR-ROGtTETHflA'C-l lL.i. iC - l IU CLT