The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 25, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local ilevs Jrioic
Fines Collected.. - A.- Warren
Jones, city recorder, collected
$37.50 ia fines from delinquent
motorists who appeared ia his
court yesterday. Andrew Prln2;la
paid ?5 for speeding, Ctarlss t:a
dea, 17S3 D street, Gilbert II.
Morgan. Tails City, Carl Teal,
Falls City all paid $10 fines when
they pleaded guilty to charges of
reckless driving. J. II. McDonald
was fined $2.50 for failure to tare
a driver's license. Guy Ilobsoa was
sentenced to 10 days In Jail for
being drunk. The sentence was
purchasers were to pay the an- j suspended after Hobson agreed to
: ....... Coffee Pot Burns An empty
Many Arrested City Police coffee pot on an electric range
placed many names and many made such a smoke at the home
chances on the police blotter over of W. J. Busiek, 755 North Sum
the weekend. Howard Clark, Port- J mer street. Sunday morning that
land. Is charged with disorderly I the city fire department was
conduct. Roland F. De Sart, Sa- I called by neighbors to put on tho
lem, and'Floyd Dudley Mills, Los, J suspected fire. The Busicks were
Angeles, were arrested for drlv- away. ,The department answered
Sas on Contract Corporation
Commissioner Carey, as receiver
for the Intermountaln Building
and Loan association of Utah,
vesterday filed suit here against
Hubert M. Hobbs and Lydia Id.
Holbs, asking the court for Judg
ment en a contract for $550 which
the defendants allegedly gave for
property, owned by the loan as
sociation in . Salem. The contract
called for regular payments of
$9.71 a month- Thd plaintiff al
leged that "there had been only
$107 paid on the contract. The
in g with four la the front seat.
J. W. Starr was booked for speed
lng And-Bob McGrew is on the
blotter for failure to hare a
driver's license. O. F. Otjen failed
to give right-of-way to a pedes
trian and Ronald Blischke . was
arrested for failure to stop. " -
a chimney fire call at 1740 South
"High street at 9:10 Sunday morn
ing. .. - : - .
! Ladies' Ulloring. 594 N. Liberty.
Case Continued The state's
suit to prevent Secretary of State
Snell from putting on the Novem
ber election ballot an initiative
measure prohibiting traps In the
Columbia river, yesterday was
continued by Judge Lewelling an-
Brief Serrlces Held A brief til September 1. None of the at
and ritualistic service, conducted I torneys interested in the case was
by Dr. Bruce Baxter, president of I present when it was called. -
Crawford peaches, pick your own.
Townsend orchard. Mission bot
tom. 50c bushel.
Willamette university, was held
yesterday morning In the Clough-
Darrick chapel for Col. W. G. D.
Mercer who- died In this city Sun
day. The body was taken to Port
land for interment in Rose City
cemetery where committment ser-
Irrigation Luncheon Today
Persons Interested In farm Irriga
tion and the problems of farmers
; arex invited to attend a luncheon
at the Quelle at which farmers
taking part in the seventh annual
vices were to be conducted by I Willamette valley irrigation tour
Amedee Smith, chairman of the
Willamette board of trustees
ill be present. The luncheon
is scheduled for 12:15
Assault Charged Assault with I Package sale. Townsend club No.
intent to rob -was charged against
Theodore Armstrong, Oakland,
California, and Edward Reeves,
Elyabeth, New Jersey, In Wood-
burn Justice court yesterday. The
men were arrested by state police
Sunday . night on complaint of
Francisco Saez who said the men
had attempted to rob him at Au
rora. A third man escaped.- The
men did not enter pleas yester
3, Tuesday p. m.
Christian church.
Court Street
Ace Volleyers Eat Free Be
cause it lost . three out of five
matches in the Y.M.C.A.'s noon
volleyball class C. A. Page's team
was host to Bab Boardman's team
at luncheon at the Spa yesterday
noon. . - Boardman s team played
host at a previous luncheon..
Cottage Club Sleets
Elbertas ready Townsend orchard. ow8ed Co"ag.VJU.b.TiH,??eet
Hammond to S p e a k A. , R.
Hammond, who has spent the last
Cottage and Hood streets, tonight
at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Chambers will
11 years in Siam on business for report on the Cleveland
an American concern, speaks this I convent ion..
noon to the Salem Kiwanis club
on his experiences abroad. He will
discuss his experiences in that
country. Otto K. Paulus Is chair
man of the program committee.
David Wright will furnish the at
tendance iward. . - ' ,.
Leslie Settles Here J. M. Les
lie, formerly of Lewlston, Idaho,
has established himself in real
estate business h e r e at 1995
North Capitol, street. "With his
family, Mrs. Leslie, Madge Leslie:
Helen, Mijlard and Norman, he is
residing at 2075 ; Center street.
They traveled 6,000 miles
Plan Forum Meeting An onen
forum i on the TownsenS pledge
will be the chief item on the pro
gram . of Townsend club No,
which will meet tonight at the
Court j Street ; Christian . church.
Seventeenth and Court.
Officers Return Sergeant
Clayton Powell, state officer, re
turned; yesterday after taking a
week s vacation. Cergeant Asa
Fisher,' city desk officer was back
at work after a two weeks vaca
Licensed ia Ben -B e u 1 a h
throughout- the United States in Westley. 19. of Salem, and Louis
search of a suitable location and
inally chose Salem
Wanted Hop
Gilmore Embree, 28, Auburn
Calif., have been granted a wed
pickers. Hartley uing. license in iteno, isev. .
P 1 "1 1
"T 1
All by Derail; E-'.cr.Jed
LM cf Ac:!c::3 Ulzl
in Circuit Court
-Denied by 2 Hold
Darby and Lowry Say They
7eren't Here; Story
- to Ca Gieclicd
r T 1 A 1 ' '
iicaay,- Kcon
County Republicaa Gab Is
!nonscrii:3 Visit Here
of Youth Leader
Judge L. G. Lewelliaf, la a
busy day ia department two of
circuit court here yetterday,
granted seven divorce decrees, all
by the default route, w h e n as
many plaintiffs appeared before
him and asked for the severance
of their marital ties. ' -
Minnie Robinson Snider won a
divorce from Aaren Snider and
the court restored h ft former
name of Minnie Riinson.
Pauline Cobb secured a decree
from G. W. Cobb and the court
awarded her the right to use again
her former name of Pauline Haw
kins. - - ' ,
Lucille B. Howe was awarded a
divorce from Eugene 11. Howe
and the custody of their ' minor
child with the right of visitation
reserved to the defendant. Howe
is to pay $10 a month to his
former wife for th child's sup
port and he is also to pay at
torney's fees and costs tor the di
vorce case. - . ..
Elnora Eitelgeorge won a di
vorce decree from Lewis Otto Elt
elgeorge and the custody of their
children. In a property settle
ment apart from the divorce de
cree, defendant deeded an ex
tensive amount of real estate to
the plaintiff and agreed to pay
140 a month for the support of
the children. r t ,
'Laurence C Siewert was award
ed a divorce from Floy Siewert.
Judge L. G. Lewelling signed a
divorce decree granting Geraldine
C. Brown her freedom from J. A.
Brown and restoring to her her
former name of Geraldino C.
Grohs. . - ' : .. ' "
Ina Denton Wood won dl-
Vorce decree from : Albert A
Mary Dunbar
In competition with scores of Chi
cago beauties. Miss Mary Dunbar.
19-year-old brunette, was elected
to reign aa "Queen of the Great
Lakes" at the Chicago civic carni
val which opens with the corona
Uon of Miss Dunbar by Mayor EL
J. Kelly
Denial that they had stopped
In Salem and that they had com
mitted burglary here was made
by Lester Darby and Harold Low
ry, Captain B. A. 7allman, chief
I of police of Oakland, Calif., in
j formed Chief Frank Minto in - a
letter received yesterday. Ths
men admitted they - had passed
through Salem on a' bus but de
clared they did not get off here.
Chief Wallman said.
The two men are under arrest
in the California city and are
suspected by Salem police. of hav
ing broken Into a number of
apartments here early in July.
One of the men had a' Salem
high school class pin in Ms pos
session, when arrested.. v
Will Check Lists
Chief Wallman said that the
list of stolen property sent by
Chief Minto would be checked
iwith the .list of mountings and
watch cases Ih the possession of
the men when they were arrest
ed. This list is held by the San
Francisco police.
State police had heard no fur
ther word on the arrest of Mrs
Clara L a r s o n who has been
sought by police here since 1932
on a bad check charge. She also
was under arrest In Oakland.
Should the California police
fall to prosecute the two men
and the woman local officers in
tend to ask their return to Sa
lem tor prosecution. .
The Marlon County Republican
club will ba host this noon to its
members and friends at a lunch
eon held In the main dining room
of the Marlon hotel when J. Ken
neth Bradjey, president ' of the
national federation of young j re
publicans, and Katheryn Ford.
woman's director of that division.
wll - be the featured speakers
Final account has been filed
in the estate of the . late Emma
J. Duncan. : -r
In the estate of Bella DuRette,
the estate has been ordered closed
and the executor, Donald B. Du
Cliemekelans Are
Back From
Rette. dismissed. Final aecount
Wood, the court also granting her I was also filed Monday in the
17.50 suit, money and $50 forl-state of the late Francis R. Du
attorney's fees. , , I Rette.
Circuit Court ; Justice Court
In the case of W. H. Commons
Salem - Chemeketans arrived
home Sunday night from two
w pets' eneamsment at Green
lakes. Perfect weather aecom
panied their stay in the high altitudes-1
the . only complaint . being
L. E. Tim me, charged with as-j nign winds' some of the late aft-
and others against I r a Kilborn I sault and battery on the person J ernoons. These, however, served
ana oiners me court awaraea ti- i of V. W. Clymer, pleaded guuty to blow away mosauitoes
no io iaua 10 me piainim ana i ana was semencea to pay a line i . one ascent of South Sister was
ordered a sheriff's deed granted lot $50 but on recommendation of 1 made and two climbs of Broken
i years ago corrected. ithe district attorney he was l Tn- . a m rtr r fonr climbed
May wood Investment Co. vs. H. I placed on probation and the fine I viidrfia Ristftr. Other minor hikes
xnair; a court oraer was is-i suspenaea ior six monms. land climbs were made.
sued providing that a judgment I Louis J. Pimsner pleaded guil-j Features of the evening camp-
granted p.iamtiff does not apply Ity to a criminal complaint of as-I treg were talks by R. W. Sawyer
against property of the, defend- j sault and battery on the person Bend nnbllsher. and Phil Brogan
oi xiaiue aiaiiox ana paia a une 0f Bend, on the history and geol-
oi 9UW : ner of the area.
Carl Albert Case paid a line of I a Phcmeketun camn reunion
$5 for having improper-license I wui v. held at the Burt CTary
in -1 , . 4 ... . . .
r i horn this Friday evenmc win
Ariuur iianKS was unea a
for having Improper license
Edwin C Christiansen paid
fine of $1 for. having no opera
tors license.
Allie Dodge entered a plea of
guilty to a charge of having 1m
Oregon - Washington Railroad
and Navigation company vs
Frank C. McColloch, utilities com
missioner, and others; the court
allowed defendant- until Septem
ber 15 to file answer to plaintiff's
complaint under stipulation ent
ered Into by counsel for both par
ties. - ;
' Mark Skinner, state superln
tendent of banks, vs. G. . A. Cain;
defendant makes denial of poTtioa
dinner at 8:30. Pictures of the
outing scenes will be shown. Re
servations should be made by cal
ling the Crary home,
of plaintiff's charges and asks PrP lieenselates and the case
Craig Yard. Tel. 4462 or 5028.
To Jfeskowin Mr. and Mrs.
Earl a. Snell and Mr. and Mrs.
George Flagg are at Neskowin for
a few days' vacation.
Receives Prize A $10 check
was received yesterday by Miss
Margaret Barquist, teacher In the
local high school, from the Selz-
for her . prize winning leter de U orters to Try Again;
that case be dismissed.
John F. Daws vs. F. E. John
son and others; sheriff's office re
ports receipts of $943-on sale of
property, completing satisfying
Judgment for $700, together, with
interest and costs.
United States National Bank of
Portland vs. Burt H. Barber,
Clara E. Barber and Annie.
Hughes; action 1 to foreclose . a
mortgage. The court granted dis-
was continued for sentence until
August 27. He was released on
his own recognizance. ,
84th Permit For
New House Issued
scribing the five best scenes in
the film "The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer," The contest was spon
sored by the producers at the time
the picture was being released.
Chenrlans to Parade The Sa
lem Cherrians have been invited
to take part in parades at the
Mt. Angel Flax Festival Septem
ber 5 and the Independence Hop
Fiesta. They will also turn out
In uniform on. Thursday, Septem
ber 10, to meet the special train
'bringing uniformed. Rosarlans
from Portland to the state fair.
Roofing, paint. Mathls, 474 Ferry.
Get License to Marry
Last year Hazel Porter of Sa
lem filed suit for divorce from
Lloyd J Porter in circuit court
here. The decree was granted.
Yesterday Porter and his for
mer wife made an appearance at
the county clerk's office - and
sought a marriage license which
was granted. Eachv one 24 years
old, they told the county clerk
they Intended to "try again. The
applicants gave ' their residence
address as 595 Highland street.
Thomas Accepts Norman E. J Huckleberries Are Rip&
Thomas of New York City, noml
nee on the socialist ticket for the
presidency, yesterday formally ad
vised the secretary of state that
he had accepted the nomination
in Oregon as consummated at an
Schiller Tells Friends
Huckleberries are excellent in
the Smoky creek district In the
Rspmhiv fcr Jul t9. nrrir lt,oiumDia - nauonai i o r e s in
A. Nelson of Wisconsin is the Washington, Fred Schiller, there
nominee for vico-president. on racation trip, writes locai
friends. 'l picked three gallons
Bartlett Back W.' M. "Jack" m two and one-halt hours," he
Eartlett, WPA director of opera- reports. "Four to six huckleber
tions, returned yesterday from a ries make a handful. This coun
two weeks vacation.. He spent a try is quite wild though very
week of the time at the beach and' beautiful: today we saw a cou-
spent tne rest of his vacation at I gar
Sick Man Improve s Don
Christenson of Silverton, who has
undergone treatment at a local
hospital to prevent a mastoid op
eration, is reported in better
" McKenzie .
Clarence David McKenzie, late
resident of 570 North Liberty, at
a local hospital, Saturday, Au
gust 22, aged 24 years. Survived
by mother. Mrs. Ora McKenzie of
Salem; uncles Fred and Clarence
Smith of Portland, George Mc
Kenzie of San Luis Obispo, Calif.
Funeral services from Clough
Barrick chapel Tuesday, August
25. at 1:30 p. m. Rev. J. R. SI
monds will officiate. Interment
Rlvervlew cemetery, Portland.
airs, rancy Armstrong, at
the residence, 226S Trade street.
August 2 3. Aged 73 years. Sur
vived by daughter, Mrs. F. J.
Martin of Salem; brother, s. A.
Hill of South Dakota; sister, Mrs.
Martha Lucas of Kimball. S. Dak.;
three grandchildren. Funeral ser
vices Wednesday, August 26trom
the Clouga - Barrlck company
chapel at 2 p. m. Rev. Mr. Camp
bell will of!iciate. Interment City
Vew cemetery.
W. Chappell, at a local hospi
tal. Aimist 24. Aged 57 years.
Funeral announcements later by
the Clougn-Barrick company.
Coming Events
August 25-80 -A n n n a 1
Christian Endeavor summer
conference. Turner camp
August 23-SO Oregon
Conference of United Breth
ren at Englewood church In
Salem. - ,
; August 20-29 State soft
ball tournament, Sweetland
August 27-30 Hop Fi
esta at Independence.
August 28 Salem Mis
souri club meets, 7:30 p. nw
K. of.P. hall, 240 H North
Commercial street.
Augnst SO Stat e s m a n
picnic, Taradise Island. -
August 80 Rickey home
coming: and community clnb
picnic. Paradise Island. - .
August SO M e h a m a
homecoming day; Meharoa
grove. "-"
Sept. 2 Annual; fall .pic
nic of Dakota clnb; home of
Eugene Prescott, 1064 Oak
street, 6:80 p. C
. Sept. 2-31 oik county
fair, Dallas.
Kept. 3-5 Mt, Ansel flas
Sept. 7-13 Oregon state
September 14 Salem
schools open.
Sept. 21-23-7-ItegIstratlon
at Ylllamette university. -
..September 24 Fall Open
ing, sponsored by Salem Ad
Leans flan
Personal Canvass
Nine building permits were Is
sued yesterday by E. C. Bushnell
city building - inspector. "W. " W
Craig took out the 84th permit for
a new house Issued since January
1. He is to build a $1000 house
at 190 Warner street. :
Other permits were obtained by
Ttey ara ca a tour frcn ca
tional headquarters at Chicaga.
Dr. P. O. Riley, president of
the county crganiiation, is re
turning from the coast where he
Is on vacation, to attend the
luncheon. Harold Pruitt, secre
tary of the organization, who has
made arrangements for the gath
ering, will preside. Grant Mur
phy of Stayton, county chairman
of the republican organization,
and all precinct committeemen,
have been invited to attend.
Mr. Pruitt said yesterday that
the luncheon would start prompt
ly at noon and would adjourn
at 1 p. m. He expects an attend
ance of 150.
The republican club In the
county is working shoulder to
shoulder with the regular , repub-
tlace tU fall tlcLU in ( .. . I
this fall. Each candidate far t
and county office on t'ie V
has been invited to the luncLt
this noon.
Several Attend Clmrch
Conference From Am!:
AMITY. Aug. 24. Thos fn.t.i
the Amity Christian church
left yesterday to attend ti ;e
Chrbtian Endeavor conference
which meets at Turner. Aug. 2 1
30 are Mrs. Dowell A. Call!, I' I -i
Pearl Croves, Miss Margaret po'.i.
snd Miss Leola Mahood. Mis4 Alt a
Sloan of Coquille who tas bee i
visiting at the home of Rev. a". I
Mrs. Callis for the last week-will
lican organization In seeking to accompany the group. J
missal of the action against the Precinct Leaders Working j g. E. Miller, reroof dwelling. 351
Hard; Will Be Provided
LisU of Members
first two defendants and sustained
the action against the last-named
defendant against whom a ' fore
closure decree of S22D2, was
granted, together with S156 in at
torney's fees.
Grace McClellan vs. William
l 1 a x a vi. a a
5. . " r a. 9 8er this week , will have in his pos-
kUU8 "" w. v'oveivjr w uc, .ession an alphabetical list of all
South 19th street, J150; M,
Kretcher, reroof apartment, 156
South Commercial street, $125;
Mrs. M. A.- Coe, alter dwelling.
1497 North 5th street, $45, and
to alter dwelling, 1345 Broadway,
a pnblican precinct committeemen J5, ? tdilfitf:
-1 !,). m i vi. 559 Statesman . street, s 3500;
Frank Einfeldt, . reroof dwelling.
a portion of the property being regi,tered republican voters in
.u, xur vmuu u yor- j nU djgtrict, Fred Tooxe, execn
LlOn iOr UeienaftDU, - lw. .aArafaw nt Annr I AVV AWl 1.1 AlDV kaw9
Elizabeth McAllister vs. Madi- " :.JZZZ'? W. H. Wlttel. reroof dweUlng,
, , . , , - I buaabiwu w Aba utvauuuai wa O - u
V3.i;"J"lZ1 ,i th. Marion hotels ..njancel
1348 South Uth street, 325; Vir
gil McMorris, reroof dwelling.
1040 North 21st street, 945; and.
1579 Market street, 3150.
Margaret K a h I e vs. Chester
Fredeiickson and others; motion
to strike approved and September
15 - set as date- for amended
Rose Schaf fers vs. C a r 1 A.
Kahle; motion by defendants to
strike portions of complaint ap
proved and September 15 set as
date by which amended answer
must be filed. ; . ;
Marriage Licenses
Robert L. Durham, 24, 6011
La torn street, Seattle, a drafts
man, to Marjorie R. Moser, 25,
Tenino, wash., a teacher.
Sargent McDugle, 32, 1337
North Third- btreet. : Salem,
truck driver, to Bettle Woodall,
35, 1500 Lamkester street. Port
land, a housekeeper.. . -
Thomas McCurry."-41. 1488
North High . street, ? Salem, a
butcher, to Elolse M. Starkey,
1018 Highland street, -Salem, a
Lloyd Porter, 24, 595 Highland
street, Salem, a laborer, to Hazel
Porter, 23, 595 Highland street.
Probate Court nP Picking Over
G. R. Magednax was named ad- TALBOT,: Aug. 24. William
ministrator of the will otthe late Krebs finished picking his early
Ferdinand Klabuade in -an order hops Saturday afternoon. He win
Monday In probate court, Natalia j start picking the late ones Aug-
Klabunde. executrix under the lust 31. .
has required many weeks' work.
In October a supplemental list
will be sent precinct committee
men Including voters registered
between July 1 and the time the
registration . lists close in early
"I am pleased with the re
sponse of. republican workers to
date In the county," Tooze said.
"Each day sees volunteers com
ing to our offices asking for ma-.
terial to distribute to voters. We
have not received as much liter
ature as we wish from national
headquarters but that will ,be
forthcoming shortly. One of our
alms is to get five men and five
women, in . each precinct who will
pledge themselves to assist the
republican . precitfet committee
man in a personal canvass of air
voters before the November ' 3
election. We have a fight ahead
but I am confident we. will carry
this county - for Landon and the
republican ticket" r
- Two office workers are assist
ing Tooze in the campaign work.
Mrs. Taylor Better
SILVERTON, Aug. 24. Mrs.
Guy T4ylor of Scotta MIUs is re
ported to be improved following
a major operation Friday morn
ing at the Silverton hospital.
15 CUES m.
Vedleal ntiorit;- i(M tliat yon kid-'
(Mrs contain IS Miiea ef tiny tubes ee
filtos which help to pariy th blood mmd
k9 you hc&lthy. Kidaeyi sboold empty S
EHats day sad so get rid ef more than 3
poaaos Of vuti.
If yo hr trenUs wita too zreaueat
Madder paaaace with seaaty amount cmue
krt borains mad diseoatfort, the It Xiles
( kidaey tube may aeed floahias nt Thia
dancer aisrnal aaay he the berinaing of aas
Sins baokaehe, les paid. io of pep and
nergy, ctttinc cp aigfcta, rwaUiBS, putnaeas
asder the yes headaches sad dizxlaest.
Don't wait Aik yor dracsitt foe
Doan'e Fiiia. vaed saeeeosfaUy by mil.
Uoaa for ew 40 years. They gbrm happy
relief and win help to Sash Oat the 1
hUiea oi kldnez tubes, Cat Doss's fUla,
will, advising the court, she did
net care to serve.
R. K. Brewer of Tillamook, sole
heir of the late Mary Ellen Brew
er, was named trustee of the
Brewer Brick building, corner of
Court and. North Liberty , streets.
here, under an order In probate
court Monday. He succeeds the
late Charles H. Brewer, trustee.
who died July 16. The newly-
named trustee's - father, J. . II.
Brewer, has a life Interest In the
C II. Busey was named guard
Ian of the estate of , Edward J.
Pearce, Incompetent, " who has
property of an estimated value of
oDEnn ivonEn
Need Not Suffer kmothJy pain and dr-lay due to
eoide, nerroua strata, exposure or limiiur causes.
Ght-chee-tera Diamond Brand Pills araaflactiTS,
rriuLtue ana g, -n utck Kut ixjta Dy ,
ail drurcuta for or4o year. Ajktot
m:..:Jk Sam 4
Tonncn, T4Ectal
-acoLon a!l:.:2;;tg
1 t t-J
rjnaid. Ta'ats '
Salve, hot Ciopi
- checks
- first day
' Ketdachea.
SO mia&tes
EBb-ly-Titm World's Bast
-. Acidlrf, Indigestion,
t' RICTALPlles, Ulcer,'"
Tissure, Flttuia.
C Z LC it Colitis, Eloat-.
lng, Cas, Constipation.
Ko hoWtal nirsinl o-Hrn. Ko ct?p, ? nnacafc
V tiie or oul tot lei fcOOKiiT
L Tm Ca 2m C -1 I CL1 i ! 3
N.S. Corner Br-: rar-i Orsnd Arenuo ""
CZ- -1 "
Rlioumatism r.Toans
Poisons InsitlD !
S a w X" V.'
kll vy .)7 o
Or Leave Your Order With Us For Filling
. ..... i ' . - .. -....
Arriving by Truckload. Daily
Above ia a picture of Salem's finest quality peaches now beinj harvested for
Schreder - Berg Grocery at Townsend's orchard. Look to Schreder-Bergr for the
best local canning peaches, r, ; t w :
Internal Medicine Gets Quick
Relief or Bloney . Back
Sufferers -from rheumatic
pains! Men Women! Your in
flamed, aching muscles are av
DANGER SIGNAL! a sign of
impure deposits of body poison.
The agony Is often from URIC
ACID hardened Into sharp. Jag
ged crystals INSIDE YOUR
MUSCLES.- ' ' - ' ' '
For relief, ' BEACH THE IN
SIDE! Williams' B. U. X. Com
poundthe private formula of
aa Army Doctor is an Internal
medicine that reaches those
painful deposits through your
blood stream. UNLESS YOU ARE
pletely and utterly satisfied
every cent will he refunded by
the Perry's Drug Store. Go there
today and get Williams R. U. X.
Compound. '
Williams Products Available at
Perry's Drujr Store, 115 S. Com!
' : -. i
' (G,l0Cil'
,nj ij
mmmmmm j o o o o f t o c o co J
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